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Driving Mr. Albert: a Trip Across America With Einstein's Brain
by Michael PaternitiDriving Mr. Albert chronicles the adventures of an unlikely threesome--a freelance writer, an elderly pathologist, and Albert Einstein's brain--on a cross-country expedition intended to set the story of this specimen-cum-relic straight once and for all.
Driving Quality Management and Sustainability in VUCA Environments: 4th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS), Setubal, Portugal, May 22-23, 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)
by João Reis Tiago Pinho Vítor Barbosa Luís Barreto Sandrina B. Moreira Pedro Pardal João Nabais Carlos Mata Ana MendesThis proceedings volume provides in-depth research in the fields of quality innovation, sustainability, and operations management. It features contributions from the 4th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS) that explore how research in quality and innovation boost sustainability and includes solutions to complex industrial problems presented by researchers, professionals, and managers in the field. It also examines the drivers of quality management and sustainability in VUCA environments, with a special focus on supply chain management and innovation. Featuring real business cases on quality and sustainability, this book is useful for researchers, scholars, students, and academics interested in quality management, supply chain management, circular economy, and sustainability.
Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Emerging Agenda for Technology Management
by Chiranjit Mukhopadhyay K B Akhilesh R. Srinivasan Anjula Gurtoo Parthasarathy Ramachandran Parameshwar P Iyer M Mathirajan M H Bala SubrahmanyaModern technologies are central to creation of wealth through business expansion leading to economic development. This is visible in the fast-paced technology-induced economic growth experienced by most countries, especially by rapidly growing economies such as India, China, Brazil, South Korea, among others. Increasing individual scientific contribution, nurturing entrepreneurial talent, promoting innovative competence, strategically prioritizing and investing in technologies and enhancing national economic wealth are some of the important Technology Management goals. Technology Management has emerged as a strategic and knowledge domain of interest to academicians, practitioners, and policy makers across the globe. Technology Management has also evolved into an inter-disciplinary concern which requires national and international collaborations and exchange of insights. Keeping this objective in mind the International Conference on Technology Management is organized by the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, a leader in research and education in Technology Management for the last several decades. This conference aims at integrating experiences of academicians, industry leaders, Technology Managers and Innovators towards effective knowledge creation and economic development. The contributions of the present volume are presented at the International Conference on Technology Management-2012 during 18-20 July 2012.
Dromedary Camel Behavior and Welfare: Camel Friendly Management Practices (Animal Welfare #24)
by Barbara Padalino Bernard FayeThis volume gives a comprehensive review on dromedary camel handling and management by respecting its welfare, which is a global first. Beyond that, it provides a new welfare assessment tool.Expert authors lay the groundwork for understanding the animals by covering domestication, camels´ behavioral repertoire and needs, as well as dromedary camel genetics and coping with production systems. Then, the reader is equipped with the latest expertise on good management practices in camel farms, including transport, feeding, housing from racing to dairy systems, and health and hygiene. Moreover, the impact of innovative reproduction techniques and, finally, slaughter are taken into account.Camels, long confined to desert areas and kept extensively, have recently faced changes in husbandry systems and their environment. Intensification and specialization for milk, meat or sport purpose, as well as new geographic conditions have had significant impact on camel welfare.This book is a must-read for all camel industry members, breeders, veterinarians, and researchers, who want to practice camel breeding and management while safeguarding the behavioral needs and welfare of these amazing animals.
Drone: Remote Control Warfare
by Hugh GustersonDrones are changing the conduct of war. Deployed at presidential discretion, they can be used in regular war zones or to kill people in such countries as Yemen and Somalia, where the United States is not officially at war. Advocates say that drones are more precise than conventional bombers, allowing warfare with minimal civilian deaths while keeping American pilots out of harm's way. Critics say that drones are cowardly and that they often kill innocent civilians while terrorizing entire villages on the ground. In this book, Hugh Gusterson explores the significance of drone warfare from multiple perspectives, drawing on accounts by drone operators, victims of drone attacks, anti-drone activists, human rights activists, international lawyers, journalists, military thinkers, and academic experts. Gusterson examines the way drone warfare has created commuter warriors and redefined the space of the battlefield. He looks at the paradoxical mix of closeness and distance involved in remote killing: is it easier than killing someone on the physical battlefield if you have to watch onscreen? He suggests a new way of understanding the debate over civilian casualties of drone attacks. He maps "ethical slippage" over time in the Obama administration's targeting practices. And he contrasts Obama administration officials' legal justification of drone attacks with arguments by international lawyers and NGOs.
Drone: Remote Control Warfare
by Hugh GustersonDrone warfare described from the perspectives of drone operators, victims of drone attacks, anti-drone activists, international law, military thinkers, and others. Drones are changing the conduct of war. Deployed at presidential discretion, they can be used in regular war zones or to kill people in such countries as Yemen and Somalia, where the United States is not officially at war. Advocates say that drones are more precise than conventional bombers, allowing warfare with minimal civilian deaths while keeping American pilots out of harm's way. Critics say that drones are cowardly and that they often kill innocent civilians while terrorizing entire villages on the ground. In this book, Hugh Gusterson explores the significance of drone warfare from multiple perspectives, drawing on accounts by drone operators, victims of drone attacks, anti-drone activists, human rights activists, international lawyers, journalists, military thinkers, and academic experts.Gusterson examines the way drone warfare has created commuter warriors and redefined the space of the battlefield. He looks at the paradoxical mix of closeness and distance involved in remote killing: is it easier than killing someone on the physical battlefield if you have to watch onscreen? He suggests a new way of understanding the debate over civilian casualties of drone attacks. He maps “ethical slippage” over time in the Obama administration's targeting practices. And he contrasts Obama administration officials' legal justification of drone attacks with arguments by international lawyers and NGOs.
Drone Art: The Everywhere War as Medium
by Thomas StubblefieldWhat happens when a drone enters a gallery or appears on screen? What thresholds are crossed as this weapon of war occupies everyday visual culture? These questions have appeared with increasing regularity since the advent of the War on Terror, when drones began migrating into civilian platforms of film, photography, installation, sculpture, performance art, and theater. In this groundbreaking study, Thomas Stubblefield attempts not only to define the emerging genre of "drone art" but to outline its primary features, identify its historical lineages, and assess its political aspirations. Richly detailed and politically salient, this book is the first comprehensive analysis of the intersections between drones, art, technology, and power.
The Drone Pursuit (Tom Swift Inventors' Academy #1)
by Victor AppletonThe Hardy Boys meets Alex Rider in this start to a brand-new series starring everyone’s favorite inventor—Tom Swift!When your dad funds the Swift Academy of Science and Technology, you’re bound to have a bunch of tech at your disposal. So no one bats an eye when Tom and his best friend, Noah, test their new virtual reality drone before class. At the academy, once class starts and the drone is parked, their brainiac friends then launch into farfetched discussions about the curriculum. And when they watch a documentary about the FBI’s most wanted hackers from the eighties, they quickly start speculating that the academy custodian is one of them. At first, Tom dismisses the idea as another one of his friends’ conspiracy theories. But using their new drone, he spies the custodian acting suspiciously around school. As Tom and his friends search for evidence that the custodian is the missing hacker, the signs become impossible to ignore when Tom gets threatening messages that warn him away from investigating. And when someone releases a virus in the school servers, all bets are off as the adjoining servers at tech giant Swift Enterprises come under fire. Can Tom and his friends uncover the true culprit before it’s too late?
Drone Wars
by Peter L. Bergen Daniel RothenbergDrones are the iconic military technology of many of today's most pressing conflicts. Drones have captured the public imagination, partly because they project lethal force in a manner that challenges accepted norms and moral understandings. Drone Wars presents a series of essays by legal scholars, journalists, government officials, military analysts, social scientists, and foreign policy experts. It addresses drones' impact on the ground, how their use adheres to and challenges the laws of war, their relationship to complex policy challenges, and the ways they help us understand the future of war. The book is a diverse and comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective on drones that covers important debates on targeted killing and civilian casualties, presents key data on drone deployment, and offers new ideas on their historical development, significance, and impact on law and policy.
Drones and Geographical Information Technologies in Agroecology and Organic Farming: Contributions to Technological Sovereignty
by Massimo De MarchiAlthough organic farming and agroecology are normally not associated with the use of new technologies, it’s rapid growth, new technologies are being adopted to mitigate environmental impacts of intensive production implemented with external material and energy inputs. GPS, satellite images, GIS, drones, help conventional farming in precision supply of water, pesticides, fertilizers. Prescription maps define the right place and moment for interventions of machinery fleets. Yield goal remains the key objective, integrating a more efficient use or resources toward an economic-environmental sustainability. Technological smart farming allows extractive agriculture entering the sustainability era. Societies that practice agroecology through the development of human-environmental co-evolutionary systems represent a solid model of sustainability. These systems are characterized by high-quality agroecosystems and landscapes, social inclusion, and viable economies. This book explores the challenges posed by the new geographic information technologies in agroecology and organic farming. It discusses the differences among technology-laden conventional farming systems and the role of technologies in strengthening the potential of agroecology. The first part reviews the new tools offered by geographic information technologies to farmers and people. The second part provides case studies of most promising application of technologies in organic farming and agroecology: the diffusion of hyperspectral imagery, the role of positioning systems, the integration of drones with satellite imagery. The third part of the book, explores the role of agroecology using a multiscale approach from the farm to the landscape level. This section explores the potential of Geodesign in promoting alliances between farmers and people, and strengthening food networks, whether through proximity urban farming or asserting land rights in remote areas in the spirit of agroecological transition. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons 4.0 license.
Drones and Responsibility: Legal, Philosophical and Socio-Technical Perspectives on Remotely Controlled Weapons (Emerging Technologies, Ethics and International Affairs)
by Ezio Di Nucci Filippo Santoni SioHow does the use of military drones affect the legal, political, and moral responsibility of different actors involved in their deployment and design? This volume offers a fresh contribution to the ethics of drone warfare by providing, for the first time, a systematic interdisciplinary discussion of different responsibility issues raised by military drones. The book discusses four main sets of questions: First, from a legal point of view, we analyse the ways in which the use of drones makes the attribution of criminal responsibility to individuals for war crimes more complicated and what adjustments may be required in international criminal law and in military practices to avoid ’responsibility gaps’ in warfare. From a moral and political perspective, the volume looks at the conditions under which the use of military drones by states is impermissible, permissible, or even obligatory and what the responsibilities of a state in the use of drones towards both its citizens and potential targets are. From a socio-technical perspective, what kind of new human machine interaction might (and should) drones bring and which new kinds of shared agency and responsibility? Finally, we ask how the use of drones changes our conception of agency and responsibility. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in (military) ethics and to those in law, politics and the military involved in the design, deployment and evaluation of military drones.
Drones and Support for the Use of Force
by James Igoe Walsh Marcus SchulzkeCombat drones are transforming attitudes about the use of military force. Military casualties and the costs of conflict sap public support for war and for political and military leaders. Combat drones offer an unprecedented ability to reduce these costs by increasing accuracy, reducing the risks to civilians, and protecting military personnel from harm. These advantages should make drone strikes more popular than operations involving ground troops. Yet many critics believe drone warfare will make political leaders too willing to authorize wars, weakening constraints on the use of force. Because combat drones are relatively new, these arguments have been based on anecdotes, a handful of public opinion polls, or theoretical speculation. Drones and Support for the Use of Force uses experimental research to analyze the effects of combat drones on Americans’ support for the use of force. The authors’ findings—that drones have had important but nuanced effects on support for the use of force—have implications for democratic control of military action and civil-military relations and provide insight into how the proliferation of military technologies influences foreign policy.
Drop Dynamics and Dropwise Condensation on Textured Surfaces (Mechanical Engineering Series)
by Sameer Khandekar K. MuralidharThis book is an expanded form of the monograph, Dropwise Condensation on Inclined Textured Surfaces, Springer, 2013, published earlier by the authors, wherein a mathematical model for dropwise condensation of pure vapor over inclined textured surfaces was presented, followed by simulations and comparison with experiments. The model factored in several details of the overall quasi-cyclic process but approximated those at the scale of individual drops. In the last five years, drop level dynamics over hydrophobic surfaces have been extensively studied. These results can now be incorporated in the dropwise condensation model.Dropwise condensation is an efficient route to heat transfer and is often encountered in major power generation applications. Drops are also formed during condensation in distillation devices that work with diverse fluids ranging from water to liquid metals. Design of such equipment requires careful understanding of the condensation cycle, starting from the birth of nuclei, followed by molecular clusters, direct growth of droplets, their coalescence, all the way to instability and fall-off of condensed drops. The model described here considers these individual steps of the condensation cycle. Additional discussions include drop shape determination under static conditions, a fundamental study of drop spreading in sessile and pendant configurations, and the details of the drop coalescence phenomena. These are subsequently incorporated in the condensation model and their consequences are examined. As the mathematical model is spread over multiple scales of length and time, a parallelization approach to simulation is presented. Special topics include three-phase contact line modeling, surface preparation techniques, fundamentals of evaporation and evaporation rates of a single liquid drop, and measurement of heat transfer coefficient during large-scale condensation of water vapor. We hope that this significantly expanded text meets the expectations of design engineers, analysts, and researchers working in areas related to phase-change phenomena and heat transfer.
Droplets and Sprays
by Sergei SazhinProviding a clear and systematic description of droplets and spray dynamic models, this book maximises reader insight into the underlying physics of the processes involved, outlines the development of new physical and mathematical models and broadens understanding of interactions between the complex physical processes which take place in sprays. Complementing approaches based on the direct application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Droplets and Sprays treats both theoretical and practical aspects of internal combustion engine process such as the direct injection of liquid fuel, subcritical heating and evaporation. Including case studies that illustrate the approaches relevance to automotive applications, it is also anticipated that the described models can find use in other areas such as in medicine and environmental science.
Droplets and Sprays: Simple Models of Complex Processes (Mathematical Engineering)
by Sergei S. SazhinThis book acts as a guide to simple models that describe some of the complex fluid dynamics, heat/mass transfer and combustion processes in droplets and sprays. Attention is focused mainly on the use of classical hydrodynamics, and a combination of kinetic and hydrodynamic models, to analyse the heating and evaporation of mono- and multi-component droplets. The models were developed for cases when small and large numbers of components are present in droplets. Some of these models are used for the prediction of time to puffing/micro-explosion of composite water/fuel droplets — processes that are widely used in combustion devices to stimulate disintegration of relatively large droplets into smaller ones. The predictions of numerical codes based on these models are validated against experimental results where possible. In most of the models, droplets are assumed to be spherical; some preliminary results of the generalisation of these models to the case of non-spherical droplets, approximating them as spheroids, are presented.
Dropped Object Prevention on Offshore Facilities and Installations: Guidance for Safety Professionals and Practitioners (Synthesis Lectures on Ocean Systems Engineering)
by Alexander Arnfinn OlsenThe prevention of dropped objects is an important component of safeguarding personnel, property and the maritime environment. This concise book has been developed to provide safety professionals and practitioners with specific guidance and criteria on the development, implementation and management of dropped object prevention programs which corresponds to a growing industry-wide development to mitigate and eliminate the hazards imposed by dropped objects. This book relates to the Class requirements for an onboard dropped object prevention program to be implemented on offshore assets, and provides the design requirements for equipment primary securing, secondary retention methods and securing for specific equipment, etc. This book is intended for use by offshore installation Owners, Operators, and Companies whose intention is to prepare for, and ultimately apply for optional Class notations highlighting the installation’s compliance with dropped object safety management. For the benefit of context, the book uses the provisions which relate specifically to the DOPP and DOPP+ notations.
Drops and Bubbles in Contact with Solid Surfaces (Progress in Colloid and Interface Science)
by M. Ferrari L. Liggieri R. MillerThe third volume in a series dedicated to colloids and interfaces, Drops and Bubbles in Contact with Solid Surfaces presents an up-to-date overview of the fundamentals and applications of drops and bubbles and their interaction with solid surfaces. The chapters cover the theoretical and experimental aspects of wetting and wettability, liquid-solid
Dropwise Condensation on Textured Surfaces
by Krishnamurthy Muralidhar Sameer KhandekarDropwise Condensation on Textured Surfaces presents a holistic framework for understanding dropwise condensation through mathematical modeling and meaningful experiments. The book presents a review of the subject required to build up models as well as to design experiments. Emphasis is placed on the effect of physical and chemical texturing and their effect on the bulk transport phenomena. Application of the model to metal vapor condensation is of special interest. The unique behavior of liquid metals, with their low Prandtl number and high surface tension, is also discussed. The model predicts instantaneous drop size distribution for a given level of substrate subcooling and derives local as well as spatio-temporally averaged heat transfer rates and wall shear stress.
by Christian DahmannThis second edition volume expands on the previous edition by presenting updated protocols for several of the techniques described in the first edition of Drosophila: Methods and Protocols and current methods that cover recent breakthroughs in Drosophila research. The book begins with a description of FlyBase--a database of genes and genomes--followed by the presentation of systems for versatile gene expression in the fly. The first few chapters in this book detail gene knockdown and editing, including CRISPR-Cas9 and protein knockdown. The next few chapters are devoted to methods describing live imaging of different tissues and organs, followed by chapters on how to quantify image data and how to probe tissue mechanics by laser ablation. The next two chapters provide methods for analyzing transcription followed by protocols to study growth, metabolism, ageing, and behavior in Drosophila. This volume concludes with chapters on electrophysiological recordings and methods to establish cell lines. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and thorough, Drosophila: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable source of hands-on protocols and reviews for molecular, cell, and developmental biologists using Drosophila as model systems in their work.
Drosophila: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2540)
by Christian DahmannThis third edition expands on the previous editions by providing updated protocols and current methods that cover recent breakthroughs in Drosophila research. Chapters guide readers through FlyBase, versatile gene expression systems, analysis of microRNA function, single-cell transcriptome data and metabolism, recent applications of CRISPR for precise genome editing, transcriptional activation and cell lineage tracing, protein inhibition and tagging, optogenetic and optochemical control of tissue mechanics, AFM measurements, sample preparation for electron microscopy, live imaging of different tissues and organs, and quantitative image analysis. Written in the format of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include an introduction to their topic, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, as well as tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls Authoritative and cutting-edge, Drosophila: Methods and Protocols, Third Edition serves as a useful and practical guide to new researchers and experts using Drosophila as a model system.Chapter 7 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
by Christian DahmannDrosophila is a comprehensive collection of methods and protocols for Drosophila, one of the oldest and most commonly used model organisms in modern biology. The protocols are written by the scientists who invented the methods. The text presents a diverse set of techniques that range from the basic handling of flies to more complex applications. This is the perfect reference manual for Drosophila researchers.
Drosophila: Vol 60 (Society For Experimental Biology Ser.)
by Amritpal MudherDrosophila gives an overview of the ways in which Drosophila is currently being used as a model organism to further our understanding of a spectrum of human neurological diseases. Each chapter is written by respected researchers and gives an excellent account of the subject that is suitable for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers.
Drosophila Cytogenetics Protocols
by Daryl S. HendersonLeading drosophilists describe in step-by-step detail all the essential techniques for studying Drosophila chromosomes and suggest new avenues for scientific exploration. The chapters emphasize specimen preparation (from dissection to mounting) and cover both polytene and mitotic/meiotic chromosomes in depth. Each fully tested and readily reproducible protocol offers a background introduction, equipment and reagent lists, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding pitfalls. A cutting-edge FISH and immunolocalization technique will be important for discovering how DNA sequence influences higher-order chromosome architecture and ultimately gene expression.
The Drosophila Model in Cancer (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1167)
by Wu-Min DengThis volume provides a series of review articles that capture the advances in using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, model system to address a wide range of cancer-related topics. Articles in this book provide case studies that shed light on the intricate cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying tumor formation and progression. Readers will discover the beauty of the fly model’s genetic simplicity and the vast arsenal of powerful genetic tools enabling its efficient and adaptable use. This model organism has provided a unique opportunity to address questions regarding cancer initiation and development that would be extremely challenging in other model systems. This book provides a useful resource for a researcher who wishes to learn about and apply the Drosophila model to tackle fundamental questions in cancer biology, and to find new ways to fight against this devastating disease.
Drosophila Models for Human Diseases (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1076)
by Masamitsu YamaguchiMost biological pathways, physical and neurological properties are highly conserved between humans and Drosophila and nearly 75% of human disease-causing genes have a functional homologue in Drosophila. This volume provides recent advances in Drosophila models for various human diseases, with each chapter providing a review of studies involving Drosophila models, as well as detailed protocols commonly used in laboratories. Starting with a review of Drosophila’s value as a highly tractable model organism for studying human diseases, subsequent chapters present Drosophila models for specific human diseases. The book provides a useful resource for all scientists who are starting to use the Drosophila model in their studies, and for researchers working in the pharmaceutical industry and using new screening models to develop new medicines for various diseases.