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Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Frank Gardea Kunal Mishra Michael Keller

Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 5 of the Proceedings of the 2023 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fifth volume of five from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including:Advances in CompositesRecycled CompositesTunable MaterialsDamage Detection in CompositesMultifunctional CompositesFracture and Failure in Complex Materials

Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 5: Proceedings Of The 2018 Annual Conference On Experimental And Applied Mechanics (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)

by Piyush R. Thakre Raman P. Singh Geoffrey Slipher

Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 5 of the Proceedings of the 2018 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fifth volume of eight from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of areas, including: Recycled Constituent Composites Nanocomposites Mechanics of Composites Fracture & Fatigue of Composites Multifunctional Materials Damage Detection & Non-destructive Evaluation Composites for Wind Energy & Aerospace Applications Computed Tomography of Composites Manufacturing & Joining of Composites Novel Developments in Composites

Mechanics of Composite Materials (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering)

by Richard M. Christensen

A comprehensive account of the basic theory of the mechanical behavior of heterogeneous media, this volume assembles, interprets, and interrelates contributions to the field of composite materials from theoretical research, laboratory developments, and product applications.The text focuses on the continuum mechanics aspects of behavior; specifically, it invokes idealized geometric models of the heterogeneous system to obtain theoretical predictions of macroscopic properties in terms of the properties of individual constituent materials. The wide range of subjects encompasses macroscopic stiffness properties, failure characterization, and wave propagation. Much of the book presumes a familiarity with the theory of linear elasticity; but it also takes into consideration behavior characterized by viscoelasticity and inviscid plasticity theories and problems involving nonlinear kinematics. Because of the close relationship between mechanical and thermal effects, the text also examines macroscopic, thermal properties of heterogeneous media.Although the primary emphasis centers on the development of theory, this volume also pays critical attention to the practical assessment of results and applications. Comparisons between different approaches and with reliable experimental data appear at main junctures. Suitable as a graduate-level text, Mechanics of Composite Materials is also a valuable reference for professionals.

Mechanics Of Composite Materials

by Robert M. Jones

This book balances introduction to the basic concepts of the mechanical behavior of composite materials and laminated composite structures. It covers topics from micromechanics and macromechanics to lamination theory and plate bending, buckling, and vibration, clarifying the physical significance of composite materials. In addition to the materials covered in the first edition, this book includes more theory-experiment comparisons and updated information on the design of composite materials.

Mechanics of Composite Materials (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series)

by Autar K. Kaw

In 1997, Dr. Kaw introduced the first edition of Mechanics of Composite Materials, receiving high praise for its comprehensive scope and detailed examples. He also introduced the groundbreaking PROMAL software, a valuable tool for designing and analyzing structures made of composite materials. Updated and expanded to reflect recent advances in the

Mechanics Of Composite Structures

by V.V. Vasiliev

This book compiles techniques used to analyze composite structural elements ranging from beams through plates to stiffened shells. The content is suitable for graduate-level students with a basic background in mechanics of composite materials. Moreover, this book will be placed in an active spot on the bookshelves of composite structures designers as well as researchers.

Mechanics of Elastic Composites

by Nicolaie Dan Cristescu Eduard-Marius Craciun Eugen Soós

This is a comprehensive, reader-friendly treatment of the theory behind modern elastic composite materials. The treatment includes recently developed results and methods drawn from research papers published in Eastern Europe that until now were unavailable in many western countries. Among the book's many notable features is the inclusion of more th

Mechanics of Elastic Solids

by Junqian Zhang Yicheng Song Bo Lu

This book entitled Mechanics of Elastic Solids is written as a textbook of the course “Elasticity” or “Theory of Elasticity” or “Elasticity Mechanics” for relevant engineering majors. It can also be used as a professional book for relevant technical persons. It mainly introduces elasticity theory, including stress analysis, deformation analysis, constitutive relations, elasticity model construction for actual problems, solutions for infinitesimal plane stress and strain problems, three-dimensional problems, multiphysics field problems, variation principle in elasticity, thin plate, and cylindrical shells. The rapid and continuous advancements in numerical methods and computer power have diminished the significance of certain analytical solutions in elasticity problems.. Therefore, this book simplifies some traditional contents such as the solution of plane problems and twist of cylinder. Instead, some new topics which are important for real-world problems are introduced, such as the accurate description of finite deformation, constitutive equations for small strain but large rotation problems, hyperelasticity, procedural steps and general methodologies for model construction of real-world problems, and multiphysics field problems. A plenty of examples is prepared in this book for comprehensive understanding.

Mechanics of Elastic Waves and Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation

by Tribikram Kundu

Summary:This book presents necessary background knowledge on mechanics to understand and analyze elastic wave propagation in solids and fluids. This knowledge is necessary for elastic wave propagation modeling and for interpreting experimental data generated during ultrasonic nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E). The book covers both linear and nonlinear analyses of ultrasonic NDT&E techniques. The materials presented here also include some exercise problems and solution manual. Therefore, this book can serve as a textbook or reference book for a graduate level course on elastic waves and/or ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation. It will be also useful for instructors who are interested in designing short courses on elastic wave propagation in solids or NDT&E. <P><P>The materials covered in the first two chapters provide the fundamental knowledge on linear mechanics of deformable solids while Chapter 4 covers nonlinear mechanics. Thus, both linear and nonlinear ultrasonic techniques are covered here. Nonlinear ultrasonic techniques are becoming more popular in recent years for detecting very small defects and damages. However, this topic is hardly covered in currently available textbooks. Researchers mostly rely on published research papers and research monographs to learn about nonlinear ultrasonic techniques. Chapter 3 describes elastic wave propagation modeling techniques using DPSM. Chapter 5 is dedicated to an important and very active research field – acoustic source localization – that is essential for structural health monitoring and for localizing crack and other type of damage initiation regions. <P><P>Features <li> Introduces Linear and Nonlinear ultrasonic techniques in a single book. <li>Commences with basic definitions of displacement, displacement gradient, traction and stress. <li> Provides step by step derivations of fundamental equations of mechanics as well as linear and nonlinear wave propagation analysis. <li> Discusses basic theory in addition to providing detailed NDE applications.• <li>Provides extensive example and exercise problems along with an extensive solutions manual.

Mechanics of Fatigue (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Series #11)

by Vladimir V. Bolotin

Mechanics of Fatigue addresses the range of topics concerning damage, fatigue, and fracture of engineering materials and structures. The core of this resource builds upon the synthesis of micro- and macro-mechanics of fracture. In micromechanics, both the modeling of mechanical phenomena on the level of material structure and the continuous approach are based on the use of certain internal field parameters characterizing the dispersed micro-damage. This is referred to as continuum damage mechanics.The author develops his own theory for macromechanics, called analytical fracture mechanics. This term means the system cracked body - loading or loading device - is considered as a mechanical system and the tools of analytical (rational) mechanics are applied thoroughly to describe crack propagation until the final failure.Chapter discuss:preliminary information on fatigue and engineering methods for design of machines and structures against failures caused by fatiguefatigue crack nucleation, including microstructural and continuous modelstheory of fatigue crack propagationfatigue crack growth in linear elastic materials subject to dispersed damagefatigue cracks in elasto-plastic material, including crack growth retardation due to overloading as well as quasistationary approximationfatigue and related phenomena in hereditary solidsapplication of the theory fatigue crack growth considering environmental factorsunidirectional fiber composites with ductile matrix and brittle, initially continuous fiberslaminate compositesMechanics of Fatigue serves students dealing with mechanical aspects of fatigue, conducting research in fracture mechanics, structural safety, mechanics of composites, as well as modern branches of mechanics of solids and structures.

Mechanics of Fiber and Textile Reinforced Cement Composites

by null Barzin Mobasher

Among all building materials, concrete is the most commonly used-and there is a staggering demand for it. However, as we strive to build taller structures with improved seismic resistance or durable pavement with an indefinite service life, we require materials with better performance than the conventional materials used today. Considering the enor

Mechanics of Fibrous Materials and Applications: Physical and Modeling Aspects (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #596)

by Catalin Picu Jean-François Ganghoffer

The book explores the state of the art in the mechanics of fibrous media, providing an overview of the theoretical, modelling and practical aspects of designing and working with these materials. It also describes the advanced methods needed to handle their specific features, including the mechanics of generalized continua, dedicated homogenization methods and computational techniques, and presents applications of fibrous media to diverse fields and over a broad spectrum of scales, ranging from aeronautics to biomechanics.

Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics

by Yong Zhu Nanshu Lu

Discover a comprehensive overview and advances in mechanics to design the cutting edge electronics Soft electronics systems, which include flexible and stretchable electronics, are an area of technology with the potential to revolutionize fields from healthcare to defense. Engineering for flexibility and stretchability without compromising electronic functions poses serious challenges, and extensive mechanics and engineering knowledge is required to meet these challenges. Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics introduces a range of soft functional materials and soft structures and their potential applications in the construction of soft electronics systems. Its detailed attention to the mechanics of these materials and structures makes it an indispensable tool for scientists and engineers at the cutting edge of electronics technology. Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics readers will also find: A detailed summary of recent advances in the field Detailed treatment of structures including kirigami, serpentine, wrinkles, and many more A multidisciplinary approach suited to a varied readership Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics is ideal for electronics and mechanical engineers, solid state physicists, and materials scientists, as well as the libraries that support them.

Mechanics of Flow Similarities

by Claus Weiland

The mechanics of similarity encompasses the analysis of dimensions, performed by various procedures, the gasdynamic similarity and the model technology. The analysis of dimensions delivers the dimensionless numbers by which specific physical challenges can be described with a reduced number of variables. Thereby the assessment of physical problems is facilitated. For fluid dynamics and all sorts of heat transfer the discipline of the mechanics of similarity was so important in the past, that the historical background is highlighted of all the persons who have contributed to the development of this discipline. The goal of the classical gasdynamic similarity was to find rules, which enables the aerodynamic engineer to perform transformations from existing flow fields to others, which meet geometrical and other specific flow field parameters. Most of these rules and findings do no longer play a role today, because a lot of potent experimental and theoretical/numerical methods are now available. This problem is addressed in the book. A recent investigation regarding the longitudinal aerodynamics of space vehicles has revealed, that there exist other astonishing similarities for hypersonic and supersonic flight Mach numbers. It seems, that obviously most of the longitudinal aerodynamics is independent from the geometrical configurations of the space vehicle considered, if a simple transformation is applied. A section of this book is devoted to these new findings.

Mechanics of Fluids

by John Ward-Smith

As in previous editions, this ninth edition of Massey’s Mechanics of Fluids introduces the basic principles of fluid mechanics in a detailed and clear manner. This bestselling textbook provides the sound physical understanding of fluid flow that is essential for an honours degree course in civil or mechanical engineering as well as courses in aeronautical and chemical engineering. Focusing on the engineering applications of fluid flow, rather than mathematical techniques, students are gradually introduced to the subject, with the text moving from the simple to the complex, and from the familiar to the unfamiliar. In an all-new chapter, the ninth edition closely examines the modern context of fluid mechanics, where climate change, new forms of energy generation, and fresh water conservation are pressing issues. SI units are used throughout and there are many worked examples. Though the book is essentially self-contained, where appropriate, references are given to more detailed or advanced accounts of particular topics providing a strong basis for further study. For lecturers, an accompanying solutions manual is available.

Mechanics of Groundwater in Porous Media

by null Muhammad I. Haque

Provides a Balance between the Mathematical and Physical Aspects and the Engineering ApplicationsWritten for engineering and science students, Mechanics of Groundwater in Porous Media explains groundwater from both a mathematical and qualitative standpoint. The book builds up the theory of groundwater flow starting from basic physics and geometric

Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Solids: Contributions from Euromech Colloquium 626 (Advanced Structured Materials #187)

by Holm Altenbach Danila Prikazchikov Andrea Nobili

This book contains the most recent results in the area of strongly inhomogeneous composite structures, including layered materials as well as continua with microstructure. This collection of papers mainly arises from the Euromech Colloquium No. 626 on “Mechanics of High-Contrast Elastic Composites”. Focus is set on the peculiar mechanical behaviour caused by adjoining widely different structural elements (high contrast) in terms of material and/or geometrical properties.

Mechanics of Human Joints: Physiology: Pathophysiology, and Treatment

by Verna Wright and Eric L.Radin

This reference work brings together the biology, mechanics, neurophysiology and pathophysiology of diseased joints, illustrates available physiologically-based treatments for osteoarthrosis and explains how and when to use them.;Highlighting the most up-to-date biomechanical principles, Mechanics of Human Joints: discusses the functional anatomy of joints; relates the neurophysiology of joints to ligamentous reconstruction; elucidates the pathophysiology of osteoarthrosis; summarizes the latest information on muscle physiology and electromyography; examines the effect of vibration and impulsive loading on joint pathology; and explicates the principles of prosthetic joint replacement.

Mechanics of Impression Evidence

by David S. Pierce

Presenting the hard science increasingly required by courts to back up expert opinion in cases that hinge on impression evidence comparison, this book applies the methods of physics, chemistry, and engineering to analysis and interpretation of fingerprints, footwear and tire tread impressions, and bloodstains. Using easily accessible language, it shows the scientific method behind each of these discrete disciplines. It then combines and cross-references the knowledge within each to ultimately present a more generalist approach and thus a more informed judgment.

Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis, Second Edition (Applied and Computational Mechanics)

by J. N. Reddy

The second edition of this popular text provides complete, detailed coverage of the various theories, analytical solutions, and finite element models of laminated composite plates and shells. The book reflects advances in materials modeling in general and composite materials and structures in particular. It includes a chapter dedicated to the theory and analysis of laminated shells, discussions on smart structures and functionally graded materials, exercises and examples, and chapters that were reorganized from the first edition to improve the clarity of the presentation.

Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures

by Chyanbin Hwu

In this textbook for students of laminated composite materials, composite structures, and anisotropic elasticity, Chyanbin Hwu draws on more than three decades of research and applications experience to provide a leading resource on many unique topics related to laminated composite structures.This book introduces the mechanical behavior of laminated composite materials and provides related theories and solutions. All basic structural elements such as beams, plates, and shells are described in detail. Further contents include composite sandwich construction and composite wing structures. To connect with practical engineering applications and analyze more complicated real structures, numerical methods and their theoretical basis in anisotropic elasticity are also included. Advanced topics addressed include solutions for magneto-electro-elastic laminated plates; Green’s functions for thick laminated plates and beams; typical thick laminated beams; theory for general laminated composite shells; sandwich beams, plates, and cylindrical shells as well as delaminated composite sandwich beams; modeling and analysis of composite wing structures; complex variable theories of anisotropic elasticity and the related Green’s functions; and numerical methods such as finite element method, boundary element method and meshless method. Through this book, readers will learn not only the mechanics of laminated composite structures but also anisotropic elasticity and some popular numerical methods.This textbook is vital for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in the mechanics of composite materials, composite structures, and anisotropic elasticity, such as aerospace, mechanical, civil, and naval engineering; applied mechanics; and engineering science. It is also useful for engineers working in these fields and applied mathematicians and material scientists.

Mechanics of Liquid Nano- and Microdispersed Magnetic Media

by V. M. Polunin A. M. Storozhenko P.A. Ryapolov

This book offers unique coverage of the mechanical properties of nano- and micro-dispersed magnetic fluids. Magnetic fluids are artificially created materials that do not exist in the nature. Researchers developing materials and devices are keenly interested in their "mutually exclusive" properties including fluidity, compressibility, and the ability to magnetize up to saturation in relatively small magnetic fields. Applications of micro- and nanodispersed magnetic fluids include magnetic-seals, magnetically operated grease in friction units and supports, separators of non-magnetic materials, oil skimmers and separators, sensors of acceleration and angle, and gap fillers in loudspeakers.

Mechanics of Living Tissues: Imaging, Characterization and Modeling Towards the Study of Soft Tissues (ISTE Invoiced)

by Claude Verdier C Dric Laurent

Despite their many common features (mechanical behavior, multi-scale structure, evolutionary and living characteristics, etc.), the tissues that make up the human body each have specific characteristics linked to their function, which require the development of dedicated experimental, theoretical and numerical methods. Mechanics of Living Tissues brings together the work of a number of experts to provide an overview of the most recent approaches developed to study the biomechanical behavior of these soft tissues, in order to understand their structure and apparent behavior. Specific tissues are analyzed across the chapters with the aim of developing solutions that address the clinical problems encountered. Conclusions are then drawn regarding future methods that will improve the current state of knowledge of the behavior of these living tissues, in particular with a view to predicting the effect of a pathology or medical procedure on their apparent properties.

Mechanics of Machinery

by null Mahmoud A. Mostafa

Mechanics of Machinery describes the analysis of machines, covering both the graphical and analytical methods for examining the kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms with low and high pairs. This text, developed and updated from a version published in 1973, includes analytical analysis for all topics discussed, allowing for the use of math software

Mechanics of Magnetostrictive Materials and Structures

by Farzad Ebrahimi Mehrdad Farajzadeh Ahari

Mechanics of Magnetostrictive Materials and Structures demonstrates the practical applications and uses for cutting-edge smart magnetostrictive materials. Exploring the analytical and numerical solution procedures and characteristics of these materials more generally, the book details how these materials respond to external factors. Exceptionally adjustable and adaptable, magnetostrictive materials are artifcial structures that offer distinctive physical properties. Providing clear illustrations throughout, this book includes a comprehensive guide to the theory and its applications. Presenting the mathematical tools needed to analyze magnetostrictive materials and structures, through the use of MATLAB®, the book will also detail static analysis. Comprehensively assessing the practicalities of these smart materials, it also discusses vibration and buckling under different loads, alongside dynamic behavior. Features: Includes MATLAB® for analytical and numerical simulations relevant to mechanics of magnetostrictive materials Presents vibration analysis of magnetostrictive materials and structures Demonstrates and analyzes the effect of implementing boundary conditions on the mechanical responses of magnetostrictive structures Examines the use of smart materials in engineering structures Aimed at students and professionals working in the field of mechanics, materials and dynamics, the book is an essential guide to this rapidly developing area.

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