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Roping the Rancher

by Julie Benson

No Time For Cowboys Stacey Michaels is trying to get her acting career back on track while looking after her traumatized teenage brother and a demanding mother. She doesn't have time for romance. And if she did? Well, she'd look to date someone in the business, not some cowboy. But when her brother begs her for a chance to try the equine therapy program Colt Montgomery offers at his ranch in Colorado, Stacey can't refuse. Even if she and Colt strike sparks off one another. She knows he sees her as a diva, but why can't he understand she just wants what's best for her brother? She's spent her whole life taking care of others-maybe it's time to let Colt take care of her.

Roping the Wrangler

by Lacy Williams

Teacher Seeks a Husband Schoolmarm Sarah Hansen longs for a family of her own. But horse trainer Oscar White is the last man she'd consider. Still, she can't help noticing the care he shows three motherless girls and the gentle way he helps Sarah overcome her fear of horses. Too bossy by half-that's the Sarah that Oscar remembers from their teenage years. Yet as a former orphan, he finds the little Caldwell sisters-and their pretty teacher-getting under his skin. Could the tender heart Sarah's always hidden tame a once-reckless wrangler?


by Ruth Langan

THE O'NEIL SAGAA family driven by destiny!A Man Most WantedRory O'Neil was hunted by every soldier who wore an English uniform, but that would not stop his quest for revenge.A Man Most DespisedHe was hated by those who knew him as the Blackhearted O'Neil. But to those who believed in his cause, he was the only warrior brave enough to save them.A Man Most LovedAnnaClaire Thompson knew the first time she witnessed his passion that Rory was the man who would lay claim to her heart. But would the driven Rory ever return her love?

Rory's Rock

by Drew Hunt

Rory Brown grew up in care but found a home, friendship, and a much-needed sense of security working on the Double J ranch. As far as Rory is concerned, fellow cowboy, Zane Fox, is perfect. Zane is strong but gentle, kind, big, ruggedly handsome ... and straight.Rory works alongside Zane, eats alongside Zane, and when an ice storm causes a power outage, he sleeps alongside Zane ... for warmth.Inhibitions lowered after getting drunk on his twenty-first birthday, Rory Kisses Zane and confesses his feelings for the man. The next day, when Rory learns his father is dying, although estranged from the man, Rory feels obligated to see him one last time. Zane follows Rory to Kansas and confesses he has feelings for Rory, too. After learning his father has died, Rory and Zane set off for home in Zane's old truck. However, bad weather and a mechanical breakdown mean they have to hole up in a guesthouse. Rory doesn't mind, it gives him a chance to explore things with his hunky new boyfriend. And there's a lot of Zane to explore.Life on the ranch is little short of idyllic, Zane is everything and more Rory could want in a lover, protector, and friend. A tiny part of Rory knows he should brace himself for if/when the other shoe -- or cowboy boot -- drops. Rory is thrown when evidence of Zane's heterosexual past reveals itself, leaving him totally devastated.Are Zane's feet made of clay, or can he redeem himself and once again become Rory's rock?


by June Gadsby

Evicted from the slums of Gateshead in north-eastern England, Rosa and her family travel to Newcastle where they are reluctantly taken in by her mother’s estranged sister. Doris Graham is soon to regret this act of kindness as she sees her beautiful home destroyed by the Fenwick family – apart from Rosa, Nancy Fenwick’s illegitimate daughter. Rosa does her best to keep the family under control while dreaming of being a ‘lady’ and living in the big mansion house she can see from her attic bedroom window. Her dreams become more and more obsessive when she meets the son of the new owners of Orchard House and, hardly more than a child, she falls deeply in love with him. For Richard’s part, his obsession is with the fact that in the mansion is a portrait of a beautiful Italian woman who bears a remarkable resemblance to Rosa. As time passes and Rosa grows into a voluptuous young woman, Richard’s innate snobbishness fades – until he finds her being raped by a lodger of her alcoholic mother. Rosa’s heart is broken, but she never gives up her dream of owning Orchard House and her life takes many twists and turns before her dream is realized. And then, one day, she finds Richard back in her life, but the tables have turned...

Una rosa con cualquier otro nombre (Fallen Rose Ser.)

by Traductores Anónimos Charlie Cochet

Las noches en la trepidante ciudad les recuerdan a los jóvenes brillantes que la vida es demasiado corta para darla por sentado. Oculto en Times Square, se encuentra el Pantheon: un cabaret secreto para hombres homosexuales ricos. Hay chicos guapos con elaborados trajes y carmín en los labios que están ansiosos por complacer, y el champán fluye durante toda la noche. Es un mundo de frivolidad, fantasía y libertinaje. Bajo el nombre de Eros, el artista más cotizado del Pantheon, Julius utiliza su belleza y encanto con los entusiastas clientes, pero cada vez está más cansado de amores superficiales, desea tener una vida mejor. Cinco años después de haber sido declarado mentalmente incapacitado tras sobrevivir a las trincheras en tierra de nadie, Edward Joseph Clarence júnior ha reconstruido su vida destrozada. Ahora está listo para hacerse cargo del imperio de la familia. Para celebrar su trigésimo cumpleaños, el primo de Edward lo lleva al club nocturno más elegante de la ciudad, el Pantheon. Presas del hechizo de Eros, Edward y Julius encuentran un amor que nunca han imaginado y la oportunidad de un futuro que solo se habían atrevido a soñar. Pero Ares, un conocido gánster y el más importante —y peligroso— cliente de Julius, los vigila, y la amenaza a su amor y a sus vidas crece día a día.

La rosa de Hereford

by Brenna Watson

A veces, solo en la adversidad descubrimos nuestro auténtico coraje. En plena campaña contra Napoleón y tras la muerte de su hermano, Nicholas Hancock abandona el ejército para convertirse en el nuevo conde de Sedgwick. Con él trae una promesa que se verá forzado a romper cuando la joven Madeleine Radford se cruce en su camino. Obligado a contraer matrimonio con ella para evitar un escándalo, Nicholas decide desterrarla a su propiedad más modesta y alejada de Londres. Once años después, tras coincidir en una fiesta, el rey expresará su deseo de conocer a su esposa Madeleine, y Nicholas no tendrá más remedio que volver a buscarla. Pero la mujer que encontrará en Hereford ya no es la joven asustada y tímida que dejó atrás. Ni aquella humilde propiedad es la misma que él le legó. ¿Puede el amor nacer entre las cenizas del rencor? ¿Y el tiempo curar las heridas del despecho? Nicholas y Madeleine tendrán que enfrentarse a supasado para descubrirlo.

La rosa del acantilado

by Helena Vicente Vicent L. Ochoa

El amor verdadero es tan raro de encontrar como una rosa en la niebla... pero está por encima de cualquier circunstancia. Desde hace siglos una temible maldición asola a la aldea pesquera de Carraig. Durante siglos han sufrido la plaga del mar y durante siglos han aplacado a la maldición sacrificando a una de sus jóvenes doncellas a la Bestia para vivir un año más sin miedo. Ese año es la puerta de Erin la que aparece pintada. Ella es la elegida y nada ni nadie puede salvarla. Pero Erwin, su hermano mellizo, tan parecido a ella que todavía los confunden, no puede soportar verla desaparecer para siempre. Desesperado; vestido de doncella, haciéndose pasar por su hermana y con el corazón encogido por el miedo, se embarcará hacia el siniestro risco donde le espera su final. Sin embargo, en lugar del monstruo, Erwin encuentra a Aillen, un joven príncipe atormentado por una maldición muy diferente a la que le contaron en la aldea y que no sospecha que Erwin no es la doncella prometida... Pero la maldición es real. Una muy difícil de romper. Porque solo alguien que se enamore de Aillen puede romper el hechizo y... ¿quién podría amar a una Bestia? *** Un emocionante retelling de La Bella y la Bestia con protagonistas LGTB.

La rosa del cielo (Guardianes del destino #Volumen 2)

by Karen P. Sánchez

¿Puede prohibirse el amor? Las leyes de los ángeles así lo ordenan, pero todos los corazones merecen ser amados. Valerine lleva siglos en la Tierra como guardiana del amor, enlazando corazones humanos y dibujando finales felices. Y a pesar de todo, nada ha llenado el vacío de su alma, que ni ella misma es capaz de comprender. Kilian, el ángel caído buscado por romper las leyes del Cielo, solo quiere venganza. Venganza contra quienes le encerraron, y hacia los que le arrebataron lo que más deseaba. Así irrumpe en la vida de Valerine, revelándole un secreto que hará que se cuestione todo en lo que cree. Incluso lo que cree que sabe sobre ella misma. Y mientras todo el Reino Celestial anda en busca de Kilian para encerrarlo por sus crímenes, algo hará que Valerine no lo delate. Porque a pesar del aura de peligro que lo rodea ¿puede quedar algo de luz en el ángel oscuro? Un diario del siglo XVIII contiene la clave de todoslos misterios a los que se enfrentan. Hay secretos que no pueden ser guardados para siempre, y el equilibrio en el Cielo está condenado a perderse si la verdad se desvela... Un corazón de hielo. Un alma de luz. Un mismo destino.

Rosa del Mar

by Ana Cecilia Castaño Amylynn Bright

Cuando el barco de Rosalía se hunde durante una horrible tormenta, ella está completamente segura de que jamás verá de nuevo a su prometido. Al despertar, se encuentra en un barco pirata, el Venganza de Neptuno, y en la cama de un famoso pirata, el Guapo Jack. Rosalía no tiene idea de lo mucho que su corazón quiere una aventura hasta que se la echan encima. Para cuando llegan a la capital pirata en Nassau, ¿su ministro prometido la querrá todavía? ¿Ella lo querrá? ¿Acaso Jack la dejará partir? Afortunadamente, una salvaje escapada de prisión es lo único reservado para ella…

A Rosa do Filho do Sultão (Os Herdeiros da Aristocracia #8)

by Linda Rae Sande

Dois jovens em busca de esposas. Uma lista de moças elegíveis. Um pai decidido a fazer sua filha se casar. Uma filha que não tem intenção de se casar. O que pode dar errado? Inspirado pelo casamento de seu pai com uma duquesa viúva, Ertuğrul vai a Londres com seu amigo inglês David Bennett-Jones, herdeiro do Visconde de Bostwick. Eles planejam participar dos entretenimentos da estação, com a intenção de encontrar noivas. Quando seu irmão, David, retorna após passar três anos no Império Otomano -- com um belo príncipe a reboque --, Adeline aproveita a oportunidade para apresentá-los a suas amigas solteiras. Ela pode não estar interessada em casamento para si mesma, mas está determinada a encontrar um marido para Lady Rose, e quem melhor do que Ertuğrul? Enquanto as três participam de bailes e soirées, elas logo descobrirão que, em vez de elas procurarem seus pares perfeitos, os seus pares é que poderão encontrá-las! Imbuído de uma paixão selvagem, uma pitada de diversão e todo o charme clássico da aristocracia britânica do Século XIX, A Rosa do Filho do Sultão, é um romance histórico emocionante, perfeito para os leitores que desejam se emocionar. 

Una rosa en invierno: La versión íntegra de un gran clásico del género romántico (Romántica Bolsillo Ser. #Vol. 9)

by Kathleen Woodiwiss

Hay libros que, como el amor verdadero, duran para siempre... Un clásico imprescindible de una autora emblemática del género romántico histórico. De todos los hombres que la cortejan, Erienne Fleming solo se siente atraída por Christopher Seton, un apuesto y burlón caballero estadounidense. Sin embargo la fuerzan a casarse con lord Saxton, un hombre con un pasado trágico que esconde las heridas de su corazón tras una máscara. Poco a poco, Erienne aprende a conocer la generosa naturaleza del extraño al que llama «marido», pero no puede evitar caer en la red de intrigas y pasión de Christopher. Y así, ante ella se abre una elección devastadora: someterse al deber y el honor o dejarse llevar por los dictados del corazón...

Una rosa en invierno: La versión íntegra de un gran clásico del género romántico

by Kathleen Woodiwiss

Hay libros que, como el amor verdadero, duran para siempre... Un clásico imprescindible de una autora emblemática del género romántico histórico. De todos los hombres que la cortejan, Erienne Fleming solo se siente atraída por Christopher Seton, un apuesto y burlón caballero estadounidense. Sin embargo la fuerzan a casarse con lord Saxton, un hombre con un pasado trágico que esconde las heridas de su corazón tras una máscara. Poco a poco, Erienne aprende a conocer la generosa naturaleza del extraño al que llama «marido», pero no puede evitar caer en la red de intrigas y pasión de Christopher. Y así, ante ella se abre una elección devastadora: someterse al deber y el honor o dejarse llevar por los dictados del corazón...

La rosa en la escarcha (Velo de norte #Volumen 2)

by Judit Fernández

El trepidante desenlace de una apasionada historia de amor, aventura, camaradería y amistad. Amor, valor y fortuna: sus caminos están entrelazados, y tomen la decisión que tomen su amor habrá de sobrevivir a los azares del destino. Tras haber recuperado la memoria, libre ya de las calles y traiciones de Venecia, el camino conduce a Einar de regreso a Escandinavia junto a la joven cristiana. Un nuevo mundo de aventura y descubrimientos se abre ante Gabriella, que debe enfrentar una difícil decisión: luchar para adaptarse a la vida entre esos bárbaros salvajes junto al hombre que ama, o regresar a la tierra de aguas turquesas que tan bien conoce y volver a ponerse la túnica de «La sirena». ¿Podrá su amor sobrevivir a la inmensidad de los fríos parajes del norte y la hostilidad de los vikingos? ¿o los dioses mismos serán laluz que guíe su camino? Descubre la gran aventura que llevará a una joven cristiana a descubrir el mundo vikingo.

Rosa no Inverno

by Tanya Anne Crosby

Tendo que enfrentar a sinistra perspectiva de um casamento forçado com um imprestável assecla do rei Estevão, Rosalynde, a desafiadora filha caçula de Morwen Pendragon, decide resolver a questão por si mesma. Com a ajuda do livro de feitiços da mãe e um hábito roubado, ela se faz passar por uma simples freira e foge de um destino terrível... Giles de Vere, senhor de Warkworth, está prestes a aceitar um casamento arranjado, com ninguém menos que a irmã de Rose, a adorável Seren, que tem a reputação de ser a mais bela de Gales. Mas o destino tem seus próprios desígnios. Quando o ousado cavalheiro se torna o relutante campeão de uma freira indefesa, não faz ideia da verdadeira identidade da dama. Só sabe que mesmo não sendo bonita, há algo de mágico em Rose que fala diretamente ao seu coração...

La rosa roja (Los caballeros del Rey #Volumen 1)

by Jimena Cook

Primera entrega de la serie «Los caballeros del Rey», una serie de romance medieval en la que la protagonista tendrá el corazón dividido entre dos hombres, uno cuyo rostro conoce y otro de rostro desconocido. Ella nunca sabrá la verdadera identidad del hombre que oculta su rostro y se hace llamar «El caballero de la rosa roja». Rosa, hija del marqués Álvarez de Toledo, intrépida y rebelde, no está dispuesta a seguir las directrices que se espera de ella. Su pasión por la orfebrería la llevará hasta el barrio judío de la ciudad toledana donde se verá involucrada en una serie de sucesos que cambiarán el rumbo de su vida. Un asesinato, un caballero con una identidad oculta y una joya deseada por muchos se cruzarán en su camino cambiando con brusquedad su destino. El capitán Alonso Díaz tiene una misión que le ha encomendado la reina Constanza: debe ir hasta los reinos del Norte y allí encontrar una esmeralda, pero antes de que pueda llevar a cabo su misión, la sospecha de una invasión de los almorávides en la ciudad de Toledo le obliga a viajar hasta allí y proteger sus murallas. La decisión del capitán Alonso Díaz hace que Rosa se cruce en su camino irrumpiendo de golpe en su vida. Nada será como antes. Intrigas y traiciones llevarán a ambos personajes a tomar decisiones que pondrán en peligro sus vidas. Una noble desaparecida, un trágico suceso, un caballero misterioso y una joya que muchos desean encontrar llevará a los protagonistas a realizar un viaje lleno de aventuras y peligros que les conducirá hasta la ciudad santa, Santiago de Compostela; allí, entre los muros de la catedral que se está construyendo se encuentran las respuestas a todas las preguntas. Y mientras esto sucede... el corazón de Rosa estará dividido entre dos hombres: el capitán Alonso Díaz y el misterioso caballero de La rosa roja.

Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake (Winner Bakes All #1)

by Alexis Hall

Fans of Casey McQuiston, Christina Lauren, and Abby Jimenez will love this scrumptious and sweet romantic comedy from the "dizzyingly talented writer" of Boyfriend Material (Entertainment Weekly)Publishers Weekly Summer Reads Top 10 Staff PicksOprah Daily Most Anticipated Romance Novels of 2021Buzzfeed Must-Read Spring Romance NovelsGoodreads Sexy Spring RomancesLGBTQ Reads: Most Anticipated Adult LGBTQAP Fiction 2021We Are Bookish: Spring Releases to Have on Your RadarFollowing the recipe is the key to a successful bake. Rosaline Palmer has always lived by those rules—well, except for when she dropped out of college to raise her daughter, Amelie. Now, with a paycheck as useful as greaseproof paper and a house crumbling faster than biscuits in tea, she&’s teetering on the edge of financial disaster. But where there&’s a whisk there&’s a way . . . and Rosaline has just landed a spot on the nation&’s most beloved baking show.Winning the prize money would give her daughter the life she deserves—and Rosaline is determined to stick to the instructions. However, more than collapsing trifles stand between Rosaline and sweet, sweet victory. Suave, well-educated, and parent-approved Alain Pope knows all the right moves to sweep her off her feet, but it&’s shy electrician Harry Dobson who makes Rosaline question her long-held beliefs—about herself, her family, and her desires.Rosaline fears falling for Harry is a guaranteed recipe for disaster. Yet as the competition—and the ovens—heat up, Rosaline starts to realize the most delicious bakes come from the heart.

Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake: Winner Bakes All (Winner Bakes All #1)

by Alexis Hall

'A dizzyingly talented writer' Entertainment Weekly 'Joyfully queer, absurdly funny and swoonily romantic' K J Charles'Brilliance on every single page' Christina Lauren LGBTQ Reads: Most Anticipated Adult LGBTQAP Fiction 2021We Are Bookish: Spring Releases to Have on Your Radar_____________A delicious romantic comedy by the bestselling author of Boyfriend Material, perfect for fans of Casey McQuiston, Christina Lauren, and Abby Jimenez.As an expert baker, Rosaline Palmer is a big believer in always following the recipe. She's lived her life by that rule - well, except for when she dropped out of college to raise her daughter, Amelie. Now, with a paycheck as useful as greaseproof paper and a house crumbling faster than biscuits in tea, she's teetering on the edge of financial disaster. But where there's a whisk there's a way . . . and Rosaline has just landed a spot on the nation's most beloved baking show. Winning the prize money would give her daughter the life she deserves, but more than collapsing trifles stand between Rosaline and sweet, sweet victory. Suave, well-educated, and parent-approved Alain Pope knows all the right moves to sweep her off her feet, but it's shy electrician Harry Dobson who makes Rosaline question her long-held beliefs - about herself, her family, and her desires.Rosaline fears falling for Harry is a recipe for disaster. Yet as the competition - and the ovens - heat up, Rosaline starts to realize the best quality bakes come from the heart . . . Find out why readers are raving about Alexis Hall . . . 'The undisputed master of romantic comedy' Jenny Holiday'Every once in a while you read a book that you want to SCREAM FROM ROOFTOPS about. I'm screaming, people!' Sonali Dev'The writing is witty, and [the] chemistry is irresistible, but it's Hall's insights about trust and self-worth that set the story apart. This is a triumph' Publishers Weekly 'Hall does it again with this scrumptious, quietly subversive rom-com again . . . Hilarious, heartwarming, and grounded, Rosaline's story proves that happy endings look different from person to person' Publishers Weekly

Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake: Winner Bakes All (Winner Bakes All #1)

by Alexis Hall

'A dizzyingly talented writer' Entertainment Weekly 'Joyfully queer, absurdly funny and swoonily romantic' K J Charles'Brilliance on every single page' Christina Lauren LGBTQ Reads: Most Anticipated Adult LGBTQAP Fiction 2021We Are Bookish: Spring Releases to Have on Your Radar_____________A delicious romantic comedy by the bestselling author of Boyfriend Material, perfect for fans of Casey McQuiston, Christina Lauren, and Abby Jimenez.As an expert baker, Rosaline Palmer is a big believer in always following the recipe. She's lived her life by that rule - well, except for when she dropped out of college to raise her daughter, Amelie. Now, with a paycheck as useful as greaseproof paper and a house crumbling faster than biscuits in tea, she's teetering on the edge of financial disaster. But where there's a whisk there's a way . . . and Rosaline has just landed a spot on the nation's most beloved baking show. Winning the prize money would give her daughter the life she deserves, but more than collapsing trifles stand between Rosaline and sweet, sweet victory. Suave, well-educated, and parent-approved Alain Pope knows all the right moves to sweep her off her feet, but it's shy electrician Harry Dobson who makes Rosaline question her long-held beliefs - about herself, her family, and her desires.Rosaline fears falling for Harry is a recipe for disaster. Yet as the competition - and the ovens - heat up, Rosaline starts to realize the best quality bakes come from the heart . . . Find out why readers are raving about Alexis Hall . . . 'The undisputed master of romantic comedy' Jenny Holiday'Every once in a while you read a book that you want to SCREAM FROM ROOFTOPS about. I'm screaming, people!' Sonali Dev'The writing is witty, and [the] chemistry is irresistible, but it's Hall's insights about trust and self-worth that set the story apart. This is a triumph' Publishers Weekly 'Hall does it again with this scrumptious, quietly subversive rom-com again . . . Hilarious, heartwarming, and grounded, Rosaline's story proves that happy endings look different from person to person' Publishers Weekly 'A tasty tale that most Bake Off fans could get their teeth into...' Sunday Post

Rosalyn and the Scoundrel

by Anne Herries

An Unlikely MatchDamian Wrexham, Earl Marlowe had been expecting Miss Rosalyn Eastleigh to be a spinsterish old maid. Though tall and headstrong, rather than petite and fragile, the young woman was much too beautiful to set upon the shelf just yet!With her quick wit and rebellious spirit, Rosalyn yearned for adventure beyond the narrow confines of society life. She was irresistibly drawn to her mysterious neighbor, even knowing he could severely damage her reputation. How much was she prepared to sacrifice to find love?


by Bertrice Small

Rosamund Bolton is the heiress to the manor of Friarsgate in the wild Cumbrian border between England and Scotland. More than a splendid inheritance, Friarsgate will chart the fate of the orphaned beauty widowed at a precious young age.<P><P> It will take her on an adventure that will test the limits of passion and betrayal, change the meaning of the word enemy, and turn even the most daring fantasy into true love...

Rosanna's Gift (The Amish of Southern Maryland #4)

by Susan Lantz Simpson

In Southern Maryland’s serene Amish country, one young woman’s life is changed by an unexpected request . . . “She’s yours.” Until now, Rosanna Mast’s hopes for the future have all revolved around handsome Henry Zook. But when a young Englisch girl places her newborn daughter in Rosanna’s arms and utters those words, shock quickly turns to fierce, protective devotion. Between helping her midwife mamm and caring for her own siblings, Rosanna has plenty of experience with babies. And who wouldn’t love a sweet-natured boppli like little Mollie? Yet to her dismay, Henry has no intention of ever taking on another man’s child. Instead, it is steady, thoughtful Paul Hertzler who becomes Rosanna’s staunch supporter. Paul knows he should have acted sooner on his feelings for Rosanna. Now, as her dream of adopting Mollie meets unexpected hurdles, he sees a way to help. Rosanna would do anything to keep baby Mollie—perhaps even agree to marriage. But will Rosanna continue to hold him at arm’s length, or see that he longs to offer her the love and family she deserves?

The Rosary and the Badge (Saint of San Francisco #2)

by Jerry Sacher

Sequel to The Saint of San FranciscoSaint of San Francisco: Book TwoJeremy Haniver has finally started his new life in San Francisco, where he has a job working in a Castro coffee shop and a boyfriend, police officer Mark Caparelli, to watch out for him. After solving the mystery surrounding the death of a young sailor, Jeremy and Mark are ready to lay off the adventure for a while. But trouble has a way of finding Jeremy no matter how hard Mark tries to keep him out of it. When Jeremy unwittingly bids on a piece of jewelry stolen from the sunken ship Empress of Ireland, trouble comes calling--literally. First Jeremy receives bizarre threatening phone calls demanding the object's return. Next, around town he starts seeing a stranger--the jewelry's "owner"? Then Jeremy finds himself being held prisoner--and it's up to Mark to find him and free him before it's too late.

Rosas amarillas para conquistar a la señorita Remington

by Ana F. Malory

¿Quién diablos es el señor Talbot y por qué se empeña en coincidir con ella cerca de los rosales de cualquier jardín? Anna Remington acompañará a su prima en su debut social. Huérfana, y aunque algo mayor para considerarse un buen partido, la joven tiene claro que solo irá al altar por amor y ninguna otra razón la haría abandonar su preciada independencia. Pronto se da cuenta de que no hay riesgo de que su corazón se prende por nadie, apenas tiene pretendientes y ninguno de ellos le interesa. Solo el señor Talbot hace que su pecho se llene de ilusión cuando está cerca, pero está convencida de que la única intención de él es burlarse de su inocencia y utilizarla para cubrir un romance poco conveniente con otra mujer. Bruce Talbot queda prendado de Anna nada más verla, y aunque nunca le han interesado las jovencitas debutantes, hay algo en esa mujer en concreto que le intriga. Conforme la va conociendo, sus sentimientos se fortalecen, lo que le hace temer acabar irremisiblemente enamorado de ella. Sin embargo, una antigua amante despechada parece empeñada en malograr la imagen que la Anna tiene de él. ¿Cómo podrá Bruce convencerla de que no es cierto y de que sus intentos por acercarse a ella no son por mera diversión?

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