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Sogni di Drago

by Dusty Lynn Holloway Silvia Dalla Zanna

La profezia di un assassinio. Una ragazza elfo a cui i draghi danno la caccia. Un uomo che rischia tutto pur di salvarla. Nachal è un umano che non dovrebbe fare sogni profetici di drago. Ma li fa. Ogni notte sogna un elfo che corre tra le fiamme, che cerca in vano di sfuggire al Drago Ribelle Obsidian. Ogni notte la vede cadere. Vede i suoi occhi chiudersi. Sente il suo cuore che rallenta e poi si ferma. Ogni notte, attraverso il legame del sogno, muore con lei. E' una spirale che non può controllare e che lentamente lo sta facendo impazzire. Auri è un elfo ed è stata allevata da un potente re umano pur non essendo del suo stesso sangue. Abbandonata dalla madre, morta lontano da El'dell, l'isola degli elfi, cerca di crearsi una vita tra gli umani. Segreti si celano dietro la tragedia e lei deve partire per trovare delle risposte. Il viaggio la porterà nella sua terra d'origine. Un posto che contiene sia un tradimento in agguato che un miracolo che potrebbe salvarle la vita. Liran è il comandante dell'elite da combattimento migliore di Terradin. Pochi eletti, conosciuti solo come gli Osservatori, che cercano con alacrità il cambio della marea. La regina con il potere di salvarli tutti dall'annientamento totale. Insieme, vengono coinvolti in una cospirazione dove i destini s'intrecciano, l'amore nasce dalle conseguenze del sacrificio estremo e l'unica strada per la vittoria è attraverso le fiamme dirompenti del fuoco dei draghi.

Sogni di una dottoressa

by J. J. Dibenedetto Tatiana Crescenzio

Tra l'adattamento alla vita da sposa novella e il tentativo di uscire indenne dal primo mese di facoltà di medicina, Sara Alderson ha molto a cui pensare. E di certo non ha bisogno di tornare a fare un giro tra i sogni altrui. Sfortunatamente per lei, sta accadendo comunque. Ogni notte vede una persona e un sogno diversi. Ma c'è un filo che unisce ogni sognatore: odiano tutti il Dott. Morris, il meno apprezzato tra i docenti della facoltà, e tutti sognano di vederlo morto, o renderlo tale. Ancora una volta, Sara riveste i panni di testimone involontaria di un omicidio prima che esso si verifichi. Ma questa volta, la rosa dei sospetti è ben più ampia, e non è di alcun aiuto il fatto che lei odi il Dott. Morris tanto quanto i suoi presunti assassini. Sogni di una dottoressa è il secondo volume della serie dei sogni.

Sogni Di Una Studentessa

by J. J. Dibenedetto Tatiana Crescenzio

E se poteste aver accesso ai sogni altrui? "Questo è uno di quei libri che vi conquisteranno e cattureranno sin dalla prima pagina. Non lo metterete giù fin quando non avrete finito di leggerlo". ~JadedAngel39 Che cosa fareste se aveste la possibilità di guardare nei sogni altrui? E se poteste guardare nelle loro più intime fantasie e scoprire i loro più profondi e oscuri segreti... a loro insaputa? E se loro potessero uccidervi? Sara Barnes pensava che tutto ciò di cui dovesse preoccuparsi comprendesse gli esami, i regali di Natale e decidere se farsi piacere la matricola carina dello studentato accanto che ha una cotta per lei. Ma poi inizia a vedere dei sogni che non sono i suoi e impara più di quanto avrebbe mai voluto sapere riguardo i suoi amici, i suoi compagni di corso... e anche riguardo un uomo misterioso e terribile i cui sogni potrebbero ucciderla. "Sogni di una studentessa" è il primo elettrizzante volume della Serie dei Sogni.

Sol de Medianoche (Saga Crepúsculo #Volumen 5)

by Stephenie Meyer

¡Llega la nueva novela de Stephenie Meyer! Revive la historia de amor inmortal de Crepúsculo contada desde la perspectiva de Edward Cullen. Cuando Edward Cullen y Bella Swan se conocieron en Crepúsculo, nació una historia de amor icónica. Pero hasta ahora, sus fans solo conocen la historia a través de Bella. Por fin los lectores podrán vivir la versión de Edward en la muy esperada novela Sol de medianoche. La inolvidable historia, contada a través de los ojos de Edward, toma un cariz nuevo y definitivamente oscuro. Conocer a Bella es lo más perturbador e intrigante que le ha sucedido en todos sus años como vampiro. A medida que se nos desvelan detalles fascinantes del pasado de Edward y la complejidad de sus pensamientos más íntimos, entenderemos por qué este es el conflicto interno que define su vida. ¿Cómo puede justificar los impulsos de su corazón si significan poner a Bella en peligro? En Sol de Medianoche, Stephenie Meyer nos transporta de nuevo a un mundo que ha cautivado a millones de lectores y nos trae una novela épica sobre los profundos placeres y las consecuencias devastadoras de un amor inmortal.

The Sol of Jupiter

by Thaddeus J.

2nd EditionTurner Michaels is an idealistic junior enlisted communicator who wants nothing more than to successfully execute his duties. After being transferred to a light armored reconnaissance unit in the middle of the Mojave Desert, the young Marine starts to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of place from his usual role of support-- until he is reunited with his old friend Jace Sozio. Jace is impulsive, headstrong, and loyal to a fault, but carrying a chip on his shoulder and keeping others at a distance is easier than being true to himself. Reconnecting with his closest friend from basic training might be simple, but the intense yet awkward attraction growing between them complicates both their personal and professional lives. Can devotion and honor be stronger than bigotry and misperception? The Corps has always been a sacred brotherhood where men and women trust each other with their lives--but Turner and Jace will have to find a different way to fit the General Issue mold.1st Edition published by Thaddeus J., June 2013

El sol y su sombra (La noche y su luna #Volumen 2)

by Piper C.J.

Un retrato tan auténtico como fantasioso de las experiencias queer, las familias elegidas y las zonas grises que nos definen a todos. Encuéntrame... Herida y desesperada, Amaris se ve obligada a navegar por su nuevo entorno con la ayuda del enigmático general de Raascot si espera seguir con vida. Al mismo tiempo, al otro lado del país y sin más opciones, Nox se asocia con la liga de asesinos pacificadores del continente, rogándoles ayuda para encontrar a Amaris y forjar cierta estabilidad entre los reinos. A medida que las heridas sanan y nuevas relaciones florecen, Nox y Amaris deben afrontar obstáculos imposibles y llevar su magia al límite si alguna vez quieren crear un mundo que finalmente pueda reunirlas para siempre. Pero ¿es el destino, el amor o algo completamente diferente lo que las une?

Sola ante el peligro

by Nora Roberts

Una mujer que no duda en enfrentarse al peligro, pero que debe reunir todo el coraje para abrir de nuevo una puerta al amor. A sus treinta y dos años, Phoebe MacNamara es la negociadora jefe del departamento de policía de la ciudad sureña de Savannah. Cada día arriesga su vida para salvar la de otros empleando únicamente sus hábiles dotes de persuasión. Es un trabajo que la absorbe por entero, para el que sabe que ha nacido. Fuera de él solo queda espacio para un estrecho círculo: su madre, su hermano, su avispada y precoz hija de siete años y unos leales amigos. Un universo pequeño, que la exaspera a veces pero sin el cual no podría vivir y al que ahora querría entrar Duncan Swift. Desde que la vio salvar a un hombre dispuesto a suicidarse, Duncan se ha sentido intigado y atraído por la mezcla de firmeza y sensibilidad que emana de Phoebe. Por eso pone en juego todo su encanto y simpatía para acercarse a ella, derribar poco a poco los muros que ha levantado a su alrededor y demostrarle que estará a su lado cuando el peligro se cierna, implacablemente, sobre la joven. La crítica ha dicho...«La escritora favorita de América.»The New Yorker

Sola con Mr. Darcy

by Anna Plantamura Abigail Reynolds

Elizabeth Bennet non può immaginare qualcosa peggiore dell' essere bloccata da una bufera di neve in un piccolo cottage con l'orgoglioso e sgradevole Mr. Darcy. Ma essere intrappolata per giorni - e notti - con un Mr. Darcy ferito e confuso che continua a dire le cose più bizzarre su di lei, è anche peggio. Perlomeno possiede l'utile dote di saper accendere un fuoco per evitare che muoiano di freddo. Ma quando la avvolge tra le sue braccia, lei scopre che il camino non è l'unico posto in cui lui sappia accendere un fuoco. E la piccola gattina mezza congelata che lui ha trovato nella catasta di legna non si sta dimostrando essere una grande accompagnatrice. Lei non crede affatto alla promessa fattale da lui di sposarla nel caso in cui qualcuno scopra che hanno trascorso due notti insieme da soli, soprattutto dopo aver appreso che lui in passato è stato tradito da un'altra donna, Quando i suoi peggiori timori si realizzano e la sua reputazione è distrutta, non è sorpresa di scoprire che Mr. Darcy è svanito nel nulla, non lasciandole altra scelta se non quella di trovare un marito non appena possibile prima che la sua famiglia sia rovinata. Un qualsiasi marito, non importa quanto lei non lo gradisca. Sebbene non riesca a dimenticare Mr. Darcy...

Solace Island (Solace Island Series #1)

by Meg Tilly

A contemporary novel with a strong suspense element from Oscar-nominated actress Meg Tilly set on a peaceful island village in the Pacific Northwest.Dumped on the eve of her wedding and looking for a quiet place to lick her emotional wounds, Maggie Harris joins her sister on Solace Island, where she hopes to recover from the stunning betrayal. At first, Maggie resists Eve's impassioned argument about relocating permanently so the sisters can open their own local bakery. What she definitely doesn't need on her road to recovery are Eve's efforts to fix her up with their mysterious and alluring neighbor, Luke Benson--even if he is incredibly handsome and desirable. Just as Maggie starts to get comfortable in her new surroundings, a car tries to run her down in the middle of the street. If it weren't for Luke's extremely quick reflexes, Maggie could have been killed, leading her to wonder just who exactly Luke Benson really is...Luke thought he'd left the violence of the high risk security world behind. But he can't stand by while Maggie's life is threatened. Luke will do anything to keep her safe--even moving Maggie and her sister into his house with its state-of-the-art security features. But with the secrets between them and an unknown threat stalking her heels, Luke will have to think fast to prove to Maggie that she can trust him with her life--and with her heart.

Solace Island (Solace Island #1)

by Meg Tilly

'This warmhearted romantic comedy delivers a feisty heroine, a sexy hero, and some very chilling suspense - all done with a fresh edge' New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann KrentzA contemporary novel with a strong suspense element from Oscar-nominated actress Meg Tilly, set on a peaceful island village in the Pacific Northwest.Dumped on the eve of her wedding and looking for a quiet place to lick her emotional wounds, Maggie Harris joins her sister on Solace Island, where she hopes to recover from the stunning betrayal. At first, Maggie resists Eve's impassioned argument about relocating permanently so the sisters can open their own local bakery. What she definitely doesn't need on her road to recovery are Eve's efforts to fix her up with their mysterious and alluring neighbor, Luke Benson--even if he is incredibly handsome and desirable.Just as Maggie starts to get comfortable in her new surroundings, a car tries to run her down in the middle of the street. If it weren't for Luke's extremely quick reflexes, Maggie could have been killed, leading her to wonder just who exactly Luke Benson really is...Luke thought he'd left the violence of the high risk security world behind. But he can't stand by while Maggie's life is threatened. Luke will do anything to keep her safe--even moving Maggie and her sister into his house with its state-of-the-art security features. But with the secrets between them and an unknown threat stalking her heels, Luke will have to think fast to prove to Maggie that she can trust him.Praise for SOLACE ISLAND:'An enjoyable supporting cast and perfectly portrayed relationship between sisters round out Tilly's successful and welcome venture into romance' Booklist'Strikes all the right chords by delivering a perfectly matched pair of protagonists; a wonderfully atmospheric setting; and an engaging, vividly sensual plot that is adeptly brushed with a generous dash of danger' Booklist'With steady pacing and engaging storytelling, Flynn [Tilly] effortlessly blends mystery and romance in a contemporary style that makes this story stand out. This sexy, heartfelt romance is sure to delight readers everywhere' RT Book Reviews'[A] fetching debut . . . a satisfying romance in a cozy, small- town setting. The sex scenes sizzle, and an unexpected suspect raises the tension' Library Journal (starred review)

Solamente una teoría

by Annie Wood Marcos Solís

Un tipo solitario viaja a un universo paralelo y encuentra una vida ideal allí. Justo cuando Martín piensa que su vida jamás irá a ninguna parte remotamente interesante, conoce a un excéntrico físico cuántico que le otorga la habilidad de viajar a sus vidas paralelas donde, en una de ellas, administra un exitoso Bed & Breakfast con su hermosa esposa en Italia. El problema es que no tiene control sobre nada de todo esto.

The Solarian Raven

by Rae Monet

The year is 1312.For Richard de Reincolt the mark of the Raven, the Realm healer, has become a burden. Richard must absorb the life pain of each person he touches and his mind sense is exhausted. Deciding to abandon his vocation, he joins with one of Robert the Bruce Scottish clans.Richard is happy with the arrangement until he meets the one pure soul who will help him heal. With his cleansing he forges a deep, abiding love.Megan McKinney is a beautiful spirit, clean of burdens. Revered by her clan, she has an uncanny natural healing ability towards animals. A perfect fit for Richard.Unfortunately, an evil force is at work, and kidnapping Megan is the way to fire up an age-old clan feud.Can Richard save Megan?

Sold and Seduced

by Michelle Styles

Lydia Veratia made one mistake--and now her freedom is forfeit To The man all Rome knows as the Sea Wolf. Sold into marriage, The one thing over which she still has control is her own desire. So when Fabius Aro offers her a wager--if she doesn't plead for his kisses in the next seven days, then she will have her independence--Lydia thinks it will be easily won. But Aro is a dangerously attractive man. And Lydia is finding his lips more and more tempting. . . .

Sold As Is

by Holley Trent

Mandy McCarthy is unlucky in love and hapless on the job. In six weeks, she couldn't sell a single used car at her stepfather's lot. Just when she begins to fret that her fortune will never turn around, her salvation arrives at Archie's A-1 Autos in a surprising form: the governor's son.Not only does Aaron Owen want to recruit Mandy to work for his car charity, but the two have an instant attraction that has them sneaking off for trysts during test drives. Unfortunately, Governor Owen plans to run for re-election and he expects his grown son to keep his nose clean. That means no shagging his staff, and definitely no falling in love with wildcards - at least not until after the election.Mandy doesn't want to play secret lovers and would rather let the love of her life go than hide as if she's a dirty little secret. With the governor blackmailing his son and threatening to pull his charity's grant funding if he doesn't drop her, Mandy figures her luck will run out again unless someone's willing to swing a U-turn . . . but who?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Sold for the Greek's Heir: A sensual story of passion and romance

by Lynne Graham

With this ring... After a whirlwind affair, Greek billionaire Jax Antonakos left Lucy Dixon heartbroken and-although he didn't know it-pregnant! Now Lucy is determined to make a new life with her tiny daughter, yet when Jax sweeps back into her world, she cannot mask her instant response to his seductive charisma! ...I thee buy! For Jax, a ready-made heir is well worth bidding for-especially when it guarantees making Lucy's luscious curves his. He's determined to stake his claim on her body-and their baby-by reminding her of their insatiable chemistry in the wedding bed!

Sold into Marriage

by Ann Major

The Wrong Brother?Christmas Eve. Paris. Two strangers' eyes meet. So romantic. Yet Josie didn't know her encounter with Adam Ryder was far from accidental. She could not regret the passionate evening she and Adam had shared--until she learned he was her boyfriend's brother, sent to ruin their relationship. What was she to do now that she was pregnant? Adam was arrogantly insisting on marriage. But there would be no convenience in wedding a man she loathed. . . and yet desperately desired. . .

Sold on Love (A Maple Falls Romance #3)

by Kathleen Fuller

She&’s a high-fashion realtor; he&’s a low-maintenance mechanic. What on earth could they have in common?Dressed in designer labels and cruising around town in her red Mercedes, workaholic realtor Harper Wilson presents the picture of success in charming Maple Falls. But Harper&’s carefully cultivated image is resting on a shaky foundation. With a sudden drought in sales, she&’s starting to see her professional dreams—along with her posh lifestyle—slipping away.Car trouble brings her to mechanic Rusty Jenkins, and their unlikely friendship is taken to the next level when the laid-back Rusty allows her to give him a makeover for a charity bachelor auction. Harper soon discovers that beneath the town mechanic&’s wild beard and grease-stained clothing lies a true Southern gentleman—someone with a kind heart and dreams of his own. Their chemistry is undeniable, but as they get closer, past fears and relationships start to creep in, reminding them of just how much is at stake when carefully constructed facades fall apart.Maybe their worlds aren&’t so separate after all. And maybe covering up who you really are keeps you from discovering what was always meant to be.Third book in the Maple Falls contemporary romance seriesBook One: Hooked on YouBook Two: Much Ado About a LatteBook Three: Sold on LoveCan be read as a stand-alone novelBook length: 81,000 wordsIncludes discussion questions for book clubs

Sold to the Enemy: Capelli's Captive Virgin Sold To The Enemy The Vásquez Mistress Bought: The Greek's Innocent Virgin

by Sarah Morgan

Stefan Ziakas might be her father's most hated business rival, but he's the only man who has ever made Selene Antaxos feel beautiful. So, needing to make a new life for herself, Selene apprehensively turns to Stefan for help.Except the dark-hearted tycoon is nothing like the white knight she remembers. Seduced, bedded and betrayed in a matter of days, Selene realizes it's not always better the devil you know. She's sold her soul-and her heart-to the enemy!

Sold to the Sheikh (Three Rich Men #2)

by Miranda Lee

The sheikh will have her—no matter what the price!When Australian supermodel Charmaine donates herself as a prize at a charity auction, the winning bidder is Prince Ali of Dubar. Now she has to be his dinner partner—he's paid five million dollars for the privilege!The Prince Ali makes her another outrageous offer: five hundred million dollars to be paid to her favorite charity if she agrees to spend a week with him. But Ali isn't paying for just her company…he's paying for her to grace his bed!

Sold to the Viking Warrior: A Marriage Of Rogues The Cowboy's Cinderella Sold To The Viking Warrior

by Michelle Styles

In her captor's bed! Women are not part of Sigurd Sigmundson's existence, and Eilidith should purely be a means to an end to gain access to a well-guarded Viking stronghold. He would have to be made of iron, though, not to be stirred by the warmly sensual woman beneath her ice-cold shield. Liddy has been made to feel ugly and insignificant because of her facial birthmark. Surely her captor couldn't physically desire her? But, oh, how the stifled, passionate Liddy yearns to experience unrestrained love in his arms...

The Soldati Prince (Soldati Hearts #1)

by Charlie Cochet

2nd EditionOne moment Riley Murrough is living a normal life working in a coffee shop, and the next he's running for his life from demons, learns he bears the mark of a shape-shifter king from a magical realm, and--worst of all--he's destined to become the mated prince to the arrogant tiger shifter he would rather strangle. Khalon, the shifter king, is equally distraught at the idea of being bound to a human prince, and along with his Soldati warriors, he sets out to return Riley to his own world where he belongs. On their journey they might discover why the priestess brought them together--if they can escape the demons and make it to her alive.First Edition published as The Soldati Prince in Charmed & Dangerous by JCP Books LLC, 2015.

The Soldier: The Heir, The Soldier, And The Virtuoso By Grace Burrowes (Windham Series #2)

by Grace Burrowes

This Regency era battle of wits, wills, and the sexes features a wily duke determined to see the succession of his line secured. The duke can't force his sons to marry, but he can make their lives miserable until they do. Resisting his pressure, each gentleman holds out for true love. The second book in the series features Devlin St. Just, the duke's oldest, but illegitimate, son. He arrives at his new estate weary in body and spirit only to find the previous owner's bastard daughter and her beautiful cousin are his responsibility and making his life almost unbearably complicated.

Soldier: Talon Rogue Soldier Legion (The Talon Saga #3)

by Julie Kagawa

When forced to choose between safety with the dragon organization Talon and being hunted forever as an outcast, Ember Hill chose to stand with Riley and his band of rogue dragons rather than become an assassin for Talon. She's lost any contact with her twin brother, Dante, a Talon devotee, as well as Garret, the former-enemy soldier who challenged her beliefs about her human side. As Ember and Riley hide and regroup to fight another day, Garret journeys alone to the United Kingdom, birthplace of the ancient and secret Order of St. George, to spy on his former brothers and uncover deadly and shocking secrets that will shake the foundations of dragons and dragon-slayers alike and place them all in imminent danger as Talon's new order rises.

The Soldier

by Rhonda Nelson

Subject: Adam McPherson, Special Forces. Current Status: Out of commission. . . for now! Mission: Return to battle. Obstacle: Winnie Templeman. She won't take no for an answer! Adam is Uncle Sam's man. Yet even his strict military discipline is no match for Winnie's charms! A horrific roadside bomb sent Adam home injured--and haunted. Feisty Winnie, however, has her own plan of attack. Her nonregulation method of sexual healing is guaranteed to get him back on his feet. But being flat on his back in Winnie's bed might be the best remedy of all. . . .

The Soldier and the Rose

by Linda Barrett

World War II to Present. Her Joe. Killed during the Second World War. Rose Kaufman thought she'd never stop grieving. He died without even seeing his baby daughter. But Charlie Shapiro, Joe's war buddy, didn't die. He came home to Brooklyn and dreamed of rebuilding his shattered life. With Rose. . . It's hard to believe sixty years have passed since Rose said I do to Charlie. Sixty years since she entered this marriage of convenience. . . not knowing if she'd ever love the gentle, caring man who adored her without question. Can love be as true the second time around? For Charlie, now in his eighties, only one woman can answer that.

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