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Measuring Up: A History of Living Standards in Mexico, 1850-1950
by Moramay Lopez-AlonsoMeasuring Uptraces the high levels of poverty and inequality that Mexico faced in the mid-twentieth century. Using newly developed multidisciplinary techniques, the book provides a perspective on living standards in Mexico prior to the first measurement of income distribution in 1957. By offering an account of material living conditions and their repercussions on biological standards of living between 1850 and 1950, it sheds new light on the life of the marginalized during this period. Measuring Upshows that new methodologies allow us to examine the history of individuals who were not integrated into the formal economy. Using anthropometric history techniques, the book assesses how a large portion of the population was affected by piecemeal policies and flaws in the process of economic modernization and growth. It contributes to our understanding of the origins of poverty and inequality, and conveys a much-needed, long-term perspective on the living conditions of the Mexican working classes.
Measuring Up to the New York State Learning Standards and Success Strategies for the State Test: Science, Level H, Grade 8 (Measuring Up)
by Peoples Education Staff<p>Measuring Up to the New York State Learning Standards and Success Strategies for the State Test (Level H-Science). <p>This book is customized for New York and the lessons match the New York State Learning Standards. The Measuring Up program includes comprehensive worktexts and New York Diagnostic Practice Tests, which are available separately. <p>This worktext is customized to the New York Intermediate Science Core Curriculum and will help you prepare for the New York State Evaluation Test in Science for Grade 8.</p>
Measuring Up to the New York State Learning Standards and Success Strategies for the State Test (Science Level D)
by Peoples Publishing GroupMeasuring Up worktexts maximize instruction time with 100 percent customization to the NYS Learning Standards. Lessons contain guided instruction and many application activities.
Measuring Up to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (Level D Science)
by Editors at the Peoples EducationTexas 4th Grade Science Test Prep
Measuring Welfare beyond Economics: The genuine progress of Hong Kong and Singapore (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)
by Claudio O. Delang Yi Hang YuDissatisfaction with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of a country’s development or a population’s wellbeing led to the development of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). The GPI is an aggregate index of over 20 economic, social and environmental indicators, and accounts for both the welfare benefits of economic growth, and the social and environmental costs which accompany that economic growth. The result is better information about the level of welfare or well-being of a country’s population. This book measures the GPI of Hong Kong and Singapore from 1968 to 2010. It finds that for both countries, economic output (as measured by the GDP) has grown more than welfare (as measured by the GPI), but important differences are also found. In Hong Kong, the GPI has grown for the whole period under consideration, while in Singapore the GPI has stalled from 1993. This is in line with most countries and is explained by the "threshold hypothesis" which states that beyond a certain level of economic development the benefits of further economic growth are outweighed by even higher environmental and social costs. The book argues that the growth of Hong Kong’s GPI is due to its favourable relationship with China and in particular its ability to export low-wage jobs and polluting industries, rather than successful domestic policies. A stalling or shrinking GPI calls for alternative policies than the growth economy promoted by neoclassical economists, and the book explores an alternative model, that of the Steady State Economy (SSE).
Measuring Wellbeing: Towards Sustainability?
by Karen ScottImproving wellbeing and sustainability are central goals of government, but are they in conflict? This engaging new book reviews that question and its implications for public policy through a focus on indicators. It highlights tensions on the one hand between various constructs of wellbeing and sustainable development, and on the other between current individual and societal notions of wellbeing. It recommends a clearer conceptual framework for policy makers regarding different wellbeing constructs which would facilitate more transparent discussions. Arguing against a win-win scenario of wellbeing and sustainability, it advocates an approach based on recognising and valuing conflicting views where notions of participation and power are central to discussions. Measuring Wellbeing is divided into two parts. The first part provides a critical review of the field, drawing widely on international research but contextualised within recent UK wellbeing policy discourses. The second part embeds the theory in a case study based on the author’s own experience of trying to develop quality of life indicators within a local authority, against the backdrop of increasing national policy interest in measuring ‘happiness’. This accessible and informative book, covering uniquely both practice and theory, will be of great appeal to students, academics and policy makers interested in wellbeing, sustainable development, indicators, public policy, community participation, power and discourse.
Measuring Workplace Performance
by Michael J. O'NeillMost Fortune 1000 companies still struggle with workspace planning and design issues. They invest millions of dollars each year with the expectation that new buildings and major renovations will help transform their culture, support innovation, strengthen desired behaviors and increase organizational effectiveness. Providing a biological framework, this book explores how the design of the work environment can be used as a tool to further business goals as well as improve individual and group performance. The second edition of a bestseller, the book includes many new case studies with Fortune 1000 companies. It features a new section on Six Sigma measurement methods for assessing office workspace effectiveness. The Case Studies demonstrate how office workspace design affects employee performance, and how to use this information to optimize workplace design for individuals and groups. It focuses on the emergence and application of Six-Sigma quality principles and methods in the evaluation and improvement of workspaces.
The Meat Business: Devouring a Hungry Planet (Routledge Library Editions: Food Supply and Policy)
by Geoff Tansey Joyce D'SilvaOriginally published in 1999. The theme running through this collection of essays is that food quality and human health, the welfare of animals and the methods of farming, and the quality of the environment, go hand-in-hand. This theme continues along the lines that the present system is harmful to them all and to our ability to generate enough good food for the whole world. The contributors to the volume offer alternatives - for more humane and moderate methods of farming which produce enough nourishing food without damaging the environment it depends on.
Meat Less: The Next Food Revolution (Copernicus Books)
by David Julian McClementsReducing the amount of meat in our diet would have major environmental benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, deforestation, and biodiversity loss. Moreover, it would have wide-ranging ethical benefits by decreasing the huge number of livestock animals confined and killed each year for food. For consumers, there may also be health benefits from a meat-less diet, provided it was carefully planned. Advances in modern science and technology, including plant-based, microbial, lab-grown, and insect meats, are revolutionizing the food industry and making it easier for consumers worldwide to maintain a meat-less diet. In Meat Less: The Next Food Revolution I outline my own journey as a food scientist who became a vegetarian in solidarity with my daughter. In writing this book I take the viewpoint that there are no easy answers and that everyone must make the decision to eat meat or not based on their own values. The first chapters examine the impact of meat consumption on the environment, human health, and animal welfare, including the important questions of how much does eating meat really contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and biodiversity loss, what are the ethical implications of raising and killing animals for food, and the impact of reducing meat consumption on human nutrition and health. I then discuss some of the new technologies that are being developed to create alternatives to meat, including plant-based meat, cultured (lab-grown) meat, microbial meat, and insect meat. I present the science behind these new technologies and their potential for making a difference to climate change and human health. In the final chapter, I discuss why I remain a vegetarian and have decided to dedicate the rest of my scientific career to finding sustainable and healthy alternatives to meat, presenting my vision of the human diet in 2050.
Meat Science
by Paul WarrissOutlining the core principles of the subject, this introductory-level textbook covers the production of meat, its structure and chemical composition, meat quality and hygiene, and animal welfare, handling and slaughter. The new edition has been updated to cover significant advances such as the process of conditioning, leading to the tenderisation of meat, and the new coverage of the use of molecular genetic techniques to try to select animals for improved meat quality. Key Features New larger format in two colours throughout Fully revised and updated including new coverage of genomics Carefully selected references and titles for further reading
Meccanica Analitica: Meccanica Classica, Meccanica Lagrangiana e Hamiltoniana e Teoria della Stabilità (UNITEXT #122)
by Valter MorettiIl testo parte da una rivisitazione teorica della meccanica classica newtoniana e del suo linguaggio matematico che si conclude con un'analisi critica della meccanica classica newtoniana. Si passa quindi alle formulazioni lagrangiane e hamiltoniane della meccanica classica, discutendo in particolare il rapporto tra simmetrie e costanti del moto all'interno di varie versioni del teorema di Noether e analoghi risultati. I capitoli sulla meccanica hamiltoniana, oltre al materiale standard come le parentesi di Poisson, la geometria simplettica, la formulazione di Hamilton-Jacobi e principi variazionali, includono alcuni risultati teorici importanti come il teorema di Liouville e il teorema di ricorrenza di Poincaré. La teoria della stabilità è introdotta e discussa nell'approccio di Liapunov. Il linguaggio adottato in tutto il testo è quello della geometria differenziale, che in ogni caso viene introdotta gradualmente. Un complemento finale include la teoria di base dei sistemi di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e dei sistemi con alcune generalizzazioni alla teoria sulle varietà. Diverse appendici introducono alcuni strumenti matematici come la teoria delle forme differenziali, la derivata di Lie e la teoria dell'integrazione su varietà. Il libro include diversi esercizi risolti.Il libro si rivolge agli studenti di Matematica e Fisica per i corsi di Meccanica Razionale e Meccanica Analitica.
Meccanica Analitica: Meccanica Classica, Meccanica Lagrangiana, Hamiltoniana, Teoria della Stabilità, Relatività Speciale (UNITEXT #164)
by Valter MorettiIl testo parte da una rivisitazione teorica della meccanica classica newtoniana e del suo linguaggio matematico che si conclude con un'analisi critica della meccanica classica newtoniana. Si passa quindi alle formulazioni lagrangiane e hamiltoniane della meccanica classica, discutendo in particolare il rapporto tra simmetrie e costanti del moto all'interno di varie versioni del teorema di Noether e analoghi risultati. I capitoli sulla meccanica hamiltoniana, oltre al materiale standard come le parentesi di Poisson, la geometria simplettica, la formulazione di Hamilton-Jacobi e principi variazionali, includono alcuni risultati teorici importanti come il teorema di Liouville e il teorema di ricorrenza di Poincaré. La teoria della stabilità è introdotta e discussa nell'approccio di Lyapunov. Nella seconda edizione è stata aggiunta una descrizione matematica della teoria della relatività speciale e di alcuni suoi sviluppi nell'ambito della formulazione lagrangiana ed hamiltoniana. Il linguaggio adottato in tutto il testo è quello della geometria differenziale, che in ogni caso viene introdotta gradualmente. Un primo complemento finale discute gli assiomi fisici su cui si basa la teoria della relatività speciale e come si passa da tali assiomi alla formulazione matematica. Un secondo complemento include la teoria di base dei sistemi di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e dei sistemi con alcune generalizzazioni alla teoria sulle varietà. Diverse appendici introducono alcuni strumenti matematici come la teoria delle forme differenziali, la derivata di Lie e la teoria dell'integrazione su varietà. Il libro include diversi esercizi risolti. Il libro si rivolge agli studenti di Matematica e Fisica per i corsi di Meccanica Razionale e Meccanica Analitica.
Meccanica Quantistica: L'Essenziale con Derivazioni ed Esercizi
by Gianluca StefanucciQuesto libro si basa sul corso "Elementi di Fisica Teorica" che l'autore insegna presso l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata dal 2017. Il volume serve come introduzione alla meccanica quantistica, fornendo agli studenti concetti e strumenti necessari per i corsi successivi senza fare eccessivo affidamento al livello di astrazione e rigore matematico tipicamente presenti nei programmi di fisica. La comprensione di questo libro richiede soltanto la conoscenza dei concetti matematici insegnati nei primi due anni dei corsi base. Il corso di laurea in Scienza dei Materiali mira a formare studenti con un background interdisciplinare in fisica, chimica e ingegneria. Sebbene lo studio della meccanica quantistica sia essenziale, non è necessario raggiungere lo stesso livello di profondità, astrazione e rigore matematico di un corso di laurea in Fisica. La maggior parte dei libri di testo sulla Meccanica Quantistica sono indirizzati agli studenti di Fisica, rendendo difficile trovare risorse adatte per gli studenti di Scienza dei Materiali. Per facilitare l'apprendimento, l'autore ha scelto di non rimandare gli studenti a diversi libri di testo per argomenti diversi. Ha creato invece delle dispense che si sono evolute in un libro di testo condensato sulla meccanica quantistica specificamente adattato alle esigenze del programma di Scienza dei Materiali.
by Betsy CornwellNicolette's awful stepsisters call her "Mechanica" to demean her, but the nickname fits: she learned to be an inventor at her mother's knee. Her mom is gone now, though, and the Steps have pushed her into a life of dreary servitude. When she discovers a secret workshop in the cellar on her sixteenth birthday--and befriends Jules, a tiny magical metal horse--Nicolette starts to imagine a new life for herself. And the timing may be perfect: There's a technological exposition and a royal ball on the horizon. Determined to invent her own happily-ever-after, Mechanica seeks to wow the prince and eager entrepreneurs alike.
Mechanical and Chemical Signaling in Angiogenesis
by Cynthia A. Reinhart-KingThis volume describes and discusses recent advances in angiogenesis research. The chapters are organized to address all biological length scales of angiogenesis: molecular, cellular and tissue in both in vivo and in vitro settings. Specific emphasis is given to novel methodologies and biomaterials that have been developed and applied to angiogenesis research. Angiogenesis experts from diverse fields including engineering, cell and developmental biology, chemistry and physics will be invited to contribute chapters which focus on the mechanical and chemical signals which affect and promote angiogenesis.
Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings
by Richard R. Janis William K. Y. TaoThis extensively updated text and reference illuminates the modern realities of planning and constructing buildings with efficient, sustainable mechanical and electrical systems. Throughout, the authors place mechanical and electrical systems design in the overall context of the built environment. They extensively address engineers' teamwork with architects, owners, and facility managers to provide high-quality, productive environments which reflect both environmental and cost concerns. Focusing on the "what," "why," and "how" of ME systems, they incorporate new developments in all major disciplines, including electrical, lighting, telecom, plumbing and HVAC. New coverage in this edition includes: HVAC design using VRF and chilled beam technologies; energy reclaim systems; dedicated outside air systems; assessment of solar thermal system efficiency; new fuel cell technology; updates on the economics of cogeneration, and much more.
Mechanical and Electromagnetic Vibrations and Waves
by Tamer BécherrawyDealing with vibrations and waves, this text aims to provide understanding of the basic principles and methods of analysing various physical phenomena. The content includes the general properties of propagation, a detailed study of mechanical (elastic and acoustic) and electromagnetic waves, propagation, attenuation, dispersion, reflection, interference and diffraction of waves. It features chapters on the effect of motion of sources and observers (both classical and relativistic), emission of electromagnetic waves, standing and guided waves and a final chapter on de Broglie waves constitutes an introduction to quantum mechanics.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Historical Aspects and Future Directions (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)
by J. Paulo DavimThis book covers historical aspects and future directions of mechanical and industrial engineering. Chapters of this book include applied mechanics and design, tribology, machining, additive manufacturing and management of industrial technologies.
The Mechanical and Thermodynamical Theory of Plasticity
by null Mehrdad NegahbanBorn out of 15 years of courses and lectures on continuum mechanics, nonlinear mechanics, continuum thermodynamics, viscoelasticity, plasticity, crystal plasticity, and thermodynamic plasticity, The Mechanical and Thermodynamical Theory of Plasticity represents one of the most extensive and in-depth treatises on the mechanical and thermodynamical a
Mechanical Appliances, Mechanical Movements and Novelties of Construction
by Gardner D. HiscoxFrom the devices that power ships and trains to the workings of clocks, typewriters, and guns, this engrossing visual narrative profiles the specific and unique properties of hundreds of mechanical devices. Nearly 1,000 detailed illustrations depict steam-powered appliances, spring-powered devices, hydraulic equipment, and other machines, many of which remain in common use today. Each apparatus features a detailed line drawing and an informative explanation of its workings and uses. A final chapter chronicles 400 years of impassioned but futile searching for a perpetual motion machine.The companion to Dover's 1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances, this volume features fewer but more complex machines than its predecessor. Today's readers--especially engineers, inventors, and other mechanically inclined individuals--will find endless fascination and inspiration among the novelty and variety of these ingenious mechanical designs.
Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Fundamentals, Analysis, and Calculations (Mechanical Engineering Series)
by Zainul HudaThis textbook supports a range of core courses in undergraduate materials and mechanical engineering curricula given at leading universities globally. It presents fundamentals and quantitative analysis of mechanical behavior of materials covering engineering mechanics and materials, deformation behavior, fracture mechanics, and failure design. This book provides a holistic understanding of mechanical behavior of materials, and enables critical thinking through mathematical modeling and problem solving. Each of the 15 chapters first introduces readers to the technologic importance of the topic and provides basic concepts with diagrammatic illustrations; and then its engineering analysis/mathematical modelling along with calculations are presented. Featuring 200 end-of-chapter calculations/worked examples, 120 diagrams, 260 equations on mechanics and materials, the text is ideal for students of mechanical, materials, structural, civil, and aerospace engineering.
Mechanical Behavior of Organic Matrix Composites: Effect of Thermo-oxidative Ageing
by Marco Gigliotti Marie-Christine Lafarie-Frenot Jean-Claude Grandidier Matteo MinervinoThe book focuses on the effect of ageing (thermo-oxidation, humid ageing) on the mechanical properties of organic matrix composite materials, covering: Bibliographic issues and a detailed state-of-the-art; phenomenological and experimental issues; modelling issues and models parameter identification; illustration and interpretation of experimental tests and proposal for novel test design in the light of the model predictions.
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
by Dominique François André Zaoui André PineauDesigning new structural materials, extending lifetimes and guarding against fracture in service are among the preoccupations of engineers, and to deal with these they need to have command of the mechanics of material behaviour. This ought to reflect in the training of students. In this respect, the first volume of this work deals with elastic, elastoplastic, elastoviscoplastic and viscoelastic behaviours; this second volume continues with fracture mechanics and damage, and with contact mechanics, friction and wear. As in Volume I, the treatment links the active mechanisms on the microscopic scale and the laws of macroscopic behaviour. Chapter I is an introduction to the various damage phenomena. Chapter II gives the essential of fracture mechanics. Chapter III is devoted to brittle fracture, chapter IV to ductile fracture and chapter V to the brittle-ductile transition. Chapter VI is a survey of fatigue damage. Chapter VII is devoted to hydrogen embrittlement and to environment assisted cracking, chapter VIII to creep damage. Chapter IX gives results of contact mechanics and a description of friction and wear mechanisms. Finally, chapter X treats damage in non metallic materials: ceramics, glass, concrete, polymers, wood and composites. The volume includes many explanatory diagrams and illustrations. A third volume will include exercises allowing deeper understanding of the subjects treated in the first two volumes.
Mechanical Circulatory Support (Handbooks Ser.)
by Wayne E. RichenbacherThis book is a concise, portable handbook that focuses on the clinical use of mechanical blood pumps. All aspects of mechanical circulatory support are addressed, including patient selection, preoperative preparation, operative management, anesthetic considerations and conduct of cardiopulmonary bypass, postop management including complications associated with blood pump use and long-term care and rehabilitation.