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Mechanisms of Forest Ecosystems Sustainability in a Changing Climate: Complete Triad of Ecological Monitoring

by Erland G. Kolomyts

The author's working concept of geo-ecological monitoring is presented. For the first time, the full triad of monitoring in its classical definition is considered: "observation (state assessment) – control (prediction) – management (adaptation, feedback, regulation)". The strategic goal of described monitoring research is to reveal the environmental otential of sustainablility of forest ecosystems in the context of modern global warming. The monograph expounds the main statements of author’s topo-ecological predictive concept: “Global Changes on the Local Level”, as a basis of ground bio-ecological and geosystem monitoring of natural ecosystems under global anthropogenic climatic changes. This concept makes it possible to carry out local empirical simulation of the regional bioclimatic trend and thereby reveal the mechanisms of transmission of global and regional climate signals to the local level. On the example of the Volga River basin, predictive empirical-statistical models of the carbon balance of forest ecosytems are presented under conditions of a changing climate. The carbon content in various pools of boreal and nemoral forests were calculated. The global climate models give prognostic estimates of the components of them carbon balance. A quantitative assessment of the ecological resources of forest formations that provide the environment sustainability through mechanisms of regulation of the carbon cycle is given. The adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change is described through the calculated parameters of their functional sustainability.

Mechanisms of Gene Regulation

by Ferdinand Molnár Carsten Carlberg

This textbook aims to describe the fascinating area of eukaryotic gene regulation for graduate students in all areas of the biomedical sciences. Gene expression is essential in shaping the various phenotypes of cells and tissues and as such, regulation of gene expression is a fundamental aspect of nearly all processes in physiology, both in healthy and in diseased states. This pivotal role for the regulation of gene expression makes this textbook essential reading for students of all the biomedical sciences, in order to be better prepared for their specialized disciplines. A complete understanding of transcription factors and the processes that alter their activity is a major goal of modern life science research. The availability of the whole human genome sequence (and that of other eukaryotic genomes) and the consequent development of next-generation sequencing technologies have significantly changed nearly all areas of the biological sciences. For example, the genome-wide location of histone modifications and transcription factor binding sites, such as provided by the ENCODE consortium, has greatly improved our understanding of gene regulation. Therefore, the focus of this book is the description of the post-genome understanding of gene regulation. The purpose of this book is to provide, in a condensed form, an overview on the present understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulation. The authors are not aiming to compete with comprehensive treatises, but rather focus on the essentials. Therefore, the authors have favored a high figure-to-text ratio following the rule stating that "a picture tells more than thousand words". The content of the book is based on the lecture course, which is given by Prof. Carlberg since 2001 at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio. The book is subdivided into 4 sections and 13 chapters. Following the Introduction there are three sections, which take a view on gene regulation from the perspective of transcription factors, chromatin and non-coding RNA, respectively. Besides its value as a textbook, Mechanisms of Gene Regulation will be a useful reference for individuals working in biomedical laboratories.

Mechanisms of Gene Regulation: How Science Works

by Carsten Carlberg Ferdinand Molnár

This textbook aims to describe the fascinating area of eukaryotic gene regulation for graduate students in all areas of the biomedical sciences. Gene expression is essential in shaping the various phenotypes of cells and tissues and as such, regulation of gene expression is a fundamental aspect of nearly all processes in physiology, both in healthy and in diseased states. Th is pivotal role for the regulation of gene expression makes this textbook essential reading for students of all the biomedical sciences, in order to be better prepared for their specialized disciplines. A complete understanding of transcription factors and the processes that alter their activity is a major goal of modern life science research. The availability of the whole human genome sequence (and that of other eukaryotic genomes) and the consequent development of next-generation sequencing technologies have significantly changed nearly all areas of the biological sciences. For example, the genome-wide location of histone modifications and transcription factor binding sites, such as provided by the ENCODE consortium, has greatly improved our understanding of gene regulation. Therefore, the focus of this book is the description of the post-genome understanding of gene regulation.

Mechanisms of Genome Protection and Repair (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1241)

by Dmitry O. Zharkov

DNA is under constant challenge from environmental and endogenous metabolic assaults. Several layers of defence and repair systems allow cells to maintain stable genomes; in humans, dysfunction of these systems leads to cancer, neurodegeneration, and other pathologies. At the same time, recently it had emerged that targeted and regulated DNA damage and repair is a mechanism underlying several important cellular processes such as epigenetic demethylation and immunoglobulin gene diversification. The present collection of papers is aimed to cover new developments in the area of protective and regulatory mechanisms associated with DNA damage. The mechanisms ruling the recognition of damaged nucleotides against the vast background of normal ones are reviewed. The role of extended non-catalytic domains that are often found in eukaryotic DNA repair proteins in contrast to their downsized, catalytic-only bacterial counterparts is discussed. Among the proposed subjects are the regulatory functions of bulky covalent modifications such as poly(ADP)ribosylation and ubiquitylation in DNA damage response, especially in the context of chromatin remodelling. As opposed to DNA repair, damage tolerance allows cells to replicate with lesions in the genome; the enzymes responsible are also covered. Finally, we present examples of modern multilevel understanding of the cell function and malfunction in the wake of genotoxic assaults such as oxidative stress, abiotic environmental stress, and DNA-damaging plant toxins.

Mechanisms of Mineralization of Vertebrate Skeletal and Dental Tissues

by Irving M. Shapiro William J. Landis

The book presents a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding mechanisms regulating the formation of mineral in vertebrate skeletal and dental tissues. The focus of the book is directed toward the mineralization process, an evolutionarily conserved system in which cells synthesize a complex and unique extracellular matrix into which mineral is deposited. Regulatory control is viewed though lenses that emphasize the genetic, physical-chemical, biochemical, structural, cellular and extracellular aspects of the mineralization process as they relate to crystal nucleation, growth and maturation. Throughout the book, defects in regulation at the genetic and transcriptional levels are linked to the numerous clinical problems associated with the mineralization of bone, cartilage, tendon, tooth, and soft tissues. The book serves as a comprehensive text for basic scientists and scholars working in the many areas that comprise hard tissue research, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and those contemplating working in the field of biomineralization or who need a review of a specific mineralization topic. The information contained in the book is relevant for clinicians and clinical scientists in the fields of orthopaedic surgery, veterinary medicine, dentistry, endocrinology, aging and genetics.

Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis – Volume 1

by Johannes Haybaeck

Divided into two volumes the work offers a so far unmatched broad and at the same time deep knowledge on molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and offers comprehensive insight into clinical, therapeutic and technological aspects. This 1st Volume presents tumor entities of the ocular system, the thyroid organ, the oesophagus, gliomas, non-glial brain tumors, head and neck as well as lung cancer. In addition it also discusses in-depth potential novel molecular players and the role of stem cells as well as the endocannabinoid system in carcinogenesis, it furthermore explains tumor metabolism components and signaling pathways. Each of the chapters discusses potential therapeutic strategies and novel drug targets. The book addresses basic scientists and medical researchers interested in translational cancer research.

Mechanisms of Molecular Carcinogenesis – Volume 2

by Johannes Haybaeck

Together with Volume 1, this book provides an inclusive overview of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and offers comprehensive insights into related clinical and therapeutic aspects. This second volume complements the first by presenting and concisely explaining the carcinogenesis of various tumor entities such as non-melanoma skin cancers, bone and soft tissue tumors, pancreatic cancers, hepatocellular cancer and neuroendocrine tumors. As in volume one, each chapter illuminates the similarities and dissimilarities of changed signaling pathways in the different organ systems and depicts potential therapeutic strategies. The focus of volume two lies on the presentation of modern molecular biological techniques for diagnosis, as well as strategies for biomarker identification and validation. Furthermore, it discusses potential therapeutic targets and individualized treatment strategies, offering a valuable resource for all basic scientists and medical researchers interested in translational cancer research.

Mechanisms of Plant Growth and Improved Productivity Modern Approaches

by Amarjit S. Basra

Discusses the mechanisms of plant productivity and the factors limiting net photosynthesis, describing techniques to isolate, characterize and manipulate specific plant genes in order to enhance productivity. The uptake of carbon and the practical aspects of plant nutrition are discussed.

Mechanisms of Taste Transduction

by null Sidney A. Simon null Stephen D. Roper

Mechanisms of Taste Transduction introduces a number of topics essential to a complete understanding of taste. These topics range from the control of food intake to the biophysical mechanisms of transduction and the design of food flavors in the food industry. The responses and organization of special sensory pathways are described in regard to the

Mechanisms Of Viral Toxicity In Animal Cells

by Luis Carrasco

The present book is intended to give an account of the state of the art on how animal viruses induce cytotoxic effects in cells.

The Mechanistic Benefits of Microbial Symbionts

by Christon J. Hurst

Thisvolume summarizes recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms that producesuccessful symbiotic partnerships involving microorganisms. It begins with abasic introduction to the nature of and mechanistic benefits derived from symbioticassociations. Taking that backgroundknowledge as the starting point, the next sections include chapters that examinerepresentative examples of coevolutionary associations that have developed betweenspecies of microbes, as well as associations between microbes and plants. The authors conclude with a section covering abroad range of associations between microbes and invertebrate animals, in whichthey discuss the spectrum of hosts, with examples ranging from bryozoans andcorals to nematodes, arthropods, and cephalopods. Join the authors on thisjourney of understanding!

Mechanistic Explanations in Physics and Beyond (European Studies in Philosophy of Science #11)

by Brigitte Falkenburg Gregor Schiemann

This volume offers a broad, philosophical discussion on mechanical explanations. Coverage ranges from historical approaches and general questions to physics and higher-level sciences . The contributors also consider the topics of complexity, emergence, and reduction. Mechanistic explanations detail how certain properties of a whole stem from the causal activities of its parts. This kind of explanation is in particular employed in explanatory models of the behavior of complex systems. Often used in biology and neuroscience, mechanistic explanation models have been often overlooked in the philosophy of physics. The authors correct this surprising neglect. They trace these models back to their origins in physics. The papers present a comprehensive historical, methodological, and problem-oriented investigation. The contributors also investigate the conditions for using models of mechanistic explanations in physics. The last papers make the bridge from physics to economics, the theory of complex systems and computer science . This book will appeal to graduate students and researchers with an interest in the philosophy of science, scientific explanation, complex systems, models of explanation in physics higher level sciences, and causal mechanisms in science.

The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy

by Dan Garber Sophie Roux

The Mechanisation of Natural Philosophy is devoted to various aspects of the transformation of natural philosophy during the 16th and 17th centuries that is usually described as mechanical philosophy .Drawing the border between the old Aristotelianism and the « new » mechanical philosophy faces historians with a delicate task, if not an impossible mission. There were many natural philosophers who actually crossed the border between the two worlds, and, inside each of these worlds, there was a vast spectrum of doctrines, arguments and intellectual practices. The expression mechanical philosophy is burdened with ambiguities. It may refer to at least three different enterprises: a description of nature in mathematical terms; the comparison of natural phenomena to existing or imaginary machines; the use in natural philosophy of mechanical analogies, i.e. analogies conceived in terms of matter and motion alone.However mechanical philosophy is defined, its ambition was greater than its real successes. There were few mathematisations of phenomena. The machines of mechanical philosophers were not only imaginary, but had little to do with the machines of mecanicians. In most of the natural sciences, analogies in terms of matter and motion alone failed to provide satisfactory accounts of phenomena.By the same authors: Mechanics and Natural Philosophy before the Scientific Revolution (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 254).

Mechanizing Hypothesis Formation: Principles and Case Studies

by Jan Rauch Milan Šimůnek David Chudán Petr Máša

Mechanizing hypothesis formation is an approach to exploratory data analysis. Its development started in the 1960s inspired by the question “can computers formulate and verify scientific hypotheses?”. The development resulted in a general theory of logic of discovery. It comprises theoretical calculi dealing with theoretical statements as well as observational calculi dealing with observational statements concerning finite results of observation. Both calculi are related through statistical hypotheses tests. A GUHA method is a tool of the logic of discovery. It uses a one-to-one relation between theoretical and observational statements to get all interesting theoretical statements. A GUHA procedure generates all interesting observational statements and verifies them in a given observational data. Output of the procedure consists of all observational statements true in the given data. Several GUHA procedures dealing with association rules, couples of association rules, action rules, histograms, couples of histograms, and patterns based on general contingency tables are involved in the LISp-Miner system developed at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Various results about observational calculi were achieved and applied together with the LISp-Miner system. The book covers a brief overview of logic of discovery. Many examples of applications of the GUHA procedures to solve real problems relevant to data mining and business intelligence are presented. An overview of recent research results relevant to dealing with domain knowledge in data mining and its automation is provided. Firsthand experiences with implementation of the GUHA method in the Python language are presented.

Mechano-Electric Correlations in the Human Physiological System (Biomedical and Robotics Healthcare)

by A. Bakiya K. Kamalanand R. L. De Britto

The aim of Mechano-Electric Correlations in the Human Physiological System is to present the mechanical and electrical properties of human soft tissues and the mathematical models related to the evaluation of these properties in time, as well as their biomedical applications. This book also provides an overview of the bioelectric signals of soft tissues from various parts of the human body. In addition, this book presents the basic dielectric and viscoelastic characteristics of soft tissues, an introduction to the measurement and characteristics of bioelectric signals and their relationship with the mechanical activity, electromyography and the correlation of electromyograms with the muscle activity in normal and certain clinical conditions. The authors also present a case study on the effect of lymphatic filariasis on the mechanical and electrical activity of the muscle. Features: Explains the basics of electrical and mechanical properties of soft tissues in time and frequency domain along with the mathematical models of soft tissue mechanics Explores the correlation of electrical properties with the mechanical properties of biological soft tissues using computational techniques Provides a detailed introduction to electrophysiological signals along with the types, applications, properties, problems and associated mathematical models Explains the electromechanics of muscles using electromyography recordings from various muscles of the human physiological system Presents a case study on the effect of lymphatic filariasis on the mechanical and electrical activity of the muscle Mechano-Electric Correlations in the Human Physiological System is intended for biomedical engineers, researchers and medical scientists as well graduate and undergraduate students working on the mechanical properties of soft tissues.

Mechanobiology: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Mechanobiology. 6th - 9th November 2022. Sydney, Australia. (Springer Series in Biophysics #25)

by Boris Martinac Charles D. Cox Kate Poole Sara Baratchi Daryan Kempe

The 4th International Symposium on Mechanobiology (ISMB) organized by the Australian Society for Mechanobiology (AuSMB) took place at the Sydney Nanoscience Hub at the University of Sydney, Australia, from the 6th to the 9th of November 2022. This conference started in 2011 with the founding of the Society in Shanghai, China, and has occurred every three years also visiting Okayama (2014) and more recently Singapore (2017). This is the first time this conference was held in Australia. The primary purpose of the 4th International Symposium on Mechanobiology (ISMB) was to act as a forum for dissemination of cutting-edge research and innovation in the field of mechanobiology. It brought together 200+ delegates from both the Australian and International communities (students, scientists, clinicians, engineers and stakeholders from academia, industry and other organisations) working in the broader field of mechanobiology to discuss new and exciting advances in the field. This collection reflects the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of mechanobiology research spanning length scales and organ systems. Chapter 4 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit

by Simon C. Rawlinson

An emerging field at the interface of biology and engineering, mechanobiology explores the mechanisms by which cells sense and respond to mechanical signals—and holds great promise in one day unravelling the mysteries of cellular and extracellular matrix mechanics to cure a broad range of diseases. Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit presents a comprehensive overview of principles of mechanobiology, highlighting the extent to which biological tissues are exposed to the mechanical environment, demonstrating the importance of the mechanical environment in living systems, and critically reviewing the latest experimental procedures in this emerging field. Featuring contributions from several top experts in the field, chapters begin with an introduction to fundamental mechanobiological principles; and then proceed to explore the relationship of this extensive force in nature to tissues of musculoskeletal systems, heart and lung vasculature, the kidney glomerulus, and cutaneous tissues. Examples of some current experimental models are presented conveying relevant aspects of mechanobiology, highlighting emerging trends and promising avenues of research in the development of innovative therapies. Timely and important, Mechanobiology: Exploitation for Medical Benefit offers illuminating insights into an emerging field that has the potential to revolutionise our comprehension of appropriate cell biology and the future of biomedical research.

Mechanobiology: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2600)

by Ronen Zaidel-Bar

This detailed book collects methodologies exploring mechanobiology, the involvement of mechanical forces in cell fate specification and in controlling single and collective cell behaviors such as directed migration, morphogenesis, wound healing, and the immune response. The volume features methods to quantify the mechanical properties of cells and adhesion proteins, to expose cells to external mechanical forces, to quantitatively characterize mechano-responses at various scales, to measure forces applied by cells on the extracellular matrix, as well as chapters on force measurement inside cells, probing cell signaling and gene expression in response to force, and biophysical modeling of cell shape and protein dynamics. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary material and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Mechanobiology: Methods and Protocols aims to provide meaningful tools for cell and developmental biologists approaching the study of cell and tissue dynamics from a mechanobiological perspective, molecular biologists interested in the effects of force on proteins, as well as for cancer biologists and biophysicists.

The Mechanobiology and Mechanophysiology of Military-Related Injuries

by Amit Gefen Yoram Epstein

This book provides a state-of-the-art update, as well as perspectives on future directions of research and clinical applications in the implementation of biomechanical and biophysical experimental, theoretical and computational models which are relevant to military medicine. Such experimental and modeling efforts are helpful, on the one hand, in understanding the aetiology, pathophysiology and dynamics of injury development and on the other hand in guiding the development of better equipment and protective gear or devices that should ultimately reduce the prevalence and incidence of injuries or lessen their hazardous effects. The book is useful for military-oriented biomedical engineers and medical physicists, as well as for military physiologists and other medical specialists who are interested in the science and technology implemented in modern investigations of military related injuries.

Mechanobiology Handbook

by Jiro Nagatomi

Mechanobiology-the study of the effects of mechanical environments on the biological processes of cells-has evolved from traditional biomechanics via the incorporation of strong elements of molecular and cell biology. Currently, a broad range of organ systems are being studied by surgeons, physicians, basic scientists, and engineers. These mechanob

The Mechanobiology in Atherosclerosis: Basic, Frontier and Advance

by Guixue Wang

This book is based on prior research conducted by the author's team, integrating the latest advancements in biomechanics and mechanobiology related to atherosclerosis from both domestic and international peers. It explores the mechanobiological mechanisms and prevention strategies for atherosclerosis and intravascular stent restenosis. The topics covered include: lipoprotein concentration polarization, stress response of vascular endothelial cells, biomechanical mechanisms in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular development, atherosclerotic plaque formation, in-stent restenosis, and post-stent implantation atherosclerosis. Additionally, the book presents the mechanobiological mechanisms of drug regulation for cell viability and inhibition of vascular restenosis, as well as the latest frontiers and advancements in these areas. It carries significant reference value for postgraduates and young researchers in cardiovascular physiology and pathology, particularly those involved in biomedical engineering, basic medicine, and clinical medicine focused on atherosclerotic disease research.

Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions

by A. Wagoner Johnson Brendan Harley

Mechanobiology of Cell-Matrix Interactions focuses on characterization and modeling of interactions between cells and their local extracellular environment, exploring how these interactions may mediate cell behavior. Studies of cell-matrix interactions rely on integrating engineering, (molecular and cellular) biology, and imaging disciplines. Recent advances in the field have begun to unravel our understanding of how cells gather information from their surrounding environment, and how they interrogate such information during the cell fate decision making process. Topics include adhesive and integrin-ligand interactions; extracellular influences on cell biology and behavior; cooperative mechanisms of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions; the mechanobiology of pathological processes; (multi-scale) modeling approaches to describe the complexity or cell-matrix interactions; and quantitative methods required for such experimental and modeling studies.

Mechanobiology of Fracture Healing: From Basic Science to Clinical Application (SpringerBriefs in Bioengineering)

by Lutz E. Claes

This book offers a summary of research on the biomechanics of fracture fixation and mechanobiology of fracture healing. The author, a known expert, provides an overview of the state of art, his own research together with that of his co-workers and collaborators; he describes the ideas and findings from the beginning of this research field in the 1960s up to the clinical consequences and applications of today. The book discusses the mechanobiology of fracture healing, illustrates the numerical methods that simulate fracture healing processes, and depicts specific research methods of experimental studies. Finally, it provides conclusions for the improvement of fracture treatment that will be of use in clinical applications nowadays. This book will be a valuable resource of knowledge for students and scientists in the field of bioengineering, experimental biology, and biomechanics, helping them to identify the correct conditions and analysis for their respective research and receive an understanding of the research field from its beginning until today. For experimental and clinical surgeons active in the field of fracture healing, this book will provide a useful historical overview over this translational research field.

The Mechanobiology of Obesity and Related Diseases

by Amit Gefen Dafna Benayahu

This volume describes the state-of-knowledge in the study of the relationships between mechanical loading states in tissues and common pathophysiologies related to increase in mass of adipose tissues and/or hyperglycemia which eventually lead to obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, metabolic inflammations, certain types of cancer and other related diseases. There appears to be an interaction between the loading states in tissues and cells and these chronic conditions, as well as with factors such as age, gender and genetics of the individual. Bioengineering has made key contributions to this research field in providing technologies for cell biomechanics experimentation, microscopy and image processing, tissue engineering and multi-scale, multi-physics computational modeling. Topics at the frontier of this field of study include: the continuous monitoring of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation in response to mechanical factors such as stiffness of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and mechanical loads transferred through the ECM; mechanically-activated signaling pathways and molecular mechanisms; effects of different loading regimes and mechanical environments on differentiation fates of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into myogenic and osteogenic versus adipogenic lineages; the interactions between nutrition and mechanotransduction; cell morphology, focal adhesion patterns and cytoskeletal remodeling changes in adipogenesis; activation of receptors related to diabetes by mechanical forces; brown and white adipose plasticity and its regulation by mechanical factors.

Mechanochemical Processes in Energetic Materials: A Computational and Experimental Investigation (Springer Theses)

by Adam A. Michalchuk

This book uses experimental and computational methods to rationalize and predict for the first time the relative impact sensitivities of a range of energetic materials. Using knowledge of crystal structures, vibrational properties, energy-transfer mechanisms, and experimentally measured sensitivities, it describes a model that leads to excellent correlation with experimental results in all cases. As such, the book paves the way for a new, fully ab initio approach for the design of safer energetic materials based solely on knowledge of their solid-state structures. Energetic materials (explosives, propellants, gas generators, and pyrotechnics) are defined as materials that release heat and/or gaseous products at a high rate upon stimulus by heat, impact, shock, sparks, etc. They have widespread military and civilian uses, including munitions, mining, quarrying, demolition, emergency signaling, automotive safety, and space exploration. One of their most important properties is sensitivity to accidental initiation during manufacture, transport, storage, and operation, which has important implications for their safe use.

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