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DNAPL Site Evaluation
by James W. Mercer Robert M. CohenDNAPL Site Evaluation covers long-term contamination of ground water by DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquids) chemicals. The book develops a framework for planning and implementing DNAPL site characterization activities. It provides detailed methods to identify, characterize, and monitor sites and analyzes their utility, limitations, risks, availability, and cost. Methods to interpret contaminant fate and transport are identified, and new site characterization methods are assessed. DNAPL Site Evaluation will maximize the cost-effectiveness of site investigation/remediation by providing the best information available to describe and evaluate methods to be used for determining the presence, fate, and transport of subsurface DNAPL contamination. The book will be a useful reference for groundwater professionals and environmental regulatory personnel.
DNA'Protein Interactions
by G. Geoff KnealeThe clear and easy-to-follow protocols collected here illuminate the molecular basis of protein-nucleic acid interactions. Use them successfully to reveal the location of the DNA binding site, the strength and specificity of a binding, the identities of individual groups on the actual bases involved in binding, and the specific amino acid residues of the protein that interact with the DNA. Some of the techniques can even be used to identify previously unknown DNA binding proteins from crude cell extracts, thus empowering you to make groundbreaking advances in your work.
DNA'Protein Interactions
by Tom MossDr. Tom Moss assembles the new standard collection of cutting-edge techniques to identify key protein-DNA interactions and define their components, their manner of interaction, and their manner of function, both in the cell and in the test tube. The techniques span a wide range, from factor identification to atomic detail, and include multiple DNA footprinting analyses, including in vivo strategies, gel shift (EMSA) optimization, SELEX, surface plasmon resonance, site-specific DNA-protein crosslinking, and UV laser crosslinking. Comprehensive and broad ranging, DNA-Protein Interactions: Principles and Protocols, 2nd Edition, offers a stellar array of over 100 up-to-date and readily reproducible techniques that biochemists and molecular, cellular, and developmental biologists can use successfully today to understand DNA-protein interactions.
DNA Arrays: Technologies and Experimental Strategies (Frontiers in Neuroscience)
by Elena V. GrigorenkoA quantum leap in technology took place a few years ago with the introduction of cDNA arrays that have been developed in response to the need for simultaneous analysis of the patterns of expression of thousands of genes. DNA Arrays: Technologies and Experimental Strategies offers a view of different aspects of this rapidly developing technology, in
DNA Arrays
by Jang B. RampalIn DNA Arrays: Methods and Protocols, Jang Rampal and a authoritative panel of researchers, engineers, and technologists explain in detail how to design and construct DNA microarrays, as well as how to hybridize them with biological samples for analysis. In step-by-step instructions, these experts detail not only how to attach or print arrays on various matrices, but also biological sample preparation (DNA and RNA), hybridization conditions, signal detection, probe optimization, different printing technologies, and data collection and analysis (bioinformatics). Additional topics covered include genotyping, sequencing by hybridization, antisense reagents, HLA-DQA typing techniques, and gene expression analysis. Forward-looking and state-of-the-art, DNA Arrays: Methods and Protocols provides all investigators engaged in biological and biomedical research the full range of effective, readily reproducible microarray techniques needed to analyze on a large scale the many different genes and gene sequences now available from the Human Genome Project.
DNAzymes: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2439)
by Gerhard Steger Hannah Rosenbach Ingrid SpanThis volume explores a collection of different protocols for the analysis and characterization of DNAzymes and their functions. The topics covered in this book range from bioinformatics and molecular dynamics simulations for the study or modification of nucleic acids to the descriptions of spectroscopic, fluorescence-based, or crystallographic methods to understand the structure and function of DNAzymes. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and comprehensive, DNAzymes: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for scientists and researchers interested in learning more about this evolving field.
DNA Barcodes
by Ida Lopez David L. EricksonA DNA barcode in its simplest definition is one or more short gene sequences taken from a standardized portion of the genome that is used to identify species through reference to DNA sequence libraries or databases. In DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols expert researchers in the field detail many of the methods which are now commonly used with DNA barcodes. These methods include the latest information on techniques for generating, applying, and analyzing DNA barcodes across the Tree of Life including animals, fungi, protists, algae, and plants. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, the chapters include the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results in the laboratory. Thorough and intuitive, DNA Barcodes: Methods and Protocols aids scientists in continuing to study methods from wet-lab protocols, statistical, and ecological analyses along with guides to future, large-scale collections campaigns.
DNA Barcoding: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2744)
by Robert DeSalleThis volume covers the latest advancements and methods used to study DNA barcoding. The chapters in this book are organized into six parts: theory, DNA manipulation, specialized barcoding methods, analysis of DNA barcodes, completing a successful DNA barcode project, and barcoding as citizen science. Part One looks at several theoretical issues in DNA barcoding concerned with DNA barcodes that can and should be used. Part Two discusses protocols for processing samples into DNA barcodes, including DNA isolation, sequencing and managing samples, and the resulting DNA barcodes. Part Three explores the next generation of DNA barcoding such as FRET-based detection, dual nanopore detection, skimming, and closed-tube methods. Part Four addresses programs and websites that handle DNA barcoding data, and includes character-based approaches, barcode gap methods, integrated approaches, and Barcode of Life Database. Part Five offers protocols for producing a successfulDNA barcoding project including plant and animal examples and protocols for generating a DNA Barcode Reference Library. Lastly, Part Six talks about several novel protocols for setting up an educational program using DNA barcodes. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and thorough, DNA Barcoding: Methods and Protocols encompasses a wide range of techniques and will be a useful reference tool for both scientist and student.
DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny
by Subrata Trivedi Hasibur Rehman Shalini Saggu Chellasamy Panneerselvam Sankar K. GhoshThis book includes a multitude of aspects of DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny along with some case studies which will be beneficial to researchers and academics around the globe in a total of 27 chapters. Bioinformatics is an important part of DNA barcoding and the concept of R in DNA Barcoding is a very recent development. This book contains a full chapter devoted to this very important topic. Further areas where DNA barcoding can be applied are: management of invasive alien species, plant animal interactions, forensic botany, clinical microbiology especially in relation to infection management, DNA database management, among others. This book also includes very useful information related to the DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of microbes, aquatic plants, algae, mosquitoes, elasmobranchs, fishes, reptiles, birds and ruminant mammals. Some unique case studies describe DNA barcoding of reptiles dwelling in Saudi Arabian deserts, DNA barcoding of a high altitude medicinal plant, genetic variation studies in both wild and hatchery populations of Anabas testudineus, DNA Barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fishes of Kuantan River in Malaysia.
DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny
by Subrata Trivedi Hasibur Rehman Shalini Saggu Chellasamy Panneerselvam Sankar K. GhoshThis book presents a comprehensive overview of DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny, along with a number of case studies. It discusses a number of areas where DNA barcoding can be applied, such as clinical microbiology, especially in relation to infection management; DNA database management; and plant -animal interactions, and also presents valuable information on the DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of microbes, algae, elasmobranchs, fishes, birds and ruminant mammals. Furthermore it features unique case studies describing DNA barcoding of reptiles dwelling in Saudi Arabian deserts, genetic variation studies in both wild and hatchery populations of Anabas testudineus, DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Ichthyoplankton and juvenile fishes of Kuantan River in Malaysia, and barcoding and molecular phylogenetic analysis of indigenous bacteria from fishes dwelling in a tropical tidal river. Moreover, since prompt identification and management of invasive species is vital to prevent economic and ecological loss, the book includes a chapter on DNA barcoding of invasive species. Given its scope, this book will appeal not only to researchers, teachers and students around the globe, but also to general readers.
DNA Barcoding in Marine Perspectives
by Subrata Trivedi Abid Ali Ansari Sankar K. Ghosh Hasibur RehmanMore than two third area of our planet is covered by oceans and assessment of marine biodiversity is a challenging task. With the increasing global population, there is a tendency to exploit marine recourses for food, energy and other requirements. This puts pressure on the fragile marine environment and necessitates sustainable conservation efforts. Marine species identification using traditional taxonomical methods are often burdened with taxonomic controversies. Here in this book we will discuss the comparatively new concept of DNA barcoding and its significance in marine perspective. This molecular technique can be useful in the assessment of cryptic species which is widespread in marine environment and linking the different life cycle stages to the adult which is difficult to accomplish in the marine ecosystem. Other advantages of DNA barcoding include authentication and safety assessment of seafood, wildlife forensics, conservation genetics and detection of invasive alien species (IAS). Global DNA barcoding efforts in the marine habitat include MarBOL, CeDAMar, CMarZ, SHARK-BOL, etc. DNA barcoding of different marine groups ranging from the microbes to mammals is to be revealed. In conjugation with newer and faster techniques like high throughput sequencing, DNA barcoding is serving as an effective modern tool in marine biodiversity assessment and conservation.
DNA Beyond Genes: From Data Storage and Computing to Nanobots, Nanomedicine, and Nanoelectronics
by Vadim V. DemidovThis is the first book portraying to a wide readership many fields of DNA in the world of materials altogether in a single volume. The book provides underlying concepts and state-of-art developments in the emerging fields of DNA electronics, structural DNA nanotechnology, DNA computing and DNA data storage, DNA machines and nanorobots. Future possibilities of innovative DNA-based technologies, such as DNA cryptography, DNA identity tags, DNA nanostructures in biosensing and nanomedicine, as well as DNA-based nanoelectronics are all covered, too. This book is valuable for university students studying engineering and technology; biotech, nanotech, and medical device R&D managers, practitioners and investors; and IP analysts who would like to extend their background in advanced DNA technologies. It is nicely illustrated, which makes it very readable, and it conveys science and principles in a lively language to appeal to a broad audience, from professionals and academics to students and lay readers. Advance Praise for DNA Beyond Genes:“Most students of DNA, and lay readers as well, are interested in the absolutely essential role it plays in biology. However, the properties which make DNA the carrier of genetic information also make it an extraordinary material that can be used as the backbone for a wide variety of nanoengineering applications – these range from information storage and computation to molecular machines and devices to artfully designed logos and symbols. The perfect self-recognition of DNA sequences makes it an ideal building block to synthesize more and more elaborate constructions and imaginative scientists have probably only just scratched the surface of what can eventually be created. Here for the first time in this wonderful book Vadim Demidov explores the full range of the non-biological applications of DNA.”Charles R. CantorProfessor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University Member of the USA National Academy of Sciences
DNA Cloning and Assembly Methods
by Svein Valla Rahmi LaleIn DNA Cloning and Assembly Methods, expert researchers in the field detail many of the methods which are now commonly used for DNA cloning and make cloning procedures faster, more reliable and also suitable for high-throughput handling. These include methods and protocols that are based on several mechanisms including type II and IIS restriction enzymes, single stranded annealing, sequence overlap, and recombination. With additional chapters on software programs that are suitable for primer design, a feature crucial for the functionality of the described methods. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, DNA Cloning and Assembly Methods seeks to provide scientist with a valuable and useful resource for wet lab researchers within life sciences.
DNA Damage Recognition
by Wolfram Siede Yoke Wah Kow Paul W. DoetschStands as the most comprehensive guide to the subject-covering every essential topic related to DNA damage identification and repair.Covering a wide array of topics from bacteria to human cells, this book summarizes recent developments in DNA damage repair and recognition while providing timely reviews on the molecular mechanisms employe
DNA Damage Responses: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2444)
by Nima MosammaparastThis volume provides detailed methods and key approaches used to mechanistically study DNA damage, as well as the factors involved in the damage response. Chapters guide readers through proteomics and biophysical approaches, analyzing protein function, quantifying DNA replication dynamics and nucleic acid base damage, as well as biochemical reconstitution of key pathways involved in DNA repair. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, DNA Damage Responses: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.
DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2119)
by Katsuhiro HanadaThis volume explores the latest techniques used by researchers to study DNA electrophoresis, with focus on various species including bacteria, yeasts, and mammalian cells. The chapters in this book cover topics such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis; DNA replication; pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; ChIP; and post-labeling/PAGE method for detection of DNA adducts. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and authoritative, DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for any researchers looking to learn more about this developing field.
DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols
by Svetlana MakovetsIn DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field detail many of the methods which are now commonly used to study DNA using electrophoresis as the major approach. A powerful tool that allows separating DNA molecules according to their size and shape, this volume includes methods and techniques such as 2-dimentional gel electrophoresis as the major approach. These include methods and techniques such as 2-dimentional gel electrophoresis, DNA electrophoresis under conditions in which DNA molecules are completely or partially denatured during the runs, Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis, electrophoresis coupled to fluorescence in situ hybridization, as well as protein-DNA interactions studied using electrophoreses. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols aids scientists in continuing to study DNA dynamics both in live cells and in test tubes.
DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics
by Antonio AlonsoForensic DNA profiling procedures are mainly based on high resolution and high throughput capillary electrophoresis separation and detection systems of PCR amplicons obtained from DNA genomic markers with different inheritance patterns. In DNA Electrophoresis Protocols for Forensic Genetics, expert researchers in the field detail many of the protocols and methods which are now commonly used to perform forensic DNA profiling. It includes protocols for profiling of autosomal STRs, Y-STRs, X-STRs, autosomal SNPs, INDELS, Y-SNPs, mtDNA-SNPs, and mtDNA hypervariable regions HV1 and HV2 . Protocols for molecular identification of non-human species and mRNA profiling for body fluid identification are also included. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
DNA Engineered Noble Metal Nanoparticles
by Ignác CapekThere is a growing interest in the use of nanoparticles modified with DNAs, viruses, peptides and proteins for the rational design of nanostructured functional materials and their use in biosensor applications. The challenge is to control the organization of biomolecules on nanoparticles while retaining their biological activity as potential chemical and gene therapeutics. These noble metal nanoparticles/biomolecules conjugates have specific properties and therefore they are attractive materials for nanotechnology in biochemistry and medicine. In this book, the author review work performed dealing with the DNA structure and functionalities, interactions between DNA, noble metal nanoparticles, surface active agents, solvents and other additives. Particular attention is given to how the DNA's chain length and the DNA conformation affect the interaction and structure of the nanoconjugates and nanostructures that are formed. Also discussed are the recent advances in the preparation, characterization, and applications of noble metal nanoparticles that are conjugated with DNA aptamers and oligomers. The advantages and disadvantages of functionalized nanoparticles through various detection modes are highlighted, including colorimetry, fluorescence, electrochemistry, SPR, and, mass spectrometry for the detection of small molecules and biomolecules. The functionalized noble metal nanoparticles are selective and sensitive for the analytes, showing their great potential in biosensing. Furthermore, this book reviews recent progress in the area of DNA-noble metal nanoparticles based artificial nanostructures, that is, the preparation, collective properties, and applications of various DNA-based nanostructures are also described.
DNA Fingerprinting: Advancements and Future Endeavors
by Hirak Ranjan Dash Pankaj Shrivastava Braja Kishore Mohapatra Surajit DasThis book describes the basics and various applications of DNA fingerprinting, including in actual case studies. The book is divided in four modules; Module 1: Basics of DNA Fingerprinting, Module 2: Applications of DNA Fingerprinting, Module 3: DNA Fingerprinting: Case Studies, and Module 4: Future of DNA Fingerprinting. Each module consists of 4 to 5 chapters, written by reputed researchers, academics and forensic scientists from around the globe. The respective chapters cover e.g. related fields, the tools and techniques used, various genotyping kits, real-world case studies, ancient DNA and wild life forensics, molecular diagnosis of human diseases, legal aspects, microbial forensics and the economics of the DNA fingerprinting technique. The book offers a practical guide for professionals, graduate and post-graduate students in the fields of Forensic Science, Medicine, Genetics, Anthropology, Microbiology, and Zoology. It also serves as a useful reference resource, summarizing major technological advances in the field of DNA fingerprinting, the problems faced in this field of science and possible new solutions to these problems. Presently, DNA fingerprinting is utilized in solving the majority of criminal cases; as such, the book is also helpful for investigating agencies, as it includes representative case studies.
DNA Fingerprinting
by M. Krawczak J. SchmidtkeThe book is primarily concerned with DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling in the context of forensic medicine and kinship testing. It concentrates on methods of determining the degree of relatedness of members of the same species, focusing on humans and occasionally glancing at other species.
DNA Fingerprinting in Plants: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition
by Kurt Weising Hilde Nybom Markus Pfenninger Kirsten Wolff Günter KahlGiven the explosive development of new molecular marker techniques over the last decade, newcomers and experts alike in the field of DNA fingerprinting will find an easy-to-follow guide to the multitude of techniques available in DNA Fingerprinting in Plants: Principles, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition. Along with step-by-step annotated p
DNA Helicases and DNA Motor Proteins (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #767)
by Maria SpiesIn recent years, a number of groundbreaking structural and mechanistic studies deepened our understanding of helicase mechanisms and established new approaches for their analyses. Many fundamental mechanistic questions ranging from the mechanism of force generation, mechanochemical coupling to distinct mechanisms by which the same enzyme translocates on DNA removing obstacles, unwinds DNA and/or remodels nucleoprotein complexes, however, remain to be answered. It is even less understood how the helicase motors are incorporated into a wide range of genome maintenance and repair machines. The field has reached a stage when the studies of molecular mechanisms and basic biology of helicases can and shall be integrated with the studies of development, cancer and longevity. The objective of this book is to provide the first systematic overview of structure, function and regulation of DNA helicases and related molecular motors. By integrating the knowledge obtained through the diverse technical approaches ranging from single-molecule biophysics to cellular and molecular biological studies the editors aim to provide a unified view on how helicases function in the cell, are regulated in response to different cellular stresses and are integrated into large macromolecular assemblies to form a complex and adaptive living system.
DNA Information: Laws of Perception
by Georgi MuskhelishviliThis book explores the double coding property of DNA, which is manifested in the digital and analog information types as two interdependent codes. This double coding principle can be applied to all living systems, from the level of the individual cell to entire social systems, seen as systems of communication. Further topics discussed include the ubiquitous problem of logical typing, which reflects our inherent incapacity to simultaneously perceive discontinuity and continuity, the problem of time, and the peculiarities of autopoietic living systems. It is shown that the scientific "truths" that appear to be coherent constructions connecting the scientifically verified observations by the rules of logic are in fact always relative and never absolute.
DNA is Not Destiny
by Steven J. HeineDo you fear what might be lurking in your DNA?Well, now you can find out, and you most likely will. Scientists expect one billion people to have their genomes sequenced by 2025, and as the price drops it may even become a standard medical procedure. Yet cultural psychologist Steven Heine argues that the first thing we'll do upon receiving our DNA test results is to misinterpret them completely. We've become accustomed to breathless media coverage about newly discovered "cancer" or "IQ" or "infidelity" genes, each one promising a deeper understanding of what makes us tick. But as Heine shows, most of these claims are oversimplified and overhyped misinterpretations of how our DNA really works. With few exceptions, it is a complex combination of experience, environment, and genetics that determines who we are, how we behave, and what diseases will afflict us in the future. So why do we continue to buy into the belief that our genes control our destiny? Heine argues that we are psychologically ill equipped to deal with DNA results, repeatedly falling into predictable biases--switch-thinking, essentialism, fatalism, negativity dominance, and more--that mold our thinking about the information we receive. Heine shares his research--and his own genome-sequencing results--to not only to set the record straight regarding what your genes actually reveal about your health, intelligence, ethnic identity, and family, but to also help you counteract these insidious cognitive traps. His fresh, surprising conclusions about the promise, and limits, of genetic engineering and DNA testing upend conventional thinking and reveal a simple, profound truth: your genes create life--but they do not control it.