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Medizinische Mikrobiologie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Ralf-Peter Vonberg Christina HaeseKokken, Stäbchen, Pilze, Viren, Prionen, Parasiten und Co. - die Medizinische Mikrobiologie ist komplex und vielfältig. Aber keine Sorge, Ralf-Peter Vonberg und Christina Haese führen Sie Schritt für Schritt in die mikrobiologische Welt ein und erklären Ihnen alles, was Sie über pathogene Mikroorganismen und deren Bekämpfung wissen müssen. Dabei erläutern sie klar strukturiert das Wichtigste über Prävention,Diagnose und Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten und richtensich dabei nach dem IMPP-Gegenstandskatalog.
Medizinische Mikrobiologie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Ralf-Peter Vonberg Christina HaeseKokken, Stäbchen, Pilze, Viren, Prionen, Parasiten und Co. ? die Medizinische Mikrobiologie ist komplex und vielfältig. Aber keine Sorge, Ralf-Peter Vonberg und Christina Haese führen Sie Schritt für Schritt in die mikrobiologische Welt ein und erklären Ihnen alles, was Sie über pathogene Mikroorganismen und deren Bekämpfung wissen müssen. Dabei erläutern sie klar strukturiert das Wichtigste über Prävention, Diagnose und Behandlung von Infektionskrankheiten und richten sich dabei nach dem IMPP-Gegenstandskatalog.
Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Infektiologie (Springer-lehrbuch Ser.)
by Sebastian Suerbaum Gerd-Dieter Burchard Stefan H. E. Kaufmann Thomas F. SchulzIn diesem Lehrbuch wird die medizinische Mikrobiologie von den allgemeinen Grundlagen über die Immunologie, die Diagnostik bis hin zur Chemotherapie dargestellt. Dabei sind die Kapitel zu den einzelnen Erregern besonders übersichtlich gestaltet. Um den klinischen Bezug deutlich zu machen, gibt es eine eigene große Sektion zu den Krankheitsbildern. Ein durchdachtes Konzept macht das Lernen leicht: Erreger-Steckbriefe zum schnellen LernenFallbeispieleZusammenfassungen am KapitelendeZahlreiche klinische AbbildungenEnge Vernetzung zwischen Erreger-Kapiteln und den Krankheitsbildern durch viele Querverweise Sämtliche Teilbereiche des Fachgebietes sind enthalten: Grundlagen, Immunologie, Diagnostik, Epidemiologie, Prävention, Hygiene, Bakteriologie, Virologie, Mykologie, Parasitologie, Chemotherapie, wichtige KrankheitsbilderDie HerausgeberProfessor Sebastian Suerbaum ist Vorstand des Lehrstuhls für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene am Max von Pettenkofer-Institut der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Professor Gerd-Dieter Burchard ist tätig im Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin in Hamburg.Professor Thomas Schulz ist Direktor des Instituts für Virologie der Medizinischen Hochschule HannoverProfessor Stefan H.E. Kaufmann ist Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie in Berlin.
The Medusa and the Snail: More Notes of a Biology Watcher
by Lewis ThomasThe medusa is a tiny jellyfish that lives on the ventral surface of a sea slug found in the Bay of Naples. Readers will find themselves caught up in the fate of the medusa and the snail as a metaphor for eternal issues of life and death as Lewis Thomas further extends the exploration of man and his world begun in The Lives of a Cell. Among the treasures in this magnificent book are essays on the human genius for making mistakes, on disease and natural death, on cloning, on warts, and on Montaigne, as well as an assessment of medical science and health care. In these essays and others, Thomas once again conveys his observations of the scientific world in prose marked by wonder and wit.
Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite
by Matt KaplanWe all know "there's no such thing as monsters," but our imaginations tell us otherwise. From the mythical beasts of ancient Greece to the hormonal vampires of the Twilight saga, monsters have captivated us for millennia. Matt Kaplan, a noted science journalist and monster-myth enthusiast, employs an entertaining mix of cutting-edge research and a love of lore to explore the history behind these fantastical fictions and our hardwired obsession with things that go bump in the night. Ranging across history, Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite tackles the enduring questions that arise on the frontier between fantasy and reality. What caused ancient Minoans to create the tale of the Minotaur and its subterranean maze? Did dragons really exist? What inspired the creation of vampires and werewolves, and why are we so drawn to them? With the eye of a journalist and the voice of a storyteller, Kaplan takes readers to the forefront of science, where our favorite figures of horror may find real-life validation. Does the legendary Kraken, a squid of epic proportions, really roam the deep? Are we close to making Jurassic Park a reality by replicating a dinosaur from fossilized DNA? As our fears evolve, so do our monsters, and Medusa's Gaze and Vampire's Bite charts the rise of the ultimate beasts, humans themselves.
Meeresbiologisches Materialien wirbellosen Ursprungs
by Hermann EhrlichDas Buch Das Werk ist eine Quelle für modernes Wissen über Biomineralisation, Biomimetik und bioinspirierte Materialwissenschaft in Bezug auf wirbellose Meerestiere. Der Autor liefert die kohärenteste Analyse der Natur, des Ursprungs und der Entwicklung von Biokompositen und Biopolymeren, die aus der großen Vielfalt der wirbellosen Meeresorganismen isoliert und in deren ungewöhnlichen Strukturformationen beobachtet wurden. Das grundlegende Format ist das eines großen Übersichtsartikels, mit großzügiger Verwendung von Verweisen auf die Originalliteratur. Das Buch enthält eine Fülle neuer und neu zusammengestellter Informationen, darunter Dutzende von bisher unveröffentlichten Bildern einzigartiger mariner Lebewesen und Strukturen vom Nano- bis zum Mikrobereich, einschließlich hochauflösender Raster- und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopaufnahmen. Das Material ist sowohl nach biologischen (Phyla) als auch nach funktionellen Gesichtspunkten geordnet. Es wird eine Klassifizierung der biologischen Materialien marinen Ursprungs vorgeschlagen und diskutiert. Ein Großteil der einschlägigen Daten ist in Tabellen organisiert, und es wird ausgiebig Gebrauch von elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und Strichzeichnungen gemacht. Mehrere moderne Themen, wie z.B. "Biomineralisierungs-, Demineralisierungs- und Remineralisierungsphänomene" oder "Phänomene der mehrphasigen Biomineralisation", werden ausführlich diskutiert. Traditionell werden aktuelle Konzepte wie die hierarchische Organisation von Biokompositen und Skelettstrukturen, strukturelle Biogerüste, Bioskulpturierung, Biomimetismus und Bioinspiration als Werkzeuge für das Design innovativer Materialien sowohl aus biologischer als auch aus materialwissenschaftlicher Sicht anhand zahlreicher einzigartiger Beispiele marinen Ursprungs kritisch analysiert. Diese Monographie gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der marinen Biomaterialien und zeigt mehrere Ansätze auf, die von verschiedenen Labors eingeführt und erforscht werden."
Meet a Tarantula!
by Amy TaoDid you know that spiders are not insects? Insects have only six legs but spiders have eight. Unlike insects, spiders do not have antennae. Tarantulas may look terrifying, but they are relatively harmless to humans.
Meet Charles Darwin - An eStory
by Charles MargerisonMeet Charles Darwin, responsible for the theory of natural selection and author of On Origin of the Species. Darwin is arguably one of the most influential characters in world history, in that he redefined so many pre-conceived ideas. He was far ahead of his time. His amazing life comes alive through BioViews. You can follow the young Darwin from his early years, when his mother died, to his medical studies where his curiosity in natural order and development sent him off on explorations that would ultimately change the way the world is regarded.A BioView® is a short biographical story, similar to an interview. These unique audio stories provide an easy way of learning about amazing people who made major contributions to our world.
Meet Henry Wellcome - An eStory
by Charles MargerisonMeet Henry Wellcome. Discover his amazing life story in this unique audio story from The Amazing People Club. He may have saved your life with the medicines he developed and produced. Henry willed his entire fortune to further development and research to The Wellcome Trust, which is one of the largest biomedical charities in the world. Travel with Henry Wellcome from the log cabin in which he was born in Wisconsin on his epic journeys around the world, driven by his thirst for knowledge and insatiable curiosity. Henry Wellcome's story comes to life through BioViews®. These are short biographical narratives, similar to interviews. They provide an easy way of learning about amazing people who made major contributions and changed our world.
Meet Marie Curie - An eStory
by Charles MargerisonMeet Marie Curie! She was the first person in the world to be honored with two Nobel Prizes. Gain a unique insight into her amazing life and what actually inspired her. Get a personal insight into her relationship with her husband, Pierre. Be inspired by her amazing story as it comes alive through BioViews®?A BioView® is a short biographical story, similar to an interview. These unique stories provide an easy way of learning about amazing people who made major contributions to our world.
Meet Me in St. Louis
by Robert JacksonYou are holding a ticket to one of the largest and most magnificent celebrations of all time -- the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair! For seven months nearly twenty million visitors from around the globe flooded the fairgrounds of Forest Park. Many explored the twelve mammoth palaces (made of plaster and horsehair!), which showcased amazing exhibits. Others enjoyed watching the first Olympic Games in the United States, keeping cool all summer with a new treat that became an instant hit -- the ice-cream cone. And everyone loved viewing all 1275 acres of fairgrounds from atop the 265-foot Ferris wheel. Robert Jackson describes the planning, building, events, and memory of a fair that enthralled millions with its magic. In fascinating detail, he captures the energy and imagination of turn-of-the-century America, when fairgoers begged friends and family to meet them in St. Louis.
Meet Me in the Middle: A VeeFriends Book
by Gary VaynerchukNew York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and internet personality Gary Vaynerchuk gives kids a jump-start on getting ahead in Meet Me in the Middle, an all-original picture book featuring his beloved VeeFriends characters!With its unique two-in-one flip-book format, Meet Me in the Middle encourages young readers to see how different the world looks from another point of view. Start the book from the front and readers will learn about Eager Eagle’s day. Flip it over and readers will see the same story from Patient Pig’s perspective. It’s a fun story about how real success comes from seeing how the other side does it.Inspired by the lessons in the million-copy bestselling book Twelve and a Half, Meet Me in the Middle gives parents and educators a way to talk to kids about empathy, problem solving, and compromise—the essential keys to success, at any age!
Meet The Skeptic
by Bill FosterChristian faith almost always meets skepticism. Are you equipped to effectively handle the skeptic's questions and debates? Meet the Skeptic is a new approach to equipping believers to engage the non-believing culture. Author Bill Foster takes the multitude of objections and reduces them to four basic categories. Understanding these categories will enable you to effectively share your hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ and clarify the skeptic's root objection. Foster offers pop culture references and biblical support so that you can: Recognize the Red-Flag Words that prop up objections Ask probing questions and acquire an ear for opportunities Develop an understanding of the skeptics ideas and better fulfill the Great Commission. This easy to read approach to apologetics and evangelism is a field guide to faith conversations. It is written for teens, college students, and adults and can be used as a group study with the leader's guide and workbook.
Meet the Cats (Meet The… #1)
by Kate PeridotGo on an around-the-world trip to meet eight of the world's most beloved big cats. Meet the cats that roar from the highest mountains, the hottest savannahs, and from the tallest trees in this brilliantly illustrated guide to eight species of the big cats. Explore the stunning landscapes where they live with a world map filled with big cat hotspots. Become an expert with fun feline fact files and a useful comparison chart - so you can see how the world's cats compare. Along the way, you'll even pick up tips on how to draw these clawesome carnivores!
Meet the Class (The Magic School Bus Rides Again)
by Samantha BrookeBuckle your seatbelts! The Magic School bus is ready to ride again—and kids can get to know Ms. Frizzle’s students in this colorful book.The Magic School Bus books took children on many adventurous field trips that taught them about science, inspiring an Emmy Award–winning animated show on PBS. Now Netflix has revived and updated the series for a new generation of kids.Meet Walkerville’s newest class with this introduction to The Magic School Bus perfect for young fans. Learn all about your favorite students from the original series like Keesha, Ralphie, D.A., and Arnold—plus a few new friends!
Meet the Minibeasts
by Sarah RidleyBecome a minibeast expert with this easy-to-understand guide to the wonderful and important creatures that live beside us. Have you ever wondered what the difference between a moth and a butterfly is? Or have you ever thought about how bees live together? This fascinating and comprehensive book for children aged 6+ is full of interesting facts and brilliant photographs. It also features guides to spotting your favourite minibeast in their natural habitats.Minibeasts covered: ants, aphids, bees, beetles, bugs, butterflies, centipedes, cicadas, crickets, damselflies, dragonflies, earwigs, flies, grasshoppers, harvestmen, millipedes, mites, moths, pond skaters, slugs, snails, spiders, termites, ticks, wasps, woodlice, worms.
Meet the Neighbors: Animal Minds and Life in a More-than-Human World
by Brandon KeimWhat does the science of animal intelligence mean for how we understand and live with the wild creatures around us? Honeybees deliberate democratically. Rats reflect on the past. Snakes have friends. In recent decades, our understanding of animal cognition has exploded, making it indisputably clear that the cities and landscapes around us are filled with thinking, feeling individuals besides ourselves. But the way we relate to wild animals has yet to catch up. In Meet the Neighbors, acclaimed science journalist Brandon Keim asks: what would it mean to take the minds of other animals seriously? In this wide-ranging, wonder-filled exploration of animals’ inner lives, Keim takes us into courtrooms and wildlife hospitals, under backyard decks and into deserts, to meet anew the wild creatures who populate our communities and the philosophers, rogue pest controllers, ecologists, wildlife doctors, and others who are reimagining our relationships to them. If bats trade favors and groups of swans vote to take off by honking, should we then see them as fellow persons—even members of society? When we come to understand the depths of their pleasures and pains, the richness of their family lives and their histories, what do we owe so-called pests and predators, or animals who are sick or injured? Can thinking of nonhumans as our neighbors help chart a course to a kinder, gentler planet? As Keim suggests, the answers to these questions are central to how we understand not only the rest of the living world, but ourselves. A beguiling invitation to discover an expanded sense of community and kinship beyond our own species, Meet the Neighbors opens our eyes to the world of vibrant intelligence just outside our doors.
Meet the Pollinators: A Night and Day Adventure
by Barbara CilettiThis vital and simply told story of pollination offers lush visual effects that illuminate their ongoing work by day and by night. Presented narratively, this title captivates young learners, emphasizing pollinators' vital role in our planet's survival. It conveys that even small creatures wield significant influence, illustrating pollinators' continuous journey for food. The intricate dance between pollinators and flowers is nature's wisdom in action. As flowers beckon, pollinators respond, playing a pivotal role in life's cycle. This dynamic exchange narrates the story of pollination, where pollinators fertilize plants while obtaining sustenance. Key Features: Engages young learners, emphasizing pollinators' life-giving role. Conveys that even small creatures make enormous Earth contributions. Educates about 24/7 global pollination value. Makes pollination understanding visual and accessible. Provides a closer look at pollination as a story. Includes additional teaching materials that enrich learning with pollinator bios, flower diagrams, and pollinator garden flower suggestions. This story underscores the importance of caring for Earth, highlighting its reciprocal response to positive stewardship.
Meet Your Bacteria (Meet your...)
by Catherine Whitlock Nicola TempleMeet Your Bacteria introduces you to all of your tiny tenants, and reveals the fascinating inner workings of your body, and the importance of these usually helpful (but sometimes harmful) microbes.Highly topical and accessible, this book:- Explores the different bacteria that live on and in various parts of your body (not just in the gut)- Explains what they do, and why some are beneficial and some harmful- Offers practical advice for promoting the good and inhibiting the bad bacteria- Examines the latest thinking on good and bad dirt, and the links between bacteria and diseaseIncluding in-depth profiles on each of the most important families of bacteria living in the human body, and helpful advice on how you can look after your own health through greater knowledge of your microbial friends, this is a wide-ranging introduction to the secret world inside your own body.
Meet Your Bacteria: The Hidden Communities That Live In Your Gut And Other Organs (Meet Your... Ser.)
by Catherine Whitlock Nicola TempleMeet Your Bacteria introduces you to all of your tiny tenants, and reveals the fascinating inner workings of your body, and the importance of these usually helpful (but sometimes harmful) microbes.Highly topical and accessible, this book:- Explores the different bacteria that live on and in various parts of your body (not just in the gut)- Explains what they do, and why some are beneficial and some harmful- Offers practical advice for promoting the good and inhibiting the bad bacteria- Examines the latest thinking on good and bad dirt, and the links between bacteria and diseaseIncluding in-depth profiles on each of the most important families of bacteria living in the human body, and helpful advice on how you can look after your own health through greater knowledge of your microbial friends, this is a wide-ranging introduction to the secret world inside your own body.
Meet Your Dog: The Game-Changing Guide to Understanding Your Dog's Behavior
by Kim Brophey&“Based on the latest findings in the field of canine cognition and behavior, this book is an invaluable resource.&” —Hal Herzog, author of Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard To Think Straight About Animals Every dog owner knows that along with the joy can come the stress and frustration of behavioral problems, which are expensive to diagnose and treat. Enter Kim Brophey, award-winning canine behavior consultant. Using cutting-edge research, Brophey has developed a groundbreaking system that allows owners to identify what their dog is struggling with, why, and how they can fix it. Brophey&’s approach is unlike anything that has been published before and will give dog owners a new understanding of what motivates and affects their dog&’s behavior. This innovative technique rethinks the way we categorize dogs, and distills information from over twenty scientific disciplines into four comprehensive elements: learning, environment, genetics, and self. With revolutionary tips for specific dog breeds, this book will change dog owners&’ lives—and lead to happier human-canine relationships. &“It&’s refreshing to finally find a book that takes into consideration the many predispositions to behavior problems in dogs . . . teaches us to really see the dog in its entirety.&” —Alexandre Rossi, author of A Dog at the Keyboard
Meet Your Hormones (Meet your...)
by Catherine Whitlock Nicola TempleForeword by Professor John Wass, Professor of Endocrinology at Oxford UniversityDid you know that you have thousands, perhaps millions, of hormones in your bloodstream?Did you know that these complex chemical messengers regulate the function of our cells and organs?Or that they keep our bodies working properly, co-ordinating processes like growth, fertility and metabolism?Meet Your Hormones explores and explains the fascinating world of hidden hormones: what they are, what they do and why you can't live without these super-fast chemical messengers. Including in-depth profiles on each of the most important hormones at work in the human body, and helpful advice on how you can look after your own health through greater knowledge of your hormones, this is a wide-ranging introduction to the secret world inside your own body.This book:- Explores what hormones are, where they are made and how they work - Explains the key functions of the body in which they are involved - Offers practical advice on how we can help our hormones help us through diet and lifestyle - Examines the latest thinking and cutting-edge research - Forms a companion volume to Meet Your Bacteria
Meet Your Hormones: Discover The Hidden World Of The Chemical Messengers In Your Body (Meet Your... Ser.)
by Catherine Whitlock Nicola TempleForeword by Professor John Wass, Professor of Endocrinology at Oxford UniversityDid you know that you have thousands, perhaps millions, of hormones in your bloodstream?Did you know that these complex chemical messengers regulate the function of our cells and organs?Or that they keep our bodies working properly, co-ordinating processes like growth, fertility and metabolism?Meet Your Hormones explores and explains the fascinating world of hidden hormones: what they are, what they do and why you can't live without these super-fast chemical messengers. Including in-depth profiles on each of the most important hormones at work in the human body, and helpful advice on how you can look after your own health through greater knowledge of your hormones, this is a wide-ranging introduction to the secret world inside your own body.This book:- Explores what hormones are, where they are made and how they work - Explains the key functions of the body in which they are involved - Offers practical advice on how we can help our hormones help us through diet and lifestyle - Examines the latest thinking and cutting-edge research - Forms a companion volume to Meet Your Bacteria
Meeting at Grand Central: Understanding the Social and Evolutionary Roots of Cooperation
by Lee Cronk Beth L. LeechA revolutionary approach to the study of cooperation that unites evolutionary biology and the social sciencesFrom the family to the workplace to the marketplace, every facet of our lives is shaped by cooperative interactions. Yet everywhere we look, we are confronted by proof of how difficult cooperation can be—snarled traffic, polarized politics, overexploited resources, social problems that go ignored. The benefits to oneself of a free ride on the efforts of others mean that collective goals often are not met. But compared to most other species, people actually cooperate a great deal. Why is this?Meeting at Grand Central brings together insights from evolutionary biology, political science, economics, anthropology, and other fields to explain how the interactions between our evolved selves and the institutional structures we have created make cooperation possible. The book begins with a look at the ideas of Mancur Olson and George Williams, who shifted the question of why cooperation happens from an emphasis on group benefits to individual costs. It then explores how these ideas have influenced our thinking about cooperation, coordination, and collective action. The book persuasively argues that cooperation and its failures are best explained by evolutionary and social theories working together. Selection sometimes favors cooperative tendencies, while institutions, norms, and incentives encourage and make possible actual cooperation.Meeting at Grand Central will inspire researchers from different disciplines and intellectual traditions to share ideas and advance our understanding of cooperative behavior in a world that is more complex than ever before.
Meeting the Energy Needs of Future Warriors
by Committee on Soldier Power/Energy SystemsThe central characteristic of the evolution of the combat soldier in recent years is an increasingly sophisticated array of sensing, communications, and related electronics for use in battlefield situations. The most critical factor for maintaining this evolution will be the development of power supply systems capable of operating those electronics effectively for missions up to 72 hours long. To address the challenge, it is important that new approaches be sought on how to integrate and power these electronics. To assist in addressing this problem, the Army requested the National Research Council to review the state of the art and to recommend technologies that will support the rapid development of effective power systems for the future warrior. This report presents the results of that review. It provides an assessment of various technology options for different power level requirements, power system design, and soldier energy sinks. The report also describes future design concepts, focusing on low-power systems. Recommendations for technology development and system design are presented.