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Showing 21,901 through 21,925 of 82,525 results

Ecologist-Developed Spatially-Explicit Dynamic Landscape Models

by James D. Westervelt Gordon L. Cohen

This book is written for ecologists interested in capturing their understandings of how natural systems work in software - to help inform their work and communicate the consequences of proposed management plans. Historically, ecologists had to rely on the skills of trained computer programmers to modeling natural systems, but now a new generation of software is allowing ecologists to directly capture their understandings of systems in software. This book is a compilation of spatially explicit simulation models developed by ecologists and planners without any formal computer programming skills. Readers will be inspired to believe that they too can create similar models of the systems with which they are familiar.

Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems (Springer-lehrbuch Ser.)

by Michael Begon Colin R. Townsend

A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a review of the ecological sciences. The previous editions of this book earned the authors the prestigious ‘Exceptional Life-time Achievement Award’ of the British Ecological Society – the aim for the fifth edition is not only to maintain standards but indeed to enhance its coverage of Ecology. In the first edition, 34 years ago, it seemed acceptable for ecologists to hold a comfortable, objective, not to say aloof position, from which the ecological communities around us were simply material for which we sought a scientific understanding. Now, we must accept the immediacy of the many environmental problems that threaten us and the responsibility of ecologists to play their full part in addressing these problems. This fifth edition addresses this challenge, with several chapters devoted entirely to applied topics, and examples of how ecological principles have been applied to problems facing us highlighted throughout the remaining nineteen chapters. Nonetheless, the authors remain wedded to the belief that environmental action can only ever be as sound as the ecological principles on which it is based. Hence, while trying harder than ever to help improve preparedness for addressing the environmental problems of the years ahead, the book remains, in its essence, an exposition of the science of ecology. This new edition incorporates the results from more than a thousand recent studies into a fully up-to-date text. Written for students of ecology, researchers and practitioners, the fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems is anessential reference to all aspects of ecology and addresses environmental problems of the future.


by William D. Bowman Sally D. Hacker

The bestselling textbook for undergraduate ecology courses, Ecology is an easy-to-read and well-organized text for instructors and students to explore the basics of the field. Bowman and Hacker motivate students with an engaging case study-driven, conceptual approach that highlights relevant applications and data-driven examples. The new fifth edition is available in a dynamic and interactive Enhanced eBook at an affordable price.


by William Bowman Sally Hacker

Ecology is an easy-to-read and well-organized text for instructors and students to explore the basics and promote ecological literacy. Ecology, Sixth Edition, introduces readers to the beauty of nature and the importance of ecology and provides content in a way that engages students without overwhelming them in the process. The authors motivate students with an engaging case-study conceptual approach that highlights relevant applications and data-driven examples.

Ecology: principles and applications

by J. L. Chapman M. A. M. J. Reiss

Ecology: Principles and Applications is a comprehensive textbook for A-level students and first-year undergraduates taking courses in biology, geography and Earth sciences, who require an introduction to ecology. Studies of human ecology are integrated into the text, and the links to related disciplines are emphasised. The text begins with the ecology of individual organisms and moves on, through communities and ecosystems, to global considerations of biogeography, co-evolution and conservation. Case histories, historical perspectives, controversial theories and extension material are highlighted throughout the book. The second edition has been brought up to date with current syllabuses by the addition of further material on the key issue of conservation, giving excellent coverage of the principles of conservation and using case studies to provide examples of conservation policies in practice. The authors are experienced teachers of ecology at sixth form and undergraduate level.


by Glencoe McGraw-Hill Staff

Glencoe Science: Ecology, a module in the Glencoe Science 15 book series, provides students with accurate and comprehensive coverage of middle school National Science Education Standards. Concepts are explained in a clear, concise manner, and are integrat

Ecology: Earth's Living Resources

by Prentice Hall

Throughout your study of science, you will learn a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts. Each new topic you encounter will provide its own collection of words and ideas--which, at times, you may think seem endless. But each of the ideas within a particular topic is related in some way to the others. No concept in science is isolated. Thus it will help you to understand the topic if you see the whole picture; that is, the interconnectedness of all the individual terms and ideas. This is a much more effective and satisfying way of learning than memorizing separate facts.

Ecology: Concepts And Applications (Seventh Edition)

by Manuel C. Molles

Ecology: Concepts and Applications by Molles places great emphasis on helping students grasp the main concepts of ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary perspective forms the foundation of the entire discussion. The book begins with the natural history of the planet, considers portions of the whole in the middle chapters, and ends with another perspective of the entire planet in the concluding chapter. Its unique organization of focusing only on several key concepts in each chapter sets it apart from other ecology texts. Users who purchase Connect Plus receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.

Ecology: The Economy of Nature

by Rick Relyea Robert Ricklefs

This landmark text helped to define introductory ecology courses for over four decades. With a dramatic transformation, Ecology: The Economy of Nature, Seventh Edition becomes the first textbook to fully embrace the challenges and opportunities of teaching ecology today. The text maintains its signature evolutionary perspective and emphasis on the quantitative aspects of the field, but it has been completely rewritten for today's undergraduates--with extensive new pedagogy, fresh examples (including more aquatic coverage), and fully integrated media resources.

Ecology: Concepts and Applications

by Anna A. Sher Manuel C. Molles

Ecology: Concepts and Applications was written for students taking their first undergraduate course in ecology. The authors have assumed that students in this one-semester course have some knowledge of basic chemistry and mathematics and have had a course in general biology, which included introductions to evolution, physiology, and biological diversity.

The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians

by Kentwood D. Wells

The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians aims to fill this gap in the literature on this remarkable taxon. It is a celebration of the diversity of amphibian life and the ecological and behavioral adaptations that have made it a successful component of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Ecology and Behaviour of the Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae)

by I. Hodek A. Honek H. F. van Emden

Ladybirds are probably the best known predators of aphids and coccids in the world, though this greatly underestimates the diversity of their biology. Maximising their impact on their prey is an important element in modern conservation biological control of indigenous natural enemies in contrast to the classical approach of releasing alien species. Ivo Hodek is one of the most internationally respected experts on coccinellids who has researched these insects for his entire career. He has now brought together 14 scientists of international standing to author 12 chapters, making this book the definitive treatment of coccinellid biology and ecology. This volume covers the rapid scientific developments of recent years in the understanding of coccinellid phylogeny, the semiochemicals influencing their behaviour and of molecular genetics. Recent insights in relation to intraguild predation and the assessment of the predatory impact of coccinellids are also covered. Other special features of the volume are the extensive references covering the literature from both East and West and a taxonomic glossary of the up-to-date nomenclature for species of coccinellids as well as of other organisms mentioned in the text. While aimed at researchers, university teachers and agricultural entomologists, the book is readable and appropriate for others who just have a liking for these interesting and attractive insects.

Ecology and Biomechanics: A Mechanical Approach to the Ecology of Animals and Plants

by Anthony Herrel Thomas Speck Nicholas P. Rowed

We live in a well-engineered universe. This engineering is present in every system and organism in existence, including in the actions and interactions of plants and animals. In fact, one could say that the function and movement of plants and animals is just as much a part of their makeup as chlorophyll and fiber or bone and blood. Consequently, if

Ecology and Conservation of Estuarine Ecosystems

by Renzo Perissinotto Derek D. Stretch Ricky H. Taylor Renzo Perissinotto Derek D. Stretch

St Lucia is the world's oldest protected estuary and Africa's largest estuarine system. It is also the centerpiece of South Africa's first UNESCO World Heritage Site, the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, and has been a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance since 1986. Knowledge of its biodiversity, geological origins, hydrology, hydrodynamics and the long history of management is unique in the world. However, the impact of global change has culminated in unprecedented challenges for the conservation and management of the St Lucia system, leading to the recent initiation of a project in support of its rehabilitation and long-term sustainability. This timely volume provides a unique source of information on the functioning and management of the estuary for researchers, students and environmental managers. The insights and experiences described build on over 60 years of study and management at the site and will serve as a valuable model for similar estuaries around the world.

Ecology and Conservation of Fishes

by Harold M. Tyus

Written as a stand-alone textbook for students and a useful reference for professionals in government and private agencies, academic institutions, and consultants, Ecology and Conservation of Fishes provides broad, comprehensive, and systematic coverage of all aquatic systems from the mountains to the oceans. The book begins with overview discussio

Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation )

by Robert J. Fuller Grzegorz Mikusiński Jean-Michel Roberge

Ecology and Conservation of Forest Birds is a unique review of the current understanding of the relationships between forest birds and their changing environments. Large ecological changes are being driven by forest management, climate change, introduced pests and pathogens, abiotic disturbances, and overbrowsing. Many forest bird species have suffered population declines, with the situation being particularly severe for birds dependent on attributes such as dead wood, old trees and structurally complex forests. With a focus on the non-tropical parts of the northern hemisphere, the text addresses the fundamental evolutionary and ecological aspects of forest birds using original data analyses and synthesising reviews. The characteristics of bird assemblages and their habitats in different European forest types are explored, together with the macroecological patterns of bird diversity and conservation issues. The book provides a valuable reference for ecologists, ornithologists, conservation professionals, forest industry employees, and those interested in birds and nature.

Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Studies in Avian Biology)

by David A. Haukos Clint W. Boal

Shortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the edited book categoryLesser Prairie-Chickens have experienced substantial declines in terms of population and the extent of area that they occupy. While they are an elusive species, making it difficult at times to monitor them, current evidence indicates that they have been persistently

Ecology and Conservation of Mountaintop grasslands in Brazil

by Geraldo Wilson Fernandes

This book is a pioneer attempt to bring forward the first synthesis on the most diverse and threatened mountain top vegetation of South America, the rupestrian grasslands. It brings to light the state of the art information on this ecosystem geology, soil formation and distribution, environmental filters that lead to biodiversity, species interactions and their fine tuned adaptations to survive the harsh mountain environment. The human dimensions of the rupestrian grassland are also addressed, including the anthropogenic threats that may irreversibly impact biodiversity and ecosystem services. The book also highlights the ongoing studies on ecological restoration and first attempt to model the impacts of climate change on its speciose biota.

Ecology and Conservation of North American Sea Ducks (Studies in Avian Biology)

by Jean-Pierre L. Savard Dirk V. Derksen Dan Esler John M. Eadie

The past decade has seen a huge increase in the interest and attention directed toward sea ducks, the Mergini tribe. This has been inspired, in large part, by the conservation concerns associated with numerical declines in several sea duck species and populations, as well as a growing appreciation for their interesting ecological attributes. Reflec

Ecology and Conservation of Pinnipeds in Latin America

by Gisela Heckel Yolanda Schramm

Pinnipeds are marine mammals that include eared seals, true seals, and walruses. This book presents detailed reviews on the ecology and conservation of 10 pinniped species along the coasts and islands in Latin America, from Mexico to Chile and Argentina. Topics covered include their population dynamics, trophic ecology, reproduction, and behavior. In addition, the book addresses major conservation issues regarding climate change, interaction with fisheries, ecotourism, and other human activities.

Ecology and Conservation of the Diamond-backed Terrapin

by Willem M. Roosenburg and Victor S. Kennedy

A fascinating look at the diamond-backed terrapin—an important, iconic, and imperiled American reptile.The diamond-backed terrapin is not only a uniquely evolved and beautiful turtle, it also has a long history as a vital American food source. Once so numerous that people reportedly grew tired of eating them, diamond-backed terrapins are greatly reduced in numbers today and have become an icon of salt marsh conservation. Considerably diminished in some areas and struggling to survive, this distinctive brackish water turtle is the focus of intense conservation efforts. In Ecology and Conservation of the Diamond-backed Terrapin, leading terrapin researcher Willem M. Roosenburg and experienced science editor Victor S. Kennedy have brought together a group of expert scientists to summarize our current understanding of terrapin biology, physiology, behavior, and conservation efforts. Over the course of 19 comprehensive chapters, contributors • review the latest information on this charismatic species • provide a detailed summary of the terrapin's natural history • explain the threats to terrapin population stability throughout their range• examine ongoing conservation efforts to ensure the reptile's survival• present convincing arguments for the value of the diamond-backed terrapin as an estuarine indicator organism• use the terrapin as a model for studying the consequences of exploitation and environmental degradation on long-lived speciesThis exceptional book provides pivotal information for estuarine and turtle biologists, terrapin enthusiasts, natural historians, educators, conservationists, resource managers, and students. Ecology and Conservation of the Diamond-backed Terrapin is the definitive volume on this important American reptile.Contributors: Benjamin K. Atkinson, Harold W. Avery, Patrick J. Baker, Ralph E.J. Boerner, Russell L. Burke, Joseph A. Butler, Randolph M. Chambers, Paul E. Converse, Brian A. Crawford, Rusty D. Day, Dana J. Ehret, J. Whitfield Gibbons, Kathryn M. Greene, Leigh Anne Harden, Andrew S. Harrison, Kristen M. Hart, George L. Heinrich, Dawn K. Holliday, Victor S. Kennedy, Shawn R. Kuchta, Lori A. Lester, Jeffrey E. Lovich, John C. Maerz, David Owens, Allen R. Place, Taylor Roberge, Willem M. Roosenburg, Richard A. Seigel, Amanda Southwood Williard, Edward A. Standora, Anton D. Tucker, Diane C. Tulipani, Timothy J. Walsh, Thane Wibbels, Will Williams, Roger C. Wood

Ecology and Conservation of the Maned Wolf: Multidisciplinary Perspectives

by Adriana G. Consorte-McCrea Eliana Ferraz Santos

Wolves are controversial figures worldwide and much effort has focused on how to conserve them while addressing public concerns. With its solitary habits and fruit-eating diet, the endangered maned wolf roams the South American grasslands and swamps, playing a vital part in maintaining biodiversity hotspots. In recent years, much effort has focused on the discussion of how to conserve large carnivores, such as wolves, while addressing public concerns. Gathering the work of leading researchers from diverse areas and countries, this book covers up-to-date research on the biology, ecology, and conservation of the maned wolf. It presents innovative insights that can benefit conservation strategies (in and ex situ health, feeding ecology, distribution, and people's attitudes) and offers diverse perspectives for the future of the species (education, human dimensions, ethnoconservation, and habitat studies).

Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia: Dugongs and Manatees

by Thomas J. O'Shea Helene Marsh John E. Reynolds III

Dugongs and manatees, the only fully aquatic herbivorous mammals, live in the coastal waters, rivers and lakes of more than 80 subtropical and tropical countries. Symbols of fierce conservation battles, sirenian populations are threatened by multiple global problems. Providing comparative information on all four surviving species, this book synthesises the ecological and related knowledge pertinent to understanding the biology and conservation of the sirenia. It presents detailed scientific summaries, covering sirenian feeding biology; reproduction and population dynamics; behavioural ecology; habitat requirements and threats to their continued existence. Outlining the current conservation status of the sirenian taxa, this unique study will equip researchers and professionals with the scientific knowledge required to develop proactive, precautionary and achievable strategies to conserve dugongs and manatees. Supplementary material is available online at:

Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Marine Faunal Communities

by K. Venkataraman C. Sivaperuman C. Raghunathan

This book provides insights into various aspects of marine faunal communities in India, which are extremely diverse due to the geomorphologic and climatic variations along the Indian coasts. Consisting of 30 chapters by experts in their respective fields, it is divided into two parts: · Part I: Tropical Marine Faunal Communities · Part II: Ecology and Conservation Part I highlights the diversity and distribution of Foraminifera; sponges associated with seagrass; Polychaeta; Opisthobranchia; oysters; copepods; horseshoe and brachyuran crabs; echinoderms; ascidians; fishes; fish parasites; and sea mammals. Topics of Part II include the status and environmental parameters of benthos; the status of coral reefs; the invasion of snowflake coral; the recovery of bleached corals; the socioeconomics and management of dugong; marine biodiversity conservation and management in India; the assessment of the marine fauna of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act; and marine biodiversity protected areas in India. This book will serve as a valuable reference work for marine scientists, as well as for environmental managers and policy makers.

Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Ungulates in Latin America

by Sonia Gallina-Tessaro

This book brings together the latest information on tropical ungulates in different Latin American countries. These animals are not only important from the point of view of their role in different ecosystems, but also have cultural value for people. The book also discusses topics such as habitat transformation and hunting as these species are an important source of food in many places. Addressing ungulate natural communities in diverse ecosystems and countries, the book provides information on specific aspects of each of the most representative species, and highlights topics to help readers better understand these species and develop effective management and conservation strategies. The information presented also reveals the need for more knowledge and will hopefully provide the incentive for continued studies on this important group of animals. This publication serves as a reference for academic research on ungulate ecology, behavior and dynamics, as well as the basis for conservation strategies.

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