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Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD 2022) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #810)
by Ruidan Su Yudong Zhang Han Liu Alejandro F FrangiThis book covers virtually all aspects of image formation in medical imaging, including systems based on ionizing radiation (x-rays, gamma rays) and non-ionizing techniques (ultrasound, optical, thermal, magnetic resonance, and magnetic particle imaging) alike. In addition, it discusses the development and application of computer-aided detection and diagnosis (CAD) systems in medical imaging. Given its coverage, the book provides both a forum and valuable resource for researchers involved in image formation, experimental methods, image performance, segmentation, pattern recognition, feature extraction, classifier design, machine learning / deep learning, radiomics, CAD workstation design, human–computer interaction, databases, and performance evaluation.
Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Research: Skills And Strategies
by Aarthi RamlaulThis exciting new book equips radiography students and practitioners with the key skills and strategies required to undertake research within medical imaging and radiotherapy and to disseminate the research findings effectively. Quantitative and qualitative research methods are covered, with guidance provided on the entire research process, from literature researching, information management and literature evaluation through to data collection, data analysis, and writing up. Attention is drawn to sampling errors and other potential sources of bias, and the conduct of randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses are clearly explained. Specific instruction is given on the structure and presentation of dissertations, writing journal articles for publication, and the dissemination of research findings at conferences. Information on patient and public involvement in research and research funding bodies are also provided with advice on how to maximize the likelihood of success when submitting applications for funding.
Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
by Hervé FanetThis book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.
Medical Imaging Contrast Agents: A Clinical Manual
by Sukru Mehmet Erturk Pablo R. Ros Tomoaki Ichikawa Suzan SaylisoyThis volume highlights and broadens our understanding of the correct use and the possible contraindications of contrast agents applied in radiology. Written by experts in the field, it not only focuses on the chemistry, physiochemical properties and pharmacokinetics of both iodinated and gadolinium-containing contrast agents, but also on the relevant safety issues such as frequency of their short- and long-term side effects and ways to avoid them nephrotoxicity risk related to the iodinated contrast agents NSF (nephrogenic systemic fibrosis) accumulation of gadolinium in the brain use of contrast agents in pediatric patients and pregnancy It also includes essential data on the use of contrast agents, such as scanning protocols, in the context of various clinical conditions. This comprehensive manual addresses all professionals involved in radiological imaging and is an invaluable tool for radiologists and technologists, as well as for residents and clinicians.
Medical Imaging Informatics
by Ricky K. Taira Alex A.T. BuiMedical Imaging Informatics provides an overview of this growing discipline, which stems from an intersection of biomedical informatics, medical imaging, computer science and medicine. Supporting two complementary views, this volume explores the fundamental technologies and algorithms that comprise this field, as well as the application of medical imaging informatics to subsequently improve healthcare research. Clearly written in a four part structure, this introduction follows natural healthcare processes, illustrating the roles of data collection and standardization, context extraction and modeling, and medical decision making tools and applications. Medical Imaging Informatics identifies core concepts within the field, explores research challenges that drive development, and includes current state-of-the-art methods and strategies.
Medical Imaging Methods: Recent Trends
by Ashutosh Kumar ShuklaThis book provides insights into current radiology practices in diagnostic imaging, discussing specific features of individual imaging techniques, such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio. It includes chapters on various established imaging methods as well as emerging methods such as EPR imaging, and their applications in the diagnosis of skin cancer, brain tumors, oral diseases and kidney cysts. Adopting a bottom-up approach and presenting the recent trends in a simple manner with the help of examples, the book appeals to a wide audience, including academics, researchers, medical and nursing students, as well as healthcare professionals in the field of imaging and radiology.
Medical Imaging Systems Techniques and Applications: Computational Techniques
by null Cornelius T. LeondesThe field of medical imaging has been revolutionized by new techniques in powerful computations, image processing, and modalities such as Computer-Aided Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), among others.This book clearly reveals the effectiveness and great significance of the modalities available,such as Computer-Aided Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), among others.
Medical Imaging Technology
by Mark A HaidekkerBiomedical imaging is a relatively young discipline that started with Conrad Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of the x-ray in 1895. X-ray imaging was rapidly adopted in hospitals around the world. However, it was the advent of computerized data and image processing that made revolutionary new imaging modalities possible. Today, cross-sections and three-dimensional reconstructions of the organs inside the human body is possible with unprecedented speed, detail and quality. This book provides an introduction into the principles of image formation of key medical imaging modalities: X-ray projection imaging, x-ray computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, and radionuclide imaging. Recent developments in optical imaging are also covered. For each imaging modality, the introduction into the physical principles and sources of contrast is provided, followed by the methods of image formation, engineering aspects of the imaging devices, and a discussion of strengths and limitations of the modality. With this book, the reader gains a broad foundation of understanding and knowledge how today's medical imaging devices operate. In addition, the chapters in this book can serve as an entry point for the in-depth study of individual modalities by providing the essential basics of each modality in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner. As such, this book is equally attractive as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate biomedical imaging classes and as a reference and self-study guide for more specialized in-depth studies.
Medical Informatics and Bioimaging Using Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Issues, Innovations and Recent Developments (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1005)
by Aboul Ella Hassanien Roheet Bhatnagar Václav Snášel Mahmoud Yasin ShamsThis book emphasizes the latest developments and achievements in artificial intelligence and related technologies, focusing on the applications of artificial intelligence and medical diagnosis. The book describes the theory, applications, concept visualization, and critical surveys covering most aspects of AI for medical informatics.
Medical Infrared Imaging: Principles and Practices
by Mary Diakides Joseph D. Bronzino Donald R. PetersonThe evolution of technological advances in infrared sensor technology, image processing, "smart" algorithms, knowledge-based databases, and their overall system integration has resulted in new methods of research and use in medical infrared imaging. The development of infrared cameras with focal plane arrays no longer requiring cooling, added a new
Medical Infrared Imaging
by null Nicholas A. Diakides null Joseph D. BronzinoRapid evolution of technical advances in infrared sensor technology, image processing, ‘smart algorithms, databases, and system integration paves the way for new methods of research and use in medical infrared imaging. These breakthroughs permit easy-to-use, high-sensitivity imaging that can address key issues of diagnostic specificity and engende
Medical Innovation: Concepts, Delivery and the Future of Healthcare
by Rahul Kanegaonkar James TysomeAn essential text for innovators, this accessible book explains how medical and healthcare professionals and students who are new to innovation in healthcare can best progress their innovation projects and how those interested in healthcare innovation can develop an improved understanding of novel treatments and developments. The book provides a clear framework for the innovation pathway, describing step-by-step how projects are taken from concept to marketing, and also includes a current assessment of emerging technologies that will influence medical innovation in the future. Key Features: Wide-ranging and comprehensive coverage of the field, from digital health and AI technologies, through stem-cell applications and robotic surgery, to specialty-specific innovations including those in cardiology, public health and ophthalmology Illustrated with real-life examples of success and failure and what can be learned from these projects Reflects a greater emphasis on clinical innovation within health systems and its inclusion in undergraduate and postgraduate medical curriculae and medically related courses Supports national and international initiatives to encourage innovation in healthcare and maximize the novel ideas generated by university staff and students, as well as practicing clinicians Ideal for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and medical practitioners and allied medical health professionals, it will also be of interest to clinical innovators and healthcare businesses seeking to increase uptake of their products both in the UK and internationally.
Medical Instrument Design and Development
by Claudio Becchetti Alessandro NeriThis book explains all of the stages involved in developing medical devices; from concept to medical approval including system engineering, bioinstrumentation design, signal processing, electronics, software and ICT with Cloud and e-Health development. Medical Instrument Design and Development offers a comprehensive theoretical background with extensive use of diagrams, graphics and tables (around 400 throughout the book). The book explains how the theory is translated into industrial medical products using a market-sold Electrocardiograph disclosed in its design by the Gamma Cardio Soft manufacturer.The sequence of the chapters reflects the product development lifecycle. Each chapter is focused on a specific University course and is divided into two sections: theory and implementation. The theory sections explain the main concepts and principles which remain valid across technological evolutions of medical instrumentation. The Implementation sections show how the theory is translated into a medical product. The Electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) is used as an example as it is a suitable device to explore to fully understand medical instrumentation since it is sufficiently simple but encompasses all the main areas involved in developing medical electronic equipment. Key Features:Introduces a system-level approach to product designCovers topics such as bioinstrumentation, signal processing, information theory, electronics, software, firmware, telemedicine, e-Health and medical device certificationExplains how to use theory to implement a market product (using ECG as an example)Examines the design and applications of main medical instrumentsDetails the additional know-how required for product implementation: business context, system design, project management, intellectual property rights, product life cycle, etc.Includes an accompanying website with the design of the certified ECG product (www.gammacardiosoft.it/book)Discloses the details of a marketed ECG Product (from Gamma Cardio Soft) compliant with the ANSI standard AAMI EC 11 under open licenses (GNU GPL, Creative Common)This book is written for biomedical engineering courses (upper-level undergraduate and graduate students) and for engineers interested in medical instrumentation/device design with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary system perspective.
Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design
by John G. Webster Amit J. NimunkarProvides a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts behind the application and designs of medical instrumentation This premiere reference on medical instrumentation describes the principles, applications, and design of the medical instrumentation most commonly used in hospitals. It places great emphasis on design principles so that scientists with limited background in electronics can gain enough information to design instruments that may not be commercially available. The revised edition includes new material on microcontroller-based medical instrumentation with relevant code, device design with circuit simulations and implementations, dry electrodes for electrocardiography, sleep apnea monitor, Infusion pump system, medical imaging techniques and electrical safety. Each chapter includes new problems and updated reference material that covers the latest medical technologies. Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, Fifth Edition covers general concepts that are applicable to all instrumentation systems, including the static and dynamic characteristics of a system, the engineering design process, the commercial development and regulatory classifications, and the electrical safety, protection, codes and standards for medical devices. The readers learn about the principles behind various sensor mechanisms, the necessary amplifier and filter designs for analog signal processing, and the digital data acquisition, processing, storage and display using microcontrollers. The measurements of both cardiovascular dynamics and respiratory dynamics are discussed, as is the developing field of biosensors. The book also covers general concepts of clinical laboratory instrumentation, medical imaging, various therapeutic and prosthetic devices, and more. Emphasizes design throughout so scientists and engineers can create medical instruments Updates the coverage of modern sensor signal processing New material added to the chapter on modern microcontroller use Features revised chapters, descriptions, and references throughout Includes many new worked out examples and supports student problem-solving Offers updated, new, and expanded materials on a companion webpage Supplemented with a solutions manual containing complete solutions to all problems Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, Fifth Edition is an excellent book for a senior to graduate-level course in biomedical engineering and will benefit other health professionals involved with the topic.
Medical Instrumentation: Accessibility and Usability Considerations
by Jack M. Winters Molly Follette StoryTwo of the most important yet often overlooked aspects of a medical device are its usability and accessibility. This is important not only for health care providers, but also for older patients and users with disabilities or activity limitations. Medical Instrumentation: Accessibility and Usability Considerations focuses on how lack of usabi
Medical Instruments and Devices: Principles and Practices
by Steven Schreiner Joseph D. Bronzino Donald R. PetersonMedical Instruments and Devices: Principles and Practices originates from the medical instruments and devices section of The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition. Top experts in the field provide material that spans this wide field. The text examines how biopotential amplifiers help regulate the quality and content of measured signals. I
Medical Jurisprudence & Clinical Forensic Medicine: An Indian Perspective
by Dr Ambika Prasad Patra And Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha Md Frcp Ffflm Mba Professor (additional) & Head of Department Faculty Of Medicine Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Jawaharlal Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education & Research India; Member of International Academy of Legal Medicine of Switzerland; Faculty member (by equivalent qualification) of Forensic & Legal Medicine of London; Member of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine & Indian Society of Toxicology (ex-officio). Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha MbbsThis book on Medical Jurisprudence & Clinical Forensic Medicine addresses the evolving nature of law and medicine. It updates the medicolegal (ML) systems and discusses the concerns related to digitalization of courts, serving a subpoena through social media, ethical/ML issues in nanomedicine, telemedicine and online prescription practices, toxicology and mass disaster. It fulfils the increased demands of students, forensic medicine specialists, clinicians and lawyers to get authentic medicolegal information in situations of ethical dilemma or during ML urgencies. It features case-based discussions on ML and deontological issues supported by the latest legal/statutory information. Key Features:• Discusses the clinical and applied aspects of forensic medicine through illustrative case scenarios and reports.• Addresses the needs of clinicians and forensic medicine specialists in writing medico-legal reports for specific cases.• Provides evidence-based solutions to medicolegal and ethical dilemma faced during routine practice.
Medical Management of Radiation Accidents
by Kenneth S. CohenAlthough radiation accidents are rare and often complex in nature, they are of great concern not only to the patient and involved medical staff, but to the media and public as well. Yet there are few if any comprehensive publications on the medical management of radiation accidents. Medical Management of Radiation Accidents provides a complete refe
Medical Microbiology
by Patrick R. Murray Ken S. Rosenthal Michael A. PfallerThis book is written in a straightforward manner with, it is hoped, uncomplicated explanations of difficult concepts. Details are summarized in tabular format rather than in lengthy text, and there are colorful illustrations for the visual learner. Clinical Cases provide the relevance that puts reality into the basic science. Important points are emphasized in boxes to aid students, especially in their review; and the study questions, including Clinical Cases, address relevant aspects of each chapter. Each section begins with a chapter that summarizes microbial diseases, and this also provides review material. The authors used their experience also as teachers to choose the most important information and explanations for inclusion in this textbook. Each chapter has been carefully updated and expanded to include new, medically relevant discoveries. In each of these chapters, the authors have attempted to present the material that will help the student gain a clear understanding of the significance of the individual microbes and their diseases.
Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance
by Stephen Gillespie Kathleen BamfordThis concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology and infection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of this rapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experienced clinicians and teachers, it covers the basic concepts of medical microbiology, and the main human pathogens and infectious syndromes, in an accessible and lucid format. This fully updated fourth edition is now supported by a companion website at www. ataglanceseries. com/medicalmicrobiology containing extra self-assessment cases, colour slides, further reading, and key point summaries. Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is an invaluable revision aid for medical and allied health students and junior doctors, and is ideal for anyone seeking a comprehensive and concise guide to this subject area.
Medical Mishaps: Learning from Bad Ideas (Fantastic Fails)
by Elizabeth Pagel-HoganSee some of the world's most messed-up medical mishaps at a microscopic level. Find out how each procedure, tool, or surgery failed, the basic science that was missed, and what doctors learned from their mistakes.
Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth-Century Paris
by Asti HustvedtA fascinating study of three young female hysterics who shaped our early notions of psychology. Blanche, Augustine, and Genevieve found themselves in the hysteria ward of the Salpetriere Hospital in 1870s Paris, where their care was directed by the prominent neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. They became medical celebrities: every week, eager crowds arrived at the hospital to observe their symptoms; they were photographed, sculpted, painted, and transformed into characters in novels. The remarkable story of their lives as patients in the clinic is a strange amalgam of intimate details and public exposure, science and religion, medicine and the occult, hypnotism, love, and theater. But who were Blanche, Augustine, and Genevieve? What role did they play in their own peculiar form of stardom? And what exactly were they suffering from? Hysteria--with its dramatic seizures, hallucinations, and reenactments of past traumas--may be an illness of the past, but the notions of femininity that lie behind it offer insights into disorders of the present.
Medical Mycology: A Self-instructional Text
by Martha E. Kern Kathleen S. Blevins- Each of the seven modules includes prerequisites, content outline, objectives, follow-up activities, references, and self-study examinations - Teaches proper laboratory practice and presents the biology and physiology of fungi, describing the epidemiology of fungal infections, defining fungal disease states, and emphasizing laboratory identification of fungi based on body sites - Test protocols and reagent recipes are highlighted in each module - Information about AIDS and immunocompromised patients has been added to the pertinent disease descriptions, following the discussion of causative organisms - Module 2 includes common techniques for fungal culture preservation, DNA testing for rapid identification, and antifungal therapeutics
Medical Mysteries eOmnibus
by Jim Leavesley George Biro3 books by 2 physicians who explore medical questions like what killed Jane Austin, did a mistake cause World War I, and did Freud use cocaine?
Medical Parasitology: A Body System Approach
by Khaled ElShewyThis book offers a concise and clear overview of medically important parasites. It sets itself apart from traditional parasitology systematic books by adopting an integrated modular system, which is currently being introduced in many countries. Parasites are categorized based on the body systems they infect. To avoid repetition, parasites with multisystem effects are grouped under the system they primarily infect, and they are cross-referenced in other relevant sections. The book thoroughly covers the various stages of a parasite's life cycle, modes of transmission, epidemiology, and diagnosis of parasitic diseases. To foster a better understanding of the connections between basic and clinical subjects, the text emphasizes the pathogenesis and subsequent clinical presentation of commonly encountered parasitic infections in humans. Moreover, the text includes current information on the ever-changing field of anti-parasitic treatment, serving as a valuable resource for practitioners. Each section is accompanied by endnotes that highlight key points, and review questions are provided to facilitate comprehension and review. The book's original drawings, tables, and colored diagrams are designed to simplify the understanding of pathogenesis and structural morphology. For those seeking additional details, structural morphology and dosages of anti-parasitic drugs are presented. The language is straightforward, making the book suitable for medical students and physicians alike, enabling them to approach more simplified literature with confidence. Additional questions and answers via app: Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app free of charge and use exclusive additional material to test your knowledge.