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Ecology, Systematics, and the Natural History of Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

by Donald A. Yee

The 2nd edition of this comprehensive book provides one of the most complete overviews of the aquatic beetles in the family Dytiscidae, also known as predaceous diving beetles. Dytiscids constitute one of the largest families of freshwater insects with approximately 4,650 named species that come in a variety of sizes, colors, and habitat affinities. Although dytiscid adults and larvae are ubiquitous throughout a variety of aquatic habitats, and are important predators on other aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates, there are no compilations that have focused on summarizing the knowledge on aspects of their ecology, systematics, and biology. Chapters in this book summarize hitherto scattered topics, including their anatomy and habitats, chemical and community ecology, phylogenies and larval morphology including chaetotaxy, sexual systems, predation, dispersal, conservation, and cultural and historical aspects. The 2nd edition offers updates on the newest scientific findings on dytiscids and also includes a new chapter on the subterranean fauna from Australia. The information in this new edition is potentially beneficial to anyone working in aquatic systems where dytiscids are an important part of the food web. Moreover, readers will gain a greater appreciation of dytiscids as model organisms for investigations of fundamental principles derived from ecological and evolutionary theory. Contributed chapters are by authors who are actively engaged in studying dytiscids, and each chapter provides color photos and future directions for research.

Ecology Third Edition

by Michael L. Cain William D. Bowman Sally D. Hacker

The new Third Edition of Ecology remains focused on the primary goal of this bestselling book: to be the best teaching tool possible for students taking their first course in ecology. Toward that end, the authors updated, replaced, or cut sections of the text as appropriate, and they added a new chapter on Behavioral Ecology, an exciting and growing subfield of ecology that always draws high levels of student.

EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think, to Create the World We Want

by Frances Moore Lappe

In Eco Mind, Frances Moore Lappé-a giant of the environmental movement-confronts accepted wisdom of environmentalism. Drawing on the latest research from anthropology to neuroscience and her own field experience, she argues that the biggest challenge to human survival isn’t our fossil fuel dependency, melting glaciers, or other calamities. Rather, it’s our faulty way of thinking about these environmental crises that robs us of power. Lappé dismantles seven common "thought traps”-from limits to growth to the failings of democracy- that belie what we now know about nature, including our own, and offers contrasting "thought leaps” that reveal our hidden power. Like her Diet for a Small Planet classic, Eco Mind is challenging, controversial and empowering.

Ecomorphology of Cyclorrhaphan Larvae (Zoological Monographs #4)

by Graham E. Rotheray

This book offers an overview of the larva of Diptera Cyclorrhapha. It first discusses the principal forms, functions and roles of larvae, and then evaluates feeding, locomotion and respiration in larval saprophages, phytophages and zoophages as keys to understanding and predicting larval morphology. It also highlights how the environment affects morphology, the adaptiveness of morphological features and compares the adaptive features. Assessing the larval attributes that have the potential to explain the success of the Cyclorrhapha, the book also suggests future research directions and provides a summary of main findings and conclusions. As such, it appeals to entomologists, evolutionary biologists and Diptera researchers in all fields.

Econodynamics: The Theory of Social Production

by Vladimir N. Pokrovskii

In this book the theory of social production is systematically formulated in terms and concepts of classical political economy and neo-classical economics. In this way the subject becomes accessible not only to professional researchers in areas of the theory of production and economic growth, but also to the educated reader who is curious about the principles behind the functioning of a national economy. The book can be considered as an introduction for students with a background in physics, chemistry and engineering, who wish to specialize in economics. It is explained how the growth of production is connected with achievements in technological consumption of labour and energy. The theory allows one to analyse the past and the present of the social production system and to build scripts of the future progress. The book could be interesting for energy specialists who are engaged in planning and analysing production and consumption of energy carriers and determining energy policy, and for economists who want to know how energy and technology are affecting economic growth.

Econometric Analysis of Carbon Markets: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme and the Clean Development Mechanism

by Julien Chevallier

Through analysis of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), this book demonstrates how to use a variety of econometric techniques to analyze the evolving and expanding carbon markets sphere, techniques that can be extrapolated to the worldwide marketplace. It features stylized facts about carbon markets from an economics perspective, as well as covering key aspects of pricing strategies, risk and portfolio management.

Econometrics of Green Energy Handbook: Economic and Technological Development

by Muhammad Shahbaz Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente

This book gathers cutting-edge studies on the relationship between energy innovations, economic growth, environmental regulation, promotion of renewable energy use, and climate change. Building on the research discussed in the editor’s previous book Decarbonization and Energy Technology in the Era of Globalization, it discusses recent developments such as the impacts of globalization and energy efficiency on economic growth and environmental quality. It also explores the ways in which globalization has benefited green energy development, e.g. the expansion of new technologies and cleaner machinery, as well as the problems it has caused. Written by respected experts, the respective contributions address topics including econometric modelling of the behaviour of and dynamics between economic growth and environmental quality, aspects of energy production and consumption, oil prices, economic growth, trade openness, environmental quality, regulatory measures, and innovations in the energy sector. Providing a comprehensive overview of the latest research, the book offers a valuable reference guide for researchers, policymakers, practitioners and students in the fields of renewable energy development and economics.

Economic Adjustment And Conversion Of Defense Industries

by John E. Lynch

Defense plant cutbacks and military base closures have affected hundreds of U.S. communities during the past twenty-five years. Tracing the recovery of four communities after large defense plant cutbacks and of one hundred communities after military base closures, the contributors analyze the transition from the production of military to civilian goods. The contributors examine the market potential of reusing defense industrial plants to produce civilian products within the one- to two-year period called for by economic conversion proponents, showing that the complex process needed to develop, test, and market an entirely new product requires a minimum of five years. They also review the wide range of economic development techniques available at the state and local level, conversion approaches in Western Europe, programs for displaced workers, and reasons why the economic conversion approach has failed to attract public support in the United States. The case studies are used to formulate an integrated, composite approach for coping with plant closures and major employment dislocations. Stressing the in portance of community-based economic adjustment activities, this book will be valuable to all concerned with mitigating the effects of military and civilian plant closures.

Economic Analysis of Diversity in Modern Wheat

by Erika C.H. Meng John P. Brennan

Scientific breeding in the twentieth century greatly accelerated wheat`s evolution, producing high-yielding varieties that helped avoid famine in many developing countries. Emerging scientific tools hold promise for identifying and tapping new, useful genetic diversity within wheat`s primary and secondary gene pools and, through genetic engineering, beyond.The book describes generally how policies affect wheat genetic diversity; it looks at historical changes in wheat genetic diversity, as policy and priorities have evolved; it identifies factors that explain changes and differences in spatial diversity; and finally, it analyzes the productivity impacts of changes in diversity. Chapters define various types of crop genetic diversity and ways to measure them, framing the definitions and metrics in the contexts for which they are most relevant.

Economic Analysis of Fermentation Processes (Routledge Revivals)

by Harold B. Reisman

Published in 1988: It is the purpose of this book to outline and detail the many steps which are involved in bringing a fermentation product to market.

Economic Analysis of Oil and Gas Engineering Operations

by Hussein K. Abdel-Aal

Engineers seek solutions to problems, and the economic viability of each potential solution is normally considered along with the technical merits. This is typically true for the petroleum sector, which includes the global processes of exploration, production, refining, and transportation. Decisions on an investment in any oil or gas field development are made on the basis of its value, which is judged by a combination of a number of economic indicators. Economic Analysis of Oil and Gas Engineering Operations focuses on economic treatment of petroleum engineering operations and serves as a helpful resource for making practical and profitable decisions in oil and gas field development. Reflects major changes over the past decade or so in the oil and gas industry Provides thorough coverage of the use of economic analysis techniques in decision-making in petroleum-related projects Features real-world cases and applications of economic analysis of various engineering problems encountered in petroleum operations Includes principles applicable to other engineering disciplines This work will be of value to practicing engineers and industry professionals, managers, and executives working in the petroleum industry who have the responsibility of planning and decision-making, as well as advanced students in petroleum and chemical engineering studying engineering economics, petroleum economics and policy, project evaluation, and plant design.

Economic and Ecological Significance of Arthropods in Diversified Ecosystems

by Akshay Kumar Chakravarthy Shakunthala Sridhara

Arthropods are invertebrates that constitute over 90% of the animal kingdom, and their bio-ecology is closely linked with global functioning and survival. Arthropods play an important role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, provide livelihoods and nutrition to human communities, and are important indicators of environmental change. Yet the population trends of several arthropods species show them to be in decline. Arthropods constitute a dominant group with 1. 2 million species influencing earth's biodiversity. Among arthropods, insects are predominant, with ca. 1 million species and having evolved some 350 million years ago. Arthropods are closely associated with living and non-living entities alike, making the ecosystem services they provide crucially important. In order to be effective, plans for the conservation of arthropods and ecosystems should include a mixture of strategies like protecting key habitats and genomic studies to formulate relevant policies for in situ and ex situ conservation. This two-volume book focuses on capturing the essentials of arthropod inventories, biology, and conservation. Further, it seeks to identify the mechanisms by which arthropod populations can be sustained in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and by means of which certain problematic species be managed without producing harmful environmental side-effects. This edited compilation includes chapters contributed by over 80 biologists on a wide range of topics embracing the diversity, distribution, utility and conservation of arthropods and select groups of insect taxa. More importantly, it describes in detail the mechanisms of sustaining arthropod ecosystems, services and populations. It addresses the contribution of modern biological tools such as molecular and genetic techniques regulating gene expression, as well as conventional, indigenous practices in arthropod conservation. The contributors reiterate the importance of documenting and understanding the biology of arthropods from a holistic perspective before addressing conservation issues at large. This book offers a valuable resource for all zoologists, entomologists, ecologists, conservation biologists, policy makers, teachers and students interested in the conservation of biological resources.

Economic and Environmental Impact of Free Trade in East and South East Asia

by Kakali Mukhopadhyay Paul J. Thomassin

In recent years, the East and South East Asian region has witnessed a rapid expansion of regional economic cooperation through bilateral and plurilateral free trade agreements. The current book attempts to comprehensively analyze the economic and environmental impacts of regional economic integration in East and South East Asia to the year 2020. This region has some of the fastest growing economies of the world. A global economic model was used to undertake the analysis. A rare feature of the book is the detailed environmental implications of the Regional Trade Agreements focusing on air, water, and waste pollution. Economic integration among the East and South East Asian region has been an important agenda item for the academic and policy communities in recent years. The study provides insight into pursuing a concrete multilateral trade liberalization policy (combining ASEAN and other countries in East Asia) and throws more light on the on-going trade and environment debate. This book will be a good addition to the field of trade and the environment. The academic community - primarily researchers and policy makers, and world bodies, such as the WTO, ADB and the World Bank, will benefit from the book.

Economic Development, Crime, and Policing: Global Perspectives (International Police Executive Symposium Co-Publications)

by Frederic Lemieux Garth Den Heyer Dilip K. Das

The 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Police Executive Symposium was held in August 2012 at the United Nations Plaza in New York. Chaired by Dr. Garth den Heyer, the symposium focused on the links between economic development, armed violence, and public safety. Drawn from these proceedings, Economic Development, Crime, and Policing: Global P

Economic Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Economic Ethics: A Review with Regard to Climate Change – Figures in the Sustainability Discourse (Environmental Humanities: Transformation, Governance, Ethics, Law)

by Felix Ekardt

With cost-benefit analysis, economic sciences cultivate a specific decision-making procedure, which has also been partially adopted in politics. Although economists do not experience the approach as normative, on closer examination the approach can be identified as an economic ethics. The present philosophical and at the same time transdisciplinary (with special legal and economic components) treatment examines the persuasive power of this approach using climate change as an example, as the most important sustainability issue. The objections raised against the economisation of decision-making with regard to the utilitarian tradition, such as the criticism of the orientation towards weighing up options, the alleged lack of distributive justice or the tendency to describe people in behavioural science as selfish, are hardly or not at all convincing on closer examination. In several respects, however, it turns out that cost-benefit analysis faces insoluble problems. Firstly, the theoretical basis of (hidden normative) cost-benefit analysis in philosophical empiricism does not seem tenable. This means the idea of empiricism that normative questions must be transformed into questions of factual (countable and reproduceable) preferences of people. Secondly, there are massive collisions of cost-benefit analysis with a liberal-democratic constitutional law, whose principles are universal ethical principles. This concerns both freedom rights (which must not depend on the ability of humans to pay) and the model of democracy and respect for the rule of law. Thirdly, insoluble problems of application arise for cost-benefit analyses, which are particularly (but not only) apparent in the context of climate protection, in general considerations as in the case of legislation as well as in individual analyses, as done when constructing a coal-fired power plant. A strongly deflated cost-benefit analysis could nevertheless contribute factual material – such as partial aspects of decision consequences that can actually be depicted in monetary terms – to ethical or legal decision-making processes. In this respect the approach appears helpful and complementary, but not beyond that.

Economic Growth: Advances in Analysis Methodologies and Technologies (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Vitor Joao Martinho

This book assesses the main interrelationships between economic growth processes, life cycle sustainability assessment approaches, and new technologies in the framework of digital transition. In other words, it aims to highlight how sustainability assessment methodologies and artificial intelligence can better support different actors for more sustainable economic growth. Readers of the book would benefit from diverse perspectives on the contributions of evaluation methodologies and digital technologies to more sustainable economic growth. This is important especially for students, policymakers and public institutions. Economic growth is analysed using the concepts of sigma and beta convergence from neoclassical theory and the Verdoorn law of Keynesian development. For sustainability assessments, the book considers methodologies associated with social life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis. In the context of digital technologies, special emphasis is given to machine and deep learning approaches.

Economic Growth and Development: Chinese Agribusiness Enterprises Development (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Lei Sun

This book analyses the important role of agribusiness and rural enterprises in economic growth and development. China’s inclusive development of agribusiness and rural enterprises has played a pivotal role in economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction. This book analyses how market, price and institution are important factors for China’s inclusive development of agribusiness and rural enterprises. Incentive property rights of farming lands have impacted the allocation efficiency of resources in markets, which contributed to the growth of its agro-industrial development and the families-agribusiness. The technological changes contributed to the agricultural growth in China pre and post economic reform phases. The book introduces the combination development approach (CDA) of agribusiness and rural enterprises. The combination development approach of agribusiness and rural enterprises facilitates developing countries to upgrade into emerging economies and industrial economies. The book presents theoretical perspectives of development economics, and it introduces cutting-edge international development issues, and China’s international economic cooperation on international trade and enterprises development. New technology and information technology bring new business opportunities to smallholder farmers in transitional economies and developing countries to access global value chain in the future.

Economic Incentives for Stormwater Control

by Hale W.  Thurston

Dealing with stormwater runoff in urban areas is a problem that is getting bigger and more expensive. As we cover porous surfaces with impervious structures-commercial buildings, parking lots, roads, and houses-finding places for rainwater and snowmelt to soak in becomes harder. Addressing a huge knowledge gap from a policy perspective, this volume focuses on the economic tools available for stormwater runoff control. It addresses the true costs and benefits of stormwater management practices and examines the incentives that can be used to encourage their adoption. The book provides case studies demonstrating the application of various incentives, such as tradable allowances and fees with rebate. It also presents the theory behind the different mechanisms used and illustrates successes and potential obstacles to implementation. The contributors are primarily concerned with the sociodemographic and economic aspects of people's participation in stormwater runoff control.

Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs (River Publishers Series In Chemical, Environmental, And Energy Engineering Ser.)

by Medani P. Bhandari Shvindina Hanna

The book “Economic Inequality – Trends, Traps and Trade-offs” presents the unexplored issues of economic inequality, including case studies of various countries. Inequality is a chronic divisive factor of society. It is well known that inequalities (such as economic, social, cultural, religious, geographical, etc.) have been omnipresent in human society. Inequalities can be found within each family, each community, and each nation and thus globally. Inequality is a major cause of political, economic, social instability, and creates crisis and conflict within society. A major cause of inequality is unequal, uneven, biased, power centric distributions of human economic, social, political, cultural and spiritual human necessities.The edited book examines the major parameters of the socio-economic issues of inequality and focuses on the key economic issues of inequality, namely, income and wealth distribution, equity & equality of outcome, and equality of opportunities. Economic inequality is measured by wealth, income dsiproportions in distribution and consumption patterns in a specific area. Mostly, inequality is measured using various statistical tools including the Gini Coefficient, inequality adjusted human development index, 20:20 ratio, Palma ratio, Hoover index, Galt score, Coefficient of variation, Theil index, wage share etc. However, not all income can be measured by these tools. By using case studies, this book encourages us to reframe economic development through the lens of growing inequalities and disparities. Economic growth per se is disproportional, and the efforts of scholars, practitioners and policymakers should be directed to empower the marginalized of society in a way that ‘no one should left behind’ (UN Slogan).

An Economic Inquiry into the Nonlinear Behaviors of Nations: Dynamic Developments and the Origins of Civilizations

by Rongxing Guo

This book applies an economic approach to examine the driving forces behind the dynamic behaviors of developing nations. Taking into account initial conditions and environmental and external factors often oversimplified by historians and anthropologists, Guo finds that the rise and fall of civilizations and nations followed an anti-Darwinian process: physical weakness, rather than strength, induced humans to adapt. Cultures facing unfavorable physical and environmental conditions developed complex societies to overcome these challenges, while favorable conditions did not incentivize major economic and cultural change. Over centuries of economic growth and development, nations and civilizations' adaptive behaviors have followed a cyclical path at both the country level and in an international context. This interdisciplinary book incorporates elements of history, anthropology, and development into an astute economic analysis that changes the way we think about the origins and evolutions of civilizations.

Economic Issues In Global Climate Change: Agriculture, Forestry, And Natural Resources

by John M. Reilly Margot Anderson

This book provides a snapshot on economic thinking about global change and provides a starting point for researchers for evaluating the economics of global change in the context of agriculture, forestry, and resource issues. It attempts to rectify the scarcity of economic analysis in global change.

Economic Modeling of Water: The Australian CGE Experience

by Glyn Wittwer

The book details the innovative TERM (The Enormous Regional Model) approach to regional and national economic modeling, and explains the conversion from a comparative-static to a dynamic model. It moves on to an adaptation of TERM to water policy, including the additional theoretical and database requirements of the dynamic TERM-H2O model. In particular, it examines the contrasting economic impacts of water buyback policy and recurring droughts in the Murray-Darling Basin. South-east Queensland, where climate uncertainty has been borne out by record-breaking drought and the worst floods in living memory, provides a chapter-length case study. The exploration of the policy background and implications of TERM's dynamic modeling will provide food for thought in policy making circles worldwide, where there is a pressing need for solutions to similarly intractable problems in water management.

Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics

by Peter Róna László Zsolnai

This book examines the nature of economic objects that form the subject matter of economics, and studies how they resemble or differ from the objects studied by the natural sciences. It explores the question of whether economic objects created by modern economics sufficiently represent economic reality, and confronts the question whether tools, techniques and the methodology borrowed from the natural sciences are appropriate for the analysis of economic reality. It demonstrates the unsustainability of rational choice theory. It looks at economic agents, such as individuals, groups, legally constituted entities, algorithms, or robots, how they function and how they are represented in economics. The volume further examines the extent, if any, that mathematics can represent the objects of the economy, such as supply and demand, equilibrium, marginal utility, or the money supply as they actually occur in the economy, and as they are represented in economics. Finally, the volume explores whether the subject matter of economics – however defined – is the proper subject of theoretical knowledge, whether economics is an analytic or a descriptive discipline, or if it is more properly seen in the domain of practical reason. Specifically, the book looks at the importance and the ambiguity of the ontology of modern economics, temporality, reflexivity, the question of incommensurability, and their implications for economic policy.

Economic Recovery, Consolidation, and Sustainable Growth: Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), North Macedonia, May 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Abdylmenaf Bexheti Hyrije Abazi-Alili Léo-Paul Dana Veland Ramadani Andrea Caputo

This book presents carefully selected chapters from the proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE),Tetovo, North Macedonia, which took place in May 2023. The chapters address a wide range of areas relevant to contemporary business and economics issues such as economic shocks, high inflation, energy crisis, COVID-19, growth prospects, economic forecast, labor market, gender inequalities, migration, entrepreneurship, and family businesses, firm development and innovations, technological transformation, etc. Researchers learn about the latest studies that discuss emerging challenges and perspectives of business and economics in the perspective of post-crisis economic recovery, consolidation, and stability.

Economic Research Relevant to the Formulation of National Urban Development Strategies: Volume 1 (Routledge Revivals)

by James Douglas McCallum Lowdon Wingo Wilbur Thompson H.W. Richardson Joel Bergsman Peter Greenston Robert Healy Edwin S. Mills Alan W. Evans

Originally published in 1971, this volume contains papers invited for a conference on economic research relevant to national urban development held in September of the same year. The conference pulled together researchers from both the United Kingdom and the United States who were interested in economic research on key issues of both countries’ management of their urban areas. Papers are varied from those in the early stages of research to those whose research has been completed and all provide an insight into the increase of urbanisation present in the first world. This title will be of interest to students of environmental studies and economics.

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