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Ecological Exile: Spatial Injustice and Environmental Humanities (Routledge Environmental Humanities)
by Derek GladwinEcological Exile explores how contemporary literature, film, and media culture confront ecological crises through perspectives of spatial justice – a facet of social justice that looks at unjust circumstances as a phenomenon of space. Growing instances of flooding, population displacement, and pollution suggest an urgent need to re-examine the ways social and geographical spaces are perceived and valued in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Maintaining that ecological crises are largely socially produced, Derek Gladwin considers how British and Irish literary and visual texts by Ian McEwan, Sarah Gavron, Eavan Boland, John McGrath, and China Miéville, among others, respond to and confront various spatial injustices resulting from fossil fuel production and the effects of climate change. This ambitious book offers a new spatial perspective in the environmental humanities by focusing on what the philosopher Glenn Albrecht has termed 'solastalgia' – a feeling of homesickness caused by environmental damage. The result of solastalgia is that people feel paradoxically ecologically exiled in the places they continue to live because of destructive environmental changes. Gladwin skilfully traces spatially produced instances of ecological injustice that literally and imaginatively abolish people’s sense of place (or place-home). By looking at two of the most pressing social and environmental concerns – oil and climate – Ecological Exile shows how literary and visual texts have documented spatially unjust effects of solastalgia. This interdisciplinary book will appeal to students, scholars, and professionals studying literary, film, and media texts that draw on environment and sustainability, cultural geography, energy cultures, climate change, and social justice.
The Ecological Farm: A Minimalist No-Till, No-Spray, Selective-Weeding, Grow-Your-Own-Fertilizer System for Organic Agriculture
by Helen AtthoweThe breakthrough resource for fruit and vegetable growers at every scale who want to go ‘beyond organic’ and build higher soil quality and fertility using fewer inputs through a unique ecosystem-balancing approach “Atthowe’s book takes ecological farming to the next level. It is packed with useful, field-tested, innovative techniques for farming more gently without sacrificing productivity. . . This is the future of farming. I highly recommend this book.”—Ben Hartman, author of The Lean Farm The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides—even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. Based on advances in scientific research in ecological food production, farmers, homesteaders, permaculturists, and gardeners alike will learn methods to: design a farm system that maintains a growing root in the soil year-round to feed the microbial community instead of just crops. strengthen the “immune system” of a farm or garden supply crop needs using only on-farm inputs such as cover crops and living mulch maximize the presence of beneficial insects and microbes that support healthy crop development minimize ecological impact in dealing with insect pest and disease problems The Ecological Farm also features a crop-by-crop guide to growing more than 25 of the most popular and profitable vegetables and fruits, including specific management advice for dealing with pests and diseases. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming—in which nature is invited to participate—possible. "[This book] will guide all of us as we learn to farm in harmony with an ecosystem and to become obedient to the whole rather than being distracted by the urge to tinker with the parts.” —Wes Jackson, cofounder and president emeritus, The Land Institute
The Ecological Footprint as a Sustainability Metric: Implications for Sustainability (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Mary J. ThornbushThis book examines the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity accounting within an applied development content for Costa Rica. By doing so, it is possible to track changes as well as perhaps link these to overarching global issues, such as trade, globalization, and food security, among other emergent topics based findings stemming from this methodology. Based on a timeseries since 1961, it is possible to track cross-temporal changes of land-type categories (for crop land, grazing land, forest land, fishing ground, built-up land, and carbon) of the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity conveying whether a country is in ecological deficit and what may be contributing to such a trend
Ecological Footprint of Industrial Spaces and Processes (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
by Subramanian Senthilkannan MuthuThis book describes and offers cases in the assessment of Ecological Footprint (EF) in different industrial spaces and processes. Ecological Footprint is a useful metric that measures the level of resources from the environment that are required to support a specific way of life or business. This book enumerates the concept of EF and how this concept can be applied to a variety of industrial spaces and processes including textile manufacture, electric vehicle charging, construction materials, and agriculture.
Ecological Footprints of Climate Change: Adaptive Approaches and Sustainability (Springer Climate)
by Uday Chatterjee Angela Oyilieze Akanwa Suresh Kumar Sudhir Kumar Singh Abira Dutta RoyThis book explores global implications of human activities that trigger changes in climate and the appropriate scientific, adaptive, and sustainable approaches as a proven information tool. It reveals that the ecological, social, and economic dynamics of the changing earth encompasses huge uncertainties coupled with its ability to be linked to other forms of global change. From a scientific perspective, multiple efforts are expedient to integrate the many aspects of global changes. Increases in science and technology have afforded nations the ability to plan for the future by investing in adaptive and mitigative measures to monitor present and future changes. Just as the climatic and ecological impacts of climate change are unequally distributed, so is the adaptive capacity to cope with these impacts in different nations. Considering that wealth, infrastructure, and political stability all contribute to a nation's capacity to anticipate and respond to change. So, global South nations who are disadvantaged in these areas are faced with more inequalities and more unique adaptive strategies. There is need for increased aggregate efforts and interaction between scientists, stakeholders, and policy makers to improve both decision-making and global change in science. Scientists and researchers need to work on expanding the range of polices that are proposed, debated, and implemented. This way, novelty, new ideas and methodologies are infused into the society. At this point of multiple climate footprints, there is an immense need to explore all ideas evaluating their possibilities in presenting alternative futures, developing alternative policies, and adaptive options to solve the intractable ecological footprints of climate change.
Ecological Forest Management
by Jerry F. Franklin K. Norman Johnson Debora L. JohnsonFundamental changes have occurred in all aspects of forestry over the last 50 years, including the underlying science, societal expectations of forests and their management, and the evolution of a globalized economy. This textbook is an effort to comprehensively integrate this new knowledge of forest ecosystems and human concerns and needs into a management philosophy that is applicable to the vast majority of global forest lands. Ecological forest management (EFM) is focused on policies and practices that maintain the integrity of forest ecosystems while achieving environmental, economic, and cultural goals of human societies. EFM uses natural ecological models as its basis contrasting it with modern production forestry, which is based on agronomic models and constrained by required return-on-investment. The book concludes with an overview of how EFM can contribute to resolving major 21st century issues in forestry, including sustaining forest dependent societies.
Ecological Forest Management Handbook (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management)
by Guy R. LarocqueThe second edition of Ecological Forest Management Handbook continues to provide forestry professionals and students with basic principles of ecological forest management and their applications at regional and site-specific levels. Thoroughly updated and revised, the handbook addresses numerous topics and explains that ecological forest management is a complex process that requires broad ecological knowledge. It discusses how to develop adaptive management scenarios to harvest resources in a sustainable way and provide ecosystem services and social functions. It includes new studies on ecological indicators, the carbon cycle, and ecosystem simulation models for various forest types: boreal, temperate, and tropical forests.NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION Provides a comprehensive collection of sustainable forest management principles and their applications Covers new ecological indicators that can be applied to address forest environmental issues Includes all types of models: empirical, gap, and process-based models Explains several basic ecological and management concepts in a clear, easy-to- understand manner This handbook is intended for researchers, academics, professionals, and undergraduate and graduate students studying and/or involved in the management of forest ecosystems.Chapters 16 and 18 of this book are available for free in PDF format as Open Access from the individual product page at www.taylorfrancis.com. They have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
The Ecological Gardener: How to Create Beauty and Biodiversity from the Soil Up
by Matt Rees-WarrenDesign a garden for the future—because what we grow matters. "Matt Rees-Warren explains why every square inch of Earth, including our gardens, has ecological significance... Excellent, timely, essential!" —Douglas W. Tallamy, author of Nature’s Best Hope Transform your garden into a self-sustaining haven for nature and wildlife. Ecological garden designer Matt Rees-Warren shares inspirational design ideas and practical projects to help you create a garden that is both beautiful today and sustainable tomorrow. The Ecological Gardener will give you the tools to create an abundant, healthy garden from the soil up—a garden that welcomes birds and bees and allows native planting and wild flowers to flourish, with minimal carbon impact or need for fresh water. This book can guide both novice and experienced gardeners alike in their journey to a more ecological approach, and is full of practical projects and information, including: Finding the right design for your space Creating a wildflower meadow Building rainwater catchments and other tips for water conservation Making compost from kitchen waste, leaf mold, compost tea and more Creating a space for wildlife such as hedgehogs, bees and other pollinators Finding beauty in your garden during the winter Matt will show you how to re-imagine how you garden, working with nature instead of controlling it, to create a space that promotes both wildlife and beauty.
Ecological Genomics
by Christian R. Landry Nadia Aubin-HorthResearchers in the field of ecological genomics aim to determine how a genome or a population of genomes interacts with its environment across ecological and evolutionary timescales. Ecological genomics is trans-disciplinary by nature. Ecologists have turned to genomics to be able to elucidate the mechanistic bases of the biodiversity their research tries to understand. Genomicists have turned to ecology in order to better explain the functional cellular and molecular variation they observed in their model organisms. We provide an advanced-level book that covers this recent research and proposes future development for this field. A synthesis of the field of ecological genomics emerges from this volume. Ecological Genomics covers a wide array of organisms (microbes, plants and animals) in order to be able to identify central concepts that motivate and derive from recent investigations in different branches of the tree of life. Ecological Genomics covers 3 fields of research that have most benefited from the recent technological and conceptual developments in the field of ecological genomics: the study of life-history evolution and its impact of genome architectures; the study of the genomic bases of phenotypic plasticity and the study of the genomic bases of adaptation and speciation.
Ecological Impacts of Stone Mining: Assessment and Restoration of Soil, Water, Air and Flora
by Gulshan Kumar Sharma I. Rashmi Shakir Ali S. Kala Ashok Kumar M. MadhuThis edited book covers the impact of stone mining activities on soil, water, air, agriculture, vegetation, and policy aspects. It provides information on rehabilitation and restoration measures for stone mine spoil areas and other associated adverse impacts on human health caused by mining activities. Additionally, the book covers information related to the impact of stone mining on the socio-economic conditions of mining area inhabitants and appropriate government policies and support to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals-15.3 (SDG-15.3) for degraded stone mine spoil sites toward Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). The dumping of stone mine waste has many negative implications for the environment, soil, and natural resources. Although stone mining is the main source of livelihood for millions of people around the world and plays a crucial role in the economic development of many countries, it was estimated that nearly 4 million people die every year, especially in developing countries, due to environmental pollution from quarrying, sandblasting, and the emission of toxic gases. Mining leads to land degradation by the stacking of mine waste, loss of fertile topsoil and vegetation covers, abstraction and deterioration of the natural drainage system, deforestation, groundwater depletion, loss of plant and aquatic biodiversity, and public health issues. The book covers information about all aspects of dimensional stone mining activity and is a useful read for researchers, planners, capacity builders, scientists, and policymakers for achieving SDG 15.3. It would also be helpful for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, forestry, ecology, soil science, and environmental science disciplines.
Ecological Indicators for the Nation
by National Research CouncilEnvironmental indicators, such as global temperatures and pollutant concentrations, attract scientists' attention and often make the headlines. Equally important to policymaking are indicators of the ecological processes and conditions that yield food, fiber, building materials and ecological "services" such as water purification and recreation.This book identifies ecological indicators that can support U.S. policymaking and also be adapted to decisions at the regional and local levels. The committee describes indicators of land cover and productivity, species diversity, and other key ecological processes--explaining why each indicator is useful, what models support the indicator, what the measured values will mean, how the relevant data are gathered, how data collection might be improved, and what effects emerging technologies are likely to have on the measurements.The committee reviews how it arrived at its recommendations and explores how the indicators can contribute to policymaking. Also included are interesting details on paleoecology, satellite imagery, species diversity, and other aspects of ecological assessment.Federal, state, and local decisionmakers, as well as environmental scientists and practitioners, will be especially interested in this new book.
Ecological Informatics
by Friedrich Recknagel William K. MichenerEcological Informatics is defined as the design and application of computational techniques for ecological analysis, synthesis, forecasting and management. The book provides an introduction to the scope, concepts and techniques of this newly emerging discipline. It illustrates numerous applications of Ecological Informatics for stream systems, river systems, freshwater lakes and marine systems as well as image recognition at micro and macro scale. Case studies focus on applications of artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and adaptive agents to current ecological management issues such as toxic algal blooms, eutrophication, habitat degradation, conservation of biodiversity and sustainable fishery
Ecological Integrity and the Management of Ecosystems
by James Kay Steven WoodleyToday, efforts are being made to rehabilitate badly degraded ecosystems and protect areas which have important ecological value, such as national parks, critical fish and wildlife habitats, natural communities and endangered species.Since human values are an integral part of the decisions to protect or rehabilitate-the goals and objectives for such actions are often unclear. Concepts of "health," "integrity" and "diversity" express important values associated with management actions but they do not provide clear guidelines for these actions.The criteria developed and applied in this book provide guidelines and serve as a road map to anyone involved in ecosystem management-scientists, land managers and policy makers.
Ecological Integrity in Science and Law: Science, Ethics And The Law (Routledge Research In International Environmental Law Ser.)
by Laura Westra Klaus Bosselmann Matteo FermegliaThis book offers recent insights into some of the burning issues of our times: climate change, exposure to chemicals, refugee issues and the ecological harm that accompanies conflict situations. It brings together a group of pioneering scholars, mostly legal experts but also thinkers from various scientific disciplines, to discuss concerns from around the globe – from Australia and New Zealand, to Canada and the United States, European countries including Germany, Italy, Britain and the Czech Republic, as well as the African continent. Presenting the latest climate and ecology-related case law, as well as analyses of the conceptual issues that underlie international problems, it covers the extinction of species, the basic role of women and Indigenous peoples in protecting the environment, the failure of today’s states to protect the human right to a safe environment and public health, the harm arising from industrial food production, and the problems resulting from a growth-oriented economy. Lastly, the book examines various international legal principles and regulations that have been proposed to defend global ecological rights.
Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything
by null Daniel GolemanThe bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership now brings us Ecological Intelligence—revealing the hidden environmental consequences of what we make and buy, and how with that knowledge we can drive the essential changes we all must make to save our planet and ourselves.We buy “herbal” shampoos that contain industrial chemicals that can threaten our health or contaminate the environment. We dive down to see coral reefs, not realizing that an ingredient in our sunscreen feeds a virus that kills the reef. We wear organic cotton t-shirts, but don’t know that its dyes may put factory workers at risk for leukemia. In Ecological Intelligence, Daniel Goleman reveals why so many of the products that are labeled green are a “mirage,” and illuminates our wild inconsistencies in response to the ecological crisis.Drawing on cutting-edge research, Goleman explains why we as shoppers are in the dark over the hidden impacts of the goods and services we make and consume, victims of a blackout of information about the detrimental effects of producing, shipping, packaging, distributing, and discarding the goods we buy.But the balance of power is about to shift from seller to buyer, as a new generation of technologies informs us of the ecological facts about products at the point of purchase. This “radical transparency” will enable consumers to make smarter purchasing decisions, and will drive companies to rethink and reform their businesses, ushering in, Goleman claims, a new age of competitive advantage.
Ecological Intensification of Natural Resources for Sustainable Agriculture
by Manoj Kumar Jhariya Ram Swaroop Meena Arnab BanerjeeEcological intensification involves using natural resources such as land, water, soil nutrients, and other biotic and abiotic variables in a sustainable way to achieve high performance and efficiency in agricultural yield with minimal damage to the agroecosystems. With increasing food demand there is high pressure on agricultural systems. The concept of ecological intensification presents the mechanisms of ensuring high agricultural productivity by restoration the soil health and landscape ecosystem services. The approach involves the replacement of anthropogenic inputs with eco-friendly and sustainable alternates. Effective ecological intensification requires an understanding of ecosystems services, ecosystem's components, and flow of resources in the agroecosystems. Also, awareness of land use patterns, socio-economic factors, and needs of the farmer community plays a crucial role. It is therefore essential to understand the interaction of ecosystem constituents within the extensive agricultural landscape. The editors critically examined the status of ecological stress in agroecosystems and address the issue of ecological intensification for natural resources management. Drawing upon research and examples from around the world, the book is offering an up-to-date account, and insight into the approaches that can be put in practice for poly-cropping systems and landscape-scale management to increase the stability of agricultural production systems to achieve ‘Ecological resilience’. It further discusses the role of farmer communities and the importance of their awareness about the issues. This book will be of interest to teachers, researchers, climate change scientists, capacity builders, and policymakers. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, forestry, ecology, agronomy, soil science, and environmental sciences. National and international agricultural scientists, policymakers will also find this to be a useful read for green future.
Ecological Interactions And Biological Control
by David A. Andow David W. Ragsdale Robert F. NyvallRecent interest in nonchemical methods of pest control has brought renewed attention to the biological control of plant pests in the fields of entomology, plant pathology, and weed science. Ecological Interactions and Biological Control addresses issues of theory and practice common to all three fields. Focusing on systems rather than on individual
Ecological Interplays in Microbial Enzymology (Environmental and Microbial Biotechnology)
by Naga Raju Maddela Aransiola Sesan Abiodun Ram PrasadThis contributed volume compiles the latest developments in the field of microbial enzymology. It focuses on topics such as distribution of microbial enzymes in natural habitats, microbial enzymes in environmental sustainability, and environmental disturbances on microbial enzymes, which are organized into three parts, respectively. Ranging from micro-scale studies to macro, it covers a huge domain of microbial enzymes and their interplay between the components of the environment. Overall, the book portrays the importance of microbial enzyme technology and its role in solving the problems in modern-day life. The book is a ready reference for practicing students and researchers in environmental engineering, chemical engineering, agricultural engineering, and other allied fields.
Ecological Liberation Theology
by William Holden Kathleen Nadeau Emma PorioClimate change-related effects and aftermaths of natural disasters, such as Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, have wreaked havoc on local peoples' lives and livelihoods, especially in impoverished coastal communities. This book looks at local-level responses to the effects of climate change from the perspective of ecological theology and feminism, which provides a solution-based and gender-equitable approach to some of the problems of climate change. It examines how local social and religious action workers are partnering with local communities to transform and reconstruct their lives and livelihoods in the 21st century.
Ecological Limits of Development: Living with the Sustainable Development Goals (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)
by Stephen Quilley Kaitlin KishEmbracing the reality of biophysical limits to growth, this volume uses the technical tools from ecological economics to recast the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as Ecological Livelihood Goals – policy agendas and trajectories that seek to reconcile the social and spatial mobility and liberty of individuals, with both material security and ecological integrity. Since the 1970s, mainstream approaches to sustainable development have sought to reconcile ecological constraints with modernization through much vaunted and seldom demonstrated strategies of ‘decoupling’ and ‘dematerialization’. In this context, the UN SDGs have become the orchestrating drivers of sustainability governance. However, biophysical limits are not so easily sidestepped. Building on an ecological- economic critique of mainstream economics and a historical- sociological understanding of state formation, this book explores the implications of ecological limits for modern progressive politics. Each chapter outlines leverage points for municipal engagement in local and regional contexts. Systems theory and community development perspectives are used to explore under- appreciated avenues for the kind of social and cultural change that would be necessary for any accommodation between modernity and ecological limits. Drawing on ideas from H.T. Odum, Herman Daly, Zigmunt Bauman, and many others, this book provides guiding research for a convergence between North and South that is bottom-up, household-centred, and predicated on a re- emerging domain of Livelihood. In each chapter, the authors provide recommendations for reconfiguring the UN’s SDGs as Ecological Livelihood Goals – a framework for sustainable development in an era of limits. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of ecological economics, socio- ecological systems, political economy, international and community development, global governance, and sustainable development.
Ecological Living
by John GusdorfThis book emphasizes how we already have the technologies available, including renewable energy and the ability to recycle most materials, to make ecological living possible and that perceived barriers to energy transitions can be overcome. Human life relies upon two systems: the biosphere and the system that produces our goods and services. Today, these two systems are in conflict, and we all face the question of whether we can stop damaging our environment while still supplying the essential goods and services we have come to depend on. Ecological Living presents an optimistic vision of our future by showing how decoupling the productive system from resource extraction is possible, and how this is a key means of achieving an equitable world within environmental limits. For long-term sustainability, the book argues that we must become more efficient in the use of our resources so that resource extraction, and the accompanying environmental costs, can be reduced. Demonstrating the essential steps towards a just and sustainable world, Ecological Living will be of great interest to all students, academics, and policymakers working in the field of environment and sustainability.
Ecological Methods
by T. R. Southwood Peter A. Henderson4th edition of this classic Ecology text Computational methods have largely been replaced by descriptions of the available software Includes procedure information for R software and other freely available software systems Now includes web references for equipment, software and detailed methodologies
Ecological Modeling: A Common-Sense Approach to Theory and Practice
by William E. Grant Todd M. SwannackEcological Modeling:A Commonsense Approach to Theory and Practice explores how simulation modeling and its new ecological applications can offer solutions to complex natural resource management problems. This is a practical guide for students, teachers, and professional ecologists. Examines four phases of the modeling process: conceptual model formulation, quantitative model specification, model evaluation, and model use Provides useful building blocks for constructing systems simulation models Includes a format for reporting the development and use of simulation models Offers an integrated systems perspective for students, faculty, and professionals Features helpful insights from the author, gained over 30 years of university teaching "I can strongly recommend the book as textbook for all courses in population dynamic modeling particularly when the course is planned for the second or third year of a bachelor study in ecology, environmental science or ecological engineering. It uncovers very clearly for the readers the scientific idea and thinking behind modeling and all the necessary steps in the development of models." Ecological Modeling Journal, 2009
Ecological Modeling: In a Resource Management Framework (Routledge Revivals)
by Clifford S. RussellThis volume, originally published in 1975, grew out of Resources for the Future’s involvement as a consultant to the Marine Ecosystem Analysis programme management within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency. Here, researchers look at the state of the art in aquatic ecological modelling in a resource management context. Although the aim of the research in this volume is specific, the models used can be applied in broader contexts and provide conceptual frameworks for regional residuals-environmental quality management and other ecological modelling. This title is suitable for students interested in Environmental Studies.
Ecological Modelling of River-Wetland Systems: A Case Study for the Abras de Mantequilla Wetland in Ecuador (IHE Delft PhD Thesis Series)
by Maria Gabriela Alvarez MielesAround 6% of the Earth's land surface is covered by wetlands. Wetlands play a key role in hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, delivering multiple benefits to society: sources of water supply, flood regulation, water purification, agriculture, fisheries, and biodiversity. Hence, wetland systems are of immense socio-economic as well as ecological importance. In this research, the focus was on the Abras de Mantequilla (AdM) wetland in the tropical coastal region of Ecuador, a RAMSAR site and case study area for the EU-FP7 WETwin project. The research in this thesis involves a combination of field data collection, multivariate analysis techniques, as well as numerical modelling studies. The goal was to explore the effects of changes in hydrological forcing on the hydrodynamic and ecohydraulic responses of the wetland. The study aims to contribute to the understanding of how a tropical river-wetland system functions in terms of hydrodynamics, water quality, primary production, and biotic communities. Spatial patterns of biotic communities and environmental variables are obtained as well as spatio-temporal variability of hydrodynamics, water quality, primary productivity and fish habitat-suitability conditions. In data scarce areas and countries with financial constraints, the combination of field measurements with numerical models was extremely useful and relevant, confirming that these techniques complement each other in obtaining a better understanding of the dynamics of freshwater river–wetland systems. Studies like the present research can be used to enhance awareness about the environmental services of wetlands and stimulate cooperation between all stakeholders in order to achieve more sustainable wetland management.