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Distributivity-like Results in the Medieval Traditions of Euclid's Elements: Between Geometry and Arithmetic (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)
by Leo CorryThis book provides a fresh view on an important and largely overlooked aspect of the Euclidean traditions in the medieval mathematical texts, particularly concerning the interrelations between geometry and arithmetic, and the rise of algebraic modes of thought. It appeals to anyone interested in the history of mathematics in general and in history of medieval and early modern science.
District Cooling: Theory and Practice (Heat Transfer #7)
by Alaa A. OlamaDISTRICT COOLING: THEORY and PRACTICE provides a unique study of an energy cogeneration system, set up to bring chilled water to buildings (offices, apartment houses, and factories) needing cooling for air conditioning and refrigeration. In winter, the source for the cooling can often be sea water, so it is a cheaper resource than using electricity to run compressors for cooling. The related technology of District Heating has been an established engineering practice for many years, but District Cooling is a relatively new technology now being implemented in various parts of the world, including the USA, Arab Emirates and Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Existing books in the area are scarce, and do not address many of the crucial issues facing nations with high overall air temperatures, many of which are developing District Cooling plans using sea water. DISTRICT COOLING: THEORY & PRACTICE integrates the theory behind district cooling planning with the practical engineering approaches, so it can serve the policy makers, engineers, and planners whose efforts have to be coordinated and closely managed to make such systems effective and affordable. In times of rising worldwide temperatures, District Cooling is a way to provide needed cooling with energy conservation and sustainability. This book will be the most up-to-date and comprehensive study on the subject, with Case Studies describing real projects in detail.
Disturbance Ecology (Landscape Series #32)
by Thomas Wohlgemuth Anke Jentsch Rupert SeidlThis edited work presents a multi-faceted view on the causes and consequences of disturbance in ecosystems. Vegetation can be affected by a variety of different disturbances such as wind, floods, fire, and insect attack, leading to an abrupt change in live biomass. Disturbance is a motor of vegetation dynamics, but also sensitive to climate change and poses a challenge for ecosystem management. Readers will discover the global distribution of disturbance regimes and learn about the importance of disturbances for biodiversity and the evolution of plant and animal life. The book provides a Central European perspective on disturbance ecology, and addresses important disturbance agents such as fire, wind, avalanches, tree diseases, insect defoliators, bark beetles and large herbivores in dedicated chapters. It furthermore includes chapters on anthropogenic disturbances in forests and grasslands. The impact of climate change on disturbance regimes and approaches to address disturbance risks in ecosystem management are discussed in concluding chapters. Within the 18 chapters 14 textboxes highlight current topics of disturbance ecology and provide deeper methodological insights into the field. Disturbances strongly shape our landscapes and maintain our biodiversity. A better understanding of their ecology is thus fundamental for contextualizing the dynamic changes in our environment. This book is a valuable resource for students and practitioners interested in disturbances and their management.
Disturbance Ecology and Biological Diversity: Context, Nature, and Scale
by Erik A. Beever Inger Suzanne Prange Dominick A. DellaSalaThis book presents cascading effects of ecological disturbances on a multitude of ecosystem components. It includes agricultural development, large infrequent disturbances, forest harvesting, non-native grazing in deserts, ground transportation, powerline corridors, fires, urban ecology, disturbance in aquatic ecosystems, land-use dynamics on diversity, habitat fragmentation, sedimentation of wetlands, and contemporary climate change. The book facilitates users in understanding why disturbances are occurring while recommending mitigation and remediation strategies.
Disturbance Observer for Advanced Motion Control with MATLAB / Simulink (IEEE Press Series on Control Systems Theory and Applications)
by Akira ShimadaDisturbance Observer for Advanced Motion Control with MATLAB/Simulink A fulsome and robust presentation of disturbance observers complete with MATLAB sample programs and simulation results In Disturbance Observer for Advanced Motion Control with MATLAB/Simulink, distinguished electronics engineer Dr. Akira Shimada delivers a comprehensive exploration of the suppression of actual and unknown disturbances. In the book, you’ll find a systematic discussion of the basic theory and design methods of disturbance observers accompanied by instructive MATLAB and Simulink simulation examples. Included appendices cover the mathematical background of classical, modern, and digital control and ground the reader’s understanding of the more advanced sections. The included material is ideal for students enrolled in courses in advanced motion control, mechatronics system control, electrical drives, motion control, robotics, and aeronautics. In addition to topics like model predictive control, vibration systems, acceleration control, adaptive observers, and multi-rate sampling, readers will find: A thorough introduction to the various types of disturbance observers and the fundamentals of disturbance observers, including disturbance estimation and disturbance rejection Comprehensive explorations of stabilized control and coprime factorization, including the derivation of stabilizing controllers Practical discussions of disturbance observers in state space, including identity input disturbance observers and identity reaction force observers Fulsome treatments of the mathematical foundations of control theory, methods??for measuring and estimating velocities, and the disturbance estimation Kalman filter Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students with existing knowledge of the fundamentals of control engineering who wish to learn how to design disturbance observers, Disturbance Observer for Advanced Motion Control with MATLAB/Simulink will also benefit professional engineers and researchers studying alternative control theories.
Disturbing the Solar System: Impacts, Close Encounters, and Coming Attractions
by Alan E. RubinThe solar system has always been a messy place in which gravity wreaks havoc. Moons form, asteroids and comets crash into planets, ice ages commence, and dinosaurs disappear. By describing the dramatic consequences of such disturbances, this authoritative and entertaining book reveals the fundamental interconnectedness of the solar system--and what it means for life on Earth. After relating a brief history of the solar system, Alan Rubin describes how astronomers determined our location in the Milky Way. He provides succinct and up-to-date accounts of the energetic interactions among planetary bodies, the generation of the Earth's magnetic field, the effects of other solar-system objects on our climate, the moon's genesis, the heating of asteroids, and the origin of the mysterious tektites. Along the way, Rubin introduces us to the individual scientists--including the famous, the now obscure, and the newest generation of researchers--who have enhanced our understanding of the galactic neighborhood. He shows how scientific discoveries are made; he discusses the uncertainty that presides over the boundaries of knowledge as well as the occasional reluctance of scientists to change their minds even when confronted by compelling evidence. This fresh historical perspective reveals science as it is: an imperfect but self-correcting enterprise. Journeying to the frontiers of knowledge, Rubin concludes with the exciting realm of astrobiology. He chronicles the history of the search for life on Mars and describes cutting-edge lines of astrobiological inquiry, including panspermia (the possible transfer of life from planet to planet), the likelihood of technologically advanced alien civilizations in our galaxy, and our probable responses to alien contact. Authoritative and up-to-date but also entertaining and fluidly written, Disturbing the Solar System will appeal to any reader who has ever picked up a rock or gazed at the moon with a sense of wonder.
Disturbing the Universe
by Freeman DysonWhile the focus of this book is a biography of the physicist Freeman Dyson up till about 1980, the side stories and range of people and projects he became involved in make this book a galaxy spanning story. From analyzing British bomber activity in WW II to meeting Hans Bethe and Richard Feynman when he was just trying to figure out what he wanted as a career, to helping design a nuclear starship to work on nuclear arms control, to the intersection of physics and biology, along with the poetry and stories that inspired him and the activities of his own family, the story expands to fill an amazing volume.
A Ditadura Militar e a Governança da Água no Brasil: Ideologia, Poderes Político-Econômico e Sociedade Civil na Construção das Hidrelétricas de Grande Porte (The Role of Ideology, Political-Economic Power and Civil Society in the Construction of Large Hydropower Dams) (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)
by Fernanda de Souza BragaIn recent decades there has been an exponential increase in large hydroelectric plants in Brazil, especially in the Amazon region. These large hydraulic structures impact the environment and the lives of people living in the places where they settle and require a special type of water governance. The dictatorial regime (1964-1985) created a "standard" for the construction of these great structures, through an institutional and legal framework, which benefited the Brazilian business elite but also, through the creation of a popular imagination, which shows itself lasting progress on the country's progress and development. The suspension of security, the fragility of institutional environmental structures, the disrespect for indigenous reserves, the lack of clarity about the concept of "affected population" and the non-payment of fair compensation were identified as one of the main challenges for a democratic water governance in the country. In the late 1970s, the Dam-Affected Movement (MAB) began its organization and is also studied in this research. The study is an important and insightful academic contribution to the understanding of the main bottlenecks of effective water governance in Brazil.
Dive!: The Story of Breathing Underwater
by Chris GallDIVE! is a fascinating introduction to the comprehensive world history of diving by award-winning artist Chris Gall.How do you breathe underwater? What tools can we use to go deeper and deeper into the oceans? And...what's down there?Two-thirds of our Earth is covered in ocean, yet only 5% of it has been explored. DIVE deep into our long history of sea exploration to learn why, how, and when humans have dived, and uncover our biggest questions about what hides in the Earth's deepest waters.Perfect for STEM-oriented minds and young and old readers fascinated by the sea, Dive! is a must-have to add to any nonfiction shelf.
Diverse Effects of Hypoxia on Tumor Progression
by M. Celeste SimonHypoxia, defined as reduced oxygen tension, is a common physiological phenomenon in both normal embryonic development and malignancy progression. Although severe hypoxia is generally toxic for both normal tissue and tumors, neoplastic cells gradually adapt to prolonged hypoxia though additional genetic and genomic changes with a net result that hypoxia promotes tumor progression and therapeutic resistance. Hypoxia promotes cancer progression by regulating various aspects of cancer biology, including radiotherapy resistance, metabolism, angiogenesis and invasion/migration
Diverse Hydrogen Sources for Biomass-derivatives Conversion: Reaction and Mechanism
by Zhibao HuoThe book covers advances in conversion of biomass and derivatives into useful chemicals and fuels. It describes our recent researches relating to the hydrogenation of biomass derivatives by diverse hydrogen sources such as water, isopropanol, gaseous hydrogen and NaBH4 as well as their interesting mechanism aspects. A wide range of biomass derivatives and some novel hydrogenation processes are involved in this book. Development strategies and challenges in future research are also discussed. This book will help readers to expand their knowledge of biomass and its derivatives conversion.
Diverse Quantization Phenomena in Layered Materials
by Chiun-Yan Lin Ching-Hong Ho Jhao-Ying Wu Thi-Nga Do Po-Hsin Shih Shih-Yang Lin Ming-Fa LinThis monograph offers a comprehensive overview of diverse quantization phenomena in layered materials, covering current mainstream experimental and theoretical research studies, and presenting essential properties of layered materials along with a wealth of figures. This book illustrates commonly used synthesis methods of these 2D materials and compares the calculated results and experimental measurements, including novel features not yet reported. The book also discusses experimental measurements of magnetic quantization, theoretical modeling for studying systems and covers diversified magneto-electronic properties, magneto-optical selection rules, unusual quantum Hall conductivities, and single- and many-particle magneto-Coulomb excitations. Rich and unique behaviors are clearly revealed in few-layer graphene systems with distinct stacking configuration, stacking-modulated structures, silicon-doped lattices, bilayer silicene/germanene systems with the bottom-top and bottom-bottom buckling structures, monolayer and bilayer phosphorene systems, and quantum topological insulators. The generalized tight-binding model, the static and dynamic Kubo formulas, and the random-phase approximation are developed/modified to thoroughly explore the fundamental properties and propose the concise physical pictures. Different high-resolution experimental measurements are discussed in detail, and they are consistent with the theoretical predictions. Aimed at readers working in materials science, physics, and engineering this book should be useful for potential applications in energy storage, electronic devices, and optoelectronic devices.
Diverse Quasiparticle Properties of Emerging Materials: First-Principles Simulations
by Tran Thi Thu Hanh Vo Khuong Dien Ngoc Thanh Thuy Tran Ching-Hong Ho Thi Dieu Hien Nguyen Ming-Fa LinDiverse Quasiparticle Properties of Emerging Materials: First-Principles Simulations thoroughly explores the rich and unique quasiparticle properties of emergent materials through a VASP-based theoretical framework. Evaluations and analyses are conducted on the crystal symmetries, electronic energy spectra/wave functions, spatial charge densities, van Hove singularities, magnetic moments, spin configurations, optical absorption structures with/without excitonic effects, quantum transports, and atomic coherent oscillations. Key Features • Illustrates various quasiparticle phenomena, mainly covering orbital hybridizations and spin-up/spin-down configurations • Mainly focuses on electrons and holes, in which their methods and techniques could be generalized to other quasiparticles, such as phonons and photons • Considers such emerging materials as zigzag nanotubes, nanoribbons, germanene, plumbene, bismuth chalcogenide insulators • Includes a section on applications of these materials This book is aimed at professionals and researchers in materials science, physics, and physical chemistry, as well as upper-level students in these fields.
Diversity Amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development
by Martin Lewis Marie Price William Wyckoff Les RowntreeStudents learn to think outside of the map Diversity Amid Globalization takes students on a journey into the connections and diversity between people and places-the contrasting regions of the world-within thematically organized regional chapters. With an arresting visual layout and new and updated content and maps throughout, the text maintains and strengthens its hallmark thematic organization and focus on globalization, while encouraging students to participate in the material using a number of stimulating, interactive learning tools.
Diversity and Benefits of Microorganisms from the Tropics
by João Lucio de Azevedo Maria Carolina QuecineThis book addresses the diversity of tropical microorganisms and its applications in agriculture, renewable energy production and environmental protection. It covers several tropical habitats such as rain forests, mangroves, sea and river waters and describes how microorganisms isolated from these regions can be used to control insects and plant diseases, to improve sugar cane and biofuels production among other applications. The book also aims to bring researchers' attention to the potential of tropical microorganisms for biotechnological purposes, an area that is still far from being well explored.
Diversity and Biotechnology of Extremophilic Microorganisms from India (Microorganisms for Sustainability)
by Pradnya Pralhad Kanekar Sagar Pralhad KanekarThis authored book collates information on extremophilic microorganisms from around the world with special emphasis on India. The main focus of this book is to describe extreme environments as the habitats of these microorganisms, mechanisms of the extremophiles to cope up with the surrounding environment, new taxa created, their physiological properties, their biotechnological potential in the production of different biomolecules and biomaterials, and their role in sustainability. The concept of the book is to have comprehensive information on the diversity of microorganisms in one place. The purpose of the present book is to make aware young researchers of the attempts made so far to isolate these different microbes, inspire them to revisit the extreme environments, investigate their biodiversity using advanced molecular techniques and explore further their biotechnological potential. This book is of interest to post-graduate students, young researchers of India as well as other countries. It is useful reading material for researchers involved in environmental microbiology, microbial diversity, microbial systematics, microbial culture collections, molecular taxonomy, and microbial biotechnology.
Diversity and Disagreement: From Fundamental Biases to Ethical Interactions
by Edward T. Cokely Adam FeltzThis book details the discovery and exploration of one of the major scientific revelations that has emerged from the field of experimental philosophy—i.e., that heritable personality traits often predict philosophical diversity and disagreement, and may help explain fundamental philosophical biases. Adam Feltz and Edward T. Cokely provide historical and personal perspectives on this differential approach within experimental philosophy and discuss how theoretical considerations and insights have started to have practical impact on practice in risk communication, law, medicine, public policy, and engineering (e.g., science for informed decision making; the ethics of choice architecture and nudges). The main goal in this book is to provide a theoretical framework for understanding variation in fundamental philosophical intuitions and how that variation informs ethical interaction theory. This is an open access book.
The Diversity and Evolution of Plants
by Lorentz C. PearsonThis exciting new textbook examines the concepts of evolution as the underlying cause of the rich diversity of life on earth-and our danger of losing that rich diversity. Written as a college textbook, The Diversity and Evolution of Plants introduces the great variety of life during past ages, manifested by the fossil record, using a new natural classification system. It begins in the Proterozoic Era, when bacteria and bluegreen algae first appeared, and continues through the explosions of new marine forms in the Helikian and Hadrynian Periods, land plants in the Devonian, and flowering plants in the Cretaceous. Following an introduction, the three subkingdoms of plants are discussed. Each chapter covers one of the eleven divisions of plants and begins with an interesting vignette of a plant typical of that division. A section on each of the classes within the division follows. Each section describes where the groups of plants are found and their distinguishing features. Discussions in each section include phylogeny and classification, general morphology, and physiology, ecological significance, economic uses, and potential for research. Suggested readings and student exercises are found at the end of each chapter.
Diversity as Catalyst: Economic Growth and Urban Resilience in Global Cityscapes (Urban Sustainability)
by Gaetan Siew Zaheer Allam Ali CheshmehzangiIn an era where global cities emerge as pivotal hubs for economic growth and cultural fusion, this book presents an innovative approach to understanding and leveraging the rich tapestry of diversity in urban environments. This book delves into how cultural diversity acts not just as a social asset but as a key driver of economic prosperity and urban resilience. What sets this book apart is its multidisciplinary perspective, combining insights from urban planning, economics, social sciences, and sustainability studies. It offers a fresh lens through which the dynamics of global cities are viewed, analyzed, and understood, aligning closely with Sustainable Development Goal 11 – making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. The scope of the book is both broad and deep, covering topics from the economic impact of cultural diversity in urban centers to strategies for balancing cultural heritage with modern urban development. It's a must-read for academics, policy makers, urban planners, and anyone interested in the future of urban living. Key features and benefits: Offers a unique blend of theory and practice, providing actionable insights for harnessing cultural diversity in urban development. Includes case studies and examples from cities around the world, making it relevant to a global audience. Directly aligns with global policy agendas, particularly SDG 11, offering a strategic guide for policymakers and urban developers.
Diversity, Biomineralization and Rock Magnetism of Magnetotactic Bacteria
by Wei LinMagnetotactic bacteria (MTB) synthesize intracellular nano-sized minerals of magnetite and/or greigite magnetosomes for magnetic orientation. They play important roles in global iron cycling and sedimentary magnetism, and have a broad range of potential applications in both biotechnological and biomedical fields. However, because the majority of MTB in nature remain unculturable, our understanding of these specific bacteria remains fairly limited. This thesis describes the development of a novel approach for effectively collecting, purifying and characterizing uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria. The diversity, genomic information and rock magnetic properties of various uncultivated MTB are investigated and characterized using a combination of biological and geophysical methods. The results will lead to a better understanding of the biogeography and biomineralization mechanisms of MTB in nature, and improve our knowledge of the contributions of MTB to biogeochemical cycles of elements and sedimentary magnetism. Dr. Wei Lin works at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Diversity, Dynamics and Functional Role of Actinomycetes on European Smear Ripened Cheeses
by Nagamani Bora Christine Dodd Nathalie DesmasuresCheese is a significant part of European culture and its production, both industrial and artisanal, is a significant economic activity. Smear cheeses are one element of that diverse cultural and economic activity. And they are an ecological niche which illustrates the diversity of, especially, though not exclusively, actinomycetes. Mainstream ecology looks at the oceans, soil, rhizosphere, human microbiomes and plant, insect and marine animal symbionts which influence the climate, agriculture, human health and the ecology of higher organisms. But food microbiology can influence human well-being and nutrition and, as an ecological niche, illustrates the same broad principles in action as other ecological studies, but, in many ways offers a more controlled and controllable environment to study. The bacterial diversity present on smear cheese surfaces is like a model system which will provide the vehicle for developing a research strategy for food-environment microbiology. In this book we take a look at food-based ecological niche by focusing on the actinomycetes. This book presents many of the aspects, from the taxonomy of the cheese flora and its interaction with the 'house flora' to the functional manipulation of the organoleptic properties of the dairy product to the pathogenic risk. Modern methods of taxonomic characterization provide significant data in understanding the functional roles of members of the microbial flora including their enzymatic potential, the presence of virulence genes or probiotic factors. Taxonomy guided high throughput metagenome analysis is a generic approach to systems level analysis of microbial ecosystems, such as those found in the food chain. The data generated by metagenomic analysis will require extensive bioinformatic support which will provide the data not only for taxonomic characterization, community analysis and ecosystem dynamics but the data will also provide a foothold into the evolution and ecosystem function of the community. The ultimate understanding of the metabolome and the regulation of such a complex ecosystem will provide the framework for further technological advances in solid state fermentation.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Astronomy: A Modern History (Space and Society)
by Jörg Matthias DetermannAstronomy is a field concerned with matters very distant from Earth. Most phenomena, whether observed or theorized, transcend human spaces and timescales by orders of magnitude. Yet, many scientists have been interested not just in the events that have occurred millennia before Earth's inception, but also in their very own society here and now. Since the first half of the twentieth century, an increasing number of them have pursued parallel careers as both academics and activists. Besides publishing peer-reviewed papers, they have promoted a great variety of underrepresented groups within their discipline. Through conferences, newsletters and social media, they have sought to advance the interests of women, members of racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+, and disabled people. While these activists have differed in the identities they focus on, they have come to share a conviction that diversity and inclusion are crucial for scientific excellence as well as social justice. In this book, you will read of the biographies and institutional contexts of key agents in the diversification of modern astronomy. As most are recent figures whose discoveries have not been commemorated by Nobel Prizes, they are relatively unknown among historians of science. They have, however, been central to discussions about who has privileged access to the tools of astronomical inquiry, including powerful telescopes and extensive databases. As such, they have also significantly shaped views of our universe.
Diversity in Coastal Marine Sciences
by Charles W. Finkl Christopher MakowskiThis book integrates a wide range of subjects into a coherent purview of the status of coastal marine science. Designed for the professional or specialist in coastal science, oceanography, and related disciplines, this work will appeal to workers in multidisciplinary fields that strive for practical solutions to environmental problems in coastal marine settings around the world. Examples are drawn from many different geographic areas, including the Black Sea region. Subject areas covered include aspects of coastal marine geology, physics, chemistry, biology, and history. These subject areas were selected because they form the basis for integrative investigation of salient environmental problems or perspective solutions or interpretation of historical context.
Diversity In The Genus Apis
by Deborah Roan SmithThe honey bees were formerly seen as a small, static group comprising four species, whose behavior and ecology were simple variants on the patterns found in Apis mellifera. The picture now is one of a large, actively speciating group, reflecting in part the complex geological and biological influence of the Apis environment. Research on this diversity has benefitted from new techniques of DNA analysis applied to several long-standing problems in honey bee phylogenetics and that are reported in this volume. The behavior and ecology of the Apis species and populations are also more diverse and differentiated than previously recognized: Radically different orientation systems as expressed through dance language exist in various species. This study of Apis will be of great interest not only to biologists and apiculturalists but to anyone interested in systematics, genetics, and ethology. Our view of apis has changed radically in the past few years as a result of recent research on the Asian honeybee. The contributors to this book focus on systematics, genetics, behaviour and ecology to offer a synthesis for understanding this economically and scientifically important genus.
The Diversity of Animal Reproduction
by Richard E. BlackwelderThis book is primarily a monograph of the reproductive diversity among animals, including protozoans. This diversity is listed for each group in Chapter 6; it is cross-listed by process in chapter 7.