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Ecophysiology of Vascular Halophytes
by Irwin A. UngarEcophysiology of Vascular Halophytes provides a useful update to existing literature describing the ecophysiological responses of vascular halophytes to environmental stresses present in saline habitats. The success of species growing in these extreme environments is related to a number of adaptations, including the timing of phenological events, phenotypic plasticity and genetic selection for specific ecophysiological responses at different stages of development. Factors discussed that influence the growth and distribution of halophytes include seed germination, salinity stress, salt stimulation, flooding, ion content, nitrogen, plant water status, growth regulators, photosynthesis, and genecology. The book also discusses the effects of both interspecific and intraspecific competition on the growth and survival of halophytes. Researchers and students of stress ecology, as well as agricultural research organizations, will find a tremendous store of information in this volume.
Ecopolitics: The Environment in Poststructuralist Thought (Opening Out: Feminism for Today)
by Verena Andermatt ConleyEcopolitics is a study of environmental awareness - or non-awareness - in contemporary French theory. Arguing that it is now impossible not to think in an ecological way, Verena Andermatt Conley traces the roots of today's concern for the environment back to the intellectual climate of the late 50s and 60s.The author considers key texts by influential figures such as Michael Serres, Paul Virilio, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michel de Certeau, Hélène Cixous and Luce Irigaray. Ecopolitics rehabilitates some ecological components of French intellectual thought of the past thirty years, and reassesses French poststructural thinkers who explicitly deal with ecology in their work.
EcoProduction and Logistics: Emerging Trends and Business Practices
by Paulina GolinskaEnvironmental awareness is driven mainly by the scarcity of natural resources and by more strict legal regulations. The modern enterprise policy should look at the relations between economic actions and ecological consequences. Ecoproduction is a new business approach which focuses on the most efficient and productive use of raw materials and natural resources in order to minimize footprints on the natural environment. This book aims to provide the state- of- the- art as well as new ideas of the environmental conscious operations management. The contributors present in the individual chapters problems related to: eco-friendly production technologies; recycling and waste reduction. Scope of topics discussed in this book covers also pollution prevention, energy efficiency. The authors describe problems of information management in complex systems
Ecoregional Green Roofs: Theory and Application in the Western USA and Canada (Cities and Nature)
by Bruce DvorakThis book studies the application of green roofs in ecoregions of the western United States and Canada. While green roofs were intended to sustain local or regional vegetation, this volume describes how green roofs in their modern form are typically planted with a low-diversity mix of sedums from Europe or Asia. The authors demonstrate how in the western USA and Canada many green roofs have been designed with native plants and have been found to thrive.Part I of this book covers theory and an overview of ecoregions and their implications for green roofs. In Part II vegetation from prairies, deserts, montane meadows, coastal meadows, and scrub and sub-alpine habitats are explored on seventy-three ecoregional green roofs. Case studies explore design concepts, materials, watering and maintenance, wildlife, plant species, and lessons learned. Part III covers an overview of ecoregional green roofs and a future outlook.This book is aimed at professionals, designers, researchers, students and educators with an interest in green roofs and the preservation of biodiversity.
EcoResponsive Environments: A Framework for Settlement Design
by Ian Bentley Soham De Sue McGlynn Prachi RampuriaEcoResponsive Environments integrates our current knowledge of designing for human needs, with a deeper understanding of natural systems. The book offers both a call to action and a comprehensive yet pragmatic framework for practising the art and science of settlement design, called EcoResponsive Design.Bridging the gap between theory and generic policy on the one hand, and design for specific places and sites on the other, the book is aimed not only at the professionals involved in planning, designing and developing these places, but also the wider range of communities interested in creating better spaces for our everyday lives.EcoResponsive Design encompasses all scales, ranging from the overall form of settlements and the landscapes in which they sit, to buildings and the detailed design of public spaces. Drawing from projects, places and best practices in many different countries and contexts across the world, it demonstrates how positive changes at the local scale can be achieved for every single site, large or small. The book urges a shift in focus from individual specialisms to collaborative actions, enabling development stakeholders to negotiate a balance between short-term financial viability and longer-term environmental and social values.
Ecorestoration of the coalmine degraded lands
by Subodh Kumar MaitiThe book adopts an application-oriented approach for ecorestoration of coalmine degraded. The theoretical aspects of ecorestoration, and steps involved in ecorestoration process and experimental aspects of thorough analytical procedures have been discussed in detail. It emphasizes on the types of mining, land degradation, and biodiversity conservation while giving details of technical and biological steps, topsoil management, selection of plant species, seeding, nursery practices; adoption of innovative approaches like mulching, biofertlizer application, hydroseeding, superabsorbent; use of grass-legume mix; monitoring and aftercare of reclaimed sites; the indicators of sustainable ecorestoration; and Rules and Acts implemented and followed across the world. Best ecorestoration practices, mine closure issues, collection, laboratory analysis and interpretation of minesoil and topsoil samples, monitoring biological parameters, litterfall and tree growth analysis, erosion management, design of drainage and sedimentation retention basin, and brief description of tree species with identifying character for field people are all part of the book. [Message by Prominent Academician] It is now urgent that methods of coal mining be integrated with engineering for ecorestoration because the larger society will not accept devastated waste land. A book, coming out from the hands of one of the persistent researchers of the field, cannot be more timely. Jayanta Bhattacharya, PhD FNAE Professor, Department of Mining Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721302, India.
Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction: Environment and Affect (Literature Now)
by Heather HouserThe 1970s brought a new understanding of the biological and intellectual impact of environmental crises on human beings. As efforts to prevent ecological and bodily injury aligned, a new literature of sickness emerged. "Ecosickness fiction" imaginatively rethinks the link between these forms of threat and the sick body to bring readers to environmental consciousness. Tracing the development of ecosickness through a compelling archive of contemporary U.S. novels and memoirs, Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction establishes that we cannot comprehend environmental and medical dilemmas through data alone and must call on the sometimes surprising emotions that literary metaphors, tropes, and narratives deploy. In chapters on David Foster Wallace, Richard Powers, Leslie Marmon Silko, Marge Piercy, Jan Zita Grover, and David Wojnarowicz, Heather Houser shows how narrative affects such as wonder and disgust organize perception of an endangered world and orient us ethically toward it. The study builds the connective tissue between contemporary literature, ecocriticism, affect studies, and the medical humanities. It also positions ecosickness fiction relative to emergent forms of environmentalism and technoscientific innovations such as regenerative medicine and alternative ecosystems. Houser models an approach to contemporary fiction as a laboratory for affective changes that spark or squelch ethical projects.
Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction
by Heather HouserThe 1970s brought a new understanding of the biological and intellectual impact of environmental crises on human beings, and as efforts to prevent ecological and human degradation aligned, a new literature of sickness emerged. "Ecosickness fiction" imaginatively rethinks the link between ecological and bodily endangerment and uses affect and the sick body to bring readers to environmental consciousness.Tracing the development of ecosickness through a compelling archive of modern U.S. novels and memoirs, this study demonstrates the mode's crucial role in shaping thematic content and formal and affective literary strategies. Examining works by David Foster Wallace, Richard Powers, Leslie Marmon Silko, Marge Piercy, Jan Zita Grover, and David Wojnarowicz, Heather Houser shows how these authors unite experiences of environmental and somatic damage through narrative affects that draw attention to ecological phenomena, organize perception, and convert knowledge into ethics. Traversing contemporary cultural studies, ecocriticism, affect studies, and literature and medicine, Houser juxtaposes ecosickness fiction against new forms of environmentalism and technoscientific innovations such as regenerative medicine and alternative ecosystems. Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction recasts recent narrative as a laboratory in which affective and perceptual changes both support and challenge political projects.
Ecosocialism: An Introduction (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)
by Salvatore Engel-Di MauroThis book offers an extensive critical overview of eco-socialism, one of the most generative and significant aspects of contemporary debates within socialism. Marxism has played a foundational role in the development of ecosocialism since its inception and has also led to critical reflections on the 20th century Marxism and ecological interpretation of Marxist writings. Despite the relevance of ecosocialism to the pressing debates on the ecological crisis and the growing literature on ecosocialism, there has not been a comprehensive account on ecosocialism and its variations. This volume seeks to fill this important gap and to pave the way for a more systematic development of this emerging paradigm. The book not only engages with a critique of other non-socialist ecological schools of thought in defence of ecosocialism, but also provides a critical overview of debates within ecosocialism and of ecosocialism itself. The latter includes an appraisal of ecosocialism in Bolivarian Venezuela and the implications of current efforts in the People's Republic of China to build an ecological civilisation. Furthermore, the book contains a crucial discussion about the relation between eco-socialism and indigenous studies and movements.
Ecosociocentrism: The Earth First Paradigm for Sustainable Living
by Gopi UpretiThis book, on the subject of global environmental crisis and climate change that has threatened the very existence of humankind and the living system on planet Earth, claims that the current Anthropocene is the most dangerous era of environmental, and ecological crisis the planet Earth has ever witnessed. This book not only insightfully reflects upon the crisis manifested by climate change, breakdown of planetary ecosystem, extinction and annihilation of millions of species, acidification of oceans, desertification of productive lands, and toxic pollution attributing to the current dominant neoliberal economic model but also presents a new ethical development framework that recognizes and promotes the instrumental, relational and intrinsic values in the Earth system which form the basis for social and environmental sustainability. This is a useful book for all stakeholders involved in environmental protection, UN, and development agencies, INGOs, civil societies, NGOs, governments officials and professionals, media personnel, universities faculties, students, and researchers.
Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth (Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia)
by Laurel Kearns Catherine KellerWe hope—even as we doubt—that the environmental crisis can be controlled. Public awareness of our species’ self-destructiveness as material beings in a material world is growing—but so is the destructiveness. The practical interventions needed for saving and restoring the earth will require a collective shift of such magnitude as to take on a spiritual and religious intensity.This transformation has in part already begun. Traditions of ecological theology and ecologically aware religious practice have been preparing the way for decades. Yet these traditions still remain marginal to society, academy, and church. With a fresh, transdisciplinary approach, Ecospirit probes the possibility of a green shift radical enough to permeate the ancient roots of our sensibility and the social sources of our practice. From new language for imagining the earth as a living ground to current constructions of nature in theology, science, and philosophy; from environmentalism’s questioning of postmodern thought to a garden of green doctrines, rituals, and liturgies for contemporary religion, these original essays explore and expand our sense of how to proceed in the face of an ecological crisis that demands new thinking and acting. In the midst of planetary crisis, they activateimagination, humor, ritual, and hope.
Ecosystem and Cultural Services: Environmental, Legal and Social Perspectives in Argentina (The Latin American Studies Book Series)
by Clara María Minaverry Sebastián ValverdeThis book describes cases and experiences in connection with environmental and cultural ecosystem services in Argentina. It contributes to the debate in connection with different approaches to analyse ecosystem services, focusing on the environment, the Law and social perspectives and concerns. Among the topics discussed are the implementation of the National Forests Act, the regulation and recognition of ecosystem services, the role of indigenous people, the policies in place for nature and forest conservation in different regions of Argentina. This book is one of the few research studies about cultural ecosystem services developed in Latin America and presents an attractive combination of the legal, environmental and social approaches and was written by an interdisciplinary team of academics who have theoretical and practical experience in this region where there is a valuable natural and cultural heritage.
Ecosystem and Species Adaptations in the Andean-Amazonian Region: Traditional Land-Use Systems in Peru
by Ana SabogalThis book focuses on ecosystems and species adaptations in the unique Peruvian Andean-Amazonian region. The presence of the Andes as the backbone is the cause of the huge ecosystem diversity and biodiversity of species that characterize the Andean-Amazonian ecosystems. The complex orography of Peru as results of the Andes presence in its tropical setting favors the occurrence of local climatic features that provide diverse environmental conditions for multiple, unique plant and animal species, many of them endemic to the Andes. The book will introduce the reader to the climatic history and geography of the Peruvian Andes and the Peruvian Natural Areas Protection system focusing on the Manu and Northwest biosphere reserves given their relevant ecological importance as well as the relationship between them and the local population. Important global topics like urbanization, deglaciation and global warming will be analyzed and discussed due to their impact in the Andes-Amazon ecosystems. Finally, the traditional land-use systems, agrobiodiversity and agrodiversity in Peru are present and linked with the climate change adaptations.
Ecosystem and Species Habitat Modeling for Conservation and Restoration
by Shalini Dhyani Dibyendu Adhikari Rajarshi Dasgupta Rakesh KadaveruguThis edited book is focused on SDG 15. This volume covers aspects of species and ecosystem modeling in understanding the complexity of ecological systems, restoration, protected area management, and species conservation. The book follows a systematic and situation-sensitive approach to discuss ecosystem and species modeling tools, approaches, science, case studies, opportunities, and gaps for enhancing conservation efforts, ensuring ecosystem resilience, and addressing sustainability issues. The book emphasizes on science, innovations, case studies, and strategic relevance as main pillars of using ecosystem and species modeling tools and implementing the outcomes and results. In addition, clear conceptual frameworks, elaborated methodologies, and their applications are included to support policy planning and interventions to reduce and reverse human encroachment in human-dominated natural ecosystems, their degradation, and loss of important species and ecosystem services. Essential information with a special focus on advances and opportunities in advancing the implementation of results and outputs of the modeling tools, challenges and constraints for addressing loss of ecosystem services, designing and implementing sustainable landscape restoration, environmental risk assessment, and finally understanding policy implications and concerns for mainstreaming modeling results in conservation planning and decision-making is included in the book. Further topics include ultimate translational value of modeling tools and efforts across transitional ecosystems and species habitat to provide better evidence to influence the nature-based solutions (NbS) and ecosystem health assessment using Red List of Ecosystems (RLE). The emerging roles of integrative socio-ecological as well as techno-cultural factors in promoting the relevance of ecosystem and species modeling is one of the key features of this book. This edited volume is of interest and useful to researchers, students, scholars, policy makers, forest managers, consultants, and policy makers in the fields of protected area management, forest department, conservation, modeling, climate change, and sustainability science, and also authors engaged in IPBES, IPCC, and several other assessments.
The Ecosystem Approach: Complexity, Uncertainty, and Managing for Sustainability
by James J. Kay Nina-Marie E. Lister David Waltner-ToewsIs sustainable development a workable solution for today's environmental problems? Is it scientifically defensible? Best known for applying ecological theory to the engineering problems of everyday life, the late scholar James J. Kay was a leader in the study of social and ecological complexity and the thermodynamics of ecosystems. Drawing from his immensely important work, as well as the research of his students and colleagues, The Ecosystem Approach is a guide to the aspects of complex systems theories relevant to social-ecological management. Advancing a methodology that is rooted in good theory and practice, this book features case studies conducted in the Arctic and Africa, in Canada and Kathmandu, and in the Peruvian Amazon, Chesapeake Bay, and Chennai, India. Applying a systems approach to concrete environmental issues, this volume is geared toward scientists, engineers, and sustainable development scholars and practitioners who are attuned to the ideas of the Resilience Alliance-an international group of scientists who take a more holistic view of ecology and environmental problem-solving. Chapters cover the origins and rebirth of the ecosystem approach in ecology; the bridging of science and values; the challenge of governance in complex systems; systemic and participatory approaches to management; and the place for cultural diversity in the quest for global sustainability.
The Ecosystem Approach: Complexity, Uncertainty, and Managing for Sustainability (Complexity in Ecological Systems)
by David Waltner-Toews James Kay Nina-Marie ListerIs sustainable development a workable solution for today's environmental problems? Is it scientifically defensible? Best known for applying ecological theory to the engineering problems of everyday life, the late scholar James J. Kay was a leader in the study of social and ecological complexity and the thermodynamics of ecosystems. Drawing from his immensely important work, as well as the research of his students and colleagues, The Ecosystem Approach is a guide to the aspects of complex systems theories relevant to social-ecological management. Advancing a methodology that is rooted in good theory and practice, this book features case studies conducted in the Arctic and Africa, in Canada and Kathmandu, and in the Peruvian Amazon, Chesapeake Bay, and Chennai, India. Applying a systems approach to concrete environmental issues, this volume is geared toward scientists, engineers, and sustainable development scholars and practitioners who are attuned to the ideas of the Resilience Alliance-an international group of scientists who take a more holistic view of ecology and environmental problem-solving. Chapters cover the origins and rebirth of the ecosystem approach in ecology; the bridging of science and values; the challenge of governance in complex systems; systemic and participatory approaches to management; and the place for cultural diversity in the quest for global sustainability.
The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
by Hein Rune Skjoldal Gabriella BianchiThe ecosystem approach to fisheries management is high on national, regional and international agendas for sustainable fisheries management. Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries covers both theoretical and applied aspects, with a particular emphasis on practical experiences in the form of case studies from around the world, and tools for solutions. Researchers, practitioners and policy makers in fisheries, aquaculture, marine biology and ecology will find this book an invaluable overview and guide to fisheries management.
An Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Agriculture: Energy Use Efficiency in the American South (Environmental Challenges and Solutions #1)
by Carl F. JordanModern industrial agriculture is not sustainable because of its heavy reliance on petroleum, a non-renewable source of the energy used in farming, and because of pollution caused by petroleum products such as fertilizers and pesticides. A systems analysis of farming suggests that agriculture will be more sustainable when services of nature, such as nutrient recycling by soil micro-organisms and natural controls of insects, replace the services now provided by energy from petroleum. Examples are drawn from the Southeastern USA, but lessons learned can be applied worldwide.
Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries
by Villy Christensen Jay MacleanInspired by the work of the renowned fisheries scientist Daniel Pauly, this book provides a detailed overview of ecosystem-based management of fisheries. It explores the complex and interdisciplinary nature of the subject by bringing together contributions from some of the world's leading fisheries scientists, managers and conservationists. Combining both research reviews and opinion pieces, and reflecting the breadth of Pauly's influence within the field, the book illustrates the range of issues associated with the implementation of the ecosystem approach and the challenge of long-term sustainability. Topics covered include global biodiversity, the impact of human actions on marine life, the implications for economic and social systems and the role of science in communicating and shaping ocean policy to preserve resources for the future. This book provides a complete and essential overview for advanced researchers and those just entering the field.
Ecosystem Assessment and Fuzzy Systems Management
by Bing-Yuan Cao Sheng-Quan Ma Hu-Hua Cao"Ecosystem Assessment and Fuzzy Systems Management" is the edited outcome of the 3rd International Conference on Ecosystem Assessment Management (ICEAM) and the Workshop on the Construction of an Early Warning Platform for Eco-tourism (WCEWPE) in Hainan on May 5-12, 2013, Haikou, China. The 3rd ICEAM and the WCEWPE, built on the success of previous conferences, are major Symposiums for scientists, engineers and logistic management researchers presenting their the latest achievements, developments and applications in all areas of Ecosystem Assessment Management, Early Warning Platform for Eco-tourism and fuzziology. It aims to strengthen relations between industry research laboratories and universities, and to create a primary symposium for world scientists. The book, containing 47 papers, is divided into five parts: "Ecosystem Assessment, Management and Information"; "Intelligent Algorithm, Fuzzy Optimization and Engineering Application"; "Spatial Data Analysis and Intelligent Information Processing"; "Tourism Culture, Development and Planning" and "Application of Operations Research and Fuzzy Systems".
Ecosystem-Based Disaster and Climate Resilience: Integration of Blue-Green Infrastructure in Sustainable Development (Disaster and Risk Research: GADRI Book Series)
by Mahua Mukherjee Rajib ShawThis book provides an introduction to the critical role of ecosystem-based disaster risk resilience (Eco-DRR) for building community resilience to multiple environmental risks such as rising heat, water stress, and pollution. Blue-green infrastructure (BGI) is an Eco-DRR tool that is an under-explored paradigm and can respond as one common strategy to targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (UNDP), Climate Agreements (UNEP), the Sendai Framework (UNISDR), and the New Urban Agenda (UNCHS). Highlighted here in a systematic way is the importance of blue-green infrastructures in resilience building. The purpose is to introduce readers to the challenging context of development and opportunity creation for Eco-DRR. The roles of policy, scientific research, and implementation are presented cohesively. An attractive proposition of the book is a collection of case studies from different parts of the world where integration of BGI is experimented with at various levels of success. It envisages that shared tacit experiences from the realm of practice will further strengthen explicit knowledge. The focus in this book is on need and context building, policy and science (investigation, analysis, and design), case studies, and a road map for the future in four successive parts. Each part is self-sufficient yet linked to its predecessor, successor, or both, as the case may be.
Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
by Jason S. LinkResponsible fisheries management is of increasing interest to the scientific community, resource managers, policy makers, stakeholders and the general public. Focusing solely on managing one species of fish stock at a time has become less of a viable option in addressing the problem. Incorporating more holistic considerations into fisheries management by addressing the trade-offs among the range of issues involved, such as ecological principles, legal mandates and the interests of stakeholders, will hopefully challenge and shift the perception that doing ecosystem-based fisheries management is unfeasible. Demonstrating that EBFM is in fact feasible will have widespread impact, both in US and international waters. Using case studies, underlying philosophies and analytical approaches, this book brings together a range of interdisciplinary topics surrounding EBFM and considers these simultaneously, with an aim to provide tools for successful implementation and to further the debate on EBFM, ultimately hoping to foster enhanced living marine resource management.
Ecosystem-Based Management, Ecosystem Services and Aquatic Biodiversity: Theory, Tools and Applications
by Timothy G. O’Higgins Manuel Lago Theodore H. DeWittAquatic ecosystems are rich in biodiversity and home to a diverse array of species and habitats, providing a wide variety of benefits to human beings. Many of these valuable ecosystems are at risk of being irreversibly damaged by human activities and pressures, including pollution, contamination, invasive species, overfishing and climate change. Such pressures threaten the sustainability of these ecosystems, their provision of ecosystem services and ultimately human well-being.Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is now widely considered the most promising paradigm for balancing sustainable development and biodiversity protection, and various international strategies and conventions have championed the EBM cause and the inclusion of ecosystem services in decision-making. This open access book introduces the essential concepts and principles required to implement ecosystem-based management, detailing tools and techniques, and describing the application of these concepts and tools to a broad range of aquatic ecosystems, from the shores of Lough Erne in Northern Ireland to the estuaries of the US Pacific Northwest and the tropical Mekong Delta.
Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans
by Brad Barr Heather Leslie Karen Mcleod Maria de los Angeles Carvajal Lilian Lilian Naia Alessa Alessa Marco Marco Octavio Aburto AburtoConventional management approaches cannot meet the challenges faced by ocean and coastal ecosystems today. Consequently, national and international bodies have called for a shift toward more comprehensive ecosystem-based marine management. Synthesizing a vast amount of current knowledge, Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans is a comprehensive guide to utilizing this promising new approach. At its core, ecosystem-based management (EBM) is about acknowledging connections. Instead of focusing on the impacts of single activities on the delivery of individual ecosystem services, EBM focuses on the array of services that we receive from marine systems, the interactive and cumulative effects of multiple human activities on these coupled ecological and social systems, and the importance of working towards common goals across sectors. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans provides a conceptual framework for students and professionals who want to understand and utilize this powerful approach. And it employs case studies that draw on the experiences of EBM practitioners to demonstrate how EBM principles can be applied to real-world problems. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the factors that contribute to social and ecological resilience --the extent to which a system can maintain its structure, function, and identity in the face of disturbance. Utilizing the resilience framework, professionals can better predict how systems will respond to a variety of disturbances, as well as to a range of management alternatives. Ecosystem-Based Management for the Oceans presents the latest science of resilience, while it provides tools for the design and implementation of responsive EBM solutions.