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The Meanings of a Disaster: Chernobyl and Its Afterlives in Britain and France (Environment in History: International Perspectives #20)

by Karena Kalmbach

The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was an event of obviously transnational significance—not only in the airborne particulates it deposited across the Northern hemisphere, but in the political and social repercussions it set off well beyond the Soviet bloc. Focusing on the cases of Great Britain and France, this innovative study explores the discourses and narratives that arose in the wake of the incident among both state and nonstate actors. It gives a thorough account of the stereotypes, framings, and “othering” strategies that shaped Western European nations’ responses to the disaster, and of their efforts to come to terms with its long-term consequences up to the present day.

Meanwhile Back on Earth . . .: Finding Our Place Through Time and Space

by Oliver Jeffers

A spectacular new picture book from the creator of international bestsellers Here We Are and What We&’ll Build that will give readers perspective on our place in space.A father takes his two children on a thrilling out-of-this-world adventure into space and invites them to look back at Earth and the conflicts that have taken place since the beginning of time. This becomes a brief history of the world and a guide to the universe, told with Oliver Jeffers's inimitable perspective, wit, and exquisite artwork.Meanwhile Back on Earth gives a unique look at life on Earth with a cosmic perspective—and an enduring message that what binds us together matters more than what sets us apart. A timely story for families everywhere.

Measles and Related Morbilliviruses: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2808)

by Dzwokai Z. Ma Christian K. Pfaller

This volume covers the latest protocols used to study the molecular biology of morbilliviruses, including cell entry, replication, and virus-host interactions. The chapters in this book also cover methods for studying morbillivirus infection through the use of novel tissue culture and in vivo models; analyzing the biological implications of infection by using primary tissues isolated from infected animals; and exploring diagnostic tools to evaluate humoral immunity against human-pathogenic measles virus (MeV). Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Measles and Related Morbilliviruses: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for researchers studying MeV,and will be useful to researchers studying other members of Paramyxoviridae and Mononegavirales.

Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren't Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine (Children’s Health Defense)

by Children's Health Defense

Discover thirty-five secrets that the media, US government, and Big Pharma don't want you to know about vaccines. Measles! We all have seen or heard the scary stories about &“outbreaks&” in the media. It has even been declared a &“public health emergency&” at various times. Is it true? Are we and our children at risk? The Measles Book: Thirty-Five Secrets the Government and the Media Aren&’t Telling You about Measles and the Measles Vaccine will help you answer these questions. You will find out if this is just another example of the media, government, and industry misleading us or whether we really have a lot to worry about. The Measles Book presents reliable medical information from the most credible sources available. It is intended to help you make an informed choice about vaccinating your child. The main focus is measles, but many of the issues are relevant to other childhood vaccines. Within the book's pages, the reader will discover thirty-five secrets being kept from the general public about childhood vaccines, especially the measles vaccine. Just a sampling of these secrets include: Vaccines are not safe for every child and the government and pharmaceutical companies have known this for years.Some children will get injured or die from vaccines and the government and pharmaceutical companies know this, too.Pharmaceutical companies have developed an incredible way to make money from vaccines, and not be held accountable.When a child is injured or killed by a vaccine, the pharmaceutical company does not pay for the damage it caused—we do! Learn the other thirty-one secrets when you read The Measles Book by Children's Health Defense, a nonprofit organization committed to the health of our children and challenging misinformation spread by Big Pharma, the government, and the media. The information in The Measles Book is vital for parents to know so they can make informed decisions for their children.

The Measure of All Things: The Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error That Transformed the World

by Ken Alder

In June 1792, amidst the chaos of the French Revolution, two intrepid astronomers set out in opposite directions on an extraordinary journey. Starting in Paris, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Delambre would make his way north to Dunkirk, while Pierre-François-André Méchain voyaged south to Barcelona. Their mission was to measure the world, and their findings would help define the meter as one ten-millionth of the distance between the pole and the equator--a standard that would be used "for all people, for all time." The Measure of All Things is the astonishing tale of one of history's greatest scientific adventures. Yet behind the public triumph of the metric system lies a secret error, one that is perpetuated in every subsequent definition of the meter. As acclaimed historian and novelist Ken Alder discovered through his research, there were only two people on the planet who knew the full extent of this error: Delambre and Méchain themselves. By turns a science history, detective tale, and human drama, The Measure of All Things describes a quest that succeeded as it failed--and continues to enlighten and inspire to this day.

The Measure of God: History's Greatest Minds Wrestle with Reconciling Science & Religion

by Larry Witham

The Measure of God is a lively historical narrative offering the reader a sense for what has taken place in the God and science debate over the past century. Modern science came of age at the cusp of the twentieth century. It was a period marked by discovery of radio waves and x rays, use of the first skyscraper, automobile, cinema, and vaccine, and rise of the quantum theory of the atom. This was the close of the Victorian age, and the beginning of the first great wave of scientific challenges to the religious beliefs of the Christian world. Religious thinkers were having to brace themselves. Some raced to show that science did not undermine religious belief. Others tried to reconcile science and faith, and even to show that the tools of science, facts and reason, could support knowledge of God. In the English speaking world, many had espoused such a project, but one figure stands out. Before his death in 1887, the Scottish judge Adam Gifford endowed the Gifford Lectures to keep this debate going, a science haunted debate on "all questions about man's conception of God or the Infinite." The list of Gifford lecturers is a veritable Who's Who of modern scientists, philosophers and theologians: from William James to Karl Barth, Albert Schweitzer to Reinhold Niebuhr, Niels Bohr to Iris Murdoch, from John Dewey to Mary Douglas.

The Measure of Madness: Inside the Disturbed and Disturbing Criminal Mind

by Katherine Ramsland Dr Cheryl Paradis

"The defendant told the jury that he did not kill girlfriend. He did, however, admit to dismembering her, boiling her bones, and hiding them in the Port Authority locker." At the heart of countless crimes lies the mystery of the human mind. In this eye-opening book, Dr. Cheryl Paradis draws back the curtain on the fascinating world of forensic psychology and revisits the most notorious and puzzling cases she has handled in her multifaceted career. "Out it all came, a slew of bizarre comments about the electronic chips implanted in his brain." Her riveting, sometimes shocking stories reveal the crucial and often surprising role forensic psychology plays in the pursuit of justice. Sometimes the accused believe their own bizarre lies, creating a world that pushes them into frightening, violent crimes. "My client is charged with murder and tells me he is a descendent of kings. He says he is of royal blood. Can you evaluate him for an insanity defense?" Join Dr. Paradis in a stark concrete cell, with the accused handcuffed to a chair opposite her, as she takes on the daunting task of mapping the suspect's madness--or exposing it as fakery. Have a front-row seat in a tense, packed courtroom, where her testimony can determine an individual's fate. The criminal mind has never been so intimately revealed--or so darkly compelling. "A forensic psychologist reveals the dark and troubling human mind. Fascinating."--Robert K. Tanenbaum The Experts PraiseThe Measure of Madness"Fascinating . . . A forensic psychologist reveals the dark and powerful motives that challenge our justice system and opens up the troubling workings of the human mind."--Robert K. Tanenbaum, author of Capture"Compelling . . . Dr. Cheryl Paradis offers a window into the world of a clinical psychologist who has made many assessments for the courts."--Katherine Ramsland, author of The Criminal Mind"Eloquent . . . Anyone concerned with the relationship between deviance and mental illness will find this excellent book to be of great value."--Simon Baatz, author of For the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb and the Murder that Shocked Chicago"Clearly written and comprehensive . . . Dr. Paradis skillfully leads the reader through the labyrinth of the psychotic criminal mind and the maze of the judicial system."--Barbara Kirwin, author of The Mad, the Bad, and the Innocent"Insightful, remarkable . . . not to be missed if you want to understand the real-world dramas that underlie criminal justice."--Barbara Oakley, author of Evil Genes"Informative, discussion-provoking . . . a much needed, intriguing collection of personal reflections as well as fascinating cases."--Thomas M. O'Rourke, Director of Forensic Psychiatry, Kings County Hospital Center"Riveting . . .Cheryl Paradis shows us a world rarely seen and one full of mystery."--John Coston, author of To Kill and Kill Again and Sleep My Child Forever"Lucid, intelligent, provocative . . . Cheryl Paradis is an articulate expert guide to the bizarre and routinely baffling world of irrational and aberrant crime."--Stephen G. Michaud, author of The Only Living Witness and Whisper of Fear"A marvelous book . . . a masterpiece that not only beautifully describes the people she examines but, just as importantly, fills in the dialogues between herself and others and includes her own thoughts and feelings. This book stands out."--Daniel W. Schwartz, M.D., Director (Ret.) of Forensic Psychiatry Service, Kings County Hospital"Written with clarity, objectivity, and expertise . . . Cheryl Paradis draws you into the fascinating world of the forensic psychologist and into the minds and often disturbing motives of the defendants she has examined."--Robert H. Berger, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine"Chilling . . . The Measure of Madness is an insider's view of a world few of us really know. Dr. Paradis makes clear that the reality of criminal forensic psychology is far different -- and far more fascinating -- than that portrayed in TV and movies. Fans of 'CSI' and 'Law and Order' as well as...

Measure Solar System Objects and Their Movements for Yourself!

by John D. Clark

Instead of taking somebody's word for it about the basic size and distance statistics for the solar system, this book shows amateur astronomers how to measure these things for themselves. This is an enriching experience for any amateur astronomer - to understand and personally measure some fundamental astronomical quantities and distances. A basic knowledge of geometry is required, but it is amazing how simple the geometry can be. Readers are led through the geometry as gently as possible - and in a light-hearted way - presuming that most non-academics will have half-forgotten most of their mathematics. The practical astronomical equipment recommended is no more than a typical commercially-made amateur telescope and a camera of some sort - these days a webcam works very well. Apart from that all the reader will need is access to a computer, the know-how to download free software, and an enthusiasm to expand his knowledge of the basis of scientific astronomy.

A Measure Theoretical Approach to Quantum Stochastic Processes (Lecture Notes in Physics #878)

by Wilhelm Waldenfels

This monograph takes as starting point that abstract quantum stochastic processes can be understood as a quantum field theory in one space and in one time coordinate. As a result it is appropriate to represent operators as power series of creation and annihilation operators in normal-ordered form, which can be achieved using classical measure theory. Considering in detail four basic examples (e. g. a two-level atom coupled to a heat bath of oscillators), in each case the Hamiltonian of the associated one-parameter strongly continuous group is determined and the spectral decomposition is explicitly calculated in the form of generalized eigen-vectors. Advanced topics include the theory of the Hudson-Parthasarathy equation and the amplified oscillator problem. To that end, a chapter on white noise calculus has also been included.

Measure-Valued Solutions for Nonlinear Evolution Equations on Banach Spaces and Their Optimal Control

by N. U. Ahmed Shian Wang

This book offers the first comprehensive presentation of measure-valued solutions for nonlinear deterministic and stochastic evolution equations on infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Unlike traditional solutions, measure-valued solutions allow for a much broader class of abstract evolution equations to be addressed, providing a broader approach.The book presents extensive results on the existence of measure-valued solutions for differential equations that have no solutions in the usual sense. It covers a range of topics, including evolution equations with continuous/discontinuous vector fields, neutral evolution equations subject to vector measures as impulsive forces, stochastic evolution equations, and optimal control of evolution equations. The optimal control problems considered cover the existence of solutions, necessary conditions of optimality, and more, significantly complementing the existing literature.This book will be of great interest to researchers in functional analysis, partial differential equations, dynamic systems and their optimal control, and their applications, advancing previous research and providing a foundation for further exploration of the field.

Measured Tones: The Interplay of Physics and Music, Third Edition

by Ian Johnston

Most books concerned with physics and music take an approach that puts physical theory before application. Consequently, these works tend to dampen aesthetic fascination with preludes burdened by an overabundance of algebraic formulae. In Measured Tones: The Interplay of Physics and Music Third Edition, Ian Johnston a professor of astrophysics and

Measured Words: Computation and Writing in Renaissance Italy

by Arielle Saiber

Measured Words investigates the rich commerce between computation and writing that proliferated in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italy. Arielle Saiber explores the relationship between number, shape, and the written word in the works of four exceptional thinkers: Leon Battista Alberti’s treatis on cryptography, Luca Pacioli’s ideal proportions for designing Roman capital letters, Niccolò Tartaglia’s poem embedding his solution to solving cubic equations, and Giambattista Della Porta’s curious study on the elements of geometric curves. Although they came from different social classes and practiced the mathematical and literary arts at differing levels of sophistication, they were all guided by a sense that there exist deep ontological and epistemological bonds between computational and verbal thinking and production. Their shared view that a network or continuity exists between the arts yielded extraordinary results. Through measuring their words, literally and figuratively, they are models of what the very best interdisciplinary work can offer us.

Measurement Across the Sciences: Developing a Shared Concept System for Measurement (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology)

by Luca Mari Mark Wilson Andrew Maul

This open access book proposes a conceptual framework for understanding measurement across a broad range of scientific fields and areas of application, such as physics, engineering, education, and psychology. It addresses contemporary issues and controversies within measurement in light of the framework, including operationalism, definitional uncertainty, and the relations between measurement and computation, and describes how the framework, operating as a shared concept system, supports understanding measurement’s work in different domains, using examples in the physical and human sciences.This revised and expanded second edition features a new analysis of the analogies and the differences between the error/uncertainty-related approach adopted in physical measurement and the validity-related approach adopted in psychosocial measurement. In addition, it provides a better analysis and presentation of measurement scales, in particular about their relations with quantity units, and introduces the measurand identification/definition as a part of the "Hexagon Framework" along with new examples from the physical and psychosocial sciences. Researchers and academics across a wide range of disciplines including biological, physical, social, and behavioral scientists, as well as specialists in measurement and philosophy appreciate the work’s fresh and provocative approach to the field at a time when sound measurements of complex scientific systems are increasingly essential to solving critical global problems.

Measurement across the Sciences: Developing a Shared Concept System for Measurement (Springer Series in Measurement Science and Technology)

by Mark Wilson Luca Mari Andrew Maul

This book proposes a conceptual framework for understanding measurement across a broad range of scientific fields and areas of application, such as physics, engineering, education, and psychology. The authors, who themselves span these disciplines, argue that the justification of the public trust attributed to measurement results can in principle apply identically to both physical and psychosocial properties. They further argue that the lack of a common conceptualization of measurement hampers interdisciplinary communication and limits the ability to share knowledge. They advance their views by first surveying the conceptual history of the philosophy of measurement and arguing that classical, operationalist and representational perspectives on measurement each make important contributions but also each have important shortcomings. A synthesis is then offered as the foundation for a new conceptual framework. The authors describe how the framework, which operates as a shared concept system, supports understanding measurement’s work in different domains, using examples in the physical and human sciences. They consider connections and consequences with respect to causality, objectivity, and intersubjectivity, among other topics, and how measurement science concepts and issues are construed across these disciplines and settings. They also address contemporary issues and controversies within measurement in the light of the framework, including operationalism, definitional uncertainty, and the relations between measurement and computation. The book concludes with a justification for the basic claim that measurement is an empirical and informational process that produces explicitly justifiable information. Researchers and academics across a wide range of disciplines including biological, physical, social and behavioral scientists, as well as specialists in measurement and philosophy will appreciate the work’s fresh and provocative approach to the field at a time when sound measurements of complex scientific systems are increasingly essential to solving critical global problems.

Measurement, Analysis and Remediation of Environmental Pollutants (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

by Tarun Gupta Swatantra Pratap Singh Prashant Rajput Avinash Kumar Agarwal

This book discusses contamination of water, air, and soil media. The book covers health effects of such contamination and discusses remedial measures to improve the situation. Contributions by experts provide a comprehensive discussion on the latest developments in the detection and analysis of contaminants, enabling researchers to understand the evolution of these pollutants in real time and develop more accurate source apportionment of these pollutants. The contents of this book will be of interest to researchers, professionals, and policy makers alike.

Measurement and Analysis in Transforming Healthcare Delivery

by Peter J. Fabri

This volume provides the important concepts necessary for a physician to participate in a reengineering process, develop decision-making skills based on probability and logic rather than "rules," and to measure and analyze meaningful outcomes of care delivery. This approach has been developed over ten years in a medical student-based program and has been enthusiastically embraced by medical students without backgrounds in engineering or statistics. More specifically, this text will introduce physicians to relevant and available computer software, combined with an in depth knowledge of measurement, variation, and uncertainty. It provides a basis for the transformation of data into information, information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom. The first quarter of the book will address understanding and visualizing data, using statistical and graphic analysis. The next quarter addresses the fundamentals of applied statistics, and the application of conditional probability to clinical decision making. The next quarter addresses the four "cornerstones" of modern analytics: regression, classification, association analysis, and clustering. The final section addresses the identification of outliers and their importance in understanding, the assessment of cause and effect and the limitations associated with retrospective data analysis. This toolbox will prepare the interested physician to actively engage in the identification of problem areas, the design of process-based solutions, and the continuous assessment of outcomes of clinical practice. Armed with this toolbox, the reader will be "prepared to make a difference" in the rapidly changing world of healthcare delivery. Measurement and Analysis in Transforming Healthcare Delivery is an excellent resource for general practitioners, health administrators, and all medical professionals interacting with healthcare delivery.

Measurement and Analysis in Transforming Healthcare Delivery

by Harry C. Sax

This volume is complementary to Volume 1: Quantitative Approaches in Health Systems Engineering which provides in-depth analysis of the statistical and quantitative aspects of Health Systems Engineering. Volume 2: Practical Applications to Engage and Align Providers and Consumers builds upon these concepts with the integration of additional economic, performance and quality measures. Stressing the importance of changes in the economics of health care financing, it will serve as a resource for not only leaders of organizations, but also providers who will be practicing a different type of medicine from that of which they were trained. After defining the challenges, the authors will quantify and define funds flows and various margins necessary for viability, how providers will be measured and rewarded for quality, and the importance of accurate dashboard of physician performance. Types of payment systems, including capitation, ACOs, risk contracts, and hybrid forms of fee for service will be defined and their relative advantages discussed. Lessons from other countries that provide high quality care at a lower cost will be examined for applicability to our challenges. Finally, experts in leadership will focus on influencing behavior to achieve results while remembering that healthcare is about the patient. This textbook will serve as a useful resource for clinicians, healthcare executives, governmental agencies, and emerging leaders in organizations.

Measurement and Analysis of Human Locomotion (Series in Biomedical Engineering)

by Vladimir Medved

This book addresses instruments, methodologies and diagnostic methods used to evaluate and diagnose human movement, locomotion and physical status in general. Starting from historical perspective, the idea of understanding human locomotion by applying technical measurement devices and incorporating measurement data into physical representation of gross body movement is presented and explained, an approach known as inverse dynamics. With this approach as a kind of umbrella concept, components of measurement systems including relevant signal and data processing methods are described. Modern instruments to capture body movement by measuring its kinematics, kinetics and surface electromyography (sEMG) are thus described; all systems being used dominantly—if not exclusively—in a movement analysis laboratory setting. Focusing mainly on human posture and gait, but including also examples of movement patterns from selected kinesiological and sports activities, the book attempts to present essentials of biomechanics and biomedical engineering approach to this subject matter. It illustrates how data collected and elaborated by modern engineering technology can complement traditional expert knowledge of a kinesiologist or a medical doctor. The book is applicable in the fields of sports, physical activities, as well as in medical diagnostics and rehabilitation. The examples of this book’s practical application might be in evaluation of efficiency of human gait, in evaluation of skeletal muscle fatigue in physical exercise, in biomechanical diagnostics of traumatological conditions requiring orthopaedic treatment and the like. This book can also be used in planning and executing research endeavours, particularly in a clinical context as a reference for various diagnostics procedures. It presents the lecture notes of a course carrying the same name within Medical Studies in English at the University of Zagreb for more than a decade.

Measurement and Detection of Radiation

by Nicholas Tsoulfanidis Sheldon Landsberger

As useful to students and nuclear professionals as its popular predecessors, this fifth edition provides the most up-to-date and accessible introduction to radiation detector materials, systems, and applications. There have been many advances in the field of radiation detection, most notably in practical applications. Incorporating these important developments, Measurement and Detection of Radiation, Fifth Edition provides the most up-to-date and accessible introduction to radiation detector materials, systems, and applications. It also includes more problems and updated references and bibliographies, and step-by-step derivations and numerous examples illustrate key concepts. New to the Fifth Edition:• Expanded chapters on semiconductor detectors, data analysis methods, health physics fundamentals, and nuclear forensics.• Updated references and bibliographies.• New and expanded problems.

Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance

by James R. Morrow Jr. Allen W. Jackson James G. Disch Dale P. Mood

Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Fourth Edition, paves the way for students and professionals to identify and solve human performance problems in the areas of kinesiology, physical education, health, and fitness. Focusing on the concepts of reliability, objectivity, and validity, the text introduces students to tests and measurements and guides them through statistical decision making and accurate interpretation of data. Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, Fourth Edition, is designed with student learning in mind with its practical approach, easy-to-read style, and minimal mathematics. Like previous editions, the text combines introductory algebraic concepts with explanations of reliability and validity to assist students in developing the knowledge and tools to gather and analyze data for decision making. The fourth edition also features many upgrades: • An updated online study guide that incorporates more student activities, computer tasks, and quiz questions to help students comprehend the concepts • A realignment of chapters into four cohesive sections leading from background knowledge and basic statistical concepts to supportive theories and practical application • Greater use of Microsoft Excel to assist with statistical calculations, including an appendix of directions, screen captures, and templates for complex calculations • Inclusion of large sample data sets with each chapter’s online study guide content that help students review concepts and emphasize the value of computer skills in the field of measurement and evaluation • More information on physical activity assessment incorporated into all chapters • A new contributor who lends expertise to teachers and coaches in a chapter addressing performance-based assessment In addition to incorporating use of MS Excel, this edition continues to use Predictive Analysis Software (PASW), previously known as Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). These computer applications provide students with the skills to quickly complete time-consuming and difficult calculations for large amounts of data.

Measurement and Safety: Volume I

by Béla G. Lipták

This handbook is dedicated to the next generation of automation engineers working in the fields of measurement, control, and safety, describing the sensors and detectors used in the measurement of process variables.

Measurement and Statistics on Science and Technology: 1920 to the Present (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine)

by Benoît Godin

How do we objectively measure scientific activities? What proportion of economic activities should a society devote to research and development? How can public-sector and private-sector research best be directed to achieve social goals? Governments and researchers from industrial countries have been measuring science and technology for more than eighty years. This book provides the first comprehensive account of the attempts to measure science and technology activities in Western countries and the successes and shortcomings of statistical systems. Godin guides readers through the historical moments that led to the development of statistics on science and technology and also examines the socio-political dynamics behind social measurement. This enlightening account will be of interest to students and academics investigating science measurement as well as policy makers working in this burgeoning field.

Measurement and Understanding in Science and Humanities: Interdisciplinary Approaches

by Marcel Schweiker Joachim Hass Anna Novokhatko Roxana Halbleib

This anthology is a unique compilation of scientific contributions on the topic of measurement and understanding, showing how terms such as number, measurement, understanding, model, pattern are used in a wide variety of disciplines. Based on the results and experiences from their own projects, 23 researchers comment on the potentials and limitations of individual methodological approaches and success factors of interdisciplinary collaboration. In doing so, they sound out the different significance of quantification and empirical evidence for their own disciplines and examine the influence of methodological approaches on existing models and images. The common goal is to want to understand the world; the methods, however, are highly diverse.

Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook: Electromagnetic, Optical, Radiation, Chemical, and Biomedical Measurement (Electrical Engineering Handbook Ser.)

by John G. Webster Halit Eren

The Second Edition of the bestselling Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook brings together all aspects of the design and implementation of measurement, instrumentation, and sensors. Reflecting the current state of the art, it describes the use of instruments and techniques for performing practical measurements in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences and discusses processing systems, automatic data acquisition, reduction and analysis, operation characteristics, accuracy, errors, calibrations, and the incorporation of standards for control purposes. Organized according to measurement problem, the Electromagnetic, Optical, Radiation, Chemical, and Biomedical Measurement volume of the Second Edition: Contains contributions from field experts, new chapters, and updates to all 98 existing chapters Covers sensors and sensor technology, time and frequency, signal processing, displays and recorders, and optical, medical, biomedical, health, environmental, electrical, electromagnetic, and chemical variables A concise and useful reference for engineers, scientists, academic faculty, students, designers, managers, and industry professionals involved in instrumentation and measurement research and development, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition: Electromagnetic, Optical, Radiation, Chemical, and Biomedical Measurement provides readers with a greater understanding of advanced applications.

Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook: Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement (Electrical Engineering Handbook Ser.)

by John G. Webster Halit Eren

The Second Edition of the bestselling Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook brings together all aspects of the design and implementation of measurement, instrumentation, and sensors. Reflecting the current state of the art, it describes the use of instruments and techniques for performing practical measurements in engineering, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences and discusses processing systems, automatic data acquisition, reduction and analysis, operation characteristics, accuracy, errors, calibrations, and the incorporation of standards for control purposes. Organized according to measurement problem, the Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement volume of the Second Edition: Contains contributions from field experts, new chapters, and updates to all 96 existing chapters Covers instrumentation and measurement concepts, spatial and mechanical variables, displacement, acoustics, flow and spot velocity, radiation, wireless sensors and instrumentation, and control and human factors A concise and useful reference for engineers, scientists, academic faculty, students, designers, managers, and industry professionals involved in instrumentation and measurement research and development, Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition: Spatial, Mechanical, Thermal, and Radiation Measurement provides readers with a greater understanding of advanced applications.

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