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Medicolegal Investigation of Gunshot Wounds

by Adbullah Fatteh

Was written by an expert who at the time was a D.M.E. a visiting professor of Pathology and a consultant to the Criminal Justice Institute at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Clearly written and easily understood, the book deals with all aspects of medicolegal investigation of gunshot wounds and deaths.The duties and responsibilities of the medical investigators and the police are explicitly outlined and guidelines are established for co-operative efforts between the two. The investigation of homicides, suicides, and accidents involving firearms, including investigation of the scene of the injury or death.

Medicolegal Issues for Diagnostic Imaging Professionals

by Robert J. Parelli David. K Weissman Colin M. Howles Zeev Shoham

The constant advances in diagnostic imaging have had an impact on the practice, attitudes, and moral values of all who participate in health care. Now in its fourth edition, the original Medicolegal Issues for Radiographers has been updated and retitled, broadening the scope of content to include issues essential to all diagnostic imaging pr

Medicolegal Neuropathology: A Color Atlas

by Evan W. Matshes David Dolinak

With nearly 600 autopsy photographs, this atlas shows various trauma and diseases of the brain and spinal cord in the forensic context of sudden death investigation. It also provides a simple, straight forward, concise text organized in a primarily case-oriented format. Unlike most other neuropathology texts, attention is given to skull fractures and scalp injuries. Where necessary, radiologic and microscopic images have also been included to facilitate learning along with a brief general anatomy of the brain and spinal cord. Thus pathologists who are not specialized in neuropathology can compare a variety of autopsy findings with cases illustrated in the text.

MEDICON’23 and CMBEBIH’23: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) and International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH), September 14–16, 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina—Volume 1: Imaging, Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (IFMBE Proceedings #93)

by Almir Badnjević Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić

This book presents cutting-edge research and developments in the broad field of medical, biological engineering and computing. This is the first volume of the joint proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) and the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH), which were held together on September 14-16, 2023, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Contributions report on advances in biomedical signal processing and bioimaging, medical physics, and pharmaceutical engineering. Further, they cover applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare.

MEDICON’23 and CMBEBIH’23: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) and International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH), September 14–16, 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina—Volume 2: Bio-innovations, Sustainable Practices, and Multidisciplinary Applications in Healthcare (IFMBE Proceedings #94)

by Almir Badnjević Lejla Gurbeta Pokvić

This book presents cutting-edge research and developments in the broad field of medical, biological engineering and computing. It gathers the second volume of the joint proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) and the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH), which were held together on September 14-16, 2023, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Contributions report on innovative research and practices in molecular biology, tissue engineering and biotechnologies, covering not only medical but also industrial applications. Further, they describe advances in health technologies and medical devices, telemedicine, and robotic applications in clinical medicine and rehabilitation.

Medienbildung im Medienhandeln: Rekonstruktionen am Beispiel von Instant-Messaging-Gruppen in Schulklassen (Digitale Kultur und Kommunikation #11)

by Caroline Grabensteiner

Wie entfaltet sich Bildung angesichts der Handlungsmöglichkeiten in digitalen Medien? In dieser Grounded-Theory Studie werden Fragen zu Medienbildung und Medienhandeln verknüpft. Das Phänomen Instant-Messaging-Gruppen in Schulklassen steht im Zentrum der Analyse. Ergebnis ist ein Theoriemodell zur Rekonstruktion der Herstellung von Selbst- und Weltrelationen auf materialer, sozialer und biografischer Ebene im Prozess der Konstruktion von Handlungskontexten, Themen und sozialen Praktiken der Medienkommunikation mit dem Potenzial zur Erweiterung auf andere Soziale Medien.

Medienhandeln zwischen Kompetenz, Performanz und Literacy

by Christine W. Trültzsch-Wijnen

Das Buch diskutiert die soziale und individuelle Bedingtheit von Medienkompetenz. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie sich das Medienhandeln von Individuen im Hinblick auf deren Medienkompetenz, im Sinne eines sicheren und selbstbestimmten Handelns im Umgang mit Medien, erklären und beurteilen lässt. Dies setzt eine Betrachtung des Medienhandelns vor dem Hintergrund der Beziehungen zwischen der Kompetenz zu Handeln, als Summe von Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Wissen sowie der kognitiven Beherrschung von Regeln des Verhaltens (moralische Regeln, rechtliche Regeln sowie Regeln der Klugheit), und der Performanz, als tatsächliches Handeln eines Individuums, voraus. Dabei wird auf theoretischer Ebene der Frage nach der sozialen Determinierung eines selbstbestimmten Handelns im Umgang mit Medien einschließlich dafür erforderlicher Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten sowie des damit verbundenen Wissens nachgegangen. Außerdem wird das Verhältnis des deutschsprachigen Medienkompetenzdiskurses zum internationalen Diskurs über media literacy erläutert. Es werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede herausgearbeitet und Potentiale für eine gegenseitige Befruchtung beider Perspektiven aufgezeigt. Darüber hinaus wird die empirische Relevanz und Anwendbarkeit dieser theoretischen Überlegungen anhand zweier Studien illustriert.

Medieval Arms and Armor: A Pictorial Archive

by J. H. Hefner-Alteneck

A renowned 19th-century cultural historian and specialist on the Middle Ages, J. H. Hefner-Alteneck spent much of his life observing the influence of art on many aspects of human life, including weaponry. His illustrations for this handsome archive — drawn with incredible exactitude — depict a wide array of medieval weapons and armor dating from the early ninth century to the mid-1700s.Adapted primarily from decorative ornamentation on burial monuments and manuscripts, hundreds of finely executed images depict authentic shields, swords, crossbows, helmets, and highly ornate suits of body armor for knights and their steeds. Newly translated descriptive notes, extracted from the original German text, identify the subjects. First published more than 100 years ago, this meticulously rendered study remains an invaluable source of permission-free illustrations for artists and designers and an indispensable reference for scholars, collectors, and hobbyists.

Medieval Science

by David C. Lindberg Michael H. Shank

This volume in the highly respected Cambridge History of Science series is devoted to the history of science in the Middle Ages from the North Atlantic to the Indus Valley. Medieval science was once universally dismissed as non-existent - and sometimes it still is. This volume reveals the diversity of goals, contexts and accomplishments in the study of nature during the Middle Ages. Organized by topic and culture, its essays by distinguished scholars offer the most comprehensive and up-to-date history of medieval science currently available. Intended to provide a balanced and inclusive treatment of the medieval world, contributors consider scientific learning and advancement in the cultures associated with the Arabic, Greek, Latin and Hebrew languages. Scientists, historians and other curious readers will all gain a new appreciation for the study of nature during an era that is often misunderstood.

Medieval Siege Weapons: Western Europe AD 585-1385

by David Nicolle

This text explores a range of devices and details the changes in medieval siege warfare brought about by the mixing of traditions from Greece, Rome, Persia, India and China.

Medieval Siege Weapons: Byzantium, the Islamic World & India AD 476-1526

by David Nicolle

During medieval era, the pre-existing military-technological traditions from the ancient worlds were brought together. Three civilizations were primarily responsible for this evolution: the Late-Roman or Byzantine Empire, the Islamic World, and latterly the Mongol 'World Empire'. This book examines the resulting stone-throwing machines from torsion 'energy storage' systems, to manpowered and counterbalance sling devices, rockets and others.

Medieval Warfare: Theory and Practice of War in Europe 300–1500

by Helen Nicholson

Warfare in medieval times was never static or predictable - although there were ideals and conventions to follow, in the field commanders had to use their initiative and adapt to the needs of the moment. In this concise, wide-ranging study, Helen Nicholson provides the essential introductory guide to a fascinating subject. Medieval Warfare - surveys and summarises current debates and modern research into warfare throughout the whole of the medieval period across Europe - sets medieval warfare theory and practice firmly into context as a continuation and adaptation of practice under the Roman Empire, tracing its change and development across more than a millennium - considers military personnel, buildings and equipment, as well as the practice of warfare by land and sea

Meditation Made Easy

by Camille Maurine Lorin Roche

Tips on how to make meditation simple and pleasurable. Provides info on creating mini meditations, overcoming boredom and racing thoughts, customizing personal practices, and more.

Meditation - Neuroscientific Approaches and Philosophical Implications

by Stefan Schmidt Harald Walach

This volume features a collection of essays on consciousness, which has become one of the hot topics at the crossroads between neuroscience, philosophy, and religious studies. Is consciousness something the brain produces? How can we study it? Is there just one type of consciousness or are there different states that can be discriminated? Are so called "higher states of consciousness" that some people report during meditation pointing towards a new understanding of consciousness? Meditation research is a new discipline that shows new inroads into the study of consciousness. If a meditative practice changes brain structure itself this is direct proof of the causal influence of consciousness onto its substrate. If different states of consciousness can be linked with properties and states of the brain this can be used to study consciousness more directly. If the sense of self is modifiable through meditative techniques and this can be objectively shown through neuro-imaging, this has profound implications for our understanding of who we are. Can consciousness, in deep states of meditative absorption, actually access some aspect of reality which we normally don't? Meditation research can potentially foster us with a new access to the phenomenological method in general. This has even been branded with a new catch-phrase: Contemplative Science. It brings together the most modern neuroscientific approach and the most advanced phenomenological methodology of studying the mind from within, through highly skilled self-observation that has gone through many thousand hours of honing the capacity to look carefully, without distraction. This book addresses these issues by bringing together some of the leading researchers and thinkers in the field. The scope of the volume reaches from first person neuroscience to Indian philosophy, from pedagogic applications to epistemological aspects and from compassion meditation to the study of brain activity.

Meditations of a Buddhist Skeptic: A Manifesto for the Mind Sciences and Contemplative Practice

by B. Alan Wallace

A scholar of both spirituality and science proposes a radical approach to studying the mind with the goal of restoring human nature—and transcending it. Renowned Buddhist philosopher B. Alan Wallace reasserts the power of shamatha and vipashyana, traditional Buddhist meditations, to clarify the mind's role in the natural world. Raising profound questions about human nature, free will, and experience versus dogma, Wallace challenges the claim that consciousness is nothing more than an emergent property of the brain with little relation to universal events. Rather, he maintains that the observer is essential to measuring quantum systems and that mental phenomena (however conceived) influence brain function and behavior. Wallace embarks on a two-part mission: to restore human nature and to transcend it. He begins by explaining the value of skepticism in Buddhism and science and the difficulty of merging their experiential methods of inquiry. Yet Wallace also proves that Buddhist views on human nature and the possibility of free will liberate us from the metaphysical constraints of scientific materialism. He then explores the radical empiricism inspired by William James and applies it to Indian Buddhist philosophy's four schools and the Great Perfection school of Tibetan Buddhism. Since Buddhism begins with the assertion that ignorance lies at the root of all suffering and that the path to freedom is reached through knowledge, Buddhist practice can be viewed as a progression from agnosticism (not knowing) to gnosticism (knowing), acquired through the maintenance of exceptional mental health, mindfulness, and introspection. Wallace discusses these topics in detail, identifying similarities and differences between scientific and Buddhist understanding, and he concludes with an explanation of shamatha and vipashyana and their potential for realizing the full nature, origins, and potential of consciousness. &“His range and depth of knowledge is astounding, and his linking of this knowledge to the practices and views of science is unique.&” —Arthur Zajonc, author of Catching the Light

Mediterranean Architecture and the Green-Digital Transition: Selected Papers from the World Renewable Energy Congress Med Green Forum 2022 (Innovative Renewable Energy)

by Ali Sayigh

T​his book contains selected papers presented during the World Renewable Energy Network’s biannual World Med Green Forum (MGF). The 2022 MGF highlights the role of renewable energy applications in the sustainable building sector with a focus on the Mediterranean region as a foundation for a truly positive energy future. MGF is an open roundtable for an international community of researchers, practitioners, and experts to discuss the most innovative and promising sustainable building technologies. The papers presented explore the intersection between twin transitions in policies, programs, projects, and experimentation, with the digital domain innovating the green building sector towards more reliable and inclusive planning and design practices in order to collectively envision future buildings and cities.

Mediterranean Cities and Island Communities: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient (Progress in IS)

by Anastasia Stratigea Dimitris Kavroudakis

This book addresses the issue of smart and sustainable development in the Mediterranean (MED) region, a distinct part of the world, full of challenges and risks but also opportunities. Above all, the book focuses on smartening up small and medium-sized cities and insular communities, taking into account their geographical peculiarities, the pattern of MED urban settlements and the abundance of island complexes in the MED Basin. Taking for granted that sustainability in the MED is the overarching policy goal that needs to be served, the book explores different aspects of smartness in support of this goal’s achievement. In this respect, evidence from concrete smart developments adopted by forerunners in the MED region is collected and analyzed; coupled with experiences gathered from successful, non-MED, examples of smart efforts in European countries. More specifically, current research and empirical results from MED urban environments are discussed, as well as findings from or concerning other parts of the world, which are of relevance to the MED region. The book’s primary goal is to enable policymakers, planners and decision-making bodies to recognize the challenges and options available; and make to more informed policy decisions towards smart, sustainable, inclusive and resilient urban and regional futures in the MED.

Mediterranean Cold-Water Corals: Understanding the Deep-Sea Realms of Coral (Coral Reefs of the World #9)

by Covadonga Orejas Carlos Jiménez

What do we know about Mediterranean Cold (Deep)-Water coral ecosystems? In this book, specialists offer answers and insights with a series of chapters and short papers about the paleoecology, biology, physiology and ecology of the corals and other organisms that comprise these ecosystems. Structured on a temporal axis—Past, Present and Future—the reviews and selected study cases cover the cold and deep coral habitats known to date in the Mediterranean Basin. This book illustrates and explains the deep Mediterranean coral habitats that might have originated similar thriving ecosystems in today’s Atlantic Ocean.

The Mediterranean Diet

by Eric Zacharias

Over the past several years there has been increasing information in the medical literature regarding the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet. Clinicians may not be informed on advances in nutrition, and studies have demonstrated that they do not spend much time discussing food as a means for promoting health with patients. The Mediterranean Diet: A Clinician's Guide for Patient Care is an essential new volume that serves as an update and a reference for clinicians on the Mediterranean diet. Specific diseases and the effects the Mediterranean diet have on them are outlined. Diseases and conditions that are outlined include heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, depression, cancer, allergies, asthma, arthritis and diabetes. A detailed analysis of the specific nutrients in a Mediterranean diet and the food groups containing them is also included. A useful guide containing daily meal plans and and an extensive recipe section prepared by a team of dieticians can be found in the patient resources section. The Mediterranean Diet: A Clinician's Guide for Patient Care provides a useful summary of the constituent components and health benefits of a Mediterranean diet to health professionals.

Mediterranean Fruits Bio-wastes: Chemistry, Functionality and Technological Applications

by Mohamed Fawzy Ramadan Mohamed A. Farag

Traditional Mediterranean fruits (i.e., be grapes, oranges, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, figs, melons, watermelon and dates) are of major commercial and nutritional value to the region. Processing of such fruits, however, results in large amounts of bio-waste material. Efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly use of fruit industry waste is thus highly cost-effective and minimizes environmental impact. The natural antioxidants and bioactive compounds found in Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes could play a major role in the alleged health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and could be used in pharmaceuticals as well as novel food applications. This book presents a multidisciplinary forum of discussion on the chemistry, functional properties and health-promoting effects of bioactive compounds in Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes, as well as novel food and non-food applications. The text provides the scientific fundamentals of the health-promoting benefits and applications of Mediterranean fruit bio-wastes, reviews the relevant recovery issues and explores different techniques to develop new applications. With a diversity of perspectives, from food science to environmental chemistry and horticultural research, this volume provides comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge to researchers and industry professionals working in the areas of food waste valorization.

Mediterranean Oak Woodland Working Landscapes

by Gregorio Montero Jose Luis Oviedo Pro Lynn Huntsinger Mario Diaz Pablo Campos Paul F Starrs Richard B Standiford

The oak tree was a boon companion as humans expanded their presence across much of the globe. While oak woodlands (Quercus spp.) come today in stunningly diverse forms, the stately dehesas of Spain and the dramatic oak-dominated ranchlands of California are working landscapes where cultivation and manipulation for a couple of millennia have shaped Mediterranean-type ecosystems into a profoundly modified yet productive environment that is sought-after by every manner of species. The grazing of wildlife and livestock in oak woodlands yields a remarkable plant and animal biodiversity, creating a mosaic of habitats and visually pleasing savannas. Added products unique to Spain such as Iberian pigs and cork, and in California multiple landowner benefits, include valued ecosystem services that allow owners, visitors, and conservation supporters to experience the benefits of woodland life. With its 15 chapters a decade in the making, this handsomely illustrated book covers key topics in oak woodland policy, ecology, and management in Spain and California, presenting new research results and reviewing an existing expert literature.

The Mediterranean Sea: Its history and present challenges

by Stefano Goffredo Zvy Dubinsky

This volume is an indispensable addition to the multidisciplinary coverage of the science of the Mediterranean Sea. The editors have gathered leading authorities from the fields of Marine Biology, Ecology, paleoclimatology, Chemical and Physical Oceanography, Zoology, Botany, Aquatic Photosynthesis, Socioeconomics, Mariculture, Mediterranean History and Science of Humanity. Beginning with the birth of the Mediterranean Sea and its myths. From coral to fish, an introduction is given to its major inhabitants of plants and animals past and present. The chapters illustrate how organisms interact as part of the structure and function of the Sea's main ecosystems. The rise of the Mediterranean as the cradle of the Western Civilization leads to a discourse on the status of human interaction with the sea. Accelerating global climate change, water warming, ocean acidification and sea level rise, and analyses of their effects on key organisms, entire ecosystems and human socioeconomics are given. Forecasting and predictions are presented taking into account different future scenarios from the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change). The volume is richly illustrated in color, with an extensive bibliography. A valuable addition to the limited literature in the field, offering up-to-date broad coverage merging science and humanities.

The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 1: 30 years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea

by Christophe Migon Paul Nival Antoine Sciandra

Due to its particular characteristics, the Mediterranean Sea is often viewed as a microcosm of the World Ocean. Its proportionally-reduced dimensions and peculiar hydrological circulation render it susceptible to environmental and climatic constraints, which are rapidly evolving. The Mediterranean is therefore an ideal site to examine, in order to better understand a number of key oceanographic phenomena. This is especially true of the Ligurian Sea where, due to its geology, oceanic conditions are found close to the coast. As such, 30 years ago, an offshore time-series site provided a fresh impetus to a long history of marine biology research, which has generated a very important body of data and knowledge. This is the first volume, in a two-volume series, that summarizes this research. Across these two books, the reader will find 13 chapters that examine the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the Ligurian Sea ? always with the goal of providing key elements of oceanography in a changing world.

The Mediterranean Sea in the Era of Global Change 2: 30 Years of Multidisciplinary Study of the Ligurian Sea

by Christophe Migon Paul Nival Antoine Sciandra

Due to its particular characteristics, the Mediterranean Sea is often viewed as a microcosm of the World Ocean. Its proportionally-reduced dimensions and peculiar hydrological circulation render it susceptible to environmental and climatic constraints, which are rapidly evolving. The Mediterranean is therefore an ideal site to examine, in order to better understand a number of key oceanographic phenomena. This is especially true of the Ligurian Sea where, due to its geology, oceanic conditions are found close to the coast. As such, 30 years ago, an offshore time-series site provided a fresh impetus to a long history of marine biology research, which has generated a very important body of data and knowledge. This is the second volume, in a two-volume series, that summarizes this research. Across these two books, the reader will find 13 chapters that examine the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the Ligurian Sea ? always with the goal of providing key elements of oceanography in a changing world.

Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants

by María de Cortes Sánchez-Mata Javier Tardío

This book is the result of collaboration between botanists and food chemists, with the purpose of improving the knowledge of the main wild species of traditional use as foods in the Mediterranean area, focus on ethnobotanical aspects, natural production, uses and nutritional aspects. One of the novelties of the book would be the publication of complete food composition tables of at least 50 species, which are not usually included in nutrient databases of foods. Many of the data included would come from the chemical analysis of representative samples of these species and other would be compiled from the scientific literature. Since this topic has not been fully studied, this book would provide an interesting tool to be used with the purpose of the revalorization of wild food species, preservation of their traditional uses, and also as alternatives to improve the diversity of modern Mediterranean diets. ​

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