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Dual Energy CT in Clinical Practice

by Stefan O. Schönberg Thorsten Johnson Maximilian F Reiser Christian Fink

Dual-energy CT is a novel, rapidly emerging imaging technique which offers important new functional and specific information. In this book, physicists and specialists from different CT manufacturers provide an insight into the technological basis of, and the different approaches to, dual-energy CT. Renowned medical scientists in the field explain the pathophysiological and molecular background of the technique, discuss its applications, provide detailed advice on how to obtain optimal results, and offer hints regarding clinical interpretation. The main focus is on the use of dual-energy CT in daily clinical practice, and individual sections are devoted to imaging of the vascular system, the thorax, the abdomen, and the extremities. Evaluations and recommendations are based on personal experience and peer-reviewed literature. Plenty of carefully chosen high-quality images are included to illustrate the clinical benefits of the technique.

Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines

by Ghazi A. Karim

Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines offers a detailed discussion of different types of dual-fuel diesel engines, the gaseous fuels they can use, and their operational practices. Reflecting cutting-edge advancements in this rapidly expanding field, this timely book:Explains the benefits and challenges associated with internal combustion, compression ignition,

Dual-Fuel Gas-Steam Power Block Analysis: Methodology And Continuous-time Mathematical Models (Power Systems)

by Anna Hnydiuk-Stefan

This book presents the methodology and mathematical models for dual-fuel coal-gas power plants in two basic configurations: systems coupled in parallel and in series.Dual-fuel gas and steam systems, especially parallel systems, have great potential for modernizing existing combined heat and power (CHP) plants. This book presents calculations using a novel methodology applied to systems in continuous time and analyzes the impact of the investment profitability of the EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme) derogation mechanism, which encourages enterprises to modernize existing generation units. It also includes a detailed case study of a coal power plant modernized by repowering with a gas turbine.The book is intended for researchers, market analysts, decision makers, power engineers and students.

Dual-Mode Electro-photonic Silicon Biosensors

by José Juan Colás

This highly interdisciplinary thesis reports on two innovative photonic biosensors that combine multiple simultaneous measurements to provide unique insights into the activity and structure of surface immobilized biological molecules. In addition, it presents a new silicon photonic biosensor that exploits two cascaded resonant sensors to provide two independent measurements of a biological layer immobilized on the surface. By combining these two measurements, it is possible to unambiguously quantify the density and thickness of the molecular layer; here, the approach’s ability to study molecular conformation and conformational changes in real time is demonstrated.The electrophotonic biosensor integrates silicon photonics with electrochemistry into a single technology. This multi-modal biosensor provides a number of unique capabilities that extend the functionality of conventional silicon photonics. For example, by combining the complementary information revealed by simultaneous electrochemical and photonic measurements, it is possible to provide unique insights into on-surface electrochemical processes. Furthermore, the ability to create electrochemical reactions directly on the silicon surface provides a novel approach for engineering the chemical functionality of the photonic sensors. The electrophotonic biosensor thus represents a critical advance towards the development of very high-density photonic sensor arrays for multiplexed diagnostics.

The Dual Nature of Life

by Gennadiy Zhegunov

Life is a diverse and ubiquitous phenomenon on Earth, characterized by fundamental features distinguishing living bodies from nonliving material. Yet it is also so complex that it has long defied precise definition. This book from a seasoned biologist offers new insights into the nature of life by illuminating a fascinating architecture of dualities inherent in its existence and propagation. Life is connected with individual living beings, yet it is also a collective and inherently global phenomenon of the material world. It embodies a dual existence of cycles of phenotypic life, and their unseen driver -- an uninterrupted march of genetic information whose collective immortality is guaranteed by individual mortality. Although evolution propagates and tunes species of organisms, the beings produced can be regarded merely as tools for the survival and cloning of genomes written in an unchanging code. What are the physical versus informational bases and driving forces of life, and how do they unite as an integrated system? What does time mean for individuals, life on the global scale, and the underlying information? This accessible examination of principles and evidence shows that a network of dualities lies at the heart of biological puzzles that have engaged the human mind for millennia.

Dual-Polarization Two-Port Fiber-Optic Gyroscope

by Zinan Wang

This thesis demonstrates and investigates novel dual-polarization interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope (IFOG) configurations, which utilize optical compensation between two orthogonal polarizations to suppress errors caused by polarization nonreciprocity. Further, it provides a scheme for dual-polarization two-port IFOGs and details their unique benefits. Dual-polarization IFOGs break through the restriction of the "minimal scheme," which conventional IFOGs are based on. These innovative new IFOGs have unique properties: They require no polarizer and have two ports available for signal detection. As such, they open new avenues for IFOGs to achieve lower costs and higher sensitivity.

Dual-Process Theories of Numerical Cognition (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)

by Mario Graziano

This book presents a philosophical interpretation to numerical cognition based on dual process theories and heuristics. It shows how investigations in cognitive science can shed light on issues traditionally raised by philosophers of mathematics. The analysis will also help readers to better understand the relationship between current neuroscientific research and the philosophical reflection on mathematics. The author seeks to explain the acquisition of mathematical concepts. To accomplish this, he needs to answer two questions. How can the concepts of approximate numerosity become an object of thought that is so accessible to our consciousness? How are these concepts refined and specified in such a way as to become numbers? Unfortunately, there is currently no model that can truly demonstrate the role of language in the development of numerical skills starting from approximate pre-verbal skills. However, the author details a solution to this problem: dual process theories. It is an approach widely used by theorists focusing on reasoning, decision making, social cognition, and consciousness. Here, he applies this approach to the studies on mathematical knowledge. He details the results brought about by psychological and neuroscientific studies conducted on numerical cognition by key neuroscientists. In the process, he develops the foundations of a new, potential philosophical explanation on mathematical knowledge.

Dualities, Helicity Amplitudes, and Little Conformal Symmetry

by Kitran Macey M. Colwell

This book develops two exciting areas of particle physics research. It applies the recent new insights about the usefulness of helicity amplitudes in understanding gauge theory to the long-standing effort to understand theories with both electric and magnetic charges. It is known that for some supersymmetric theories there is an exact duality that relates two descriptions of the physics, one where the electric charges are weakly coupled and another where the electric charges are strongly coupled. The calculations in this thesis suggest that this duality can also hold in the low-energy limit of nonsupersymmetric gauge theories. The idea of addressing the hierarchy problem of the standard model Higgs mechanism using conformal symmetry is also explored. Analogously to "Little Higgs" models, where divergences are cancelled only at one-loop order, models are studied that have infrared conformal fixed points which related gauge and Yukawa couplings, allowing for a cancellation between seemingly unrelated quantum loop diagrams.

Duck Production and Management Strategies

by A. Jalaludeen R. Richard Churchil Elisabeth Baéza

This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of duck production and management. It presents a complete overview of different aspects of duck production with particular emphasis on rearing systems. The book reviews current knowledge on the anatomy, physiology, genetics, breeding, nutrition, incubation, and hatching practices of ducks. It further discusses the common diseases of duck, their treatment regime, and prevention strategies. The book additionally examines all aspects of the global duck industry, the constraints, and the recommendations. It also explores nutrient requirements and feed evaluation for duck and evaluates nutrition's influence on the gut microbiome. Towards the end, the book presents the latest genomic applications, including high throughput sequencing and various bioinformatics tools in duck production. This book serves as an essential resource for duck industry practitioners, researchers, and students.

Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North America

by Guy Baldassarre

The best-selling and authoritative reference book on waterfowl has been fully revised and updated by one of the world’s most respected waterfowl biologists.Honorable Mention for the PROSE Award for Excellence, Multivolume/Science of the Association of American PublishersDucks, Geese, and Swans of North America has been hailed as a classic since the first edition was published in 1942. A must-have for professional biologists, birders, waterfowl hunters, decoy collectors, and wildlife managers, this fully revised and updated edition provides definitive information on the continent's forty-six species. Maps of both winter and breeding ranges are presented with stunning images by top waterfowl photographers and the acclaimed original artwork of Robert W. (Bob) Hines. Originally authored by F. H. Kortright and later revised by Frank Bellrose, this latest edition, which has been meticulously updated by renowned waterfowl biologist Guy Baldassarre, continues the legacy of esteemed authors. Each species account contains in-depth sections on: • identification• distribution• migration behavior• habitat• population status• breeding biology• rearing of young• recruitment and survival• food habits and feeding ecology • molts and plumages• conservation and management To facilitate identification, the species accounts also include detailed illustrations of wings. An appendix contains comparative illustrations of ducklings, goslings, and cygnets.This edition of Ducks, Geese, and Swans consists of two volumes, printed in full color, and packaged in a slipcase, along with a CD containing references and additional maps.

Ducktown Smoke: The Fight Over One of the South's Greatest Environmental Disasters

by Duncan Maysilles

It is hard to make a desert in a place that receives sixty inches of rain each year. But after decades of copper mining, all that remained of the old hardwood forests in the Ducktown Mining District of the southern Appalachian Mountains was a fifty-square mile barren expanse of heavily gullied red hills--a landscape created by sulfur dioxide smoke from copper smelting and destructive logging practices. In Ducktown Smoke, Duncan Maysilles examines this environmental disaster, one of the worst the South has experienced, and its impact on environmental law and Appalachian conservation. Beginning in 1896, the widening destruction wrought in Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina by Ducktown copper mining spawned hundreds of private lawsuits, culminating in Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Co. , the U. S. Supreme Court's first air pollution case. In its 1907 decision, the Court recognized for the first time the sovereign right of individual states to protect their natural resources from transborder pollution, a foundational opinion in the formation of American environmental law. Maysilles reveals how the Supreme Court case brought together the disparate forces of agrarian populism, industrial logging, and the forest conservation movement to set a legal precedent that remains relevant in environmental law today.

The Duckweed Genomes (Compendium of Plant Genomes)

by Xuan Hieu Cao Paul Fourounjian Wenqin Wang

This book tells the story behind the first Spirodela genome sequencing project. Further, it describes the current genomics applications of these findings, and efforts to sequence new genomes within the family. The closing chapters address the sequencing of the over 1 Gigabase Wolffia genomes, which could have major impacts on genome evolution and agricultural research. The duckweed or Lemnaceae family is a collection of 5 genera and 37 species of the smallest, fastest-growing flowering plants. Many of these aquatic monocotyledonous plants can grow all over the world, in a variety of climates. Given their simplified and neotenous morphology, duckweeds have been researched for several decades as a model species for plant physiology and ecotoxicological research, contributing to our understanding e.g. of flowering response, plant circadian systems, sulfur assimilation pathways and auxin biosynthesis. In addition, duckweed-based treatment has been a favorite and feasible means, especially in developing countries, of removing phosphorus and pharmaceutical chemicals from sewage and wastewater.With a dry annual mass yield per hectare of up to 80 tonnes (equivalent to 10 tonnes of protein), duckweed is also a promising aquatic crop in new modern and sustainable agriculture. Besides being an excellent primary or supplemental feedstock for the production of livestock and fish, duckweed biomass can be utilized as a potential resource for human nutrition, biofuel, or bioplastics, depending on water quality as well as protein or starch accumulating procedures. These academic and commercial interests have led to international efforts to sequence the Spirodela polyrhiza genome, the smallest and most ancient genome in the family.

Ductile Mode Cutting of Brittle Materials (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)

by Hao Wang Kui Liu Xinquan Zhang

This book provides a systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary overview of ductile mode cutting of brittle materials, covering a range of topics from the fundamental physics to engineering practices. Discussing the machining mechanics and material properties, it explains the fundamental mechanism of ductile-to-brittle transition in the cutting of brittle materials. It also presents theoretical modeling and molecular dynamic simulation to demonstrate that ductile mode cutting can be achieved under certain conditions, as well as extensive experimental studies that produced smooth and damage-free surfaces on different materials, such as silicon, glass, tungsten carbide and calcium fluoride. Lastly, it explores how the ductile mode cutting performance and machinability of brittle materials can be further improved by hybrid machining processes like ultrasonic vibration and thermal-assisted cutting technologies in order to meet industry demands.

Dude Perfect 101 Tricks, Tips, and Cool Stuff

by Dude Perfect

Get a jump start on your own Dude Perfect–style fun with this one-of-a-kind inside look at their tricks, stunts, extreme sports, and other cool stuff.Ever wanted to know &“how did they do that&”? Now you can! This guide offers a behind-the-scenes look at all things Dude Perfect, including step-by-step instructions to perform your own real-life trick shots using everyday objects. From the Dude&’s personal insights, favorite tricks, and Dude stats to how patience, friendship, and teamwork can be cool, this interactive, full-color book is pure panda-monium.Whether your own trickster wants to perform solo, challenge a friend, or host a family game night, this book is full of science facts, tips and tricks, and other cool stuff to get them started on their own Overtime video.

Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture

by Stephen P. Radzevich

The Fourth Edition of Dudley’s Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture is the definitive reference guide to gear design, production, and applications. Using a pragmatic approach, the book provides gear manufacturing methods for high-, medium-, and low-volume production. Updated throughout to reflect cutting-edge research, this edition includes new contributions from experts in the field. Providing a clear overview of the foundations of advanced gear systems, the book contains new material on the potential of technologies such as high-performance plastic gears alongside issues that can be encountered. The book also includes innovative chapters discussing topics such as involute gear drives and gear strength calculation, with new regulations such as ISO 6336 in mind. Using modern technologies such as powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing, all the necessary information to reduce gear cost is provided. Additionally, gear micro-geometry modifications and planetary gear designs are discussed. FEATURES Provides an up-to-date, single-source reference for all aspects of the gear industry Presents an integrated approach to gear design and manufacture Includes new coverage of direct gear design and ready-to-use gear design Contains coverage of finite element analysis, gear vibration, load ratings, and gear failures The book includes comprehensive tables and references, making this the definitive guide for all those in the field of gear technology, from industry professionals to undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students.

Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design and Manufacture

by Stephen P. Radzevich

Dudley's Handbook of Practical Gear Design & Manufacture, Third Edition, is the definitive reference work for gear design, production, inspection, and application. This fully updated edition provides practical methods of gear design, and gear manufacturing methods, for high-, medium-, and low-volume production. Comprehensive tables and references are included in the text and in its extensive appendices, providing an invaluable source information for all those involved in the field of gear technology.

The Duffing Equation

by Michael J. Brennan Dr Ivana Kovacic

The Duffing Equation: Nonlinear Oscillators and their Behaviour brings together the results of a wealth of disseminated research literature on the Duffing equation, a key engineering model with a vast number of applications in science and engineering, summarizing the findings of this research. Each chapter is written by an expert contributor in the field of nonlinear dynamics and addresses a different form of the equation, relating it to various oscillatory problems and clearly linking the problem with the mathematics that describe it. The editors and the contributors explain the mathematical techniques required to study nonlinear dynamics, helping the reader with little mathematical background to understand the text.The Duffing Equation provides a reference text for postgraduate and students and researchers of mechanical engineering and vibration / nonlinear dynamics as well as a useful tool for practising mechanical engineers.Includes a chapter devoted to historical background on Georg Duffing and the equation that was named after him.Includes a chapter solely devoted to practical examples of systems whose dynamic behaviour is described by the Duffing equation.Contains a comprehensive treatment of the various forms of the Duffing equation.Uses experimental, analytical and numerical methods as well as concepts of nonlinear dynamics to treat the physical systems in a unified way.

The Duffing Equation: Periodic Solutions and Chaotic Dynamics (Infosys Science Foundation Series)

by Lakshmi Burra Fabio Zanolin

This book discusses the generalized Duffing equation and its periodic perturbations, with special emphasis on the existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions, subharmonic solutions and different approaches to prove rigorously the presence of chaotic dynamics. Topics in the book are presented at an expository level without entering too much into technical detail. It targets to researchers in the field of chaotic dynamics as well as graduate students with a basic knowledge of topology, analysis, ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems. The book starts with a study of the autonomous equation which represents a simple model of dynamics of a mechanical system with one degree of freedom. This special case has been discussed in the book by using an associated energy function. In the case of a centre, a precise formula is given for the period of the orbit by studying the associated period map. The book also deals with the problem of existence of periodic solutions for the periodically perturbed equation. An important operator, the Poincaré map, is introduced and studied with respect to the existence and multiplicity of its fixed points and periodic points. As a map of the plane into itself, complicated structure and patterns can arise giving numeric evidence of the presence of the so-called chaotic dynamics. Therefore, some novel topological tools are introduced to detect and rigorously prove the existence of periodic solutions as well as analytically prove the existence of chaotic dynamics according to some classical definitions introduced in the last decades. Finally, the rest of the book is devoted to some recent applications in different mathematical models. It carefully describes the technique of “stretching along the paths”, which is a very efficient tool to prove rigorously the presence of chaotic dynamics.

Duke's Handbook Of Medicinal Plants Of Latin America

by James A. Duke

A Comprehensive Guide Addressing Safety, Efficacy, and Suitability About a quarter of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants and more than 1,400 varieties of tropical plants are being investigated as potential cures for cancer. Curare comes from a tropical vine and quinine from the cinchona tree. A comprehensive guide to safety, efficacy, and suitability, Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America responds to continuing interest in medicinal plants and the potential remedies they contain. Determine Which Species Can Be Used for Specific Targets The author of Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook and CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, James A. Duke covers roughly 500 of the more important Native Latin American medicinal plants in a highly organized format. After a brief introduction, each entry contains scientific and colloquial names, synonyms, reference to illustrations, notes, biological activities, medicinal indications, dosages, potential hazards, extracts, and references. This format supplies a starting point for determining which species can be used for specific targets. Better Data Helps You Focus Your Search Year-round moderate temperatures, abundant rainfall, and rich soils make tropical Latin America home to nearly 100,000 of the world’s 300,000 known species of plants, and therefore home to untold numbers of potential cures. Focusing on 500 of the most well-known and well-studied plants, this book helps you focus your search for ammunition against constantly evolving pathogens and newly emerging diseases.

Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America

by James A. Duke

Finalist for 2009 The Council on Botanical & Horticultural Libraries Literature Award!A Comprehensive Guide Addressing Safety, Efficacy, and Suitability About a quarter of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants and more than 1,400 varieties of tropical plants are being investigated as potential cures for cancer. Curare comes from

Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible

by James A. Duke

Readers have come to depend on Jim Duke's comprehensive handbooks for their ease of use and artful presentation of scientific information. Following the successful format of his other CRC handbooks, Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible contains 150 herbs listed alphabetically and by scientific name. Each entry provides illustrations of the plant, synonyms, notes, common names, activities, indications, dosages, downsides and interactions, natural history, and extracts. It includes Biblical quotes as well as comments on points of interest.

Dumm wie ein Fisch?: Die überraschende Intelligenz unter Wasser

by Horst Bleckmann

Gegenüber den Säugetieren werden Fische häufig unterschätzt und als weniger komplexe Organismen abgetan. Um diesen voreiligen Schluss zu entkräften, präsentiert Ihnen Horst Bleckmann die hochentwickelten kognitiven Fähigkeiten der Fische.Wussten Sie z.B., dass Fische mit ca. 30.000 Arten die größte Gruppe aller Wirbeltiere stellen und alle aquatischen Lebensräume besiedeln? Für diese immense Leistung haben sie eine Vielzahl von hochspezialisierten Sinnessystemen und Verhaltensweisen entwickelt. Nach neueren Forschungen verfügen Fische zudem nicht nur über äußerst raffinierte Sinnesorgane, sondern auch über hochentwickelte Zentralnervensysteme, die in ihrer Grundstruktur ähnlich aufgebaut sind wie die Gehirne der Säuger.Tauchen Sie in eine faszinierende Welt ein und lernen Sie alles über die verschiedenen Sinnessysteme der Fische kennen. Ein abschließendes Kapitel behandelt ergänzend die weltweite Bedrohung der Fische durch Gewässerverschmutzung, Querbauten in Fließgewässern und die Fischereiwirtschaft.

Dune: The inspiration for the blockbuster film (DUNE #1)

by Frank Herbert

What The Lord of the Rings is to fantasy, Dune is to science fiction. Presenting one of the most influential works of all time, which has inspired countless other stories for more than half a century, this is an awe-inspiring world, and a story of truly epic scope.'An astonishing science fiction phenomenon' WASHINGTON POST'I know nothing comparable to it except The Lord of the Rings' Arthur C Clarke'It is possible that Dune is even more relevant now than when it was first published' NEW YORKERPaul Atreides, son of Duke Leto Atreides, and all of his family have been sent to the planet Arrakis, having been outmanoeuvred by their arch-enemy Baron Harkonnen.Arrakis - also known as Dune - is an arid place, but a planet of fabulous wealth, the only source of a drug prized throughout the Galactic Empire: Spice.What will happen next will change everything. There are secrets on Dune, known only to the planet's native people, the Fremen. They have been waiting for their moment to make their move.Paul will be brought into the path by terrible events beyond his control. But Paul himself is important. He is the child of destiny, a child of prophecy, and within him is the power to bring the Empire to its knees.Joint winner of the HUGO AWARD for best novel, 1966Winner of the NEBULA AWARD for best novel, 1965Read the book which inspired the Academy Award-winning and jaw-dropping cinematic events Dune: Part One (2021) and Dune: Part Two (2024). A science fiction spectacular like no other, this is a deeply climate conscious novel, and a compelling family saga for the ages.

Dune Worlds

by Ralph D. Lorenz James R. Zimbelman

This book describes how sand dunes work, why they are the way they are in different settings, and how they are being studied. Particular attention is paid to their formation and appearance elsewhere in the solar system. New developments in knowledge about dunes make for an interesting story - like the dunes themselves, dune science is dynamic - and the visual appeal of Aeolian geomorphology ensures that this is an attractive volume. The book is divided into 4 parts, the first of which introduces dunes as a planetary phenomenon, showing a landscape reflecting the balance of geological processes - volcanism, impact, tectonics, erosion, deposition of sediments. Dunes are then considered as emergent dynamical systems: the interaction of sand and wind conspires to generate very characteristic and reproducible shapes. Analogies are given with other emergent structures such as patterned ground before the influence of dunes on desert peoples and infrastructure is studied, together with their use as forensic climatological indicators. Dune Physics is looked at with regard to the mechanics of sand, the physics of wind, saltation - interaction of sand and air - dunes versus ripples and transverse Aeolian ridges, the classification of dune morphology and the sources and sinks of sand. Dune Trafficability considers soil mechanics, effects on mobility on Earth, Mars and elsewhere. In the second part, Earth, Mars, Titan and other moons and planets are examined, beginning with a survey of the major deserts and dunefields on Earth. The authors then turn to Mars and its environment, sediment type, dune stratigraphy, sediment source and sinks and the association of dunes with topographic features. Titan follows - its thick, cold atmosphere, methane dampness, low gravity, morphology - interaction with topography and the implications of dunes for climate and winds. Dunes elsewhere conclude this part. There are few dunefields on Venus, but there is a . possibility of Aeolian transport on Triton and volcanic-related windstreaks on Io.

Dung for Dinner: A Stomach-Churning Look at the Animal Poop, Pee, Vomit, and Secretions that People Have Eaten (and Often Still Do!)

by Christine Virnig

Discover the stomach-churning truth about the animal poop, pee, vomit, and secretions that humans have eaten throughout history—and sometimes still do—in Christine Virnig's laugh-out-loud middle-grade nonfiction debut. Dung for Dinner is illustrated by Korwin Briggs.From Roman charioteers scarfing wild boar dung to astronauts guzzling their own pee to today's kids spreading insect vomit on their toast, this humorous compendium is chock-full of history, science, and fascinatingly gross facts. Bug secretions coating your candy corn? Rodent poop in your popcorn? Physicians tasting their patients' pee? It’s deliciously disgusting!

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