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Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson

by Harold Winfield Kent

Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson: the life of the Rev. Dr. Charles McEwen Hyde, including a discussion of the open letter of Robert Louis Stevenson.

Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster: The Search for the Smallpox Vaccine

by Albert Marrin

Albert Marrin explains the significance of Jenner's gift to mankind as he narrates the epic story of smallpox, a disease so contagious and deadly it has dramatically influenced the course of history.

Dr. Joe & What You Didn't Know: 177 Fascinating Questions & Answers about the Chemistry of Everyday Life

by Dr. Joe Schwarcz

The mythbuster and bestselling popular science author of A Grain of Salt tackles questions that show the scientific underpinnings of our culture. Dr. Joe & What You Didn&’t Know acts as both the source and satiation of scientific curiosity through a series of 177 chemistry-related questions and answers designed to both inform and entertain. From the esoteric to the everyday, the topics Dr. Joe Schwarcz tackles range from Beethoven&’s connection to plumbing to why rotten eggs smell like rotten eggs. How did a sheep, a duck, and a rooster usher in the age of air travel? What does Miss Piggy have to do with the World Cup? And is there really any danger in eating green potatoes? The answers to these whimsical questions and more are revealed in this collection in an accessible scientific fashion. &“Only Dr. Joe can turn the world&’s most fascinating questions into a compelling journey through the great scientific mysteries of everyday life.&” —Paul Lewis, former president and general manager, Discovery Channel &“A book with an incredibly high &‘Did you know that. . . ?&’ quotient . . . Completely captivating.&” —New Brunswick Reader

Dr. Joe's Brain Sparks: 179 Inspiring and Enlightening Inquiries into the Science of Everyday Life

by Joe Schwarcz

Prepare to be amazed once again.Did you know what when you shake a ketchup bottle you're practicing thixotropy? That the ancient Greeks made themselves look less ancient by inventing moisturizer? That the mysterious drug obecalp* is as effective as homeopathy and many herbal cures? From the bestselling author of An Apple a Day, Brain Fuel, and Science, Sense and Nonsense comes a fresh batch of inquiries into the science of everyday life. Dr. Joe, as he is affectionately known to millions of readers, listeners, viewers, and students, presents his third book in the Doubleday Canada series he launched with Brain Fuel.Using a Q&A format, it explains the world through science, and science through our common experience. There are sections on diet and nutrition, new drugs, and the dubious claims made for alternative remedies and beauty potions. There is a profusion of inspiring, enlightening, sometime just downright bizarre information drawn from the laboratory, from history, from our medicine cabinets and the bottles under our sinks. Science is everywhere, and Dr. Joe is keeping track - and doing it in a marvelously warm, eminently readable style. Let the brain sparks fly!*Try reading this word backwards.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Dr. Joe's Health Lab: 164 Amazing Insights into the Science of Medicine, Nutrition and Well-being

by Joe Schwarcz

The bestselling author of Brain Fuel and An Apple a Day reveals the science of being well, eating well, and staying well clear of "alternative therapy" charlatans.Health Lab's theme is the most popular of Dr Joe's specialities. There are riveting and sometimes hair-raising vignettes from the history of medicine and food production. There are reports aimed at equipping readers to recognize and beware muddled thinking, misunderstandings and deceptions in media stories about health and nutrition and in the claims made by the peddlars of "alternative" therapies. There is a wealth of information on the science of inner well-being and outer beauty. The secret to good health lies in understanding the chemistry involved. Ask Dr. Joe.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Dr. Jonas Salk: A Little Golden Book Biography (Little Golden Book)

by Deborah Hopkinson

Help your little one dream big with a Little Golden Book biographyabout Dr. Jonas Salk, the creator of the polio vaccine. Little Golden Book biographies are the perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers—as well as fans of all ages!This Little Golden Book about Dr. Jonas Salk--virologist and one of the pioneers of the first successful polio vaccine--is an inspiring read-aloud for young children with an interest in STEM-related topics.Look for more Little Golden Book biographies: • Barack Obama • Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Joe Biden • Kamala Harris • Sonia Sotomayor • Dr. Fauci

Dr. Mae Jemison: Brave Rocketeer (VIP #2)

by Heather Alexander

Soar to the stars with Dr. Mae Jemison in this exciting middle grade nonfiction biography. Perfect for fans of the Who Was and Little Leaders series, the books in the VIP series tell the true—and amazing—stories of some of history's greatest trailblazers. Meet the VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE who changed the world! <p><p>Mae Jemison is the first African American woman to travel to space. She’s also a medical doctor who once joined the Peace Corps. And a trained dancer, too! Experience all the exciting moments in Dr. Jemison's thrilling life in this exciting biography, packed with two-color illustrations and fun facts, including the secrets of NASA. <p><p>Short and engaging chapters are interspersed with special lists and other information made to order to engage kids, whether they're already biography fans or "have to" write a report for school. <p><p>The special sections in VIP: Dr. Mae Jemison include "Answers to Some Big Questions Mae Wondered About"; "10 Things Women Couldn’t Do in the 1960s and 1970s"; and "QUIZ: Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Astronaut?"The VIP series features inspiring adventures and fun facts about some of history's greatest trailblazers—smart, tough, persevering innovators who will inspire today's kids. <p><p>Featuring underappreciated historical figures and groups, with a focus on leaders in science and technology, the nonfiction biographies in the VIP series are fun and engaging. Just looking at the cover will make kids want to learn more about these VIPs, and once they dive in they will zoom through stories that read like adventures. <p><p>Each book in the VIP series allows your middle grader to experience all the exciting moments in some very important but lesser known lives.

Dr. Space

by Bob Ward

Written by veteran aerospace journalist Bob Ward, who spent years investigating his subject, this biography presents a revealing but even-handed portrait of the father of modern rocketry. As he chronicles Wernher von Braun's life, Ward explodes many myths and misconceptions about the controversial genius who was a hero to some, a villain to others. The picture of von Braun that emerges is of a brilliant scientist with limitless curiosity and a drive to achieve his goals at almost any price from, developing the world's first ballistic missile used against the Allies in World War II to helping launch the first U.S. satellite that hurled Americans into space and the Saturn V super-booster that powered them to the moon. Along the way readers are introduced to the human side of this charismatic visionary who brought the United States into the Space Age.

Dr Space Junk vs The Universe: Archaeology and the Future (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Alice Gorman

A pioneering space archaeologist explores artifacts left behind in space and on Earth, from moon dust to Elon Musk's red sports car.Alice Gorman is a space archaeologist: she examines the artifacts of human encounters with space. These objects, left behind on Earth and in space, can be massive (dead satellites in eternal orbit) or tiny (discarded zip ties around a defunct space antenna). They can be bold (an American flag on the moon) or hopeful (messages from Earth sent into deep space). They raise interesting questions: Why did Elon Musk feel compelled to send a red Tesla into space? What accounts for the multiple rocket-themed playgrounds constructed after the Russians launched Sputnik? Gorman—affectionately known as “Dr Space Junk” —takes readers on a journey through the solar system and beyond, deploying space artifacts, historical explorations, and even the occasional cocktail recipe in search of the ways that we make space meaningful.Engaging and erudite, Gorman recounts her background as a (nonspace) archaeologist and how she became interested in space artifacts. She shows us her own piece of space junk: a fragment of the fuel tank insulation from Skylab, the NASA spacecraft that crash-landed in Western Australia in 1979. She explains that the conventional view of the space race as “the triumph of the white, male American astronaut” seems inadequate; what really interests her, she says, is how everyday people engage with space. To an archaeologist, objects from the past are significant because they remind us of what we might want to hold on to in the future.

Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation

by Olivia Judson

This book comprises letters from creatures (all non-human) worried about their bizarre sex lives, to the only sex columnist with a prodigious knowledge of evolutionary biology.

Drachenzucht für Einsteiger: Ein "gefährlicher" Zeitvertreib für Hobby-Genetiker

by Paul Knoepfler Julie Knoepfler

Kann man einen Drachen züchten? Kann er dann Feuer spucken und fliegen? Können wir ihm eine eindrucksvolle Größe verleihen? Wie schlau sollen wir unseren Drachen machen, und können wir ihn trainieren? Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass wir bei unserem Versuch, einen Drachen zu bauen, umkommen? Und geht das auch mit Einhörnern?Die Welt begeistert sich seit Jahrhunderten für Drachen und sie haben noch immer einen festen Platz in der Popkultur wie Smaug in „Der kleine Hobbit“ und die Drachen in „Game of Thrones“. Die Leute lieben Drachen und sind neugierig zu erfahren, ob man tatsächlich einen Drachen erschaffen kann. In diesem ungewöhnlichen Buch geht es darum, wie wir mit den allerneuesten wissenschaftlichen Techniken theoretisch einen Drachen erschaffen könnten. Dabei behandeln wir modernste wissenschaftliche Themen wie CRISPR, Biohacking, Stammzellenforschung und Bioengineering. Das Buch steckt voller Fakten, doch der Humor kommt nicht zu kurz, und es regt Leser*innen überdies an, sich Gedanken über den Einfluss von Wissenschaft und Technik auf unsere Gesellschaft zu machen. Unterwegs wirft das Buch einen satirischen Blick auf die Wissenschaft an vorderster Front, die oft in den Medien maßlos gehypt wird. Es diskutiert Schlüsseltechnologien, die ins Spiel kommen, wenn wir uns vorstellen, unsere Idee, einen Drachen zu bauen, in feuerspuckende Realität umzusetzen. Während wir all diese Themen diskutieren, sprechen wir auch über die ethischen Probleme, die sich beim „Bau“ eines Drachens ergeben, und die Möglichkeiten, einen ähnlichen Ansatz zu nutzen, um andere mythische Wesen, wie z.B. ein Einhorn, zu erschaffen. Dieses Buch, das jeden ansprechen sollte, enthält viele eindrucksvolle Illustrationen und andere interessante Abbildungen, darunter Drachendarstellungen, Bilder von Flugsaurierskeletten und vieles mehr.

The Dragon Behind the Glass: A True Story of Power, Obsession, and the World's Most Coveted Fish

by Emily Voigt

WINNER OF THE 2017 NASW SCIENCE IN SOCIETY JOURNALISM AWARD A FINALIST FOR THE 2017 PEN/E. O. WILSON LITERARY SCIENCE WRITING AWARD LONGLISTED FOR THE ANDREW CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE A LIBRARY JOURNAL BEST SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR &“[A] curiously edifying book.&” —The New York Times Book Review &“With the taut suspense of a spy novel, Voigt paints a vivid world of murder, black market deals, and habitat destruction surrounding a fish that's considered, ironically, to be a good-luck charm.&” —Discover &“[An] immensely satisfying story, full of surprises and suspense....Things get weird fast.&” —The Wall Street Journal An intrepid journalist&’s quest to find a wild Asian arowana—the world&’s most expensive aquarium fish—takes her on a global tour in this &“engaging tale of obsession and perseverance…and an enthralling look at the intersection of science, commercialism, and conservationism&” (Publishers Weekly, starred review).A young man is murdered for his pet fish. An Asian tycoon buys a single specimen for $150,000. Meanwhile, a pet detective chases smugglers through the streets of New York. With &“the taut suspense of a spy novel&” (Discover) The Dragon Behind the Glass tells the story of a fish like none other. Treasured as a status symbol believed to bring good luck, the Asian arowana, or &“dragon fish,&” is a dramatic example of a modern paradox: the mass-produced endangered species. While hundreds of thousands are bred in captivity, the wild fish as become a near-mythical creature. From the South Bronx to Borneo and beyond, journalist Emily Voigt follows the trail of the arowana to learn its fate in nature. &“A fresh, lively look at an obsessive desire to own a piece of the wild&” (Kirkus Reviews), The Dragon Behind the Glass traces our fascination with aquarium fish back to the era of exploration when naturalists stood on the cutting edge of modern science. In an age when freshwater fish now comprise one of the most rapidly vanishing groups of animals, Voigt unearths a surprising truth behind the arowana&’s rise to fame—one that calls into question how we protect the world&’s rarest species. &“Not since Candace Millard published The River of Doubt has the world of the Amazon, Borneo, Myanmar, and other exotic locations been so colorfully portrayed as it is now in Emily Voigt&’s The Dragon Behind the Glass…a must-read&” (Library Journal, starred review).

Dragon Bones: The Fantastic Fossil Discoveries of Mary Anning

by Sarah Glenn Marsh

Dragon Bones is a picture book biography of fossil-hunter Mary Anning, who discovered a dinosaur skeleton that changed the landscape of paleontology.At home in her seaside town in England, little Mary Anning stared out her window. Unlike other children, Mary couldn't wait for a rainy day. Because when it rained... the bones were revealed.With her father and brother, Mary would go out searching the damp soil after a storm, with the hopes of finding something nobody had seen before: a dinosaur.After her father dies, Mary must continue her search, picking up his tools and venturing out alone. In her life, she discovered several creatures, but was never given credit...until recently.This eye-opening biography of the legendary Mary Anning, illustrated by Maris Wicks, shatters expectations and brings together two creators who are as passionate about their subject as they are about their art. Inspiring, this true adventure begs for re-reads.

Dragon Fruit: Botany, Production and Uses (Botany, Production and Uses)

by Nigel P. Taylor Pradyot K. Pathak Kundan Kishore Ankita Sahu Prinya Wongsa Taner Bozkurt Özhan Simsek Joanna Cho Ying Phebe Ding Long Haibo Tang Liangde Li Huadong Hamide Gubbuk Recep Balkic Lokman Altinkaya Leila Aparecida Pio Renato Paiva Mai Van Tri Dinh Thi Phuong

Dragon fruit (pitaya) is a perennial climbing cactus, native to the tropical areas of North, Central and South America. It is suited to tropical and subtropical regions and is commercially grown in an increasing number of countries, including Israel, Australia and the USA. Dragon fruit generates considerable consumer interest because of its exotic appearance and potential health benefits. The fruit is rich in nutrients and phytochemical compounds. It can be eaten fresh or used in the preparation of juices, jellies, jams, etc. The natural bioactive compounds in pitaya have the potential to be exploited in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Increasingly cultivated worldwide, the plant is drought-resistant, easily adapts to light intensity and high temperatures, and has a tolerance to a wide range of soil salinities. With ongoing global warming, dragon fruit has great potential as a new crop for many more countries. This book is a compilation of the current state of knowledge on dragon fruit physiology, cultivation, production technology, postharvest management and processing, and is written by leading international authors.

Dragon Songs: Love and Adventure among Crocodiles, Alligators, and Other Dinosaur Relations

by Vladimir Dinets

A born naturalist and a fearless traveler, Vladimir Dinets wrote travel guides, conducted field research, and lived a couple of lives before he was accepted into the PhD program in zoology at the University of Miami. He thought crocodiles were a dead-end research topic--survivors from the age of the dinosaurs but not much else--until he witnessed groups of up to seventy alligators performing mating choruses that included infrasound vibrations--a form of communication extremely rare in nature--and a "dance" unknown in the scientific literature but that resembled a scene from Jurassic Park. To prove his thesis about the language of crocodiles, he spent the next six years traveling around the world on shoestring budgets and in extreme circumstances, studying almost every living species. At the same time, as a man desiring companionship in life, he sought love.With adventures on five continents, Dragon Songs is his account of this quest. It includes an escape from a boiling lava lake in the Afar Desert, being chased up a tree by a tiger in India, hitching a ride with a cocaine smuggler in Bolivia, and diving with giant Greenland sharks--all in the name of studying crocodiles, among which he routinely paddled in his inflatable kayak. Of course, not everything went according to plan. But, in the end, his ground-breaking research helped change the field. And during the course of his adventures, he met and courted his future wife.

Dragon Walk: On Reef Recovery & Political Will

by Robert Wintner

The three main hubs of aquarium trade devastation are Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Each has its own sad story of political corruption and theft of natural resources to benefit a greedy, ruthless few. Yet, despite facing a litany of challenges, each hub shows faint hope for progress: with Komodo National Park in Indonesia, a few bright lights in the development of Philippine reef management, and an anti-aquarium campaign taking hold in Hawaii. A beautiful coffee table photo book is one thing. Dragon Walk is a political grenade, willing to name culprits, political assassins, and nitwits with less spinal fortitude than most invertebrates. Dragon Walk is far more vital; a no-holds-barred grapple with evil and reef devastation that shines a light where others fear to tread.

Dragones (Seres míticos)

by Matt Doeden

¡Mira hacia el cielo! Un dragón con escamas y alas sobrevuela arrojando fuego por la boca y mostrando sus dientes afilados. Después, desaparece en medio de la noche. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué come un dragón? ¿Dónde está su guarida? ¿Cómo vuela? ¡Aquí encontrarás todas las respuestas! Con ilustraciones llamativas y un texto claro, vivirás una gran aventura y aprenderás todo sobre los dragones.

Dragonflies and Damselflies: A Natural History

by Dennis Paulson

A lavishly illustrated introduction to the world's dragonflies and damselfliesDragonflies and damselflies are often called birdwatchers’ insects. Large, brightly colored, active in the daytime, and displaying complex and interesting behaviors, they have existed since the days of the dinosaurs, and they continue to flourish. Their ancestors were the biggest insects ever, and they still impress us with their size, the largest bigger than a small hummingbird. There are more than 6,000 odonate species known at present, and you need only visit any wetland on a warm summer day to be enthralled by their stunning colors and fascinating behavior. In this lavishly illustrated natural history, leading dragonfly expert Dennis Paulson offers a comprehensive, accessible, and appealing introduction to the world’s dragonflies and damselflies.The book highlights the impressive skills and abilities of dragonflies and damselflies—superb fliers that can glide, hover, cruise, and capture prey on the wing. It also describes their arsenal of tactics to avoid predators, and their amazing sex life, including dazzling courtship displays, aerial mating, sperm displacement, mate guarding, and male mimicry.Dragonflies and Damselflies includes profiles of more than fifty of the most interesting and beautiful species from around the world. Learn about the Great Cascade Damsel, which breeds only at waterfalls, the mesmerizing flight of Blue-winged Helicopters, and how the larva of the Common Sanddragon can burrow into sand as efficiently as a mole.Combining expert text and excellent color photographs, this is a must-have guide to these remarkable insects.A lavishly illustrated, comprehensive, and accessible natural history that reveals the beauty and diversity of one of the world’s oldest and most popular insect groupsOffers a complete guide to the evolution, life cycles, biology, anatomy, behavior, and habitats of dragonflies and damselfliesIntroduces the 39 families of dragonflies and damselflies through exemplary species accountsFeatures tips on field observation and lab research, and information on threats and conservation

Dragonflies and Damselflies of California

by Tim Manolis

This book introduces readers to California's dragonflies--where they live, how they can be identified, and what their habits are.

Dragonflies at a Biogeographical Crossroads: The Odonata of Oklahoma and Complexities Beyond Its Borders

by Brenda D. Smith Michael A. Patten

This lavishly illustrated book examines the distribution, ecology, conservation status, and biogeography of 176 species of dragonflies in the southern plains of the United States, where twelve ecoregions converge. The topics discussed, such as phenotypic variation and ecology, are applicable and of interest across the United States and much of north America, and will appeal to researchers and dragonfly enthusiasts alike. A series of maps, including a distributional map by specific locality of occurrence, indicate level of documentation and allow the reader to visualize the biogeographical associations of a given species. These maps also encourage citizen scientists to contribute documentation wherever they spend time in the field. Context-driven chapters, including one on the region’s rich paleontological history, blend environmental history and biogeography, giving the book a fresh perspective on the natural world while providing a rich summary of the odonates. Dragonflies at a Biographical Crossroads: The Odonata of Oklahoma and Complexities Beyond Its Borders will be sought out by dragonfly researchers and enthusiasts, entomologists, amateur naturalists, paleontologists, conservation biologists, educators, regional historians, and those seeking to meld the disciplines of cultural and environmental history with biology. It will also be readily accessible to the lay public. Dragonflies combine the visually stunning with acrobatic fireworks in ways no other insect can hope to combine.

Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera

by Rosser W. Garrison Natalia von Ellenrieder Jerry A. Louton

Winner of the Single Volume Reference/Science award of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Awards given by the Association of American PublishersDragonfly Genera of the New World is a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive guide to the taxonomy and ecology of dragonflies in North, Middle, and South America. A reference of the highest quality, this book reveals the striking beauty and complexity of this diverse order.Although Odonata—dragonflies and damselflies—are among the most studied groups of insects, until now there has been no reliable means to identify the New World genera of either group. This volume provides fully illustrated and up-to-date keys for all dragonfly genera with descriptive text for each genus, accompanied by distribution maps and 1,595 diagnostic illustrations, including wing patterns and characteristics of the genitalia.For entomologists, limnologists, and ecologists, Dragonfly Genera of the New World is an indispensable resource for field identification and laboratory research.

Dragonfly Nymphs of North America: An Identification Guide

by Kenneth J. Tennessen

This monograph is the first of its kind devoted entirely to the dragonfly nymphs of North America north of Mexico, the focus being accurate identification of the 330 species of Anisoptera that occur in the region. Nymphal external morphology is described and illustrated in detail, and all terms needed to navigate the dichotomous keys are defined. Species are tabulated with references that provide the most detailed, accurate descriptions for each; species that are inadequately described are so indicated. The key separating the seven families in the region contains several new characters. The families are then covered separately: Aeshnidae (13 genera), Gomphidae (17 genera), Petaluridae (2 genera), Cordulegastridae (2 genera), Macromiidae (2 genera), Corduliidae (7 genera), and Libellulidae (29 genera). Each family is further characterized, followed by a generic key. A drawing of the habitus and diagnostic details for each genus are provided, along with additional diagnostic remarks and notes on habitat and life cycle; for each genus, a map shows its geographic distribution in North America. Full-grown nymphs of all known species of each genus are keyed and diagnosed; characters that apply to earlier instars are noted. Morphological variation in character states was analyzed in order to assess the reliability of previously utilized characters and to discover new characters. Most of the characters used to distinguish all levels of taxa are illustrated; a total of 702 figures, comprising 1,800 original drawings, along with selected photographs where necessary for clarity, accompany the keys. Measurements of total length, head width, and other variables for each species are provided in tables. Difficulties with past keys and descriptions, including errors, omissions and other shortcomings, are addressed. The importance of nymph characters in helping solve generic and specific distinctions and their role in phylogenetic studies is emphasized. Methods for collecting, rearing, and preserving dragonfly nymphs and exuviae are presented. The final chapter discusses research opportunities on North American Anisoptera nymphs, including taxonomic needs, studies on structure and function, life history and microhabitat, water quality indices and conservation efforts. The habitus drawings of all genera are arranged according to family in five plates (Appendix I); although the book is intended as a lab manual, these plates conveniently allow for comparison based on nymph shape making field identification to genus possible in many cases. Appendix II contains a brief history of dragonfly nymph studies in North America. A glossary and an index to scientific names are included.

Dragonfly Wings

by Ken Tapp

This summer, if you're lucky enough to have a dragonfly zip close to you or even land on you, pay close attention to its amazing wings!

The Dragon's Blood (Explorer Academy #6)

by National Geographic Kids

An explosive revelation and a familiar face heighten the mystery for Cruz and friends in the sixth book in this adventure-packed series. Still reeling from the life-changing discovery he found buried in the mysterious archive, Cruz Coronado grapples with an important secret as the gang heads to China in search of the second-to-last piece of the cipher. Under the watchful eye of a new adviser, life on the ship returns to almost normal...Almost. Just as things seem to be going smoothly, a familiar face shocks Cruz back into reality, and the final piece in this life-and-death scavenger hunt veers toward a dead end. Explorer Academy features: Gripping fact-based fiction plot that inspires curiosity with new technology and innovations; amazing inventions and gadgets; a cast of diverse, relatable characters; secret clues, codes, and ciphers to track down within the text; vibrant illustrations, Elements of STEAM; National Geographic explorer profiles in The Truth Behind Section.

The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence

by Carl Sagan

Dr. Carl Sagan takes us on a great reading adventure, offering his vivid and startling insight into the brain of man and beast, the origin of human intelligence, the function of our most haunting legends--and their amazing links to recent discoveries.<P><P> Pulitzer Prize Winner

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