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Showing 22,251 through 22,275 of 82,719 results

Ecovillages and Ecocities: Bioclimatic Applications from Tirana, Albania (The Urban Book Series)

by Klodjan Xhexhi

Ecological and livable cities need an objective method to be examined. This book is in search of a method to determine the level of livability, ecology and energy efficiency. Ecological and sustainable cities need to properly make up for the existent weakness of the city's construction under fine ecological environment. The intention of this comparative study is an attempt to improve life quality in Tirana, Albania. It gives examples of successful strategies, e.g. bioclimatic solution through passive solar systems and the use of underground tunnels. This book is aimed at researches, professionals, architects and city planners.

The ECPH Encyclopedia of Mining and Metallurgy

by Xu Kuangdi

This encyclopedia volume comprehensively reflects the basic knowledge and latest research results in the field of mining and metallurgy technology, as well as the latest characteristics of the development in this field. In this reference book, the knowledge system, basic concepts, basic theories, as well as important figures, representative works and institutions of these two engineering categories are well organized in encyclopedic entries. Among them, the content on mining engineering mainly includes mining and mineral processing theory, mining and mineral processing methods, as well as the safety and environmental knowledge involved in mining and mineral processing. In the metallurgical engineering field, it mainly covers metallurgy and metallurgy industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, powder metallurgy, plastic working of metal, coking chemicals, refractories, energy for metallurgy, physical chemistry of metallurgical process, etc.This is thefirst volume of a series of encyclopedias co-published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House (ECPH), Beijing and Springer Nature.

The Ecphoras: Iconic Fossils of Eastern North America

by Edward J. Petuch David P. Berschauer

In the Miocene and Pliocene fossil shell beds of the eastern United States, the single most spectacular molluscan species radiation is seen in the ecphora shells (the Tribe Ecphorini). These bizarrely shaped gastropods, with their distinctive ribbed shell sculpture, represent a separate branch of the Subfamily Ocenebridae, Family Muricidae. Characteristically, these muricid gastropods are heavily ornamented with spiral ribs and cords and are considered some of the most beautiful and interesting groups of fossil mollusks found along the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Floridian Peninsula. The ecphoras are greatly sought after by fossil collectors. The ecphora faunas, and their individual species and subspecies, are illustrated and described in detail, along with photographs of ecphora-bearing geological units and in-situ specimens. The authors list the 67 known species and subspecies that are recognized as valid, arranged by the eight genera and five subgenera that encompass these taxa.

ECTO-NOX Proteins

by D. James Morré Dorothy M. Morré

This volume documents this unique family of cell surface proteins. Despite masquerading as intractable and difficult to clone and characterize, ENOX proteins have and continue to offer remarkable opportunities for research, commercial development and outside confirmation of therapeutic, diagnostic and new paradigms to help explain complex biological processes.

La ecuación de Dios: La búsqueda de una teoría del todo

by Michio Kaku

La búsqueda del santo grial de la ciencia por el reputado físico teórico Michio Kaku. Cuando Newton formuló la ley de la gravedad, unificó las reglas que rigen los cielos y la Tierra. Hoy el mayor desafío de la física es encontrar una síntesis de las dos grandes teorías, basadas en principios matemáticos diferentes: la de la relatividad y la cuántica. Combinarlas sería el mayor logro de la ciencia, una profunda fusión de todas las fuerzas de la naturaleza en una hermosa y magnífica ecuación que nos permitiría comprender los misterios más profundos del universo: ¿qué sucedió antes del Big Bang? ¿Qué hay al otro lado de un agujero negro? ¿Existen otros universos y otras dimensiones? ¿Es posible viajar en el tiempo? Con ese objetivo, y con su conocida capacidad para divulgar conceptos complejos en un lenguaje accesible y atrayente, Michio Kaku repasa la historia de la física hasta llegar a los debates actuales en torno a la búsqueda de esa teoría unificadora, la «ecuación de Dios». Una historia cautivadora y contada de manera magistral, en la que lo que está en juego es nada menos que nuestra concepción del universo. La crítica ha dicho:«Si hay alguien capaz de desmitificar las matemáticas esotéricas y la física de la teoría de cuerdas, es Kaku. Y precisamente eso hace en este maravilloso librito, que prepara a los lectores para el próximo gran avance».The Wall Street Journal «Este libro capta la fascinante y misteriosa belleza del universo, de nuestro planeta y de nosotros mismos, y cautivará a cualquiera que reflexione sobre nuestra existencia».Booklist «Deslumbrante. La habilidad de Kaku de hacer inteligibles conceptos difíciles de concebir hace de este libro una verdadera revelación intelectual».Publishers Weekly «Convincente y accesible».Nature «Kaku escribe con un lenguaje claro y conciso. Una historia accesible y atractiva de una compleja búsqueda científica».Smithsonian Review

EDC Earth Science

by Ruth Krumhansl

Our home planet is an incredible and largely unexplored place. Less is known about Earth's surface than about the surface of the Moon, or Mars. As you work your way through the chapters of this course, you'll learn things that are well understood by scientists and you'll also encounter uncertainties. You'll be challenged to support your answers with evidence, and encouraged to debate them with your classmates. At the end of this course, you should feel like you've learned many things.

EDC Earth Science

by Ruth Krumhansl Valerie Winemiller

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Eddy-Current Nondestructive Evaluation (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology)

by Nicola Bowler

This book covers the topic of eddy current nondestructive evaluation, the most commonly practiced method of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (NDE). It emphasizes a clear presentation of the concepts, laws and relationships of electricity and magnetism upon which eddy current inspection methods are founded. The chapters include material on signals obtained using many common eddy current probe types in various testing environments. Introductory mathematical and physical concepts in electromagnetism are introduced in sufficient detail and summarized in the Appendices for easy reference. Worked examples and simple calculations that can be done by hand are distributed throughout the text. These and more complex end-of-chapter examples and assignments are designed to impart a working knowledge of the connection between electromagnetic theory and the practical measurements described. The book is intended to equip readers with sufficient knowledge to optimize routine eddy current NDE inspections, or design new ones. It is useful for graduate engineers and scientists seeking a deeper understanding of electromagnetic methods of NDE than can be found in a guide for practitioners.

Eddy Currents: Theory, Modeling, and Applications

by Sheppard J. Salon M. V. Chari Lale T. Ergene David Burow Mark DeBortoli

EDDY CURRENTS Understand the theory of eddy currents with this essential reference Eddy currents are electrical current loops produced when a conductor passes through a magnetic field, or is otherwise subject to a change in magnetic field direction. These currents play a significant role in many industrial processes and areas of electrical engineering. Their properties and applications are therefore a subject of significant interest for electrical engineers and other professionals. Eddy Currents: Theory, Modeling and Applications offers a comprehensive reference on eddy currents in theory and practice. It begins with an introduction to the underlying theory of eddy currents, before proceeding to both closed-form and numerical solutions, and finally describing current and future applications. The result is an essential tool for anyone whose work requires an understanding of these ubiquitous currents. Eddy Currents readers will also find: Professional insights from an author team with decades of combined experience in research and industry Detailed treatment of methods including finite difference, finite element, and integral equation techniques Over 100 computer-generated figures to illustrate key points Eddy Currents is a must-have reference for researchers and industry professionals in electrical engineering and related fields.

Edelgase: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem (essentials)

by Hermann Sicius

Hermann Sicius bringt dem Leser in knapper Form alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Edelgase nahe. Die sechs bekannten Mitglieder dieser achten Hauptgruppe, von Helium bis Radon, sind bei Raumtemperatur allesamt gasförmig, nur über den möglichen Aggregatzustand des künstlich erzeugten Ununoctiums wird noch diskutiert. Das bekannteste Einsatzgebiet für alle Edelgase mit Ausnahme des Radons ist das als Füllgas in Gasentladungslampen und speziell des Heliums als Füllgas für Ballons. Aber was gibt es darüber hinaus? Welche chemischen Verbindungen der Edelgase existieren bereits? Der Autor beschreibt die gegenwärtige Lage und gibt einen Ausblick in die Zukunft.

Edelgase: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem (essentials)

by Hermann Sicius

Die sechs bekannten Mitglieder dieser achten Hauptgruppe, von Helium bis Radon, sind bei Raumtemperatur allesamt gasförmig, nur über den möglichen Aggregatzustand des siebten Vertreters dieser Elementengruppe, des nur künstlich erzeugbaren Oganessons wird noch diskutiert. Das bekannteste Einsatzgebiet für alle Edelgase mit Ausnahme des Radons ist das als Füllgas in Gasentladungslampen und speziell des Heliums als Füllgas für Ballons. Aber was gibt es darüber hinaus? Welche chemischen Verbindungen der Edelgase existieren bereits? Der Autor beschreibt die gegenwärtige Lage und gibt einen Ausblick in die Zukunft.

Edelsteine: Bestimmung, Eigenschaften und Behandlung

by Tobias Häger Ursula Wehrmeister

Das Buch gibt einen anschaulichen Überblick über das facettenreiche Gebiet der Gemmologie in Theorie und Praxis. Im ersten Teil werden die klassischen und modernen Methoden zur Bestimmung und Erkennung der Edelsteine ausführlich vorgestellt. Der zweite Teil des Buches umfasst den komplexen Bereich der Manipulationen und Behandlung der Schmuckmaterialien sowie ihre Erkennungsmöglichkeiten. Die Kapitel des letzten Teils widmen sich den Grundlagen zum besseren Verständnis der Eigenschaften und Methoden.


by Florian Neukirchen

Wie entstehen Edelsteine? Wo gibt es sie? Und was können wir von ihnen lernen? Bei der Bildung von Smaragd, Rubin, Diamant, Topas oder Opal sind die beteiligten Zutaten und Prozesse so vielfältig wie die Edelsteine selbst. Während beispielsweise die Riesenkristalle eines Pegmatits innerhalb von Tagen wachsen, dauert die Entstehung von Amethystgeoden einige Millionen Jahre. Anschaulich erklärt Florian Neukirchen, wie seltene Elemente angereichert werden und wie es zu ungewöhnlichen Begegnungen zwischen Spurenelementen kommt. Diamanten verdanken wir nicht nur einiges Wissen über den Erdmantel, sondern auch über die Entstehung der ersten Kontinente. Bei ihrer Bildung spielen Redoxreaktionen im Erdmantel eine ähnlich wichtige Rolle wie ungewöhnlich ablaufende Vulkaneruptionen, durch die sie sicher an die Oberfläche gebracht werden, ohne zu verbrennen. Edelsteine erzählen uns manch erstaunliche Geschichte: Wie eine Kapsel, die geheime Dokumente birgt, enthalten sie Informationen über unzugängliche Regionen der Erde aus einer fernen Vergangenheit und sogar aus der Tiefe des Weltalls: In Meteoriten wurden Diamanten gefunden, die sogar älter als das Sonnensystem sind. Granate dienen Forschern als eine Art Thermometer, da sie die Bildungstemperatur eines Gesteins anzeigen. Einige Zirkonkristalle sind die einzigen Zeugen aus der höllisch heißen Frühzeit der Erde, aus der keine Gesteine erhalten sind. Die winzigen Kristalle ermöglichen uns sogar Aussagen über das damalige Klima. Abgerundet wird das Buch mit Informationen über Minen, Märkte und antike Handelsrouten und einem Kapitel über die technische Anwendung und synthetische Herstellung von Edelsteinen.

Edexcel A-level Biology B Student Guide 3: Topics 5-7

by Mary Jones

Written by experienced examiner Mary Jones, this Student Guide for Biology:-Identifies the key content you need to know with a concise summary of topics examined in the A-level specifications-Enables you to measure your understanding with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers at the end of the guide-Helps you to improve your exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions-Develops your independent learning skills with content you can use for further study and research

Edexcel A-level Biology Student Guide: Practical Biology

by Dan Foulder

Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teacher Martin Rowland, this Student Guide for practical Biology:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks.

Edexcel A-level Biology Student Guide: Practical Biology

by Dan Foulder

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: AS/A-levelSubject: BiologyFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teacher Martin Rowland, this Student Guide for practical Biology:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks.

Edexcel A-level Chemistry Student Guide: Practical Chemistry

by David Scott

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A-levelSubject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: September 2017Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teacher and author David Scott, this Student Guide for practical Chemistry:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks.

Edexcel A-level Chemistry Student Guide 3: Topics 11-15

by George Facer

Written by experienced examiner George Facer, this Student Guide for Chemistry:-Identifies the key content you need to know with a concise summary of topics examined in the A-level specifications-Enables you to measure your understanding with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers at the end of the guide-Helps you to improve your exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions-Develops your independent learning skills with content you can use for further study and research

Edexcel A-level Chemistry Student Guide: Practical Chemistry

by David Scott

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A-levelSubject: ChemistryFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teacher and author David Scott, this Student Guide for practical Chemistry:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks.

Edexcel A-level Physics Student Guide: Practical Physics

by Graham George Carol Davenport

Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teachers Carol Davenport, Graham George and Kevin Lawrence, this Student Guide for practical Physics:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks

Edexcel A-level Physics Student Guide 4: Topics 9-13

by Mike Benn

Written by experienced author Mike Benn, this Student Guide for Physics:Written by experienced teacher Pauline Lowrie, this Student Guide for Biology:- Helps students identify what they need to know with a concise summary of the topics examined in the AS and A-level specifications- Consolidates understanding with tips and knowledge check questions- Provides opportunities to improve exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions- Develops independent learning and research skills- Provides the content for generating individual revision notes

Edexcel A-level Physics Student Guide: Practical Physics

by Carol Davenport Graham George

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: AS/A-levelSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.Written by experienced teachers Carol Davenport, Graham George and Kevin Lawrence, this Student Guide for practical Physics:- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions. - Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks

Edexcel A-level Year 2 Biology B Student Guide: Topics 8-10

by Mary Jones

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A-levelSubject: BiologyFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Written by experienced examiner Mary Jones, this Student Guide for Biology:-Identifies the key content you need to know with a concise summary of topics examined in the A-level specifications-Enables you to measure your understanding with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers at the end of the guide-Helps you to improve your exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions-Develops your independent learning skills with content you can use for further study and research

Edexcel A-level Year 2 Biology B Student Guide: Topics 8-10

by Mary Jones

Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: A-levelSubject: BiologyFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017Written by experienced examiner Mary Jones, this Student Guide for Biology:-Identifies the key content you need to know with a concise summary of topics examined in the A-level specifications-Enables you to measure your understanding with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers at the end of the guide-Helps you to improve your exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions-Develops your independent learning skills with content you can use for further study and research

Edexcel A-level Year 2 Chemistry Student Guide: Topics 16-19

by George Facer

Written by experienced examiner George Facer, this Student Guide for Chemistry:-Identifies the key content you need to know with a concise summary of topics examined in the A-level specifications-Enables you to measure your understanding with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers at the end of the guide-Helps you to improve your exam technique with sample answers to exam-style questions-Develops your independent learning skills with content you can use for further study and research

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