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Genetik: für Biologen, Biochemiker, Pharmazeuten und Mediziner (Verdammt clever!)

by Hugh Fletcher Ivor Hickey Claudia Horstmann

Kompakt und »verdammt clever« auf den Punkt gebracht – vermittelt Genetik das unverzichtbare molekulare Grundwissen sowie alles Wichtige zu den Themen Genome, Mechanismen der Vererbung, Humangenetik, Populationsgenetik und Evolution sowie zu den Anwendungen der modernen Genetik. Das ideale Einsteiger-Buch – verständlicher Text, einprägsame Abbildungen und präzise Kapitelzusammenfassungen sind echte Pluspunkte, wenn es um einen schnellen Start in dieses spannende Fach geht. • Das perfekte Kurzlehrbuch! Optimal für eine Einführung in die molekulare Genetik – die wirklich wichtigen Themen werden mit ihren Kernaussagen kurz und knapp behandelt. • Verständliche Darstellung! Jedes Kapitel enthält eine Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Fakten und Begriffe, klare und leicht erfassbare Abbildungen illustrieren die Inhalte. • Ohne Angst in die Prüfung! Der Textaufbau ermöglicht strukturiertes Lernen und schnelles Wiederholen – zusätzlich mit über 70 Fragen und Antworten zum Üben.


by Jochen Graw

Von Mendel bis zu Genomforschung und Gentechnologie reicht dieses Standardwerk der Genetik. Es ist klar strukturiert und bietet eine umfassende Darstellung der klassischen und der molekularen Genetik. Cytogenetik, Entwicklungsgenetik, Humangenetik und Anthropologie sowie Neuro- und Verhaltensgenetik sind weitere wichtige Inhalte. Komplexe Sachverhalte werden verständlich und auf dem aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Stand dargestellt. Technikboxen bereichern das umfassende Themen- und Methodenspektrum. Dieses Buch vermittelt genetisches Grundlagenwissen für das gesamte Studium. Dabei unterstützen zahlreiche hervorgehobene Lernhilfen und Beispiele aus allen Bereichen der Genetik, ansprechende, farbige Abbildungen sowie Übungsfragen. Die 7. Auflage wurde gründlich überarbeitet und aktualisiert sowie mit Links zu erklärenden Videos zu besonderen Aspekten des jeweiligen Kapitels ergänzt.

Genetik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tara Rodden Robinson

Die Genetik ist eine der Naturwissenschaften, deren Wissen am schnellsten wächst und deren Erkenntnisse ständig in Bewegung und in der Diskussion sind. "Genetik für Dummies" erklärt, was überhaupt hinter diesem spannenden Thema steckt. Die Autorin Tara Rodden Robinson erklärt die Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre wie die Mendelschen Regeln, wie Zellen aufgebaut sind und sie sich teilen. Sie zeigt, wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine übersetzt wird. Außerdem geht sie auf die Bedeutung der Genetik in der Humanmedizin ein, wie Genmutationen und Erbkrankheiten entstehen. Sie erläutert, was beim Klonen passiert und was sich überhaupt hinter dem Begriff Gentechnik verbirgt. Auch die heißen Themen wie Stammzellentherapie und der Einsatz der Genetik in der Rechtsmedizin werden behandelt.

Genetik für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tara Rodden Robinson Lisa Spock

Die Genetik ist eines der naturwissenschaftlichen Fachgebiete, deren Wissen am schnellsten wächst und deren Erkenntnisse ständig in Bewegung und in der Diskussion sind. "Genetik für Dummies" erklärt, was überhaupt hinter diesem spannenden Thema steckt. Die Autorinnen Tara Rodden Robinson und Lisa J. Spock erklären einfach und prägnant die Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre, wie beispielsweise die Mendelschen Regeln und die Zellteilung. Sie zeigen auch, wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine übersetzt wird. Außerdem gehen sie auf die Bedeutung der Genetik in der Humanmedizin ein, wie Genmutationen entstehen und Erbkrankheiten zur Folge haben. Auch die heißen Themen wie Gentechnik, Stammzellentherapie und der Einsatz der Genetik in der Rechtsmedizin kommen nicht zu kurz.

Genetik kompakt für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tara Rodden Robinson

Sie suchen einen schnellen und leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Genetik? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie! Tara Rodden Robinson erklärt Ihnen die wichtigsten Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre: Wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine übersetzt wird, was es mit den Mendelschen Regeln auf sich hat, wozu Gentechnik gut ist, wie Genmutationen und Erbkrankheiten entstehen und vieles mehr. So ist dies Ihr perfekter Nachhilfelehrer für die Tasche: verständlich, kompetent, günstig.

Genetik kompakt für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tara Rodden Robinson

Auf einen Blick: Die Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre Alles Wichtige zu DNA, RNA, Mutationen und Co. Die Mechanismen der Replikation, Transkription und Translation Das Wesentliche zu Gentechnik, Stammzellen und mehr Ihr Speed-Date mit der Genetik Der schnelle Überblick für Schüler, Studenten und jeden, den es sonst noch interessiert Sie suchen einen kompakten und leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Genetik? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie! Es enthält das Wichtigste, das Sie zur Vererbungslehre und ihren Gesetzen wissen müssen. Tara Rodden Robinson erklärt Ihnen, wie die DNA auf - gebaut ist und wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine übersetzt wird. Sie erfahren außerdem, was es mit den Mendelschen Regeln, Klonen und Gentechnik auf sich hat, wie Genmutationen und Erbkrankheiten entstehen und vieles mehr. So ist dies Ihr perfekter Nachhilfelehrer für die Tasche: freundlich, kompetent und günstig.

Genetik und Molekularbiologie (Kompaktwissen Biologie)

by Olaf G. Schmidt

Der Espresso unter den LehrbüchernKompaktwissen Genetik und Molekularbiologie präsentiert die Inhalte in klarer, prägnanter Darstellung. Ohne unnötigen Ballast und im richtigen Kontext erläutert der Band verständlich die Fakten, Zusammenhänge und Prinzipien dieses wichtigen Teilgebiets der Lebenswissenschaften. Damit eignet er sich besonders… zur Nachbereitung von Vorlesungen und Seminaren … zur Vorbereitung auf Prüfungen… zum Nachschlagen während des späteren Studiums oder im Berufsleben. Das Wichtigste zur Genetik und ihrer Molekularbiologie von Pro- und Eukaryoten Das gesamte Wissen zur Genetik für die Prüfungen bis zum Bachelor oder ersten Staatsexamen in kompakter Form:Das genetische MaterialOrganisation des ErbgutsDNA-ReplikationTranskription und Translation bei Bakterien, Archaeen und EukaryotenRegulation der Genexpression bei ProkaryotenRegulation der Genexpression bei EukaryotenFormale Genetik, Klassische GenetikRekombination, VariabilitätKonjugation, Transduktion, Transformation bei BakterienMutationenDNA-ReparaturmechanismenHumangenetikImmun- und EntwicklungsgenetikGenomikMethoden: von DNA-Isolierung bis Genome Editing und Organ-ChipsModellorganismenDie zweite Auflage wurde durchgehend überarbeitet und um aktuelle Inhalte ergänzt. Erweitert wurden vor allem die Darstellungen zur Architektur des Genoms, seiner Kontrolle und Regulation und die Bedeutung epigenetischer Vorgänge.

Geniale Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Versteckte Beiträge, die die Welt verändert haben

by Lars Jaeger

Obwohl Frauen schon früh das wissenschaftliche Denken mitgeprägt haben, sichtbar geworden sind sie fast nie. Dieses Ungleichgewicht setzt sich bis heute fort, auch wenn es aktuell weit mehr Wissenschaftlerinnen gibt als jemals zuvor. Lars Jaeger spannt einen Bogen von der Antike bis heute und porträtiert in essayartigen Einführungen das Leben und Wirken der wohl bedeutendsten weiblichen Naturwissenschaftlerinnen und Mathematikerinnen. Von Hypatia von Alexandria über Émilie du Châtelet und Emmy Noether bis hin zu Lisa Randall, sie alle haben Großes geleistet, die Wissenschaft entscheidend vorangebracht und konnten dennoch oft nicht aus dem Schatten ihrer männlichen Kollegen treten.Neben den spannenden Porträts der einzelnen Wissenschaftlerinnen sowie einer detaillierten und anschaulichen Darstellung ihrer wissenschaftlichen Leistungen beleuchtet dieses Sachbuch auch das Geschlechterverhältnis in der Wissenschaft, das sich nur quälend langsam zugunsten eines fairen Verhältnisses für die Frauen entwickelt.

Geniale Pflanzen

by Bruno P. Kremer

In diesem Buch finden Sie eine Auswahl erstaunlicher Eigenheiten unserer grünen Mitgeschöpfe, der Pflanzen. Beim bloßen Hinsehen kann man den Eindruck gewinnen, als stünden die Pflanzen einfach nur so herum, aber die genauere Inspektion deckt doch mancherlei Besonderheiten in Gestalt und Funktionen auf. Einer kleinen Umschau im Bereich von Stämmen und Stängeln schließt sich Ungewöhnliches von den Blattorganen an und schließlich beleuchtet der Autor die faszinierenden Aktionsfelder der Blüten bis hin zur Samen- bzw. Fruchtreife. Erfahren Sie beispielsweise, welch geheimnisvolle Stoffschiebereien unsere Waldorchideen im dunklen Untergrund praktizieren, warum die Blätter mancher Pflanzen nachts ziemlich sauer werden, und ob in den imposanten Blütenköpfen der Sonnenblumen eine besondere Mathematik steckt. Pflanzen sind also tatsächlich weitaus spannender, als man zunächst vermutet – mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass sie mit ihrem Stoffwechsel für den Erhalt der gesamten Biosphäre grandiose und geradezu unentbehrliche Dienstleistungen erbringen. Es gibt in unserer grünen Umwelt also eine Menge zu entdecken, und dafür halten Sie gerade ein themenreiches Starterkit in Händen.

Geniale Prinzipien der Natur: Rechnen wir mit der Natur oder die Natur rechnet mit uns [ab]

by E. W. Küppers

Dieser Band legt den Schwerpunkt auf praktische Anwendungen der Prinzipien, die aus der Natur in unserem Gestaltungsraum übertragen werden können. Er ist dabei getragen von den Regelungs- und Steuerungssystemen, wie sie die Wissenschaft der Kybernetik beschreibt.

Geniale Tiere: Anekdotisches, Bewundernswertes und Erstaunliches aus allen Bereichen unserer Fauna

by Klaus Richarz Bruno P. Kremer

Vom mikroskopisch kleinen Lebewesen bis zum großen Vierbeiner versetzen uns die meisten Tiere in Erstaunen: Sie können tiefer tauchen, schneller schwimmen, besser laufen oder gar ausdauernd fliegen – physische Leistungsmerkmale, die uns in dieser Perfektion weitgehend fehlen. Noch erstaunlicher sind ihre sensorischen Fähigkeiten: Wer kann schon mit den Ohren sehen oder seine Auserwählte aus einer Distanz von rund 10 km nur mit dem Geruchssinn wahrnehmen? Dieses Buch berichtet über bewundernswerte Eigenheiten und Fähigkeiten von Tieren aller größeren Verwandtschaftsgruppen: Staunen Sie über das reiche Leben zwischen den Sandkörnern des Strandes. Wundern Sie sich über Bienen, die in leeren Schneckenhäusern wohnen. Oder haben Sie je von Tieren gehört, die mit den Füßen fischen? Weitere spannende Themen sind lärmende Meeresfische, dreiäugige Echsen, giftige Vögel und Fledermäuse im Rotlichtmilieu. Mit diesem Wissen wird Ihnen der Gesprächsstoff bei keiner Gelegenheit ausgehen.

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine And The New Biology Of Intention

by Dawson Church

Author Dawson Church applies the insights of the new field of Epigenetics (epi=above, i.e. control above the level of the gene) to healing. Citing hundreds of scientific studies, he shows how beliefs and emotions can trigger the expression of DNA strands. He focuses on a class of genes called Immediate Early Genes or IEGs. These genes turn on within a few seconds of a stimulus. They can be triggered by thoughts or emotions ("I loved that unexpected gift of roses Bill gave me" or "I'm so mad about what Uncle John said at the Christmas party"). Many IEGs are regulatory genes turn on other genes that affect specific aspects of our immune system, such as the production of white blood cells that destroy attacking bacteria and viruses. Epigenetics thus influences our health every day. <P><P> He coins the new term "Epigenetic Medicine" to describe healing techniques with epigenetic effects. He also summarizes the science behind the infant fields of Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine, both of which offer promising epigenetic medical therapies, and describes a few of the thousands of powerful personal breakthroughs that are being achieved by therapists, doctors and lay people praticing these techniques. The Genie in Your Genes shows that there is a sound theoretical framework, based on credible experiments, for understanding these astonishing results, and predicts that the insights of Epigenetic Medicine will dramatically advance the fields of both medicine and psychology in the coming decade. <P><P> Best of all, The Genie in Your Genes demonstrates that, by taking control of our consciousness and using it to influence our genetic expression, we can sometimes bypass years of therapy, as well as harmful drugs and invasive surgeries, to, in effect, do continuous genetic engineering on our own bodies. This can produce both immediate relief from long-standing anxieties and neuroses, as well as "miraculous" healing of persistent physical conditions, especially autoimmune diseases. <P><P> Among a new crop of books that chart the way to a positive health future, The Genie in Your Genes stands out as a solidly grounded and exciting pointer to the future possibilities of a medicine that links soul to body and mind.

Genitourinary Radiology: Kidney, Bladder and Urethra

by Vikram S. Dogra Gregory T. Maclennan

A book such as this, correlating radiologic findings with the associated gross and microscopic pathologic findings, has never been offered to the medical community. It contains radiologic images, in a variety of formats (ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan) correlated with gross photos and photomicrographs of a wide spectrum of pathologic entities, including their variants, occurring in the following organs or anatomic sites. This book would be of particular interest to radiologists and radiologists-in training, who naturally are very cognizant of radiologic abnormalities, but who rarely, if ever, encounter visual images of the pathologic lesions that they diagnose. It will also be of interest to pathologists and pathologists-in-training, urologists, GU radiation oncologists, and GU medical oncologists.

Genitourinary Radiology: Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum

by Ahmet Tuncay Turgut Anastasia Canacci Mehmet Ruhi Onur Vikram S. Dogra Gregory T. Maclennan

Genitourinary Radiology: Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum: The Pathologic Basis is the second volume in a set of books on the pathologic basis of genitourinary radiology. Genitourinary Radiology: Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum: The Pathologic Basis provides a lavishly illustrated guide to the radiologic and pathologic features of a broad spectrum of diseases of the male genital tract, adrenal glands and retroperitoneum, including the entities most commonly encountered in day to day practice. The editors are authorities in the fields of genitourinary radiology and pathology, and the authors of each chapter are renowned radiologists, with pathology content provided by an internationally recognized genitourinary pathologist. General, plain film, intravenous pyelography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine imaging and PET imaging of each disease entity are included. Accompanying the majority of the radiological narratives are complementary descriptions of the gross and microscopic features of the disease entities. Genitourinary Radiology: Male Genital Tract, Adrenal and Retroperitoneum: The Pathologic Basis is aimed at radiologists in private and academic practice, radiology residents, urologists, urology trainees, pathology trainees and fellows specializing in genitourinary pathology. Both experts and beginners can use this excellent reference book to enhance their skills in the fields of genitourinary radiology and pathology.

Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman

by James Gleick

New York Times Bestseller: This life story of the quirky physicist is &“a thorough and masterful portrait of one of the great minds of the century&” (The New York Review of Books). Raised in Depression-era Rockaway Beach, physicist Richard Feynman was irreverent, eccentric, and childishly enthusiastic—a new kind of scientist in a field that was in its infancy. His quick mastery of quantum mechanics earned him a place at Los Alamos working on the Manhattan Project under J. Robert Oppenheimer, where the giddy young man held his own among the nation&’s greatest minds. There, Feynman turned theory into practice, culminating in the Trinity test, on July 16, 1945, when the Atomic Age was born. He was only twenty-seven. And he was just getting started. In this sweeping biography, James Gleick captures the forceful personality of a great man, integrating Feynman&’s work and life in a way that is accessible to laymen and fascinating for the scientists who follow in his footsteps.

Genius: Theory, History and Technique (Springer Praxis Books)

by Roberto Manzocco

Genius is a fascinating topic. Everyone has an opinion on it, but not a lot of clarity. Much has been written on the subject - biographies, autobiographies, technical books, popular science books, and practical manuals - but genius in all of its dimensions has yet to be addressed. This book seeks to remedy that. What follows is a work of significant breadth that hopes to facilitate a nuanced popular understanding of the definition of genius, examining all of the main theories and approaches regarding the nature and origin of brilliance, the cognitive path that geniuses follow, and the difference that exists between “geniuses” on one side and “normal people” on the other. Pragmatic indications surrounding this issue are also examined, regarding such questions as: is it possible to become a genius or is genius innate? If it is possible, what is the path – no doubt long and difficult – that one must take? Is there a method for becoming a genius that can be taught and learned? This book will appeal to anyone who has ever contemplated great ideas and works and wondered how they came into being.

The Genius Checklist: Nine Paradoxical Tips on How You Can Become a Creative Genius (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Dean Keith Simonton

What it takes to be a genius: nine essential and contradictory ingredients.What does it take to be a genius? A high score on an IQ test? Brilliant physicist Richard Feynman's IQ was too low for membership in Mensa. Suffering from varying degrees of mental illness? Creativity is often considered a marker of mental health. Be a child prodigy like Mozart, or a later bloomer like Beethoven? Die tragically young, like Keats, or live to a ripe old age like Goethe? In The Genius Checklist, Dean Keith Simonton examines the key factors in creative genius and finds that they are more than a little contradictory. Simonton, who has studied creativity and genius for more than four decades, draws on both scientific research and stories from the lives of famous creative geniuses that range from Isaac Newton to Vincent van Gogh to Virginia Woolf. He explains the origin of IQ tests and the art of estimating the IQ of long-dead historical figures (John Stuart Mill: 200; Charles Darwin: 160). He compares IQ scores with achieved eminence as measures of genius, and he draws a distinction between artistic and scientific genius. He rules out birth order as a determining factor (in the James family alone, three geniuses at three different birth-order positions: William James, firs-tborn; Henry James, second born; Alice James, born fifth and last); considers Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 hour rule; and describes how the “lone” genius gets enmeshed in social networks.Genius, Simonton explains, operates in ways so subtle that they seem contradictory. Genius is born and made, the domain of child prodigies and their elders. Simonton's checklist gives us a new, integrative way to understand geniuses—and perhaps even to nurture your own genius!

The Genius Factory

by David Plotz

In 1980 an eccentric American millionaire launched a 'Nobel Prize sperm bank', intended to create a new generation of superkids. Stocked with the seed of gifted scientists, inventors, businessmen and thinkers, including several Nobel laureates, the 'genius factory' produced more than 200 children before it quietly closed its doors in 1999. What happened to them? Were they the brilliant progeny its founder expected? In this stunning, eye-opening and hugely entertaining book, David Plotz tracks down many...

Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life

by Max Lugavere Paul Grewal

Discover the critical link between your brain and the food you eat and change the way your brain ages, in this cutting-edge, practical guide to eliminating brain fog, optimizing brain health, and achieving peak mental performance from media personality and leading voice in health Max Lugavere. After his mother was diagnosed with a mysterious form of dementia, Max Lugavere put his successful media career on hold to learn everything he could about brain health and performance. For the better half of a decade, he consumed the most up-to-date scientific research, talked to dozens of leading scientists and clinicians around the world, and visited the country’s best neurology departments—all in the hopes of understanding his mother’s condition. Now, in Genius Foods, Lugavere presents a comprehensive guide to brain optimization. He uncovers the stunning link between our dietary and lifestyle choices and our brain functions, revealing how the foods you eat directly affect your ability to focus, learn, remember, create, analyze new ideas, and maintain a balanced mood. Weaving together pioneering research on dementia prevention, cognitive optimization, and nutritional psychiatry, Lugavere distills groundbreaking science into actionable lifestyle changes. He shares invaluable insights into how to improve your brain power, including the nutrients that can boost your memory and improve mental clarity (and where to find them);the foods and tactics that can energize and rejuvenate your brain, no matter your age;a brain-boosting fat-loss method so powerful it has been called “biochemical liposuction”; andthe foods that can improve your happiness, both now and for the long term.With Genius Foods, Lugavere offers a cutting-edge yet practical road map to eliminating brain fog and optimizing the brain’s health and performance today—and decades into the future.

Genius Kitchen: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Make Your Brain Sharp, Body Strong, and Taste Buds Happy (Genius Living #3)

by Max Lugavere

Combining the dietary recommendations in his bestselling Genius Foods and the lifestyle recommendations of The Genius Life, Genius Kitchen features shockingly delicious, nutrient-packed recipes that will energize your mind, strengthen your body, and pave a path to health that you’ll feel with the first bite. Max Lugavere’s debut book Genius Foods was groundbreaking, providing much-needed information on brain health that was embraced by thousands, and became an instant New York Times bestseller. His second book, The Genius Life, introduced an easy-to-implement protocol for strengthening your body and mind. This is the follow-up fans have been waiting for: the companion cookbook, filled with over 100 delicious recipes to help you lose weight, feel great, and reach optimum health.Inspired by traditions from around the globe, the 100-plus recipes and stunning photographs in Genius Kitchen feature an international twist, with bold flavors that favor simplicity and quality of ingredients over complexity and quantity. In addition, Max lists the basic, healthy ingredients and tools that are essential for a well-stocked kitchen and pantry, and offers techniques and best practices for healthy cooking and eating well on a budget. Max wants everyone to be well and enjoy great food—a legacy imparted on him by the tragic health of his mother. Part cookbook, part wellness guide, Genius Kitchen provides key insights that make healthy eating a breeze. Max explains the importance of whole, fresh foods, how various nutrients work together keep you healthy, and how to get fit without counting calories. Breaking down each meal component, Max explains the art and science of nutrition without the dogma, so that you can feel your best every day without sacrificing your love of eating. Whether you are a novice cook or seasoned in the kitchen; just beginning the journey to wellness, or health conscious but wanting to up your game, everyone will benefit from the information presented in Genius Kitchen—and enjoy some epic food in the process.

The Genius Life: Heal Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body, and Become Extraordinary (Genius Living #2)

by Max Lugavere

The author of the New York Times bestselling Genius Foods is back with a lifestyle program for resetting your brain and body to its “factory settings,” to help fight fatigue, anxiety, and depression and to optimize cognitive health for a longer and healthier life.The human body was honed under conditions that no longer exist. The modern world has changed dramatically since our days as hunter gatherers, and it has caused widespread anxiety, stress, and disease, leaving our brains in despair. But science proves that the body and brain can be healed with the intervention of lifestyle protocols that help us to regain our cognitive birthright.In The Genius Life, Lugavere expands the Genius Foods plan, which focused on nutrition and how it affects brain health, and expands it to encompass a full lifestyle protocol. We know now that the health of our brains—including our cognitive function and emotional wellness—depend on the health of our gut, endocrine, cardiac and nervous systems as there is a constant feedback loop between all systems. Drawing on globe-spanning research into circadian biology, psychology, dementia prevention, cognitive optimization, and exercise physiology, The Genius Life shows how to integrate healthy choices in all aspects of our daily routines: eating, exercising, sleeping, detoxing, and more to create a healthy foundation for optimal cognitive health and performance. Among Max’s groundbreaking findings, you will discover:· A trick that gives you the equivalent of a “marathon” workout, in 10 minutes· How to get the benefits of an extra 1-2 servings of veggies daily without eating them· The hidden chemicals in your home that could be making you fat and sick· How to boost melatonin levels by up to 58% for deeper sleep without supplementsThe book features an achievable prescriptive 21-day plan for Genius Living that includes daily workouts, meal plans, and meal prep tips, and accompanied with helpful suggestions for healthy swaps and snacks

The Genius of Birds

by Jennifer Ackerman

<P>Birds are astonishingly intelligent creatures. In fact, according to revolutionary new research, some birds rival primates and even humans in their remarkable forms of intelligence. Like humans, many birds have enormous brains relative to their size. Although small, bird brains are packed with neurons that allow them to punch well above their weight. <P> In The Genius of Birds, acclaimed author Jennifer Ackerman explores the newly discovered brilliance of birds and how it came about. As she travels around the world to the most cutting-edge frontiers of research-- the distant laboratories of Barbados and New Caledonia, the great tit communities of the United Kingdom and the bowerbird habitats of Australia, the ravaged mid-Atlantic coast after Hurricane Sandy and the warming mountains of central Virginia and the western states--Ackerman not only tells the story of the recently uncovered genius of birds but also delves deeply into the latest findings about the bird brain itself that are revolutionizing our view of what it means to be intelligent. <P>Consider, as Ackerman does, the Clark's nutcracker, a bird that can hide as many as 30,000 seeds over dozens of square miles and remember where it put them several months later; the mockingbirds and thrashers, species that can store 200 to 2,000 different songs in a brain a thousand times smaller than ours; the well-known pigeon, which knows where it's going, even thousands of miles from familiar territory; and the New Caledonian crow, an impressive bird that makes its own tools. <P>But beyond highlighting how birds use their unique genius in technical ways, Ackerman points out the impressive social smarts of birds. They deceive and manipulate. They eavesdrop. They display a strong sense of fairness. They give gifts. They play keep-away and tug-of-war. They tease. They share. They cultivate social networks. They vie for status. They kiss to console one another. They teach their young. They blackmail their parents. They alert one another to danger. They summon witnesses to the death of a peer. They may even grieve. <P>This elegant scientific investigation and travelogue weaves personal anecdotes with fascinating science. Ackerman delivers an extraordinary story that will both give readers a new appreciation for the exceptional talents of birds and let them discover what birds can reveal about our changing world. Incredibly informative and beautifully written, The Genius of Birds richly celebrates the triumphs of these surprising and fiercely intelligent creatures. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Genius of Dogs

by Brian Hare

Brian Hare, dog researcher, evolutionary anthropologist, and founder of the Duke Canine Cognition Center, and Vanessa Woods offer revolutionary new insights into dog intelligence and the interior lives of our smartest pets. In the past decade, we have learned more about how dogs think than in the last century. Breakthroughs in cognitive science, pioneered by Brian Hare have proven dogs have a kind of genius for getting along with people that is unique in the animal kingdom. Brian Hare's stunning discovery is that when dogs domesticated themselves as early as 40,000 years ago they became far more like human infants than their wolf ancestors. Domestication gave dogs a whole new kind of social intelligence. This finding will change the way we think about dogs and dog training—indeed, the revolution has already begun. Hare's seminal research has led him to work with every kind of dog from the tiniest shelter puppy to the exotic New Guinea singing dog, from his own childhood dog, Oreo, to the most fashionable schnoodle. The Genius of Dogs is nothing less than the definitive dog book of our time by the researcher who started a revolution. .

The Genius of Dogs

by Brian Hare Vanessa Woods

For readers of Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz, this New York Times bestseller offers mesmerizing insights into the interior lives of our smartest petsIn the past decade, we have learned more about how dogs think than in the last century. Breakthroughs in cognitive science, pioneered by Brian Hare, have proven dogs have a kind of genius for getting along with people that is unique in the animal kingdom. This dog genius revolution is transforming how we live and work with our canine friends, including how we train them. Does your dog feel guilt? Is she pretending she can't hear you? Does she want affection--or just your sandwich? In Th­e Genius of Dogs, Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods lay out what discoveries at the Duke Canine Cognition Lab and other research facilities around the world are revealing about how your dog thinks and how we humans can have even deeper relationships with our best four-legged friends.

The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter than You Think

by Brian Hare Vanessa Woods

Hare, dog researcher, evolutionary anthropologist, and founder of the Duke Canine Cognition Center, offers revolutionary new insights into dog intelligence and the interior lives of the smartest pets.

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