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Dynamics of Underactuated Multibody Systems
by Robert SeifriedUnderactuated multibody systems are intriguing mechatronic systems, as they posses fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom. Some examples are modern light-weight flexible robots and articulated manipulators with passive joints. This book investigates such underactuated multibody systems from an integrated perspective. This includes all major steps from the modeling of rigid and flexible multibody systems, through nonlinear control theory, to optimal system design. The underlying theories and techniques from these different fields are presented using a self-contained and unified approach and notation system. Subsequently, the book focuses on applications to large multibody systems with multiple degrees of freedom, which require a combination of symbolical and numerical procedures. Finally, an integrated, optimization-based design procedure is proposed, whereby both structural and control design are considered concurrently. Each chapter is supplemented by illustrated examples.
The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads
by A.H. WickensFirst published in 1982. CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Dynamics of Visual Motion Processing
by Guillaume S. Masson Uwe J. IlgMotion processing is an essential piece of the complex brain machinery that allows us to reconstruct the 3D layout of objects in the environment, to break camouflage, to perform scene segmentation, to estimate the ego movement, and to control our action. Although motion perception and its neural basis have been a topic of intensive research and modeling the last two decades, recent experimental evidences have stressed the dynamical aspects of motion integration and segmentation. This book presents the most recent approaches that have changed our view of biological motion processing. These new experimental evidences call for new models emphasizing the collective dynamics of large population of neurons rather than the properties of separate individual filters. Chapters will stress how the dynamics of motion processing can be used as a general approach to understand the brain dynamics itself.
Dynamics of Vortex Structures in a Stratified Rotating Fluid
by Jacques Verron Mikhail A. SokolovskiyThis book presents an extensive analysis of the dynamics of discrete and distributed baroclinic vortices in a multi-layer fluid that characterizes the main features of the large and mesoscales dynamics of the atmosphere and the ocean. It widely covers the case of hetonic situations as well as the case of intrathermocline vortices that are familiar in oceanographic and of recognized importance for heat and mass transfers. Extensive typology of such baroclinic eddies is made and analysed with the help of theoretical development and numerical computations. As a whole it gives an overview and synthesis of all the many situations that can be encountered based on the long history of the theory of vortex motion and on many new situations. It gives a renewed insight on the extraordinary richness of vortex dynamics and open the way for new theoretical, observational and experimental advances. This volume is of interest to experts in physical oceanography, meteorology, hydrodynamics, dynamic systems, involved in theoretical, experimental and applied research and lecturers, post-graduate students, and students in these fields.
Dynamics of Young Star Clusters and Associations
by Cathie Clarke Robert D. Mathieu Iain Neill ReidMichael R. Meyer Laurent Eyer Cameron P.M. BellWhere do most stars (and the planetary systems that surround them) in the Milky Way form? What determines whether a young star cluster remains bound (such as an open or globular cluster), or disperses to join the field stars in the disc of the Galaxy? These questions not only impact understanding of the origins of stars and planetary systems like our own (and the potential for life to emerge that they represent), but also galaxy formation and evolution, and ultimately the story of star formation over cosmic time in the Universe. This volume will help readers understand our current views concerning the answers to these questions as well as frame new questions that will be answered by the European Space Agency's Gaia satellite that was launched in late 2013. The book contains the elaborated notes of lectures given at the 42nd Saas-Fee Advanced Course "Dynamics of Young Star Clusters & Associations" by Cathie Clarke (University of Cambridge) who presents the theory of star formation and dynamical evolution of stellar systems, Robert Mathieu (University of Wisconsin) who discusses the kinematics of star clusters and associations, and I. Neill Reid (S pace Telescope Science Institute) who provides an overview of the stellar populations in the Milky Way and speculates on from whence came the Sun. As part of the Saas-Fee Advanced Course Series, the book offers an in-depth introduction to the field serving as a starting point for Ph. D. research and as a reference work for professional astrophysicists.
Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks
by Animesh Mukherjee Andreas Deutsch Niloy GangulyThis self-contained book systematically explores the statistical dynamics on and of complex networks having relevance across a large number of scientific disciplines. The theories related to complex networks are increasingly being used by researchers for their usefulness in harnessing the most difficult problems of a particular discipline. The book is a collection of surveys and cutting-edge research contributions exploring the interdisciplinary relationship of dynamics on and of complex networks. Topics covered include complex networks found in nature--genetic pathways, ecological networks, linguistic systems, and social systems--as well as man-made systems such as the World Wide Web and peer-to-peer networks. The contributed chapters in this volume are intended to promote cross-fertilization in several research areas, and will be valuable to newcomers in the field, experienced researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in systems exhibiting an underlying complex network structure in disciplines such as computer science, biology, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, linguistics, and the social sciences.
Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks III: Machine Learning and Statistical Physics Approaches (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)
by Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad Rishiraj Saha Roy Fariba Karimi Jean-Charles Delvenne Bivas MitraThis book bridges the gap between advances in the communities of computer science and physics--namely machine learning and statistical physics. It contains diverse but relevant topics in statistical physics, complex systems, network theory, and machine learning. Examples of such topics are: predicting missing links, higher-order generative modeling of networks, inferring network structure by tracking the evolution and dynamics of digital traces, recommender systems, and diffusion processes.The book contains extended versions of high-quality submissions received at the workshop, Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks (doocn.org), together with new invited contributions. The chapters will benefit a diverse community of researchers. The book is suitable for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and professors of various disciplines including sociology, physics, mathematics, and computer science.
Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems
by Bivas Mitra Niloy Ganguly Fernando Peruani Animesh Mukherjee Monojit ChoudhuryThis self-contained book systematically explores the statistical dynamics on and of complex networks with a special focus on time-varying networks. In the constantly changing modern world, there is an urgent need to understand problems related to systems that dynamically evolve in either structure or function, or both. This work is an attempt to address such problems in the framework of complex networks. Dynamics on and of Complex Networks, Volume 2: Applications to Time-Varying Dynamical Systems is a collection of surveys and cutting-edge research contributions exploring key issues, challenges, and characteristics of dynamical networks that emerge in various complex systems. Toward this goal, the work is thematically organized into three main sections with the primary thrust on time-varying networks: Part I studies social dynamics; Part II focuses on community identification; and Part III illustrates diffusion processes. The contributed chapters in this volume are intended to promote cross-fertilization in several research areas and will be valuable to newcomers in the field, experienced researchers, practitioners, and graduate students interested in pursuing research in dynamical networks with applications to computer science, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, linguistics, and the social sciences. This volume follows Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks: Applications to Biology, Computer Science, and the Social Sciences (2009), ISBN 978-0-8176-4750-6.
Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests (Managing Forest Ecosystems #31)
by Andrés Bravo-Oviedo Hans Pretzsch Miren Del RíoThe capacity of mixed forests to mitigate climate change effects by increasing resilience and lowering risks is pinpointed as an opportunity to highlight the role of tree species rich forests as part of complex socio-ecological systems. This book updates and presents the state-of-the-art of mixed forest performance in terms of regeneration, growth, yield and delivery of ecosystem services. Examples from more than 20 countries in Europe, North Africa and South America provide insights on the interplay between structure and functionining, stability, silviculture and optimization of management of this type of forests. The book also analyses the role of natural mixed forests and mixed plantations in the delivery of ecosystem services and the best modelling strategy to study mixed forest dynamics. The book is intended to serve as a reference tool for students, researchers and professionals concerned about the management of mixed forests in a context of social and environmental change.
Dynamics, Strength of Materials and Durability in Multiscale Mechanics (Advanced Structured Materials #137)
by Francesco Dell’Isola Leonid IgumnovThis book reviews the mathematical modeling and experimental study of systems involving two or more different length scales. The effects of phenomena occurring at the lower length scales on the behavior at higher scales are of intrinsic scientific interest, but can also be very effectively used to determine the behavior at higher length scales or at the macro-level. Efforts to exploit this micro- and macro-coupling are, naturally, being pursued with regard to every aspect of mechanical phenomena. This book focuses on the changes imposed on the dynamics, strength of materials and durability of mechanical systems by related multiscale phenomena. In particular, it addresses: 1: the impacts of effective dissipation due to kinetic energy trapped at lower scales 2: wave propagation in generalized continua 3: nonlinear phenomena in metamaterials 4: the formalization of more general models to describe the exotic behavior of meta-materials 5: the design and study of microstructures aimed at increasing the toughness and durability of novel materials
Dynamics with Chaos and Fractals (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity #29)
by Marat Akhmet Mehmet Onur Fen Ejaily Milad AlejailyThe book is concerned with the concepts of chaos and fractals, which are within the scopes of dynamical systems, geometry, measure theory, topology, and numerical analysis during the last several decades. It is revealed that a special kind of Poisson stable point, which we call an unpredictable point, gives rise to the existence of chaos in the quasi-minimal set. This is the first time in the literature that the description of chaos is initiated from a single motion. Chaos is now placed on the line of oscillations, and therefore, it is a subject of study in the framework of the theories of dynamical systems and differential equations, as in this book. The techniques introduced in the book make it possible to develop continuous and discrete dynamics which admit fractals as points of trajectories as well as orbits themselves. To provide strong arguments for the genericity of chaos in the real and abstract universe, the concept of abstract similarity is suggested.
Dynamics with Chaos and Fractals (Nonlinear Systems and Complexity #29)
by Marat Akhmet Mehmet Onur Fen Ejaily Milad AlejailyThe book is concerned with the concepts of chaos and fractals, which are within the scopes of dynamical systems, geometry, measure theory, topology, and numerical analysis during the last several decades. It is revealed that a special kind of Poisson stable point, which we call an unpredictable point, gives rise to the existence of chaos in the quasi-minimal set. This is the first time in the literature that the description of chaos is initiated from a single motion. Chaos is now placed on the line of oscillations, and therefore, it is a subject of study in the framework of the theories of dynamical systems and differential equations, as in this book. The techniques introduced in the book make it possible to develop continuous and discrete dynamics which admit fractals as points of trajectories as well as orbits themselves. To provide strong arguments for the genericity of chaos in the real and abstract universe, the concept of abstract similarity is suggested.
Dynamin Superfamily GTPases: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2159)
by Rajesh RamachandranThis volume provides methods and protocols on dynamin superfamily GTPases. Chapters are divided into three parts; detailing expression, purification, initial biochemical steps, undescribed analytical techniques, and biophysical and cellular characterization of DSPs in membrane remodeling, fission and fusion. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Dynamin Superfamily GTPases: Methods and Protocols to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.
Dynamische Chemie
by Georg SchwedtWas passiert beim Erhitzen eines kohlensäurehaltigen Mineralwassers? Wie viel Ascorbinsäure (= Vitamin C) ist im Apfel? Wie verändert sich der pH-Wert beim Lösen von Brausetabletten? Was passiert während der Gärung?Stets spielen chemische Gleichgewichte (und deren Verschiebungen, u. a. durch pH-Änderungen), Oxidationen und Reduktionen eine Rolle. Als wichtiges Hilfsmittel für die insgesamt 131 Experimente werden Teststäbchen verwendet, die in kürzester Zeit halb-quantitative Analysen ermöglichen. Auf diese Weise lassen sich auch Reaktionsverläufe erfassen ebenso wie Lösungs- und Fällungsreaktionen. Das Verstehen-Lernen chemischer Reaktionen steht im Vordergrund aller Experimente. Dem Kapitel Gleichgewichtsreaktionen folgen Redox-Reaktionen am Beispiel von Kupfer, Eisen, Ascorbinsäure, Sulfit/Sulfat und Nitrit/Nitrat. Den chemischen und enzymatischen Reaktionen von Glucose ist ein weiteresKapitel gewidmet. Gleichzeitig wird die chemische Fachsprache erläutert und geübt. Ein Muss für jedes Schülerlabor, engagierte Lehrer und jeden an Chemie Interessierten: das Buch hilft beim Erlernen und der Verinnerlichung der chemischen Denkweise.
Dynamism: The Values That Drive Innovation, Job Satisfaction, and Economic Growth
by Edmund S. Phelps Raicho Bojilov Hian Teck Hoon Gylfi ZoegaNobel Laureate Edmund Phelps and an international group of economists argue that economic health depends on the widespread presence of certain values, in particular individualism and self-expression. Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps has long argued that the high level of innovation in the lead nations of the West was never a result of scientific discoveries plus entrepreneurship, as Schumpeter thought. Rather, modern values—particularly the individualism, vitalism, and self-expression prevailing among the people—fueled the dynamism needed for widespread, indigenous innovation. Yet finding links between nations’ values and their dynamism was a daunting task. Now, in Dynamism, Phelps and a trio of coauthors take it on. Phelps, Raicho Bojilov, Hian Teck Hoon, and Gylfi Zoega find evidence that differences in nations’ values matter—and quite a lot. It is no accident that the most innovative countries in the West were rich in values fueling dynamism. Nor is it an accident that economic dynamism in the United States, Britain, and France has suffered as state-centered and communitarian values have moved to the fore. The authors lay out their argument in three parts. In the first two, they extract from productivity data time series on indigenous innovation, then test the thesis on the link between values and innovation to find which values are positively and which are negatively linked. In the third part, they consider the effects of robots on innovation and wages, arguing that, even though many workers may be replaced rather than helped by robots, the long-term effects may be better than we have feared. Itself a significant display of creativity and innovation, Dynamism will stand as a key statement of the cultural preconditions for a healthy society and rewarding work.
Dynasties: The Rise and Fall of Animal Families
by Stephen MossFamily isn't just important. It's everything. From lions hunting as a pride to penguins huddling together to keep from freezing in the bitter Antarctic winter, many animals are dependent on complex social relationships for their survival. Powerful dynasties lay claim to vast swathes of territory, fighting off rivals and securing their hunting grounds for generations to come. Dynasties offers an immersive insight into the shifting hierarchies of animal families. Each chapter follows a different dynasty, from the Marsh Lions of the Masai Mara to rival packs of painted wolves, from a tiger protecting her newborn cubs to a chimpanzee troop and the penguin colonies of the Antarctic. Alongside tender moments when bonds are strengthened through grooming and play, the book charts the rivalries that tip the balance of power, when family members turn against each other and younger animals grow strong enough to challenge for control. With over 200 stunning photographs and insights from the crew of the BBC series, Dynasties reveals in astonishing detail the intricate social lives of our planet’s most fascinating animals.
Dynein: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2623)
by Steven M. MarkusThis volume provides a collection of protocols from leading researchers in the dynein field. The enclosed chapters guide readers through a broad range of powerful techniques that can be used to understand the complexities of dynein activity and regulation. These include how to perform live-cell microscopy on various fungi and metazoan cells, how to purify, assemble, and measure the force generation and motility characteristics of various dynein assemblies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and thorough, Dynein: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for both novice and expert scientists in this developing field.
Dyslexia: Theories, Assessment and Support
by John Everatt Amanda DenstonDyslexia: Theories, Assessment and Support offers a broad perspective on dyslexia, providing a range of views from theory to practice which help explain the continued controversy surrounding the condition. Offering a framework on which to understand the concept of dyslexia, the book considers procedures that can both identify the condition and help support those with it. With a focus on self-concept, the authors highlight ways to positively influence both literacy acquisition and individual well-being. This book is ideal reading for those taking courses on dyslexia or literacy learning difficulties within education, psychology and related disciplines. It will be of great interest to specialist teachers, special education staff, educational psychologists and those in related occupations.
The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain
by Brock L. Eide Fernette F. EideTwo neurolearning experts reveal the hidden benefits of having a dyslexic brain. In this paradigm-shifting book, neurolearning experts Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide describe an exciting new brain science that reveals that dyslexic people have unique brain structure and organization. While the differences are responsible for certain challenges with literacy and reading, the dyslexic brain also gives a predisposition to important skills, and special talents. While dyslexics typically struggle to decode the written word, they often also excel in such areas of reasoning as mechanical (required for architects and surgeons), interconnected (artists and inventors); narrative (novelists and lawyers), and dynamic (scientists and business pioneers). The Dyslexic Advantage provides the first complete portrait of dyslexia.
The Dyslexic Advantage (New Edition): Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain
by Brock L. Eide Fernette F. EideA MAJOR REVISION WITH BRAND-NEW MATERIAL. Discover how the unique strengths of dyslexia can be channelled for success at home, school and work with this ground-breaking exploration of the dyslexic brain.In this paradigm-shifting book, neuro-learning experts Dr Brock L. Eide and Dr Fernette F. Eide describe a new brain science revealing that people with dyslexia have unique brain structure and organization. While the differences are responsible for challenges with literacy and reading, the dyslexic brain also gives a predisposition to important skills and special talents. This transformational new edition includes:- significantly updated chapters on the neurobiology underlying dyslexia and dyslexic strengths- ground-breaking science and interviews with successful dyslexics and innovative teachersWith much-needed prescriptive advice for parents, educators, co-workers and dyslexics, The Dyslexic Advantage provides a new framework to create a fuller, more balanced and more useful model of dyslexia. The authors of this essential book show how the unique strengths of dyslexia can lead to amazing success.
The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated): Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain
by Brock L. Eide Fernette F. EideAn updated edition of Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide's popular dyslexia book with a wealth of new material and improved dyslexic-friendly font. What if we viewed dyslexia as a learning and processing style rather than as a learning disorder? Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide use their impressive backgrounds in neurology and education to debunk the standard deficit-based approach to dyslexia. People typically define &“dyslexia&” as a reading and spelling disorder. But through published research studies, clinical observations, and interviews with dyslexic individuals, the Eides prove that these challenges are not dyslexia&’s main features but are instead trade-offs resulting from an entirely different pattern of brain organization and information processing that has powerful advantages. For example, dyslexic adults routinely outperform their non-dyslexic peers in studies on three-dimensional spatial reasoning and divergent creativity—one of the reasons why so many dyslexics are successful engineers. Approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population has dyslexia, and The Dyslexic Advantage shows how each one is predisposed to powerful skills called MIND strengths (Material, Interconnected, Narrative, and Dynamic Reasoning), leading them to possess incredible pattern detection, divergent thinking, episodic memory, problem solving, and prediction abilities. The revised and updated edition of The Dyslexic Advantage includes eighteen rich new profiles of remarkable individuals with dyslexia—such as several world-renowned scientists, a Pulitzer Prize–winning poet, a world-record-setting memory specialist, three MacArthur &“Genius&” Award winners, the technical advisor for the Jurassic Park movies, and many more. Meanwhile, the enormous advances in dyslexia research over the last ten years provide valuable new insights for educators, employers, parents, dyslexic adults, and anyone interested in neurodiversity and human cognition. Blending personal stories with hard science, The Dyslexic Advantage (Revised and Updated) provides empowering advice on how to identify, understand, nurture, and enjoy the strengths of the dyslexic mind.
Dyson–Schwinger Equations, Renormalization Conditions, and the Hopf Algebra of Perturbative Quantum Field Theory (Springer Theses)
by Paul-Hermann BaldufThis book offers a systematic introduction to the Hopf algebra of renormalization in quantum field theory, with a special focus on physical motivation, the role of Dyson–Schwinger equations, and the renormalization group. All necessary physical and mathematical constructions are reviewed and motivated in a self-contained introduction. The main part of the book concerns the interplay between Dyson–Schwinger equations (DSEs) and renormalization conditions. The book is explicit and consistent about whether a statement is true in general or only in particular renormalization schemes or approximations and about the dependence of quantities on regularization parameters or coupling constants. With over 600 references, the original literature is cited whenever possible and the book contains numerous references to other works discussing further details, generalizations, or alternative approaches. There are explicit examples and remarks to make the connection from the scalar fields at hand toQED and QCD. The book is primarily targeted at the mathematically oriented physicist who seeks a systematic conceptual overview of renormalization, Hopf algebra, and DSEs. These may be graduate students entering the field as well as practitioners seeking a self-contained account of the Hopf algebra construction. Conversely, the book also benefits the mathematician who is interested in the physical background of the exciting interplay between Hopf algebra, combinatorics and physics that is renormalization theory today.
by Olle EkbergThis book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the diagnosis and management of dysphagia, with particular reference to oral and pharyngeal dysfunction. All aspects of dysphagia are covered, from anatomy and physiology to patient care. Alongside descriptions of a variety of disease entities, signs and symptoms, and treatment approaches, many other relevant topics are addressed, including endoscopic and manometric aspects, malnutrition and dehydration, the psychiatric burden, and features specific to pediatric and geriatric patients. The authors are without exception renowned experts in their field. This book will be of value to all specialists involved in the evaluation and treatment of dysphagia, including ENT surgeons, thoracic surgeons, speech and language pathologists, phoniatricians, gastroenterologists, neurologists, and radiologists.
Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Treatment (Medical Radiology)
by Olle EkbergThe second edition of this well-received book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date description of the diagnosis and management of dysphagia, including oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal dysfunction. All aspects of dysphagia are covered, with detailed consideration of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. In addition to a variety of benign and malignant disease entities, signs and symptoms, and treatment approaches, many other relevant topics are addressed, including endoscopy, manometry, malnutrition, dehydration, oral care, dementia, ethics, and the social and psychologic impacts of dysphagia. Specific aspects of importance in pediatric and geriatric patients are highlighted. This edition features a number of completely new chapters focusing on, among other subjects, dysphagia in further disease contexts and following laryngectomy and radiation therapy. The authors are without exception world-leading experts in their fields. The book will be of value for practitioners in all specialties involved in the evaluation and treatment of dysphagia. It is therefore a truly multidisciplinary project.
Dysphagia Management in Head and Neck Cancers: A Manual and Atlas
by Krishnakumar Thankappan Subramania Iyer Jayakumar R MenonDysphagia and problems related to swallowing are common following treatment for head and neck cancers. Though there are books available on dysphagia management and associated neurological conditions, this is the only atlas that comprehensively discusses dysphagia related to the head and neck cancers. It comprises of 33 chapters divided into five sections. The initial chapters present the anatomy and physiology of swallowing and the pathophysiology of the dysphagia-related structures. It discusses assessment of dysphagia in detail, highlighting clinical and instrumental evaluations. Swallowing dysfunction related to common sub-site cancers and chemo-radiotherapy related dysphagia are explored individually. The book addresses direct and indirect swallowing therapy methods involving postures and exercises in a detailed yet simple manner to enable them to be incorporated in routine practice. It also covers topics like nutritional management, alternative feeding methods and unique problems associated with tracheostomy that have a great bearing on the day-to-day management of patients with dysphagia. The current status of the research and evidence- based management updates are also included. Additionally, where appropriate videos are included for a better understanding of the subject. Written and edited by experts in the field, the book is intended for clinicians treating head and neck cancer, head and neck surgeons, radiation oncologists, speech and swallowing therapy specialists and trainees in these fields