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Stitch (Gothika #1)

by Sue Brown Jamie Fessenden Kim Fielding Eli Easton

Gothika: Volume OneWhen a certain kind of man is needed, why not make him to order? Such things can be done, but take care: Much can go wrong--but then, sometimes it can go wonderfully right. Imagine... In The Golem of Mala Lubovnya, a seventeenth century rabbi creates a man of clay to protect the Jews, and the golem lives a life his maker never imagined, gaining a name--Emet--and the love of a good man, Jakob Abramov. But their love may not survive when Emet must fulfill his violent purpose. In Watchworks, Luke Prescott lives as a gentleman in a London that never was. His unique needs bring him to famed watchmaker Harland Wallace. Romance might blossom for them if Harland can come to terms with loving a man and keeping him safe. In Made for Aaron, a young man in an asylum for being gay met the love of his life, Damon Fox. Twenty years later, Aaron thinks his life is over when Damon dies and then disappears from the hospital. Aaron is determined to find the truth, but secrets hide the unthinkable. Reparations unfolds on the harsh planet of Kalan, where weakness cannot be tolerated. When Edward needs help, his life becomes entwined with exceptional cyborg slave, Knox. But when Knox remembers things he shouldn't know, the two may pay a blood price for their taboo alliance.

A Stitch in Time

by Carol Cox Cathy Marie Hake Tracey Victoria Bateman Vickie Mcdonough

Four novellas are linked by the family they portray, and the women who sew--each novella named for the stitch its heroine favors. Deborah finds herself arrived in No Man's Land only to find that her fiancée has been killed. Rescued by Lou Stafford, she eventually proves that she is more than just "a prissy Easterner." Parson Trent Blackwell, a circuit rider, enters the picture after adopting two orphan boys who need a mother, which Lou, a Tom boy, finds herself interested in becoming. Rachel Donovan impersonates a boy to journey through No Man's Land, which surprises and outrages Josh, the family "tease", and, finally, Hope, who seems hopeless, plans an Independence Day celebration with Sam, who resents their families' attempts to foist her off on him. The setting, the small community Petunia, is enlivened by such characters as the store owner, who mourns his dead pig, Petunia, the Testaments, who like to carry off the women they "claim," and Grandma Stafford, the matriarch of the family.

A Stitch in Time (2019 Advent Calendar | Homemade for the Holidays #28)

by Asta Idonea

When Connor’s friend signs him up for a crochet course, the last thing he expects is to find love. However, at the community center, he meets hunky Finn. There’s only one problem: Finn assumes Connor’s there for the boxing class, and Connor lets him believe it, worried Finn will ditch him if he knows Connor prefers crafting to upper cuts. Can they salvage the situation when the truth comes out?A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2019 Advent Calendar "Homemade for the Holidays."

A Stitch in Time

by Amanda James

A woman anxious for adventure is swept off her feet in an award-winning time travel romance that’s a “Top Pick” (RT Book Reviews). Sarah Yates is a thirty-something Sheffield history teacher, divorced, disillusioned, and desperate to have more excitement in her life. Making all her dreams come true seems about as likely as climbing Everest in stilettos. Then one night the doorbell rings and the handsome and mysterious John Needler brings more thrills than Sarah could ever have imagined. John needs Sarah to go back in time. As it turns out, she possesses untapped powers as a “stitch”—and she has the ability to guide those in the past to make choices that can change the future. Sarah is whisked from the Blitz to the suffragette movement to Edwardian England to the prairies of the Old American West, trying to make sure that every couple gets their happy endings. The only question is, will she ever be able to find hers? “Hitch a ride and whisk back in time with a heroine readers will relate to, feel sympathy for and then root on till the finish. . . . Readers will be on the edge of their seats . . . in this unique, romantic story.” —RT Book Reviews

Stitches (Tales of the Gemstone Kingdoms)

by Amanda Meuwissen

Created by the alchemist Braxton, Levi was &“born&” fully grown and spends his early days learning about the monster-filled kingdom he calls home. Even though he is just a construct pieced together from cloned parts, Levi longs to fit in with his mythical neighbors, but more than that, he wishes he could say two words to the Shadow King without stuttering.Ashmedai has been king of what was once the Amethyst Kingdom since it was cursed a thousand years ago. Only he and Braxton know what truly happened the night of the curse, and Ash&’s secret makes walking among his beloved people painful, so he rarely leaves his castle. However, with Festival Day approaching, Ash wouldn&’t mind going out more often... if it means seeing more of Levi.Ash wishes he deserved the longing looks from those strangely familiar violet eyes. He knows no one could love him after learning the truth of the curse. But if anyone can change his mind, it is the sweetly stitched young man who looks at him like he hung the moon.

Stitches & Scars

by Elizabeth Vincent

After a move out of the big city to escape heartbreak, photographer Katherine Thomas embraces life in a new town. With her two best friends by her side, she's ready to start over and not look back. During her first major exhibition at a legitimate art gallery, Kate expects the inevitable nerves, but what she doesn't anticipate is meeting someone who--with one glance--leaves her breathless. What happens when the charming mystery man disappears, leaving Kate wanting more? Without even knowing his name, the odds of finding him again are stacked against her. Will fate intervene, and if it does, will her old wounds prevent her from acting on the undeniable connection she feels?

Stitching a Life: An Immigration Story

by Mary Helen Fein

It’s 1900, and sixteen-year-old Helen comes alone in steerage across the Atlantic from a small village in Lithuania, fleeing terrible anti-Semitism and persecution. She arrives at Ellis Island, and finds a place to live in the colorful Lower East Side of New York. She quickly finds a job in the thriving garment industry and, like millions of others who are coming to America during this time, devotes herself to bringing the rest of her family to join her in the New World, refusing to rest until her family is safe in New York. A few at a time, Helen’s family members arrive. Each goes to work with the same fervor she has and contributes everything to bringing over their remaining beloved family members in a chain of migration. Helen meanwhile, makes friends and—once the whole family is safe in New York—falls in love with a man who introduces her to a different New York—a New York of wonder, beauty, and possibility.

Stjerneskud siger ikke farvel

by Dennis Vinther Nielsen J. A. Marcos

Emily er en ung pige på 23, er historielærer, der bor sammen med sine forældre og sin lillebror, Jason. Alt ville være perfekt i hendes liv, hvis det ikke var for en lille detalje: hun er blind. Alligevel blev hun en selvstændig pige, der selvom vanskelighederne har formået at overvinde det faktum, at ikke kunne se og fører et normalt liv. Men Emily har stadig problemer med kærligheds livet på grund af fordomme mod at blive involveret med mænd, der har en anden livsstil. Men skæbnen ville at hun møder Mathew, hendes yngre nabo: ung, smuk, med tørst for livet. 21, Matt elsker at køre på sin motorcykel, har en tatovering, der fylder hele hans arm og han bliver charmeret af Ems sjældne skønhed. Hun er alt, hvad han nogensinde har ønsket sig, han er det modsatte af alt, hvad hun nogensinde havde forestillet at ønske sig.

Stoccata finale (Questione di tempo #5)

by Mary Calmes N. A. M.

Un libro della serie Questione di tempoLa vita non è mai stata facile per Duncan Stiel. La sua infanzia è stata un incubo. Il suo lavoro come poliziotto sotto copertura lo obbliga a nascondere la sua vera natura e, di tanto in tanto, lo fa finire in ospedale. Quando finalmente incontra l'uomo perfetto, non è una sorpresa che tutto vada completamente a rotoli. Quello che Duncan non si aspetta è che l'ostacolo più grande da superare prima di poter vivere la sua storia con Aaron Sutter è quello che porta dentro di sé. Tutti pensano che Aaron abbia tutto: bellezza, soldi, fama e un successo incommensurabile. Tutti tranne lui. Alla fine di ogni giornata, lontano dai flash, con le questioni di affari risolte e mentre gli amici tornano alle loro vite, Aaron si ritrova sempre solo. Nel momento stesso in cui incontra il travolgente detective Duncan Stiel, sa che farà di tutto per tenerlo con sé. Quando però capisce che i soldi non bastano a comprare la felicità, deve trovare la forza per regalare a Duncan qualcosa di molto più importante: il suo cuore.

Stock & Stein (Ty & Zane (Deutsch) #2)

by Madeleine Urban Abigail Roux Feliz Faber

Fortsetzung zu Auf & DavonBuch 2 in der Serie - Ty & ZaneVor sechs Monaten wären die FBI - Agenten Ty Grady und Zane Garrett in New York beinahe einem Serienkiller zum Opfer gefallen. Jetzt müssen sie sich mit etwas beinahe genauso beängstigendem herumquälen: monotoner Schreibtischarbeit. Als ihre Kollegen und Vorgesetzten sie schließlich gar nicht mehr ertragen können, werden beide zwangsweise in Urlaub geschickt. Ty beißt in den sauren Apfel und nimmt Zane mit in seine Heimat nach West Virginia--in der Hoffnung, dass sie in der friedlichen Stille der Berge Gelegenheit dazu finden werden, die explosive gegenseitige Anziehungskraft auszuloten, die sie bisher so gar nicht mit ihrer beruflichen Partnerschaft in Einklang bringen konnten. Ty und Zane machen sich zusammen mit Tys Vater und Bruder zu einer netten, entspannenden Bergtour in die Wälder des Appalachen-Gebirges auf... wo niemand sie schreien hören kann. Denn plötzlich sehen sie sich von allen Seiten mit Gefahren konfrontiert: unberechenbarem Wetter, erbarmungslosen Bergen, wilden Tieren und mit anderen Wanderern, die nichts zu verlieren haben. Und am Ende stehen Ty und Zane der furchterregendsten Herausforderung von allen gegenüber: sich selbst.

A Stockingful Of Joy

by Jill Barnett Mary Jo Putney Susan King Justine Dare

Now readers can enjoy the magical spirit of Christmas with this romantic quartet of stories filled with all the hope and joy of the holiday season.

A Stockingful Of Joy

by Hannah Howell

Join award-winning author Hannah Howell as she gives readers a double dose of romance for the holidays with two feisty, flame-haired cousins, a dangerous cross country chase, and two rough and rugged men who find love with the irrepressible, impossible Kenney women.... A Heartful Of WishesDeidre Kenney made a deathbed promise to her father--shot in cold blood by two gunmen looking for land deeds he was hired to deliver to Paradise, Montana. Deidre and her cousin Maura vow to finish the dangerous job, each woman taking a different route West. What Deidre didn't count on was a bodyguard--but that's what she gets in Patrick Callahan. With his broad shoulders, steady gun, and a crooked grin that's stirring secret desires--and one very special Christmas wish--Deidre knows the real danger ahead lies in the uncharted territory of her own heart.A Handful Of HeavenMaura Kenney hopes her cousin is having better luck making her way to Paradise. The tiny blue- eyed spitfire is too busy fending off drunken oafs and serious gunmen to have a lot of faith in her own success. But luck is on her side: his name is Mitch Callahan and he takes one look at lovely Maura and knows Christmas has come early. But convincing a prim-and-proper miss that a tough, tender-hearted rancher is the only man for her promises to be about as hard as keeping them both alive to share this very special Christmas together...

The Stockings Were Hung (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Cassie Sweet

Hill hates Christmas. The shoppers. The cheer. The drama. All of it. Each holiday season is a painful reminder that seven years before, his lover, Drew, walked out of his life and moved across the country, leaving Hill like a cup of rotten eggnog. Now Drew is back and wants Hill to put a little jingle in his bells. Well, not this Scrooge. Drew admits he moved to get away from Hill--but not for the reasons Drew gave him all those years ago. Some of his best memories are of Christmases he celebrated with Hill, and he wants nothing more than to spend a little holly jolly with the only man he's ever loved. However, getting Hill to agree to a reunion is going to take a Christmas miracle.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Stockton County Cowboys Book 1: Chasing Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #1)

by R. W. Clinger

Rugged and sexy Cord Darringer finds himself leaving Stockton County, Oklahoma, for three days when a business meeting for his belt buckle company sends him to Florida. While there, he meets adorable Bradley Hull, a no-nonsense businessman with a fondness for cowboys. Before Cord returns to Oklahoma, he agrees to have a date with Bradley. Unexpectedly the country boy falls for the city boy, and vice versa.Cute and charming Bradley always ends up getting burned. Chasing Cord feels safe to him, though. Not only does Bradley’s clothes come off for Cord, but his heart begins to open up to the wealthy cowboy, and he wonders if he has finally met Mr. Right. Is loving Cord a risk worth taking?Following his visit, Cord returns to Stockton County alone, but Bradley soon chases after him. But when Bradley arrives, a raging tornado sweeps through the county, destroying everything in its path. Will the two men survive the storm and live happily ever after? Or will the miles that separate them, and the tornado’s fury, keep them apart forever?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #2)

by R. W. Clinger

Cal Hoke, an onsite pretty boy veterinarian at Riding Ranch in Stockton County, Oklahoma, has a secret he will never share with his ranch hand coworkers: he happens to be in love with the ranch owner, Pax Raulton.Straight and sexy Pax is a chiseled, handsome, aggressive businessman at Riding Ranch. For years he has raised and sold thoroughbred Palominos. Pax is a private man who minds his own business on the ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spends days in recovery due to amnesia. Pax cannot remember a single detail from his past.Under Cal’s personal care and tender touch, Pax is provided with the help he needs to overcome his amnesia. As this healing process takes place, Cal learns Pax has a secret of his own, a secret that will change the two men forever.But something lurks in Pax’s history that he has forgotten, a dangerous and charmless someone with the potential to shred Pax’s world with ease. Is the bond between Pax and Cal strong enough to keep them together when the dark secret is exposed? Or will the two cowboys be forced to end their romantic ride together?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 3: Roping Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #3)

by R. W. Clinger

Artist and former actor turned Midwestern country boy, Dixon Pierce, has fallen head over heels in love with cowboy Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two cowboys plan to get married, with an extraordinary wedding service and reception to follow.While Dixon works on art, Gray runs a hot sauce company called Roping Cowboys in downtown Tulsa. Both are occupied with their careers, but always come together in the evening hours for some heavy-duty, cowboy romp-time between the sheets.But trouble lurks in their relationship when Dixon learns that Gray’s ex-boyfriends Toby wants to steal back the hot sauce creating cowboy. Then Dixon catches Gray and Toby in a compromising position, and all hell breaks loose.Dixon pulls himself away from his art and upcoming art show to try to rein in his cowboy and future husband. But Toby is not about to lose Gray a second time.Gray is torn between the two men. He loves Dixon, but seeing Toby again reignited the flame he once held. Will he be able to choose one cowboy over the other before Dixon and Toby come to blows over him?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 4: Branding Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #4)

by R. W. Clinger

Which eccentric cowboy in Stockton County branded Evan Sting on Shotner Hill, murdering the young man? This is what private eye Joe Boxford asks himself when he's hired by Evan's father Benny to find the murderer.Joe needs some help, and enlists the services of Tal Linear, owner of The Linear Bar. But sparks begin to fly between the two. As romance heats up between them, they attempt to solve the branding crime.As the suspects start to pile up and weird relationships unfold in West Stockton, Joe and Tal begin to unravel a heinous crime. That is, until Tal vanishes and Joe thinks his sleuth buddy is going to be the killer's next victim.Does Joe have the skills needed to be a hero and save Tal from the killer's secret agenda and solve the crime? Or will Joe fall flat on his face and lose his reputation as a private investigator as well as his new lover, Tal Linear?

Stockton County Cowboys Book 5: Saddling Cowboys (Stockton County Cowboys #5)

by R. W. Clinger

Sparks fly when Chip Cutter, the owner of a vacationing spot for rowdy cowboys, enters Dan Fargo’s Saddling Cowboys store, a retail shop that sells the finest saddles in Stockton County.As the heat of the Oklahoma summer rises, so does the passion between Chip and Fargo. However, their budding relationship is threatened when fires break out in downtown Blue Coyote. Fargo’s abusive ex-lover Brent Trigger returns, determined to protect Fargo from the arsonist.Fargo takes a personal interest in the fires and sets out to learn the identity of the arsonist. In the process, he begins to unravel other crimes happening in town. Rowdy gangs and nosy reporters push Fargo to the edge, challenging his sanity. Even when the arsonist is behind bars, Brent Trigger remains at large. Can Fargo and Chip put aside their differences, saddle up, and ride off into life’s wide blue yonder together?

Stockton County Cowboys Box Set (Stockton County Cowboys)

by R. W. Clinger

All five books (and one short story) of R.W. Clinger’s best-selling contemporary western Stockton County Cowboys series combined into one box set for the first time! Contains the stories:Book 1: Chasing Cowboys: After one date during a business conference, sparks fly between Cord Darringer and Bradley Hull. When Cord returns home to Stockton County, Bradley chases after him. Is it meant to be? Or will the miles that separate them keep them apart?Book 2: Riding Cowboys: Cal Hoke has a secret: he’s in love with ranch owner, Pax Raulton. Straight and sexy Pax is a handsome businessman at Riding Ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spends days in recovery due to amnesia. Under Cal’s care, Pax is provided with the help he needs to heal. Cal learns Pax has a secret of his own, a secret that will change the two forever.Book 3: Roping Cowboys: Dixon Pierce has fallen head over heels in love with Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two plan to get married, but Gray is torn. He loves Dixon, but running into his ex Toby again reignited the flame he once held. Will he be able to choose one cowboy over the other before Dixon and Toby come to blows over him? Book 4: Branding Cowboys: Which cowboy murdered Evan Sting? This is what Joe Boxford is hired to find out. When Joe enlists the services of Tal Linear, sparks fly between the two. Romance heats up as they attempt to solve the branding crime. Then Tal vanishes, and Joe thinks his buddy is the killer's next victim. Can Joe solve the case and save his lover at the same time? Book 5: Saddling Cowboys: Sparks fly when entrepreneur Chip Cutter enters Dan Fargo’s saddle store. When Fargo is implicated in a couple of fires downtown, his abusive ex returns, determined to protect Fargo. Eventually the arsonist is caught, but Brent remains at large. Can Fargo and Chip put aside their problems, saddle up, and ride off into life’s wide blue yonder together?Taming Brooks: New ranch hand Randy Marke falls for sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though?

Stockyard Snatching

by Barb Han

A Texas rancher will do anything to protect a woman in jeopardy and the little boy who could be his son... With the ferocity of a tigress, Kate Williams desperately fights a kidnapper trying to snatch her adopted son from her arms. When rancher Dallas O'Brien sees the skirmish, he bravely saves the infant and his lovely mother. Single and new in town, Kate accepts the handsome cowboy's offer of a safe haven at his ranch. Spurred on by their Texas-sized attraction, Dallas and Kate untangle a web of lies that throws the baby's paternity into question. And Dallas wonders-could he be a father? Could he be a husband? But when bullets start flying, the real question is, will he survive to find out?

Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion

by Jacob Risinger

An exploration of Stoicism’s central role in British and American writing of the Romantic periodStoic philosophers and Romantic writers might seem to have nothing in common: the ancient Stoics championed the elimination of emotion, and Romantic writers made a bold new case for expression, adopting “powerful feeling” as the bedrock of poetry. Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion refutes this notion by demonstrating that Romantic-era writers devoted a surprising amount of attention to Stoicism and its dispassionate mandate. Jacob Risinger explores the subterranean but vital life of Stoic philosophy in British and American Romanticism, from William Wordsworth to Ralph Waldo Emerson. He shows that the Romantic era—the period most polemically invested in emotion as art’s mainspring—was also captivated by the Stoic idea that aesthetic and ethical judgment demanded the transcendence of emotion.Risinger argues that Stoicism was a central preoccupation in a world destabilized by the French Revolution. Creating a space for the skeptical evaluation of feeling and affect, Stoicism became the subject of poetic reflection, ethical inquiry, and political debate. Risinger examines Wordsworth’s affinity with William Godwin’s evolving philosophy, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s attempt to embed Stoic reflection within the lyric itself, Lord Byron’s depiction of Stoicism at the level of character, visions of a Stoic future in novels by Mary Shelley and Sarah Scott, and the Stoic foundations of Emerson’s arguments for self-reliance and social reform.Stoic Romanticism and the Ethics of Emotion illustrates how the austerity of ancient philosophy was not inimical to Romantic creativity, but vital to its realization.

Stolen: A Cassidy & Spenser Thriller

by Carey Baldwin

Is she missing…or a murderer?When Laura Chaucer, daughter of a U.S. senator, vanishes from her college campus, celebrated FBI profilers Special Agent Atticus Spenser and forensic psychiatrist Dr. Caitlin Cassidy are called in. Thirteen years ago, Laura and her nanny disappeared from her family’s Denver home. Laura was found alive, but her nanny wasn’t so lucky… and the killer was never caught. Laura could identify him—if only she didn’t have a deep, dark hole in her memory. Now she’s missing again. Did the troubled young woman run away or has the kidnapper returned? As women who look eerily similar to Laura’s nanny begin turning up dead, the Chaucer family psychiatrist renders a disturbing opinion: Laura is unstable, a danger to herself and others. Who knows what terrible secrets lurk in the shadowy recesses of her mind? Cassidy and Spenser must solve one of the most infamous cold cases ever to uncover the answer: Is Laura a killer, or is a monster still out there, waiting to claim another victim?


by Julie Kenner

Originally published as Stolen Kisses in 2004 Melissa Tanner is just your average, everyday cat burglar, desperately trying to walk the straight and narrow path. So wouldn’t it figure that on the night she’s trying to return some jewelry, she’d find herself caught up in the arms of gorgeous Kyle Radley? The situation could have had some interesting possibilities—if Kyle hadn’t been an ex-cop! Right or wrong, Kyle can’t help wanting Mel… and he has a feeling the sexy felon has a weakness for him, too. But Mel says she’s pulled her last heist and wants nothing to do with a man who will always see her as a criminal. Still, Kyle is determined. He’s going to catch his thief—and then spend his days convincing her that a life sentence is a very good thing…


by Susan Lewis

Lucy Winters' parents have always been there for her. Loving, gentle and kind they have given her everything she could have wished for. Now, estranged from her husband, she has moved to the country to take over their thriving auction business. The moment she begins to prepare for her first sale she knows she's made the right decision. And she dares to hope that at last she is living the life she has always dreamed of. But then, quite suddenly, her world is thrown into turmoil. She discovers a shocking truth, one that forces her to question everything she has ever known. And it becomes frighteningly possible that the very people who should have protected her are the ones who have betrayed her in the most devastating of ways. Can she ever forgive them? Can they ever forgive themselves...?

Stolen: Stolen (ebook) (Heart of Dread #2)

by Melissa de la Cruz Michael Johnston

Who is Eliza Wesson? Months after Nat and Wes said good-bye on the shores of the Blue, Nat is learning how to control and use her new power. She and her drakon are the last of their kind--and she's risked her life for their reunion. When she receives a mysterious distress call, she races to help, soliciting the guidance of her new friend, the beautiful and aloof Faix Lazaved of the Blue. Still heartbroken over losing Nat, Wes is racing cars on a New Vegas racetrack while his team is scattered and lost. When he finds out that his sister, Eliza, is being held in the golden domes of El Dorado, he does what he's best at--running to her side--and gambles on luck to see him through one more time. Magic, romance, and danger collide as Nat and Wes become entangled in a dark new adventure that leads right to the heart of the mystery of their frozen, broken world. They soon discover that the answer to both their quests lies in the same question: Who is Eliza Wesson--what is she capable of, and why was she stolen from her family so long ago?

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