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Membrane Technology, Volume 3: Membranes for Food Applications, 1st Edition
by Klaus-Viktor Peinemann Lidietta Giorno Suzana Pereira NunesEdited by an internationally recognized leader in the field, this third volume in the series represents the complete reference to membrane processes in the food industry. The handbook adopts a highly practical approach to this hot topic, combining the hands-on experience of the expert authors involved. They provide chapters devoted to such varied applications as dairy fractionation, electrodialysis, pressure-driven membrane processes in alcoholic beverages, membrane emulsification, contactors and bioreactors, as well as membranes for food packaging.
Membrane Trafficking: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2473)
by Jingshi ShenThis detailed volume presents a series of methods exploring membrane trafficking research, ranging from genetics and high-resolution imaging to in vitro biochemical and biophysical assays. Covering virtually all the major trafficking branches, the book delves into the exocytic pathway, which focuses on cargo transport from the ER to the Golgi, through the Golgi cisternae, and to the plasma membrane and the extracellular space; the endocytic pathway, which includes cargo endocytosis, endosomal recycling, and lysosomal degradation; as well as emerging topics beyond the conventional exocytic and endocytic pathways. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Membrane Trafficking: Methods and Protocols provides techniques with broad applications as an ideal guide for junior researchers new to membrane trafficking as well as established membrane biologists seeking to expand their research programs.
Membrane Trafficking
by Bor Luen TangThis second edition explores membrane trafficking research that has been at the frontier of cell and molecular biology. In the past 20 years, this field has witnessed a remarkable convergence and synergism from information gained using genetic approaches in yeast cells, and biochemical and molecular approaches in mammalian cells. This volume contains updated chapters and the inclusion of a large number of new chapters, and is divided into three parts. Part I includes biochemical and molecular genetics approaches and methods used in analysing membrane traffic, in both yeast and mammalian cell models. Part II focuses on imaging and microscopy approaches and techniques, while Part III highlights the Omics-type approaches. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and resourceful, Membrane Trafficking, Second Edition, is a valuable resource for both experienced researchers, graduate students, and junior scientists in the field of membrane trafficking.
Membrane Trafficking
by Ales VancuraAs membrane trafficking research has expanded over the past thirty years, a remarkable convergence of information has been gained by using genetic approaches in yeast cells with biochemical approaches in mammalian cells. This book reflects these advances by devoting one section of the book to yeast cells and the other to mammalian cells, with each section providing both classic and cutting-edge techniques to study macromolecular transport across the membranes.
Membrane Transport Mechanism
by Reinhard Krämer Christine ZieglerThis book provides a molecular view of membrane transport by means of numerous biochemical and biophysical techniques. The rapidly growing numbers of atomic structures of transporters in different conformations and the constant progress in bioinformatics have recently added deeper insights The unifying mechanism of energized solute transport across membranes is assumed to consist of the conformational cycling of a carrier protein to provide access to substrate binding sites from either side of a cellular membrane. Due to the central role of active membrane transport there is considerable interest in deciphering the principles of one of the most fundamental processes in nature: the alternating access mechanism This book brings together particularly significant structure-function studies on a variety of carrier systems from different transporter families: Glutamate symporters, LeuT-like fold transporters, MFS transporters and SMR (RND) exporters, as well as ABC-type importers The selected examples impressively demonstrate how the combination of functional analysis, crystallography, investigation of dynamics and computational studies has made it possible to create a conclusive picture or more precisely, "a molecular movie". Although we are still far from a complete molecular description of the alternating access mechanism, remarkable progress has been made from static snapshots towards membrane transport dynamics.
Membrane Transporters
by Qing YanThis collection of cutting-edge methodologies for studying membrane transporters and channels takes advantage of all the latest developments in biomedical research, including pharmacogenomcs, bioinformatics, and microarray technologies. The authors explain databases and tools for bioinformatics studies, provide practical guidelines for microarray experiments and data analysis, and illustrate the use of small angle X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and molecular modeling to study the structural biology of membrane transporters. Methods for exploring structure-function correlation, such as site-directed mutagenesis, immunocytochemistry, and confocal microcopy are also described, along with several that may help in the development of novel therapeutics.
Membrane Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development
by Qing YanStudies of membrane transporters have had a great impact on our understanding of human diseases and the design of effective drugs. In Membrane Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers provide practical methodologies of the ongoing research on membrane transporters, considering applications of transporter technologies in drug discovery and development. Chapters include new and useful fields and methodologies, including pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomics, systems biology, bioinformatics, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), imaging, and quantitative real-time-PCR. Transporter studies in drug discovery and development for various diseases are discussed, including neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases, ophthalmic diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Composed in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, each chapter contains a brief introduction, step-by-step methods, a list of necessary materials, and a Notes section which shares tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Wide-ranging and current, Membrane Transporters in Drug Discovery and Development: Methods and Protocols delivers a collection of practical protocols that can be used immediately in the lab, along with critical surveys of key topics by leading researchers in the field.
Membranen: Grundlagen, Verfahren und Industrielle Anwendungen
by Grundlagen Verfahren und industrielle AnwendungenVon der Membran zum Verfahren - Der Einsatz von Membranverfahren in der chemischen Industrie weitet sich ungebremst aus. Als saubere und energiesparende Alternative zu herkömmlichen Trennverfahren halten die Membranverfahren weiterhin Einzug in vielfältige industrielle Anwendungen. Fest eingeführt sind solche Verfahren u. a. in der Gastrennung und der organophilen Filtration, und neue Perspektiven eröffnen sich für katalytische Reaktionen in Membranreaktoren. Die Membrantechnik ist die optimale Lösung bei der Behandlung von industriellen Abfällen ebenso wie für die kontrollierte Herstellung wertvoller Chemikalien. Das Buch behandelt die Grundlagen der Membranverfahrenstechnik über Modulkonfigurationen, Flüssig- und Gastrennung bis hin zu Membranen in der Brennstoffzelle, Medizintechnik und der Lebensmittelindustrie. Es ist eine wertvolle Informationsquelle für Praktiker und Betriebsingenieure ebenso wie für Neueinsteiger, die ein umfassendes Bild über die Anwendung von Membranen in der Verfahrenstechnik gewinnen wollen, aber auch für Planungsbüros und Umweltämter.
by Alfredo Maciel-CerdaThis book describes current advances in the research on membranes and applications in industry, groundwater, and desalination processes. Topics range from synthesis of new polymers to preparation of membranes using new water treatments for effluents, graphite membranes, development of polymeric and ceramic materials for production of membranes intended to separate gases and liquids, and liquid-liquid phases. The authors include materials used to produce catalytic membranes for polymer synthesis. The book also details theoretical approaches and simulation of membrane processes and parameters and design.
Membranes for Energy Applications
by Young Moo LeeMembranes for Energy Applications Complete learning resource to understand membrane technology for gas, ion, and water transportation and/or separation This book provides important information on membranes for energy production as well as the recent key advances that have been made in the field. It benefits the reader not only by providing insight into the application of membranes in the energy industry, but also by explaining the principles or theories behind this important application, including the transport of small molecules such as gas, ion, and water. Contributed by a world-renowned and long-standing expert in the field of membrane materials and processes, the book covers many important areas of interest, such as: The history of membrane science and technologyFundamentals of membrane technology, including principles of membrane formation and principle behindGas separation using membrane technologyMembranes for ion transport or separation realized in energy generation and storageThe future direction and outlook of membrane technology in energy application and industry This book is a must-have resource for professionals in the field who wish to gain mastery over the topic of membranes and how they relate to energy application. Many different types of scientists and engineers will be able to derive immense value from its comprehensive yet concise approach.
Membranes for Environmental Applications (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World #42)
by Eric Lichtfouse Zhien Zhang Wenxiang ZhangThis book introduces recent developments of membrane technologies applied to gas and water treatments, energy processes and environmental issues. Novel knowledge and mechanisms on membrane fabrication and usage in energy, chemical, and environmental engineering are detailed in 12 book chapters from France, UK, Spain, China, Nigeria, Iran and Pakistan. The information in this book will be useful for engineers, students, and experts in these fields.
Membranes for Membrane Reactors
by Fausto Gallucci Angelo BasileA membrane reactor is a device for simultaneously performing a reaction and a membrane-based separation in the same physical device. Therefore, the membrane not only plays the role of a separator, but also takes place in the reaction itself.This text covers, in detail, the preparation and characterisation of all types of membranes used in membranes reactors. Each membrane synthesis process used by membranologists is explained by well known scientists in their specific research field.The book opens with an exhaustive review and introduction to membrane reactors, introducing the recent advances in this field. The following chapters concern the preparation of both organic and inorganic, and in both cases, a deep analysis of all the techniques used to prepare membrane are presented and discussed. A brief historical introduction for each technique is also included, followed by a complete description of the technique as well as the main results presented in the international specialized literature. In order to give to the reader a summary look to the overall work, a conclusive chapter is included for collecting all the information presented in the previous chapters.Key features:Fills a gap in the market for a scientific book describing the preparation and characterization of all the kind of membranes used in membrane reactorsDiscusses an important topic - there is increasing emphasis on membranes in general, due to their use as energy efficient separation tools and the 'green' chemistry opportunities they offerIncludes a review about membrane reactors, several chapters concerning the preparation organic, inorganic, dense, porous, and composite membranes and a conclusion with a comparison among the different membrane preparation techniques
Membranes for Water Treatment and Remediation (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)
by Ashok Kumar Nadda Priya Banerjee Swati Sharma Phuong Nguyen-TriThis book provides comprehensive description of polymeric membranes in water treatment and remediation. It describes both the sustainability challenges and new opportunities to use membranes for water decontamination. It also discusses the environmental-related issues, challenges and advantages of using membrane-based systems and provides comprehensive description of various polymeric membranes, nanomaterials, biomolecules and their integrated systems for wastewater treatment. Various topics covered in this book are direct pressure-driven and osmotic-driven membrane processes, hybrid membrane processes (such as membrane bioreactors and integrating membrane separation with other processes), and resource recovery-oriented membrane-based processes. The book will be useful for students, researchers and professionals working in the area of materials science and environmental chemistry.
Membranes to Molecular Machines: Active Matter and the Remaking of Life (Synthesis)
by Mathias GroteToday's science tells us that our bodies are filled with molecular machinery that orchestrates all sorts of life processes. When we think, microscopic "channels" open and close in our brain cell membranes; when we run, tiny "motors" spin in our muscle cell membranes; and when we see, light operates "molecular switches" in our eyes and nerves. A molecular-mechanical vision of life has become commonplace in both the halls of philosophy and the offices of drug companies, where researchers are developing “proton pump inhibitors” or medicines similar to Prozac. Membranes to Molecular Machines explores just how late twentieth-century science came to think of our cells and bodies this way. This story is told through the lens of membrane research, an unwritten history at the crossroads of molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, and the neurosciences, that directly feeds into today's synthetic biology as well as nano- and biotechnology. Mathias Grote shows how these sciences not only have made us think differently about life, they have, by reworking what membranes and proteins represent in laboratories, allowed us to manipulate life as "active matter" in new ways. Covering the science of biological membranes in the United States and Europe from the mid-1960s to the 1990s, this book connects that history to contemporary work with optogenetics, a method for stimulating individual neurons using light, and will enlighten and provoke anyone interested in the intersection of chemical research and the life sciences—from practitioner to historian to philosopher. The research described in the book and its central actor, Dieter Oesterhelt, were honored with the 2021 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for his contribution to the development of optogenetics.
Membranverfahren bei künstlichen Organen: Transportmodelle zur Auslegung extrakorporaler Verfahren (essentials)
by Manfred RaffKünstliche Organe sind Membranmodule, welche in einem extrakorporalen Kreislauf Blutinhaltsstoffe austauschen bzw. entfernen. Dabei kommen die klassischen Prinzipien der Crossflow- und der Gegenstromverfahren zur Anwendung. Manfred Raff zeigt, wie für die Auslegung derartiger Membranverfahren aus Modellen am differentiellen Membranelement funktionale Zusammenhänge von Zielgrößen und geometrischen, stofflichen und Betriebsparametern für das gesamte Modul abgeleitet werden. Die Ergebnisgleichungen können auch für technische Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Der Autor:Manfred Raff hat sich in seinem Berufsleben mit dem wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkt Membrantechnologie beschäftigt. Er war zunächst in der Industrie in der Forschung, Entwicklung und Produktion von Membranen und Modulen tätig. Später hat er als Hochschullehrer an der Hochschule Furtwangen Verfahrenstechnik gelehrt und Membranthemen, wie Messung der Porengrößenverteilung in Membranen, Untersuchung des Stofftransports in der künstlichen Leber, Simulation des Stofftransports bei der Highflux-Dialyse, erforscht. Nach der Pensionierung arbeitet er weiterhin als Lehrbeauftragter an der HFU, Campus Schwenningen.
by Aaron StarmerA tense, psychological thriller for the internet age about the destructive combination of self-important goals and self-serving plans.Cole Weston—former friend, former boyfriend—has become dangerous, erratic. Something needs to be done. Getting rid of Cole is practically a public service. So high school seniors Holly Morse, Grayson Hobbs, Logan Bailey, and Meeka Miller devise a plan. Kill Cole. Bury him in the woods behind Meeka&’s house. Bury him deep, deep in the ground along with four old cell phones, wiped except for their video confession as insurance that no one will ever betray the group. Everything is perfect, until the meme appears. It&’s a screenshot from their confession… a confession that&’s supposed to be entombed with Cole forever in the cold Vermont dirt.
Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease (11th Edition)
by Jason James Taylor Barbara Janson CohenThis widely read classic is an excellent primer on normal and abnormal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, basic microbiology, chemistry, and the human disease process. With a new design and a robust new multimedia electronic ancillary package, this Eleventh Edition will be even more engaging and understandable for students with diverse learning styles. This edition's new artwork includes real dissection photographs from Rohen's Color Atlas of Anatomy, Sixth Edition. New Disease in Context case scenarios integrated throughout each chapter show how content is applied to real-life situations. Icons direct students to relevant electronic materials.
Memoirs of an Addicted Brain: A Neuroscientist Examines his Former Life on Drugs
by Marc LewisMarc Lewis’s relationship with drugs began in a New England boarding school where, as a bullied and homesick fifteen-year-old, he made brief escapes from reality by way of cough medicine, alcohol, and marijuana. In Berkeley, California, in its hippie heyday, he found methamphetamine and LSD and heroin. He sniffed nitrous oxide in Malaysia and frequented Calcutta’s opium dens. Ultimately, though, his journey took him where it takes most addicts: into a life of addiction, desperation, deception, and crime. But unlike most addicts, Lewis recovered and became a developmental psychologist and researcher in neuroscience. In Memoirs of an Addicted Brain, he applies his professional expertise to a study of his former self, using the story of his own journey through addiction to tell the universal story of addictions of every kind. He explains the neurological effects of a variety of powerful drugs, and shows how they speak to the brain-itself designed to seek rewards and soothe pain-in its own language. And he illuminates how craving overtakes the nervous system, sculpting a synaptic network dedicated to one goal-more-at the expense of everything else.
Memoirs of an Environmental Science Professor: A Memoir (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management)
by William MitschThis book shows, through real and current examples from the field of environmental and wetland science, that personal and professional success depends on persistence and a refusal to compromise on "doing the right thing" which for Professor Mitsch meant saving some of the world’s most important ecosystems, as well as educating future researchers and the general public along the way. Case studies described in this book illustrate that persistence pays off especially when the cause is motivated by something as important as improving our natural environment. They explain clearly that success is not easy, disasters and failures are part of the process, but having goals result in meaningful steps toward it. Features Emphasizes how it is possible to develop long-term goals and persistence for success both in the academic and environmental world. Offers examples set in universities across America and highlights important national wetlands such as the Florida Everglades, the Kankakee River Marshlands in the Great Lakes region, and Ohio’s Olentangy River Wetland Park, a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance. Speaks to scientists from across the country and the world. Discusses chronologically the developments and the achievements of environmental /wetland fields on a global scale. Explains how his personal achievements contributed to the growth of wetland and environmental sciences. Students and professionals in the physical and biological sciences, including chemistry, environmental science, ecological fields, and environmental policy, and especially environmental consultants such as scientists, managers, and engineers, will feel a sense of camaraderie with Professor Mitsch. His longstanding career and devotion to environmental and wetland sciences are an inspiration to all who currently work in the field, aspire to, or simply harbor a sense of appreciation about the natural world and want to learn more about steps that can be taken to manage and protect our planet and the environment.
Memorial Tributes: Volume 14
by National Academy of EngineeringThis is the fourteenth volume in the series of Memorial Tributes compiled by the National Academy of Engineering as a personal remembrance of the lives and outstanding achievements of its members and foreign associates. These volumes are intended to stand as an enduring record of the many contributions of engineers and engineering to the benefit of humankind. In most cases, the authors of the tributes are contemporaries or colleagues who had personal knowledge of the interests and the engineering accomplishments of the deceased.
Memorial Tributes: Volume 20
by National Academy of EngineeringThis is the 20th Volume in the series Memorial Tributes compiled by the National Academy of Engineering as a personal remembrance of the lives and outstanding achievements of its members and foreign associates. These volumes are intended to stand as an enduring record of the many contributions of engineers and engineering to the benefit of humankind. In most cases, the authors of the tributes are contemporaries or colleagues who had personal knowledge of the interests and the engineering accomplishments of the deceased. Through its members and foreign associates, the Academy carries out the responsibilities for which it was established in 1964. Under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering was formed as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. Members are elected on the basis of significant contributions to engineering theory and practice and to the literature of engineering or on the basis of demonstrated unusual accomplishments in the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology. The National Academies share a responsibility to advise the federal government on matters of science and technology. The expertise and credibility that the National Academy of Engineering brings to that task stem directly from the abilities, interests, and achievements of our members and foreign associates, our colleagues and friends, whose special gifts we remember in this book.
Memorial Tributes: Volume 8
by National Academy of Engineering StaffThis series presents biographies of deceased members of the National Academy of Engineering.
Memorial Tributes
by The National Academy of SciencesThis is the fifteenth volume in the series of Memorial Tributes compiled by the National Academy of Engineering as a personal remembrance of the lives and outstanding achievements of its members and foreign associates. These volumes are intended to stand as an enduring record of the many contributions of engineers and engineering to the benefit of humankind. In most cases, the authors of the tributes are contemporaries or colleagues who had personal knowledge of the interests and the engineering accomplishments of the deceased.
Memories of a Theoretical Physicist: A Journey across the Landscape of Strings, Black Holes, and the Multiverse
by Joseph PolchinskiA groundbreaking theoretical physicist traces his career, reflecting on the successes and failures, triumphs and insecurities of a life cut short by cancer.The groundbreaking theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski explained the genesis of his memoir this way: &“Having only two bodies of knowledge, myself and physics, I decided to write an autobiography about my development as a theoretical physicist.&” In this posthumously published account of his life and work, Polchinski (1954–2018) describes successes and failures, triumphs and insecurities, and the sheer persistence that led to his greatest discoveries. Writing engagingly and accessibly, with the wry humor for which he was known, Polchinski gives theoretical physics a very human face. Polchinski, famous for his contributions to string theory, may have changed the course of modern theoretical physics, but he was a late bloomer—doing most of his important work after the age of forty. His death from brain cancer at sixty-three cut short a career at its peak. Working on the memoir after his diagnosis, using a text-to-speech algorithm because he could no longer read words on a page, he was able to recapitulate his entire career, down to the details of problems he had worked on. For Polchinski, physics went deeper than words. This edition includes photographs from Polchinski&’s professional and family life, as well as physics explainer boxes, other technical edits, and bibliographic notes by his former student Ahmad Almheiri, a foreword by Andrew Strominger, and an afterword by his wife Dorothy Chun and sons Steven and Daniel.