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Advanced Clinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols

by Suraj D. Serai Kassa Darge

This book offers the concepts of quantitative MRI for kidney imaging. Kidney MRI holds incredible promise for making a quantum leap in improving diagnosis and care of patients with a multitude of diseases, by moving beyond the limitations and restrictions of current routine clinical practice. Clinical kidney MRI is advancing with ever increasing rapidity, and yet, it is still not good enough. Several roadblocks still slow the pace of progress, particularly inefficient education of renal MR researchers, and lack of harmonization of approaches that limits the sharing of results among multiple research groups.With the help of this book, we aim to address these limitations, by providing a comprehensive collection of more chapters on MRI methods that serve as a foundational resource for clinical kidney MRI studies. This includes chapters describing the fundamental principles underlying a variety of kidney MRI methods, step-by-step protocols for executing kidney MRI studies, and detailed guides for post-processing and data analysis. This collection serves as a crucial part of a roadmap towards conducting kidney MRI studies in a robust and reproducible way, that promotes the standardization and sharing of data, and ultimately, clinical translation.Chapters are divided into three parts: MRI physics and acquisition protocols, post-processing and data analysis methods, and clinical applications. The first section includes MRI physics background and describe a detailed step by step MRI acquisition protocol. If a clinician would like to perform a renal MRI – this would include the parameters to set up the acquisition on the scanner. By this section, the reader should have the details to be able to successfully collect human renal MR images. In the second section, expert authors describe methods on how to post-process and analyze the data. By this section, the reader should have the details to be able to successfully generate quantitative data from the human renal MR images. In the final section, chapters show clinical examples of various methods. Authors share examples of multi-parametric renal MRI that are being used in clinical practice.This is an ideal guide for clinicians from radiology, nephrology, physiology, clinical scientists, and as well as basic scientists and experts in imaging sciences and physics of kidney MRI. It also provides an opportunity to students, trainees, and post-doctoral fellows to learn about these kidney MRI techniques.

Advanced CMOS Biochips: Design and Fabrication (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)

by Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh Saghi Forouhi Tayebeh Azadmousavi

Biochips incorporate a verity of means including electronic, photonic and microfluidic devices; biological materials (living cells, tissue, enzymes, nucleic acid and etc.) and chemical analysis to produce the detectable signals for identification of biological phenomena. Among several competing biochip technologies, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process offers the advantages of low cost, integrated, high precision and portable techniques suitable for point-of-care diagnostics. Advanced CMOS Biochip takes multi-path approach: microelectronic design and implementation of bio-interfaces offering a vital contemporary view of a wide range of integrated circuits and system for electrical, magnetic, optical and mechanical sensing and actuating blocks and much more; classical knowledge of biology, biochemistry as well as microfluidics. The coverage is both practical and in depth integrating experimental, theoretical and simulation examples. By using Advanced CMOS Biochip, readers will have the fundamentals and design techniques to grasp the situation which arise typically in CMOS biochip devices.

Advanced CO2 Capture Technologies: Absorption, Adsorption, and Membrane Separation Methods (SpringerBriefs in Energy)

by Shin-ichi Nakao Katsunori Yogo Kazuya Goto Teruhiko Kai Hidetaka Yamada

This book summarises the advanced CO2 capture technologies that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially those from large-scale sources, such as power-generation and steel-making plants. Focusing on the fundamental chemistry and chemical processes, as well as advanced technologies, including absorption and adsorption, it also discusses other aspects of the major CO2 capture methods: membrane separation; the basic chemistry and process for CO2 capture; the development of materials and processes; and practical applications, based on the authors’ R&D experience. This book serves as a valuable reference resource for researchers, teachers and students interested in CO2 problems, providing essential information on how to capture CO2 from various types of gases efficiently. It is also of interest to practitioners and academics, as it discusses the performance of the latest technologies applied in large-scale emission sources.

Advanced Coal Preparation and Beyond: CO2 Capture and Utilization

by S. Komar Kawatra

Updating content from the author’s 2001 book Coal Desulfurization, this new title focuses on CO2 sequestration and utilization. It includes information on the theory and practical approaches to CO2 capture and recent advances in the use of sequestered CO2. Avoiding these pollutants requires either forgetting about the 250 billion tons of coal reserves the United States possesses or capturing and utilizing the pollutants in a profitable and environmentally responsible fashion. The book covers postcombustion and precombustion capture approaches for coal, and postcombustion capture can be generalized to many other fuels. Recent practical implementations at full-scale power facilities around the world are discussed. The book covers sequestering CO2 via underground, oceanic, biological, and other long-term CO2 storage methods. It also includes recent advances in utilizing CO2 for enhanced oil recovery, advances in storage with depleted oil and gas reservoirs and deep saline aquifers, and additional topics. The book also examines specific applications of pure CO2 and covers chemical conversion of CO2 to useful compounds. It answers questions like "Can we create methanol from coal?" or "Can we create ethanol from coal?" It is found that methanol and ethanol cannot be sustainably produced from coal power alone. However, oxalic acid can be created at a much lower energy cost than methanol or ethanol. Oxalic acid can be used to extract rare earths, which are not currently produced anywhere in the United States, but are typically concentrated in coal ash. Aimed at researchers and industry professionals in chemical, environmental, and energy engineering, this book provides insight and inspiration into capturing CO2 not merely as a response to regulatory pressure and climate change but as an inherently profitable and valuable venture.

Advanced Combustion Techniques and Engine Technologies for the Automotive Sector (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Akhilendra Pratap Singh Nikhil Sharma Ramesh Agarwal Avinash Kumar Agarwal

This book discusses the recent advances in combustion strategies and engine technologies, with specific reference to the automotive sector. Chapters discuss the advanced combustion technologies, such as gasoline direct ignition (GDI), spark assisted compression ignition (SACI), gasoline compression ignition (GCI), etc., which are the future of the automotive sector. Emphasis is given to technologies which have the potential for utilization of alternative fuels as well as emission reduction. One special section includes a few chapters for methanol utilization in two-wheelers and four wheelers. The book will serve as a valuable resource for academic researchers and professional automotive engineers alike.

Advanced Composites in Aerospace Engineering Applications

by S. M. Sapuan R. A. Ilyas Norkhairunnisa Mazlan

This book presents an authoritative account of the potential of advanced composites such as composites, biocomposites, composites geopolymer, hybrid composites and hybrid biocomposites in aerospace application. It documents how in recent years, composite materials have grown in strength, stature, and significance to become a key material of enhanced scientific interest and resultant research into understanding their behavior for selection and safe use in a wide spectrum of technology-related applications. This collection highlights how their unique combination of superior properties such as low density, high strength, high elastic modulus, high hardness, high temperature capability, and excellent chemical and environmental stability are optimized in technologies within these field.

Advanced Computational Approaches for Drying in Food Processing

by Krunal M. Gangawane Madhuresh Dwivedi Rama Chandra Pradhan

Computational methods have become important techniques for drying in food processing. There are two principle computational approaches for system analysis: continuous and discrete. In the continuous approach, the governing equations can be obtained by applying the fundamental laws such as conservation of mass, momentum and energy over an infinitesimal control volume. These equations are further discretized by using a suitable discretization technique. The recovered set of algebraic equations are then solved by an applied numerical method. The discrete approach concentrates on mimicking the molecular movement within system. Recent years have witnessed a rapid development in the field of computational techniques owing to its abundant benefit to the food processing industry. The relevance of advanced computational methods has helped in understanding the fundamental physics of thermal and hydrodynamics behavior that can provide benefits to the food processing industry in numerous applications such as drying, evaporation, sterilization, mixing and refrigeration. Advanced Computational Approaches for Drying in Food Processing examines the use of different numerical/computational techniques for the simulation of fluid flow and heat and mass transfer from/within food products such as cereal, chicken, beef, fruits, vegetables and more. The text promotes a thorough understanding of the drying process and its pivotal role in various applications in food processing plus advances in computer simulation techniques which have witnessed rapid popularity due to factors such as low-cost and ease in parametric study. CFD analysis and its use in developing new dryers, modification of current systems energy saving and process optimization is covered in full plus appropriate modelling for enhancement of food quality. Different phytochemical changes are explored plus novel strategies for the use of renewable energy, optimization of energy consumption and heat recovery and application of environmentally friendly technologies. This book provides a single information source for readers interested in the use of methods based on numerical/computational analysis as applied for drying phenomenon in food science and technology.

Advanced Computational Approaches to Biomedical Engineering

by Ujjwal Maulik Punam K. Saha Subhadip Basu

There has been rapid growth in biomedical engineering in recent decades, given advancements in medical imaging and physiological modelling and sensing systems, coupled with immense growth in computational and network technology, analytic approaches, visualization and virtual-reality, man-machine interaction and automation. Biomedical engineering involves applying engineering principles to the medical and biological sciences and it comprises several topics including biomedicine, medical imaging, physiological modelling and sensing, instrumentation, real-time systems, automation and control, signal processing, image reconstruction, processing and analysis, pattern recognition, and biomechanics. It holds great promise for the diagnosis and treatment of complex medical conditions, in particular, as we can now target direct clinical applications, research and development in biomedical engineering is helping us to develop innovative implants and prosthetics, create new medical imaging technologies and improve tools and techniques for the detection, prevention and treatment of diseases. The contributing authors in this edited book present representative surveys of advances in their respective fields, focusing in particular on techniques for the analysis of complex biomedical data. The book will be a useful reference for graduate students, researchers and industrial practitioners in computer science, biomedical engineering, and computational and molecular biology.

Advanced Computational Fluid and Aerodynamics

by Tucker Paul G.

The advent of supercomputers has brought computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to the forefront as a tool to analyze increasingly complex simulation scenarios in many fields. Computational aerodynamics problems are also increasingly moving towards being coupled, multi-physics and multi-scale with complex, moving geometries. The latter presents severe geometry handling and meshing challenges. Simulations also frequently use formal design optimization processes. This book explains the evolution of CFD and provides a comprehensive overview of the plethora of tools and methods available for solving complex scenarios while exploring the future directions and possible outcomes. Using numerous examples, illustrations and computational methods the author discusses turbulence modeling, pre and post processing, coupled solutions, the importance of design optimization, multiphysics problems, reduced order models, and large scale computations and the future of CFD. Advanced Computational Fluid and Aerodynamics is suitable for audiences engaged in computational fluid dynamics including advanced undergraduates, researchers and industrial practitioners.

Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7: Biomedical Informatics (Studies in Computational Intelligence #891)

by Lakhmi C. Jain Sheryl Brahnam Ilias Maglogiannis

This book presents state-of-the-art works and systematic reviews in the emerging field of computational intelligence (CI) in electronic health care. The respective chapters present surveys and practical examples of artificial intelligence applications in the areas of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and affective computing, machine learning, big health data and visualization analytics, computer vision and medical image analysis. The book also addresses new and emerging topics in CI for health care such as the utilization of Social Media (SM) and the introduction of new intelligent paradigms in the security and privacy domains, which are critical for the health sector. The chapters, while of course not exhaustively addressing all the possible aspects of the aforementioned areas, are indicative of the dynamic nature of interdisciplinary research being pursued. Accordingly, the book is intended not only for researchers in the respective fields, but also for medical and administrative personnel working in the health sector, as well as managers and stakeholders responsible for making strategic decisions and defining public health policies.

Advanced Computational Intelligence Techniques for Virtual Reality in Healthcare (Studies in Computational Intelligence #875)

by Aboul Ella Hassanien Deepak Gupta Ashish Khanna

This book addresses the difficult task of integrating computational techniques with virtual reality and healthcare. It discusses the use of virtual reality in various areas, such as healthcare, cognitive and behavioural training, understanding mathematical graphs, human–computer interaction, fluid dynamics in healthcare industries, accurate real-time simulation, and healthcare diagnostics.Presenting the computational techniques for virtual reality in healthcare, it is a valuable reference resource for professionals at educational institutes as well as researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners in industry.

Advanced Computational Techniques for Sustainable Computing

by Megha Rathi

Advanced Computational Techniques for Sustainable Computing is considered multi-disciplinary field encompassing advanced computational techniques across several domain, including, Computer Science, Statistical Computation and Electronics Engineering. The core idea of sustainable computing is to deploy algorithms, models, policies and protocols to improve energy efficiency and management of resources, enhancing ecological balance, biological sustenance and other services on societal contexts. The book offers comprehensive coverage of the most essential topics, and: Provides insight on building smart sustainable solutions Includes details of applying mining, learning, IOT and sensor-based techniques for sustainable computing Entails data extraction from various sources followed with pre-processing of data, and how to make effective use of extracted data for application-based research Involves practical usage of data analytic language, including R, Python, etc. for improving sustainable services offered by multi-disciplinary domains Encompasses comparison and analysis of recent technologies and trends Includes development of smart models for information gain and effective decision making with visualization The readers would get acquainted with the utilization of massive data sets for intelligent mining and processing. It includes the integration of data mining techniques for effective decision-making in the social, economic, and global environmental domains to achieve sustainability. The implementation of computational frameworks can be accomplished using open-source software for the building of resource-efficient models. The content of the book demonstrates the usage of data science and the internet of things for the advent of smart and realistic solutions for attaining sustainability.

Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics

by Roger Ohayon

Advanced Computational Vibroacoustics presents an advanced computational method for the prediction of sound and structural vibrations, in low- and medium-frequency ranges - complex structural acoustics and fluid-structure interaction systems encountered in aerospace, automotive, railway, naval, and energy-production industries. The formulations are presented within a unified computational strategy and are adapted for the present and future generation of massively parallel computers. A reduced-order computational model is constructed using the finite element method for the damped structure and the dissipative internal acoustic fluid (gas or liquid with or without free surface) and using an appropriate symmetric boundary-element method for the external acoustic fluid (gas or liquid). This book allows direct access to computational methods that have been adapted for the future evolution of general commercial software. Written for the global market, it is an invaluable resource for academic researchers, graduate students, and practising engineers.

Advanced Computing in Electron Microscopy

by Earl J. Kirkland

This updated and revised edition of a classic work provides a summary of methods for numerical computation of high resolution conventional and scanning transmission electron microscope images. At the limits of resolution, image artifacts due to the instrument and the specimen interaction can complicate image interpretation. Image calculations can help the user to interpret and understand high resolution information in recorded electron micrographs. The book contains expanded sections on aberration correction, including a detailed discussion of higher order (multipole) aberrations and their effect on high resolution imaging, new imaging modes such as ABF (annular bright field), and the latest developments in parallel processing using GPUs (graphic processing units), as well as updated references. Beginning and experienced users at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level will find the book to be a unique and essential guide to the theory and methods of computation in electron microscopy.

Advanced Concepts in Defensive Tactics: A Survival Guide for Law Enforcement

by Chuck Joyner

This ground breaking book is the first law enforcement defensive tactics publication that realistically addresses the limited training that law enforcement officers currently receive. This book concentrates on avoiding the initial attack, moving to safety, deploying a secondary weapon, and surviving the attack. Concepts are based upon extensive research, a landmark study by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and street experience. The book stresses core concepts, proper body mechanics, and proven survival principles. Each chapter ends with drills to increase mental awareness, physical skills, and survivability tips.

Advanced Concepts in Particle and Field Theory

by Tristan Hübsch

Uniting the usually distinct areas of particle physics and quantum field theory, gravity and general relativity, this expansive and comprehensive textbook of fundamental and theoretical physics describes the quest to consolidate the basic building blocks of nature, by journeying through contemporary discoveries in the field, and analyzing elementary particles and their interactions. Designed for advanced undergraduates and graduate students and abounding in worked examples and detailed derivations, as well as including historical anecdotes and philosophical and methodological perspectives, this textbook provides students with a unified understanding of all matter at the fundamental level. Topics range from gauge principles, particle decay and scattering cross-sections, the Higgs mechanism and mass generation, to spacetime geometries and supersymmetry. By combining historically separate areas of study and presenting them in a logically consistent manner, students will appreciate the underlying similarities and conceptual connections to be made in these fields.

Advanced Concepts in Quantum Field Theory: With Exercises (SpringerBriefs in Physics)

by James M. Cline

This book comprises the second half of a quantum field theory (QFT) course for graduate students. It gives a concise introduction to advanced concepts that are important for research in elementary particle theory. Topics include the path integral, loop expansion, Feynman rules, various regularization methods, renormalization, running couplings and the renormalization group, fixed points and asymptotic freedom, effective action, Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, fermions, the axial anomaly, QED, gauge fixing, nonabelian gauge theories, unitarity, optical theorem, Slavnov-Taylor identities, beta function of Yang-Mills theory, a heuristic derivation of asymptotic freedom, instantons in SU(N) gauge theory, theta vacua and the strong CP problem. Exercises are included and are intended for advanced graduate students or postdocs seeking to deepen their understanding of QFT.

Advanced Concepts in Quantum Mechanics

by Giampiero Esposito Giuseppe Marmo Gennaro Miele George Sudarshan

Introducing a geometric view of fundamental physics, starting from quantum mechanics and its experimental foundations, this book is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in quantum mechanics and mathematical physics. Focusing on structural issues and geometric ideas, this book guides readers from the concepts of classical mechanics to those of quantum mechanics. The book features an original presentation of classical mechanics, with the choice of topics motivated by the subsequent development of quantum mechanics, especially wave equations, Poisson brackets and harmonic oscillators. It also presents new treatments of waves and particles and the symmetries in quantum mechanics, as well as extensive coverage of the experimental foundations.

Advanced, Contemporary Control: Proceedings of KKA 2020—The 20th Polish Control Conference, Łódź, Poland, 2020 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1196)

by Andrzej Bartoszewicz Janusz Kacprzyk Jacek Kabziński

This book presents the proceedings of the 20th Polish Control Conference. A triennial event that was first held in 1958, the conference successfully combines its long tradition with a modern approach to shed light on problems in control engineering, automation, robotics and a wide range of applications in these disciplines. The book presents new theoretical results concerning the steering of dynamical systems, as well as industrial case studies and worked solutions to real-world problems in contemporary engineering. It particularly focuses on the modelling, identification, analysis and design of automation systems; however, it also addresses the evaluation of their performance, efficiency and reliability. Other topics include fault-tolerant control in robotics, automated manufacturing, mechatronics and industrial systems. Moreover, it discusses data processing and transfer issues, covering a variety of methodologies, including model predictive, robust and adaptive techniques, as well as algebraic and geometric methods, and fractional order calculus approaches. The book also examines essential application areas, such as transportation and autonomous intelligent vehicle systems, robotic arms, mobile manipulators, cyber-physical systems, electric drives and both surface and underwater marine vessels. Lastly, it explores biological and medical applications of the control-theory-inspired methods.

Advanced Control for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #204)

by Weichao Sun Huijun Gao Peng Shi

This book focuses on most recent theoretical findings on control issues for active suspension systems. The authors first introduce the theoretical background of active suspension control, then present constrained H∞ control approaches of active suspension systems in the entire frequency domain, focusing on the state feedback and dynamic output feedback controller in the finite frequency domain which people are most sensitive to. The book also contains nonlinear constrained tracking control via terminal sliding-mode control and adaptive robust theory, presenting controller design of active suspensions as well as the reliability control of active suspension systems. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in control theory, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.

Advanced Control of AC/DC Power Networks

by Abdelkrim Benchaib

The concept of Multi-Terminal DC grids (MTDC), where DC cables connect more than two AC/DC converter stations is nowadays spreading driven by different criteria, all necessaries for large-capacity RES grid integration, such as larger flexibility of grid operation, possibility of reversible power flows, increased redundancy, and reduction of maximum power loss in case of a grid disturbance.

Advanced Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Power Systems (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)

by Dehong Xu Frede Blaabjerg Wenjie Chen Nan Zhu

Covers the fundamental concepts and advanced modelling techniques of Doubly Fed Induction Generators accompanied by analyses and simulation results Filled with illustrations, problems, models, analyses, case studies, selected simulation and experimental results, Advanced Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Power Systems provides the basic concepts for modelling and controlling of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) wind power systems and their power converters. It explores both the challenges and concerns of DFIG under a non-ideal grid and introduces the control strategies and effective operations performance options of DFIG under a non-ideal grid. Other topics of this book include thermal analysis of DFIG wind power converters under grid faults; implications of the DFIG test bench; advanced control of DFIG under harmonic distorted grid voltage, including multiple-loop and resonant control; modeling of DFIG and GSC under unbalanced grid voltage; the LFRT of DFIG, including the recurring faults ride through of DFIG; and more. In addition, this resource: Explores the challenges and concerns of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) under non-ideal grid Discusses basic concepts of DFIG wind power system and vector control schemes of DFIG Introduces control strategies under a non-ideal grid Includes case studies and simulation and experimental results Advanced Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Power Systems is an ideal book for graduate students studying renewable energy and power electronics as well as for research and development engineers working with wind power converters.

Advanced Control of Power Converters: Techniques and Matlab / Simulink Implementation (IEEE Press Series on Control Systems Theory and Applications)

by Hasan Komurcugil Sertac Bayhan Ramon Guzman Mariusz Malinowski Haitham Abu-Rub

Advanced Control of Power Converters Unique resource presenting advanced nonlinear control methods for power converters, plus simulation, controller design, analyses, and case studies Advanced Control of Power Converters equips readers with the latest knowledge of three control methods developed for power converters: nonlinear control methods such as sliding mode control, Lyapunov-function-based control, and model predictive control. Readers will learn about the design of each control method, and simulation case studies and results will be presented and discussed to point out the behavior of each control method in different applications. In this way, readers wishing to learn these control methods can gain insight on how to design and simulate each control method easily. The book is organized into three clear sections: introduction of classical and advanced control methods, design of advanced control methods, and case studies. Each control method is supported by simulation examples along with Simulink models which are provided on a separate website. Contributed to by five highly qualified authors, Advanced Control of Power Converters covers sample topics such as: Mathematical modeling of single- and three-phase grid-connected inverter with LCL filter, three-phase dynamic voltage restorer, design of sliding mode control and switching frequency computation under single- and double-band hysteresis modulations Modeling of single-phase UPS inverter and three-phase rectifier and their Lyapunov-function-based control design for global stability assurance Design of model predictive control for single-phase T-type rectifier, three-phase shunt active power filter, three-phase quasi-Z-source inverter, three-phase rectifier, distributed generation inverters in islanded ac microgrids How to realize the Simulink models in sliding mode control, Lyapunov-function-based control and model predictive control How to build and run a real-time model as well as rapid prototyping of power converter by using OPAL-RT simulator Advanced Control of Power Converters is an ideal resource on the subject for researchers, engineering professionals, and undergraduate/graduate students in electrical engineering and mechatronics; as an advanced level book, and it is expected that readers will have prior knowledge of power converters and control systems.

Advanced Control & Optimization Paradigms for Energy System Operation and Management

by Kirti Pal Saurabh Mani Tripathi Shruti Pandey

Distributed energy technologies are gaining popularity nowadays; however, due to the highly intermittent characteristics of distributed energy resources, a larger penetration of these resources into the distribution grid network becomes of major concern. The main issue is to cope with the intermittent nature of the renewable sources alongside the requirements for power quality and system stability. Unlike traditional power systems, the control and optimization of complex energy systems comprising of wind, solar, thermal, and energy storage becomes difficult in many aspects, such as modelling, integration, operation, coordination and planning etc. This means that energy conversion as per the standards imposed by the energy market is unachievable without adequate control, management, and optimization.This edited book serves as a resource for the engineers, scientists and professionals working on distributed energy systems. The book is an extensive collection of state-of-the-art studies on advanced control paradigms for complex energy systems, with emphasis on the optimization and management of the high penetration of distributed energy resources into power distribution networks. Readers will find the book inspiring and useful whilst carrying out their own research in distributed energy systems.Key features • An extensive collection of state-of-the-art studies on advanced control paradigms for complex energy systems.• Emphasis on the optimization and management of high penetration of distributed energy resources into power/energy distribution networks.• Serves as a valuable resource for engineers, scientists, academicians, experienced professionals, and research scholars who are working in management of energy systems.

An Advanced Course in Computational Nuclear Physics: Bridging the Scales from Quarks to Neutron Stars (Lecture Notes in Physics #936)

by Morten Hjorth-Jensen Maria Paola Lombardo Ubirajara Van Kolck

This graduate-level text collects and synthesizes a series of ten lectures on the nuclear quantum many-body problem. Starting from our current understanding of the underlying forces, it presents recent advances within the field of lattice quantum chromodynamics before going on to discuss effective field theories, central many-body methods like Monte Carlo methods, coupled cluster theories, the similarity renormalization group approach, Green's function methods and large-scale diagonalization approaches. Algorithmic and computational advances show particular promise for breakthroughs in predictive power, including proper error estimates, a better understanding of the underlying effective degrees of freedom and of the respective forces at play. Enabled by recent improvements in theoretical, experimental and numerical techniques, the state-of-the art applications considered in this volume span the entire range, from our smallest components - quarks and gluons as the mediators of the strong force - to the computation of the equation of state for neutron star matter. The lectures presented provide an in-depth exposition of the underlying theoretical and algorithmic approaches as well details of the numerical implementation of the methods discussed. Several also include links to numerical software and benchmark calculations, which readers can use to develop their own programs for tackling challenging nuclear many-body problems.

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