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Eco-Politics and Global Climate Change (Environment & Policy #65)

by Sachchidanand Tripathi Rahul Bhadouria Rishikesh Singh Pratap Srivastava Rajkumari Sanayaima Devi

This book provides an in-depth insight into the ecological perspective on a number of ongoing issues pertaining to security, the economy, the state, global environmental governance, development, and the environment. The chapters critically compare and analyze the role of global eco-politics in understanding and sorting out issues linked with climate change. Furthermore, it presents a contemporary and accessible description of why we need to embrace eco-politics in order to address the various ecological challenges that we face in the current changing climate scenario.

Eco-Responsible Cities and the Global Ocean: Geostrategic Shifts And The Sustainability Trilema

by Voula P. Mega

This book examines the nexus of cities and oceans and the interrelations between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 and 14, just after the first two critical years following the milestone year of hope in 2015. It advocates for actions both for sustainable cities, the largest interconnected and only human ecosystem, and for the global ocean that is the largest physical ecosystem. Cutting-edge concepts and actions are presented by and for cities and oceans, following the global engagements during the years 2015-2017. In the era of global geopolitics, cities offer major democratic spaces between the micro-regulations of the local communities and the governance of the global commons. The role of education, trust, and citizen empowerment cannot be stressed enough. This book offers an evidence-based, holistic and integrated view of key urban and ocean sustainability issues at the horizon of 2030 and of 2050. The chapters cover the most prominent issues at the heart of the matter, and highlight systemic multi-stakeholder eco-responses towards sustainability with economic, social, environmental dimensions, including political and cultural aspects. This book offers a full exploration of cities and seas with an emphasis on vigorous paradigm shifts, redesigning human systems, and reconciling them with nature. Building on robust evidence, and transformational cases, it provides structured advice for world leaders, stakeholders and scholars.

Eco-Restoration of Polluted Environment: A Biological Perspective

by Sandip V. Rathod

The book Eco-Restoration of the Polluted Environment: A Biological Perspective explores recent advances in biological strategies for the remediation of polluted environments, including soil, water, and air. It covers bioremediation of heavy metals, radioactive waste, and waste gases, which are believed to be bottleneck problems for researchers working in this field. The book contains separate chapters on genetic engineering technology for enhancement of the bioremediation potential of bioresources and the role of biosurfactants, enzymes, and exo-polysaccharides for bioremediation of polluted environments, along with basic aspects of eco-restoration by microorganisms. It summarizes the significant developments of many years of research in bioremediation technology and discusses them critically by presenting selected examples, while also considering future research directions in the area. Features: Deep insight into the modes of action of various bioremediation strategies, as well as the status and progress of bioremediation technology for sustainable developmental practices A research overview of bioremediation strategies using engineered biological resources for remediation of contaminants. The book will also accelerate the application of suitable engineered microbes and plants for field applications A survey of interdisciplinary findings and insights on the impact of pollution on the ecosystem and human health, climate, and other global changes, with individual solutions to the pollution issue Comprehensive information for relevant stakeholders such as global leaders, agriculturists, investors, innovators, farmers, policymakers, extension workers, agro-industrialists, environmentalists, and the education and health sectors, as well as students and researchers in the field

Eco-socialism as Politics: Rebuilding the Basis of Our Modern Civilisation

by Qingzhi Huan

This volume consists of analyses by experts from both the West and the East on the up-to-date development of Eco-socialism as a red-green politics within the context of capitalist globalisation. It investigates whether and/or in what sense Eco-socialism can offer a better explanation to the causes of ecological problems than the other Green discourses - such as deep ecology and ecological modernisation theory, and thus has more contributions to make in dealing with the deteriorating ecological crisis throughout the world.

Eco-Stats: From t-tests to Multivariate Abundances (Methods in Statistical Ecology)

by David I Warton

This book introduces ecologists to the wonderful world of modern tools for data analysis, especially multivariate analysis. For biologists with relatively little prior knowledge of statistics, it introduces a modern, advanced approach to data analysis in an intuitive and accessible way. The book begins by reviewing some core principles in statistics, and relates common methods to the linear model, a general framework for modeling data where the response is continuous. This is then extended to discrete data using generalized linear models, to designs with multiple sampling levels via mixed models, and to situations where there are multiple response variables via model-based approaches to multivariate analysis. Along the way there is an introduction to: important principles in model selection; adaptations of the model to handle non-linearity and cyclical variables; dependence due to structured correlation in time, space or phylogeny; and design-based techniques for inference that can relax some of the modelling assumptions. It concludes with a range of advanced topics in model-based multivariate analysis relevant to the modern ecologist, including fourth corner, latent variable and copula models. Examples span a variety of applications including environmental monitoring, species distribution modeling, global-scale surveys of plant traits, and small field experiments on biological controls. Math Boxes throughout the book explain some of the core ideas mathematically for readers who want to delve deeper, and R code is used throughout. Accompanying code, data, and solutions to exercises can be found in the ecostats R package on CRAN.


by Celia Deane-Drummond

Here is comprehensive coverage of the rapidly growing field of eco-theology. Eco-Theology evaluates the merits or otherwise of contemporary eco-theologies and introduces readers to critical debates, while tracing trends from around the globe and key theological responses. The emphasis is on the theological aspects of Christian engagement with environmental issues, rather than primarily ethical or spiritual concerns. Included are further reading sections and discussion questions.

Eco-Translatology: Towards an Eco-paradigm of Translation Studies (New Frontiers in Translation Studies)

by (Hugs) Gengshen Hu

This book offers a panoramic view of the emerging eco-paradigm of Translation Studies, known as Eco-Translatology, and presents a systematic study of the theoretical discourse from ecological perspectives in the field of Translation Studies. Eco-Translatology describes and interprets translation activities in terms of the ecological principles of Eco-holism, traditional Eastern eco-wisdom, and ‘Translation as Adaptation and Selection’. Further, Eco-Translatology approaches the phenomenon of translation as a broadly conceived eco-system in which the ideas of ‘Translation as Adaptation and Selection’, as well as translation as a ‘textual transplant’ promoting an ‘eco-balance’, are integrated into an all-encompassing vision. Lastly, Eco-Translatology reinforces contextual uniqueness, emphasizing the deep embeddedness of texts, translations, and the human agents involved in their production and reception in their own habitus. It is particularly encouraging, in this increasingly globalised world, to see a new paradigm sourced from East Asian traditions but with universal appeal and applications, and which adds to the diversity and plurality of global Translation Studies. This book, the first of its kind, will substantially expand the horizons of Translation Studies, a field that is still trying to define its own borders, and will open a wealth of new possibilities. Destined to become a milestone in the field of Translation, Interpretation and Adaptation Studies, as well as eco-criticism, it will introduce readers to a wholly new epistemological intervention in Translation Studies and therefore will open new vistas of thoughts, discussion and criticism.

Eco-Welfare and the Energy Transition: Themes and Debates for an Emerging Interplay

by Lorenzo De Vidovich

​This book provides a comprehensive overview of the emerging interplay that runs between energy – seen as a basic need and a providential material service from the viewpoint of welfare studies – and eco-welfare, seen as an emerging analytical and policy paradigm that hold together the social crisis on the one hand, and the ecological crisis, on the other hand. At a time of energy transition, the interplay between the theoretical framework of eco-welfare and the topic of energy supply is little explored, and therefore, this book fills a need in the literature by providing a comprehensive framework to navigate this emerging relationship. Such a framework is strengthened by insights on energy poverty and renewable energy communities, identified as cornerstones of the analysis between energy transition and eco-welfare.

Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities

by Sebastian Moffatt Hinako Maruyama Hiroaki Suzuki Arish Dastur Nanae Yabuki

The Eco2 Cities approach is a point of departure for cities that would like to reap the many benefits of ecological and economic sustainability. It provides an analytical and operational framework that offers strategic guidance to cities on sustainable and integrated urban development. At the same time case studies are used throughout the book to provide a matter-of-fact and ground-level perspective. The Eco2 framework is flexible and easily customized to the context of each country or city. Based on the particular circumstances and the development priorities of a city - the application of the framework can contribute to the development of a unique action plan or roadmap in each case. This action plan can be triggered through catalyst projects. To support this framework, the book also begins to introduce some powerful and practical methods and tools that can further enable sustainable and integrated city planning and decision making. These include 1) operational and process methods that can strengthen collaborative decision making and cross-sector synergies in a city; 2) analytical methods ranging from diagnostics, simulation, design and scenario-generation; and 3) accounting and benchmarking methods which can help clarify, define and measure what it means to truly invest in sustainability and resilience. As additional reference reading, the book also features a series of case studies from best practice cities around the world, each demonstrating a very different dimension of the Eco2 approach. It also features a series of infrastructure sector notes (on spatial development, transport, energy, water and waste management), each of which explore sector specific issues as they pertain to urban development, and the many opportunities for coordination and integration across sectors.

Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds

by Almo Farina Stuart H. Gage

The sounds produced by geophonic, biophonic and technophonic sources are relevant to the function of natural and human modified ecosystems. Passive recording is one of the most non-invasive technologies as its use avoids human intrusion during acoustic surveys and facilitates the accumulation of huge amounts of acoustical data. For the first time, this book collates and reviews the science behind ecoaucostics; illustrating the principles, methods and applications of this exciting new field. Topics covered in this comprehensive volume include; the assessment of biodiversity based on sounds emanating from a variety of environments the best technologies and methods necessary to investigate environmental sounds implications for climate change and urban systems the relationship between landscape ecology and ecoacoustics the conservation of soundscapes and the social value of ecoacoustics areas of potential future research. An invaluable resource for scholars, researchers and students, Ecoacoustics: The Ecological Role of Sounds provides an unrivalled set of ideas, tools and references based on the current state of the field.

Ecocities Now: Building the Bridge to Socially Just and Ecologically Sustainable Cities

by Jennie Moore Sahar Attia Adel Abdel-Kader Aparajithan Narasimhan

This book presents a selection of the best papers submitted to the International Ecocity World Summit held in Vancouver, October 7-11, 2019. The objective is to accelerate knowledge dissemination about the development of ecocities through attention to what constitutes an ecocity, what cities around the world are doing, what Vancouver as an emerging ecocity is doing, and how education can play a role in preparing the next generation of ecocity practitioners. The book uses the Summit’s overarching theme and sub-themes as an organizing framework and aligns with the International Ecocity Standards that serve as a diagnostic tool to help cities assess their progress on the path to becoming ecocities. The Ecocity Standards are also proving useful to communities in developing locally relevant pathways to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The book is presented in four parts that align with the Summit overarching theme of i) building a bridge to socially just and ecologically sustainable cities, supported by sub-themes of ii) climate action, iii) circular economy, and iv) informal solutions for sustainable development. Chapters comprising each part in the book are introduced by a brief precis that orients the reader to the relevant Ecocity Standards that are being addressed and other important contextual considerations that open the potential application of the chapters to an international audience. Arguments presented in the selected papers provide an orientation to the importance of engaging people, where they live, in ecocity transformations as well as emerging opportunities for affordable and accessible technologies that help cities build capacity for implementation of ecocity initiatives.

Ecocriticism and the Anthropocene in Nineteenth-Century Art and Visual Culture (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies)

by Maura Coughlin

In this volume, emerging and established scholars bring ethical and political concerns for the environment, nonhuman animals and social justice to the study of nineteenth-century visual culture. They draw their theoretical inspiration from the vitality of emerging critical discourses, such as new materialism, ecofeminism, critical animal studies, food studies, object-oriented ontology and affect theory. This timely volume looks back at the early decades of the Anthropocene to query the agency of visual culture to critique, create and maintain more resilient and biologically diverse local and global ecologies.

Ecocriticism on the Edge: The Anthropocene as a Threshold Concept

by Timothy Clark

The twenty-first century has seen an increased awareness of the forms of environmental destruction that cannot immediately be seen, localised or, by some, even acknowledged. Ecocriticism on the Edge explores the possibility of a new mode of critical practice, one fully engaged with the destructive force of the planetary environmental crisis. Timothy Clark argues that, in literary and cultural criticism, the "Anthropocene", which names the epoch in which human impacts on the planet's ecological systems reach a dangerous limit, also represents a threshold at which modes of interpretation that once seemed sufficient or progressive become, in this new counterintuitive context, inadequate or even latently destructive. The book includes analyses of literary works, including texts by Paule Marshall, Gary Snyder, Ben Okri, Henry Lawson, Lorrie Moore and Raymond Carver.

EcoDesign and Sustainability I: Products, Services, and Business Models (Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management)

by Yusuke Kishita Mitsutaka Matsumoto Masato Inoue Shinichi Fukushige

This book highlights cutting-edge ecodesign research, covering product and service design, smart manufacturing, and social perspectives in ecodesign. Featuring selected papers presented at EcoDesign 2019: 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, it also includes diverse, interdisciplinary approaches to foster ecodesign research and activities. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it addresses the need for the manufacturing industry to design innovations for sustainable value creation, taking into account technological developments, legislation, and consumer lifestyles. Further, the book discusses the concept of circular economy, which originated in Europe and aims to increase resource efficiency by shifting away from the linear economy. Focusing on product life cycle design and management, smart manufacturing, circular economy, and business strategies, and providing useful approaches and solutions to these emerging concepts, this book is intended for both researchers and practitioners working in the broad field of ecodesign and sustainability.

EcoDesign and Sustainability II: Social Perspectives and Sustainability Assessment (Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management)

by Mitsutaka Matsumoto Shinichi Fukushige Yusuke Kishita Masato Inoue

This book highlights cutting-edge ecodesign research, covering product and service design, smart manufacturing, and social perspectives in ecodesign. Featuring selected papers presented at EcoDesign 2019: 11th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, it also includes diverse, interdisciplinary approaches to foster ecodesign research and activities. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it addresses the need for the manufacturing industry to design innovations for sustainable value creation, taking into account technological developments, legislation, and consumer lifestyles. Further, the book discusses the concept of circular economy, which originated in Europe and aims to increase resource efficiency by shifting away from the linear economy.Focusing on product life cycle design and management, smart manufacturing, circular economy, and business strategies, and providing useful approaches and solutions to these emerging concepts, this book is intended for both researchers and practitioners working in the broad field of ecodesign and sustainability.

EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems I

by Shinichi Fukushige Hideki Kobayashi Eiji Yamasue Keishiro Hara

This 2-volume book highlights cutting-edge ecodesign research and covers broad areas ranging from individual product and service design to social system design. It includes business and policy design, circular production, life cycle design and management, digitalization for sustainable manufacturing, user behavior and health, ecodesign of social infrastructure, sustainability education, sustainability indicators, and energy system design. Featuring selected papers presented at EcoDesign 2021: 12th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, it also includes diverse, interdisciplinary approaches to foster ecodesign research and activities. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), it addresses design innovations for sustainable value creation, considering technological developments, legislation, and consumer lifestyles. Further, the book discusses the concept of circular economy, which aims to develop circular business models for resource efficient society by taking advantage of digital technologies including artificial intelligence, internet of things, digital twin, data analysis and simulation. Written by experts from academia and industry, Volume 1 highlights sustainable design such as product and process design, collaborative design, sustainable innovation, digital technologies, design methodology for sustainability, and energy system design. The methods, tools, and practices described are useful for readers to facilitate value creation for sustainability.

EcoDesign for Sustainable Products, Services and Social Systems II

by Shinichi Fukushige Hideki Kobayashi Eiji Yamasue Keishiro Hara

This 2-volume book highlights cutting-edge ecodesign research and covers broad areas ranging from individual product and service design to social system design. It includes business and policy design, circular production, life cycle design and management, digitalization for sustainable manufacturing, user behavior and health, ecodesign of social infrastructure, sustainability education, sustainability indicators, and energy system design. Featuring selected papers presented at EcoDesign 2021: 12th International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, it also includes diverse, interdisciplinary approaches to foster ecodesign research and activities. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), it addresses design innovations for sustainable value creation, considering technological developments, legislation, and consumer lifestyles. Further, the book discusses the conceptof circular economy, which aims to develop circular business models for resource efficient society by taking advantage of digital technologies including artificial intelligence, internet of things, digital twin, data analysis and simulation. Written by experts from academia and industry, Volume 2 focuses on the sustainability assessment of product lifecycle, waste management, material circularity and energy efficiency, food and agriculture, user behavior and health, and transportation. The methods, tools, and practices described are useful for readers to facilitate value creation for sustainability.

Ecodramaturgies: Theatre, Performance and Climate Change (New Dramaturgies)

by Lisa Woynarski

This book addresses theatre’s contribution to the way we think about ecology, our relationship to the environment, and what it means to be human in the context of climate change. It offers a detailed study of the ways in which contemporary performance has critiqued and re-imagined everyday ecological relationships, in more just and equitable ways. The broad spectrum of ecologically-oriented theatre and performance included here, largely from the UK, US, Canada, Europe, and Mexico, have problematised, reframed, and upended the pervasive and reductive images of climate change that tend to dominate the ecological imagination. Taking an inclusive approach this book foregrounds marginalised perspectives and the multiple social and political forces that shape climate change and related ecological crises, framing understandings of the earth as home. Recent works by Fevered Sleep, Rimini Protokoll, Violeta Luna, Deke Weaver, Metis Arts, Lucy + Jorge Orta, as well as Indigenous activist movements such as NoDAPL and Idle No More, are described in detail.

Ecofeminism and the Indian Novel (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies)

by Sangita Patil

Ecofeminism and the Indian Novel tests the theories of ecofeminism against the background of India’s often different perceptions of environmental problems, challenging the hegemony of Western culture in thinking about human problems. This book moves beyond a simple application of the concepts of ecofeminism, instead explaining the uniqueness of Indian novels as narratives of ecofeminism and how they can contribute to the development of the theory of ecofeminism. In examining a selection of novels, the author argues that Indian texts conceptualize the ecological crisis more as a human problem than as a gender problem. The book proposes that we should think of ecofeminism as ecohumanism instead, seeing human beings and nature as a part of a complex web. Novels analysed within the text include Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve (1954), Shivram Karanth’s Return to Earth (2002) and Na D’Souza’s Dweepa (2013). Ecofeminism and the Indian Novel will be of great interest to students and scholars of ecofeminism, ecocriticism, ecological feminism, environmental humanities, gender studies, ecological humanities, feminist studies and Indian literature.

Ecofeminist Perspectives from African Women Creative Writers: Earth, Gender, and the Sacred

by Enna Sukutai Gudhlanga Musa Wenkosi Dube Limakatso E. Pepenene

This volume explores contemporary African women’s creative writing, highlighting their contributions to ecofeminist theology. Contributors address the following questions: How do contemporary African women writers depict the Earth/land/environment and its relationship to women in various contexts? How is religion featured in African women’s writing? How does religious literature (scriptures) form an intertextual layer in African women’s writing? The contributors proceed by analyzing the intersection of religion, gender, class, sexuality, colonialism, and ecology in selected texts written by African women. They bring these texts into conversation with broader eco-feminist theological scholarship, exploring the potential of literary writing to contribute to theological discourse of liberation and social justice in the African and global arena.

The Ecofeminist Storyteller: Environmental Communication through Women's Digital Garden Stories

by Renée Mickelburgh

This book explores the way stories that emerge from the garden and are consumed in the digital space can become a nourished method of environmental communication. Mickelburgh seeks to understand what happens when some women speak, write, and photograph their private, everyday garden lives, and share those stories with a public, global, digital world. The garden is the place people get deeply acquainted with. This book considers Australian ecofeminist Val Plumwood’s urging for a “deep acquaintance with some place, or perhaps group of places” to discover a communicative “language of the land’’. The online world brings us into closer vicinity to this humble space, and yet a distance remains. This distance—the in-between—is the space where the possibility of communication lies. In keeping with its humble focus, this book asks simple questions of the garden. What happens when Australian women gardeners tell stories of community, care and compassion in a space that is both material and digital? Does digital soundwork, sightwork, and wordwork about gardens equate to communicative groundwork? This book tries to answer these questions by examining the digital stories of Australian women’s gardening lives. It aims to engage the reader through its emphasis on showing rather than telling the way affective communication circulates in the physical place, memories, the body, and the digital realm, in conversation with the many women writers and feminist scholars concerned with the entanglement of feminism, writing, the environment, and communication.

Ecohealth Research in Practice

by Dominique F. Charron

This book is about doing innovative research to achieve sustainable and equitable change in people's health and well-being through improved interactions with the environment. It presents experiences from the field of ecosystem approaches to health (or ecohealth research) and some insights and lessons learned. It builds on previous literature, notably Forget (1997), Forget and Lebel (2001), Lebel (2003), and Waltner-Toews et al. (2008). Through case-studies and other contributions by researchers supported by Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the book presents evidence of real changes in conditions of people, their health, and the ecosystems that support them. These changes were derived from applications of an ecosystem approach to health in developing regions of the world. The book also illustrates the resulting body of applied, participatory, and action research that improved health and environmental management in developing countries and, in many cases, influenced policies and practices.

Ecoholic Body: Your Ultimate Earth-friendly Guide to Living Healthy and Looking Good

by Adria Vasil

Adria Vasil, Canada's straight-shooting green living expert, is back, and this time it's personal . . . care, that is. Her latest eco bible delivers the lowdown on virtually every product that comes into contact with our bodies. From the pollutants clogging your sinus meds all the way to the outlaw toxins leaching from your sandals, ECOHOLIC BODY has you covered, head to toe. Never shy to blow the whistle, Adria calls out supplement and shampoo makers that exaggerate their green cred. This witty, indispensable guide will arm you with the knowledge you need to keep you and your family healthy, happy and green, all while detoxing the planet. Look your best- "Mean 15" ingredients to avoid- Skin care reviews for moisturizers, sunscreen, anti-aging and acne- Fresh ways to fight funk from bad breath to B.O.- Toxin-free hair care that works- The lowdown on mineral makeup, natural cosmetics, tattoos and more Feel your best- Nature's best remedies and superfoods that are good for the planet and your body- Greening your health care- Pollution-triggered health problems- Ecoholic weight loss plan- Greener birth control, local sex toys and more Dress your best- All the latest eco fashions, including activewear, maternity clothes, lingerie, menswear, footwear, jewellery, wedding dresses and more Give your kids nature's best- Toxin-free bum balms, shampoos, bubble bath, oils and powders- Green diaper reviews- The scoop on kids' PJs, clothes, charms And more- Exhaustive testing guides for everything from natural deodorant to herbal shampoos- Made-in-Canada products and services- Coast-to-coast store directory- DIY recipes for homemade body care- Money-saving tips in every chapterose hands touched? She rehearsed the questions she wondered if she would ever be able to ask. Why do you do it? Is it necessary to your poetry? Why did you choose this job? Or did it choose you?-- from The Murder RoomFrom the Hardcover edition.

Ecohydrology: An Approach to the Sustainable Management of Water Resources

by Maciej Zalewski Nic Pacini David Harper

Ecohydrology is an emerging new sub-discipline which links elements of ecology with hydrology at all points in the water cycle, ranging in scale from water-plant physiological relationships to whole catchment water-ecosystem processes. This book pays most attention to the larger scales of ecohydrology, emphasizing the use of this tool in striving towards the goal of sustainable water management. Authors from Eastern and Western Europe, America, Australia and South Africa give a broad global context.

Ecohydrology-Based Landscape Restoration: Theory and Practice (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)

by Mulugeta Dadi Belete

This book provides an introduction to a fairly new approach to natural resources management practice entitled ecohydrology-based landscape restoration. Ecohydrology-based landscape restoration integrates landscape restoration practices with ecohydrology science and principles in order to help address the limitations of current management practices in developing countries. Focusing on both the theory and practice of implementing new management practices, the book includes conceptual designs and practical demonstrations for a variety of sites, including hillsides, farmlands, gullies, riparian buffers and wetlands, while also drawing on field research conducted in Ethiopia. The book puts forward principles for improving current practices, which include the better integration of hydrological and ecological concerns, the greater involvement of local communities, the adoption of indigenous practices, the establishment of green and semi-grey infrastructure as an ecohydrological systemic solution and the necessity of taking an adaptive approach to managing landscapes. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of water resource management, ecohydrology and landscape restoration as well as professionals involved in the restoration of landscapes in developing countries.

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