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Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)
by Fabio BenattiThis second edition of Dynamics, Information and Complexity in Quantum Systems widens its scope by focussing more on the dynamics of quantum correlations and information in microscopic and mesoscopic systems, and their use for metrological and machine learning purposes. The book is divided into three parts: Part One: Classical Dynamical SystemsAddresses classical dynamical systems, classical dynamical entropy, and classical algorithmic complexity.Includes a survey of the theory of simple perceptrons and their storage capacity. Part Two: Quantum Dynamical SystemsFocuses on the dynamics of entanglement under dissipative dynamics and its metrological use in finite level quantum systems.Discusses the quantum fluctuation approach to large-scale mesoscopic systems and their emergent dynamics in quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom.Introduces a model of quantum perceptron whose storage capacity is computed and compared with the classical one. Part Three: Quantum Dynamical Entropies and ComplexitiesDevoted to quantum dynamical entropies and algorithmic complexities. This book is meant for advanced students, young and senior researchers working in the fields of quantum statistical mechanics, quantum information, and quantum dynamical systems. It is self-contained, and the only prerequisites needed are a standard knowledge of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and linear operators on Hilbert spaces.
Dynamics Near Quantum Criticality in Two Space Dimensions
by Snir GazitThis work addresses dynamical aspects of quantum criticality in two space dimensions. It probes two energy scales: the amplitude (Higgs) mode, which describes fluctuations of the order parameter amplitude in the broken symmetry phase and the dual vortex superfluid stiffness. The results demonstrate that the amplitude mode can be probed arbitrarily close to criticality in the universal line shape of the scalar susceptibility and the optical conductivity. The hallmark of quantum criticality is the emergence of softening energy scales near the phase transition. In addition, the author employs the charge-vortex duality to show that the capacitance of the Mott insulator near the superfluid to insulator phase transition serves as a probe for the dual vortex superfluid stiffness. The numerical methods employed are described in detail, in particular a worm algorithm for O(N) relativistic models and methods for numerical analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo data. The predictions obtained are particularly relevant to recent experiments in cold atomic systems and disordered superconductors.
Dynamics of a Quantum Spin Liquid
by Johannes KnolleThis thesis presents an exact theoretical study of dynamical correlation functions in different phases of a two-dimensional quantum spin liquid. By calculating the dynamical spin structure factor and the Raman scattering cross section, this thesis shows that there are salient signatures--qualitative and quantitative--of the Majorana fermions and the gauge fluxes emerging as effective degrees of freedom in the exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb lattice model. The model is a representative of a class of spin liquids with Majorana fermions coupled to Z2 gauge fields. The qualitative features of the response functions should therefore be characteristic for this broad class of topological states.
Dynamics of Adsorptive Systems for Heat Transformation: Optimization Of Adsorber, Adsorbent And Cycle (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Yuri Aristov Angelo Freni Andrea Frazzica Alessio SapienzaThis book investigates the adsorption dynamics of water, methanol, ethanol, and ammonia vapor on loose and consolidated adsorbent beds, as well as the impact of this aspect on the overall performance of adsorption systems for heat transformation. In particular, it presents the results of kinetic measurements made using the large temperature jump (LTJ) method, the most efficient way to study adsorption dynamics under realistic operating conditions for adsorptive heat transformers. The information provided is especially beneficial for all those working on the development of novel adsorbent materials and advanced adsorbers for heating and cooling applications. Today, technologies and systems based on adsorption heat transformation (AHT) processes offer a fascinating option for meeting the growing worldwide demand for air conditioning and space heating. Nevertheless, considerable efforts must still be made in order to enhance performance so as to effectively compete with commonly used electrical compression and absorption machines. For this purpose, intelligent design for adsorption units should above all focus on finding a convenient choice of adsorbent material by means of a comprehensive analysis that takes into account both thermodynamic and dynamic aspects. While the thermodynamic properties of the AHT cycle have been studied extensively, the dynamic optimization of AHT adsorbers is still an open issue. Several efforts have recently been made in order to analyze AHT dynamics, which greatly influence overall AHT performance.
The Dynamics of Agricultural Change: The Historical Experience (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #10)
by David GriggFirst published in 1982. Until the nineteenth-century the history of agriculture was the history of mankind but it has not perhaps received the wide attention that this importance justifies. In this study, the author reviews for the student of agricultural history successive attempts to describe and explain agricultural changes that are not specific to a limited area or a particular time. In a sense The Dynamics of Agricultural Change is a systematic historical geography of agriculture. Some of the models the author explores have been developed within agricultural history; some, drawn from other disciplines, can be applied fruitfully to it. What is the relationship between population growth and agricultural development? Between environmental changes and those in agriculture? What was the effect of the industrial revolution? And has there been an agricultural revolution? This book suggests to university students of economic history, historical geography and agriculture, a number of stimulating ways of interpreting and reinterpreting agricultural history.
Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight (Dover Books on Aeronautical Engineering)
by Bernard EtkinGeared toward upper-level undergrads, graduate students, and practicing engineers, this comprehensive treatment of the dynamics of atmospheric flight focuses especially on the stability and control of airplanes. An extensive set of numerical examples covers STOL airplanes, subsonic jet transports, hypersonic flight, stability augmentation, and wind and density gradients.The equations of motion receive a very full treatment, including the effects of the curvature and rotation of the Earth and distortional motion. Complete chapters are given to human pilots and handling qualities and to flight in turbulence, with numerical examples for a jet transport. Small-perturbation equations for longitudinal and lateral motion appear in convenient matrix forms, both in time-domain and Laplace transforms, dimensional and nondimensional.
The Dynamics of Biological Systems (Mathematics of Planet Earth #4)
by Arianna Bianchi Thomas Hillen Mark A. Lewis Yingfei YiThe book presents nine mini-courses from a summer school, Dynamics of Biological Systems, held at the University of Alberta in 2016, as part of the prestigious seminar series: Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures (SMS). It includes new and significant contributions in the field of Dynamical Systems and their applications in Biology, Ecology, and Medicine. The chapters of this book cover a wide range of mathematical methods and biological applications. They - explain the process of mathematical modelling of biological systems with many examples, - introduce advanced methods from dynamical systems theory, - present many examples of the use of mathematical modelling to gain biological insight- discuss innovative methods for the analysis of biological processes,- contain extensive lists of references, which allow interested readers to continue the research on their own. Integrating the theory of dynamical systems with biological modelling, the book will appeal to researchers and graduate students in Applied Mathematics and Life Sciences.
Dynamics of Biological Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Biology Series)
by null Michael SmallFrom the spontaneous rapid firing of cortical neurons to the spatial diffusion of disease epidemics, biological systems exhibit rich dynamic behaviour over a vast range of time and space scales. Unifying many of these diverse phenomena, Dynamics of Biological Systems provides the computational and mathematical platform from which to understand the
Dynamics of Blood Cell Suspensions in Microflows
by Annie Viallat and Manouk AbkarianBlood microcirculation is essential to our bodies for the successful supply of nutrients, waste removal, oxygen delivery, homeostasis, controlling temperature, wound healing, and active immune surveillance. This book provides a physical introduction to the subject and explores how researchers can successfully describe, understand, and predict behaviours of blood flow and blood cells that are directly linked to these important physiological functions. Using practical examples, this book explains how the key concepts of physics are related to blood microcirculation and underlie the dynamic behavior of red blood cells, leukocytes, and platelets. This interdisciplinary book will be a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in biomechanics, fluid mechanics, biomedical engineering, biological physics, and medicine. Features: The first book to provide a physical perspective of blood microcirculation Draws attention to the potential of this physical approach for novel applications in medicine Edited by specialists in this field, with chapter contributions from subject area specialists
Dynamics of Bodies with Time-Variable Mass
by Livija CveticaninThis book deals with the problem of dynamics of bodies with time-variable mass and moment of inertia. Mass addition and mass separation from the body are treated. Both aspects of mass variation, continual and discontinual, are considered. Dynamic properties of the body are obtained applying principles of classical dynamics and also analytical mechanics. Advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are discussed. Dynamics of constant body is adopted, and the characteristics of the mass variation of the body is included. Special attention is given to the influence of the reactive force and the reactive torque. The vibration of the body with variable mass is presented. One and two degrees of freedom oscillators with variable mass are discussed. Rotors and the Van der Pol oscillator with variable mass are displayed. The chaotic motion of bodies with variable mass is discussed too. To support learning, some solved practical problems are included.
Dynamics of Cell Fate Decision Mediated by the Interplay of Autophagy and Apoptosis in Cancer Cells
by Iman TavassolyThis interdisciplinary thesis introduces a systems biology approach to study the cell fate decision mediated by autophagy. A mathematical model of interaction between Autophagy and Apoptosis in mammalian cells is proposed. In this dynamic model autophagy acts as a gradual response to stress (Rheostat) that delays the initiation of bistable switch of apoptosis to give the cells an opportunity to survive. The author shows that his dynamical model is consistent with existing quantitative measurements of time courses of autophagic responses to cisplatin treatment. To understand the function of this response in cancer cells, he has provided a systems biology experimental framework to study quantitative and dynamical aspects of autophagy in single cancer cells using live-cell imaging and quantitative fluorescence microscopy. This framework can provide new insights on function of autophagic response in cancer cells.
Dynamics of Chromatography: Principles and Theory
by J. Calvin GiddingsThis classic and bestselling landmark publication, originally published in 1965, examines the dynamic mechanisms, fundamental principles, and physical properties of various chromatographic procedures. It offers methods to characterize, identify, and predict chromatographic phenomena - providing strategies to select the most appropriate separation tools and techniques for specific applications in chemistry, physics, biology, and forensic and environmental science.Written by a world-renowned pioneer in the field, Dynamics of Chromatography contains many worked equations and real-world examples in gas and liquid chromatography. It includes numerous schematic figures for visualization of key concepts, introduces the means to control migration rate differences and zone spreading, and presents a detailed random-walk model for clarification of column processes. It also analyzes flow, diffusion, and kinetic events, stresses the link between theory and practice, and summarizes mathematical quantities and parameters.
Dynamics of Circle Mappings (IMPA Monographs)
by Edson de Faria Pablo GuarinoThis book explores recent developments in the dynamics of invertible circle maps, a rich and captivating topic in one-dimensional dynamics. It focuses on two main classes of invertible dynamical systems on the circle: global diffeomorphisms and smooth homeomorphisms with critical points. The latter is the book's core, reflecting the authors' recent research interests.Organized into four parts and 14 chapters, the content covers rigid rotations, circle homeomorphisms, and the concept of rotation number in the first part. The second part delves into circle diffeomorphisms, presenting classical results. The third part introduces multicritical circle maps—smooth homeomorphisms of the circle with a finite number of critical points. The fourth and final part centers on renormalization theory, analyzing the fine geometric structure of orbits of multicritical circle maps. Complete proofs for several fundamental results in circle dynamics are provided throughout. The book concludes with a list of open questions.Primarily intended for graduate students and young researchers in dynamical systems, this book is also suitable for mathematicians from other fields with an interest in the subject. Prerequisites include familiarity with the content of a standard graduate course in real analysis, along with some understanding of ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Basic knowledge of complex analysis is needed for specific chapters.
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Vol. 2: Proceedings of the 42nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2024 (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)
by Matthew Whelan P. Scott Harvey Fernando MoreuDynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 42nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2024, the second volume of ten from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of the Dynamics of Civil Structures, including papers on: Structural Vibration Dynamics of Bridges, Buildings, and Infrastructure Systems Innovative Sensors and Measurement Techniques for Structural Applications Structural Control and Vibration Mitigation Human Induced Vibrations and Human-Structure Interaction Modal Identification of Structural Systems Human Health Monitoring Using Structural Sensing Field Monitoring of Vibrations
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2018 (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)
by Shamim PakzadDynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 36th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2018, the second volume of nine from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of the Dynamics of Civil Structures, including papers on: Modal Parameter IdentificationDynamic Testing of Civil StructuresControl of Human Induced Vibrations of Civil StructuresModel UpdatingDamage Identification in Civil InfrastructureBridge DynamicsExperimental Techniques for Civil StructuresHybrid Simulation of Civil StructuresVibration Control of Civil StructuresSystem Identification of Civil Structures
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2019 (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)
by Shamim PakzadDynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2019, the second volume of eight from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of the Dynamics of Civil Structures, including papers on:Structural Vibration Humans & Structures Innovative Measurement for Structural Applications Smart Structures and Automation Modal Identification of Structural Systems Bridges and Novel Vibration Analysis Sensors and Control
Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Fields: An Introduction
by null Girish S. SetlurDynamics of Classical and Quantum Fields: An Introduction focuses on dynamical fields in non-relativistic physics. Written by a physicist for physicists, the book is designed to help readers develop analytical skills related to classical and quantum fields at the non-relativistic level, and think about the concepts and theory through numerous probl
Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems
by Vladimir M. AkulinThis book gathers together a range of similar problems that can be encountered in different fields of modern quantum physics and that have common features with regard to multilevel quantum systems. The main motivation was to examine from a uniform standpoint various models and approaches that have been developed in atomic, molecular, condensed matter, chemical, laser and nuclear physics in various contexts. The book should help senior-level undergraduate, graduate students and researchers putting particular problems in these fields into a broader scientific context and thereby taking advantage of well-established techniques used in adjacent fields. This second edition has been expanded to include substantial new material (e. g. new sections on Dynamic Localization and on Euclidean Random Matrices and new chapters on Entanglement, Open Quantum Systems, and Coherence Protection). It is based on the author's lectures at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, at the CNRS Aimé Cotton Laboratory, and on other courses he has given over the last two decades.
Dynamics of Composite Materials (Advances in Dielectrics)
by Andreas Schönhals Paulina SzymoniakThe book presents recent developments in the field of composites, investigated by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) and sheds a special focus on nanocomposites. This volume compares the results obtained by BDS with data from other methods like hyphenated calorimetry, dynamical-mechanical spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy and neutron scattering. The addressed systems range from all kinds of model systems, such as polymers filled with spherical silica particles, advanced materials such as polymers with molecular stickers or hyperbranched polymer-based matrices to industrially significant systems, like epoxy-based materials. The book offers an excellent insight to a valuable application of dielectric spectroscopy and it is a helpful guide for every scientist who wants to study dynamics in composite materials.
Dynamics of Compressible Fluids: A Textbook
by Oleksandr GirinCompressibility is a property inherent in any material, but it does not always manifest itself. Experience suggests that it affects the medium motion only at velocities comparable to the speed of sound. Why do we study compressibility? It turns out that in order to calculate the aircraft streamlining or the internal flow in its engine, or the shell muzzle velocity, or the dynamic load of a shock wave from an accidental blast on a structural element, and in many other cases it is necessary to know and understand the laws of the Dynamics of Compressible Media (DCM) and be able to apply them in practice. This textbook is designed to help readers achieve this goal and learn the basics of DCM. This field of knowledge is high-tech and always focuses on the future: modern developments of hypersonic aircraft, designing more advanced structural elements for airplanes and helicopters, calculating the car aerodynamics, etc. Paradoxes have always given impetus to the search for new technological devices. Unusual effects in DCM include the flow chocking in supersonic outflow from reservoirs (Sect.2.2); the shock wave formation inside an initially smooth flow (Sect.5.3); the generation of a "spallation saucer" of armor inside a tank when a shell hits it (Sect.5.5); the dog-leg of a plane discontinuity surface at shockwave reflection from a rigid wall (Sec.8.1). The way to understand these and other effects is through the creation of quantitative models of a moving compressible fluid.
Dynamics of Coupled Structures, Volume 1
by Matt Allen Randy Mayes Daniel RixenThis first volume of eight from the IMAC-XXXII Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Structural Dynamics, including papers on: Linear Systems Substructure Modelling Adaptive Structures Experimental Techniques Analytical Methods Damage Detection Damping of Materials & Members Modal Parameter Identification Modal Testing Methods System Identification Active Control Modal Parameter Estimation Processing Modal Data
The Dynamics of Cultural Evolution: The Central Role of Purposive Behaviors (Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation #12)
by Michael RosenbergThis book explores the nature of cultural and culturally structured social and behavioral entities, their evolutionary interactions, and the central role purposive behaviors play in those interactions. It, first, makes the case for cultural and cultural structured systems being considered as true entities bounded in time and space, and not ephemera in a constant state of becoming another system. Second, it examines how these entities interact to produce evolutionary culture change. It then argues that the intent of purposive behaviors is reliably knowable in the aggregate, at least when dealing with expressions of behavioral tendencies in the animal kingdom, humans included. Finally, the book references well documented behavioral tendencies for examples of proximate causation in the evolution of settled village societies and, following that, socially complex societies. Through these efforts, the book synthesizes the various approaches to the evolution of culture and provides a complete and comprehensive picture of the process. It provides a corrective to the tendency to view cultural systems as entirely open ended and as capable of changing in any direction; and also to treating cultural evolution as solely a result of selective forces, that is, in terms of only ultimate causation. This book provides an engaging and critical counterview to established theories of cultural evolution and is of interest to scholars and students of different disciplines, from anthropology and archeology, to evolutionary biology and epigenetics.
The Dynamics of Discrete Populations and Series of Events
by null Keith Iain Hopcraft null Eric Jakeman null Kevin D. RidleyDiscrete phenomena are an important aspect of various complex systems, acting both as underlying driving mechanisms and as manifestations of diverse behaviours. However, the characterisation of these discrete phenomena requires models that go beyond those featured in existing books. Largely concerned with mathematical models used to describe time-v
The Dynamics of Electrons in Linear Plasma Devices and Its Impact on Plasma Surface Interaction (Springer Theses)
by Michael HubenyTurbulence in plasma surface interaction holds crucial uncertainties for its impact on material erosion in the operation of fusion reactors. In this thesis, the design, development and operation of a Thomson scattering diagnostic and its novel implementation with fast visual imaging created a versatile tool to investigate intermittently occuring plasma oscillations. Specifically, ballistic transport events in the plasma edge, constituting turbulent transport, have been targeted in this thesis. With the help of a custom photon counting algorithm, the conditional averaging technique was applied on Thomson scattering for the first time to allow spatial and pseudo-time-resolved measurements.Since plasma turbulence and the emerging transport phenomena are comparable in most magnetized devices, the diagnostic development and the results from the linear plasma device PSI-2 are useful for an implementation of similar techniques in larger fusion experiments. Furthermore, the obtained results indicate a strong enhancement of erosion with turbulent transport and thus underline the importance of dedicated experiments investigating plasma turbulence in the framework of erosion in future fusion reactors.
The Dynamics of Energy: Supply, Conversion, and Utilization
by Horacio Perez-BlancoAs mankind searches for energy alternatives with minimal environmental consequences and acceptable cost, it is necessary to identify valid areas of endeavor that can activate favorable energy sources and technological developments. Toward that end, The Dynamics of Energy: Supply, Conversion, and Utilization develops competence in energy matters on