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The Preacher's Wife & Crescent City Courtship: A 2-in-1 Collection

by Cheryl St.John Elizabeth White

Following her dreamThe Preacher’s Wife by Cheryl St.JohnThere is nothing romantic about widowed father Samuel Hart’s marriage proposal. Yet Josie Randolph says yes. The Lord has finally blessed the lonely widow with the family she’s always dreamed of. Surely during their long journey to his new post, her husband will grow to love her. Samuel doesn’t seem ready to open his heart again. But Josie is determined to be not just the preacher’s wife, but Samuel’s wife.Crescent City Courtship by Elizabeth WhiteAbigail Neal dreams of escaping her life in the slums of New Orleans. But how can a woman alone ever fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor? Then young medical student John Braddock comes to pay a call on a neighbor, and an unlikely friendship develops between the two. But when Abby’s past comes back to haunt her, will she call upon her faith to help right a wrong and make a new life with her very own Prince Charming?

Precinct 13

by Tate Hallaway

Recent college grad Alex Conner is thrilled to have landed a job as the Hughes County coroner/medical examiner in Pierre, South Dakota. But when her first day on the job ends with a missing corpse, Alex starts to wonder if she would have been better off collecting unemployment... When the cops made some cryptic comments about being careful with the body they brought in, Alex just thought the boys in blue were messing with her. That is, until something freaky happens that no amount of med school could have prepared her for. By the time Alex gets herself together, the body has disappeared and the other residents of the morgue start talking her ear off. After working up the courage to report the missing body, Alex is transferred to the mysterious Precinct 13 where she discovers that her new co-workers--including a cute technomage named Jack--are paranormals just like her. Now, Alex is being encouraged to use her ability to speak to the dead to solve crimes. And despite being in the middle of nowhere, Hughes County sure does have a lot of paranormal activity...

El precio de la fama (Serie Yes, we dance #Volumen 4)

by Esther Sanz

¡Las Saturno Star se han hecho famosas! Su sueño por fin se ha hecho realidad. Sin embargo, no todo es tan bonito como parecía... Y ahora descubrirán cuál es el precio de la fama. Después de su triunfo en Nueva York, las Saturno Stars viven como celebrities en su propio barrio. ¡No pueden salir a la calle sin que los vecinos se hagan fotos con ellas! Cuando llega el verano y, con él, la gira junto a sus ídolos, sienten que su mayor sueño está cumplido, pero Martina, Sofía, Liu y Violeta están a punto de descubrir que la vida de los famosos no es tan genial como parece... ¿Están preparadas para pagar el precio de la fama?

El Precio de la Libertad (Manejando a Los Jefes #18)

by Lexy Timms

"Cualquiera te puede llamar la atención, pero hace falta alguien especial para atrapar tu corazón". Ha pasado un año y Jamie y Alex han superado lo peor, juntos. Y han salido fortalecidos del otro lado. No quieren nada más que seguir avanzando. Pero, de alguna manera, el pasado parece alcanzarlos. Jamie se entera de que su madre va a salir en libertad condicional y sus temores sobre los peligros que supone para su familia vuelven con toda su fuerza. Luchando con el dolor del pasado, Alex y Jamie tienen que decidir si quieren seguir adelante con su planeada fiesta del 4 de julio. ¿Van a dejar que los acontecimientos del año pasado arruinen sus planes? Deciden seguir adelante. Después de todo, la madre de Jamie no puede hacer nada para separarlos. No cuando tienen a tanta gente que los quiere y se preocupa por ellos. Además, cancelar la fiesta sería un crimen, porque hay una revelación sorpresa del sexo prevista al final y tanto Jamie como Alex se mueren por saber si es un niño o una niña quien se une a su pequeño clan. La libertad es la oportunidad de ser mejor.

El Precio de la Pasión: Libro 2 de la serie El Banquero Multimillonario (El Banquero Multimillonario #2)

by Lexy Timms

Por la autora de superventas del USA Today Lexy Timms. Ama como si nunca consideraras el costo. La identidad de Bethany Walker ya no es tan secreta. Cuando la familia Sterling descubre quién era realmente, ella pierde la oportunidad de vengar a su padre. Peor aún, en lugar de vengarse, se ha enamorado de Kirk Sterling, el banquero multimillonario a quien debería haber arruinado. Ahora, todo lo que quiere es enmendar la ruptura del corazón de Kirk. Tras descubrir que Bethany mintió sobre su identidad, Kirk Sterling está furioso. No quiere saber nada de ella, hasta que un encuentro fortuito le hace replantearse todo lo que cree de ella. Aunque es la hija de su mayor enemigo, Kirk acabará por ceder a la tentación. Pronto, él estará saliendo a escondidas con ella, y manteniendo su aventura reavivada oculta a su despiadada familia. Pero cuanto más se ven, más cerca están de que su aventura secreta salga a la luz. Un paso en falso podría volver a provocar la amarga disputa entre sus familias. ¿Podrán Bethany y Kirk aprender finalmente a confiar el uno en el otro, o la traición los separará?

El Precio de la Redención

by Taylor Storm

Es mejor que todos luchemos por llevar una buena vida moral, como vemos en esta historia de crimen donde las acciones de todas las personas afectan a otras. El precio de la redención es grande, pero el del pecado es aún mayor. Todo depende de la naturaleza básica de una persona determinada y de la vida que se le dé. Las vidas de Dolan, Iván, Lily, Cynthia y el padre Ignacio prueban esto. Todos encuentran la redención, cada uno a su manera, en su propio tiempo, en sus propias formas religiosas. Para otros, la redención puede resultar sumamente costosa. En el caso de Lily, su infancia malcriada y el haber sido criada en una familia militar que estaba en problemas la llevaron a buscar consuelo en cosas materiales. La auto esclavitud y las compras compulsivas ayudaron a Lily a lidiar con la muerte de su padre. Su codicia la llevó a cometer uno de los pecados más atroces, el acto de asesinar. No fue hasta que fue a la cárcel que finalmente encontró algo de redención. Iván era el peor de los padres, creyendo que sus costumbres de culto luciferino le daban a uno el derecho a abusar, torturar y matar a otros. Como había estado en los círculos más altos, sabía a quién podía denunciar todos los delitos de tráfico de drogas, asesinato, tortura y otros actos ilícitos. Aquellos con los que estaba involucrado iban detrás de él ... así que recurrió a la iglesia ortodoxa en busca de ayuda ... El hijo de Iván, Nolan, después de ver morir a su madre y su hermana en un incendio, del que estaba seguro que su padre había comenzado y del cual escapó, creció con guía espiritual. Conoció a Lily y se enamoró. Ella lo ayudó en su trabajo de caridad, pero su adicción a las compras supuso una carga financiera para Nolan y se divorciaron años más tarde, dejando a Lily a la presa de un hombre que conoció y que creía que era rico. Cuando se enteró de que no era así, ella y un conocido planearon su muerte para cobrar el seguro ...<br

El precio de una buena taza de café

by Giselle Renarde Karen Pérez Herrera.

Un relato erótico de romance lésbico entre dos jóvenes universitarias. ¿Cuántas chicas se enamoran de un par de piernas? Luego de apreciar por un breve instante las medias negras de lana de la chica Chaucer, Evelina, una estudiante de lingüística, pasa casi un año en la búsqueda de su dueña. ¿Cómo podrá asegurarse de que la Chica Chaucer se trata de la misma deslumbrante mujer que trabaja en la cafetería del campus? Tal vez nunca lo sepa, pero ¿cómo podría negarse a los increíbles placeres sobre el mostrador ofrecidos por la mesera de mirada atrayente? Un relato corto de romance lésbico

El precio del amor (Edibolsillo Ser.)

by Danielle Steel

Solo con el precio de su dolor pagaría el derecho a vivir un nuevo amor. Bernie Fine, director de unos grandes almacenes, era un hombre sin ilusiones y solitario hasta que un encuentro fortuito le deparó un interludio de felicidad. De inmediato se sintió subyugado por el sutil atractivo sexual que emanaba de Liz y por la espontanea simpatía de su hija Jane. Sin embargo, la muerte de la mujer que colmaba su vida y la amenaza de perder a Jane pusieron a prueba su capacidad de sufrimiento... Solo con el precio de su dolor pagaría el derecho a vivir un nuevo amor.

El precio del amor

by Danielle Steel

El director de unos grandes almacenes era un hombre defraudado y solitario hasta que un encuentro fortuíto le deparó un interludio de felicidad, de inmediato se sintió subyugado por el sútil atracrtivo sexual que emanaba de Liz y por la espontánea simpatía de su hija Jane. Sin embargo, la muerte de la mujer que colmaba su vida y a la amenaza de perder a Jane pusieron a prueba su capacidad de sufrimiento... sólo con el precio de su dolor pagaría el derecho a vivir un nuevo amor.

El Precio para Amar (Los Friessen: Un Nuevo Comienzo #2)

by Lorhainne Eckhart

Ella podía darle todo excepto lo único que quería: un hijo. Candy sabe que su marido quiere un bebé, pero ella no

Preciosa Lily

by Dawn Brower

O que Lilliana Marsden quer – ela consegue. Randall Collins concorda em ajudá-la em troca de um beijo. O que Lilliana Marsden quer – ela consegue. A coisa que ela acredita mais desejar é ir viver em Charleston na plantação da família. O problema? Os pais se recusavam a ouvi-la. Lily decide fazer seus desejos se tornarem realidade e quem melhor que um belo capitão de um navio americano para ajudá-la? Randall Collins acha Lilliana encantadora e rapidamente cai sob seu feitiço. Quando ela lhe pede para levá-la com ele na sua próxima viagem ele se vê aceitando – por uma mísera quantia. Um beijo como pagamento e ele a levará para onde ela quiser. Enquanto navegam as fagulhas entre eles voam. Lily encontrará algo mais desejável que ter a própria plantação. Será que Rand poderá convencê-la de que ele é a melhor escolha?

Precious and Grace: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (17) (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency #17)

by Alexander Mccall Smith

<P>In this latest installment of the beloved and best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi help a young woman on a quest to find someone from her past. <P>Changes are afoot at the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, where Mma Makutsi, who has recently been promoted to co-director, has been encouraging Mma Ramotswe to update to more modern office practices. However, an unusual case will require both of them to turn their attention firmly to the past. <P>A young Canadian woman who spent her early childhood in Botswana requests the agency's help in recovering important pieces of her life there. With only a faded photograph--and, of course, some good old-fashioned detective skills--to guide them, Precious and Grace set out to locate the house that the woman used to live in and the caretaker who looked after her many years ago. But when the journey takes an unexpected turn, they are forced to consider whether some lost things may be better off unfound. <P>Busy as she is with this challenging investigation, Mma Ramotswe can always be relied on to come to the aid of her friends--who seem to have a special knack for landing in hot water. Mr. Polopetsi, an occasional assistant at the agency, has made an ill-advised business decision that may lead to serious trouble. And next door at Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, Fanwell, the junior mechanic, has become helplessly attached to a stray dog who proves to be a bigger responsibility than he can handle. <P>With Mma Makutsi by her side, Mma Ramotswe dispenses help and sympathy with the graciousness and warmth for which she is so well known, and everyone is led to surprising insights into the healing power of compassion, forgiveness, and new beginnings. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Precious Bane: Large Print (Virago Modern Classics Ser. #298)

by Mary Webb

This is the story of us all at Sarn, of Mother and Gideon and me, and Jancis, and Wizard Beguildy, and the two or three other folk that lived in those parts, that I did set out to tell. There were but a few, and maybe always will be, for there&’s a discouragement about the place. It may be the water lapping, year in and year out—everywhere you look and listen, water; or the big trees waiting and considering on your right hand and on your left; or the unbreathing quiet of the place, as if it was created but an hour gone, and not created for us.

Precious Blessings

by Jillian Hart

Lawman Jack Munroe didn't want to see the truth about his troubled little girl, especially when she was caught shoplifting in Katherine McKaslin's Christian bookstore. Being a single father was hard on a man's faith and patience, and he didn't need the all-perfect Katherine telling him how to impose discipline. Yet, he began to see the positive effects Katherine had on his daughter...and on him. Jack hadn't been looking for a relationship, but this strong and beautiful woman made him wonder if God wanted him to risk a second chance at love.


by K. Z. Snow

It was just an amateur porn video, like thousands of others on the Internet. Like hundreds Jonathan Wright had seen and hundreds more he&apos;d ignored. He hadn&apos;t intended to watch it, but he gives in to his curiosity. When he sees the lithe, blond young man who&apos;s doing naughty things with a bearish, older man, he&apos;s seduced... and feels like a pervert afterward. The youth in the video seems a little too young, despite the fact he runs his own escort service. Worse yet, Jon gets the nagging feeling he&apos;s seen "Justin Time," aka precious_boy, before. When Jon takes a chance and meets Justin in a Chicago hotel room, Jon&apos;s past, present, and possibly his future begin to converge in alarming and confusing ways. There&apos;s no escaping the resulting dilemma: Jon must decide just how involved he wants to get with a sweet kid whose life has turned sour... a decision made more complex by a surprising connection to a lover from Jon&apos;s past.

Precious Burdens

by Cathy Marie Hake

Christian romance set in Virginia in the 1840's and 1850's.

A Precious Christmas Gift (Redemption's Amish Legacies #2)

by Patricia Johns

To make her hardest choice, this new mother must follow her heart.’Tis the season of love, forgiveness…and goodbyes?Unwed and heavily pregnant, Eve Shrock faces a difficult Christmas—soon her baby will arrive and be adopted by another Amish family. Though Eve finds a friend in Noah Wiebe, the baby’s uncle-to-be, she can’t afford to fall for him. He might just make her wish for a future that seems impossible…one with her baby in her arms and Noah at her side.From Harlequin Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.Redemption’s Amish LegaciesBook 1: The Nanny’s Amish FamilyBook 2: A Precious Christmas Gift

The Precious Dreadful: A Novel

by Steven Parlato

Combining romance and humor with elements of the paranormal, this is a profound novel about one teenage girl’s decision to redefine her life in the wake of supernatural events. <P><P>Teddi Alder is just trying to figure out her life. When she joins SUMMERTEENS, a library writing group, she’s only looking to keep herself busy, not go digging around in her subconscious. But as she writes, disturbing memories of her lost childhood friend Corey bubble to the surface, and Teddi begins to question everything: her friendship with her BFF Willa, how much her mom really knows, and even her own memories. <P><P> Teddi fears she’s losing her grip on reality—as evidenced by that mysterious ghost-girl who emerges from the park pool one night, the one who won’t leave Teddi alone. To top it all off, she finds herself juggling two guys with potential, a quirky new boy named Joy and her handsome barista crush Aidan, who has some issues of his own. As the summer unfolds, Teddi is determined to get to the bottom of everything—her feelings, the mysterious ghost-girl, and the memories of Corey that refuse to be ignored.

Precious Gems (Precious Gems #5)

by Em Lynley

When gay romance writer Trent Copeland runs into handsome American Reed Acton--seemingly by chance--while vacationing in Thailand, it sparks off an irresistible affair. Follow their globe-trotting adventures in the Precious Gems books as they negotiate a relationship while solving crimes in Bangkok, Rome, Tokyo, and Istanbul.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

A Precious Gift (Walnut Creek Series, The)

by Shelley Shepard Gray

The New York Times bestselling author of the &“romantic, emotional, and thoroughly satisfying&” (Lauren Layne, New York Times bestselling author) Bridgeport Social Club series weaves another moving and charming tale of love and faith in Walnut Creek, Ohio.In this return to the heartwarming series about &“friendship, love, and truth&” (Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author), Kyle Lambright has fallen hard for Gabrielle Allison Ferrara. After all, she&’s beautiful, smart, and kind. There&’s just one problem—his Amish family will never allow him to date an Englischer. Can Kyle break with tradition for true love, or will he stay with his family?

Precious Gifts

by Roz Denny Fox

Things have not gone well for Hayley Ryan. Her beloved grandfather is dead. Her ex-husband not only abandoned her for another woman but also stole Hayley's inheritance-and left her pregnant. All she has now is a piece of property to camp on-and a secret mine that might or might not produce. Jake Cooper is part owner of the Triple C Ranch in southern Arizona. Hayley Ryan's campsite is adjacent to the Triple C. The first time Jake rides into her camp, she points a shotgun at his head-and without even knowing it, takes aim at his heart.... Jake is determined to persuade Hayley to trust him and marry him. As for Hayley's baby-to-be-he'd love the chance to be a dad!

Precious Gifts

by Danielle Steel

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERHandsome, widowed, sophisticated, utterly charming, Paul Parker won the heart of a wealthy young Frenchwoman--the daughter of an American financier, the granddaughter of a major French art dealer--as his second wife. In two marriages, he fathered a challenging son and three very different daughters. But as irresponsible as he was irresistible, he ultimately shrugged off the demands of marriage and parenting to pursue life as an international bon vivant.Raised by their mother with all the care and resolve their father lacked, the three Parker sisters have become vibrant, self-reliant young women: Timmie, the oldest, a fiercely dedicated social worker in New York; sweet, nurturing Juliette, proprietor of a fledgling bakery in Brooklyn; and their younger sister, Joy, who is struggling to build an acting career in Los Angeles. While they love their mostly absent, glamorous father, he has left them with a legacy of impermanence and uncertainty in their own relationships with men. And with no strong role model to guide him, Paul's son has gone from one failure to another, even while his stepmother makes excuses for him, as he seethes with jealousy of his younger sisters.Now, after a long illness, Paul has slipped away peacefully in his sleep, and his family has gathered together to read his will. As his final wishes are revealed, his son is forced to face reality as an adult. And his daughters see a new side to their father--one that shows a caring man trying to redeem himself with a different, lasting legacy. He has made a very personal bequest to each of his children, carefully designed to help them achieve their own unique dreams and find true happiness. But Paul has saved the biggest surprise for his ex-wife Véronique: a secret from the past that shakes her world and sets her free. He leaves her a gift that remained a mystery for their entire marriage, and she begins a search to discover its history and rightful owner.The story of a man's last wish to make a difference--and of the loved ones he leaves behind fulfilling their destinies at last--Precious Gifts is bursting with indelible characters and emotional complexity as it takes readers from New York and Los Angeles to the art capitals of Europe and the South of France. Inspiring and uplifting, it is a deeply moving exploration of the rich territory of loss, inheritance, and reawakening--Danielle Steel at the height of her literary prowess.

A Precious Inheritance

by Paula Roe

Vanessa Partridge has a good reason for wanting the priceless manuscript being offered at auction-it is her twin babies' legacy. But she doesn't count on the winning bidder, financial guru Chase Harrington, showing up on her doorstep.Chase has a new obsession-Vanessa. There's more to the former-socialite-turned-working-single-mom than meets the eye...and he's going to find it. He's got secrets of his own-secrets threatened by the sexy Vanessa. More than anything, Chase wants to give in to their sizzling attraction...but can he afford to play with fire?

A Precious Jewel

by Mary Balogh

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Mary Balogh's The Secret Mistress. New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh weaves a sensuous spell of romance that brings together the unlikeliest pair of lovers in the unlikeliest place of all- an infamous London house of pleasure. She was unlike any woman he'd ever met in the ton or the demimonde. But Sir Gerald Stapleton frequented Mrs. Blyth's euphemistically dubbed "finishing school" for pure, uncomplicated pleasure-and nothing else. So why was this confirmed bachelor so thoroughly captivated by one woman in particular? Why did he find himself wondering how such a rare jewel of grace, beauty, and refinement as Priss had ended up a courtesan? And when she needed protection, why did Gerald, who'd sworn he'd never get entangled in affairs of the heart, hasten to set her up as his own pampered mistress to ensure her safety-and have her all to himself? For Priscilla Wentworth, the path leading to Sir Gerald's bed had been as filled with misfortune as it suddenly seemed charmed. But Priss couldn't allow herself to believe she'd ever be more to a man like Sir Gerald than a well-cared-for object of pleasure. Now, despite Gerald's deep distrust of marriage, neither scandal nor society's censure can keep them apart-only the fear of trusting their hearts.

Precious Jewels

by Nancy J. Farrier

Christian romance set in the Dakota Territory in 1888.

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