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Heritage Tourism Beyond Borders and Civilizations: Proceedings of the Tourism Outlook Conference 2018

by İnci Oya Coşkun Alan Lew Norain Othman Gökçe Yüksek Semra Günay Aktaş

This book gathers the best papers presented at the 11th Tourism Outlook Conference, held in Eskişehir, Turkey, from 3 to 5 October 2018. Covering various aspects of heritage and its effects on tourism issues, the contributions provide a multidisciplinary perspective on emerging issues and challenges in the area. The book also analyzes both the tangible and intangible properties of natural, cultural, and historical heritage and how these relate to and influence tourism, and evaluates the importance and role of heritage in tourism destinations and products. By providing a platform for cross-disciplinary dialogues that integrate research and insights from diverse geographical, sectoral and institutional perspectives, the book allows readers to gain a better understanding of heritage tourism.

Heritage Traces in the Making: A Communicational Analysis of Modes of Heritagization

by Jean Davallon

The world is full of traces of the past, ranging from things as different as monuments and factories to farms, eco-museums, landscapes, mountaineering and even woven-grass bridges. These traces must be protected and passed on to future generations. Communicational analysis shows that these traces have acquired the status of heritage by becoming communicative beings imbued with a new social life. Up until the 1970s and 1980s, granting this status was the prerogative of the state. New modes then emerged, increasingly involving social actors and the publicization of knowledge. Today, the heritage recognition of these traces also depends on interpretative schemes that circulate in society, notably through the media. Heritage Traces in the Making is aimed at anyone – researchers, professionals and students – who is interested in how heritage is created and how it evolves.

Heritage Wood: Investigation and Conservation of Art on Wood (Cultural Heritage Science)

by Austin Nevin Malgorzata Sawicki

This volume highlights recent research efforts in the conservation and investigation of works of art on wood. Through eleven case studies it showcases different experimental methods ranging from X-ray analysis of objects to the study of cross-sections made from micro-samples. New research focusing on the technical study, treatment and assessment of works of art on wood in its many forms is featured in this edited volume. Technical studies include the attribution and investigations of a triptych by Hans Memling and a sculpture from workshop of Michel and Gregor Erhart, decorated Syrian rooms, and investigations of finely carved Gothic wooden objects. Synchrotron-based methods are presented for studying the alteration of 19th c. verdigris in Norway, and multi-analytical methods are employed for the investigations of 16th to 19th c. East Asian lacquer from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Novel methods for the cleaning of gilded surfaces using gels and emulsions are shown, as are innovative strategies for the consolidation for waterlogged wood, providing key data for the assessment of risks and benefits of new methods, and the short and long-term effects on gilding layers and archaeological wood. The book clearly shows how collaboration between engineers, physicists, biologists and chemists and conservators of different types of materials can lead to new research in conservation science. This book is crucial reading for conservators and conservation scientists, as well as for technical art historians, providing key methodological case studies of polychromy from different temporal and geographical contexts.

Hermann von Helmholtz: Versuche zur Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Reizung in den Nerven (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Henning Schmidgen

Wie schnell fühlt und denkt der Mensch? Wie lange dauert es, bis eine Schmerzempfindung vom Fuß bis ins Gehirn transportiert wird? Wie viel Zeit braucht ein visueller Eindruck, um bewusst wahrgenommen zu werden? Hermann von Helmholtz hat die Beantwortung dieser Fragen im 19. Jahrhundert auf eine neue Grundlage gestellt. 1850 gelang es Helmholtz zum ersten Mal, die Fortpflanzungsgeschwindigkeit der Nervenreizung zu messen. Damit legte er die Basis für die experimentelle Erforschung des Zeiterlebens, wie sie bis heute in Neuropsychologie, Hirnforschung und Kognitionsforschung betrieben wird. Zugleich schuf Helmholtz ein neues Bild des Denkens, das die relative Langsamkeit kognitiver Prozesse zeigt und Aufmerksamkeit auf die Unterbrechungen, Intervalle und Zwischenzeiten im menschlichen Fühlen und Denken lenkt. Dieser Band erlaubt es, Helmholtz bei der Laborarbeit über die Schulter zu gucken. Er enthält sämtliche Beiträge, die Helmholtz der Psychophysiologie der Zeit gewidmet hat.

Hermann Von Helmholtz and the Foundations of Nineteenth-Century Science

by David Cahan

Represents a significant contribution not only to Helmholtz scholarship but also to the history of nineteenth-century science and philosophy in general.

Hermaphroditism: A Primer on the Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Dual Sexuality

by John Avise

While it is true that members of most sexually reproducing species can be defined as either male or female, those who belong to the rest of the biological world are not so simply understood. Hermaphroditic creatures reproduce both as male and as female individuals, providing a fascinating glimpse into alternative sexual practices in nature and their ecological and evolutionary successes and failures.Eloquently written by an award-winning biologist and pioneer in molecular ecology, this primer on hermaphroditism traces the phenomenon throughout Earth's myriad species, accounting for the adaptive significance of alternative sexual systems. Accessible and richly illustrated, the text maps the evolutionary origins of hermaphroditism, as well as its historical instances and fictional representations, underscoring the relevance of dual sexuality to our biological, intellectual, and cultural making. John C. Avise describes the genetics, ecology, phylogeny, and natural history of hermaphroditic plants, fish, and invertebrate animals and details organisms that either reproduce simultaneously as male and female or switch routinely between one sex and the other. Filled with surprising creatures and compelling revelations, this textbook stands alone in its clear yet comprehensive treatment of hermaphroditism and its unique challenge to the supremacy of separate sexes.

Hermaphroditism: A Primer on the Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Dual Sexuality

by John C. Avise

While members of most sexually reproducing species are either male or female, individuals belonging to the rest of the biological world are not so simply defined. Hermaphroditic creatures reproduce both as a male and as a female, providing a fascinating example of alternative sexual practice and its ecological and evolutionary successes. Eloquently written by an award-winning biologist and pioneer in molecular ecology, this primer traces the phenomenon of hermaphroditism throughout Earth's species and the adaptive significance of alternative sexual systems. The volume's accessible and richly illustrated text covers the evolutionary origins of hermaphroditism and its historical and fictional instances, proving the relevance of dual sexuality to the everyday world. John C. Avise describes the genetics, ecology, phylogeny, and natural history of hermaphroditic plants, fish, and invertebrate animals and details organisms that either reproduce simultaneously as male and female or switch routinely between one sex and the other. Filled with surprising creatures and inherently compelling topics, this book stands alone in its clear yet comprehensive treatment of hermaphroditism and its unique challenge to the supremacy of separate sexes.

Hermaphroditism and Mating Systems in Fish

by Tetsuo Kuwamura Kota Sawada Tomoki Sunobe Yoichi Sakai Tatsuru Kadota

This book provides a comprehensive review of hermaphroditism in fishes. It focuses on the behavioral ecology of functional hermaphroditism in fishes and discusses its evolution.Approximately 99% of all vertebrate species consist of separate-sex individuals (gonochorists), i.e., pure males and pure females. The other 1% of vertebrate species are hermaphroditic, and almost all of them are fishes. Among hermaphroditic fishes, four major types of hermaphroditism are known: simultaneous (or synchronous) hermaphroditism, protandry (male-to-female sex change), protogyny (female-to-male sex change), and bidirectional sex change (or reversed sex change in protogynous species). The book examines the occurrence of hermaphroditism in relation to phylogeny and mating systems. It also reviews the hypotheses for the evolution of hermaphroditism, and the size-advantage model, which is the main theory for the evolution of sex change, tested in relation to the mating system. The appendix in the last chapter provides an annotated list of hermaphroditic fish species (ca. 500 spp.).

Hermeneutics of Human-Animal Relations in the Wake of Rewilding: The Ethical Guide to Ecological Discomforts (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics #30)

by Mateusz Tokarski

In consequence of significant social, political, economic, and demographic changes several wildlife species are currently growing in numbers and recolonizing Europe. While this is rightly hailed as a success of the environmental movement, the return of wildlife brings its own issues. As the animals arrive in the places we inhabit, we are learning anew that life with wild nature is not easy, especially when the accumulated cultural knowledge and experience pertaining to such coexistence have been all but lost. This book provides a hermeneutic study of the ways we come to understand the troubling impacts of wildlife by exploring and critically discussing the meanings of 'ecological discomforts'. Thus, it begins the work of rebuilding the culture of coexistence. The cases presented in this book range from crocodile attacks to mice infestations, and their analysis consequently builds up an ethics that sees wildlife as active participants in the shaping of human moral and existential reality. This book is of interest not only to environmental philosophers, who will find here an original contribution to the established ethical discussions, but also to wildlife managers, and even to those members of the public who themselves struggle to make sense of encounters with their new wild neighbors.

The Hermetic Code in DNA: The Sacred Principles in the Ordering of the Universe

by Colin Wilson Michael Hayes

An examination of the precise code that connects ancient spirituality with modern science • Shows how the numerical patterns in ancient philosophies are evident in both the structure of the universe and the helical structure of DNA • Reveals that music theory comes from an intuitive understanding of the resonant harmony of the cosmos Many have observed the distinct numerical patterns embedded in ancient philosophies and religions from all over the world; others have noted that these same patterns are apparent in many of the theories of groundbreaking science. Michael Hayes reveals that there is a precise code, the Hermetic Code, that connects these patterns--information once known to ancient cultures but apparently lost over time. Mirrored in the structure of this code are the ordering principles of the universe and, intriguingly, also the harmonic ratios of music. Our notions of what is harmonious in music may therefore arise not from an abstract aesthetic sense but as a response to an intuition of a fundamental cosmic harmony.The resonance between biology and cosmology shows that life is music, complete with “overtones”--nowhere more strikingly present than in the helical structure of life itself: DNA.

Los héroes de la bodega y otras crónicas forenses

by Hugo Rodríguez Almada

A lo largo de once intensas historias de muertes violentas el médico Hugo Rodríguez cuenta su experiencia como forense.En estas muertes el escritor-médico médico-escritor reflexiona sobre la vida, la muerte, la pobreza, la violencia y el ser humano. Un texto potente para leerlo en distintos niveles. El escritor y grado 5 en Medicina Legal Hugo Rodríguez Almada convive con la muerte y la tragedia, es su trabajo. A lo largo de veinticinco años de ejercicio de la profesión, este escritor-médico ha lidiado con casos donde el papel principal no lo tiene la muerte, lo tiene el contexto. La pobreza, la violencia de género, el egoísmo y la sociedad son algunos de los personajes principales que sobrevuelan estas historias particulares y comunes. Cinco años después de haber publicado Crónicas forenses. Historias de personas, el autor se propone «reivindicar la Medicina Legal y las Ciencias Forenses, igualmente maltratadas por la práctica tolerada del intrusismo y de los vendedores de humo. Rescatarlas de la mentira, tantas veces festejada por la credulidad del público y siempre funcional al sistema, para colocarlas en el lugar cierto de lo inexacto, lo incompleto y lo falible». Y también «contar historias que, por alguna razón, se quedaron en mí. Y que, a la vez, me parece de utilidad social darlas a conocer, desvistiéndolas, hasta donde sea posible, de lo críptico y las jergas técnicas». Con gran sentido narrativo y documentado, conoceremos qué hay detrás de once casos que muestran al ser humano, la muerte y la vida.

Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy: Profiles in Courage

by Felix Dodds

Today more than ever, when the world is beset by environmental, social, healthcare and economic challenges, we need courage in our politics, both nationally and globally. This book tells the stories, some for the first time, of twelve individuals who made heroic contributions to protecting our planet through ground-breaking international treaties. Can individuals change the world? Today, when impersonal forces and new technologies seem to be directing our lives and even our entire planet in ways we cannot control, this question feels more relevant than ever before. This book argues that we can all make a difference. It tells inspiring stories of individuals who have had a global impact that is beyond dispute, as well as others who have brought about change that is understated or hard to measure, where the scale of the impact will only become clear in years to come. While some are scientists, others are politicians, diplomats, activists, and even businesspeople. However, they all share the qualities of perseverance, patience, a willingness to innovate or try new approaches, and the endurance to continue over years, even decades, to pursue their goal. Drawing on interviews and the inside stories of those involved, each chapter follows one or more of these heroic individuals, a list which includes Luc Hoffmann, Mostafa Tolba, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Raul Oyuela Estrada, Barack Obama and Paula Caballero. Presenting an uplifting and gripping narrative, this book is an invaluable resource for students, scholars, activists and professionals who are seeking to understand how consensus is reached in these global meetings and how individuals can have a genuine impact on preserving our planet and reinforcing the positive message that global cooperation can actually work.

Heroes of the Space Age: Incredible Stories of the Famous and Forgotten Men and Women Who Took Humanity to the Stars

by Rod Pyle

A NASA insider tells the exciting story of the people, some well-known but many unrecognized, who were responsible for so many daring space missions.Award-winning science writer Rod Pyle profiles the remarkable pilots, scientists, and engineers whose work was instrumental in space missions to every corner of our solar system and beyond. Besides heralded names like Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, and Gene Kranz, the author highlights some of the "hidden figures" who played crucial roles in the success of NASA, Soviet, and international space exploration. For example, Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to travel into space, aboard Soviet spacecraft Vostok 6. American Margaret Hamilton was an accomplished mathematician and one of the first female software engineers to design programs for spaceflight, software that proved critical to the success of the moon landing. And Pete Conrad, "salty sailor of the skies," flew twice in the Gemini programs, landed on the moon in Apollo 12, and was the commander of the first crew to visit America's new Skylab space station--its first ever--in 1973.Complemented by many rarely-seen photos and illustrations, these stories of the highly talented and dedicated people, many of whom worked tirelessly behind the scenes, will fascinate and inspire.

The Heroes Return (Bounders #4)

by Monica Tesler

Jasper and Mira must escape the Rift and deliver the Youli’s message to Earth Force before it’s too late in this action-packed fourth novel in what Shannon Messenger calls the “richly detailed, highly imaginative” Bounders series!After escaping the Youli’s attack on Alkalinia, Jasper and Mira find themselves trapped with the lost aeronauts in the rift, a rip in space where time moves differently. For every minute they spend in the rift, they are losing days back home. Just when Jasper fears they’ll be stuck in limbo forever, the most unlikely ally shows up: the Youli. The Youli promise to rescue everyone in the rift, but their help comes at a price. First, Jasper must tell Earth Force that the Youli want peace. And second, Mira can’t return with Jasper. She has to leave with the Youli. Back home, almost a year has passed. The Youli war is public, Bounders are in space full-time, and Jasper’s pod is divided. Cole and Lucy have been promoted. Marco and Addy are missing. Jasper delivers the Youli’s message, but the admiral isn’t interested in peace talks. Instead, she sends Jasper and the aeronauts on a publicity tour of Earth to build support for the war. At first, Jasper revels in the spotlight. But it soon becomes clear that if Jasper doesn’t convince Earth Force to stop fighting—and soon—there won’t be an Earth left to fight for, and he may never see Mira again.

Heroes & Villains: Inside the minds of the greatest warriors in history

by Frank McLynn

In the history of warfare, an elite group of men have attained almost legendary status through their courage, ambition and unrivalled military genius. But many of these same men possessed deep personal character flaws. In Heroes & Villains, acclaimed historian Frank McLynn focuses on six of the most powerful and magnetic leaders of all time: Spartacus, Attila the Hun, Richard the Lionheart, Cortés, Tokugawa Ieyasu and Napoleon. How did these mortal men rise to positions of seemingly invincible power? What were the motives, the personal strengths and often weaknesses that drove them to achieve what no one else dared? In six powerful portraits, McLynn brilliantly evokes the critical moments when each of these warriors proved themselves in battle, changing their own lives, the destiny of their people and, in some cases, the history of the world. We discover what drove Spartacus to take on the might of Rome against seemingly impossible odds, and how the young Napoleon rose to power in dramatic fashion at the Siege of Toulon. Heroes & Villains is more than a collection of individual biographies. By examining the complex psychologies of these extraordinary men, McLynn builds up a convincing profile of the ultimate warrior. Accompanying a major BBC television series, this brilliant book takes us into the minds of the greatest warriors in history.

Heroic Animals: 100 Amazing Creatures Great and Small

by Clare Balding

Bobbie the Wonder dog crossed more than 2,500 miles of plains, desert and mountains to find his way home - and became the inspiration for Lassie. Cher Ami the pigeon, despite being shot twice, delivered a message that saved the lives of 194 soldiers in 1918.Trakr the police dog spent two days exhaustively searching Ground Zero and found the last survivor of the 9/11 attacks.Ever since Alexander the Great named a city after the horse who saved his life in battle (and another after his dog), human history wouldn't be the same without the awe-inspiring tales of amazing animals.Now BAFTA-winning presenter, no. 1 bestselling author and all-round national treasure Clare Balding picks out the most heroic and heartwarming (and sometimes hilarious) animals from history and tells their stories. From Simon the sea cat to Greyfriars Bobby's 14-year vigil over his master's grave, to the elephant that saved a small girl and Paul the World-Cup-predicting octopus, Heroic Animals brings to life incredible feats and moving moments which highlight the timeless special bond between human and animal.

Heroic Animals: 100 Amazing Creatures Great and Small

by Clare Balding

Bobbie the Wonder dog crossed more than 2,500 miles of plains, desert and mountains to find his way home - and became the inspiration for Lassie. Cher Amithe pigeon, despite being shot twice, delivered a message thatsaved the lives of 194 soldiers in 1918.Trakr the police dog spent two days exhaustively searching Ground Zero and found the last survivor of the 9/11 attacks.Ever since Alexander the Great named a city after the horse who saved his life in battle (and another after his dog), human history wouldn't be the same without the awe-inspiring tales of amazing animals.Now BAFTA-winning presenter, no. 1 bestselling author and all-round national treasure Clare Balding picks out the most heroic and heartwarming (and sometimes hilarious) animals from history and tells their stories. From Simon the sea cat to Greyfriars Bobby's 14-year vigil over his master's grave, to the elephant that saved a small girl and Paul the World-Cup-predicting octopus, Heroic Animals brings to life incredible feats and moving moments which highlight the timeless special bond between human and animal.

Heroic Animals: 100 Amazing Creatures Great and Small

by Clare Balding

100 of the most heroic, inspirational (and sometimes hilarious) animals from history, brought to life by national treasure, Clare Balding.Bobbie the Wonder dog crossed more than 2,500 miles of plains, desert and mountains to find his way home - and became the inspiration for Lassie. Cher Ami the pigeon, despite being shot twice, delivered a message that saved the lives of 194 soldiers in 1918.Trakr the police dog spent two days exhaustively searching Ground Zero and found the last survivor of the 9/11 attacks.Ever since Alexander the Great named a city after the horse who saved his life in battle (and another after his dog), human history wouldn't be the same without the awe-inspiring tales of amazing animals.Now BAFTA-winning presenter, no. 1 bestselling author and all-round national treasure Clare Balding picks out the most heroic and heartwarming (and sometimes hilarious) animals from history and tells their stories. From Simon the sea cat to Greyfriars Bobby's 14-year vigil over his master's grave, to the elephant that saved a small girl and Paul the World-Cup-predicting octopus, Heroic Animals brings to life incredible feats and moving moments which highlight the timeless special bond between human and animal.(P)2020 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Herpes Simplex Virus Protocols

by Alasdair R. Maclean S. Moira Brown

An outstanding collection of state-of-the-art experimental methods for herpes virology. These procedures range from the more biological in vivo maneuvers to the purely molecular, and are described in detail by selected experts to ensure reproducibility. Most of the protocols rely on the herpes simplex virus as prototype, so that it then becomes relatively easy to extrapolate and make the necessary modifications required for application to other herpesviruses, especially members of the alpha group, such as PRV and EHV.

Herpetological Osteopathology

by Bruce M. Rothschild Hans-Peter Schultze Rodrigo Pellegrini

As scientific analysis of testable hypotheses has replaced the speculative approach to study of bone disease in recent and fossil amphibians and reptiles, the field has advanced from simply reporting observations to analyzing their implications. This process is predicated upon a reproducible data base which explains/diagnoses the nature of bony alterations and a secure review of the literature. Thereby hangs the rub. The herpetological literature are difficult to access (let alone read) and are scattered through many prominent and eclectic journals and in the lay literature. While older diagnoses often have not stood the test of time, the clarity of report descriptions usually allows confident identification of the underlying pathology.

Herrera's 'Plasmogenia' and Other Collected Works

by Henderson James Cleaves Antonio Lazcano Ismael Ledesma Mateos Alicia Negrón-Mendoza Juli Peretó Ervin Silva

This book collects three outstanding examples of the work of Mexican biologist Alfonso Luis Herrera (1868-1943), a pioneer in experimental origins of life research. Two of the collected works appear here in English for the first time. Herrera's works represent the attempt to deal experimentally with the issue of an autotrophic origin of life, a possibility that was widely accepted prior to Alexander I. Oparin's ideas regarding the possibility of organic synthesis and the origin of life in an early Earth environment. An active promoter of Darwinian ideas in Latin America, Herrera was also among the first 20th century researchers to attempt to "create life in a test tube. " This collection shows the remarkable prescience of researchers in Mexico with regards to laboratory approaches to the problem of the origin of life. It also includes a modern commentary by researchers actively engaged in research in prebiotic evolution and the origins of life, and deeply concerned with the historical development of ideas in these fields. The list includes H. James Cleaves, Antonio Lazcano, Alicia Negrón-González and Juli Peretó, who discuss in detail the relevance of Herrera's ideas to modern theory and their historical context. The book will expose modern readers and researchers to currents of thinking that have been lost, largely to time and language inaccessibility, of a seminal early theoretical biologist.

Herschel at the Cape: Diaries and Correspondence of Sir John Herschel, 1834-1838

by David S. Evans Terence J. Deeming Betty Hall Evans Stephen Goldfarb

Sir John Herschel, one of the founders of Southern Hemisphere astronomy, was a man of extraordinarily wide interests. He made contributions to botany, geology, and ornithology, as well as to astronomy, chemistry, and mathematics. Throughout his scientific career he kept a diary, recording his public and private life. The diaries from 1834 to 1838, years spent making astronomical observations at the Cape of Good Hope, are reproduced in this book and prove to be much more than an ordinary scientist''s logbook. They present personal and social history, literary commentaries, the results of close observations of nature and numerous scientific experiments, the excitement of travel, political intrigues, gossip, and philosophical reflections--all interpreted through an alert and versatile mind. In the present transcription, the material has been enriched with selected correspondence of Sir John and his wife Lady Herschel (neé Margaret Brodie Stewart). Sir John devoted his working time at the Cape primarily to a systematic observation of the southern sky, complementing his earlier "sweeping" of the northern sky at Slough, England. He later became one of the founders of photography, but at the Cape he used a simple optical device, the camera lucida, in the production of numerous landscape drawings. Many of these, along with reproductions of sketches contained in the diaries and botanical drawings made by Sir John and Lady Herschel, are used to illustrate this book. Sir John was also a leading spirit in the foundation of the educational system of the Cape and a supporter of exploratory expeditions into the interior. As the son of Sir William Herschel, in his day the most famous British astronomer and the discoverer of the planet Uranus, Sir John was already celebrated when he arrived from England. Every individual of note, resident at the Cape or visiting, went to see him. He was supported in his work by his wife, who ran an enormous establishment and bore a huge family, but who nevertheless found time to travel in the country round the western Cape with him and to assist in his observations. The diaries and letters are supplemented by especially valuable editorial notes that provide much needed and highly interesting information concerning persons and events mentioned and described by Sir John. All the original manuscript material used in this volume is held by the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin. Sir John''s camera lucida drawings are from the South African Public Library in Cape Town. Sir John Herschel, one of the founders of Southern Hemisphere astronomy, was a man of extraordinarily wide interests. He made contributions to botany, geology, and ornithology, as well as to astronomy, chemistry, and mathematics. Throughout his scientific career he kept a diary, recording his public and private life. The diaries from 1834 to 1838, years he spent making astronomical observations at the Cape of Good Hope, are reproduced in this book and prove to be much more than an ordinary scientist''s logbook. They present personal and social history, literary commentaries, the results of close observations of nature and numerous scientific experiments, the excitement of travel, political intrigues, gossip, and philosophical reflections - all interpreted through an alert and versatile mind. In the present transcription, the material has been enriched with selected correspondence of Sir John and his wife Lady Herschel (née Margaret Brodie Stewart). Sir John devoted his working time at the Cape primarily to a systematic observation of the southern sky, complementing his earlier "sweeping" of the northern sky at Slough, England. He later became one of the founders of photography, but at the Cape he used a simple optical device, the camera lucida, in the production of numerous landscape drawings. Many of these, along with reproductions of sketches contained in the diaries and botanical drawings made by Sir John and Lady Herschel, are used to illustrate this book. Sir John was also a leading figure i...

Hersenen Hacking Geheimen

by Stephen Miles

Geheimen die de professionals gebruiken om hun hersens te optimaliseren! Hersenen Hacking Geheimen: leren versnellen en op hetzelfde moment IQ, productiviteit, geheugen en focus verhogen Geheimen die de professionals gebruiken om hun Hersenen te optimaliseren! Met tientallen jaren aan beproefde strategieën laat dit e-boek u de snelste en meest effectieve manier zien om uw geheugen te upgraden. U leert hoe U de cognitie kunt verbeteren en het IQ kunt stimuleren in slechts een paar uur. Niet alleen dat, maar u zult meer gefocust zijn, meer en meer energie bereiken dan ooit tevoren. Wilt u weten hoe de beste en slimste ter wereld op zulke hoge niveaus presteren? Zelfs als u slechts een gemiddelde intelligentie hebt, kunt u ook de geheimen om dit soort prestaties te bereiken leren. In deze gids leert u beproefde technieken om uw geheugen te verbeteren. Wat is inbegrepen: - Efficiënt en snel trainingsprogramma. Productiviteit verhogen - Vergroot het geheugen. - meer focus - Verhoog de algehele intelligentie. + Veel meer! Als je je hersenen op de best mogelijke manier wilt trainen, dan is dit boek iets voor u.

Hesitant Fuzzy Decision Making Methodologies and Applications

by Huchang Liao Zeshui Xu

This book offers a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the latest research on hesitant fuzzy decision-making theory. It includes six parts: the hesitant fuzzy set and its extensions, novel hesitant fuzzy measures, hesitant fuzzy hybrid weighted aggregation operators, hesitant fuzzy multiple-criteria decision-making with incomplete weights, hesitant fuzzy multiple criteria decision-making with complete weights information, and the hesitant fuzzy preference relation based decision-making theory. These methodologies are implemented in various fields such as decision-making, medical diagnosis, cluster analysis, service quality management, e-learning management and environmental management. A valuable resource for engineers, technicians, and researchers in the fields of fuzzy mathematics, operations research, information science, management science and engineering, it can also be used as a textbook for postgraduate and senior undergraduate students.

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