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Quisiera amarte entre las estrellas

by Martina Guglielmi Cristian Rossi

Campiña escocesa; Edward, harto de los abusos del padre, se fuga de casa. Llega a Hellbridge donde, desde el primer día, una mirada captura su atención y le roba el corazón. Desde aquel momento, sus días serán condicionados por esos ojos "Con una sola mirada me incendió el alma, me devastó por dentro con una pasión y un ardor..." hasta descubrir que pertenecen a la dulce Charlotte, doncella de una condesita malcriada y empleada de una familia aristocrática famosa por sus intrigas y secretos amorosos. Con la complicidad de un libro de estrellas, entre los dos empezará una relación rica de pasión y sentimientos que alguien, sin embargo, pondrá a dura prueba. ¿Quién se ganará el corazón de Charlotte? Una historia de amor apasionante que os enganchará con su magia rosa desde la primera hasta la última página.

Quite A Spectacle

by Meg Harding

Max moved away from his family to be with Michael, and his family never got over it. Now, for the first time in almost a decade, he's going to return to London for the Christmas celebrations. He's confident his family will welcome Michael with open, loving arms. At least that's what he tells himself. Michael doesn't have his head buried in the sand. He knows he has a lot to prove this Christmas, and he's not sure if he's up to the task. All these years and he'd never considered having to spend a holiday with Max's family. Now that it's happening he's not scared to admit it--he's terrified.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package "Celebrate!".

Quitter le nid (Bon à savoir #3)

by Domitille Malin D. W. Marchwell

Suite de Un avant-goût de paradisBon à savoir, tome 3Six ans après que Jerry, David et William aient recueilli Billie et Cory, beaucoup de choses ont changé. William est amoureux, Cory a fini ses études et s'est fiancé, et Jerry est toujours aussi soupe-au-lait. David, lui, est en difficulté. Il s'inquiète pour William et Cory, se demande comment Jerry et lui supporteront que leur maison se vide et se fait du souci pour ses parents vieillissants. Puis les circonstances se réunissent pour lui déclencher des angoisses plus concrètes : Jerry se découvre une excroissance peut-être cancéreuse, le premier amour de William est menacé car il a deux pères, et la mère prodigue de David revient dans sa vie, souhaitant leur réconciliation. Pris entre le chagrin d'amour de son fils de seize ans, un mari face à un drame médical et un mariage imminent, David apprendra que la vie doit être vécue sans retenue et que chacun d'entre nous est doté de racines et d'ailes.

Quiz Queens (Orca Currents)

by K. L. Denman

Jane has no interest in boys. Her mom, Sherry, has brought home so many creeps over the years that Jane has decided to focus for the next five years on her studies. Her best friend, the boy-crazy Kiara, is obsessed with online quizzes and convinces Jane to help her create a questionnaire that will determine whether muscular Liam or Omar with the cute eyes is her true soul mate. Their friendship is tested when the answers come back with a surprising third option, the quiet and awkward Javier. Jane fails to reveal the results, which leads to some heated words being exchanged and long-held resentments (and possible secret crushes) being revealed. One of the besties will have to swallow her pride to make the first move and try to repair the damage.

The Quizzing-Glass Bride

by Hayley Ann Solomon

When Lady Fern Reynolds confided in a sympathetic houseguest that she was considering running away to London to escape betrothal to an unknown suitor, she did not expect him to offer her shelter. And she certainly did not imagine tumbling for him, the Viscount Sandford. But that was the least of her surprises, as she discovered the wedding was to go on as planned--and her groom was strangely familiar. . .Previously published in My Dashing Groom.21,000 Words

Quo Vadis

by Henryk Sienkiewicz

A love story set in first-century Rome, in which the early Christians struggle against the might of the pagan Roman Empire. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin.

Quoi qu'il advienne (THIRDS #8)

by Charlie Cochet

Suite d'Illusions et faux-semblantsTHIRDS, tome 8En l’espace de quelques jours, Dex a été enlevé, torturé, tué, ressuscité. Il est devenu à demi Therian, s’est vu offrir la possibilité de devenir un espion et a accepté la demande en mariage de son petit ami jaguar Therian, Sloane Brodie. Cela fait beaucoup à encaisser, et même s’il essaie toujours de digérer tout ce qui s’est passé, il sait qu’il doit avancer. Après les événements d’Illusions & faux-semblants, Dex et Sloane se retrouvent dans l’une des situations les plus terrifiantes de toutes : révéler la vérité à Destructive Delta, leur famille. Quand tout se calmera, rien ne sera plus jamais pareil, et il appartiendra à Dex de prouver que face au changement, la famille est la seule chose qui compte et ne changera jamais.

R Is for Rebel

by Megan Mulry

Being royal isn't all it's cracked up to be... Abigail Heyworth, youngest daughter of the 18th Duke of Northrop, is not your typical British royal--she'll take a recycling drive over a charity ball any day. She can't stand hats and heels. Abby's not getting much sympathy, of course, because everyone thinks the life of royalty is so charmed. But to Abigail, keeping up appearances is unbearable, while running away doesn't seem to work either. Just when she feels like she's getting whiplash from swinging between flat-out rebellion to miserable capitulation, Abigail meets an all-American self-made millionaire who challenges her on every level. It may turn out that what Abigail is searching for kind of resembles the American Dream...

R y Julie

by Isaac Marion

«Me llevo una mano al pecho, sobre el corazón. Mi "corazón". ¿Todavía representa algo ese penoso órgano? Permanece inmóvil, sin bombear sangre, sin la más mínima utilidad, y sin embargo mis emociones todavía parecen originarse entre sus frías paredes. ¿Qué me pasa? ¿Me lo estoy imaginando todo? ¿Es un placebo? ¿Una ilusión optimista? En cualquier caso, siento que el encefalograma de mi vida se altera, formando montañas y valles con los latidos de mi corazón.» R es algo peculiar. Intenta pasárselo bien, pero es demasiado sensible y a veces se entristece. Tampoco ayuda que esté muerto, o casi muerto. Se pasa los días vagando por el aeropuerto abandonado donde vive sin saber muy bien qué sentido tiene su existencia. Hasta que conoce a Julie. R y Julie, un guiño moderno al clásico de Shakespeare Romeo y Julieta, es una historia de amor que esconde una fábula acerca de cómo vivimos dormidos, en estado catatónico, hasta que el amor irrumpe en nuestras vidas.

R y Julie (Memorias de un zombie adolescente)

by Isaac Marion

Una oscura fábula de amor en la tradición de Romeo y Julieta que nos recuerda qué nos hace realmente humanos. «Me llevo una mano al pecho, sobre el corazón. Mi "corazón". ¿Todavía representa algo ese penoso órgano? Permanece inmóvil, sin bombear sangre, sin la más mínima utilidad, y sin embargo mis emociones todavía parecen originarse entre sus frías paredes. ¿Qué me pasa? ¿Me lo estoy imaginando todo? ¿Es un placebo? ¿Una ilusión optimista? En cualquier caso, siento que el encefalograma de mi vida se altera, formando montañas y valles con los latidos de mi corazón.» R es algo peculiar. Intenta pasárselo bien, pero es demasiado sensible y a veces se entristece. Tampoco ayuda que esté muerto, o casi muerto. Se pasa los días vagando por el aeropuerto abandonado donde vive sin saber muy bien qué sentido tiene su existencia. Hasta que conoce a Julie. R y Julie, un guiño moderno al clásico de Shakespeare Romeo y Julieta, es una historia de amor que esconde una fábula acerca de cómo vivimos dormidos, en estado catatónico, hasta que el amor irrumpe en nuestras vidas.

La Rabina

by Silvia Plager

Reedición de la novela más exitosa de Silvia Plager, finalista delPremio Planeta 2005. El viaje de una mujer por desafiar los dogmasreligiosos de su comunidad, de su familia, y las convenciones socialesde su época para ir detrás de su propio deseo. Fines de la década del 60. Esther Fainberg es una joven argentina quevive en Nueva York con su marido, dueño de un exitoso estudio deabogados al que ella deberá sumarse cuando termine la carrera deDerecho. Su vida parece ser perfecta, pero ella sospecha que se sostieneen la impostura. Cuando decide profundizar en las raíces de su judaísmodesde un lugar más genuino, conmociona a toda su familia.Si, como se dijo, la certeza es la marca del fanático, esta novelaapunta a lo contrario: abrir interrogantes. Esther se rebela contra lasnormas impuestas y viaja a Israel por seis meses. Allí, un amorimpensado con un médico uruguayo la hará arriesgarlo todo, menos susconvicciones. El epílogo la encontrará en Berlín, lugar en el querevisará su propia historia y la de sus ancestros.Esta es la novela más exitosa de Silvia Plager. En ella, la autoradespliega los recursos que distinguen su exquisita escritura: la riquezadel lenguaje y de los diálogos, la profundidad psicológica de lospersonajes, las contradicciones más íntimas del alma humana.

Raccontala a un'altra!

by Raquel del Pilar Antúnez Cazorla Tania Bacchiega

Romanzo d'amore, che racconta le avventure di Lucia, una ragazza che vive con le amiche nell'isola di Las Palmas e lavora in una ditta che si chiama Translogic, Un cambiamento lavorativo sarà l'inizio di una serie di eventi che la porteranno a rivedere il suo rapporto con il fidanzato Daniel e ad affezionarsi poco a poco ad un nuovo collega, Marcos, inizialmente visto in cattiva luce. Dall'intreccio emerge come il protagonista indiscusso della storia sia l'amore e la ricerca dell'altra metà della mela.


by J. H. Bardwell Andrée Celeste Brentini

L'amore fa male. Questa antologia di storie d'amore è costituita da tre racconti brevi e due poesie, ognuno dei quali narra la storia di un amore perduto. Ciascun personaggio deve scoprire da solo se una rosa vale tutte le sue pungenti spine. Un marito e una moglie si scontrano per delle carote. Un ubriacone lotta con il suo unico, vero amore: la bottiglia. Tre donne piangono la perdita del solo uomo in grado di smorzare il loro turbolento bagaglio emotivo. Un giovane innamorato è alle prese con le prime pulsioni sessuali. Una fotografia sbiadita riporta a galla i ricordi di un'uscita di pesca e l'amore che se n'è andato.

Racconti e disincontri

by Aimar Rollan

Racconti e disincontri è un libro di racconti brevi su varie tematiche e indipendenti tra loro. 30 racconti brevi, qualcuno più lungo degli altri, altri talmente brevi da potersi considerare micro-fiction o microracconti. Molti di essi trattano di amore e disinnamoramento, di incontri e disincontri, ma ce ne sono anche di filosofici, psicologici, di storia, di fantascienza e di fantasia, così come di realismo con tematiche quotidiane. A priori potrebbe sembrare un libro di stampo romantico, ma è molto di più. La maggior parte dei racconti sono ambientati a Barcellona, dove l’autore ha vissuto nel corso degli anni; altri nel suo Paese Basco natale. Altri ancora in luoghi immaginari. Ogni storia è a sé stante, così come ogni lettore al quale piacerà più una storia rispetto a un’altra, che però sicuramente non risulteranno indifferenti a nessuno. Alcune di queste storie potranno anche convertirsi in futuri romanzi. Lo scopo di questo libro è quello di intrattenere con brevi storie di finzione e anche di trasmettere in ogni racconto un’idea principale che faccia riflettere. Storie per leggere e rileggersi.

Race Against Time

by Anson Barber

He's finally realizing his dream. There's more to her than meets the eye. Together they'll have to survive threats, secrecy, and sabotage! Strap in for high-speed action in Race Against Time, the next exciting chapter of Anson Barber's Racing Hearts paranormal romance series.Chase Hinkley is excited to be starting his semiprofessional racing career. He's eager to move up the ranks with his heart set on NASCAR, but his dream quickly becomes a nightmare. Being a driver for Burke Motorsports isn't all it's cracked up to be. His boss, Kevin Burke, is a devious man who bets against his drivers and manipulates races for his own ends.Worse is the fact Chase is falling for Burke's girl--the beautiful Ryan Westcott. Chase can't compete with the fancy gifts Burke showers her with; all he can offer is a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to. Trying to keep his feelings within the barriers of friendship, Chase also wrestles with a car that doesn't run right, sabotage, and constant threats if he doesn't fall into line and cooperate with Burke's plans.Despite the damage to his career, he has no choice but to intervene when Ryan is threatened by Burke. Being Ryan's hero is better than winning any race on a track, and his goals quickly shift to include her. With Ryan by his side, he begins to think about a different path, one that doesn't include being on the road--a simpler future where he can settle down in his hometown, surrounded by his friends and family, and live his life with the only girl who has ever touched his heart.But Ryan isn't what she seems, and her secrets might destroy everything.Content Notes: Spicy, Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense

Race Against Time (Mills And Boon Love Inspired Suspense Ser.)

by Christy Barritt

A single mother is caught in a killer’s crosshairs and needs a protector in this suspenseful romance from USA TODAY bestselling author Christy Barritt.Were it not for her cop neighbor, widowed mother Madison Jacobs would be dead. Thankfully, Detective Brody Philips interrupts an attempt on her life in the nick of time. But the would-be killer hasn’t given up, and each tick of the clock brings the madman closer to finishing what he started. Brady vows to catch the serial killer plaguing the sleepy Virginia town…especially when he realizes the danger has followed him from the big city. With everyone around him at risk, it’ll take everything Brody’s got to do his duty and keep Madison and her son safe.From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Race Against Time: A Novel of Romantic Suspense (Mira Ser.)

by Sharon Sala

“An emotional thriller, packed with action, love, regrets, and criminal activity that will make your blood boil . . . a phenomenal story.” —Fresh FictionSometimes fate brings you together—only to tear you apart . . . Growing up in the foster system, Quinn O’Meara made a point of never getting involved. But when she discovers a crying baby amid a fiery crime scene, she knows she has no choice. Suddenly in way over her head, Quinn turns to the police, unintentionally positioning herself in the crosshairs of a deadly human-trafficking ring.The last time homicide detective Nick Saldano saw Quinn, she was still the young girl he’d shared a foster home with. The girl who’d loved and cared for him when no one else had. Now here she was, gorgeously all grown-up—and in terrible danger.Unwilling to lose her again, Nick insists on keeping Quinn close, especially when the bond they once shared heatedly slides into desire. Quinn finally has someone worth holding on to, but what kind of future can they have when she might not live to see tomorrow?Praise for Sharon Sala“If you can stop reading, then you are a better woman than me.” —Debbie Macomber, New York Times–bestselling author“Sala is a master at telling a story that is both romantic and suspenseful . . . one of the best writers in the genre.” —RT Book Reviews“Sala’s characters are vivid and engaging.” —Publishers Weekly

Race for Redemption (Elite Athletes #3)

by Kate McMurray

An Elite Athletes NovelSprinter Jason Jones Jr., known around the world as JJ, is America’s hope to take the title of Fastest Man in the World, the champion of the Olympic 100-meter sprint. Two years before, a doping scandal brought his winning streak to a crashing end, and even though he’s been cleared of wrongdoing, he’s finding it hard to escape the damage to his reputation. At the Games in Madrid, no one believes he’s innocent, and officials from the doping agency follow him everywhere. It just fuels JJ’s determination to show them he’s clean and still the fastest man on earth. If only he wasn’t tempted by foxy hurdler Brandon Stanton, an engineering student and math prodigy who views each race like a complicated equation. His analytical approach helps him win races, and he wants to help JJ do the same. But JJ’s been burned too many times before and doesn’t trust anyone who has all the answers. No matter how sexy and charming JJ finds Brandon, the Olympics is no place for romance. Or is it?

Race for the Gold

by Dana Mentink

WHO WANTS TO ICE A WORLD-CLASS SKATER? Speed skater Laney Thompson still has nightmares about the car crash that almost shattered her lifelong dream. But as she's poised to compete in the world's most important games, she finds worse trouble. Someone wants her out of contention...badly. Laney won't let anything stop her-not sabotage, a stalker or partial amnesia. As she and her brooding trainer Max Blanco strive to overcome past tragedy, the ice between them starts to melt. But as the race draws closer, a killer becomes more desperate, and a race for the gold becomes a race for their lives!

The Race of the Tiger

by Alexander Cordell

Born into the appalling deprivation of Nineteenth Century Ireland, Jess O'Hara and his high-spirited sister, Karen, flee their impoverished homeland to seek a new life in America. Exhausted after a nine-week crossing in an overcrowded, disease-ridden 'coffin ship', they arrive in Pittsburgh - the tumultuous steel capital of the United States. Surrounded by smoke and fire-belching chimneys, they struggle to adapt to this alien world. At first resisting the tug of easy wealth, Jess forsakes his fellow immigrants and bulldozes his way to fame and fortune, exploiting the love of two women to become a financial tiger in a city where only the strong and ruthless prevail.

Race the Darkness

by Abbie Roads

IF HE LOSES, SHE DIES. Her voice haunts his thoughts; her whispers fill his daysBut when he discovers the woman of his dreams is real. He'll race the clock to save her before she's lost to him forever Scarred by lightning, burdened with a power that gives him no peace, criminal investigator Xander Stone struggles to maintain his sanity against the voice that haunts him day and night--the voice of a woman begging him to save her. Isleen Walker has long since given up hope of escape from the nightmare of captivity and torture that is draining her life, her mind, and her soul. Except...there is the man in her feverish dreams, a strangely beautiful man who beckons her to freedom. And when he comes, if he comes, it will take all their combined fury and faith to overcome a madman bent on fulfilling a deadly prophecy.

Race the Dawn

by Katharine Kincaid

THE RACE SHE DARE NOT LOSE... With mortgage payments long overdue and the bank threatening foreclosure, Maddie McCrory has to save the family farm-any way she can. That means following in her father's footsteps by racing his quarter horse stallion against all comers. But taking on Chase Cumberland and his mare in a match race turns out to be more trouble than she bargained for... AT STAKE IS HER HEART... When her horse loses, Maddie suddenly finds herself in debt to the rugged Texan, who's out to collect-any way he can! By stalling him until the next race, Maggie is sure she can win back the money. What she doesn't count on is the passion Chase's kisses inspire, or the way his tender embrace binds her to him. Now, Maddie is fast on a course to losing her heart, in a bold, winner-takes-all contest in which love is the greatest prize of all.

Race To The Altar

by Patricia Hagan

Liz Mallory may have been a whiz at public relations. But when it came to a NASCAR driver hotshot named Rick Castles, Liz had her hands full. For Rick proved to be the epitome of alpha maleness and smooth seduction-a dangerous combination for a woman trying to get her life back on track. And it wasn't at all the right time for Liz to be finding herself falling in love....She was one heck of a woman, all right, Rick thought. And under different circumstances he would let nothing stand in the way of making Liz Mallory his. But his career hurt relationships. Could he risk her being the one with whom he could finish the ultimate race-to the altar?

Race To A Christmas Reunion

by Brenda Jackson

A champion race car driver works to win the heart of the woman he once let go in this sizzling, second chance novella from New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson, previously published in A NASCAR Holiday 3 as Winning the Race in 2008.Professional race car driver Myles Joseph roars back into town for a Christmas wedding—and must confront the woman he once left behind. It’s been five years since their break-up, and Lisa St. Claire is just as stunning as ever. He knows he should keep his distance, especially since she doesn’t know the real reason he left their small town…With wedding responsibilities keeping them close, they are forced to face one other—and the chemistry that still sizzles between them! As the festivities come to a close, will Myles and Lisa race off to their happily ever after or will the secrets of his past keep them apart forever?Read more from the entire bingeworthy A NASCAR Holiday anthology series:Book 1: A NASCAR HolidayBook 2: A NASCAR Holiday 2Book 3: A NASCAR Holiday 3Book 4: A Very NASCAR Holiday

Race to Kill

by Rachel Kall

"Rachel Kall writes gritty, fast-paced, realistic romantic suspense that carries a punch to the gut and a twist to the heart. Don't miss a word!" --Roxanne St. Claire, New York Times bestselling authorA Love and Scandal Novel (#1)When fiercely independent Vivian Reese is thrust onto the national stage during a heated presidential campaign, she doesn't expect to become a media darling. She also doesn't expect to start to fall for her sexy new bodyguard, Marcus Locke. But when threats start surfacing against the sitting President's campaign and all evidence points to Vivian, she doesn't know who to trust.Delta Force Operator turned FBI agent Marcus Locke is supposed to be investigating campaign finance crimes. He's not supposed to be checking out the sexy, eloquent campaign spokeswoman Vivian Reese, who's one of his prime suspects! But when they are caught in the middle of a presidential race that is quickly turning deadly, he is forced to put both his heart and his job in the line of fire.Tempers flare and passions ignite as the campaign gets dangerous, but when bullets start to fly will either of them survive?

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