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Showing 28,951 through 28,975 of 75,724 results

The Gentianaceae - Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications

by Jan J. Rybczyński Michael R. Davey Anna Mikuła

This book, the second of two volumes on the Gentianaceae, is devoted to aspects of biotechnology and their applications. It consists of 18 chapters and covers micropropagation by means of organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis, and single cell manipulation of various species belonging to the horticultural genera Blakstonia, Centaurium, Gentiana, Gentianalla and Swertia. Furthermore, the application of somatic cell hybridization, haploidization and genetic variation arising from tissue and organ culture for the production of plants with new horticultural traits, such as new flower colors or sizes, or with special pharmaceutical values, is treated in detail. Also discussed are molecular markers that facilitate breeding and cultivar identification, the preservation of genetic resources by cryopreservation, the postharvest physiology of cut Gentian flowers and potted plants, and different analytical methods for the evaluation of Gentians as sources of secondary metabolites, such as xanthones and flavonoids, secoiridoids and C-glucoflavonoids, and their positive impacts on human health. This volume as well as the companion book The Gentianaceae - Volume 1: Characterization and Ecology will serve as key reference works for scientists and students in the fields of botany, plant breeding, biotechnology and horticulture, as well as professional gardeners.

The Gentle Art of Mathematics

by Dan Pedoe

Mathematical games, probability, the question of infinity, topology, how the laws of algebra work, problems of irrational numbers, and more. 42 figures.

Gentrification and Diversity: Rebranding Milan's Chinatown (The Urban Book Series)

by Lidia Katia Manzo

This book examines lived experiences of making, inhabiting and appropriating space, in relation to the upscale commercial gentrification of the Milan Chinatown. It inquires about the significance of diverse neighborhoods as emerging multicultural spaces? Are we talking about neighborhood entrepreneurs providing services and entertainment to create local urban culture, or are we talking about political/economic forces in the commodification of ethnic and cultural diversity? Starting from these questions, this book uses innovative visual ethnography and critical urban research to understand the relationship between community-based entrepreneurs, local politics, residents’ sense of belonging, and patterns of city branding strategies in Milan, the fashion capital of Italy.This book is intended for researchers and students in the fields of sociology, anthropology, urban studies, geography, and urban planning. Additionally, it is appropriate for practitioners in the fields of urban planning, housing policies, and community development.

The Genus Diplusodon (Flora Neotropica #122)

by Taciana Barbosa Cavalcanti

This volume is a monograph of the genus Diplusodon (Lythraceae), written by the world authority on this plant group. Diplusodon is a monophyletic genus of shrubs and subshrubs, with showy, 6-merous, actinomorphic flowers, and floral tubes on which the sepals alternate with conspicuous epicalyx segments. The capsular fruit contains winged seeds and, uniquely for the family, is divided by a bipartite placenta with two semi-lunate septa. Diplusodon is the second largest genus in the Lythraceae and occurs mostly in the Cerrado Biome, the floristically diverse savannah that covers more than two million km2 of the Central Brazilian Plateau, extending west into Bolivia, south to Paraguay and east to the Caatinga. A total of 104 species and eight varieties are recognized in the genus, for which 46 lectotypes, one neotype, one new status and one new combination are designated, nine new species are described, and 15 taxa are placed in synonymy. New information on floral and vegetative morphology, pollen, cytology, chemistry, floral biology, and habitat are provided for the genus. In addition, keys to the species are accompanied by descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps, and assignment of conservation status.

Genus Rheum (Polygonaceae): A Global Perspective

by Shahzad A. Pandith Mohd. Ishfaq Khan

Genus Rheum (Polygonaceae): A Global Perspective provides an integrative overview of a genus of highly valued medicinal herbs. It emphasizes in detail various aspects of research on Rheum, from its origin to conservation. The book evaluates the concepts, definitions, models, and findings involved in understanding its botany, ecology, chemistry, ethnobotany, pharmacology, and molecular biology as well as the employment of in vitro propagation strategies vis-à-vis its threat status as a conservation measure. It includes earlier approaches and the recent state-of-art biotechnological interventions to understand and modulate the pathways involved in the biosynthesis of specialized metabolites of therapeutic significance, making it an essential guide and reference to a broader interdisciplinary readership. It also explores the pharmacological importance of Rheum vis-à-vis traditional utility and highlights different areas that need further research and exploration. Moreover, the book describes how this species has reached the brink of extinction and evaluates the role of different conservation strategies that have been employed from time to time. It also describes how in vitro propagation can serve as a means of its multiplication as well as for the generation of desired bioactive chemical constituents within a short time. Features An integrated approach to elucidate the complex taxonomic history of genus Rheum across the world A repository for the traditional utility of rhubarb across cultures for a spectrum of simple to complex human ailments A rich source of findings and insights on phytochemicals reported to date with their potential use as therapeutic agents Elucidation of different genetic, cytological, and biotechnological interventions employed to understand its adaptability, acclimatization, and stability under tremendous natural and anthropogenic pressure Integration of available information, presented in a single lucid script easily accessible to students, researchers, and interested citizens across the world

The Genus Syzygium: Syzygium cumini and Other Underutilized Species (Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times)

by K. N. Nair

Syzygium is a well-known source of the globally traded clove as well as the widely cultivated jambolan, water apple, rose apple, wax apple, mountain apple, and several other underutilized species. These plants have multiple uses as edible fruits, medicine, spice, food colorants, and flavorings. The Genus Syzygium: Syzygium cumini and Other Underutilized Species provides an updated, comprehensive account of S. cumini and other underutilized species from a multidisciplinary perspective. This book covers all relevant aspects including the botany, systematics, phylogeny, life history, traditional medicinal uses, phytochemical constituents, pharmacology, pharmacopeia standards, horticulture, genetic resource conservation, biocontrol, and bioremediation values. It demonstrates how Syzygium cumini and other underutilized species hold great prospect for global pharmaceutical and horticultural trade. The Genus Syzygium will serve as the standard reference for a broad range of researchers interested in the various uses of S. cumini and eight underutilized Indo-Malaysian and Australasian species of Syzygium.


by Thomas Miedaner

Bei Getreide denkt jeder zuerst an Brot und Müsli, aber aus Getreide wird auch Bier, Schnaps und Whisky hergestellt. Wir genießen Wein, Zucker, Kaffee, Kakao, Tee – alles Genüsse, die uns Pflanzen bescheren: Genusspflanzen. Der Mensch nutzt sie seit Jahrtausenden, zum Genuss, zur Anregung, zur Entspannung, zum Rausch, oder als Heilmittel. Zu letzterem zählen auch Drogen, wie Hanf, Opium und Kokain. Pflanzliche Drogen waren allen Kulturen bekannt und wegen ihrer Potenz oft mit Zauber und religiösen Riten belegt. Genuss bringen uns aber auch Blüten, exotische Gewürze, orientalische Sträucher und indische Bäume. Ohne sie gäbe es weder Lebkuchen, noch Pfeffernüsse, Weihrauch oder duftende Parfums. So sprechen Genusspflanzen unsere Sinne an und es gibt wohl niemanden, der nicht das eine oder andere ihrer Produkte nutzt. Dieses Buch behandelt die Herkunft und Botanik der Genusspflanzen, ihren Anbau und ihre Verbreitung früher und heute sowie ihre vielfältigen Wirkungen und Einflüsse auf die menschliche Kultur.

Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPH-based Approach

by Yu Huang Zili Dai Weijie Zhang

Through application of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method, this monograph mainly focuses on large deformations and flow failure simulations of geomaterials and movement behavior, which are always involved in geo-disasters. The work covers the theoretical background, numerical techniques, code implementation issues, and many novel and interesting applications. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional SPH models in the framework of both hydrodynamics and solid mechanics are established, with detailed descriptions. The monograph also contains many appealing and practical examples of geo-disaster modeling and analysis, including the fluidized movement of flow-like landslides, lateral spread of liquefied soils, and flow slides in landfills. In the documented SPH simulations, the propagation of geo-disasters is effectively reproduced. Dynamic behaviors of geomaterials during propagation are ascertained, including sliding path, flow velocity, maximum distance reached, and distribution of deposits. In this way, the monograph presents a means for mapping hazardous areas, estimating hazard intensity, and identifying and designing appropriate protective measures.

Geo-Economy of the Future: Sustainable Agriculture and Alternative Energy

by Elena G. Popkova Bruno S. Sergi

This book presents an international review of the modern geo-economy and a scientific take on the geo-economy of the future. It identifies the challenges of climate change and their impact on the modern geo-economy. Prospects for the geo-economy of the future are outlined based on sustainable agriculture and alternative energy. Policy implications are put forward to develop a geo-economy of the future in response to the challenges of climate change. The book presents management implications for the development of the geo-economy of the future in response to the challenges of climate change at the regional and global scale. It presents the lessons-learned through the COVID-19 pandemic, and applies experiences of countries with different environmental conditions for agriculture and the development of the energy sector. Based on these results, advanced practical recommendations and ready-made frameworks at the national, regional, and enterprise level are provided.


by Regina Giménez

Our universe is brimming with secrets, and surprising curiosities. Here readers will learn the answers to all the questions they've asked themselves:What does the Sun look like from different planets in our galaxy? Why doesn't the Moon always appear the same? What is the largest river on Earth? And the highest mountain?In Geo-Graphics, our world becomes transformed by acclaimed artist Regina Giménez, into 96 pages of gorgeous shapes and colors. Planets and stars, continents and islands, rivers and lakes, volcanos and hurricanes … here they are presented as circles, polygons, lines, spirals, and accompanying facts that explain the world around us.This special and unusual atlas is a marriage of science and art like no other.

The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks

by Michele Walters Robert J. Scholes

Biodiversity observationsystems are almost everywhere inadequate to meet local, national andinternational (treaty) obligations. As a result of alarmingly rapid declines inbiodiversity in the modern era, there is a strong, worldwide desire to upgradeour monitoring systems, but little clarity on what is actually needed and howit can be assembled from the elements which are already present. This bookintends to provide practical guidance to broadly-defined biodiversityobservation networks at all scales, but predominantly the national scale andhigher. This is a practical how-to book with substantial policy relevance. Itwill mostly be used by technical specialists with a responsibility forbiodiversity monitoring to establish and refine their systems. It is written ata technical level, but one that is not discipline-bound: it should beintelligible to anyone in the broad field with a tertiary education.


by Mathias Lemmens

Geomatics, the handling and processing of information and data about the Earth, is one geoscience discipline that has seen major changes in the last decade, as mapping and observation systems become ever more sensitive and sophisticated. This book is a unique and in-depth survey of the field, which has a central role to play in tackling a host of environmental issues faced by society. Covering all three strands of geomatics - applications, information technology and surveying - the chapters cover the history and background of the subject, the technology employed both to collect and disseminate data, and the varied applications to which geomatics can be put, including urban planning, assessment of biodiversity, disaster management and land administration. Relevant professionals, as well as students in a variety of disciplines such as geography and surveying, will find this book required reading. This rapidly developing field uses increasingly complex and accurate systems. Today, technology enables us to capture geo-data in full 3D as well as to disseminate it via the Web at the speed of light. We are able to continuously image the world from space at resolutions of up to 50 cm. Airborne LiDAR (laser surveying) sensors can be combined with digital camera technology to produce geometrically correct images of the Earth's surface, while integrating these with large-scale topographic maps and terrestrial as well as aerial images to produce 3D cityscapes that computer users can explore from their desktops.

Geo-intelligence for Sustainable Development (Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences)

by T. P. Singh Dharmaveer Singh R. B. Singh

Globally, concerns for the environment and human well-being have increased as results of threats imposed by climate change and disasters, environmental degradation, pollution of natural resources, water scarcity and proliferation of slums. Finding appropriate solutions to these threats and challenges is not simple, as these are generally complex and require state-of-the-art technology to collect, measure, handle and analyse large volumes of varying data sets. However, the recent advances in sensor technology, coupled with the rapid development of computational power, have greatly enhanced our abilities to capture, store and analyse the surrounding physical environment. This book explores diverse dimensions of geo-intelligence (GI) technology in developing a computing framework for location-based, data-integrating earth observation and predictive modelling to address these issues at all levels and scales. The book provides insight into the applications of GI technology in several fields of spatial and social sciences and attempts to bridge the gap between them.

Geo-societal Narratives: Contextualising geosciences

by Martin Bohle Eduardo Marone

This book provides an accessible overview of the societal relevance of contemporary geosciences. Engaging various disciplines from humanities and social sciences, the book offers philosophical, cultural, economic, and geoscientific insights into how to contextualise geosciences in the node of Culture and Nature.The authors introduce two perspectives of societal geosciences, both informed by the lens of geoethics. Throughout the text core themes are explored; human agency, the integrity of place, geo-centricity, economy and climate justice, subjective sense-making and spirituality, nationalism, participatory empowerment and leadership in times of anthropogenic global change. The book concludes with a discussion on culture, education, or philosophy of science as aggregating concepts of seemingly disjunct narratives.The diverse intellectual homes of the authors offer a rich resource in terms of how they perceive human agency within the Earth system. Two geoscientific perspectives and fourteen narratives from various cultural, social and political viewpoints contextualise geosciences in the World(s) of the Anthropocene.

Geo-Spatial Analysis of Forest Landscape for Wildlife Management (GIScience and Geo-environmental Modelling)

by Mrinmay Mandal Nilanjana Das Chatterjee

This book presents research on landscape ecology and the relationship between humans and wildlife. It helps readers understand how ecological patterns and processes are interconnected. This research illustrates and proposes (practicable) management strategies toward long-term ecological restoration and mitigation of consequences of conflict. Increasing wildlife activities in localities and forest fringes are an alarming issue. Ecological processes like movement, colonization, extinction and conflict issues depend on the landscape and ecological activities, the movement for example of migratory elephants and their colonization not only affects society but the wildlife and biodiversity too. Strategic management measures can contribute to enriching the biodiversity, habitat quality as well as landscape, while minimizing human-wildlife conflicts. This book describes landscape ecological patterns and processes, habitat dominancy, habitat dependency, suitability, connectivity and corridor selection. To synthesize these patterns and processes, several ecological indices are used. Use of geo-spatial techniques improves future management strategies for similar circumstances, especially, related to forest regeneration and forest restoration. This book provides a concise overview to a wide range of readers including postgraduate students, researcher, academics, landscape planners, decision makers and even local populations. The techniques and management strategies described should help planners to improve forest management, by implementing quality enhancement programs such as plantation area selection and corridor selection.

Geo-Sustainnovation for Resilient Society: Select Proceedings of CREST 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #446)

by Hemanta Hazarika Stuart Kenneth Haigh Babloo Chaudhary Masanori Murai Suman Manandhar

This book presents select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023), and focuses on sustainability, promotion of new ideas and innovations in design, construction and maintenance of geotechnical structures with the aim of contributing towards climate change adaptation and disaster resiliency to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It presents latest research, information, technological advancement, practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the field of geotechnical engineering for sustainable infrastructure towards climate change adaptation. This volume will be of interest to those in academia and industry alike.

Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy: Proceedings of 7th Geoarchaeological Conference, Miass, Russia, 19–23 October 2020 (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by Natalia Ankusheva Maksim Ankushev Igor V. Chechushkov Ivan Stepanov Polina Ankusheva

This book of Springer Proceedings in Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy contains selected papers presented at the 7th Geoarchaeology Conference, which took place during October 19–23, 2020, at the South Urals Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Miass, Russia. The Proceedings combine studies in archeometry, geoarchaeology, and ancient North Eurasian technologies, including paleometallurgy, stone tools investigation, past exploitation of geological resources, bioarchaeology, residue analysis, pottery, and lithics studies. This book also specializes in various non-organic materials, rocks, minerals, ores, and metals, especially copper and metallurgical slags. Many types of research also use modern analytical methods of isotopic, chemical, and mineralogical analysis to address the composition and structure of ancient materials and the technological practices of past human populations of modern Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia. This book is intended for archaeologists, historians, museum workers, and geologists, as well as students, researchers from other disciplines, and the general public interested in the interdisciplinary research in the field of archaeology and archaeological materials, strategies and techniques of past quarrying, mining, metallurgy and lithic technologies at different chronological periods in Eurasian steppe and adjacent forest zone.

Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy: Proceedings of 6th Geoarchaeological Conference, Miass, Russia, 16-19 September 2019 (Springer Proceedings In Earth And Environmental Sciences)

by Anatoly Yuminov Natalia Ankusheva Maksim Ankushev Elizaveta Zaykova Dmitry Artemyev

This book presents general problems in geoarchaeology, and discusses geophysical solutions, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry applications, X-ray and isotope analyses and GIS technologies. It also examines practical reconstructions of technological processes used in ancient time, and investigates the use of minerals and rocks by ancient societies in the territories of modern Russia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan, as well as the characteristics of ores, metallurgical slags and data on the composition and impurities of archaeological metals. Intended for archaeologists, historians, museum workers and geologists studying noble metals and copper, the book is also a useful resource for students, graduate students, experts and anyone interested in the use of various minerals at different stages of humanity’s development.

Geobiotechnology II

by Wolfgang Sand Franz Glombitza Axel Schippers

This book review series presents current trends in modern biotechnology. The aim is to cover all aspects of this interdisciplinary technology where knowledge, methods and expertise are required from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, chemical engineering and computer science. Volumes are organized topically and provide a comprehensive discussion of developments in the respective field over the past 3-5 years. The series also discusses new discoveries and applications. Special volumes are dedicated to selected topics which focus on new biotechnological products and new processes for their synthesis and purification. In general, special volumes are edited by well-known guest editors. The series editor and publisher will however always be pleased to receive suggestions and supplementary information. Manuscripts are accepted in English.

Geochemical Biomarkers

by T.F. Yen J.M. Moldowan

First Published in 1988. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Geochemical Origin of Microbes

by William F. Martin Karl Kleinermanns

This is a textbook covering the transition from energy releasing reactions on the early Earth to energy releasing reactions that fueled growth in the first microbial cells. It is for teachers and college students with an interest in microbiology, geosciences, biochemistry, evolution, or all of the above. The scope of the book is a quantum departure from existing “origin of life” books in that it starts with basic chemistry and links energy-releasing geochemical processes to the reactions of microbial metabolism. The text reaches across disciplines, providing students of the geosciences an origins/biology interface and bringing a geochemistry/origins interface to students of microbiology and evolution. Beginning with physical chemistry and transitioning across metabolic networks into microbiology, the timeline documents chemical events and organizational states in hydrothermal vents – the only environments known that bridge the gap between spontaneous chemical reactions that we can still observe in nature today and the physiology of microbes that live from H2, CO2, ammonia, phosphorus, inorganic salts and water. Life is a chemical reaction. What it is and how it arose are two sides of the same coin.Key Features Provides clear connections between geochemical reactions and microbial metabolism Focuses on chemical mechanisms and transition metals Richly illustrated with color figures explaining reactions and processes Covers the origin of the Earth, the origin of metabolism, the origin of protein synthesis and genetic information as well as the escape into the wild of the first free-living cells: Bacteria and Archaea

Geochemical Rate Models

by J. Donald Rimstidt

This well-organised, comprehensive reference and textbook describes rate models developed from fundamental kinetic theory and presents models using consistent terminology and notation. Major topics include rate equations, reactor theory, transition state theory, surface reactivity, advective and diffusive transport, aggregation kinetics, nucleation kinetics and solid-solid transformation rates. The theoretical basis and mathematical derivation of each model is presented in detail and illustrated with worked examples from real-world applications to geochemical problems. The book is also supported by online resources: self-study problems put students' new learning into practice, and spreadsheets provide the full data used in figures and examples, enabling students to manipulate the data for themselves. This is an ideal overview for graduate students, providing a solid understanding of geochemical kinetics. It will also provide researchers and professional geochemists with a valuable reference for solving scientific and engineering problems.

Geochemical Thermodynamics

by Darrell Kirk Nordstron James L. Munoz

Geochemical Thermodynamics (Second Edition), first published in 1994, takes the reader beyond the fundamental principles of thermodynamics to true geochemical applications. You will find the most complete coverage of the phase rule, chemography, solid solutions, ionic activities in the mixed aqueous electrolytes, and chemical potential diagrams for multiphase systems, plus other concepts central to geochemical theory. Throughout, there is an emphasis on environmentally relevant examples and applications. New sections include: - thermobarometry applications for igneous and metamorphic rocks; -expanding information on electrolytes at high temperature and pressure; - a new chapter on geochemical modeling; and substantially updated and expanded references. - a new appendix containing internally consistent enthalpies, entropies, heat capacities, and free energies, and equilibrium constants for a limited number of elements, ions, non-silicate minerals, and reactions at 298. 15K and 1 atmosphere that are particularly useful for hydrogeochemical modeling. 'This book presents the thermodynamics of geochemical systems, with applications ranging from groundwater to magmas. It should be of interest to a large number of such scientists wishing better acquaintance with the application of thermodynamics to practical problems. Geology There is a good balance of theory and application, and the book is superior to any other available text at the graduate or undergraduate level I can strongly recommend this book, having used it for a third-year undergraduate geochemistry course. It is most appropriate for physical geochemistry course with an emphases on thermodynamics. Researchers in petrology oriented fields will also find the book useful Canadian Mineralogist

Geochemical Treasures and Petrogenetic Processes

by John S. Armstrong-Altrin Kailasa Pandarinath Sanjeet Kumar Verma

This book highlights various aspects of geochemical and geological processes. In brief, it facilitates to understand the geochemical behavior of major, trace and rare earth elements in rocks to identify the magmatic processes involved in present-day magma generation and their relation to global tectonic regimes as well as geothermal studies. Therefore, the book provides a comprehensive view of the generation of magma types (mafic to felsic in composition) and their role in the petrogenesis. The book also covers the development of new geosoftware to effectively process the geochemical data before its interpretation.

Geochemistry: Concepts and Applications

by Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed Rajender Boddula Tariq Altalhi

This book aims to explore basic principles, concepts and applications of geochemistry. Topics include chemical weathering, impacts on living beings and water, geochemical cycles, oxidation and redox reactions in geochemistry, isotopes, analytical techniques, medicinal, inorganic, marine, atmospheric, and environmental applications, as well as case studies. This book helps in understanding the chemical composition of the earth and its applications. It also includes beneficial effects, bottlenecks, solutions, and future directions in geochemistry.

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