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Talker (Serie Talker #1)

by Arianna Bonfanti Amy Lane

Serie Talker, Libro 1Tate "Talker" Walker, il Chiacchierone, ha passato la sua vita cercando di nascondere le sue cicatrici dietro ad una luminosa facciata punk. E finché non si è seduto di fianco a Brian Cooper su un autobus, la cosa aveva funzionato. Ma Brian ha passato la sua intera vita ad essere l'uomo invisibile ed è abituato a guardare oltre le apparenze. Quello che vede in Talker è un essere umano fragile e degno di essere amato. Brian è apparentemente etero, ma Talker ha un disperato bisogno di essere amato e quando il suo comportamento porta a delle conseguenze dolorose, Brian è costretto a rivelarsi in modo drammatico. Ma lui farebbe qualsiasi cosa per far sì che Talker veda che è il Principe Azzurro che lui ha sempre desiderato.

Talker (Serie Talker #1)

by Y. M. Garcia Amy Lane

Volumen 1 de la Serie TalkerTate "Talker" Walker ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida ocultando sus cicatrices debajo de una fachada punk y no fue hasta que se sentó al lado de Brian Cooper en un autobús, que esa fachada dejó de funcionar. Brian ha pasado toda su vida siendo el hombre invisible y está acostumbrado a ver más allá de la superficie. Ve en Talker a un ser humano frágil y carente de afecto. Brian es heterosexual, pero Talker está desesperado por amor y cuando su comportamiento tiene consecuencias dolorosas, se ve forzado a salir del armario... de una forma dramática. Hará lo que sea para que Talker vea que él es el Príncipe Azul que siempre ha necesitado.

Talker (Talker Series #1)

by Amy Lane

Book One of the Talker seriesTate "Talker" Walker has spent most of his life hiding his scars under a bright punk facade, and until he sat next to Brian Cooper on a bus, it worked. But Brian has spent his whole life being the invisible man, and he's used to looking below the surface. What he sees in Talker is a fragile and lovable human being. Brian is outwardly straight, but Talker is desperate for love, and when Talker's behavior leads to some painful consequences, Brian is forced to come out of his closet--in dramatic fashion. He'll do anything to make sure Talker sees that he's the Prince Charming Talker has always needed.

Talker (Talker (Deutsch) #1)

by Nicoletta Amy Lane

Buch 1 in der Serie - TalkerTate "Talker" Walker hat den größten Teil seines Lebens damit verbracht, seine Narben unter der grellen Fassade eines Punks zu verstecken und bis er sich das erste Mal neben Brian Cooper in den Bus setzte hat es auch funktioniert. Aber Brian hat sein ganzes Leben als unsichtbarer Zuschauer verbracht und ist daran gewöhnt hinter die Fassade zu schauen. Was er in Talker sieht ist ein sehr zerbrechlicher und liebenswerter Mensch. Brian ist vermeintlich heterosexuell aber Tate sehnt sich so verzweifelt nach Liebe, und als sein Verhalten einige schmerzhafte Konsequenzen nach sich zieht muss Brian sich outen - auf dramatische Art und Weise. Er würde alles tun um sicherzustellen dass Tate diesmal erkennt dass er der Prince Charming ist den Talker immer gebraucht hat.

Talker (Talker #1)

by Laurent Tigrou Amy Lane

Talker, tome 1Tate « Talker »Walker a passé la plus grande partie de sa vie à cacher ses cicatrices sous une façade punk et, jusqu'à ce qu'il s'assoie à côté de Brian dans le bus, cela fonctionnait tout à fait. Pourtant Brian a passé sa vie entière en étant l'homme invisible et il a appris à lire sous la surface des choses. Ce qu'il voit en Talker est un être humain fragile et attachant. Brian est en apparence hétéro, pourtant Talker est prêt à tout par amour pour lui, et, quand son comportement le conduit à des conséquences douloureuses, Brian est forcé de sortir du placard de manière plutôt dramatique. Il fera tout pour s'assurer que Talker voit en lui le Prince Charmant qu'il a toujours désiré.

Talker – Am Ende einer langen Nacht (Talker (Deutsch) #2)

by Amy Lane

Fortsetzung zu TalkerBuch 2 in der Serie - TalkerTate Walkers Vergangenheit ist zu schmerzhaft, um sich einfach in Luft aufzulösen, obwohl sein Märchenprinz, Brian Cooper, immer an seiner Seite ist. Brian tut sein Bestes, aber Talker war schon immer gut darin, seinem Schmerz aus dem Weg zu gehen. Er kann sich der Wahrheit über das, was passierte, als er dem falschen Mann sein Vertrauen schenkte, nicht stellen. Als diese Wahrheit ans Licht kommt und Brian ins Krankenhaus bringt, muss Talker eine Entscheidung treffen. Entweder stellt er sich den Dämonen in seinem zerbrechlichen, geschundenen Herzen, oder er überlässt es wie immer Brian, ihn vor dem alles verzehrenden Feuer zu schützen, so wie er es von Anfang an getan hat. Aber selbst Talker weiß, dass man seinen Märchenprinz nicht alleine lässt, wenn er einem gerade das Leben gerettet hat. Wird er stark genug sein, für Brian einzustehen, wenn Brian ihn am meisten braucht?

Talker : Intégrale (Talker)

by Amy Lane

Un jour, Tate "Talker" Walker s'assied à côté de Brian Cooper dans le bus qui les amène à une compétition d'athlétisme et le voit comme personne au monde ne l'a jamais vu. Un jour, Brian Cooper passe outre la façade punk de Talker et son bavardage constant et le connaît comme personne d'autre au monde ne le connaîtra jamais. Un jour, deux garçons se rencontrent, et même s'ils tombent amoureux, la route sera longue et cahoteuse. Tate doit apprendre à écouter, Brian a besoin d'apprendre à s'exprimer. L'événement qui leur apprend exactement ce dont ils ont besoin manque de détruire Tate et ne laisse d'autre choix à Brian que d'avoir recours à la violence. Pour que leur amour survive, Tate et Brian devront apprendre à surmonter les douleurs du viol et les répercussions de la vengeance. Encore plus difficile, ils devront se soutenir mutuellement pendant que l'un trouve la paix et l'autre sa voix, car le prince charmant n'est pas vraiment un prince charmant s'il ne connaît pas sa propre valeur.

Talker, la décision (Talker #3)

by Amy Lane Anne Solo

Suite de Talker, la rédemptionTalker, tome 3 Une fois acquis le réflexe primaire de la survie, que faut-il d'autre ? Brian Cooper s'est remis de l'agression ayant failli le tuer, Tate Walker a appris à affronter ses propres démons. Maintenant, chacun des garçons ne possède plus que son compagnon. Vivre ensemble - et vivre leur amour au jour le jour - n'a rien de facile. D'une certaine façon, l'éternel optimisme de Talker associé à la foi tranquille de Brian s'avère capable d'aplanir tous les obstacles, grands et petits, de vaincre les épreuves et de réaliser leurs rêves respectifs.

Talker, la rédemption (Talker #2)

by Amy Lane Anne Solo

Suite de TalkerTalker, tome 2Tate Walker a un passé bien trop douloureux pour faire une croix dessus, même si Brian Cooper, le garçon de ses rêves, est là pour lui tenir la main. Brian fait de son mieux, mais Talker a toujours choisi l'esquive. Aussi, il a du mal à accepter ce qui s'est passé... en cette nuit fatale où il a accordé sa confiance à un homme qui ne la méritait pas. Quand la vérité ressurgit et que Brian se retrouve à l'hôpital, Talker est obligé de faire un choix : soit il affronte les démons qui menacent de briser son cœur fragile, soit il laisse une fois encore Brian écoper pour lui. Bien entendu, Talker réalise qu'il lui est impossible d'abandonner le garçon de ses rêves, seul et sans défense, alors que Brian vient juste de lui sauver la vie. Il doit trouver la force et le courage de s'occuper de Brian qui a désormais besoin de lui. Plus que jamais.

Talker's Graduation (Talker Series #3)

by Amy Lane

Sequel to Talker's RedemptionBook Three of the Talker series When you get past the basics of survival, what next? Brian Cooper recovered from the attack that almost killed him, and Tate Walker faced down his own demons. Now all that's left is... each other. Growing up together and growing into their love is everything but easy. Talker's eternal optimism and Brian's quiet faith just might be able to conquer the obstacles, big and small, in their way--as well as overcome the complications of having all their dreams come true.

Talker's Redemption (Talker Series #2)

by Amy Lane

Book Two of the Talker series - Sequel to TalkerTate Walker's past is too painful to just disappear, even if his dream boy, Brian Cooper, is there to hold his hand. Brian does his best, but Talker--always good at avoiding his own pain--is having a hard time facing the truth about what happened when he trusted the wrong man at the wrong time. When that truth resurfaces and lands Brian in the hospital, Talker is forced to make a choice. He can either confront every demon in his fragile, bleeding heart, or he can let Brian take the heat for him, just like he has from the beginning. But even Talker knows you don't leave your dream boy alone and undefended when he just saved your life, and he'll have to find the strength to take care of Brian when Brian needs him the most.

Talkers Reifeprüfung (Talker (Deutsch) #3)

by Amy Lane Julia Schneider

Fortsetzung zu Talker - Am Ende einer langen Nacht Buch 3 in der Serie - Talker Was kommt nach dem nackten Überleben? Brian Cooper hat sich von dem Angriff erholt, bei dem er beinahe getötet wurde, und Tate Walker hat seine inneren Dämonen besiegt. Nun haben die beiden nur noch ... sich selbst. Zusammen erwachsen werden und in ihre Liebe hineinwachsen ist alles andere als einfach. Sind Talkers ewiger Optimismus und Brians stetiges Vertrauen genug, die großen und kleinen Hindernisse zu überwinden, die ihnen im Weg stehen - und alle Schwierigkeiten auszuräumen, damit ihre Träume sich erfüllen?

Talking about My Baby

by Margot Early

The MidwivesThis baby is hers!One night in Texas, midwife Tara Marcus finds a newborn baby abandoned in her car. A baby she desperately wants to keep.She takes the baby to her hometown in Colorado, hoping to adopt her. But adoption requires money. And it requires a better situation than Tara can offer. A husband, a home....She needs a strategy, and the best one she can think of is marriage. Dr. Isaac McCrea, a newcomer to town, happens to be a widower with three kids. Surely he needs a wife! So what if he's a doctor-not exactly Tara's favorite species? So what if she falls in love with him despite her outrageous proposal? None of that matters.Only her baby matters. Her baby and his children.

Talking About Sex... (Mills And Boon Blaze Ser.)

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

It's Katie Peterson's job to be a mouthy DJ, but being mouthy just got personal. Jess Harkins has started construction on a sixty-story office tower next to Katie's quaint local radio station. She'd hate his building anyway -- who needs another high-rise? But Katie especially dislikes having her view blocked by the guy who turned down the chance to be her "first." So it's time for a little payback.... Jess always got a laugh at Katie's irreverent on-air comments. He'd even thought of asking her out...for old time's sake. But now Katie's barbs are directed at him -- implying that any man driven to build a structure this high is obviously compensating for something.... Jess has only one thing to say to Katie, and it isn't something he can just phone in. It's time to turn the radio off...and turn Katie on!

Talking After Midnight (Plum Orchard)

by Dakota Cassidy

Shields up, sugar-things in Plum Orchard are about to get real. Marybell Lyman is notorious for two things: Her look. The wicked hairstyle, multiple piercings and practiced sneer that say: "Stay back-I bite." Her voice. The syrupy lilt that's her bread and butter at Call Girls, the prim little town's flourishing phone-sex company. Hunky handyman Taggart Hawthorn is mesmerized by the contradiction: such sweet tones inside such a spiky shell! He wants to know more about mysterious Marybell, to hear more of her sexy talk-all for himself. But Tag's attentions, delicious as they are, have Marybell panicked. She's been hiding a long time. She's finally got a home, a job and friends she adores. She won't have it all snatched away by another stupid mistake-like falling in love. So when Marybell's past comes calling, she and the Call Girls will prove no one handles scandals like a Southern girl!

Talking at Night: A Novel

by Claire Daverley

&“I absolutely adored Talking at Night… A gorgeous story of first love, loss, and the people who stick to your ribs, it should be on everyone&’s must-read list. Beautiful, poignant, and heart-wrenching in the best way possible.&” ―Carley Fortune, New York Times bestselling author of Every Summer AfterSecret walks and late-night phone calls. An undeniable chemistry. A tragedy that haunts them both. A powerful yet tender love story between two people who can&’t help but be pulled back to each other.This is the story of Will and Rosie. The two are opposites in every way and yet they fall for each other as teenagers; nineties music, sideways glances, sunsets and bonfires and talking late into the night. It&’s palpable, inevitable: they&’re on the precipice of starting something wonderful. Until one day, tragedy strikes, and any possibility of being together seems to shatter.But time and again, Rosie and Will find their way back to each other. Though the years pass, they cannot quite let go of what might have been.Talking at Night tells a story of sudden connections, missed opportunities, the many loves we have over a lifetime--and the one that keeps us coming back, again and again, for more.

Talking Back to Purity Culture: Rediscovering Faithful Christian Sexuality

by Rachel Joy Welcher

It's time to talk back. The generation born into evangelical purity culture has grown up, and many have started families of their own. But as time goes on, it's becoming more evident that many still struggle with purity culture's complicated legacy—its idolization of virginity, its mixed messages about modesty and lust, and its promise of a healthy marriage and great sex for those who follow the rules. In Talking Back to Purity Culture, Rachel Joy Welcher reviews the movement carefully, examining its teachings through the lens of Scripture. Compassionate, faithful, and wise, she charts a path forward for Christians in the ongoing debates about sexuality—one that rejects legalism and license alike, steering us back instead to the good news of Jesus. It's time to talk back to purity culture—and this book is ready to jump-start the conversation.

Talking Dirty (Pax Arcana)

by Elliott James

John Charming. Ex knight. Current monster hunter.While trying to deal with a monster he can't bring himself to kill, John Charming soon runs into another problem: Magic and technology don't how is a phone sex operation enchanting men through their cell phones?This is a short story from contemporary fantasy author, Elliott James, within his Pax Arcana world. The first of his novels, Charming and Daring, are available now. Word count: ~13,000Other Pax Arcana Short Fiction: Charmed I'm SureDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsPushing LuckSurreal EstateDog-GoneBulls Rush InTalking Dirty

Talking Dirty: A Fortune, Colorado Novel

by Jennifer Seasons

Jake Stone has always been an outsider, even in his hometown. As the misfit son of the town drunk and a descendant of Fortune’s mysterious founders, he’s spent his whole life not living up to expectations. So when Apple Woodman comes poking her pert little nose around his business, trying to sniff out juicy bits for a book she’s writing on the town’s history, he decides he’s had enough. He’ll give her the answers, at a price: one piece of clothing for every question. If the town’s good girl librarian wants the dirt on this bad boy then she’s going to have to bare all to get it. Nothing is going to stop Apple from achieving her dream of being a published author, not even surly Jake Stone. She’s got a hefty advance to make good on and a looming deadline, and the last bit of crucial information she needs is being held hostage by the infuriating man. But Apple believes in equality between the sexes and she’s not going to be the only one playing along—he’s going to have to take it all off too. They’re only clothes; it’s not like they’re baring their hearts. Right?

Talking in Your Sleep. . .

by Samantha Hunter

Get out of my dreams, get into my bed! Oh, that's so good. . . touch me right there. . . The X-rated monologues coming from next door are keeping Rafe Moore up at night--all he really wants is some sleep. How's he supposed to decompress from his EMT job when his sultry neighbor and her explicit fantasies have his blood pressure spiking?Tightly wound Joy Clarke can't explain what's brought on these sizzling somniloquies--about a complete stranger, no less. She's already stressed, and there is no rest from her wicked, wicked thoughts. But when Rafe discovers that the object of all that steamy sleep-talk is him, he's set to make her dreams come true. Problem is, in the light of day Joy doesn't recall a thing!

Talking With the Dead: Prequel (The FBI Psychics)

by Shiloh Walker

Surrounded by death, a man with a terrible gift reaches for life.A horrific tragedy blasted open a door in young Michael O’Rourke’s mind—cursing him with the ability to talk with the Dead. Nearly two decades later, Michael has moved from victim to survivor, using his abilities to seek out those who would go unjudged.With his gift, he talks to those who’ve died violently and seeks out their killers. Only once he’s found the murderer, can the victims be at rest. After his last case, the only thing he wants is peace and he hopes to find it in the small town of Mitchell, Indiana.But something is horribly wrong—the dead are waiting for him there, as well.Small town sheriff Daisy Crandall is frustrated. The murder investigation she’s leading is going nowhere, the few leads she’s had haven’t panned out. She needs a break—this case is personal and when a stranger arrives, turning up where he shouldn’t be, she’s suspicious. Finding out that he is more than what he appears to be should shock her but doesn’t. The fact she’s highly attracted to him at the worst possible time is a hindrance.Unfortunately, teaming up with Michael is the only way.Now it’s a race against time before the killer destroys the life of his next victim…This book has been previously published. A prequel to the FBI Psychics series.Warning: this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, violence

The Tall, Dark Alibi

by Kelsey Roberts

THE ROSE TATTOOEverything was strangely familiar......though somehow Kendall Butler recognized that The Rose Tattoo and some of her old friends weren't exactly the same. But the raven-haired hunk standing before her was definitely the man pictured in the locket she'd been admiring...just before everything went blank.Jonas Revell didn't know how she was, or how she'd suddenly appeared, and until he did, he planned to keep her close-even if she had to pose as his mail-order bride to stay that way. He was already accused of the murder of one woman-his bride of four hours-and it looked mighty suspicious that he'd found another so quickly...especially one who tempted him so much.

Tall, Dark, and Cajun (Cajun #2)

by Sandra Hill

Rachel has just left her fiance of five years. On her way out of town she has a bonfire and burns the gifts that he has given her over the years on Valentines Day or her birthday---Goodbye butt buster and the exercise bike! Hello freedom. She is on her way south to visit the grandmother she never knew, and perhaps find herself while she is there.

Tall Dark and Cajun

by Sandra Hill

Rachel Fortier, a thirty-something home design consultant, has had it with her fiancé. It's bad enough that he gave her a Thighmaster for Valentine's Day and a Butt Buster for her birthday, and that their seven-year engagement has no end in sight. But she just learned that he's had a vasectomy! Rachel packs up and heads south to meet her great-aunt Gizelle for the first time and take a few days to regroup. She imagines a Grandma Walton living in a picturesque house surrounded by wondrous nature. What she finds is a cabin on stilts deep in the bayous, with alligators and snakes the size of telephone poles. As for Aunt Gizelle, she's a former taxidermist who can outcreep Hannibal Lechter any day of the week.And if that isn't enough to make a girl turn around and head right back to her ex, Gizelle is feuding with a Cajun bad boy -Remy LeDeux, a helicopter pilot and Air Force vet whose face is scarred from battle. Rene wants to buy a piece of property from Gizelle, but the feisty senior makes it clear she wants nothing to do with any LeDeux. But the moment Remy sees Rachel getting out of a red truck, it's love at first sight for the long-time bachelor, despite all the turmoil she brings into his life, with her ideas of Feng Shui-ing his houseboat and her ex chasing after her, not to mention her great-aunt threatening to shoot his heinie. But getting Rachel to say "I do" is worth it. After all, he's never met a woman before who looks at him like he's a Whitmans Sampler box and she's a chocoholic.

Tall, Dark and Cowboy

by Joanne Kennedy

Stunned by the discovery that her lux lifestyle was funded by crime, runaway trophy wife Lacey Bradford is desperate to escape from her ex's criminal cronies and start a new life, so she heads west to find an old love. But rugged rancher Chase Caldwell has changed, hardened by bitterness and loss. The last thing he's looking for is romance with the first woman who broke his heart. . .

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