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Showing 22,051 through 22,075 of 82,552 results

Economic Revitalization: Cases and Strategies for City and Suburb

by Dr Joan Fitzgerald Nancey G. Leigh

In Economic Revitalization: Cases and Strategies for City and Suburb Fitzgerald and Leigh answer the need for a text that incorporates social justice and sustainability into how we think about and practice economic development. It is one of the first to talk about how revitalization strategies are implemented in both cities and suburbs, particularly inner-ring suburbs that are experiencing decline previously associated only with inner-city neighborhoods. After setting the context with a brief history of economic development practice and its shortcomings, Fitzgerald and Leigh focus on six economic development strategies: sectoral strategies, Brownfield redevelopment, industrial retention, commercial revitalization, industrial and office property reuse, and workforce development.

The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change

by Walter Leal Filho

A unique feature of this book is its strong practice-oriented nature: it contains a wide range of papers dealing with the social, economic and political aspects of climate change, exemplifying the diversity of approaches to climate change management taking place all over the world, in a way never seen before. In addition, the book describes a number of projects and other initiatives happening in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin American and the Australasian region, providing a profile of the diversity of works taking place today.

Economic Sustainability and Environmental Protection in Mediterranean Countries through Clean Manufacturing Methods

by José Coca-Prados Gemma Gutiérrez-Cervelló

This volume, with contributions from a team of multi-disciplinary team experts, addresses the economic sustainability and clean manufacturing methods to deal with the challenges that water scarcity and water quality are imposing on many countries, particularly on Mediterranean arid areas, that are threatening their economic and social development. Water plays a crucial role in industry, agriculture and daily life. Its use has increased ten-fold between 1900 and 2000. On a global scale, about 70 % of clean water from available sources is used for agricultural purposes, primarily irrigation, the rest of it being used for domestic and industrial purposes. With the actual demographic and economic trends, it is expected that by 2025, two-thirds of the world population will live in water-stressed areas and it is expected a 40 % increase in water consumption.

Economic Theory

by Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar

The book describes the evolution of economic theory, considering historical, political and scientific perspectives. It discusses economic concepts and the formation of economics as a discipline since the feudal system, passing through the formation of the State, until the present. The main economic concepts are presented, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, privatization, taxes, tariffs, the concept of currencies, stock markets, international transactions, and economic policies. The book contains a complete glossary of economic terms to help the reader.

Economic Theory for Environmentalists

by null John Gowdy

Economic Theory for Environmentalists is a much-needed and heralded new book that examines the implications of neoclassical economic theory and how it relates to the environment and environmental activity. It addresses the ongoing conflict between market forces and environmental integrity and explains how neoclassical economic theory views the relationship between economic activity and the natural world. Each chapter outlines the concepts of economic theory and the relevance of its environmental and policy implications. It focuses on both micro and macro-economics. Policy tools such as price and income elasticities, consumer surplus and methods for measuring the economic value of environmental resources are discussed. A case study which examines a range of policy options is presented. Examples are also given throughout the text to illustrate regional and international policy questions. Presented in a simple and easy to understand manner, this valuable book is suited for anyone dealing with environmental, economic, or policy issues.

Economic Trends and Sustainable Environmental Assessment

by Andrew Adewale Alola Festus Victor Bekun Uju Violet Alola

The book ‘Economic Trends and Sustainable Environmental Assessment’ attempts to x-ray the economic and socioeconomic activities, and cultural or behavioural aspects from the concept of sustainability by employing several related research scenarios spanning the micro-, meso-, and macro-level approaches.Given the increasing awareness of the importance of social, economic, environmental, and even now human sustainability aspects to a sustainable global (present) future, the relevance of the dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) need to be consistently examined. For instance, decades of climate-related disasters which have increasingly endangered humans are the reason for ongoing advanced advocacy, policy, and research towards achieving an environmentally sustainable or net zero emission (NZE) future.Thus, considering the illustration of the theoretical and practical dimensions of the connectedness of the economic and socioeconomic aspects with environmental dimensions, this book should hugely benefit students, researchers, and policymakers to further understand and solve some of the world’s lingering challenges.

The Economic Valuation of Green Electricity (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

by Simona Bigerna Paolo Polinori

The aim of this book is to analyze the relationship between renewable energy sources and citizens, focusing both on demand and supply. Today, the consequences regarding the use of fossil energy are seen from a different perspective because the issues related to climate change are evident worldwide. Thus, climate change and resource depletion are real problems to be addressed for the welfare of society. Renewable energy sources (RES) are essential to reduce polluting emissions, but they can produce a range of environmental effects which might be detrimental to human activities as attested by the several types of the Nimby effect (“Not In My Back Yard”). This is because infrastructure siting usually offers different pros and cons to stakeholders and the local populations affected. Nevertheless empirical evidence shows that in many countries, society is willing to pay a significant amount to facilitate adoption of renewable technologies. With RES, citizens are called on to play a dual role – not only that of end consumers but often also stakeholders in the local production process. In this book we try to deal with this dual role played by the citizens to evaluate the actual public acceptance of RES. We address a specific and important area of the economic analysis: willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to accept (WTA). The research evaluates the attitude of citizens towards the end use of green energy by investigating the likelihood of acceptance of a new infrastructures related to RES production. The book, therefore, is not about how to reconcile consumers and citizens, rather it explores the main determinants of peoples' behavior for a better understanding of this phenomenon.​

Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Enhanced Oil Recovery

by M. R. Islam

There have been many books on the topic of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) over the last 100 years. They all, however, focus on how to recover more oil faster, taking a rather myopic approach. The solutions presented all work fantastically in theory and even in the laboratory, but each fails to produce results in the field with long-term success. The petroleum industry is almost resigned to the belief that for an EOR technique to be successful, it must be propped up with public funds or must compromise environmental integrity. In line with modern engineering practices, previous books discuss how existing technologies can be tweaked to accommodate for any shortcomings that just came to light. This book is unlike any other book on the topic of recovery in particular and engineering in general. This groundbreaking volume is a continuation of the author’s and his research group’s work that started publishing on the subject of global sustainability involving energy and the environment, dating back to early 2000s. Starting with a paradigm shift in engineering that involves a long-term focus, rather than looking for short-term solutions, the methods and theories presented here delve into applying green engineering and zero waste principles to EOR. Historically, EOR has received mixed success, mainly because innovations in these disciplines relied heavily on processed materials, which are both uneconomical and toxic to the environment. This book explains how engineers missed entirely the causes of unsustainability in these technologies due to the prevalence of many myths that are embedded in modern engineering. Once these myths are deconstructed, the appropriate technologies emerge and the merits of them both in terms of economic and environmental benefits become clear. The book reveals how previous practices in EOR can be replaced with their sustainable versions while saving in material costs. A number of innovative technologies are introduced that can render well known technologies, such as steam flood, in situ combustion, chemical flooding, and microbial EOR environmentally sustainable and economically attractive. A triple dividend is received once these technologies are applied in otherwise marginal reservoirs, unconventional plays and even abandoned formations. The overall reserve, which reflects recoverable oil with new technologies, goes up drastically. Further benefits are drawn when processes such as value addition of waste material is performed. Overall this book shows how EOR can be rendered green while increasing the profitability. This is in stark contrast to the past practices that considered environmental integrity as a drain on profitability. This book proves that a paradigm shift can turn a “technological disaster” into a technological marvel.

Economically Important Trees: Origin, Evolution, Genetic Diversity and Ecology (Sustainable Development and Biodiversity #37)

by Thomas K Uthup Rekha Karumamkandathil

The edited volume deals with the origin, evolution, genetic diversity, commercial, and cultural aspects of selected tree species such as Rubber, Pine, Poplar, Almond, Cashew, Teak, Olive, Eucalyptus, Mango, Jack, Fig, Sandalwood and Ashoka. It covers major aspects of the altered gene pool of each tree species, its impact on biodiversity, the current scenario, and the strategies to protect and conserve the wild progenitors of these trees. Human interventions in the evolution and development of these economically important trees began at least four thousand years ago. Over these years, significant improvements in the traits of economic value were achieved for most of these tree species. However, the long history of domestication and the selective breeding pressure applied to their wild progenitors accelerated the loss of biodiversity, resulting in reduced genetic diversity and shrunken germplasm resources of these domesticated species. The book portrays the novel dimensions of the propitiousness of tree domestication and the interesting history behind it, which is interlaced with the development of civilizations, religions, local traditions, medicine and cuisine. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers, biodiversity experts, and policymakers. It can be used as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of forestry, ecology, genetics, and environmental sciences. The book also serves as an interesting and useful read for national and international agricultural scientists, as well as historians and the general public.

Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: Applications to Watershed Management (Environmental And Ecological Risk Assessment Ser. #Vol. 5)

by Randall J. F. Bruins Matthew T. Heberling

With contributions from a wide array of economists, ecologists, and government agency professionals, Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: Applications to Watershed Management provides a multidisciplinary approach to environmental decision-making at a watershed level. It introduces the fields of ecological risk assessment (ERA) and economic ana

Economics and Ecology: United for a Sustainable World (Social Environmental Sustainability)

by Charles R. Beaton Chris Maser

The earth, our home, is in crisis. There are two sides to this crisis-our global economy, and its effect on the ecology of our home planet. Despite conventional thinking that typical monetary and fiscal manipulations will put us back on the path of economic growth, the reality is not that simple. Meanwhile, the natural environment is sending unmist

Economics and Episodic Disease: The Benefits of Preventing a Giardiasis Outbreak (Routledge Revivals)

by Winston Harrington Alan J. Krupnick Walter O. Spofford Jr.

Originally published in 1991, this study uses the 1983 outbreak of Giardiasis in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania as a case study to explore the social costs of waterborne illnesses to a community. With over 6,000 people affected in that particular case, Economics and Episodic Disease emphasises the importance of Federal and State drinking water standards to protect the population from contamination whilst also commenting how regulations can be applied to other areas within public health as well as how to appraise the damage caused to surface water by the release of hazardous substances. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental Studies.

Economics and Management in the Biopharmaceutical Industry in the USA: Evolution and Strategic Change (Routledge Studies in the Economics of Business and Industry)

by Rachel Kim

From a managerial perspective, the biopharmaceutical industry represents a competitive, fast-changing, intellectually-powered, innovation-driven sector. Many management scholars have studied this discontinuous era to make sense of strategic behavior and the cognition of firms and top managers. A past look at the biopharmaceutical industry provides answers to questions that most managers have. For example, what options do you have and what actions do you take when new firms enter your industry? In the 1970s, new biotechnology firms, funded by venture capitalists, appeared in the pharmaceutical industry with new knowledge. Successful pharmaceutical firms decided to collaborate with the new entrants and forge relationships to develop and create new, biotechnology engineered drugs. Thus, the addition of new biotechnology firms ushered in a new business model based on strategic alliances. Strategic alliances have now become an industrial norm called open innovation. The author looks at the historical path of the biopharmaceutical industry, particularly in the United States. While the pharmaceutical industry’s main contributions to society are substantial, there are pressing challenges the industry must face, such as an increase in infectious disease outbreaks or the global aging population, which require new types of care, additionally, mental health care and prescription painkiller addiction are persistent issues with economic repercussions to both federal and local governments. This book presents a holistic view of the biopharmaceutical industry, putting it in a historical context. It will best serve those who are eager to learn about this dynamic, fast-evolving industry and who would like to tackle current biopharmaceutical industry issues in the United States and be prepared for future industry challenges.

The Economics and Policy of Concentrating Solar Power Generation (Green Energy and Technology)

by Pere Mir-Artigues Pablo del Río Natàlia Caldés

This book provides an up-to-date analysis of state-of-the-art concentrating solar power (CSP) generation. It focuses on the economic analysis of CSP generation technologies as well as the policies that have been and are being used around the globe to support it. The book describes the industrial sectors whose products make up the solar field, including the traditional manufacturers of turbines and generators.The authors provide the main theoretical tools needed to comprehend the costs of CSP technologies compared to other competing technologies (both conventional and renewable) and discuss the conceptual rationale behind creating public support for these technologies and the costs of various promotional techniques. Further, the book examines the concepts from different disciplinary traditions in economics (including environmental, innovation, industrial and public), which are then combined and integrated for an analysis of the costs and policies of CSP electricity.Addressing the main findings and the challenges for future CSP, the book is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners. It is also of use to industrial engineers, as it identifies the features of the sector’s supply chain value, rooted in and supported by an industrial economics approach.

Economics for Environmental Professionals

by null Frank R. Spellman

Environmental professionals are often called upon to find solutions to environmental degradation problems or to lead the way in planning to prevent them. Because they come mainly from the environmental and science disciplines, most environmental professionals have limited training in the fundamentals of economics. This book is designed to provide t

Economics, Natural-Resource Scarcity and Development: Conventional and Alternative Views (Routledge Revivals)

by Edward B Barbier

Global warming is an increasing problem, tropical forests are being wiped out and major upper watersheds are being degraded. Using insights provided by environmentalism, ecology and thermo-dynamics, this book – first published in 1989 – outlines an economic approach to the use of natural resources and particularly to the problem of environmental degradation. Edward Barbier reviews and critiques the long past of environmental and resource economics and then goes on to elaborate an economics which allows us to develop alternative strategies for dealing with the problems faced. With examples drawn from Latin America and Indonesia, he not only develops a major theoretical advance but shows how it can be applied. Barbier’s work is an important and relevant contribution to the discussion surrounding the economics of environmental sustainability.

Economics of a Crowded Planet

by Fraser Murison Smith

This book asks the question, how would economics look today and into the future if one started with a blank sheet of paper? Written mainly for a technical audience, yet accessible to the lay reader, Economics of a Crowded Planet addresses the ontology, epistemology and methodology of a future economics as if from outside the economy looking in. It presents a conceptual framework for a future economics drawing from systems science and hierarchy theory, integrating central concepts from present-day economics, so as to orient the field in a direction that can serve society’s future needs in practical ways. The exposition reveals a paradigm called ‘market planetarianism’: the idea that the power of markets may be used to steer the economy toward a desired long-term goal. Both a prescriptive doctrine and an economic methodology, it treats the economy and nature as instances of complex, evolutionary systems, demanding analytical tools quite unlike those of the 20th-century mainstream.

The Economics of Agriculture (Routledge Library Editions: Agriculture #11)

by Margaret Capstick

First published in 1970. The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to the special problems of agriculture in modern economies. The author writes for students of economics who have already acquired the elements of economic theory; no attempt is made, therefore, to explain simple theoretical concepts, but instead these are used in the analysis of some of the main problems of agricultural adjustment. Emphasis is placed on the position of agriculture in the economies of western Europe and of the United States. Sufficient historical background is given to explain the present use of the factors of production in agriculture and the way in which this use and policies of agricultural support vary from one country to another. Agricultural support policies are discussed with reference to their effect on consumers, producers and on rural society.

The Economics of Agriculture and Natural Resources: The Case of Iran (Perspectives on Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region)

by Masoomeh Rashidghalam

This volume is a collection of twelve selected empirical studies on the economics of agriculture and natural resources. Twenty-two authors have contributed their research to this volume. Papers of this volume are grouped into three main domains covering: Agricultural Resilience and Sustainability; Agricultural Producers and Consumers; and Energy Use in Agriculture. Organized in an analytical framework and offering comprehensive empirical data, this book focuses on agricultural sustainability and resilience, environmental efficiency, agricultural extension, foreign trade, energy use, and agricultural growth aspects of the Iranian agriculture sector. They demonstrate technical and methodological tools used for the analysis and explain their application in the agricultural sector of Iran. This book will be a valuable read for those managing agricultural enterprises, policy makers, and researchers of agricultural producers and consumers.

Economics of Aquaculture

by Curtis M Jolly Howard A Clonts

Economics of Aquaculture presents basic economic theory in a concise and logical format which is easily adaptable to practical application. Examples of economic solutions to common problems help you understand the need for economic application to aquaculture and the success that may come with sound economic planning and management. It also provides coverage of virtually all basic principles of microeconomics, farm management finance, and marketing applicable to the aquacultural industry. You will “walk” through the intricate maze of decisions which are necessary for success in the business environment.The regular and on-going business of aquacultural production and marketing is addressed as a continuous problem set for the student or producer. Business decisions are shown to be logical extensions of those in production and vice versa. A successful producer must be a successful business person if production is to remain an option. Thus, the real and logical need for economics in production is carefully presented.Additionally, producers and students alike will find that application of careful economic planning results in long-term viability for individual producers as well as community projects, cooperatives, or even governmental projects. Special sections in the book illustrate the savings or costs of right and wrong decisions as well as those related to short versus longer term planning and investment. Other topics covered in this book include: role of aquaculture in economic development fish demand and supply farm management and operation time value of money in the short- and long-term capital budgeting market structure and price theory government in aquacultureAlong with students, other readers will find the business help they need in Economics of Aquaculture. Professional aquaculturalists will find the topics of basic production economics, marketing, and cost analysis particularly relevant and governmental administrators will find the presentation of basic principles, time value of money, capital budgeting, and the role of government in aquaculture a valuable resource for years to come.

The Economics of Big Science: Essays by Leading Scientists and Policymakers (Science Policy Reports)

by Hans Peter Beck Panagiotis Charitos

The essays in this open access volume identify the key ingredients for success in capitalizing on public investments in scientific projects and the development of large-scale research infrastructures.Investment in science – whether in education and training or through public funding for developing new research tools and technologies – is a crucial priority. Authors from big research laboratories/organizations, funding agencies and academia discuss how investing in science can produce societal benefits as well as identifying future challenges for scientists and policy makers. The volume cites different ways to assess the socio-economic impact of Research Infrastructures and their role as hubs of global collaboration, creativity and innovation. It highlights the different benefits stemming from fundamental research at the local, national and global level, while also inviting us to rethink the notion of “benefit” in the 21st century.Public investment is required to maintain the pace of technological and scientific advancements over the next decades. Far from advocating a radical transformation and massive expansion in funding, the authors suggest ways for maintaining a strong foundation of science and research to ensure that we continue to benefit from the outputs. The volume draws inspiration from the first “Economics of Big Science” workshop, held in Brussels in 2019 with the aim of creating a new space for dialogue and interaction between representatives of Big Science organizations, policy makers and academia. It aspires to provide useful reading for policy makers, scientists and students of science, who are increasingly called upon to explain the value of fundamental research and adopt the language and logic of economics when engaging in policy discussions.

The Economics of Big Science 2.0: Essays by Leading Scientists and Policymakers (Science Policy Reports)

by Johannes Gutleber Panagiotis Charitos

The second volume of open access essays builds upon the success of the initial installment, "The Economics of Big Science (© 2021, 978-3-030-52390-9, Open Access book as well)," delving deeper into the tangible socio-economic value generated by fundamental science missions and elucidating the various ways in which this benefit is realized. This collection showcases contributions that stem from socio-economic impact studies conducted on the activities of Research Infrastructures. These studies were presented and discussed by the authors during a dedicated session on the "Economics of Big Science" at the headquarters of the European Space Agency (ESA) in Paris in May 2023, organized by EIROforum. The authors, affiliated with prominent universities, research centers, and international research organizations, actively contribute to an international collaborative effort. Their aim is to develop strategies and policies that ensure fundamental scientific research in Europe translates into tangible and sustainable societal and economic benefits. This volume is intended to be a valuable resource for policymakers, funding agencies, scientists, and academics across diverse domains. It serves as a comprehensive reference for the evidence of socio-economic impact stemming from fundamental scientific research within Open Science, Research, and Innovation environments. Moreover, it equips stakeholders with evidence supporting the effectiveness of impact analysis and facilitates the design of best practices in this regard.

Economics of Bioresources: Concepts, Tools, Experiences

by Yoram Krozer Michael Narodoslawsky

This fundamental book provides a cross-sectoral, multi-disciplinary view on the biobased economy. It explains opportunities for the value-adding production and use of bioresources, while also discussing the main drivers and obstacles involved. The book is divided into three major parts, the first of which introduces readers to the basics of bioresource economics and engineering. In terms of economics, it discusses decision-making from the policy, producer, investor, and citizen perspectives; in terms of engineering, it addresses key technologies and the processing of bioresources, as well as the development of biorefineries for high-value products on large and small scales. In turn, the book’s second part presents cases focused on different types of energy use, and written by practitioners. The cases illustrate the businesses and technologies involved, as well as the roles of citizens, social organisations and policies. The book’s third and last part highlights opportunities in sustainable agriculture, valuable industrial products and innovative services, while also outlining key conditions for success. Written by a team of scholars and practitioners from various engineering, natural-science and social-science disciplines, the book is primarily intended for undergraduate and graduate students, and for practitioners in business and policy who wish to explore the sustainable production and use of bioresources. All theoretical issues are explained with the aid of real-world examples, making the content highly accessible.

Economics of Carbon Sequestration in Forestry

by Terry J. Logan

Since the 1992 Earth Summit, there have been increased efforts on an international scale to address global climate change. Reducing the increased levels of CO2 and other "greenhouse gases," which are believed to be contributing to this climatic change, will require major effort on the part of the world's governments. This means that the environmental, economic, social, and political consequences of climate change must be understood, and that strategies to mitigate climate change must also address these issues.The workshop detailed in this book concentrated on how economic principles and analysis could contribute to the planning of forestry projects aimed at affecting terrestrial carbon balances. More than 30 international scientists came together for one week near Stockholm, Sweden and divided into working groups charged with addressing a specific issue and preparing a paper within this time frame. This book contains the majority of papers presented at this meeting, and includes both the working group papers and the individually presented papers.

The Economics of Climate Change in Argentina (The Latin American Studies Book Series)

by Maria Elisa Belfiori Mariano Javier Rabassa

In this volume, the contributors discuss some of the most remarkable global warming effects in Argentina and examine policies that Latin American countries could follow to achieve their individual climate goals. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues today. However, after many years of climate negotiations, the world has failed to introduce a common global policy. Differences in countries' climate agendas have led to unsuccessful efforts. Countries willing to pursue a climate policy have sought alternative strategies to mitigate and adapt to global warming's consequences within their jurisdiction. In this context, Latin American countries' role in shaping the regional climate agenda is yet to be explored. The book covers some papers from the well-received "First Workshop on Environmental Economics and Energy" in Argentina. Using data from Argentina, the contributors analyze the effects of global warming on agricultural yields and the impact of extreme weather on human health. From a global perspective, the contributors also describe the interactions between a reduction in carbon emissions, carbon emissions intensity, and economic growth; the role that trade policies can play to reduce carbon emissions; and the paradoxes that arise from promoting renewable energies in the region. The contributors also address the relationship between sustainability and economic growth; the private sector's role in shaping policies and providing sustainable solutions; and the Latin American challenges for the next generation. The book will be of interest to policy-makers, academics, researchers, and professionals worldwide working in climate change impacts and policy. It will also appeal to a general audience interested in climate change economics, its consequences, and the steps that countries in Latin America can take to move forward.

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