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Medical Terminology Systems 7th Edition

by Barbara A. Gylys Mary Ellen Wedding

A word building and body systems approach to learning medical terminology. You’ll begin by learning the parts of words—roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes. Then, use your understanding of word parts to learn medical terminology. Mnemonic devices and engaging, interactive activities make word-building fun and easy, ensuring you retain the information you need for success.

Medical Terminology Using Word Building

by Catherine Kurtz

This is a great course for beginners, the experienced, and everyone in between! This course teaches what we call Word Building, which is the knowledge of how all medical words are structured. It's a quick, efficient and amazingly easy way for anyone to learn medical terminology. You learn how to recognize the meaning of a medical term by dividing the word into its three basic component parts: the prefix, root and suffix. By knowing the meanings of the prefixes, suffixes, and root words, you can easily make sense of a medical term. This course is designed for the healthcare claims biller, the medical insurance claims adjuster, the medical office worker, or anyone wanting to learn medical terminology. The course takes the average person 3 weeks or less to complete based on a study time of 1-2 hours per day.

Medical Textiles (Textile Institute Professional Publications)

by Holly Morris Richard Murray

This textbook aims to ensure that advances in medical textiles are addressed and that recent developments are able to be appreciated and understood not only by medical practitioners and healthcare personnel but also by textile scientists and technologists. The idea is to stimulate collaborative research and development in the field of medical textiles and to equip researchers with an understanding of the steps they need to take to ensure that their efforts, be they to develop new devices for implantation or items for external application, are carried out in such a way as to improve their effectiveness and enhance the prospects for their implementation. Attention is drawn to the need to improve outcomes in the practical setting and to guidance on the detailed planning required prior to engaging in experimental work. Standard tests can help researchers to monitor performance, but for some important applications such as those required to demonstrate antimicrobial and fluid-repellent performance in most items of protective wear, standard tests consistently fall seriously short in terms of predicting how well they might work in the practical setting. Guidance is therefore given for their further development. Chapters within the textbook cover: The history of innovation within medical textiles with particular attention given to key concepts of the latter part of the 19th Century and subsequent associated developments. Textile and polymer science underpinning fibres, fabrics, nano-fibre technology and the functional finishes that can be applied to enhance the performance of medical textile products. Woven, knitted, nonwoven and braided fabrics and the key performance characteristics of each fabric type which make them particularly suited to specific medical textile roles such as mesh, grafts, filtration and scaffolds for tissue engineering. Implantable medical textiles, non-implantable medical textiles, health and hygiene products and extracorporeal devices that use textile products. Legislative requirements for medical devices. The design of experiments and suitability for purpose of textile test methods. Case studies to illustrate how medical textiles are applied in practice. The book provides essential reading for textile professionals, biomedical engineers, and others involved in the research, design and engineering of medical and healthcare appliances, and for those employed in the medical profession wishing to gain new insights into the wealth of materials at their disposal.

Medical Toxicology of Drugs Abuse

by Donald G. Barceloux

This book provides a broad reference covering important drugs of abuse including amphetamines, opiates, and steroids. It also covers psychoactive plants such as caffeine, peyote, and psilocybin. It provides chemical structures, analytical methods, clinical features, and treatments of these drugs of abuse, serving as a highly useful, in-depth supplement to a general medical toxicology book. The style allows for the easy application of the contents to searchable databases and other electronic products, making this an essential resource for practitioners in medical toxicology, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, pharmaceuticals, environmental organizations, pathology, and related fields.

Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances

by Donald G. Barceloux

Interest and information in the field of medical toxicology has grown rapidly, but there has never been a concise, authoritative reference focused on the subjects of natural substances, chemical and physical toxins, drugs of abuse, and pharmaceutical overdoses. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances finally gives you an easily accessible resource for vital toxicological information on foods, plants, and animals in key areas in the natural environment.

The Medical World of Margaret Cavendish: A Critical Edition (Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine)

by Justin Begley Benjamin Goldberg

This book is the first transcription and extensive commentary on a fascinating but almost entirely overlooked manuscript compilation of medical recipes and letters, which is held in the University of Nottingham. Collected by the Marquess and Marchioness of Newcastle, William and Margaret Cavendish, during the 1640s and 1650s, this manuscript features letters of advice, recipes, and sundry philosophical and medical reflections by some of the most formidable and influential physicians, philosophers, and courtly scholars of the early seventeenth century. These include “Europe’s physician” Theodore de Mayerne, the adventurer and courtier Kenelm Digby, and the natural philosopher, poet, and playwright Margaret Cavendish. While the transcription and accompanying annotations will allow a diverse array of readers to appreciate the manuscript for the first time, the introduction situates the Cavendishes’ recipe collecting habits, medical preoccupations, natural philosophical views, and politics within their social, cultural, and philosophical contexts, and draws out some of the most significant implications of this important document.

Medically Important Plant Biomes: Source of Secondary Metabolites (Microorganisms for Sustainability #15)

by Dilfuza Egamberdieva Antonio Tiezzi

This book provides insights into various aspects of medicinal plant-associated microbes, known to be a unique source of biological active compounds, including their biotechnological uses and their potential in pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. Featuring review papers and original research by leading experts in the field, it discusses medicinal plants and their interactions with the environment; medicinal plants as a source of biologically active compounds; medicinal plant-associated microbes (diversity and metabolites); their pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications as well as their potential applications as plant growth stimulators and biocontrol agents. As such the book offers a valuable, up-to-date overview of the current research on medicinal plants, their ecology, biochemistry and associated biomes.

Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine and Nursing

by C.C. Gaither

Medically Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations on Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing contains over 1,500 quotes pertinent and especially illuminating to these disciplines. Here you will find quotations from the most famous to the unknown. Some are profound, some are witty, some are wise but none are frivolous. The extensive author and subject indexes

Medicating Modern America: Prescription Drugs in History

by Andrea Tone Elizabeth Siegel Watkins

With Americans paying more than $200 billion each year for prescription pills, the pharmaceutical business is the most profitable in the nation. The popularity of prescription drugs in recent decades has remade the doctor/patient relationship, instituting prescription-writing and pill-taking as an integral part of medical practice and everyday life.Medicating Modern America examines the meanings behind this pharmaceutical revolution through the interconnected histories of eight of the most influential and important drugs: antibiotics, mood stabilizers, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptives, tranquilizers, stimulants, statins, and Viagra. All of these drugs have been popular, profitable, influential, and controversial, and the authors take a historical approach to studying their development, prescription, and consumption. This perspective locates the histories of prescription medicines in specific cultural contexts while revealing the extent to which contemporary debates about pharmaceutical drugs echo concerns voiced by Americans in the past.Exploring the rich and multi-faceted history of pharmaceutical drugs in the United States, Medicating Modern America unveils the untold stories behind America's pharmaceutical obsession.Contributors include: Robert Bud, Jennifer R. Fishman, Jeremy A. Greene, David Healy, Suzanne White Junod, Ilina Singh, Andrea Tone, and Elizabeth Siegel Watkins.

Medication Treatments for Nicotine Dependence

by Tony P. George

Despite the prevalence of both pharmaceutical and behavioral approaches to encourage cessation, over a billion people still indulge in tobacco. Even in the U.S., where tobacco use is considered a clearly treatable and socially regrettable condition, a significant percentage of individuals remain resistant to treatment modalities. It is believed tha

Medicina con plantas sagradas: La sabiduría del herbalismo de los aborígenes norteamericanos

by Brooke Medicine Eagle Stephen Harrod Buhner

El primer examen en profundidad de los fundamentos sagrados del mundo del herbalismo medicinal de los aborígenes norteamericanos • Revela cómo los chamanes y sanadores “hablan” con las plantas para descubrir sus propiedades medicinales • Incluye las oraciones y canciones medicinales vinculadas con el uso de cada una de las plantas examinadas A medida que los seres humanos evolucionaron en la Tierra, utilizaron plantas para todo lo imaginable --alimentos, armas, canastas, vestimentas, refugio y remedios de salud. En su libro Medicina con plantas sagradas, Stephen Harrod Buhner analiza la relación de larga data entre los pueblos aborígenes y las plantas y examina las técnicas y estados mentales que utilizan estas culturas para comunicarse con el mundo botánico. El autor explora la dimensión sagrada de las interacciones entre seres humanos y plantas --un territorio en el que los humanos experimentamos la comunicación con las plantas como expresiones del Espíritu. Con respecto a cada planta curativa descrita en el libro, el autor presenta sus usos medicinales, normas para su preparación y elementos ceremoniales como las oraciones y canciones medicinales vinculadas con el uso de la planta.

Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies and Research Methodologies

by Immo Norman Fiebrig

Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies, and Research Methodologies presents information on applications of ‘green therapies’ in restoration towards global sustainability. These practices connect the world of medicinal plants with ecologic farming practice, creating a compassionate socio-political worldview and heartfelt scientific research towards food sovereignty and a healthier future on planet Earth. The book communicates benefits of using plant-based solutions to manage the challenges of unsustainable practices in human healthcare, veterinary medicine, agriculture, forestry, and water management. The contributions introduce advances around plants and their active components to potentially treat disease, regulate dysfunction, and balance ecosystems. These practices are explored in further depth through three sections: POLICIES AND FRAMEWORKS, INSIGHTS AND OVERVIEWS, and CASE STUDIES AND RESEARCH METHODS. Edited by Immo Norman Fiebrig, Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies, and Research Methodologies appeals to those in various disciplines including agriculture and agroecology, healthcare, environmental sciences, and veterinary medicine.Chapters 3 and 9 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Medicinal and Aromatic Crops: Harvesting, Drying, and Processing

by Serdar Oztekin Milan Martinov

Make sure your crops are market-ready with the aid of harvest and post-harvest mechanization Medicinal and Aromatic Crops presents harvest and post-harvest mechanization methods for the profitable production of market-ready medicinal crops. This practical handbook includes photos, detailed figures, and schematic drawings of machines tha

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Healthcare and Industrial Applications

by Tariq Aftab Khalid Rehman Hakeem

Before the concept of history began, humans undoubtedly acquired life benefits by discovering medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) that were food and medicine. Today, a variety of available herbs and spices are used and enjoyed throughout the world and continue to promote good health. The international market is also quite welcoming for MAPs and essential oils. The increasing environment and nature conscious buyers encourage producers to produce high quality essential oils. These consumer choices lead to growing preference for organic and herbal based products in the world market. As the benefits of medicinal and aromatic plants are recognized, these plants will have a special role for humans in the future. Until last century, the production of botanicals relies to a large degree on wild-collection. However, the increasing commercial collection, largely unmonitored trade, and habitat loss lead to an incomparably growing pressure on plant populations in the wild. Therefore, medicinal and aromatic plants are of high priority for conservation. Given the above, we bring forth a comprehensive volume, “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Healthcare and Industrial Applications”, highlighting the various healthcare, industrial and pharmaceutical applications that are being used on these immensely important MAPs and its future prospects. This collection of chapters from the different areas dealing with MAPs caters to the need of all those who are working or have interest in the above topic.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Current Research Status, Value-Addition to Their Waste, and Agro-Industrial Potential (Vol I) (Sustainable Landscape Planning and Natural Resources Management)

by Ram Singh Navneeta Bharadvaja Lakhan Kumar Raksha Anand

Due to complex phytochemical components and associated beneficial properties, numerous medicinal and aromatic plants, in whole or parts, have been used for nutritional purposes or the treatment of various diseases and disorders in humans and animals. Essential oils from medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) have been exploited for product formulations of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, colorants, biopesticides, and several other utility chemicals of industrial importance. There is scientific evidence of many medicinal plant extracts possessing immunomodulatory, immunostimulatory, antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, thus demonstrating their traditional use in popular medicine. With the advent of modern technology, the exploitation of natural resources has exponentially increased in order to fulfill the demand of an increased human population with improved quality of life. The traditional agriculture and production-based supply of commodities is inadequate to meet the current demand. Biotechnological approaches are gaining importance to bridge the gaps in demand and supply. In the proposed book, medicinal and aromatic plant-based secondary metabolites have been discussed in terms of their therapeutic potential and industrial relevance. To discuss the qualitative and quantitative analysis of a range of medicinal and aromatic plants-based secondary metabolites (SMs), bioprocess development for their extraction and bioseparation, a brief overview of their industrial relevance, various tissue culturing strategies, biotechnological approaches to enhance production, scale-up strategies, management of residual biomass post extraction of target SMs is central to the idea of the proposed book. A section will explore the verticals mentioned above. In the next section, the book addresses the approaches for conserving and improving medicinal and aromatic plant genetic resources. In the third section, approaches to managing the post-harvest crop residue and secondary metabolites extracted plant biomass will be thoroughly discussed. The recent integration of artificial intelligence to improve medicinal and aromatic plant research at several levels, including the development and employment of computational approaches to enhance secondary metabolite production, tissue culture, drug design and discovery, and disease treatment, will be included in the fourth section. The book summarizes current research status, gaps in knowledge, agro-industrial potential, waste or residual plant biomass management, conservation strategies, and computational approaches in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants with an aim to translate biotechnological interventions into reality.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Current Research Status, Value-Addition to Their Waste, and Agro-Industrial Potential (Vol II) (Sustainable Landscape Planning and Natural Resources Management)

by Ram Singh Navneeta Bharadvaja Lakhan Kumar Raksha Anand

Due to complex phytochemical components and associated beneficial properties, numerous medicinal and aromatic plants, in whole or parts, have been used for nutritional purposes or the treatment of various diseases and disorders in humans and animals. Essential oils from medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) have been exploited for product formulations of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, colorants, biopesticides, and several other utility chemicals of industrial importance. There is scientific evidence of many medicinal plant extracts possessing immunomodulatory, immunostimulatory, antidiabetic, anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, thus demonstrating their traditional use in popular medicine. With the advent of modern technology, the exploitation of natural resources has exponentially increased in order to fulfill the demand of an increased human population with improved quality of life. The traditional agriculture and production-based supply of commodities is inadequate to meet the current demand. Biotechnological approaches are gaining importance to bridge the gaps in demand and supply. In the proposed book, medicinal and aromatic plant-based secondary metabolites have been discussed in terms of their therapeutic potential and industrial relevance. To discuss the qualitative and quantitative analysis of a range of medicinal and aromatic plants-based secondary metabolites (SMs), bioprocess development for their extraction and bioseparation, a brief overview of their industrial relevance, various tissue culturing strategies, biotechnological approaches to enhance production, scale-up strategies, management of residual biomass post extraction of target SMs is central to the idea of the proposed book. A section will explore the verticals mentioned above. In the next section, the book addresses the approaches for conserving and improving medicinal and aromatic plant genetic resources. In the third section, approaches to managing the post-harvest crop residue and secondary metabolites extracted plant biomass will be thoroughly discussed. The recent integration of artificial intelligence to improve medicinal and aromatic plant research at several levels, including the development and employment of computational approaches to enhance secondary metabolite production, tissue culture, drug design and discovery, and disease treatment, will be included in the fourth section. The book summarizes current research status, gaps in knowledge, agro-industrial potential, waste or residual plant biomass management, conservation strategies, and computational approaches in the area of medicinal and aromatic plants with an aim to translate biotechnological interventions into reality.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of India Vol. 1 (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #8)

by Ákos Máthé Irfan Ali Khan

This book is the 8th volume of the popular series ‘Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World’. Like the previous volumes, this volume is being introduced in a monographic format containing an extremely rich and diverse medicinal flora of India. Both well-known and somewhat still ignored species have been described in view of their traditional, present day and prospective uses. The scientific and technological achievements are also included aptly in this volume, together with a careful and critical consideration to our contemporary knowledge of this vast interdisciplinary domain with an Indian focus. In the era of global climate change and pandemics, building on the huge Indian traditions, this volume will make an important contribution to the better knowledge and understanding of MAPs. The Indian flora has always been recognized for its medicinal and aromatic plant values and this volume is explicitly focusing in that direction. With the rapidly expanding scope of natural nutraceuticals and herbal formulations, this book will be a fruitful acquisition for the interested readers globally.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of India Vol. 2 (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #9)

by Ákos Máthé Irfan Ali Khan

This book is the 9th volume in the series Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World. India being one of the countries with the longest and richest past/present/future of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) production and utilization has accumulated more than sufficient knowledge to fill two volumes. This is shown by the vivid interest of Indian colleagues to contribute. Similar to the previous volumes, this one deals with the various important aspects (from botanical through phytochemical to pharmacological) of MAPs', famous or simply known of India. Scientific and technological achievements will be equally presented.In addition to the first volume, India V1, this volume is aimed to look carefully at our present knowledge of this vas interdisciplinary domain with an Indian focus. In the era of global climate change and pandemics, building on the huge Indian traditions, this book is expected to make an important contribution to the better knowledge and understanding of MAPs.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of India, Vol. 3 (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #11)

by Ákos Máthé Irfan Ali Khan

This book is the 11th volume of the popular series "Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World". It is a comprehensive compilation of 30 chapters on selected important species representative of India's rich and diverse flora. This collection provides current scientific information highlighting the traditional, contemporary, and prospective uses of both well-known and lesser-known plant species. The volume serves as a bridge between traditional knowledge and modern scientific advancements, providing a critical analysis of this broad interdisciplinary field with a particular focus on India. The chapters cover topics such as the pharmacological properties, biochemical composition, and therapeutic applications of these plants. Readers will find contributions by renowned scholars who delve into the innovative product development stemming from the ancient medicinal plant systems. Particular attention is given to how these plants can contribute to health and wellness in the era of global climate change and pandemics. This book invites readers to face critical questions about the survival and utilization of medicinal and aromatic plants in India. Researchers, scholars, and practitioners in fields of botany, pharmacology, and traditional medicine will find this volume invaluable. It is also an essential resource for anyone interested in botanicals, plant-based nutraceuticals and herbal formulations. Whether you are an academic or a professional working in the field of medicinal plants, this book offers a wealth of knowledge that bridges rich ancient traditions with modern science.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of North America (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #6)

by Ákos Máthé

This volume is aimed at offering an insight into the present knowledge of the vast domain of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants with a focus on North America. In this era of global climate change the volume is meant to provide an important contribution to a better understanding of the diverse world of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant research, production and utilization.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South America: Brazil (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #5)

by Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque Umesh Patil Ákos Máthé

This volume in the series deals with the major Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) of South America, providing information on major aspects of this specific group of plants on that continent (botany, traditional usage, chemistry, production/collection practices, trade and utilization). Brazil, in particular, offers an immense amount of biodiversity, including plants with great pharmacological interest and ethno-medicinal importance. Contributions are from internationally recognized professionals, specialists of the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant domain and have been invited mostly from the members of the International Society for Horticultural Science and International Council for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South America Vol. 2: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #7)

by Ákos Máthé Arnaldo Bandoni

This volume, as the seventh of the series Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World, deals with the medicinal and aromatic plant (MAPs) treasures of the so-called Southern Cone, the three southernmost countries (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) of South America. Similarly to the previous volumes of the series, the main focus is to collect and provide information on major aspects of botany, traditional usage, chemistry, production / collection practices, trade and utilization of this specific group of plants. The contributors, who are recognized professionals and specialist of the domain, have collected and present state of the art information on 41 species. Most of these are not only of interest from the scientific point of view, but hold also a potential for the prospective utilization of the decreasing, occasionally overexploited / endangered medicinal plant resources of this huge continent. The book is expected to serve as a source of information also on some less known or less studied species. As such the volume is expected to support future research and public health professionals.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East

by Zohara Yaniv Nativ Dudai

The current volume, "Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East" brings together chapters on selected, unique medicinal plants of this region, known to man since biblical times. Written by leading researchers and scientists, this volume covers both domesticated crops and wild plants with great potential for cultivation. Some of these plants are well-known medicinally, such as opium poppy and khat, while others such as apharsemon and citron have both ritual and medicinal uses. All have specific and valuable uses in modern society. As such, it is an important contribution to the growing field of medicinal and aromatic plants. This volume is intended to bring the latest research to the attention of the broad range of botanists, ethnopharmacists, biochemists, plant and animal physiologists and others who will benefit from the information gathered therein. Plants know no political boundaries, and bringing specific folklore to general medical awareness can only be for the benefit of all.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World - Africa Volume 3

by Mohamed Neffati Hanen Najjaa Ákos Máthé

This volume in the series is devoted to Africa, a continent that possesses a vast treasure of medicinal plants and has produced some exclusive materials for the world market. This volume is expected to strengthen the medicinal plant sector in African countries by making comprehensive information on medicinal and aromatic plants available to policy-makers and entrepreneurs. It can be used to frame effective policies and create an environment conducive to the growth of the plant-based medicine industry, bringing economic benefit to African nations. It will help health organizations to improve the health of their people by using their own resources and a less expensive system of medicine, which is accepted by African society. It could also lead scientific communities to increase R&D activities in the field.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Turkey (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World #10)

by Ákos Máthé Kenan Turgut

This is meant to be the 10th volume of the series Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World. Similarly, to the previous volumes, the work will deal -in a monographic form- with MAPs characteristic/famous or simply known of Turkey, a large country that is connecting Europe with Asia. Turkey has extremely rich and varied topographic/ecologic conditions. As a result, the flora of Turkey abounds in an astonishingly great number of endemic MAP species. Traditional, present and possible prospective uses will be discussed. Scientific and technological achievements will be equally presented. Briefly, the volume is aimed to look carefully at our present knowledge of this vast interdisciplinary domain of medicinal and aromatic plants with a focus on Turkey. In the era of global climate change and Covid-pandemics, building on the huge Turkish traditions, the proposed volume of the series is expected to make an important contribution to the better knowledge and understanding of the MAP wealth of the World.

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