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The Scrooge of Loon Lake (Small-Town Sweethearts #4)

by Carrie Nichols

It’s the most wonderful time of the year……with the grumpiest man in town!The love of his life left him. The navy discharged him. So former lieutenant Des Gallagher sees no reason to celebrate Christmas—now or ever. Yet when Natalie Pierce shows up on his doorstep, a bright light enters his gloomy existence. As Des shapes her—and her little son’s—world for the better, she wonders if a scrooge could turn into the perfect Santa…

Scrooged Over (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by David Connor

For dueling radio hosts Deke and Dudley, the battle over Christmas starts the day after Thanksgiving. Deke hates the whole season. Dudley is a yuletide overachiever. They put their debate to a vote, inviting audience members to weigh in. The loser must go on a blind date of the winner's choosing. Dudley decides he wouldn't mind taking the loss, if his blind date, picked by Deke, turns out to be Deke himself. As Christmas gets closer, not only does that fantasy seem unlikely, but everything that can go wrong for Dudley does, including malfunctioning decorations, rancid cookies, and a lost pile of hundreds of handwritten Christmas cards. Just days before Santa's arrival, Dudley's about to throw in the red and green towel and join all the haters. It'll take a miracle to change his mind....A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Scrudge & Barley, Inc.

by John Inman

A classic tale takes off in sexy new directions! Poor Mr. Dickens must be twirling in his grave. When E.B. Scrudge, putz extraordinaire and all-around numbnuts, is visited by his dead ex on Christmas Eve, he can't imagine how his life could sink any lower. But the three ghostly spirits that come along after are even worse! Good lord, a dyke, a drag queen, and rounding out the trio, a big, hunky bear with nipple rings and a butt plug! What's next? What's next is a good deal of soul-searching and some hard lessons learned with a dash of redemption thrown in for good measure. And love too, believe it or not. Love that had been simmering all along at the heart of Scrudge's miserable existence, although he was too selfish to see it--until a trio of holiday beasties pointed his sorry ass in the right direction.


by Judith Krantz

Scruples is the novel that created publishing history, the first-and widely acknowledged to be the very best-novel ever written about the staggeringly luxurious life of a Beverly Hills boutique and the people who work in it. Scruples was translated into twenty languages and made Rodeo Drive famous around the world. With Scruples, Judith Krantz earned her reputation as a blazingly talented and original storyteller. She takes her readers behind the scenes of wealthy and fame to show them the real people and the real emotions that exist at the core of even the most high-powered lives. Scruples is the leader of her #1 best-selling novels.

Scruples (Scruples #1)

by Judith Krantz

Scruples is the novel that created publishing history, the first-and widely acknowledged to be the very best-novel ever written about the staggeringly luxurious life of a Beverly Hills boutique and the people who work in it. Scruples was translated into twenty languages and made Rodeo Drive famous around the world. The New York Post said that "Scruples was born to be a smash bestseller. . . It has more inside information about the worlds of high fashion and Hollywood than you'd find in a dozen manuals." With Scruples, Judith Krantz earned her reputation as a blazingly talented and original storyteller. she takes her readers behind the scenes of wealthy and fame to show them the real people and the real emotions that exist at the core of even the most high-powered lives. Scruples is the leader of her #1 best-selling novels.From the Paperback edition.

Scruples Two (Scruples #2)

by Judith Krantz

Billy Ikehorn: Meet again the magnificent owner of Scruples. Billy is imperious and stubborn, a creature of rampant sexuality, too rich, too vulnerable and far, far too impulsive. The story begins on the day after Scruples ended, the day on which Billy's husband, producer Vito Orsini, won the Oscar for Best Picture. Spider Elliot, who reigns like a pasha at Scruples, is a man who adores women and can read their minds. He is more than tough enough to stand up to Billy. Valentine O'Neill is the brilliant young designer for Scruples. As alert as a vixen, hot tempered, and thoroughly lovable, she is as difficult to pin down as a mermaid. Now Billy, Spider and Valentine have explosive unfinished business. Watch the sparks fly as this irresistible story unfolds with an enchanting new cast of characters, including Gigi (Graziella Giovanna) Orsini, Vito's daughter from an early marriage. Gigi, with her charm, independence and wild sense of humour, changes the lives of everyone who knows her. It is Billy and Gigi who together dominate the new chapter in a story millions of readers wish had never ended.

Sculpt (The Art of Kink #3)

by Becca Jameson Paige Michaels

Sculpt is a rerelease of the third book in The Art of Kink series. No changes have been made to the original text.Lucinda Chatman has dabbled enough in BDSM to know what she wants—a firm Dom who can control her no matter what she throws his way. Her checkered past in the world of BDSM, however, keeps her out of the limelight. She has pissed off some of the big players in Minneapolis and is less than welcome at most venues. For months, she has stuck to her new day job teaching pottery to children and trying to stay out of trouble.Theo Matthews hasn’t had a full-time submissive for a long time. He’s spent the last few years climbing the corporate ladder as a broker while practicing Aikido on the side. When he spies Lucinda at a club, he watches her every move while she reacts to a scene and decides to approach her. Could it be she is just the sort of bratty submissive he’s been hunting for? Someone who will challenge him every step of the way and keep him interested in her at the same time?When Theo confronts Lucinda and immediately puts her in her place, sparks fly. He makes demands on her that heat her up and her mind running for the first time in her life. In return, Lucinda challenges him every step of the way, wondering if he can provide the sort of dominance she needs.There are obstacles, however. Lucinda’s ailing father needs her in Atlanta. And Theo isn’t sure she will remain interested in a Dom like him once the newness has worn off. She needs a firm hand. But will she still need him after she recognizes how much more she can be if she lets go of her past mistakes?

The Sculptress

by Eva Hore

Julie's depressed because her lover Bethany is overseas and has told her to get on with her life. But how can she, when all she wants is Bethany back?To take her mind off Bethany, her flatmate Cynthia drags her along to meet a sculptress named Margaret. The artist's raunchy nudes turn Julie on more than she would've thought. Then she's introduced to Amanda, Margaret's beautiful model, and her troubles are soon forgotten.The attraction between Amanda and Julie is intense and immediate. Then Julie decides to try her hand at sketching, and Amanda agrees to model for her. But when Margaret leaves the two of them alone, they do more than sketching. It doesn't take Amanda long to draw Julie in and forget about her broken heart.What will happen when Margaret returns to find the two of them entwined together in a passionate pose of their own? Or when Cynthia returns with a little surprise of her own?

Scusa, mi sono innamorato

by Diana Scott Jessica Catani

Romanzo Romantico. Più di 100.000 lettori hanno letto questa saga La storia d'amore, la suspence e l'azione continuano. "Scusa, mi sono innamorato" è il quinto libro della Saga Infedeltà, romanzi contemporanei con una forte dose di eros, azione e avventure. E quando un giorno sei disposta a smettere di piangere, lui torna... Questo pensò Barby disgustata, mentre provava a salvare la vita di un soldato che si dissanguava tra le sue braccia. Da quando era piccola, sapeva che Carlos era l'uomo della sua vita. I suoi primi sogni, le sue prime canzoni d'amore, i suoi innocenti baci volanti. Tutti i suoi sorrisi nascevano e morivano per lui... ma le cose non potevano continuare così. Lei è puro sentimento, lui sa solo divertirsi. Entrambi lotteranno contro il destino, affinché il passato sia passato e resti come tale. Carlos è un lupo solitario che non merita il suo amore. Marc è il nuovo uomo dei suoi sogni. Carlos è oscuro e irritante, Marc è affettuoso e allegro. Marc fa innamorare col suo sorriso. Carlos non conosce la felicità. Il passato e il futuro si scontreranno in una lotta fatta di segreti ed ardenti passioni che combatteranno per essere liberati. L'oscuro passato di Carlos combatterà contro l'affetto di Marc e solo lei avrà l'ultima parola. È vero che l'amore suona sempre due volte? Una romanzo contemporaneo e di finzione militare che ci aprirà gli occhi e il cuore davanti ad una realtà a cui non possiamo dare le spalle. Saga Infedeltà Dopo di te È grazie a te Custode del tuo cuore Gioco di Passioni Scusa, mi sono innamorato Legata a un sentimento

Se avessi te

by Violet Haze Bianca Rita Cataldi

Lei ha compiuto una decisione irreversibile che li ha divisi. Lui non ha mai perdonato la ragazza che ha cambiato tutto il suo mondo. Il loro futuro permetterà che abbiano una seconda possibilità per il loro amore? Quando Darcy vede colui che crede sia il suo fidanzato del liceo, Zach, colui a cui ha spezzato il cuore e la fiducia una decina di anni prima, lo segue malgrado sappia che lui le farà pagare il suo tradimento nel momento stesso in cui la vedrà. Un attimo dopo, il suo mondo non sarà più lo stesso. Zachary non ha perdonato né dimenticato la ragazza la cui decisione ha cambiato le loro vite e lo ha portato ad allontanarsi dai suoi genitori. Nell'istante in cui incrocia di nuovo il suo cammino, non resiste alla tentazione di posare di nuovo le sue mani su di lei in qualunque modo riesca a farlo, e il risultato è un confronto esplosivo che accende ben presto la passione che entrambi hanno ignorato per troppo tempo. Vite complicate si mescolano a storie passate che lasciano entrambi desiderosi di ritrovare il loro legame e di ottenere ciò che hanno sempre voluto. Solo che nulla è semplice e loro non sono preparati per ciò che il futuro ha da offrire.

Se busca a... 6ºC (Serie La guerra de 6ºA #6)

by Sara Cano

Dos clases rivales a punto de terminar el curso... Y un curso fantasma con muchas ganas de venganza. Más trastadas, estrategias y escalofríos en una nueva y espeluznante aventura. La guerra más gamberra que se ha librado jamás da el salto del colegio... ¡directamente al más allá! ALBER03_: Buah, menudo curso de alucine total. Este año, con la Copa Kurumi en nuestro Altar de las Victorias, vamos a ser la envidia de todo el cole. HUGO_: ¿En vuestro altar, dices? Tú te flipas, Álber. La Copa Kurumi también es nuestra. MAX_: Bueno, en teoría es un poco más nuestra, porque fuimos nosotros los que pensamos todas las estrategias para ganar la competición... EL_C4L4MBRES _: Uy, uy, parece que aquí van a saltar chispas... IN3S _: Chispas las que nos va a echar a nosotros el cerebro de estudiar, ¡que se está acabando el curso y llegan los exámenes finales! ESTORDOG_: Ay, Inés, no me hables de exámenes, que me dan dolor de tripa y se me quita el hambre. YULI_: Yo creo que lo que te está quitando el hambre no es eso... sino una perturbación en las fuerzas del universo. ALBER03_: ¡Ya está otra vez la loca del atrapasueños dando la lata con sus fenómenos paranormales! IN3S_: Pues yo creo que esta vez lleva razón, Álber... En medio de tanta guerra, se ha pasado el curso volando. Ahora, recién llegados de Kurumiland y justo antes de enfrentarse al reto más chungo del año (los terribles exámenes finales) 6ºA y 6ºB pelean por ver quién tiene más derecho a exhibir la Copa Kurumi en su Altar de las Victorias. Pero no cuentan con que no son los únicos que quieren tener el trofeo en su poder. De repente, una presencia misteriosa se apodera del colegio... y de sus vidas. La leyenda de un misterioso curso perdido que se aparece para atormentar a los alumnos de 6º desde tiempos inmemoriales resurge de las profundidades de la Historia del Recreo. 6ºA y 6ºB se verán obligados a volver a unir sus fuerzas y completar las pruebas que les imponen los alumnos fantasmas si no quieren pasarse repitiendo curso... eternamente. ¡La guerra de 6ºA! ¡Jujá!

Se busca novio

by Alexis Hall

SE BUSCA: Novio (falso) Perfecto en todos los sentidos Luc pertenece a una familia de estrellas del rock. Su padre se ha pasado veinte años entrando y saliendo de programas de desintoxicación. Ahora que ha regresado, Luc vuelve a estar en el ojo público y una foto comprometedora lo estropea todo. Para limpiar su imagen, Luc debe encontrar una relación bonita y normal... y Oliver no podría ser más bonito y normal. Es abogado, vegetariano y no ha provocado un escándalo en su vida. Por desgracia, no tienen nada en común, así que Luc y Oliver hacen un pacto para ser (falsos) novios de cara a la galería. Pero el problema de los noviazgos falsos es que pueden parecerse mucho a uno real. Te acostumbras a alguien, empiezas a enamorarte y no quieres soltarlo nunca.

Se buscan princesas (Forever #1)

by Cristina Boscá

Una novela ágil y joven, fresca, un fan fiction sobre los Gemeliers, una historia inolvidable que habla de música, de fans, del amor a diferentes edades, de la amistad, de la traición y de surf... Robin trabaja en la radio como locutora en un programa de música muy seguido, tiene una amiga crazy, Rebe, una pasión inconfesable por las redes sociales y una vida sentimental caótica. Pero ese día se levanta con la sensación de que algo chispeante le va a suceder y no es porque vaya a entrevistar a Jesús y Daniel, una pareja de hermanos gemelos que han revolucionado el mundo teen con sus canciones, sino porque algo le dice que ese encuentro cambiará su vida. Lo que no sabe en ese momento es que los acompañará en su próxima gira de conciertos y que tal vez empiece a sentir algo más que interés por uno de ellos, pero ¿se puede amar a alguien a pesar de la diferencia de edad? Baby es una adolescente con dos pasiones: el ballet y la música. De hecho ha quedado con Laura, su mejor amiga, en una emisora del centro para ver de cerca a sus ídolos Dani y Jesús y participar como público. No sabe que su vida dará un giro cuando sean elegidas por los gemelos para acudir como invitadas a un concierto solo para prensa... Cristina Boscá ha escrito una novela imprescindible para princesas. Inocente y rebelde a partes iguales, Forever es una experiencia de lectura única.

Se eu tivesse você

by Violet Haze Thais Monteiro

Ela tomou uma decisão irreversível que os separou. Ele nunca esqueceu a garota que mudou seu mundo inteiro. Seu futuro irá incluir uma segunda chance para o amor? Quando Darcy percebe que vê o que ela acredita ser seu querido Zacarias da escola, aquele cujo coração e confiança ela quebrou há uma década, ela o segue apesar de saber que ele vai fazer com que ela pague por essa traição no momento em que ele a vê. Mais tarde, um momento roubado e seu mundo nunca mais será o mesmo. Zacarias não perdoou nem esqueceu da menina cuja decisão afetou ambas vidas e resultou ser expulso de casa por seus pais. No instante em que ela segue seu caminho novamente, ele não resiste ao impulso de colocar suas mãos sobre ela de qualquer maneira que puder, e o resultado é um confronto explosivo que reina rapidamente em uma paixão por ele, ignorada por muito tempo. As vidas complicadas, misturadas com a história passada, deixam os dois perturbados com sua reconexão e hesitante com o que sempre quiseram. Nada é simples e nenhum dos dois está preparado para o que o futuro reserva.

Se Fosse Perfeito

by Colleen Hoover

Da autora de Amor Cruel, Isto Acaba Aqui e Verity Poderá uma história de amor perfeita sobreviver a tudo? Quinn e Graham conheceram-se numa situação em que nenhum dos dois se queria encontrar.Não foi um início digno de conto de fadas, mas o sentimento que os uniu foi mais forte do que o sofrimento e o desgosto que haviam partilhado. Anos mais tarde, o amor perfeito que sentem um pelo outro é ameaçado pelas imperfeições da vida a dois. As recordações, os erros e os segredos que durante muito tempo foram acumulando estão agora a afastá-los cada vez mais. E a única coisa capaz de salvar o seu casamento poderá transformar-se num inevitável ponto de rutura. Os elogios da crítica: «Íntimo e cru.» — USA Today «Esta representação de um casamento em crise é praticamente perfeita.» — Kirkus Reviews

Se me olvidó cómo olvidarte (Colección #BlackBirds)

by Iago de la Campa

Una historia de luces y sombras, de amores perdidos y reencontrados, de lo que significa encontrarse a uno mismo mientras exprimes la vida al máximo. Por Iago de la Campa, autor de Viajes a Kerguelen. #SeMeOlvidó «No se puede dejar atrás a quien no puedes olvidar.» Ha pasado un año desde que empezó un viaje para encontrarse, desde que decidió dejar atrás a sus amigos, a su familia y a Sofía. Sabía que no iba a ser el mismo cuando se fuera, pero era lo que necesitaba en ese momento. Entonces apareció Ana, un flechazo que prometía ser algo más. Pero un incidente provoca que los caminos con Sofía se vuelvan a abrir y vengan de nuevo sentimientos que parecían enterrados... #BlackBirds un refugio íntimo de papel. Libros irresistibles para leer, guardar y compartir. Es una nueva colección de espíritu indie y juvenil con contenido de no-ficción moderno: poesía, microcuentos, reflexiones, diarios... Su diseño rompedor y la colaboración de conocidos ilustradores, bloggers e instagrammers dan vida a estos libros que son pequeñas obras de arte, caprichos, que todos querremos tener, leer y atesorar.

Se non fosse per te (Questione Di Tempo Ser. #4)

by Mary Calmes N. A. M.

Seguito di A prova di proiettileJory Harcourt sta finalmente vivendo la vita che ha sempre sognato, essere sposato con un vicesceriffo federale lo ha cambiato: ha calmato i tumulti del passato e trasformato Jory da un ragazzo che se la dava a gambe al primo segno di pericolo in un uomo che affronta le situazioni difficili. Lui e Sam hanno due bambini, una casa in periferia e un mitico minivan. I giorni disastrosi sono finiti, la vita domestica è tranquilla e pacifica. Il che significa che è il momento giusto per un po' di azione: l'ex fiamma di Sam si rifà inaspettatamente vivo, e un sicario cerca di ucciderli mentre sono a una riunione di famiglia. Forse entrambe le cose sono ricollegabili a un testimone scomparso un anno prima. La sua vita familiare viene scossa, ma Jory non permetterà a nessuno di allontanarlo dai suoi cari. Prima di sapere cosa volesse dire avere una famiglia sua, sarebbe fuggito, ma ora non più. Sa che lui e Sam dovranno risolvere le cose insieme, perché sarà l'unico modo in cui riusciranno a farcela.

Se souvenir pour toujours

by Nuria Pariente Nogueras

Tout un cocktail de sentiments à la surface, qui vous attrapera depuis le début. Rappelez-vous pour toujours (partie 1 saga pour toujours) Se souvenir pour toujours Une nuit remplie de célébrations, accompagnée du tourbillon de mon ami Maty, qui a insisté pour que le monde entier me perde dans mes vingt-huit ans de vie. Une nuit pour réinitialiser la vie fade que d’autres m’ont imposée, pour ce qu’ils vont dire et ce fichu regard. Une nuit dont je ne me souviens plus très précisément à l’aube, après quoi je me suis découvert avec un homme énigmatique qui n’hésiterait pas à m'aider à revivre. Une nuit qui marquera la fin de ma vie ennuyeuse et parfaite en tant que fille riche, instruite et étirée, et qui donnera le coup d'envoi à une nouvelle vie folle. Une nuit, un homme et des événements dont vous vous souviendrez à jamais, Cintia Alonso


by Nelson Leonel De Benedetti Sky Corgan

Sete Pecados. Sete dias. Chandler Lexington Eu preciso de uma musa para a minha próxima exposição. Ela deve ser jovem. Ela deve ser virgem. E ela deve estar disposta a fazer tudo o que eu disser a ela. Sem perguntas. Emma Jones Nunca em um milhão de anos imaginei que seria selecionada para essa oportunidade única na vida. Agora estou sendo levada para uma ilha particular para passar uma semana sozinha com o mundialmente renomado pintor Chandler Lexington. Ele é lindo e misterioso e excêntrico. Eu pensei que ele fosse apenas me pintar, mas cada olhar sedutor tem uma intenção secreta escondida por trás dele, e eu estou começando a pensar que isso é mais do que criar arte.


by Kling Heidi R.

Still haunted by nightmares of her mother?s death, fifteen-year-old Sienna Jones reluctantly travels to Indonesia with her father?s relief team to help tsunami orphans with their post traumatic stress disorder?something Sienna knows a lot about. Since her mother?s plane went missing over the Indian Ocean three years before, Sienna doesn?t do anything if it involves the ocean or planes, so this trip is a big step forward. But the last thing she expects is to fall for Deni, a brooding Indonesian boy who lives at the orphanage, and just so happens to be HOT. When Deni hears a rumor that his father may be alive, Sienna doesn?t think twice about running away with him to the epicenter of the disaster. Unfortunately, what they find there could break both their hearts. A compelling summer romance, Sea marks the arrival of a stunning new voice in YA.

Sea Breeze Volume 1: Breathe; Because of Low; While It Lasts (Sea Breeze)

by Abbi Glines

This ebook bundle includes the first three books in Abbi Glines's Sea Breeze series: Breathe, Because of Low, and While It Lasts.From New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Abbi Glines comes three books set in the steamy town of Sea Breeze, where physical attraction is the only way to beat the heat. Breathe follows Sadie White and Jax Stone's passionate summer romance, while in Because of Low, Cage York finds himself caught in a messy love triangle, only to find himself escaping from it all and falling for someone else in While It Lasts.

Sea Breeze Volume 2: Just for Now; Sometimes It Lasts; Misbehaving (Sea Breeze)

by Abbi Glines

This ebook bundle includes three books in Abbi Glines's Sea Breeze series: Just for Now, Sometimes It Lasts, and Misbehaving.From New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Abbi Glines comes three books set in the steamy town of Sea Breeze, where physical attraction is the only way to beat the heat. Just for Now explores the dangerous chemistry between Preston and Amanda, while Sometimes It Lasts follows Cage York as he's torn between his love of baseball and the girl of his dreams. Finally in Misbehaving, Jason moves to Sea Breeze only to find himself falling for the local bad girl.

Sea Breeze Volume 3: Bad for You; Hold on Tight; Until the End (Sea Breeze)

by Abbi Glines

This ebook bundle includes three books in Abbi Glines's Sea Breeze series: Bad for You, Hold on Tight, and Until the End.From New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Abbi Glines comes three books set in the steamy town of Sea Breeze, where physical attraction is the only way to beat the heat. Bad for You follows Krit Corbin and Blythe Denton's addicting romance, while Dewayne Falco confronts his dark past in Hold on Tight. And finally, Until the End brings the Sea Breeze series to a thrilling conclusion detailing how Rock Taylor and Trish Corbin met and fell in love, in addition to wrapping up all of the romances in the Sea Breeze series--Sadie and Jax, Marcus and Low, Cage and Eva, Preston and Amanda, Jess and Jason, Krit and Blythe, and Dewayne and Sienna.

The Sea Calls My Name

by Hollis Shiloh

He lost his magic. How? Returning to the bookstore by the sea, Daniel worries about how to tell his father that the money he saved to send his gifted son to magic school was a waste. Daniel buries his secret under the pretense of coming home for a vacation. Then he meets Leaf Springfield, a beautiful young man who's been systematically beaten down by his uncle. Irresistibly drawn to one another, they learn they share more than a love for raw fish and the ocean--both have lost a mother, and their ties to the ocean may be more fantastic than they can imagine. Passion explodes between the two. It terrifies Daniel how quickly his feelings for Leaf grow. There may be more here than meets the eye--about both of them.

The Sea Captain's Wife

by Beth Powning

Azuba Galloway, daughter of a shipwright, sees ships leaving for foreign ports from her bustling town on the Bay of Fundy and dreams of seeing the world. When she marries Nathaniel Bradstock, a veteran sea captain, she believes she will sail at his side. But when she becomes pregnant she is forced to stay behind. Her father has built the couple a gabled house overlooking the bay, but the gift cannot shelter her from the loneliness of living without her husband. When Azuba becomes embroiled in scandal, Nathaniel is forced to take her and their daughter, Carrie, aboard his ship. They set sail for London with bitter hearts. Their voyage is ill-fated, beset with ferocious storms and unforeseen obstacles that test Azuba's compassion, courage and love. Alone in a male world, surrounded by the splendour and the terror of the open seas, she must face her fears and fight to keep her family together.

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