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Armadillos Sleep in Dugouts and Other Places Animals Live

by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Examines the different types of homes animals make, including those of river otters, peregrine falcons, and three-toed sloths.

Armas, gérmenes y acero: Breve historia de la humanidad en los últimos trece mil años

by Jared Diamond

Armas, gérmenes y acero, Premio Pulitzer 1997, cuestiona la prepotente visión occidental del progreso humano y nos ayuda a comprender cómo el mundo moderno y sus desigualdades han llegado a ser como son. Hace 13.000 años la evolución de las distintas sociedades humanas comenzó a tomar rumbos diferentes. La temprana domesticación de animales y el cultivo de plantas silvestres en el Creciente Fértil, China, Mesoamérica y otras zonas geográficas otorgó una ventaja inicial a sus habitantes. Sin embargo, los orígenes localizados de la agricultura y la ganadería son solo una parte de la explicación de los diferentes destinos de los pueblos. Las sociedades que superaron esta fase de cazadores-recolectores se encontraron con más probabilidades de desarrollo, supervivencia y poder bélico. Reseña:«Uno de los estudios históricos más originales y sugerentes de los últimos años.»Juan Avilés, El Mundo

The Armchair General: Can You Defeat the Nazis? (The Armchair General #1)

by John Buckley

A ground-breaking approach to history where YOU choose the fate of WWII - perfect for readers of Bletchley Park Brainteasers and The GCHQ Puzzle Book.''An original and exciting approach . . . Buckley is one of our very finest historians.' JAMES HOLLAND________________________TAKE THE HOTSEATAssume the role of real Generals, Leaders, Soldiers and Intelligence Officers in the Allied Forces during WWII, including Winston Churchill and President Eisenhower.EXAMINE THE INTELLIGENCEExplore eight key moments of the war with real contemporaneous intelligence: Britain's Darkest Hour, 1940; The War in North Africa; Stalin's War on the Eastern Front; The Pacific Battle of Midway; The Dresden Bomber Offensive; Casablanca; Arnhem and Operation Market Garden; The Bomb and Hiroshima.CONSIDER THE SCENARIO & MAKE YOUR DECISIONFrom battlefields to war cabinets, each tactical and strategic decision you make leads to a different outcome.Will you follow the path of the past - or shape a new history?________________________'Wonderfully original . . . putting readers at the heart of the decision-making process and allowing them, literally, to change the course of history. This is counterfactual history at its best.' SAUL DAVID'A reminder that history is a never ending now, a relentless and endless present that comes without the luxury of hindsight.' AL MURRAY'An original and exciting approach . . . Buckley is one of our very finest historians. The Armchair General adds enormously to our understanding of the conflicts.' JAMES HOLLAND'A unique, enjoyable approach to evaluating military decision-making.' HISTORY OF WAR

Arming the Periphery

by Emrys Chew

A major historical study of the global arms trade, revolving around the transfer of small arms from metropolitan Europe to the turbulent frontiers of Indian Ocean societies during the 'long' nineteenth century (c. 1780-1914).

ARMIX max-mix

by Elhuyar Fundazioa

Haurrentzako zientzia liburua

ARMIX sukaldean: Mugaritzen laguntzarekin

by Elhuyar Elhuyar Fundazioa

Haurrentzako zientzia liburua

Armleuchteralgen: Die Characeen Deutschlands

by Arbeitsgruppe Characeen Deutschlands

Dieses Buch beschreibt umfassend die Armleuchtergewächse Deutschlands. Von der Paläontologie bis zum Naturschutz ist alles in diesem Band enthalten: Bestimmungsschlüssel, Artkapitel, Fundortübersicht , Bioindikation, Systematik und Ontogenese. Alle Kapitel sind von Spezialisten des jeweiligen Gebietes verfasst.

La armonía de las células: Una exploración de la medicina y del nuevo ser humano

by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Tras los éxitos de El emperador de todos los males y El gen, Siddhartha Mukherjee se adentra en la increíble y apasionante historia de la célula. «En un relato a la vez lírico y amplio, Mukherjee nos lleva a través de una historia de la comprensión humana: desde el descubrimiento en el siglo XVII de que estamos formados por células hasta la actual tecnología de vanguardia para manipular y desplegar células con fines terapéuticos».The New Yorker Bienvenidos a la apasionante historia de la célula. En este nuevo libro, el oncólogo y divulgador Siddhartha Mukherjee nos acompaña en un viaje fascinante a partir de uno de los mayores descubrimientos científicos de la historia: el hecho de que todos los organismos vivos complejos estén constituidos por unidades diminutas, autónomas y autorreguladas, esas que en el siglo XVII Robert Hooke vio a través de su microscopio y bautizó con el nombre que hoy conocemos. Aquel hallazgo, seguido de una cada vez mejor comprensión de la fisiología celular, cambió para siempre (y aún determina) la manera en que abordamos la medicina, la ciencia, la biología, las estructuras sociales y hasta la cultura. Una fractura de cadera, una parada cardiaca, el Alzheimer, el sida, un cáncer de pulmón... todo, absolutamente todo, puede explicarse como el resultado del funcionamiento anómalo de las células o de los ecosistemas que estas forman. Y también todo debería poder tratarse mediante su manipulación terapéutica. Esta revolución en el campo de la biología celular ya ha demostrado resultados transformadores y hoy se plantea como uno de los avances científicos que más vidas pueden salvar. Críticas:«Maravillosamente ambiciosa. La biología de la célula es compleja y colosal como la vida misma. No creo que ningún escritor pudiera tratar este asunto mejor».The Times «En parte misterio, en parte historia de aventuras, La armonía de la célula es una irresistible incursión en los confines de la ciencia médica y un recordatorio del poder del ingeniohumano que probablemente dejará a los lectores asombrados y esperanzados».Jennifer Egar, autora ganadora del Pulitzer «La escritura de La armonía de la célula es tan agradable que te dejas llevar por su música».The New York Times «Con una investigación profunda, La armonía de la célula es un extraordinario viaje a través de la historia de los descubrimientos hasta llegar a la medicina celular más innovadora que se practica en la actualidad y a la promesa de lo que está por venir».Paul Nurse, Premio Nobel de Fisiología y Medicina en 2001 «Un narrador extraordinariamente dotado. Las ideas del autor sobre el futuro próximo de la medicina son tan convincentes como inspiradoras. Otro éxito de Mukherjee».Publishers Weekly«Una exploración fiable, oportuna y, lo que es más importante, biológicamente precisa de lo que significa ser humano».The Guardian

Armorial Porcelain: The Genesis

by Howell G. Edwards Rachel L. Denyer Morgan C.T. Denyer

This book explores the genesis of armorial porcelain manufacture in Britain. While heraldic devices began appearing on Chinese porcelain from the sixteenth century onwards, armorials did not appear on British porcelain until the 1750s. It examines the development of porcelain in China and traces its introduction to Western Europe. The book delves into the market for armorial porcelains, from the early commissioning of Chinese armorial porcelainware to the establishment of manufactories in England capable of producing armorial porcelain. It also discusses the reasons behind the timing of armorial porcelain's manufacture in Britain. Additionally, it assesses armorial porcelain as a contemporary historical source. Building upon previous research by the authors, the book presents armorial porcelain as a distinct and highly personalized product. By integrating detailed genealogical research, cultural insights, and chemical analysis, it offers a comprehensive understanding of armorial porcelain within the context of heritage, culture, and science.

Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design

by Paul J. Hazell

Updated throughout for the new edition, Armour: Materials, Theory, and Design covers extant and emergent protection technologies driving advances in armour systems. Covering materials, theory and design, the book has applications in vehicle, ship, personnel and building use.Introducing a wide range of armour technologies, the book is a key guide to the technology used to protect against both blasts and ballistic attacks. Chapters cover bullets, blasts, jets and fragments, as well as penetration mechanics. The new edition builds on the previous one, discussing ceramics and metallic materials as well as woven fabrics and composite laminates. Detailing modern technology advancements, the second edition has also been expanded to include improved explanations on shock mechanisms and includes significantly more figures and diagrams.An essential guide to armour technology, this book outlines key ways to implement protective strategies applicable for many types of conflict.

Arms and Influence

by Prof. Thomas C. Schelling

The author concentrates in this book n the way in which military capabilities real or imagined are used, skillfully of clumsily, as bargaining power. He sees the steps taken by the U. S. during the Berlin and Cuban crises as not merely preparations for engagement, but as signals to and enemy, with reports from the adversary's own military intelligence as our most important diplomatic communications.

Arms and Influence (Veritas Paperbacks)

by Thomas C. Schelling

&“This is a brilliant and hardheaded book. It will frighten those who prefer not to dwell on the unthinkable and infuriate those who have taken refuge in stereotypes and moral attitudinizing.&”—Gordon A. Craig, New York Times Book Review Originally published more than fifty years ago, this landmark book explores the ways in which military capabilities—real or imagined—are used, skillfully or clumsily, as bargaining power. Anne-Marie Slaughter&’s new introduction to the work shows how Schelling&’s framework—conceived of in a time of superpowers and mutually assured destruction—still applies to our multipolar world, where wars are fought as much online as on the ground.

Arms Control in Space

by Max M. Mutschler

This book puts the widely-held view that 'arms control in space is not possible' to the test and aims to explore how, and under what conditions, arms control could become a reality. Drawing upon international regimes and IR theory, Mutschler examines the success of space weapons and anti-ballistic missiles.

Arms Production In Japan: The Military Applications Of Civilian Technology

by Reinhard Drifte

Although Japan's arms industry is still relatively small, significant political, economic, and technological developments indicate its growing importance and pave the way for Japan's increasing involvement in arms production. In this comprehensive study, Dr. Drifte examines both the domestic and international environments that are encouraging Japan

Army Ants: Nature's Ultimate Social Hunters

by Daniel J. Kronauer

A richly illustrated, captivating study of army ants, nature’s preeminent social hunters.A swarm raid is one of nature’s great spectacles. In tropical rainforests around the world, army ants march in groups by the thousands to overwhelm large solitary invertebrates, along with nests of termites, wasps, and other ants. They kill and dismember their prey and carry it back to their nest, where their hungry brood devours it. They are the ultimate social hunters, demonstrating the most fascinating collective behavior.In Army Ants we see how these insects play a crucial role in promoting and sustaining the biodiversity of tropical ecosystems. The ants help keep prey communities in check while also providing nutrition for other animals. Many species depend on army ants for survival, including a multitude of social parasites, swarm-following birds, and flies. And while their hunting behavior, and the rules that govern it, are clearly impressive, army ants display collective behavior in other ways that are no less dazzling. They build living nests, called bivouacs, using their bodies to protect the queen and larvae. The ants can even construct bridges over open space or obstacles by linking to one another using their feet. These incredible feats happen without central coordination. They are the result of local interactions—self-organization that benefits the society at large.Through observations, stories, and stunning images, Daniel Kronauer brings these fascinating creatures to life. Army ants may be small, but their collective intelligence and impact on their environment are anything but.

Army Biometric Applications: Identifying and Addressing Sociocultural Concerns

by Katharine Watkins Webb David Rubenson Elaine M. Newton John D. Woodward Melissa A. Bradley

Every human possesses more than one virtually infallible form of identification. Known as biometrics, examples include fingerprints, iris and retinal scans, hand geometry, and other measures of physical characteristics and personal traits. Advances in computers and related technologies have made this a highly automated process through which recognition occurs almost instantaneously. With concern about its information assurance systems and physical access control increasing, the Army has undertaken an assessment of how it can use biometrics to improve security, efficiency, and convenience. This report examines the sociocultural concerns that arise among soldiers, civilian employees, and the general public when the military mandates widespread use of biometrics. The authors see no significant legal obstacles to Army use of biometrics but recommend that the Army go beyond the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 to allay concerns related to this emerging technology. This report should be of interest to those responsible for access control as well as anyone concerned about privacy and technology issues.

Army of None: Autonomous Weapons And The Future Of War

by Paul Scharre

A Pentagon defense expert and former U.S. Army Ranger explores what it would mean to give machines authority over the ultimate decision of life or death. <P><P> What happens when a Predator drone has as much autonomy as a Google car? Or when a weapon that can hunt its own targets is hacked? Although it sounds like science fiction, the technology already exists to create weapons that can attack targets without human input. Paul Scharre, a leading expert in emerging weapons technologies, draws on deep research and firsthand experience to explore how these next-generation weapons are changing warfare. <P><P> Scharre’s far-ranging investigation examines the emergence of autonomous weapons, the movement to ban them, and the legal and ethical issues surrounding their use. He spotlights artificial intelligence in military technology, spanning decades of innovation from German noise-seeking Wren torpedoes in World War II—antecedents of today’s homing missiles—to autonomous cyber weapons, submarine-hunting robot ships, and robot tank armies. Through interviews with defense experts, ethicists, psychologists, and activists, Scharre surveys what challenges might face "centaur warfighters" on future battlefields, which will combine human and machine cognition. We’ve made tremendous technological progress in the past few decades, but we have also glimpsed the terrifying mishaps that can result from complex automated systems—such as when advanced F-22 fighter jets experienced a computer meltdown the first time they flew over the International Date Line. <P><P>At least thirty countries already have defensive autonomous weapons that operate under human supervision. Around the globe, militaries are racing to build robotic weapons with increasing autonomy. The ethical questions within this book grow more pressing each day. To what extent should such technologies be advanced? And if responsible democracies ban them, would that stop rogue regimes from taking advantage? At the forefront of a game-changing debate, Army of None engages military history, global policy, and cutting-edge science to argue that we must embrace technology where it can make war more precise and humane, but without surrendering human judgment. When the choice is life or death, there is no replacement for the human heart.

Army Science And Technology For Homeland Security: Report 2

by Committee on Army Science Technology for Homeland Defense--C4ISR

Shortly after the events of September 11, 2001, the U.S. Army asked the National Research Council (NRC) for a series of reports on how science and technology could assist the Army meet its Homeland defense obligations. The first report, Science and Technology for Army Homeland Security&mdash;Report 1, presented a survey of a road range of technologies and recommended applying Future Force technologies to homeland security wherever possible. In particular, the report noted that the Army should play a major role in providing emergency command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities and that the technology and architecture needed for homeland security C4ISR was compatible with that of the Army&rsquo;s Future Force. This second report focuses on C4ISR and how it can facilitate the Army&rsquo;s efforts to assist the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and emergency responders meet a catastrophic event.

Arnold Sommerfeld: Science, Life and Turbulent Times 1868-1951

by Michael Eckert

The subject of the book is a biography of the theoretical physicist Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951). Although Sommerfeld is famous as a quantum theorist for the elaboration of the semi-classical atomic theory (Bohr-Sommerfeld model, Sommerfeld's fine-structure constant), his role in the history of modern physics is not confined to atoms and quanta. Sommerfeld left his mark in the history of mathematics, fluid mechanics, a number of physical subdisciplines and, in particular, as founder of a most productive "school" (Peter Debye, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Linus Pauling and Hans Bethe were his pupils, to name only the Nobel laureates among them). This biography is to a large extent based on primary source material (correspondence, diaries, unpublished manuscripts). It should be of particular interest to students who are keen to know more about the historical roots of modern science. Sommerfeld lived through turbulent times of German history (Wilhelmian Empire, Weimar Republic, Nazi period). His life, therefore, illustrates how science and scientists perform in changing social environments. From this perspective, the biography should also attract readers with a general interest in the history of science and technology.

Aroma and Flavor in Product Development: Characterization, Perception, and Application

by Rajnibhas Sukeaw Samakradhamrongthai

One of the greatest challenges facing food product developers today is that of preserving aroma and flavor stability over time without comprising quality. With Aroma and Flavor in Product Development: Characterization, Perception, and Application, researchers and product innovators will find a thorough elucidation of the dynamic interplay of aroma and flavor in complex formulations across various applications, and of the crucial role of foundational elements in crafting globally appealing products. This guide provides essential insights into perception, formation, and development, enabling developers to enhance food items' organoleptic qualities and thereby provide consumers with an enhanced sensory experience. It is unique in its focus on raw material properties, processing changes, and flavor application tools, offering comprehensive coverage of encapsulation methods, isolation, extraction, and release mechanisms. Employing tools such as gas chromatography and descriptive sensory analysis, the text decodes complex chemical compositions to enable effective communication and replication of desired sensory experiences. Readers will finish this text not only with a strong grasp on the latest insights into aroma and flavor research trends, such as sustainable sourcing and novel extraction methods, but also with a vision for the future of food product development.

Aromas del mundo: Una guía para narices inquietas

by Harold McGee

Un viaje al misterioso mundo de los olores con Harold McGee, autor de La cocina y los alimentos. En esta obra de asombrosa sabiduría y originalidad, Harold McGee destila la ciencia que hay detrás de los olores hasta obtener una guía accesible y muy entretenida sobre los aromas del mundo. Aunando vivencias personales y una rigurosa investigación, incorpora los últimos descubrimientos de la biología y la química, y revela cómo nuestro olfato, un sentido con una poderosa pero ignorada influencia en nuestra vida cotidiana, tiene el poder de exponer detalles invisibles e intangibles del mundo material, y provocar sensaciones extraordinarias. Remontándose a los orígenes de los olores en el espacio interestelar, McGee nos cuenta la fascinante historia de las moléculas que desencadenan nuestras percepciones a diario, responsables de fragancias como los aromas cítricos a cilantro y cerveza y los olores medicinalesa narcisos y erizos de mar, muchas de las cuales existían antes de que ninguna criatura pudiera olerlas. Este libro nos lleva en una aventura sensorial en la que olisquearemos lo ordinario (calle mojada y hierba cortada) y lo apetitoso (pan fresco y chocolate), lo delicioso (rosas y vainilla) y lo desagradable (carne en mal estado y huevos podridos), desde la sulfurosa tierra naciente hace más de cuatro mil millones de años hasta las tenues notas de fenol y formaldehído de nuestros teclados de ordenador. McGee rastrea olores de alimentos, bosques, ríos y flores, y nos muestra con su habitual maestría cómo aprender a detectarlos, identificarlos, valorarlos y combinarlos para transformar nuestra relación con la cocina y los sabores. La crítica ha dicho...«Una guía profundamente investigada de los olores del mundo, que capta hasta sus más volátiles moléculas.»The New York Times «Cada página está repleta del equivalente olfativo de las onomatopeyas. No decepcionará a ningún admirador de los ensayos culinarios de McGee.»The Wall Street Journal «El libro de referencia que hará que todo lo que comas parezca más interesante. Hay fascinación y deleite en cada página».The Sunday Times

Aromatherapy: Basic Mechanisms and Evidence Based Clinical Use (Clinical Pharmacognosy Series)

by Giacinto Bagetta Marco Cosentino Tsukasa Sakurada

This reference provides an up-to-date compilation of background scientific information that advocates the application of currently developed clinical studies of the effects of aromatherapy to the treatment of human diseases such as mild, stress-induced mood disorders, infectious diseases, and age-related disturbances. It presents a rational basis for clinical translations of aromatherapy for treating human diseases in need of safer or more effective therapies and discusses the need for further clinical development in areas where therapy is lacking.

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Drylands and Deserts: Ecology, Ethnobiology, and Potential Uses (Exploring Medicinal Plants)

by David Ramiro Aguillón-Gutiérrez, Cristian Torres-León, and Jorge Alejandro Aguirre-Joya

The description and analysis of the Mexican and other countries desertic plants from the point of view of their use in traditional medicine and their potential use in integrative medicine is the overall theme of this book. Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Drylands and Deserts: Ecology, Ethnobiology and Potential Uses describes the historic use of drylands plants, botanical and geological classification, also describes the endemic plants used in traditional medicine, going through the most relevant aspects of biomedicine and integrative medicine. The chemical and bioactive compounds from desertic medicinal and aromatic plants and the analytic techniques to determine chemical and bioactive compounds from the medicinal and aromatic plants are reviewed. Ethnobiology is detailed in the present book as well as the importance of the integrative medicine for the ancient and actual cultures. The book represents an effort to keep the ethnobiological knowledge of communities for the use of traditional desertic plants with the actual analytical techniques to unveil the chemical molecules responsible of the biological or biomedical applications. Features: • Describes the endemic plants used in traditional medicine • Includes the chemical and bioactive compounds from desertic medicinal plants • Addresses the analytic techniques to determine chemical and bioactive compounds • Represents an effort to keep the ethnobiological knowledge of communities To execute this book, there are collaborations by authors from different institutions in northern Mexico, which is where the arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the country are found. Although the subject of medicinal plants has been treated from different angles, this book offers a holistic and comprehensive vision of these important organisms of the Mexican desert, thus resulting in an updated work for specialized readers and for those who are beginning in this exciting theme.

Aromatic C-nitroso Compounds

by Hrvoj Vančik

This book is designed to collect and review the research covering main directions in investigations of aromatic nitroso compounds in last decades, and to present both, the academic aspects of this chemistry, as well as the open field of its applicability. The book is divided in five chapters. The basic structural properties of the nitroso aromatic molecules are described in the first chapter. The second chapter is an overview of the methods of preparations of aromatic nitroso and polynitroso compounds, including classical synthetic methods and some new preparative approaches. The third part deals with the physico-chemical properties of nitroso aromates and azodioxides, its structure, crystallography, quantum chemical calculations, spectroscopy, typical reactions, and especially it is focused on the dimerizations in the solid-state. In the fourth chapter is represented organometallic chemistry of nitroso aromatic molecules and its applications in catalysis. The last part of the book deals with the behavior of this class of compounds in the biological systems, reactions with biomolecules and the use in toxicology.

Aromatic C(sp2)−H Dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions: Heterocycles Synthesis

by Bagher Eftekhari-Sis

This comprehensive text covers the research and development trends in the growing field of aromatic C–H dehydrogenative coupling reactions, leading to different types of heterocycles. The author provides answers to how these coupling reactions occur, what kinds of heterocycles are synthesized, and what their advantages are. The palladium-, rhodium-, iridium-, copper-, cobalt-, ruthenium-, and ferric-catalyzed aromatic C(sp2)–H dehydrogenative cross-coupling reactions are described in detail. A useful reference source for researchers and graduates in the field of heterocyclic chemistry and transition-metal-catalyzed dehydrogenative coupling reactions. Features: Comprehensive volume on the synthesis of benzo-heterocycles via aromatic C(sp2)–H bond activation. Heterocycles are of paramount importance to medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. Provides a comprehensive literature survey on the construction of heterocycles. Reaction procedures and mechanistic explanations are included, which will appeal to those in fine chemicals and pharmaceutical companies.

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