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by Maurissa Guibord

There's an island off the coast of Maine that's not on any modern map. Shrouded in mist and protected by a deadly reef, Trespass Island is home to a community of people who guard the island and its secrets from outsiders. Seventeen-year-old Delia grew up in Kansas, but has come here in search of her family and answers to her questions: Why didn't her mother ever talk about Trespass Island? Why did she fear the open water? But Delia's not welcome and soon finds herself enmeshed in a frightening and supernatural world where ancient Greek symbols adorn the buildings and secret ceremonies take place on the beach at night. Sean Gunn, a handsome young lobsterman, befriends Delia and seems willing to risk his life to protect her. But it's Jax, the coldly elusive young man she meets at the water's edge, who finally makes Delia understand the real dangers of life on the island. Delia is going to have to fight to survive. Because there are monsters here. And no one ever leaves Trespass alive.

Revelação de ano novo (Kismet Bay #2)

by Dawn Brower

Nash King sempre amou Leilia Strange. Infelizmente, ele ficou com o papel de melhor amigo desde que eram crianças. À beira do Ano Novo, ele decidiu contar a ela sobre seus sentimentos. Um risco que poderia afastá-los para sempre. Será que Nash e Leilia encontrarão amor? O destino é inconstante e as coisas em Kismet Bay nem sempre acontecem como planejado ...

La revelación: La revelación (Almas perdidas #Volumen 1)

by Ariana Godoy

Ariana Godoy, una de las grandes autoras del Young Adult, llega con una nueva saga: Almas perdidas. Vampiros y romance... ¡un tándem ganador! Desde que la convirtieron en vampiro, Morgan lucha por conservar su humanidad en un mundo plagado de criaturas oscuras. Está destinada a ser enemiga mortal de Shadow, un poderoso Purasangre. Pero cuando sus caminos se crucen, descubrirá que ese cruel vampiro puede ser la clave para encontrar las respuestas que tanto tiempo lleva buscando.La autora best seller Ariana Godoy (trilogía Hermanos Hidalgo, saga Darks y Sigue mi voz) crea un universo tenebroso donde las criaturas de la noche reinan y los corazones puros están en clara desventaja.

Revelación de Año Nuevo (Kismet Bay #2)

by Dawn Brower

Bienvenidos al pueblo de Kismet Bay donde la magia y el destino son una forma de vida… Nash King ha amado a Leilia Strange durante toda su vida. Lamentablemente, ha sido relegado al papel de mejor amigo desde que eran niños. En la víspera de Año Nuevo, Nash decide contarle cómo se siente. Es un riesgo que podría abrir una brecha entre ellos para siempre. ¿Podrán Nash y Leilia encontrar el amor? El destino es tornadizo y las cosas en Kismey Bay no siempre salen de acuerdo a lo planificado…


by Jay Olce Zaida Machuca Inostroza

Una bella joven en su lecho de muerte no sueña con un baile de debutante, ella, con 15 años, solo pide todas las noches en silencio en su cuarto que la Muerte la abrace con toda la oscuridad, haciendo detener su dolor físico y sentimental para siempre. Alice no es una muchacha normal como las muchachas de la ciudad de Crislene en el año 1768. Una grave enfermedad afectó a la bella muchacha de largos cabellos rubios y deprimida por no encontrarle sentido a la vida que llevaba, ella se aferró a su enfermedad con la esperanza de morir pronto y ya no sufrir dolor. Tanto pidió por su fin que cierto día, un hermoso ser angelical le ofreció una nueva vida que llegaría con su muerte. La muerte era todo lo que Alice quería y así se entregó. Ese ser era Gilbert, pero él no era solo un lindo y encantador joven con apariencia de 19 o 20 años, él era un Vampiro sediento de sangre, pero hechizado por la belleza de Alice. Transcurrieron siglos desde que Alice se entregó al Vampiro que le quitó todo dolor, su cuerpo ahora traía todo tipo de sangre que ella puede encontrar por los lugares por donde pasaron, su amor por Gilbert era tanto humano como sobrenatural, y fue por este amor que ella volvería a la ciudad donde su vida humana le fue arrebatada. Crislene ahora era otra ciudad, llamada Almodóvar y todavía guardaba los secretos ocultos de un siglo sombrío y enigmático en el cual numerosas revelaciones pasaron a primer plano con la muerte brutal de los padres de una bella muchacha de 15 años que nunca fue encontrada. El cambio en la ciudad no tomó a la joven mujer y a su pareja por sorpresas, Alice ahora cumplía el papel de una mujer madura, incluso con su apariencia jovial, ella ahora era Anastasia y su amado Gilbert, surge como Paole. Acompañando a la pareja en este retorno al origen de Anastasia, se encuentran cuatro jóvenes que no son Vampiros, sino seres misteriosos que se denominan Brujos, pero poseen las mismas habilidades sobren

Revelada a você

by Camilla Mendes Violet Haze

Quando o único homem que ela já amou morre, Yvette Pierce faz uma promessa: ela nunca mais se apaixonará. Usando seu sofrimento como um escudo, ela deixa claro que não está interessada em ninguém que se aproxima dela e se mantém tão reservada quanto possível. Maximilian ‘Max’ Hawkins — o médico de plantão na emergência na noite em que ela perdeu seu amor — está intrigado por Yvette, alguém com quem ele tem mais em comum do que qualquer um está ciente, e tenta tirá-la de seu sofrimento da maneira que pode. Com o objetivo de fazer dela uma amiga, um simples beijo muda tudo entre eles. Depois que alguém da infância de Yvette aparece buscando reconciliação, ela se encontra lutando contra sentimentos com os quais nunca lidou. Será que seus problemas atrapalharão seu novo relacionamento com Max - o único homem que ela, agora, não quer viver sem? Nota: NÃO é uma história independente, contém spoilers sobre o final de Rendida a você.


by Erica Hayes

A fallen angel with a mission and a medical examiner who's lost her faith are fighting for their souls in a glittering, near-future Manhattan... Blind faith is for fools. That's what Dr. Morgan Sterling believes. And she's going to prove it by curing the zombie plague ravaging her city's slums. She's certain it's not a sign of the End of Days, but a nasty disease--until an angel appears in her morgue in a flash of glory. Luniel is not just a fallen angel. He's a powerful warrior sworn to fight evil in hopes of a chance at redemption. He's after the demon princes who are stealing the seven vials of holy wrath which, when perverted, will unleash eternal hell on earth. To stop the plague, Luniel needs Morgan's help, and her faith. But Morgan believes science is their salvation. If the zombie plague is a demonic curse--and if Luniel is true--he'll have to prove it. Even if he loses his heart to true love or his soul to Hell...

The Revelation (Abram's Daughters Series, #5)

by Beverly Lewis

Spanning three generations, the compelling novels of the Abram's Daughters series feature five courting-age sisters, their extended family, and their quaint Old Order community, whose way of life and faith in God are as enduring as their signature horse and buggy. Or so it seems... In this suspenseful conclusion to the series, readers will thrill to another gripping story with Lewis's trademark captivating twists and turns, and startling answers to the compelling questions set into motion in the first book, The Covenant.

Revelations: Number 3 in series (Blue Bloods #3)

by Melissa de Cruz

Schuyler Van Alen's blood legacy has just been called into question: is the young vampire in fact a Blue Blood, or is it the sinister Silver Blood that runs through her veins? As controversy swirls, Schuyler is left stranded in the Force household, trapped under the same roof as her cunning nemesis, Mimi Force, and her forbidden crush, Jack Force.When an ancient place of power is threatened in Rio de Janeiro, however, the Blue Bloods need Schuyler on their side. The stakes are high, the battle is bloody, and through it all Schuyler is torn between duty and passion, love and freedom. Romance, glamour and vampire lore collide in the highly anticipated third book in bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz's Bllue Bloods series.

Revelations (Belle Morte Ser. #2)

by Bella Higgin

Truth comes at a cost.Ever since Renie Mayfield survived the merciless attack on Belle Morte that killed donors and vampires alike, she is forever changed. Now a vampire, the agonizing transformation of her body and mind is rivaled only by uncovering the horrific truth about her sister, June, who has escaped the mansion in her rabid form, adding even more chaos to Renie’s reality.As the vampire responsible for Renie’s change, and now her distress, Edmond Dantes remains in his own desperate place. He’s confined in the secret cells of Belle Morte, awaiting the arrival of the council and the subsequent punishment for his actions. Edmond questions if what he did was right and deeply regrets what has become of his home.Desperate to free Edmond, find June, and bring justice to whoever is behind the recent violence, Renie is out for blood in more ways than one. The smell of corruption is embedded in the walls of Belle More, but behind the walls are even more secrets that may lead to the truth and to justice.


by Janice Kay Johnson

Ann Caldwell doesn't know who she is. She doesn't really know what she is, either. Growing up, she wanted just one thing-her father's approval. But she never got it. When she was little she was too much girl and later she wasn't enough woman. She even became a cop to please him. Now he's gone and she realizes how empty her life has become. She'd like to fall in love but doesn't know the first thing about getting a man. Even worse, The one man she wants is her partner, Juan Diaz-who has never looked at her twice. As Ann struggles to find her way, she discovers a bigger task-figuring out who has begun killing cops. She and Diaz must solve the case before anyone else dies. Is on the job the only place they're destined to be together?


by Jay Olce Zaida Machuca Inostroza

Une belle jeune fille dans son lit de mort ne rêve pas avec un bal de débutante, elle, à ses 15 ans, toutes les nuits dans le silence de sa chambre, ne demande qu'une chose : que la Mort l'entoure entre ses bras, avec toute son obscurité, en arrêtant sa douleur physique et émotionnelle pour toujours. Alice n'est pas une jeune fille normale comme les jeunes filles de la ville de Crislene de l'an 1768. Une grave maladie a atteint cette belle jeune de longs cheveux blonds, et étant en dépression à cause de ne pas avoir trouvé du sens à la vie qu'elle menait, elle s'est attachée à la maladie dans l'espoir de mourir bientôt et ne plus souffrir à cause de la douleur. Elle a tant prie pour que sa fin arrive que certain jour, un très beau être angélique lui a proposé une nouvelle vie qui commencerait au moment de sa mort. La mort était tout ce qu'Alice voulait et alors, elle s'est rendit. Cet être était Gilbert, mais il n'était pas uniquement un beau et charmant jeune qui ressemblait 19 ou 20 ans. Il était un Vampire ayant soif de sang, mais enchanté par la beauté d'Alice. Des siècles s'écoulèrent depuis qu'Alice s'est rendit au Vampire qui a fait disparaitre toute sa douleur. Pour son corps circulait maintenant tout type de sang qu'elle a pu trouver par là où ils sont passés. Son amour pour Gilbert était tant humain que surnaturel, et c'est à cause de cet amour qu'elle allait retourner à la ville où sa vie humaine lui avait été arrachée. Crislene était maintenant une autre ville appelée Almodóvar et elle gardait encore des secrets sombres appartenant à une époque énigmatique et sombre, dans laquelle nombreuses révélations sont venus à l'avant avec la mort brutale des parents d'une belle jeune fille de 15 ans qui n'a jamais été retrouvé. Accompagnant le couple dans ce retour à l'origine d'Anastasia, il y a quatre jeunes qui ne sont pas de Vampir

Revelations (Talking in Code)

by Ariel Tachna

Prequel to Talking in CodeSpanning the six years before the events of Talking in Code, this collection of short stories recounts highlights of how Richard, Tim, and Eric fell in love—and into bed. These seven tales reveal the early adventures of the two former Navy SEALs, an expert sniper, and their paramilitary organization, Strike Force Omega. Between dangerous missions and their aftermath, the three men find time to explore the limits of their relationship and what it might become, whether it’s blistering physical passion or something with the potential to run much deeper—something that will see them through their most difficult battles.

Révélations (La Strike Force Omega)

by Ariel Tachna

Le prequel de Décode-moi Cette collection d’histoires courtes se déroule durant les six années qui ont précédé les événements de Décode-moi et raconte les moments forts qui ont mené Richard, Tim et Eric à tomber amoureux. Ces sept récits nous livrent les précédentes aventures des deux anciens SEALs, du jeune sniper et de leur organisation paramilitaire, la Strike Force Omega. Entre les missions dangereuses et leurs conséquences, ces trois hommes trouvent le temps d’explorer les limites de leur relation et cherchent à savoir où cela va les mener : vers une aventure torride et passionnelle ou bien vers un engagement plus profond – un lien qui leur permettra de faire face aux batailles les plus difficiles.

Révélations du Nouvel An

by Dawn Brower

Bienvenue en la ville de Kismet Bay où la magie et le destin sont un chemin de vie... Nash King a adoré Leilia Strange sa vie entière. Malheureusement, il a été relégué au rôle de meilleur ami depuis qu’ils étaient enfants. A la veille du Nouvel An il décidait de lui dire comment il se sentait. C’est un risque qui pouvait faire d’eux d’être ensemble éternellement. Est-ce que Nash et Leilia trouverait l’amour? Le destin est capricieux et les choses à Kismet Bay ne se passent pas toujours comme prévu...

Revelations from the Source

by Barbara Hand Clow

• Offers an in-depth experience of alchemical transmutation to cleanse old parts of the psyche and clear space for the shift to 5D through 9D consciousness • Reveals the astrological factors at play behind the multitude of crises hitting the world stage in 2018, 2019, and 2020, including the Covid-19 pandemic • Continues the story from Revelations of the Ruby Crystal and Revelations of the Aquarian Age With the Age of Aquarius dawning, six friends connected by ancient wisdom, spiritual revelation, past lives, and sexual alchemy discover the connections between seemingly disconnected events--environmental collapse, schisms in the Catholic Church, the refugee crisis, political breakdown in the United States, the shift out of the age of oil to the high-tech economy, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The characters, as well as readers, experience moving out of fear-based consciousness to the higher dimensions. The story begins in Florence, Italy, at an art soirée in honor of Armando Pierleoni&’s visionary painting of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In addition to the six friends--Armando, his photographer wife Jennifer, New York Times journalist Simon, his mystical wife Sarah, Jungian analyst Lorenzo, and exotically beautiful and astrologically insightful Claudia--the dinner party also includes Alessandro de Medici, later revealed to be a master alchemist, and the Jesuit priest Father Giorgio Faccini, the Vatican archivist and a covert agent for the Church&’s secret agenda. As the Aquarian vibrations intensify, Claudia sees the astrological factors at play behind the multitude of crises hitting the world stage, and then Covid-19 hits Italy. In the rapidly escalating tension, the deepest fears and greatest joys of the characters&’ lives are revealed. Armando has a spiritual breakthrough and high initiation with Lorenzo in his tower, and the friends discover alchemical keys and the perennial wisdom--long suppressed by the Church--that will help humanity transcend.

Revelations in the Dark

by Ariel Tachna

Jacob harbors a flame for his handsome co-worker, Mattias; a useless emotion, he's sure, because Mattias is obviously straight and paired up with the gorgeous, bubbly Nicole. But somethingJacob sees in a dark movie theater makes him think his obsession isn't so hopeless after all.Jacob harbors a flame for his handsome co-worker, Mattias; a useless emotion, he's sure, because Mattias is obviously straight and paired up with the gorgeous, bubbly Nicole. But something Jacob sees in a dark movie theater makes him think his obsession isn't so hopeless after all.

Revelations of a Secret Princess: The Return Of Her Billionaire Husband / Revelations Of A Secret Princess (Sovereigns And Scandals Ser. #1)

by Annie West

“A deeply emotional royal romance that had a fiery enemies to lovers feel to it . . . dramatic and passionate”—from the USA Today–bestselling author (Harlequin Junkie).A princess in disguise . . . To find her precious daughter, stolen from her at birth, Princess Carolina will do anything—including masquerading as a nanny! Jake Maynard, her daughter’s uncle, is all that’s standing in the way of the reunion Caro has yearned for. If only her body got the message he’s the enemy . . . Caro knows this powerful billionaire won’t give up the only family he has left. Yet after years of emotional numbness, Jake is reawakening her! He shows Caro a life filled with passion, not protocol, but what will happen when Jake discovers her true identity? From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds. Read all of the Sovereigns and Scandals books! Book 1: Revelations of a Secret PrincessBook 2: The King’s Bride by Arrangement

Revelations of His Runaway Bride: A Forbidden Night With The Housekeeper / Revelations Of His Runaway Bride (Mills And Boon Modern Ser.)

by Kali Anthony

She was ready to fleeThen passion beckoned.From the moment Thea Lambros is forced to walk down the aisle toward Christo Callas, her only thought is escape. After all, this reluctant bride is a mere pawn in her father’s dangerous game.But when coolly brilliant Christo interrupts her getaway, Thea meets her electrifying match. Pairing her resilient spirit with his unwavering strength, her new husband unleashes an unexpected fire within her. Thea feared she was trading one jailer for another. But what if Christo is the man to finally set this caged bird free?

Revelations of the Aquarian Age

by Barbara Hand Clow

A well-researched work of fiction from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow • A contemporary spiritual and erotic thriller that reveals esoteric teachings on Jesus and Mary Magdalene, holy relics, sacred sexuality, and art • Contains hidden secrets on the use of crystals as well as extraordinary information about secret societies • Continues the story from Revelations of the Ruby Crystal • From the bestselling author of The Pleiadian Agenda (98,000 copies sold) and The Mayan Code (57,000 copies sold) Shortly after his wedding at his family’s ancient castle in Tuscany, sophisticated and mysterious Armando Pierleoni reveals his richly symbolic painting of the love between Jesus and Mary Magdalene to his bride Jennifer. Deeply affecting all who view it, the alchemical portrayal leads Armando, Jennifer, and their friends on a contemporary journey into the esoteric mysteries of divine marriage, sacred sexuality, the Black Madonna, and the transformative power of holy relics. The group of friends--Jennifer’s journalist brother Simon, his mystical wife Sarah, Jungian analyst Lorenzo, exotically beautiful and insightful Claudia, and Armando and Jennifer--discover past-life connections and the power of sacred sex as a path to the divine. They explore how the Knights Templar collected the bones of the Jesus family from the Talpiot tomb in Jerusalem and eventually placed them in reliquaries throughout the world--including within the Medici Chapel in Florence and in the Four Corners region of the American Southwest. When Armando’s magical painting of Jesus and Mary Magdalene goes on display in the Medici Chapel and is viewed by thousands, the painting’s power coalesces with Aquarian vibrations to trigger a mass kundalini rising within the Chapel, activating the sacred bones in the reliquaries. The activated bones enable the Light to flow into the world, awakening Christ Consciousness around the globe.

Revelations of the Heart

by Lori C. Hawkins

All Danny Hillstone wants for Christmas is a steady boyfriend, but after a series of very dull dates, the chances of his wish coming true are pretty slim... until Danny ends up with two men who want to date him. Amy, Danny's surrogate mother and business partner, fixes him up with Kent Bevans, a handsome lawyer looking for new love. And, literally by accident, Danny meets Sean Robins, a hunky ex-Marine. But just as Danny starts getting to know the new men in his life, disaster strikes, leaving Danny unsure if he'll have a merry Christmas at all.

Revelations of the Night Before

by Lynn Raye Harris

Unmasking the enemyValentina D'Angeli is pregnant. And the father...? The man she shared one sensational night with after a masquerade ball. It wasn't until she stole a peek under his mask while he was sleeping that she discovered he was her brother's sworn enemy-Niccolo Gavretti! For this ruthless Italian there's only one solution to Valentina's bombshell-put a ring on her matter how much she refuses. And if he has to take her to bed to make it happen he'll enjoy every single minute of it!"A powerful, compelling and emotionally intense read. Stay up late to finish it!"-Sue, Scientific Administrator, Barnstaple

Revelations of the Ruby Crystal

by Barbara Hand Clow

A debut novel from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow • An intricately layered erotic thriller that reveals esoteric teachings on prophecy, power, ritual, and divination • Includes dramatic insights into the suppressed discoveries of the first Christian heretics and secret power rituals at work in the Vatican • From the author of The Pleiadian Agenda and The Mayan Code In her debut as a novelist, bestselling author and acclaimed spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow weaves an erotically charged story of romance, deep earth forces, psychic powers, aristocracy, and Vatican world control centered on an ancient ruby that inspires mystical visions. Set in Rome in 2012, the story follows Sarah Adamson, a beautiful young Catholic graduate student from Boston studying at the Vatican Library for her thesis on the first Christian heretic, Marcion of Pontus. She is being courted by two utterly different men: Simon Appel, a descendent of the kabbalist Isaac Luria who covers Vatican affairs for the New York Times, and Armando Pierleoni, the heir to an ancient Italian aristocratic family with strong ties to the Vatican. After a terrible encounter with the dark side at a castle in Tuscany, Sarah is given a ring set with a ruby crystal, a powerful stone that was once the third eye of an ancient Buddha statue in Nepal. With the mystic ring on her finger, Sarah’s visionary abilities are ignited. She remembers her past life as the Sibyl of Cumae, a Roman oracle whose powers are now being channeled by the Vatican to maintain world control. As Sarah’s research and visions reveal the cause of evil in the Church and Simon’s reporting exposes the depth of the sexual abuse scandals surrounding the Vatican, the two form an alliance with an ex-lover of both Simon and Armando, Claudia, who describes secret priestly power rituals going on in Vatican City. As the heightened energies of the winter solstice of 2012 arrive and 2013 dawns, will Simon and Sarah be able to harness their divine powers for transformation? Will the Vatican seek new direction as it elects a new pope? Revealing the very nature of how evil gets into the world, this novel of romance, mystery, heresy, and spirituality uncovers the esoteric foundations for the emergence of a golden new age.

Reveling in Sin (Sin Trilogy #3)

by Meghan March

Whitney Gable is the kind of woman you fight to the death to protect. To keep. To cherish. I’ve finally learned my lesson, and it’s time to prove I’m the man who’s worthy of her. I don’t care what it takes, because failure is not an option. No matter who or what stands in our way--this time, she’ll be mine forever.


by Lyssa Mia Smith

Inspired by Moulin Rouge! and set on an island in a magical version of Prohibition-era New York, Revelle is a breathtaking YA stand-alone fantasy full of dazzling magic, romance, and mystery from debut author Lyssa Mia Smith.On the island of Charmant, magic flows like bootlegged champagne, and fantasies can be bought for the price of a gemstone.Luxe Revelle, star of her family’s fantastical show, knows the splendor is just an illusion. With Prohibition threatening their livelihood, her family struggles to make a living, watering down champagne and patching holes in their sequined costumes. So when the son of Charmant’s wealthiest family makes her an offer—everything the Revelles need to stay in business, in exchange for posing as his girl and helping him become mayor—she can’t refuse.The moment Jamison Port sets foot in Charmant, he can’t shake the feeling of familiarity. An orphan with as few memories as gemstones, he’s desperate to learn what happened to his parents. But as he delves into the island’s secrets, he risks angering the wrong person and discovering a truth that just might break his heart.When Luxe and Jamison accidentally meet, the sparks that fly are more than her magical enchantments. But keeping secrets from powerful people is a dangerous game . . . one that could destroy them both.

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