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Einstieg in die Astroteilchenphysik: Grundlagen, Messungen und Ergebnisse aktueller Forschung
by Claus GrupenDieses Buch bietet eine ausf#65533;hrliche Darstellung der Astroteilchenphysik und der kosmischen Strahlung mit den dazugeh#65533;rigen Messmethoden in der Forschung. Nach einer historischen Einleitung werden zun#65533;chst die Astroteilchen selbst, deren typische Wechselwirkungen und die relevanten Messtechniken beschrieben. Ein gro#65533;er Teil des Buches befasst sich mit der prim#65533;ren und sekund#65533;ren kosmischen Strahlung. Die modernen Aspekte der Astroteilchenphysik werden in den Kapiteln #65533;ber Kosmologie und das fr#65533;he Universum dargestellt. Gegen#65533;ber fr#65533;heren Ausgaben werden die Effekte der Dunklen Materie und Dunklen Energie ausf#65533;hrlicher beschrieben. Aktuelle Resultate #65533;ber Gravitationswellen und extrasolare Planeten runden das Buch ab. Der Text wird durch viele sorgf#65533;ltig erstellte Diagramme und Abbildungen und durch zahlreiche unterhaltsame Cartoons erg#65533;nzt und kommt dabei in weiten Teilen ohne komplizierte Mathematik aus. Das Buch schlie#65533;t damit eine L#65533;cke zwischen einem fortgeschrittenen popul#65533;ren Niveau und der Darstellung f#65533;r Experten. Somit finden sowohl Studierende als auch Leser mit Interesse f#65533;r moderne Astronomie und Astrophysik einen ansprechenden Zugang in das Forschungsgebiet der Astroteilchenphysik.
Eisengruppe: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem (essentials)
by Hermann SiciusHermann Sicius stellt ausf#65533;hrlich die Elemente der achten Nebengruppe (Eisen, Ruthenium, Osmium und Hassium) vor, die allesamt harte, hochschmelzende Metalle sind. Auch bei den Platinmetallen Ruthenium und Osmium wirkt sich noch die Lanthanoidenkontraktion aus. In ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften unterscheiden sich Ruthenium und Osmium relativ deutlich, aber nur wenig in Bezug auf ihre chemischen Eigenschaften. Eisen weicht dagegen hinsichtlich seines unedlen Charakters und niedrigeren Dichten, Schmelz- und Siedepunkten schon deutlich ab. Die Elemente dieser Gruppe k#65533;nnen maximal acht #65533;u#65533;ere Valenzelektronen abgeben, um eine stabile Elektronenkonfiguration zu erreichen. Die Entdeckung des Eisens - eines der h#65533;ufigsten Elemente #65533;berhaupt - erfolgte schon 3. 000 v. Chr. in Mesopotamien, wogegen Osmium und Ruthenium als sehr seltene Elemente in der ersten H#65533;lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts entdeckt wurden. Die k#65533;nstliche Erstdarstellung von Atomen des Hassiums gelang 1984.
Eisenmangel beheben mit natürlichen Lebensmitteln: Ratgeber für alle Ernährungstypen
by Klaus GüntherDieses Buch hilft allen, die von Eisenmangel betroffen sind. Vegetarier, Veganer, Kinder, Schwangere und Sportler trifft es besonders häufig. Auch bei einigen „gesunden“ Diäten tappen wir in die Eisenfalle, eine bisher wenig bekannte Tatsache mit weit reichenden Folgen. Lernen Sie, wie Sie dieses Defizit für sich beheben können. Wählen Sie Ihre täglichen Lebensmittel clever aus – und der Eisenhaushalt wird Ihnen keine Probleme machen. Das Buch zeigt, wie es geht: für Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen, aber auch für süße Snacks. Auf einen Blick sehen Sie, wie viel Eisen Ihr Körper dabei aufnimmt.Hilft Spinat wirklich? Muss ich Medikamente und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einnehmen, um mir genügend Eisen zuzuführen? Der Lebensmittelwissenschaftler und Biochemiker Klaus Günther räumt mit Mythen auf und gibt handfeste Tipps nach neuesten Erkenntnissen aus der Forschung – mit Rezepten für eisenhaltige Gerichte und Smoothies.
Eismitte In The Scientific Imagination
by Janet Martin-NielsenSince the 18th century, Greenland's geometric center, Eismitte, has been one of the most forbidding but scientifically rich locations in the Arctic. Tracing its history from European contact through the Cold War, this study shows how Eismitte was the setting for scientific knowledge production as well as diplomatic maneuvering.
Ejectors for Efficient Refrigeration: Design, Applications And Computational Fluid Dynamics
by Giuseppe Grazzini Adriano Milazzo Federico MazzelliEncompassing both practical applications and recent research developments, this book takes the reader from fundamental physics, through cutting-edge new designs of ejectors for refrigeration. The authors’ unique vision marries successful design, system optimization, and operation experience with insights on the application of cutting-edge Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. This robust treatment leads the way forward in developing improved ejector technologies. The book covers ejectors used for heat powered refrigeration and for expansion work recovery in compression refrigerators, with special emphasis on two-phase flows of “natural” fluids within the ejector, i.e. steam and carbon dioxide. It features worked examples, detailed research results, and analysis tools.
EKC 2019 Conference Proceedings: Science, Technology, and Humanity: Advancement and Sustainability
by Jong Mun Park Dong Ryeol WhangThis volume offers a selection of papers presented at the Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 2019 (EKC 2019). EKC is a multi/inter/transdisciplinary conference covering all fields of science and technology, aiming to facilitate networking and collaboration between academic and industrial researchers involved in R&D, engineering, manufacturing, and application. The scope is broad, with topics covered including physics and mathematics; chemistry, materials and chemical engineering; biology, bioengineering and medical science; Earth science and environmental engineering; architecture, civil and ocean engineering; electrical, electronic, and informational engineering; mechanical, aerospace, naval, and nuclear engineering; and social science.This book showcases a selection of peer-reviewed, high-impact research results which will be of interest to a wide audience.
El cervell masculí
by Louann BrizedineLes estructures i la biologia hormonal de l'home generen una realitat exclusivament masculina. La idea que l'home és el model humà per defecte encara impregna profundament la nostra cultura. Allò masculí es considera simple; allò femení, complex. El cervell masculí es basa en 25 anys d'experiència clínica de l'autora com a neuropsiquiatra. Presenta els avenços científics de l'última dècada en la comprensió de la neuroendocrinologia del desenvolupament, la genètica i la neurociència molecular. Ofereix mostres de neuropsicologia, neurociència cognitiva, desenvolupament infantil, neuroimatge i psiconeuroendocrinologia. Explora la primatologia, els estudis en animals, així com els nadons, nens i adolescents, amb la finalitat d'esbrinar com es programen les conductes particulars del cervell masculí a través d'una combinació de natura i educació.
El gran libro del cuerpo humano (The Complete Human Body)
by Dr. Alice RobertsLa guía definitiva del cuerpo humano: su desarrollo, forma, funciones y trastornos.Esta impresionante exploración del cuerpo humano, ya en su tercera edición y revisada con los avances médicos más recientes, es el libro de referencia generalista más detallado sobre anatomía humana que hay en el mercado. Usado por estudiantes y profesionales de la salud, es a su vez lo suficientemente accesible para que cualquier tipo de lector pueda adentrarse en él y disfrutarlo. De la mano de la profesora Alice Roberts, reconocida académica, autora y comunicadora, e innovadoras ilustraciones digitales, entenderás el cuerpo humano como nunca antes, explorarás la anatomía humana con un detalle y claridad increíbles y descubrirá cómo funciona el cuerpo, cómo se producen los cambios de la infancia a la vejez y qué puede dejar de funcionar y por qué.'El gran libro del cuerpo humano' empieza con un atlas anatómico región por región, con particular atención a las manos, los pies y las articulaciones principales. Cuenta con una sección sobre cómo funciona el cuerpo, sistema a sistema. Finalmente, la sección de enfermedades y trastornos incluye resúmenes fáciles de seguir de más de 200 problemas de salud.Las ilustraciones 3D generadas por computadora son increíblemente detalladas, prácticamente de tamaño real, y se basan en escaneos 3D de cuerpos reales. Adicionalmente el libro presenta cientos de ilustraciones, diagramas y las imágenes médicas y de microscopio más avanzadas.The definitive guide to the development, form, function, and disorders of the human body.The most detailed popular reference book on human anatomy available, this beautiful exploration of the human body is now in its third edition, revised with the latest medical knowledge. Although used by students and health care professionals, it is accessible enough for anyone to dip into and enjoy. Guided by Professor Alice Roberts, renowned academic, author, and broadcaster, and groundbreaking 3D computer-generated illustrations, you will understand the human body as never before, explore human anatomy in incredible detail and clarity, and discover how the body works, how it changes from infancy to old age, and what can go wrong and why.'El gran libro del cuerpo humano' begins with a region-by-region anatomical atlas, containing extra detail on the hands, feet, and major joints. It features a functional section on how the body works, system by system. Finally, the diseases and disorders section includes easy-to-follow summaries of over 200 health conditionsThe 3D computer-generated illustrations are incredibly detailed, virtually life-size, and based on the 3D scans of a real human body. But in addition, the book features hundreds of smaller illustrations, diagrams, and the latest medical and microscope imaging."
El libro de la biología (DK Big Ideas)
by DKGrandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasEl libro de biología es una introducción cautivadora para comprender el mundo vivo, explica cómo funcionan los organismos e interactúan entre sí, ya sean microbios, hongos o mamíferos.Aquí descubrirá las áreas clave de las ciencias de la vida, incluidas la ecología, la zoología y la biotecnología, a través del datos interesantes y gráficos innovadores.- Más de 95 ideas y eventos clave para el desarrollo de la biología y las ciencias de la vida.- Repleto de hechos, cuadros, plazos y gráficos para ayudar a explicar los conceptos centrales.- Un enfoque visual para temas importantes con ilustraciones llamativas y gráficos en cada uno.- El texto claro hace que los temas sean accesibles y fáciles de comprender.Este libro describe grandes ideas biológicas, como los misterios del ADN y la herencia genética; y cómo aprendimos a desarrollar vacunas que controlan las enfermedades. Si pensaba que era difícil aprender sobre el mundo vivo, El libro de biología presenta información clave en un diseño fácil de seguir. Aquí aprenderá sobre la clonación, la neurociencia, la evolución humana y la edición de genes, y serán introducidos a los científicos que dieron forma a estos sujetos, como Carl Linnaeus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin y Gregor Mendel.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Biology, with:- More than 95 ideas and events key to the development of biology and the life sciences- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Biology Book is a captivating introduction to understanding the living world and explaining how its organisms work and interact - whether microbes, mushrooms, or mammals. Here you'll discover key areas of the life sciences, including ecology, zoology, and biotechnology, through exciting text and bold graphics.This book will outline big biological ideas, like the mysteries of DNA and genetic inheritance; and how we learned to develop vaccines that control diseases. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the living world, The Biology Book presents key information in an easy to follow layout. Here you'll learn about cloning, neuroscience, human evolution, and gene editing, and be introduced to the scientists who shaped these subjects, such as Carl Linnaeus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin, and Gregor Mendel.
El libro de la ciencia (DK Big Ideas)
by DKGrandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje accesible, El libro de la ciencia ofrece concisas explicaciones que desbrozan la jerga académica, esquemas que hacen sencillas las teorías más complejas, citas memorables y una serie de ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestras percepciones y creencias. ¿Es posible una teoría del todo? ¿Comenzó el Universo con un Big Bang? ¿Es la luz una onda, una partícula o ambas cosas? La ciencia hace posible comprender el mundo en que vivimos y los teóricos multiversos más allá, posibilita los avances tecnológicos y amplía las fronteras del conocimiento.Tanto el neófito como el estudiante o el experto aficionado hallarán en este libro material con el que estimular su mente.
El libro de la ecología (DK Big Ideas)
by DKGrandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasEl libro de la ecología contiene explicaciones sobre más de noventa ideas clave, esquemas que desenmarañan complejas teorías, citas e ilustraciones que juegan con nuestra comprensión de la ciencia. Este libro revela todos los detalles sobre la ecología y su constante evolución. Hay unos cuatro millones de especies animales y vegetales en el mundo. Esto se traduce en cuatro millones de soluciones diferentes a los problemas de mantenerse con vida. Un libro para conocer los detalles de la historia de la ecología, los procesos que existen, aprender a distinguir entre los distintos ecosistemas y cómo el factor humano impacta sobre el planeta Tierra.Tanto el neófito en la materia como el ávido estudiante de ciencias, hallarán en este libro de ecología en español abundante material para satisfacer su curiosidad.Descubre el impacto de la ecología en el mundo actual y futuroIndaga sobre cómo está la ecología relacionada con otras ciencias como la zoologi´a, la bota´nica, la geologi´a, la geomorfología, la climatologi´a, la química, la fi´sica, la gene´tica, la sociologi´a y otras materias. La ecologi´a moderna ha recorrido un largo camino desde su reconocimiento como ciencia, y en la actualidad se nutre de muchas otras disciplinas. Además, este libro relaciona de forma didáctica cómo la ecologi´a influye en las decisiones de gobiernos locales y nacionales sobre urbanismo, transporte, industria y crecimiento econo´mico. Descubre cuán importante es y será la ecología en el marco actual y venidero. Los desafi´os del cambio clima´tico, el medioambiente, la subida del nivel del mar, la destruccio´n de ha´bitats, la extincio´n de especies, el pla´stico y otras formas de contaminacio´n, asi´ como la amenaza de una crisis del agua. Son amenazas graves para la civilizacio´n humana y exigen respuestas poli´ticas radicales basadas en una ciencia cabal. Este libro del medioambiente y la ecología proporcionara´ las respuestas. Prepárate para adentrarte en uno de los temas más apasionantes y de más impacto en nuestro planeta en la actualidad.Explora cada uno de estos capítulos sobre la ciencia de la ecología: - Historia de la evolución - Procesos ecológicos - Ordenando el mundo natural - La diversidad de la vida - Ecosistemas - Organismos en un entorno cambiante - La Tierra viva - El factor humano Ecologismo y conservaciónEl libro de la ecología pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas explica temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de materias para toda la familia.
El libro de la física (DK Big Ideas)
by DKGrandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon una prosa sencilla, El libro de la física presenta explicaciones claras y concisas que desbrozan la jerga especializada, diagramas que plasman complejas teorías, citas memorables e ingeniosas ilustraciones que juegan con nuestros conocimientos de la física.¿Cómo generan electricidad los imanes? ¿Qué es la antimateria? ¿Es posible viajar en el tiempo? A partir de estas y otras muchas preguntas, los físicos han ampliado las fronteras del conocimiento humano y nos han ayudado a comprender las leyes físicas que rigen nuestro mundo y el universo.Tanto el estudiante deseoso de aprender como el simple lector curioso acerca del funcionamiento del mundo encontrarán en este libro muchas ideas estimulantes.
El libro de la medicina (DK Big Ideas)
by DKGrandes ideas, explicaciones sencillasCon un lenguaje claro, sencillos esquemas e ingeniosas ilustraciones aprenda sobre los sorprendentes avances médicos y los descubrimientos en el libro de medicina.Este libro aborda temas complejos en un formato simple y fácil de seguir. ¡Ideal para los novatos que buscan obtener más información y expertos que desean refrescar sus conocimientos por igual!Este libro cautivador ampliará la comprensión de la medicina, con:- Más de 100 ideas innovadoras en este campo de la ciencia.- Repleto de hechos, cuadros, plazos y gráficos para ayudar a explicar los conceptos centrales.- Un enfoque visual sobre temas complejos con ilustraciones llamativas y gráficos.- El texto fácil de seguir hace que los temas sean accesibles a cualquier nivel de comprensión.Descubrirá más de 90 descubrimientos médicos increíbles a través de un texto claro y fácil de entender.Si pensaba que era difícil aprender sobre los hitos importantes en el historial médico, el libro de medicina presenta información clave en un diseño fácil de seguir. Aprenda sobre la respuesta de la ciencia médica a los nuevos desafíos, como Covid-19, y prácticas antiguas como la medicina alternativa y el equilibrio de los humores, a través de excelentes mapas mentales y resúmenes paso a paso.La serie de Grandes ideas de gran reconocimiento ha vendido millones de copias en todo el mundo, el libro de medicina es parte de la galardonada serie de grandes ideas de DK.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn about astonishing medical breakthroughs and discoveries in The Medicine Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Medicine in this overview guide to the subject, great for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Medicine Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in.This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Medicine, with:- More than 100 ground-breaking ideas in this field of science- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Medicine Book is a captivating introduction to the crucial breakthroughs in this science, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover more than 90 amazing medical discoveries through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Medical Questions, Simply ExplainedWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Medicine Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.
El libro de la química (DK Big Ideas)
by DKDiscover and understand the key ideas that underpin the core science of chemistry and learn about the great minds who uncovered them Written in plain English, The Chemistry Book is packed with short, pithy explanations of some of the most historic moments in science, from the birth of atomic theory to the discovery of polythene and the development of liquid crystal display screens. Simple graphics, such as flowcharts and mind maps, support the text and make the explanation of key concepts easy to follow.Arranged in chronological order, the book covers key themes in the physical and natural sciences, such as geochemistry and the elements. Within each chapter, a series of articles traces the history of scientific thought and introduces the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject such as John Dalton, Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, Kathleen Lonsdale, and Stephanie Kwolek. Along the way, the book addresses some of the most fundamental questions in science, such as what is the universe made of, how is matter created, and what are the chemical bonds that make life possible?Whether you are new to chemistry, a student of the sciences, or just want to keep up with and understand the latest news and scientific debates, The Chemistry Book is for you.
El Libro de los animales (Our World in Pictures: The Animal Book)
by David BurnieDescubre la enciclopedia visual más completa de la fauna y la naturaleza del planeta.Los niños disfrutarán de más de 1500 imágenes de especies del mundo natural mientras aprenden toda la información sobre los diferentes tipos de animales y otros seres vivos: insectos, invertebrados, aves, reptiles, anfibios, hongos, corales, etc.Al pasar las páginas de este libro infantil, encontrarán: - Fotografías fascinantes de las especies en sus hábitats: orangutanes en la selva, osos polares en el Ártico, leones en la sabana...- Capítulos divididos en los diferentes grupos de seres vivos- Explicaciones claras y datos curiosos- Un diagrama de árbol que muestra la relación entre los diferentes grupos Un libro imprescindible en la estantería de los niños mayores de 8 años y el regalo perfecto para los más interesados en el maravilloso reino animal. ---------------------------------------------------------The Animal Book is the ultimate children's encyclopedia of life on Earth, with over 1,500 images.Budding naturalists will adore DK's stunning new nature encyclopedia. Every aspect of life on Earth is revealed, with species from all across the natural world. Packed full of amazing images and astonishing facts, The Animal Book is the perfect guide for anyone wanting to learn more about natural history.This awe-inspiring animal book for kids features: - Astonishing double-page photographs showcase the most amazing species in their natural habitat.- Chapters are arranged according to scientific classifications, with straightforward explanations.- An introductory tree of life diagram show how all the different groups are related. A must-have animal picture book for curious children aged 8+ who want to find out more about our enormous animal kingdom.
El Niño in World History (Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History)
by George Adamson Richard GroveThis book examines the role of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in society. Throughout human history, large or recurrent El Niños could cause significant disruption to societies and in some cases even contribute to political change. Yet it is only now that we are coming to appreciate the significance of the phenomenon. In this volume, Richard Grove and George Adamson chart the dual history of El Niño: as a global phenomenon capable of devastating weather extremes and, since the 18th century, as a developing idea in science and society. The chapters trace El Niño’s position in world history from its role in the revolution in Australian Aboriginal Culture at 5,000 BP to the 2015-16 ‘Godzilla’ event. It ends with a discussion of El Niño in the current media, which is as much a product of the public imagination as it is a natural process.
El Niño Ready Nations and Disaster Risk Reduction: 19 Countries in Perspective (Disaster Studies and Management)
by Michael H. GlantzEl Niño can have drastic effects on livelihoods in affected regions. As the climate changes, there will also be changes in El Nino behavior and therefor in its impacts around the globe on human activities such as agriculture, water resources and weather extremes. The country-specific studies covered in this book are undertaken by experts on climate, water and weather-related fields in the countries being studied. Furthermore, aspects from other disciplines, for example from social sciences have been drawn upon in order to cover crosscutting themes which are identified: depicting similarities and differences in responses to El Nino's impacts such as drought, floods, famines, health-related issues and the like.
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation Phenomenon
by Edward S. Sarachik Mark A. CaneMany climatic extremes around the globe, such as severe droughts and floods, can be attributed to the periodic warming of the equatorial Pacific sea surface, termed the El Ni#xF1;o or Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Advances in our understanding of ENSO, in which Edward Sarachik and Mark Cane have been key participants, have led to marked improvements in our ability to predict its development months or seasons, allowing adaptation to global impacts. The book introduces basic concepts and builds to more detailed theoretical treatments. Chapters on the structure and dynamics of the tropical ocean and atmosphere place ENSO in a broader observational and theoretical context. Chapters on ENSO prediction, past and future, and impacts introduce broader implications of the phenomenon. This book provides an introduction to all aspects of this most important mode of global climate variability, for research workers and students of all levels in climate science, oceanography and related fields.
Elastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change
by Leonard MlodinowFrom the best-selling author of Subliminal and The Drunkard’s Walk comes a groundbreaking look at the psychology and neuroscience of change, and at how tapping into elastic thinking will help us thrive in the modern world. <P><P>Drawing on cutting-edge research, Leonard Mlodinow takes us on an illuminating journey through the mechanics of our minds as we navigate the rapidly changing landscapes around us. <P><P>Out of the exploratory instincts that allowed our ancestors to prosper hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans developed a cognitive style that Mlodinow terms elastic thinking, a unique set of talents that include neophilia (an affinity for novelty), schizotypy (a tendency toward unusual perception), imagination and idea generation, and divergent and integrative thinking. <P><P>These are the qualities that enabled innovators from Mary Shelley to Miles Davis, from the inventor of jumbo-sized popcorn to the creators of Pokémon Go, to effect paradigm shifts in our culture and society. <P><P>In our age of unprecedented technological innovation and social change, it is more important than ever to encourage these abilities and traits.How can we train our brains to be more comfortable when confronting change and more adept at innovation? How do our brains generate new ideas, and how can we nurture that process? Why can diversity and even discord be beneficial to our thought process? <P>With his keen acumen and quick wit, Leonard Mlodinow gives us the essential tools to harness the power of elastic thinking in an endlessly dynamic world.
Elastic And Inelastic Stress Analysis
by Irving H ShamesPresents certain key aspects of inelastic solid mechanics centered around viscoelasticity, creep, viscoplasticity, and plasticity. It is divided into three parts consisting of the fundamentals of elasticity, useful constitutive laws, and applications to simple structural members, providing extended treatment of basic problems in static structural m
Elastic Fiber Matrices: Biomimetic Approaches to Regeneration and Repair
by Anand Ramamurthi and Chandrasekhar KothapalliElastic Fiber Matrices: Biomimetic Approaches to Regeneration and Repair provides a comprehensive resource on the intrinsic and pathological aberrations of the complex process of elastic matrix assembly and/or variations thereof in different elastic tissue types, and on strategies to regenerate or restore lost elastin matrix, either in vitro or in vivo, including biomimetic elastin-like-peptides, gene therapy, drug delivery, tissue engineering (biomolecules, scaffolds, and mechanical stimuli), pharmacological approaches, elastin stabilization and preservation, stem cell therapy, allografts/xenografts, and synthetic/biological elastomers. Comprised of individual chapters contributed by leading researchers and scientists in the field, the text details current approaches for elastin matrix regeneration and repair, identifying their various advantages and limitations while offering valuable insight into emerging trends. Thus, this book is a must-have guide for academicians and industry professionals working in the areas of connective tissue biology, tissue engineering, dermal and cardiovascular biomaterials, and drug delivery.
Elastic Optical Networks
by Víctor López Luis VelascoThis book presents advances in the field of optical networks - specifically on research and applications in elastic optical networks (EON). The material reflects the authors' extensive research and industrial activities and includes contributions from preeminent researchers and practitioners in optical networking. The authors discuss the new research and applications that address the issue of increased bandwidth demand due to disruptive, high bandwidth applications, e. g. , video and cloud applications. The book also discusses issues with traffic not only increasing but becoming much more dynamic, both in time and direction, and posits immediate, medium, and long-term solutions throughout the text. The book is intended to provide a reference for network architecture and planning, communication systems, and control and management approaches that are expected to steer the evolution of EONs.
Elastic Optical Networks: Fundamentals, Design, Control, and Management
by Eiji Oki Bijoy ChatterjeeThe rapid growth in communications and internet has changed our way of life, and our requirement for communication bandwidth. Optical networks can enable us to meet the continued demands for this bandwidth, although conventional optical networks struggle in achieving this, due to the limitation of the electrical bandwidth barrier. Flexgrid technology is a promising solution for future high-speed network design. To promote an efficient and scalable implementation of elastic optical technology in the telecommunications infrastructure, many challenging issues related to routing and spectrum allocation (RSA), resource utilization, fault management and quality of service provisioning must be addressed. This book reviews the development of elastic optical networks (EONs), and addresses RSA problems with spectrum fragment issues, which degrade the quality of service provisioning. The book starts with a brief introduction to optical fiber transmission system, and then provides an overview of the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), and WDM optical networks. It discusses the limitations of conventional WDM optical networks, and discusses how EONs overcome these limitations. It presents the architecture of the EONs and its operation principle. To complete the discussion of network architecture, this book focuses on the different node architectures, and compares their performance in terms of scalability and flexibility. It reviews and classifies different RSA approaches, including their pros and cons. It focuses on different aspects related to RSA. The spectrum fragmentation is a serious issue in EONs, which needs to be managed. The book explains the fragmentation problem in EONs, discusses, and analyzes the major conventional spectrum allocation policies in terms of the fragmentation effect in a network. The taxonomies of the fragmentation management approaches are presented along with different node architectures. State-of-the-art fragmentation management approaches are looked at. A useful feature of this book is that it provides mathematical modeling and analyzes theoretical computational complexity for different problems in elastic optical networks. Finally, this book addresses the research challenges and open issues in EONs and provides future directions for future research.
Elastic Wave Propagation in Structures and Materials
by Srinivasan GopalakrishnanElastic Wave Propagation in Structures and Materials initiates with a brief introduction to wave propagation, different wave equations, integral transforms including fundamentals of Fourier Transform, Wavelet Transform, Laplace Transform and their numerical implementation. Concept of spectral analysis and procedure to compute the wave parameters, wave propagation in 1-D isotropic waveguides, wave dispersion in 2-D waveguides is explained. Wave propagation in different media such as laminated composites, functionally graded structures, granular soils including non-local elasticity models is addressed. The entire book is written in modular form and analysis is performed in frequency domain. Features: Brings out idea of wave dispersion and its utility in the dynamic responses. Introduces concepts as Negative Group Speeds, Einstein’s Causality and escape frequencies using solid mathematical framework. Discusses the propagation of waves in materials such as laminated composites and functionally graded materials. Proposes spectral finite element as analysis tool for wave propagation. Each concept/chapter supported by homework problems and MATLAB/FORTRAN codes. This book aims at Senior Undergraduates and Advanced Graduates in all streams of engineering especially Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Elastic Waves and Metamaterials: The Fundamentals
by Yoon Young KimThis book serves as an introductory text for students and engineers with limited knowledge of metamaterials (and elastic waves). This text begins with the most straightforward vibrating systems, such as single and 2-DOF spring-mass systems. It examines the observed phenomena in 2-DOF systems in an unconventional manner to prepare the reader for research on metamaterials. After presenting wave phenomena in an infinitely connected spring-mass system, an elastic bar, a continuous version of an infinite system, is analyzed. This instructional strategy, which progresses from the discrete model to the continuous model, facilitates efficient comprehension of wave and metamaterial concepts. Using continuous and discrete one-dimensional models, bending waves and their manipulation through metamaterials are also discussed. In the latter chapters of this book, advanced readers are introduced to the fundamental wave phenomena in two-dimensional media and wave manipulation using metamaterials, such as mode-converting transmission. As wave phenomena are the fundamental phenomena in vibrating structures, those interested in acoustics and vibration would gain a great deal of knowledge from this book, as the material covered in it offers a very different perspective on oscillatory phenomena than what is typically found in books on acoustics and vibration. Because this book presents a new technique for manipulating waves using metamaterials, engineers and scientists who work with (ultra)sounds and structural vibrations would find it very useful for expanding their knowledge of relevant topics.