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Dynamical Phase Transitions in Chaotic Systems (Nonlinear Physical Science)
by Edson Denis LeonelThis book discusses some scaling properties and characterizes two-phase transitions for chaotic dynamics in nonlinear systems described by mappings. The chaotic dynamics is determined by the unpredictability of the time evolution of two very close initial conditions in the phase space. It yields in an exponential divergence from each other as time passes. The chaotic diffusion is investigated, leading to a scaling invariance, a characteristic of a continuous phase transition. Two different types of transitions are considered in the book. One of them considers a transition from integrability to non-integrability observed in a two-dimensional, nonlinear, and area-preserving mapping, hence a conservative dynamics, in the variables action and angle. The other transition considers too the dynamics given by the use of nonlinear mappings and describes a suppression of the unlimited chaotic diffusion for a dissipative standard mapping and an equivalent transition in the suppression of Fermi acceleration in time-dependent billiards. This book allows the readers to understand some of the applicability of scaling theory to phase transitions and other critical dynamics commonly observed in nonlinear systems. That includes a transition from integrability to non-integrability and a transition from limited to unlimited diffusion, and that may also be applied to diffusion in energy, hence in Fermi acceleration. The latter is a hot topic investigated in billiard dynamics that led to many important publications in the last few years. It is a good reference book for senior- or graduate-level students or researchers in dynamical systems and control engineering, mathematics, physics, mechanical and electrical engineering.
Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures (Advanced Structured Materials #103)
by Holm Altenbach Alexander Belyaev Victor A. Eremeyev Anton Krivtsov Alexey V. PorubovThis book presents a collection of chapters on the current problems of the theory of dynamical processes in generalized continua and structures, and has been compiled to commemorate the 70th birthday of Prof. Dmitry Indeitsev – a leading specialist in the field of dynamical processes in solids, fluids and structures. It discusses various applications related to Prof. Indeitsev’s contributions, including various discrete and continuous dynamic models of structures and media, as well as a number of dynamical processes in generalized media.
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks
by Alain Barrat Marc Barthélemy Alessandro VespignaniThe availability of large data sets have allowed researchers to uncover complex properties such as large scale fluctuations and heterogeneities in many networks which have lead to the breakdown of standard theoretical frameworks and models. Until recently these systems were considered as haphazard sets of points and connections. Recent advances have generated a vigorous research effort in understanding the effect of complex connectivity patterns on dynamical phenomena. For example, a vast number of everyday systems, from the brain to ecosystems, power grids and the Internet, can be represented as large complex networks. This new and recent account presents a comprehensive explanation of these effects.
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks
by Alain Barrat Marc Barthélemy Alessandro VespignaniThe availability of large data sets have allowed researchers to uncover complex properties such as large scale fluctuations and heterogeneities in many networks which have lead to the breakdown of standard theoretical frameworks and models. Until recently these systems were considered as haphazard sets of points and connections. Recent advances have generated a vigorous research effort in understanding the effect of complex connectivity patterns on dynamical phenomena. For example, a vast number of everyday systems, from the brain to ecosystems, power grids and the Internet, can be represented as large complex networks. This new and recent account presents a comprehensive explanation of these effects.
The Dynamical Projectors Method: Hydro and Electrodynamics
by Sergey Leble Anna PerelomovaThe dynamical projectors method proves to reduce a multicomponent problem to the simplest one-component problem with its solution determined by specific initial or boundary conditions. Its universality and application in many different physical problems make it particularly useful in hydrodynamics, electrodynamics, plasma physics, and boundary layer problems. A great variety of underlying mechanisms are included making this book useful for those working in wave theory, hydrodynamics, electromagnetism, and applications. "The authors developed a universal and elegant tool – dynamical projector method. Using this method for very complicated hydro-thermodynamic and electrodynamics problem settings, they were able to get a lot of interesting analytical results in areas where before often just numerical methods were applicable." —L. A. Bordag, University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau, Germany "The book is intended for professionals working in various fields of linear and nonlinear mathematical physics, partial differential equations and theoretical physics. The book is written clearly, and in my opinion, its material will be useful and easy to understand for professionals and for students familiar with ordinary and partial differential equations." —Sergey Dobrokhotov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Dynamical Properties of Baryon Resonances in the Holographic QCD (Springer Theses)
by Daisuke FujiiThis book focuses on the study of the dynamical properties of hadron resonances, especially their transition processes by electromagnetic and strong interactions, by using the holographic quantum chromodynamics (QCD) model. Understanding the nature of hadrons leads to revealing non-perturbative phenomena that are prominent in the low-energy region of QCD. However, there remain many open questions regarding the nature of resonant states. Holographic QCD is one of the most powerful methods to elucidate non-perturbative phenomena in QCD. We will attempt to investigate the dynamical properties of hadron resonances using the Sakai-Sugimoto model, which has achieved much success in the study of hadron physics. In particular, we studied the transition process of hadrons through the calculation of the form factors of them employing the approach of holographic QCD. The book contains a systematic review of the treatment of hadron physics by the Sakai-Sugimoto model. It further covers how to calculate the form factors of baryons through the calculation of the n-point function from holographic QCD. It also includes remarks on the modern understanding of hadron physics. The method of collective coordinate quantization of solitons—Skyrmion and Instanton—is also explained in a concise manner. These are useful not only for students and young researchers interested in this field.
Dynamical System and Chaos: An Introduction with Applications (UNITEXT for Physics)
by Rui DilãoThis textbook introduces the language and the techniques of the theory of dynamical systems of finite dimension for an audience of physicists, engineers, and mathematicians at the beginning of graduation. Author addresses geometric, measure, and computational aspects of the theory of dynamical systems. Some freedom is used in the more formal aspects, using only proofs when there is an algorithmic advantage or because a result is simple and powerful. The first part is an introductory course on dynamical systems theory. It can be taught at the master's level during one semester, not requiring specialized mathematical training. In the second part, the author describes some applications of the theory of dynamical systems. Topics often appear in modern dynamical systems and complexity theories, such as singular perturbation theory, delayed equations, cellular automata, fractal sets, maps of the complex plane, and stochastic iterations of function systems are briefly explored for advanced students. The author also explores applications in mechanics, electromagnetism, celestial mechanics, nonlinear control theory, and macroeconomy. A set of problems consolidating the knowledge of the different subjects, including more elaborated exercises, are provided for all chapters.
Dynamical System Synchronization
by Albert C. LuoDynamical System Synchronization (DSS) meticulously presents for the first time the theory of dynamical systems synchronization based on the local singularity theory of discontinuous dynamical systems. The book details the sufficient and necessary conditions for dynamical systems synchronizations, through extensive mathematical expression. Techniques for engineering implementation of DSS are clearly presented compared with the existing techniques.
Dynamical Systems: Theories and Applications
by Zeraoulia ElhadjChaos is the idea that a system will produce very different long-term behaviors when the initial conditions are perturbed only slightly. Chaos is used for novel, time- or energy-critical interdisciplinary applications. Examples include high-performance circuits and devices, liquid mixing, chemical reactions, biological systems, crisis management, secure information processing, and critical decision-making in politics, economics, as well as military applications, etc. This book presents the latest investigations in the theory of chaotic systems and their dynamics. The book covers some theoretical aspects of the subject arising in the study of both discrete and continuous-time chaotic dynamical systems. This book presents the state-of-the-art of the more advanced studies of chaotic dynamical systems.
Dynamical Systems
by Albert C. LuoDynamical Systems: Discontinuous, Stochasticity and Time-Delay provides an overview of the most recent developments in nonlinear dynamics, vibration and control. This book focuses on the most recent advances in all three areas, with particular emphasis on recent analytical, numerical and experimental research and its results. Real dynamical system problems, such as the behavior of suspension systems of railways, nonlinear vibration and applied control in coal manufacturing, along with the multifractal spectrum of LAN traffic, are discussed at length, giving the reader a sense of real-world instances where these theories are applied. Dynamical Systems: Discontinuous, Stochasticity and Time-Delay also contains material on time-delay systems as they relate to linear switching, dynamics of complex networks, and machine tools with multiple boundaries. It is the ideal book for engineers and academic researchers working in areas like mechanical and control engineering, as well as applied mathematics.
Dynamical Systems and Methods
by Dumitru Baleanu Albert C. Luo José António MachadoNonlinear Systems and Methods For Mechanical, Electrical and Biosystems presents topics observed at the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity(NSC), focusing on energy transfer and synchronization in hybrid nonlinear systems. The studies focus on fundamental theories and principles,analytical and symbolic approaches, computational techniques in nonlinear physical science and mathematics. Broken into three parts, the text covers: Parametrical excited pendulum, nonlinear dynamics in hybrid systems, dynamical system synchronization and (N+1) body dynamics as well as new views different from the existing results in nonlinear dynamics, mathematical methods for dynamical systems including conservation laws, dynamical symmetry in nonlinear differential equations and invex energies and nonlinear phenomena in physical problems such as solutions, complex flows, chemical kinetics, Toda lattices and parallel manipulator. This book is useful to scholars, researchers and advanced technical members of industrial laboratory facilities developing new tools and products.
Dynamical Systems in Population Biology
by Xiao-Qiang ZhaoPopulation dynamics is an important subject in mathematical biology. A cen#65533; tral problem is to study the long-term behavior of modeling systems. Most of these systems are governed by various evolutionary equations such as difference, ordinary, functional, and partial differential equations (see, e. g. , [165, 142, 218, 119, 55]). As we know, interactive populations often live in a fluctuating environment. For example, physical environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity and the availability of food, water, and other resources usually vary in time with seasonal or daily variations. Therefore, more realistic models should be nonautonomous systems. In particular, if the data in a model are periodic functions of time with commensurate period, a periodic system arises; if these periodic functions have different (minimal) periods, we get an almost periodic system. The existing reference books, from the dynamical systems point of view, mainly focus on autonomous biological systems. The book of Hess [106J is an excellent reference for periodic parabolic boundary value problems with applications to population dynamics. Since the publication of this book there have been extensive investigations on periodic, asymptotically periodic, almost periodic, and even general nonautonomous biological systems, which in turn have motivated further development of the theory of dynamical systems. In order to explain the dynamical systems approach to periodic population problems, let us consider, as an illustration, two species periodic competitive systems dUI dt = !I(t,Ul,U2), (0.
Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective: Poland December 11 -14 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics #248)
by Jan AwrejcewiczThis book focuses on theoretical aspects of dynamical systems in the broadest sense. It highlights novel and relevant results on mathematical and numerical problems that can be found in the fields of applied mathematics, physics, mechanics, engineering and the life sciences. The book consists of contributed research chapters addressing a diverse range of problems. The issues discussed include (among others): numerical-analytical algorithms for nonlinear optimal control problems on a large time interval; gravity waves in a reservoir with an uneven bottom; value distribution and growth of solutions for certain Painlevé equations; optimal control of hybrid systems with sliding modes; a mathematical model of the two types of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; non-conservative instability of cantilevered nanotubes using the Cell Discretization Method; dynamic analysis of a compliant tensegrity structure for use in a gripper application; and Jeffcott rotor bifurcation behavior using various models of hydrodynamic bearings.
Dynamical Systems on 2- and 3-Manifolds
by Viacheslav Z. Grines Timur V. Medvedev Olga V. PochinkaThis book provides an introduction to the topological classification of smooth structurally stable diffeomorphisms on closed orientable 2- and 3-manifolds. The topological classification is one of the main problems of the theory of dynamical systems and the results presented in this book are mostly for dynamical systems satisfying Smale's Axiom A. The main results on the topological classification of discrete dynamical systems are widely scattered among many papers and surveys. This book presents these results fluidly, systematically, and for the first time in one publication. Additionally, this book discusses the recent results on the topological classification of Axiom A diffeomorphisms focusing on the nontrivial effects of the dynamical systems on 2- and 3-manifolds. The classical methods and approaches which are considered to be promising for the further research are also discussed. The reader needs to be familiar with the basic concepts of the qualitative theory of dynamical systems which are presented in Part 1 for convenience. The book is accessible to ambitious undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in dynamical systems and low dimensional topology. This volume consists of 10 chapters; each chapter contains its own set of references and a section on further reading. Proofs are presented with the exact statements of the results. In Chapter 10 the authors briefly state the necessary definitions and results from algebra, geometry and topology. When stating ancillary results at the beginning of each part, the authors refer to other sources which are readily available.
Dynamical Systems on Networks
by Mason A. Porter James P. GleesonThis volume is a tutorial for the study of dynamical systems on networks. It discusses both methodology and models, including spreading models for social and biological contagions. The authors focus especially on "simple" situations that are analytically tractable, because they are insightful and provide useful springboards for the study of more complicated scenarios. This tutorial, which also includes key pointers to the literature, should be helpful for junior and senior undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers from mathematics, physics, and engineering who seek to study dynamical systems on networks but who may not have prior experience with graph theory or networks. Mason A. Porter is Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems at the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK. He is also a member of the CABDyN Complexity Centre and a Tutorial Fellow of Somerville College. James P. Gleeson is Professor of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and co-Director of MACSI, at the University of Limerick, Ireland.
Dynamical Systems with Applications using Python
by Stephen LynchThis textbook provides a broad introduction to continuous and discrete dynamical systems. With its hands-on approach, the text leads the reader from basic theory to recently published research material in nonlinear ordinary differential equations, nonlinear optics, multifractals, neural networks, and binary oscillator computing. Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Python takes advantage of Python’s extensive visualization, simulation, and algorithmic tools to study those topics in nonlinear dynamical systems through numerical algorithms and generated diagrams.After a tutorial introduction to Python, the first part of the book deals with continuous systems using differential equations, including both ordinary and delay differential equations. The second part of the book deals with discrete dynamical systems and progresses to the study of both continuous and discrete systems in contexts like chaos control and synchronization, neural networks, and binary oscillator computing. These later sections are useful reference material for undergraduate student projects. The book is rounded off with example coursework to challenge students’ programming abilities and Python-based exam questions. This book will appeal to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, applied mathematicians, engineers, and researchers in a range of disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, computing, economics, and physics. Since it provides a survey of dynamical systems, a familiarity with linear algebra, real and complex analysis, calculus, and ordinary differential equations is necessary, and knowledge of a programming language like C or Java is beneficial but not essential.
Dynamical Tunneling: Theory and Experiment
by Srihari Keshavamurthy Peter SchlagheckA prominent aspect of quantum theory, tunneling arises in a variety of contexts across several fields of study, including nuclear, atomic, molecular, and optical physics and has led to technologically relevant applications in mesoscopic science. Exploring mechanisms and consequences, Dynamical Tunneling: Theory and Experiment presents the work of i
Dynamically Structured Flow in Pulsed Fluidised Beds (Springer Theses)
by Kaiqiao WuThis book analyses the use of a pulsed gas flow to structure bubbling gas-solid fluidised beds and to induce a special fluidisation state, called "dynamically structured flow", as a promising approach to process intensification. It explores the properties of bubbles rising in staggered periodic arrays without direct interaction, assessing their size, separation, and velocity, and explains how a highly uniform, scalable flow offers tight control over the system hydrodynamics. These features are desirable, as they not only bypass engineering challenges occurring in traditional operations, such as maldistribution and non-uniform contact, but also allow to decouple conflicting design objectives, such as mixing and gas-solid contact. The thesis also presents computational simulations which reveal the periodic transitions of the particulate phase between fluid-like and solid-like behaviour. This book will be of interest to researchers, engineers, and graduate students alike, particularly those working in industrial drying, combustion, and chemical production.
Dynamics: Theory and Application of Kane's Method
by Dewey H. Hodges Carlos M. RoithmayrThis book is ideal for teaching students in engineering or physics the skills necessary to analyze motions of complex mechanical systems such as spacecraft, robotic manipulators, and articulated scientific instruments. Kane's method, which emerged recently, reduces the labor needed to derive equations of motion and leads to equations that are simpler and more readily solved by computer, in comparison to earlier, classical approaches. Moreover, the method is highly systematic and thus easy to teach. This book is a revision of Dynamics: Theory and Applications by T. R. Kane and D. A. Levinson and presents the method for forming equations of motion by constructing generalized active forces and generalized inertia forces. Important additional topics include approaches for dealing with finite rotation, an updated treatment of constraint forces and constraint torques, an extension of Kane's method to deal with a broader class of nonholonomic constraint equations, and other recent advances.
Dynamics and Balancing of Multibody Systems: Application to Rural and Robotic Systems
by Himanshu Chaudhary Subir Kumar Saha Vinay GuptaThe book describes the methodologies for dynamics formulation, balancing, and optimizing dynamic quantities of multibody systems, such as mechanisms and robots. The writing equations of motion of multibody systems are simplified by using Decoupled Natural Orthogonal Complementary (DeNOC) matrices-based methodology originally proposed by the second author. Writing equations of motion using a DeNOC based approach enables the analytical expressions of even complicated systems which provide better physical insights of the system at-hand. The DeNOC based dynamics formulation of multibody systems is extended from system of continuum rigid-link to discrete equivalent system of point-masses coined as DeNOC-P. The dynamics formulation representing a link as point-masses is exploited to minimize the dynamic quantities shaking forces, shaking moments, or driving torques/forces by optimizing the mass redistribution of the link. Several numerical examples, such as carpet scraping machine, PUMA robot, Stewart platform, etc., are illustrated. The book also demonstrates a shape optimization methodology to realize the link with optimized mass redistribution. This textbook can be prescribed for teaching a course on dynamics and balancing of multibody systems at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Dynamics and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Rootzone
by H. Magdi SelimConcerns regarding heavy metal contamination in terrestrial ecosystems have prompted increasing efforts on limiting their bioavailability in the root zone. The complexity of the hydrologic system gives rise to the need for understanding the fate and transport of trace elements in the soil-water-plant environment. Dynamics and Bioavailability of Hea
Dynamics and Characterization of Composite Quantum Systems
by Manuel GessnerThis thesis sheds new light on the fascinating properties of composite quantum systems. Quantum systems of different sizes, ranging from small bipartite systems to large many-body ensembles, can be studied with the help of modern quantum optical experiments. These experiments make it possible to observe a broad variety of striking features, including nonclassical correlations, complex dynamics and quantum phase transitions. By adopting the complementary perspectives of quantum information theory, quantum chemistry and many-body theory, the thesis develops new methods for the efficient characterization and description of interacting, composite quantum systems.
Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines
by Hans Irschik Alexander Belyaev Michael KrommerThe papers in this volume present and discuss the frontiers in the mechanics of controlled machines and structures. They are based on papers presented at the International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines held in Vienna in September 2015. The workshop continues a series of international workshops held in Linz (2008) and St. Petersburg (2010).
Dynamics and Control of Advanced Structures and Machines: Contributions from the 3rd International Workshop, Perm, Russia (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #444)
by Valerii P. Matveenko Michael Krommer Alexander K. Belyaev Hans IrschikThe volume includes 30 contributions from the 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines representing the frontiers in the mechanics of controlled machines and structures. The Workshop, held in Perm, Russia in September 2017 continued a series of international workshops, starting in with the Japan - Austria Joint Workshop on Mechanics and Model Based Control of Smart Materials and Structures, the Russia - Austria Joint Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines and the first two editions of the International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines. The previous workshops took place in Linz, Austria in September 2008 and April 2010, in St. Petersburg, Russia in July 2012 and in Vienna, Austria in September 2015. The up-to-date contributions are authored by internationally re-known leading experts in dynamics and control representing a broad spectrum of topics in the field of Advanced Structures and Machines; both, with respect to theoretical aspects as well as applications to contemporary engineering problems.
Dynamics and Control of Lorentz-Augmented Spacecraft Relative Motion
by Ye Yan Xu Huang Yueneng YangThis book develops a dynamical model of the orbital motion of Lorentz spacecraft in both unperturbed and J2-perturbed environments. It explicitly discusses three kinds of typical space missions involving relative orbital control: spacecraft hovering, rendezvous, and formation flying. Subsequently, it puts forward designs for both open-loop and closed-loop control schemes propelled or augmented by the geomagnetic Lorentz force. These control schemes are entirely novel and represent a significantly departure from previous approaches.