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Dyes and Chomophores in Polymer Science

by Jean Pierre Fouassier Jacques Lalevée

The design and development of dyes and chromophores have recently attracted much attention in various research fields such as materials, radiation curing, (laser) imaging, optics, medicine, microelectronics, nanotechnology, etc.. In this book, the recent research for the use of dyes and chromophores in polymer science is presented. The interaction of the visible light with the dyes or the selected chromophores is particularly important in different fields (e.g. for photovoltaic, display applications (LED ...), laser imaging or laser direct writing, green chemistry with sunlight induced photopolymerization etc ...). This book gives an overview of the dyes and chromophores for all the important fields.

Dyes and Photoactive Molecules in Microporous Systems (Structure and Bonding #183)

by Virginia Martínez-Martínez Fernando López Arbeloa

This book provides an overview of the design, synthesis, and characterization of different photoactive hybrid organic-inorganic materials, based on the combination of mainly organic molecules and inorganic nanostructures, tackling their uses in different scientific fields from photonics to biomedicine.There are many examples extensively describing how the confinement of organic compounds (i.e. chromophores, photochromic molecules or photoreactants), or other photoactive compounds (i.e.metal clusters) into several microporous systems can modulate the photophysical properties and photochemical reactions leading to interesting applications. Among (ordered)-hosts, different systems of diverse nature are widely used, such as the, the 1D- or 3D- channels of zeolitic frameworks, interlayer space of 2D-clays, the organic nanospace of curcubituril and cyclodextrins or the organo-inorganic porous crystalline MOFs systems. This volume highlights the advances of these photoactive materials and aims to be an inspiration for researchers working in materials science and photochemistry, including chemists, material engineers, physicists, biologists, and medical researchers.

Dyes and Pigments

by Ahmet Gürses Metin Açıkyıldız Kübra Güneş M. Sadi Gürses

In this book the authors go back to basics to describe the structural differences between dyes and pigments, their mechanisms of action, properties and applications. They set the scene by explaining the reasons behind these differences and show how dyes are predominately organic compounds that dissolve or react with substrates, whereas pigments are (predominantly) finely ground inorganic substances that are insoluble and therefore have a different mode of coloring. They also describe the role of functional groups and their effect on dyeing ability, contrasting this with the way in which pigments cause surface reflection (or light absorption) depending on their chemical and crystalline structure and relative particle size. The book explores the environmental impact of dyes in a section that covers the physical, chemical, toxicological, and ecological properties of dyes and how these are used to assess their effect on the environment and to estimate whether a given product presents a potential hazard. Lastly, it assesses how, in addition to their traditional uses in the textile, leather, paper, paint and varnish industries, dyes and pigments are indispensable in other fields such as microelectronics, medical diagnostics, and in information recording techniques.

Dying for Victorian Medicine

by Elizabeth T. Hurren

In the nineteenth century the business of anatomy was very profitable. However, existing in a Victorian underworld, its shadowy details and potential links to the Jack-the-Ripper murders were seldom exposed. In this accessible and vibrant account, Elizabeth Hurren brings to life lost pauper stories recovered from the asylums, infirmaries, workhouses, body dealers, railway men and undertakers that supplied the medical profession with dissection subjects. The details of those trading networks, corpse sales, body parts fees, railway transportation costs and funeral expenses have never been documented before now, yet this economy of supply in the dead underpinned modern medicine. In Dying for Victorian Medicine, Hurren allows us to look for the first time into the human face of abject poverty, working back in the archives from death to touch the lives of those compelled by pauperism to give up a loved one's body for dissection.

Dying Green: A Journey through End-of-Life Medicine in Search of Sustainable Health Care (Critical Issues in Health and Medicine)

by Christine Vatovec

The slow violence being inflicted on our environment—through everything from carbon emissions to plastic pollution—also represents an impending public health catastrophe. Yet standard health care practices are more concerned with short-term outcomes than long-term sustainability. Every resource used to deliver medical care, from IV tubes to antibiotics to electricity, has a significant environmental impact. This raises an urgent ethical dilemma: in striving to improve the health outcomes of individual patients, are we damaging human health on a global scale? In Dying Green, award-winning educator Christine Vatovec offers an engaging study that asks us to consider the broader environmental sustainability of health care. Through a comparative analysis of the care provided to terminally ill patients in a conventional cancer ward, a palliative care unit, and an acute-care hospice facility, she shows how decisions made at a patient’s bedside govern the environmental footprint of the healthcare industry. Likewise, Dying Green offers insights on the many opportunities that exist for reducing the ecological impacts of medical practices in general, while also enhancing care for the dying in particular. By envisioning a more sustainable approach to care, this book offers a way forward that is better for both patients and the planet.

Dying on the Vine: How Phylloxera Transformed Wine

by George D. Gale Jr.

Dying on the Vine chronicles 150 years of scientific warfare against the grapevine's worst enemy: phylloxera. In a book that is highly relevant for the wine industry today, George Gale describes the biological and economic disaster that unfolded when a tiny, root-sucking insect invaded the south of France in the 1860s, spread throughout Europe, and journeyed across oceans to Africa, South America, Australia, and California--laying waste to vineyards wherever it landed. He tells how scientists, viticulturalists, researchers, and others came together to save the world's vineyards and, with years of observation and research, developed a strategy of resistance. Among other topics, the book discusses phylloxera as an important case study of how one invasive species can colonize new habitats and examines California's past and present problems with it.

Dying Planet: Mars in Science and the Imagination

by Robert Markley

For more than a century, Mars has been at the center of debates about humanity's place in the cosmos. Focusing on perceptions of the red planet in scientific works and science fiction, Dying Planet analyzes the ways Mars has served as a screen onto which humankind has projected both its hopes for the future and its fears of ecological devastation on Earth. Robert Markley draws on planetary astronomy, the history and cultural study of science, science fiction, literary and cultural criticism, ecology, and astrobiology to offer a cross-disciplinary investigation of the cultural and scientific dynamics that have kept Mars on front pages since the 1800s. Markley interweaves chapters on science and science fiction, enabling him to illuminate each arena and to explore the ways their concerns overlap and influence one another. He tracks all the major scientific developments, from observations through primitive telescopes in the seventeenth century to data returned by the rovers that landed on Mars in 2004. Markley describes how major science fiction writers--H. G. Wells, Kim Stanley Robinson, Philip K. Dick, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, and Judith Merril--responded to new theories and new controversies. He also considers representations of Mars in film, on the radio, and in the popular press. In its comprehensive study of both science and science fiction, Dying Planet reveals how changing conceptions of Mars have had crucial consequences for understanding ecology on Earth.

Dynamic and Stimuli-Responsive Multi-Phase Emulsion Droplets for Optical Components (Springer Theses)

by Sara Nagelberg

This thesis builds on recent innovations in multi-phase emulsion droplet design to demonstrate that emulsion morphologies enable a useful variety of dynamic optical phenomena. Despite the highly dynamic nature of fluid morphologies and their utility for stimuli-responsive, dynamic optical materials and devices, fluid matter is underrepresented in optical technology. Using bi-phase emulsion droplets as refractive micro-optical components, this thesis realizes micro-scale fluid compound lenses with optical properties that vary in response to changes in chemical concentrations, structured illumination, and thermal gradients. Theoretical considerations of emulsions as optical components are used to explain a previously unrecognized total internal reflection-enabled light interference phenomenon in emulsion droplets that results in rich structural coloration. While this work is focused on the fundamental optics of emulsion droplets, it also facilitates the use of light-emitting emulsion morphologies as chemo-optical transducers for early-stage food-borne pathogen detection. This thesis beautifully demonstrates the virtue of fundamental interdisciplinary exploration of unconventional material systems at the interface of optics, chemistry, and materials science, and the benefits arising from translation of the acquired knowledge into specific application scenarios.

Dynamic and Transient Infinite Elements

by Chongbin Zhao

This monograph aims to provide a state-of-the-art theory and the application of dynamic and transient infinite elements for simulating the far fields of infinite domains involved in many of scientific and engineering problems, based on the author's own work during the last two decades. While the theoretical aspects of either dynamic infinite elements or transient infinite elements are systematically presented, the related application examples are immediately followed to illustrate the usefulness and applicability of these infinite elements for simulating a wide range of dynamic and transient problems involving infinite domains. To broaden the readership of this monograph, common mathematical notations are used to derive the formulations of both dynamic and transient infinite elements. This enables this monograph to be used either as a useful textbook for postgraduate students or as a valuable reference book for computational geoscientists, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, geoscientists and applied mathematicians.

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Veronica Eliasson Paul Allison Phillip Jannotti

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 2023 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the first volume of seven from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental Mechanics, including papers on:Synchrotron Applications/Advanced Dynamic ImagingQuantitative Visualization of Dynamic EventsNovel Experimental TechniquesDynamic Behavior of GeomaterialsDynamic Failure & FragmentationDynamic Response of Low Impedance MaterialsHybrid Experimental/Computational StudiesShock and Blast LoadingAdvances in Material ModelingIndustrial Applications

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Leslie E. Lamberson

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 2019 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the first volume of six from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental Mechanics, including papers on:Synchrotron Applications/Advanced Dynamic ImagingQuantitative Visualization of Dynamic EventsNovel Experimental TechniquesDynamic Behavior of GeomaterialsDynamic Failure & FragmentationDynamic Response of Low Impedance MaterialsHybrid Experimental/Computational StudiesShock and Blast LoadingAdvances in Material ModelingIndustrial Applications

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Leslie Lamberson Steven Mates Veronica Eliasson

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 2020 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the first volume of seven from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental Mechanics, including papers on:Synchrotron Applications/Advanced Dynamic ImagingQuantitative Visualization of Dynamic EventsNovel Experimental TechniquesDynamic Behavior of GeomaterialsDynamic Failure & FragmentationDynamic Response of Low Impedance MaterialsHybrid Experimental/Computational StudiesShock and Blast LoadingAdvances in Material ModelingIndustrial Applications

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1

by Bo Song Daniel Casem Vijay Chalivendra

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics represents one of seven volumes of technical papers presented at the Society for Experimental Mechanics SEM 12th International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, held at Costa Mesa, California, June 11-14, 2012. The full set of proceedings also includes volumes on Challenges in Mechanics of Time -Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Imaging Methods for Novel Materials and Challenging Applications, Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 2nd International Symposium on the Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials 13th International Symposium on MEMS and Nanotechnology and, Composite Materials and the 1st International Symposium on Joining Technologies for Composites.

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1

by Bo Song Leslie Lamberson Daniel Casem Jamie Kimberley

Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 represents the first of nine volumes of technical papers presented at the Society for Experimental Mechanics SEM 15th International Congress & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, held at Costa Mesa, California, June 8-11, 2015. The full set of proceedings also includes volumes on: Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Experimental and Applied Mechanics 16th International Symposium on MEMS and Nanotechnology, 5th International Symposium on the Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, International Symposium on the Mechanics of Composite and Multi-functional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution; and Residual Stress, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Hybrid Techniques and Inverse Problems.

Dynamic Buckling of Columns Inside Oil Wells (SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering)

by José Ricardo Pelaquim Mendes Marcelo Anunciação Jaculli

This book introduces the underlying concepts of column dynamics and buckling, based on the latest state-of-the-art research on this innovative topic. It begins with a summary of the basic concepts behind column dynamics and buckling, before moving on to the models for studying dynamic buckling inside oil wells. Four models with increasing complexity are presented: columns without friction; columns with friction; columns inside slant wells; and columns inside offshore wells. Each model is divided into two cases, depending on whether the column is being tripped in or out. A case study is used to demonstrate these models and is further developed as each model is presented and explained. The results include comparisons between the models themselves, thus showing the implications of the adopted hypotheses of each. This book enables academic, industrial, and graduate student readers to fully understand the fundamentals of dynamic buckling and to further develop the presented models for their own research.

Dynamic Changes IN MARINE ECOSYSTEMS: Fishing, Food Webs, and Future Options

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Recent scientific literature has raised many concerns about whether fisheries have caused more extensive changes to marine populations and ecosystems than previously realized or predicted. In many cases, stocks have been exploited far beyond management targets, and new analyses indicate that fishing has harmed other species&#8212including marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles, and sea grasses&#8212either directly through catch or habitat damage, or indirectly through changes in food-web interactions. At the request of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Research Council conducted an independent study to weigh the collective evidence for fishery-induced changes to marine ecosystems and the implications of the findings for U.S. fisheries management. Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems provides comprehensive information in regard to these findings.

Dynamic Characteristics Of Ion Selective Electrodes

by Erno Lindner

The present book deals with the principle of the aforementioned techniques and discusses the information they provide for electrode kinetics. Special attention is paid to the activity step method, since this technique is carried out under zero current potentiometric conditions and allows the study of the processes at the perturbed membrane-solution interface.

Dynamic Chemical Processes on Solid Surfaces

by Ken-Ichi Tanaka

In this book, the author determines that a surface is itself a new material for chemical reaction, and the reaction of the surface provides additional new materials on that surface. The revelation of that peculiarity is what makes this book different from an ordinary textbook, and this new point of view will help to provide a new impetus when graduate students and researchers consider their results. The reaction of surface atoms provides additional new compounds, but these compounds cannot be detached from the surface. Some compounds are passive, but others work as catalysts. One superior feature of the surface is the dynamic cooperation of two or more different functional materials or sites on the same surface. This fact has been well established in the preferential oxidation of CO on platinum supported on a carbon nanotube with Ni-MgO at its terminal end. The Pt and Ni-MgO are perfectly separated, but these two are indispensable for the selective oxidation of CO in H2, where the H2O molecule plays a key role. The reader will understand that the complexity of catalysis is due to the complexity of the dynamic processes on the surface.


by Thierry Bal Alain Destexhe

Dynamic-clamp is a fascinating electrophysiology technique that consists of merging living neurons with computational models. The dynamic-clamp (also called "conductance injection") allows experimentalists and theoreticians to challenge neurons (or any other type of cell) with complex conductance stimuli generated by a computer. The technique can be implemented from neural simulation environments and a variety of custom-made or commercial systems. The real-time interaction between the computer and cell also enables the design of recording paradigms with unprecedented accuracy via a computational model of the electrode. Dynamic-Clamp: From Principles to Applications contains contributions from leading researchers in the field, who investigate these paradigms at the cellular or network level, in vivo and in vitro, and in different brain regions and cardiac cells. Topics discussed include the addition of artificially-generated synaptic activity to neurons; adding, amplifying or neutralizing voltage-dependent conductances; creating hybrid networks with real and artificial cells; attaching simulated dendritic tree structures to the living cell; and connecting different neurons. This book will be of interest to experimental biophysicists, neurophysiologists, and cardiac physiologists, as well as theoreticians, engineers, and computational neuroscientists. Graduate and undergraduate students will also find up-to-date coverage of physiological problems and how they are investigated.

Dynamic Covalent Chemistry: Principles, Reactions, and Applications

by Wei Zhang Yinghua Jin

The first and only exhaustive review of the theory, thermodynamic fundamentals, mechanisms, and design principles of dynamic covalent systems Dynamic Covalent Chemistry: Principles, Reactions, and Applications presents a comprehensive review of the theory, thermodynamic fundamentals, mechanisms, and design principles of dynamic covalent systems. It features contributions from a team of international scientists, grouped into three main sections covering the principles of dynamic covalent chemistry, types of dynamic covalent chemical reactions, and the latest applications of dynamic covalent chemistry (DCvC) across an array of fields. The past decade has seen tremendous progress in (DCvC) research and industrial applications. The great synthetic power and reversible nature of this chemistry has enabled the development of a variety of functional molecular systems and materials for a broad range of applications in organic synthesis, materials development, nanotechnology, drug discovery, and biotechnology. Yet, until now, there have been no authoritative references devoted exclusively to this powerful synthetic tool, its current applications, and the most promising directions for future development. Dynamic Covalent Chemistry: Principles, Reactions, and Applications fills the yawning gap in the world literature with comprehensive coverage of: The energy landscape, the importance of reversibility, enthalpy vs. entropy, and reaction kinetics Single-type, multi-type, and non-covalent reactions, with a focus on the advantages and disadvantages of each reaction type Dynamic covalent assembly of discrete molecular architectures, responsive polymer synthesis, and drug discovery Important emerging applications of dynamic covalent chemistry in nanotechnology, including both material- and bio-oriented directions Real-world examples describing a wide range of industrial applications for organic synthesis, functional materials development, nanotechnology, drug delivery and more Dynamic Covalent Chemistry: Principles, Reactions, and Applications is must-reading for researchers and chemists working in dynamic covalent chemistry and supramolecular chemistry. It will also be of value to academic researchers and advanced students interested in applying the principles of (DCvC) in organic synthesis, functional materials development, nanotechnology, drug discovery, and chemical biology.

Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: 4th International Conference, DDDAS 2022, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 6–10, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13984)

by Erik Blasch Frederica Darema Alex Aved

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems, DDDAS 2022, which took place in Cambridge, MA, USA, during October 6–10, 2022.The 31 regular papers in the main track and 5 regular papers from the Wildfires panel, as well as one workshop paper, were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. They were organized in following topical sections: DDAS2022 Main-Track Plenary Presentations; Keynotes; DDDAS2022 Main-Track: Wildfires Panel; Workshop on Climate, Life, Earth, Planets.

Dynamic Earth

by Prentice Hall

This book contains everything teenagers need learn about the earth. Topics covered in this book are: earthquakes, volcanoes, earth's crust, plate tectonics, rocks, minerals, weathering, soil formation, erosion and deposition

Dynamic Environments Testing, Vol. 7: Proceedings of the 42nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2024 (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Tyler Schoenherr Alexandra Karlicek Dagny Beale

Dynamic Environments Testing, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 42nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2024, the seventh volume of ten from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects Dynamic Environments Testing including papers on: Dynamic Environment Definition and Specification Dynamic Testing Fixture Design Single Axis Shaker Testing Multi-Degree of Freedom Shaker Testing Transient Testing

Dynamic Environments Testing, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 41st IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2023 (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Julie Harvie

Dynamic Environments Testing, Volume 7: Proceedings of the 41st IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2023, the seventh volume of ten from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects Dynamic Environments Testing including papers on:Vibration Testing Shock TestingMulti-Axis Shaker Testing Test Fixture Design Dynamic Environment Definition Specifications for Acceptance Testing

Dynamic Equivalent Modeling of Acoustic Metamaterials: Solving Problem of Noise and Vibration

by Nansha Gao Jie Deng

This book derives physical models from basic principles, studies the effect of equivalent models on the dynamic characteristics of phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials, and analyzes the physical mechanisms behind vibration and noise reduction. It first summarizes the research status of vibration and noise reduction, and research progress in phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials. Based on this, one-dimensional periodic beam, two-dimensional thin plate with circular hole, and corresponding gradient structures are introduced, and their dynamic characteristics are discussed in detail. Therefore, different equivalent methods for different models are proposed through theoretical analysis, modal analysis and transmission rate analysis. Finally, a Helmholtz-type acoustic metamaterial, i.e. a multi-layer slotted tube acoustic metamaterial, is studied. Aiming at the low-frequency band gap of this model, a theoretical model for solving the inverse problem of acousto-electric analogue equivalent is proposed, and the effect of structural parameters on the low-frequency band gap is studied using this equivalent model. This book closely revolves around how to conduct equivalent research on artificially fabricated periodic structures. The methods and conclusions presented in this book provide a new theoretical basis for the application of artificial woven periodic structures in the field of low-frequency vibration reduction and noise reduction and are also an innovation in the discipline of vibration and noise control. This book is suitable for undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers in vibration and noise majors in universities, and can also provide references for engineering and technical personnel in related fields.

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