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Eating, Drinking: The International Year of Global Understanding - IYGU (SpringerBriefs in Global Understanding)

by Peter Jackson, Walter E.L. Spiess and Farhana Sultana

This publication addresses the global challenges of food and water security in a rapidly changing and complex world. The essays highlight the links between bio-physical and socio-cultural processes, making connections between local and global scales, and focusing on the everyday practices of eating and drinking, essential for human survival. Written by international experts, each contribution is research-based but accessible to the general public.

Eating in the Dark

by Kathleen Hart

Most Americans eat genetically modified food on a daily basis. Yet many of us are barely aware that we’re eating something that has been altered; food labels do not include information on ingredients that have been genetically modified, and the subject has received surprisingly little media coverage. Even as genetically engineered foods spread throughout America, most consumers abroad have refused to eat them. Opposition to genetically engineered food is now beginning to surface in the United States, where biotechnology is becoming a major issue for the new century. Eating in the Darktells the story of how these new foods, most of which are engineered either to produce or to withstand heavy doses of pesticides, quietly entered America’s food supply. Kathleen Hart explores the potential of this new technology to enhance nutrition and cut farmers’ expenses. She also reveals the process by which regulatory agencies decided to allow the biotechnology industry to sell its products without first submitting them to thorough testing for possible long-term threats to consumer health and the environment. Hart has talked to scientists, farmers, industry members, and activists, and she has gained unprecedented access to the inner chambers of the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Drug Administration, where the crucial decisions have been made to allow these foods into our stores. Combining a balanced perspective with a sense of urgency,Eating in the Darkis a revelatory guide to a subject of paramount importance.

Eating the Enlightenment: Food and the Sciences in Paris, 1670–1760

by E.C. Spary

Eating the Enlightenment offers a new perspective on the history of food, looking at writings about cuisine, diet, and food chemistry as a key to larger debates over the state of the nation in Old Regime France. Embracing a wide range of authors and scientific or medical practitioners—from physicians and poets to philosophes and playwrights—E. C. Spary demonstrates how public discussions of eating and drinking were used to articulate concerns about the state of civilization versus that of nature, about the effects of consumption upon the identities of individuals and nations, and about the proper form and practice of scholarship. En route, Spary devotes extensive attention to the manufacture, trade, and eating of foods, focusing upon coffee and liqueurs in particular, and also considers controversies over specific issues such as the chemistry of digestion and the nature of alcohol. Familiar figures such as Fontenelle, Diderot, and Rousseau appear alongside little-known individuals from the margins of the world of letters: the draughts-playing café owner Charles Manoury, the “Turkish envoy” Soliman Aga, and the natural philosopher Jacques Gautier d’Agoty. Equally entertaining and enlightening, Eating the Enlightenment will be an original contribution to discussions of the dissemination of knowledge and the nature of scientific authority.

Eating the Ocean

by Elspeth Probyn

In Eating the Ocean Elspeth Probyn investigates the profound importance of the ocean and the future of fish and human entanglement. On her ethnographic journey around the world's oceans and fisheries, she finds that the ocean is being simplified in a food politics that is overwhelmingly land based and preoccupied with buzzwords like "local" and "sustainable." Developing a conceptual tack that combines critical analysis and embodied ethnography, she dives into the lucrative and endangered bluefin tuna market, the gendered politics of "sustainability," the ghoulish business of producing fish meal and fish oil for animals and humans, and the long history of encounters between humans and oysters. Seeing the ocean as the site of the entanglement of multiple species--which are all implicated in the interactions of technology, culture, politics, and the market--enables us to think about ways to develop a reflexive ethics of taste and place based in the realization that we cannot escape the food politics of the human-fish relationship.

Eating the Sun: Small Musings on a Vast Universe

by Ella Frances Sanders

“Strong on science but just this side of poetry.” —Nature A beautifully illustrated exploration of the principles, laws, and wonders that rule our universe, our world, and our daily lives, from the New York Times bestselling creator of Lost in TranslationHave you ever found yourself wondering what we might have in common with stars, or why the Moon never leaves us? Thinking about the precise dancing of planets, the passing of time, or the nature of natural things? Our world is full of unshakable mystery, and although we live in a civilization more complicated than ever, there is simplicity and reassurance to be found in knowing how and why. From the New York Times bestselling creator of Lost in Translation, Eating the Sun is a delicately existential, beautifully illustrated, and welcoming exploration of the universe—one that examines and marvels at the astonishing principles, laws, and phenomena that we exist alongside, that we sit within.

Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food

by Timothy A. Wise

<p>A major new book that shows the world already has the tools to feed itself, without expanding industrial agriculture or adopting genetically modified seeds, from the Small Planet Institute expert <p>Few challenges are more daunting than feeding a global population projected to reach 9.7 billion in 2050--at a time when climate change is making it increasingly difficult to successfully grow crops. In response, corporate and philanthropic leaders have called for major investments in industrial agriculture, including genetically modified seed technologies. Reporting from Africa, Mexico, India, and the United States, Timothy A. Wise's Eating Tomorrow discovers how in country after country agribusiness and its well-heeled philanthropic promoters have hijacked food policies to feed corporate interests. <p>Most of the world, Wise reveals, is fed by hundreds of millions of small-scale farmers, people with few resources and simple tools but a keen understanding of what and how to grow food. These same farmers--who already grow more than 70 percent of the food eaten in developing countries--can show the way forward as the world warms and population increases. Wise takes readers to remote villages to see how farmers are rebuilding soils with ecologically sound practices and nourishing a diversity of native crops without chemicals or imported seeds. They are growing more and healthier food; in the process, they are not just victims in the climate drama but protagonists who have much to teach us all.</p>


by Marthe Jocelyn

With a fresh cast of animal characters — and what they eat — the creative team of Marthe Jocelyn and Tom Slaughter has produced another work in their award-winning series for very young book and art lovers. Marthe Jocelyn’s simple concept of matching creatures — familiar and unusual — with their favorite foods is brought to life by the sparkling colors and masterfully cut paper shapes of Tom Slaughter’s illustrations; a first taste of modern art. And the surprise final picture makes a satisfying dessert.Previous titles have received acclaim from Japan to Denmark, from France to Mexico. Enhancing a child’s visual and verbal vocabulary, Eats makes a joyful addition to the collection.

Ebene Potentialströmungen: Grundlagen und Fallbeispiele

by Valentin Schröder

Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Studierenden des Maschinenbaus, der Verfahrens- und Umwelttechnik sowie des Wasserbaus den Einstieg in das Thema ebener Potentialströmungen zu vermitteln. Hierbei werden grundlegende Zusammenhänge (z.B. Stromfunktion, Potentialfunktion, usw.) abgeleitet. Dies geschieht in detaillierter Vorgehensweise („Step by Step“), sodass der Leser beim Nachvollziehen der Ableitungsschritte auf keine Verständnisschwierigkeiten stoßen sollte. Mathematische Grundlagen der Ingenieurwissenschaften werden bei der Benutzung des Buchs vorausgesetzt. Neben dem genannten Basiswissen ebener Potentialströmungen tragen zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele zum besseren Verständnis der Grundlagen bei. Auch hier wird großer Wert auf eine gut strukturierte, leicht nachvollziehbare Vorgehensweise gelegt. In den meisten Fällen kommt hierbei ein Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm zum Einsatz, was sich als eine nicht zu unterschätzende Hilfe erweist.

Ebola: Clinical Patterns, Public Health Concerns

by Joseph R. Masci Elizabeth Bass

Ebola: Clinical Patterns, Public Health Concerns is a concise description and discussion of the Ebola virus and disease. The intended audience is medical practitioners, including those working in endemic areas as well as health-facility planners and public health practitioners. The book fills an important gap between large texts covering not only Ebola but other hemorrhagic fever viruses and brief pamphlet-style publications on the public health aspects of the infection. In light of the recent large outbreak in West Africa, this book is a part of the developing foundation needed to deal with emerging diseases.

Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus

by David Quammen

"A frightening and fascinating masterpiece of science reporting that reads like a detective story." --Walter Isaacson In 1976 a deadly virus emerged from the Congo forest. As swiftly as it came, it disappeared, leaving no trace. Over the four decades since, Ebola has emerged sporadically, each time to devastating effect. It can kill up to 90 percent of its victims. In between these outbreaks, it is untraceable, hiding deep in the jungle. The search is on to find Ebola's elusive host animal. And until we find it, Ebola will continue to strike. Acclaimed science writer and explorer David Quammen first came near the virus while he was traveling in the jungles of Gabon, accompanied by local men whose village had been devastated by a recent outbreak. Here he tells the story of Ebola--its past, present, and its unknowable future. Extracted from Spillover by David Quammen, updated and with additional material.

Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus

by David Quammen

In 1976 a deadly virus emerged from the Congo forest. As swiftly as it came, it disappeared, leaving no trace. Over the four decades since, Ebola has emerged sporadically, each time to devastating effect. It can kill up to 90 percent of its victims. In between these outbreaks, it is untraceable, hiding deep in the jungle. The search is on to find Ebola's elusive host animal. And until we find it, Ebola will continue to strike. Acclaimed science writer and explorer David Quammen first came near the virus while he was traveling in the jungles of Gabon, accompanied by local men whose village had been devastated by a recent outbreak. Here he tells the story of Ebola--its past, present, and its unknowable future. Extracted from Spillover by David Quammen, updated and with additional material.


by Thomas Hoenen Allison Groseth

This vital book collects key methods that have supported advancements in the field of ebolavirus molecular biology given the pressing need for the advancement of techniques for diagnostics, the development of vaccines and antivirals, and for furthering our understanding of ebolavirus biology. After an introduction, the volume delves into protocols for studying ebolavirus molecular biology under biosafety level 2 conditions, studying infectious ebolaviruses under biosafety level 4 conditions in vitro as well as in vivo, and working with ebolaviruses in the field. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Ebolaviruses: Methods and Protocols serves as a guide to the next generations of filovirus researchers and also helps to bring experts from other areas into the filovirus research arena.

The Ebro River Basin

by Damià Barceló Mira Petrovic

The Ebro is a typical Mediterranean river characterized by seasonal low flows and extreme flush effects, with important agricultural and industrial activity that has caused heavy contamination problems. This volume deals with soil-sediment-groundwater related issues in the Ebro river basin and summarizes the results generated within the European Union-funded project AquaTerra. The following topics are highlighted: Hydrology and sediment transport and their alterations due to climate change, aquatic and riparian biodiversity in the Ebro watershed, occurrence and distribution of a wide range of priority and emerging contaminants, effects of chemical pollution on biota and integration of climate change scenarios with several aspects of the Ebro's hydrology and potential impacts of climate change on pollution. The primary objective of the book is to lay the foundation for a better understanding of the behavior of environmental pollutants and their fluxes with respect to climate and land use changes.

Eccentric Orbits: The Iridium Story

by John Bloom

“In the early 1990s, Motorola, the legendary American technology company developed a revolutionary satellite system called Iridium that promised to be its crowning achievement. Light years ahead of anything previously put into space, and built on technology developed for Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars,” Iridium’s constellation of 66 satellites in polar orbit meant that no matter where you were on Earth, at least one satellite was always overhead, and you could call Tibet from Fiji without a delay and without your call ever touching a wire. ridium the satellite system was a mind-boggling technical accomplishment, surely the future of communication. The only problem was that Iridium the company was a commercial disaster. Only months after launching service, it was $11 billion in debt, burning through $100 million a month and crippled by baroque rate plans and agreements that forced calls through Moscow, Beijing, Fucino, Italy, and elsewhere. Bankruptcy was inevitable—the largest to that point in American history. And when no real buyers seemed to materialize, it looked like Iridium would go down as just a “science experiment.” That is, until Dan Colussy got a wild idea. Colussy, a former head of Pan-Am now retired and working on his golf game in Palm Beach, heard about Motorola’s plans to “de-orbit” the system and decided he would buy Iridium and somehow turn around one of the biggest blunders in the history of business. In “Eccentric Orbits”, John Bloom masterfully traces the conception, development, and launching of Iridium and Colussy’s tireless efforts to stop it from being destroyed, from meetings with his motley investor group, to the Clinton White House, to the Pentagon, to the hunt for customers in special ops, shipping, aviation, mining, search and rescue—anyone who would need a durable phone at the end of the Earth. Impeccably researched and wonderfully told, “Eccentric Orbits” is a rollicking, unforgettable tale of technological achievement, business failure, the military-industrial complex, and one of the greatest deals of all time.

ECG Acquisition and Automated Remote Processing

by Rajarshi Gupta Madhuchhanda Mitra Jitendranath Bera

The book is focused on the area of remote processing of ECG in the context of telecardiology, an emerging area in the field of Biomedical Engineering Application. Considering the poor infrastructure and inadequate numbers of physicians in rural healthcare clinics in India and other developing nations, telemedicine services assume special importance. Telecardiology, a specialized area of telemedicine, is taken up in this book considering the importance of cardiac diseases, which is prevalent in the population under discussion. The main focus of this book is to discuss different aspects of ECG acquisition, its remote transmission and computerized ECG signal analysis for feature extraction. It also discusses ECG compression and application of standalone embedded systems, to develop a cost effective solution of a telecardiology system.

ECG Time Series Variability Analysis: Engineering and Medicine

by Herbert F. Jelinek David J. Cornforth Ahsan H. Khandoker

Divided roughly into two sections, this book provides a brief history of the development of ECG along with heart rate variability (HRV) algorithms and the engineering innovations over the last decade in this area. It reviews clinical research, presents an overview of the clinical field, and the importance of heart rate variability in diagnosis. The book then discusses the use of particular ECG and HRV algorithms in the context of clinical applications.

Echinacea: The genus Echinacea (ISSN #Vol. 39)

by Sandra Carol Miller

Proving in-depth analysis of a popular herbal remedy, this book brings Echinacea out of the realm of folklore medicine and into the territory of valued and potentially fundamental therapy. As a successful stimulant to the immune system, the herbal remedy has gained acclaim in the fight against many diseases, including cancer. The text describes how the plant is cultivated and where in the world it is most abundant. It describes different species of Echinacea that are medically important and what chemically active ingredients give Echinacea its strong pharmaceutical value. Readers will also learn when this trendy remedy should not be used.

Echinococcus: Control and Elimination of Echinococcosis with a Focus on China and Europe (Parasitology Research Monographs #19)

by Jian Li Wei Wang Heinz Mehlhorn

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of human echinococcosis, a zoonotic disease caused by tapeworm parasites of the genus Echinococcus. Both cystic- (hydatid disease) and alveolar echinococcosis are included, covering the most important disease forms of medical and public health relevance. Presented findings focus China and Europe and are at the same time of global significance for clinical management and control programs under the One Health approach.Echinococcosis is a relevant neglected tropical disease (NTD) and targeted for elimination by the WHO as a public health problem. The present book aids the critical actions for understanding the disease and its surveillance. In addition to fundamental information on tapeworm epidemiology, biology and immunopathogenesis, the chapters spotlight details on ultrasound diagnosis and staging, CT and MRI imaging. Moreover, molecular diagnostic tools, novel chemotherapeutics, and current vaccine research are discussed.The book is a valuable resource for human and veterinary medicine considering the Sustainable Development Goals research (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being). Scientists, students, and medical professionals will find significant content on animal reservoirs, parasite transmission, prevention and treatment options.

Echinoderm Morphological Disparity: Methods, Patterns, and Possibilities (Elements of Paleontology)

by Bradley Deline

The quantification of morphology through time is a vital tool in elucidating macroevolutionary patterns. Studies of disparity require intense effort but can provide insights beyond those gained using other methodologies. Over the last several decades, studies of disparity have proliferated, often using echinoderms as a model organism. Echinoderms have been used to study the methodology of disparity analyses and potential biases as well as documenting the morphological patterns observed in clades through time. Combining morphological studies with phylogenetic analyses or other disparate data sets allows for the testing of detailed and far-reaching evolutionary hypotheses.

Echinoderm Nutrition

by Michel Jangoux John M. Lawrence

The purpose of this book is to present the state of knowledge concerning nutrition and point out directions for future work for the Echinodermata, an ancient group which shows great diversity in form and function, and whose feeding activities can have great environmental impact.

Echinoderm Research

by Michel Jangoux

This book is an outcome of the second European conference on Echinoderm brussels held in Belgium in 1989. It covers the following areas of research in echinoderm: paleontology, reproduction, development and larval biology, evolution, systematics and biogeography, morphology and physiology.

Echinoderm Research 1991

by L. Scalera-Liaci

A selection of papers, reports and posters presented at the third European conference on echinoderms - a thorny-skinned group of marine animals considered of great zoological interest. The contributions look at morphology, development biology, ecology and symbiosis.

Echinoderm Research and Diversity in Latin America

by Francisco Alonso Solis-Marin Juan José Alvarado

This book compiles for the first time the development of echinoderm research in Latin America. The book contains 17 chapters, one introductory, 15 country chapters, and a final biogeographic analysis. It compiles all the investigations published in international and local journals, reports, theses and other gray literature. Each chapter is composed of 7 sections: introduction describes the marine environments, and main oceanographic characteristics, followed by a history of research account divided by specific subjects. The next section addresses patterns of distribution and diversity. A specific section would explain fishery or aquaculture activities. The next sections deal with environmental and anthropogenic threats that are affecting echinoderm, and any conservation or management action. Finally, a section with conclusions, needs and new lines of research. The book will include two appendixes with species lists of all echinoderms with bathimetric data, habitat and distribution.

Echinoderm studies 1 (1983)

by John M. Lawrence Michel Jangoux

This work consists of seven plenary lectures read at an international conference in Tampa, USA.

Echinoderm studies 4 (1993)

by Michel Jangoux

Echinoderm Studies is a biennial series in which comprehensive surveys of selected topics are presented. A guiding principle of the series is to cover all aspects of echinoderm biology so as to promote a better comprehension of this group of animals.

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