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by A S Byatt Harriet Harvey Wood

This fascinating anthology introduces us to a wide range of arguments on the subject of memory, the thread that holds our lives, and our history, together. Arranged in themed sections, the book includes specially commissioned essays by the editors and by writers with expertise in different fields - from 'Memory and Evolution' by Patrick Bateson to 'Memory and Forgetting' by the biographer Richard Holmes, and an account of the chemistry of the brain by Steven Rose. Complementing the essays are a rich selection of extracts from writers and thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle, Montaigne and Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Proust, Jorge Luis Borges and Haruki Murakami. Stimulating, provocative, funny or profoundly moving, Memory is a book to treasure - and remember.

Memory: Selected Works Of Fergus I. M. Craik (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by Fergus Craik Larry Jacoby

A short, accessible primer on human memory, its workings, feats, and flaws, by two leading psychological researchers.Why do we vividly recall a traumatic childhood event but forget where we left our keys five minutes ago? How can a scent take us back fifty years while a colleague&’s name eludes us? In this compact introduction, two leading psychological researchers describe memory—how it works and why it sometimes doesn&’t; how it can be tricked, trained, or improved; and what changes with time. In a manner as engaging as it is informative, Fergus Craik and Larry Jacoby explain the strengths and weaknesses of memory. They trace evolving ideas about memory&’s function and present a down-to-earth account of modern views. Citing the latest research, they outline the processes for acquiring and retrieving memories and explore the distinction between conscious and unconscious processes. With insights into the workings of the brain, Craik and Jacoby also provide a succinct account of feats and failures of memory, emotion and false memories, and the effects of aging. Their book draws a clear picture, at once broad and concise, of current and classical views of memory, that most essential and often mysterious feature of human life.

Memory: Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives

by Gérard Emilien Cécile Durlach Elena Antoniadis Martial Van der Linden Jean-Marie Maloteaux

Memory: Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives reviews critically the impact of recent neuropsychological and biological discoveries on our understanding of human memory and its pathology. Too often, insights from clinical, neurological and psychopharmacological fields have remained isolated and mutually unintelligible. Therefore the first part of this book provides both clinicians and neuroscientists with a broad view of the neuropsychology of memory, and the psychobiological processes it involves, including recent advances from imaging technology and psychopharmacology research. In the second part the authors go on to cover a comprehensive range of memory assessments, dysfunctions, impairments and treatments. This compendium of current research findings will prove an invaluable resource for anyone studying, researching or practising in the field of memory and its disorders.

Memory: The Key To Consciousness

by Richard F. Thompson Stephen A. Madigan

Memory is perhaps the most extraordinary phenomenon in the natural world. Every person's brain holds millions of bits of information in long-term storage. This vast memory store includes our extensive vocabulary and knowledge of language; the tremendous and unique variety of facts we've amassed; all the skills we've learned, from walking and talking to musical and athletic performance; many of the emotions we feel; and the continuous sensations, feelings, and understandings of the world we term consciousness. Without memory there can be no mind as we understand it. Focusing on cutting-edge research in behavioral science and neuroscience, Memory is a primer of our current scientific understanding of the mechanics of memory and learning. Over the past two decades, memory research has accelerated and we have seen an explosion of new knowledge about the brain. For example, there now exists a wide-ranging and successful applied science devoted exclusively to the study of memory that has yielded better procedures for eliciting valid recollections in legal settings and improved the diagnosis and treatment of memory disorders. Everyone fascinated by the scope and power of the human brain will find this book unforgettable.

Memory and Amnesia: An Introduction

by Alan J. Parkin

Memory and Amnesia provides a clear and comprehensive account of amnesia set in the context of our understanding of how normal memory operates. Part I provides the reader with an up-to-date survey of contemporary memory theories along with an account of the various methods for improving memory ability. Part II begins with an overview of memory assessment which incorporates all important new developments, and focuses on the nature and explanation of the amnesic syndrome.A new chapter deals with the emerging field of memory disorders linked to frontal lobe dysfunction, related to which is an entirely new approach to the study of age-related memory loss. The account of dementia is extended and includes a discussion of comparisons between different forms of the illness. The chapters on transient amnesic states and on psychogenic states are fully updated (including discussion of the false memory debate), and the significant advances in memory remediation are discussed in the last chapter.

Memory and Brain Dynamics: Oscillations Integrating Attention, Perception, Learning, and Memory (Conceptual Advances In Brain Research Ser. #Vol. 7)

by Erol Basar

Memory itself is inseparable from all other brain functions and involves distributed dynamic neural processes. A wealth of publications in neuroscience literature report that the concerted action of distributed multiple oscillatory processes (EEG oscillations) play a major role in brain functioning. The analysis of function-related brain oscillatio

Memory and Learning in Plants (Signaling and Communication in Plants)

by Guenther Witzany Monica Gagliano Frantisek Baluska

This book assembles recent research on memory and learning in plants. Organisms that share a capability to store information about experiences in the past have an actively generated background resource on which they can compare and evaluate coming experiences in order to react faster or even better. This is an essential tool for all adaptation purposes. Such memory/learning skills can be found from bacteria up to fungi, animals and plants, although until recently it had been mentioned only as capabilities of higher animals. With the rise of epigenetics the context dependent marking of experiences on the genetic level is an essential perspective to understand memory and learning in organisms. Plants are highly sensitive organisms that actively compete for environmental resources. They assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realize the optimum variant. They take measures to control certain environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’. They process and evaluate information and then modify their behavior accordingly. The book will guide scientists in further investigations on these skills of plant behavior and on how plants mediate signaling processes between themselves and the environment in memory and learning processes.

Memory and Mind: A Festschrift for Gordon H. Bower (Psychology Press Festschrift Ser.)

by Mark A. Gluck John R. Anderson Stephen M. Kosslyn

A comprehensive overview of the current state of research on memory and mind, this book captures the career and influence of Gordon H. Bower (as told by 22 of his students and colleagues), showing how Bower's research and mentoring of students has broadly and deeply affected modern research. In addition to many personal reminisces about Bower's res

Memory and Movies: What Films Can Teach Us about Memory (The\mit Press Ser.)

by John Seamon

How popular films from Memento to Slumdog Millionaire can help us understand how memory works.In the movie Slumdog Millionaire, the childhood memories of a young game show contestant trigger his correct answers. In Memento, the amnesiac hero uses tattoos as memory aids. In Away from Her, an older woman suffering from dementia no longer remembers who her husband is. These are compelling films that tell affecting stories about the human condition. But what can these movies teach us about memory? In this book, John Seamon shows how examining the treatment of memory in popular movies can shed new light on how human memory works. After explaining that memory is actually a diverse collection of independent systems, Seamon uses examples from movies to offer an accessible, nontechnical description of what science knows about memory function and dysfunction. In a series of lively encounters with numerous popular films, he draws on Life of Pi and Avatar, for example, to explain working memory, used for short-term retention. He describes the process of long-term memory with examples from such films as Cast Away and Groundhog Day; The Return of Martin Guerre, among other movies, informs his account of how we recognize people; the effect of emotion on autobiographical memory is illustrated by The Kite Runner, Titanic, and other films; movies including Born on the Fourth of July and Rachel Getting Married illustrate the complex pain of traumatic memories. Seamon shows us that movies rarely get amnesia right, often using strategically timed blows to the protagonist's head as a way to turn memory off and then on again (as in Desperately Seeking Susan). Finally, he uses movies including On Golden Pond and Amour to describe the memory loss that often accompanies aging, while highlighting effective ways to maintain memory function.

Memory and the Brain

by Magda B. Arnold

Published in the year 1984, Memory and the Brain is a valuable contribution to the field of Neuropsychology.

Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Rebecca Wynter Jennifer Wallis Rob Ellis

This book is the first to explore memory, misremembering, forgetting, and anniversaries in the history of psychiatry and mental health. It challenges simplistic representations of the callous nature of mental health care in the past, while at the same time eschewing a celebratory and uncritical marking of anniversaries and individuals. Asking critical questions of the early Whiggish histories of mental health care, the book problematizes the idea of a shared professional and institutional history, and the abiding faith placed in the reform of medicine, administration, and even patients. It contends that much post-1800 legislation drafted to ensure reform, acted to preserve beliefs about the ‘bad old days’ and a ‘brighter future’ in the state memories of imperial powers, which in turn exported these notions around the world. Conversely, the collection demonstrates the variety of remembering and forgetting, building on recent interest in the ideological and cultural linkages between past and present in international psychiatric practice. In this way, it seeks to trace the pathways of memory, exploring the direction of travel, and the perpetuation, remodeling, and uprooting of recollection.Chapter “The New Socialist Citizen and ‘Forgetting’ Authoritarianism: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Revolution in Socialist Yugoslavia” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer. com.

Memory as Prediction: From Looking Back to Looking Forward

by Tomaso Vecchi Daniele Gatti

Theoretical reflections and analytical observations on memory and prediction, linking these concepts to the role of the cerebellum in higher cognition.What is memory? What is memory for? Where is memory in the brain? Although memory is probably the most studied function in cognition, these fundamental questions remain challenging. We can try to answer the question of memory's purpose by defining the function of memory as remembering the past. And yet this definition is not consistent with the many errors that characterize our memory, or with the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origin of memory. In this book, Tomaso Vecchi and Daniele Gatti argue that the purpose of memory is not to remember the past but to predict the future.

Memory, Attention, and Aging: Selected Works of Fergus I. M. Craik (World Library of Psychologists)

by Fergus I. Craik

Memory, Attention, and Aging is a collection of some of the most influential journal articles previously published by Fergus Craik and his collaborators, with new introductory material unifying the research of this noted cognitive psychologist. The reprinted articles are grouped into six sections reflecting Craik’s various research interests across his career. The first section on short-term memory focuses on research concerns Craik uncovered in the 1970s, but are still valid today. They comprise theoretical suggestions and data on the nature of STM, including the notion that working memory may be defined as attention paid to features of items held in conscious awareness. The second section on levels of processing contains the very influential articles by Craik & Lockhart and by Craik & Tulving on memory research, in addition to a later article in which Craik gives a critical account of the LOP work. Craik’s third interest is in cognitive aging. The section contains two articles from the 1980s in which Craik lays out his ideas on age-related changes in memory, plus a more recent article addressing lifespan changes in cognition. The fourth section on attention and memory has two articles that report on the effects of divided attention on subsequent memory, and differences between implicit and explicit memory processes. The fifth section on cognitive neuroscience includes an early PET study probing neural correlates of LOP, and a study searching for the neural correlates of the "self" concept. Finally, the sixth section contains an article on bilingualism that explores age-related differences in executive functions as a consequence of bilingualism, and a study showing that bilingualism postpones the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Grouping the most highly cited and groundbreaking articles of Fergus Craik in one volume, this book will be of interest to a wide spectrum of students and professional researchers.

Memory B-Cells: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2826)

by Kim L. Good-Jacobson

This volume details in methods to assess memory B cell formation and function in mice and humans. Chapters guide readers through tetramer-based methods to assess antigen-specific memory B cell dynamics in humans and mice in different vaccine, next-generation deep-sequencing, single-cell techniques to assess epigenomic, VDJ landscapes, lymph node aspirates from humans, advanced imaging, murine models to determine memory B cells formation, and bioinformatic techniques and in silico modelling of memory b cell formation. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Memory B-Cells: Methods and Protocols aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.

The Memory Bible: An Innovative Strategy for Keeping Your Brain Young

by Gary Small Gigi Vorgan

Clear, concise, prescriptive steps for improving memory loss and keeping the brain young—from one of the world's top memory experts.Everybody forgets things sometimes—from your keys to your lunch date to the name of an acquaintance. According to Dr. Gary Small, the director of the UCLA Center on Aging, much of this forgetfulness can be eliminated easily through his innovative memory exercises and brain fitness program—now available for the first time in a book. Using Small's recent scientific discoveries, The Memory Bible can immediately improve your mental performance. One of the ten commandments that Dr. Small has pioneered to improve your memory immediately is LOOK, SNAP, CONNECT:1: LOOK: actively observe what you want to learn2: SNAP: create a vivid snapshot and memorable image3: CONNECT: visualize a link to associate imagesIn addition, Dr. Small's comprehensive program includes a "brain diet" of memory-enhancing foods and a list of the most effective drugs, as well as a workbook with a weekly and daily calendar. Remember, as Dr. Small says, "Great memories are not born, they are made."

Memory Craft: Improve Your Memory With The Most Powerful Methods In History--from Medieval Bestiaries To Tibetan Mandalas

by Lynne Kelly

Groundbreaking anthropologist and memory champion Lynne Kelly reveals how we can use ancient and traditional mnemonic methods to enhance and expand our memory. Our brain is a muscle. Like our bodies, it needs exercise. In the last few hundred years, we have stopped training our memories and we have lost the ability to memorize large amounts of information—something our ancestors could do with ease. After discovering that the true purpose of monuments like Easter Island and Stonehenge were to act as memory palaces, Kelly takes this knowledge and introduces us to the best memory techniques humans have ever devised, from ancient times and the Middle Ages to methods used by today’s memory athletes. A memory champion herself, Kelly tests all these methods and demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of our brains at any age. For anyone who needs to memorize a speech or a script, learn anatomy or a foreign language, or prepare for an exam, Memory Craft offers proven techniques and simple strategies for anyone who has trouble remembering names or dates, or for older people who want to keep their minds agile. In addition to getting in touch with our own human and anthropological foundations, Memory Craft shows how all things mnemonic can be playful, creative, and fun.

Memory Development from Early Childhood Through Emerging Adulthood

by Wolfgang Schneider

Based on decades of established research findings in cognitive and developmental psychology, this volume explores and integrates the leading scientific advances into infancy and brain-memory linkages as well as autobiographical and strategic memory. In addition, given that the predominantly classic research on memory development has recently been complemented by more cutting-edge applied research (e. g. , eyewitness memory, memory development in educational contexts) in recent years, this volume also provides in-depth and up-to-date coverage of these emerging areas of study.

Memory Disorders in Clinical Practice

by Narinder Kapur

This book has been specially designed to give practical help to those who have to deal with diagnosis and subsequent management of patients with memory dicturbance resulting from specific types of cerebral pathology.The author achieves this by organising his book on the basis of clinical aetiology. While anatomical and psychological perspectives are introduced, the emphasis is on approaches which will help clinicians in the management of patients with specific neurological diseases. For example, the essential topic of differential diagnosis is given prominence throughout: the principles of diagnositc assessment are discussed in a separate chapter, and specific diagnostic features are outlined in each of the chapters dealing with individual cerebral pathologies. The author draws on his own extensive experience as a practising clinical neuropsychologist to describe and evaluate the range of existing memory test procedures, and suggest additional procedures as appropriate. Full references are also given for those wishing to develop their own assessment of therapeutic procedures. Mainly intended for practising neurologists and clinical neuropsychologists, anyone whose work brings them into contact with patients suffering from memory disturbance will find this book invaluable.

Memory Functions, Projection Operators, and the Defect Technique: Some Tools of the Trade for the Condensed Matter Physicist (Lecture Notes in Physics #982)

by V. M. Kenkre

This book provides a graduate-level introduction to three powerful and closely related techniques in condensed matter physics: memory functions, projection operators, and the defect technique. Memory functions appear in the formalism of the generalized master equations that express the time evolution of probabilities via equations non-local in time, projection operators allow the extraction of parts of quantities, such as the diagonal parts of density matrices in statistical mechanics, and the defect technique allows solution of transport equations in which the translational invariance is broken in small regions, such as when crystals are doped with impurities. These three methods combined form an immensely useful toolkit for investigations in such disparate areas of physics as excitation in molecular crystals, sensitized luminescence, charge transport, non-equilibrium statistical physics, vibrational relaxation, granular materials, NMR, and even theoretical ecology. This book explains the three techniques and their interrelated nature, along with plenty of illustrative examples. Graduate students beginning to embark on a research project in condensed matter physics will find this book to be a most fruitful source of theoretical training.

Memory, History, Forgetting

by Paul Ricoeur

Why do major historical events such as the Holocaust occupy the forefront of the collective consciousness, while profound moments such as the Armenian genocide, the McCarthy era, and France's role in North Africa stand distantly behind? Is it possible that history "overly remembers" some events at the expense of others? A landmark work in philosophy, Paul Ricoeur's Memory, History, Forgetting examines this reciprocal relationship between remembering and forgetting, showing how it affects both the perception of historical experience and the production of historical narrative.Memory, History, Forgetting, like its title, is divided into three major sections. Ricoeur first takes a phenomenological approach to memory and mnemonical devices. The underlying question here is how a memory of present can be of something absent, the past. The second section addresses recent work by historians by reopening the question of the nature and truth of historical knowledge. Ricoeur explores whether historians, who can write a history of memory, can truly break with all dependence on memory, including memories that resist representation. The third and final section is a profound meditation on the necessity of forgetting as a condition for the possibility of remembering, and whether there can be something like happy forgetting in parallel to happy memory. Throughout the book there are careful and close readings of the texts of Aristotle and Plato, of Descartes and Kant, and of Halbwachs and Pierre Nora. A momentous achievement in the career of one of the most significant philosophers of our age, Memory, History, Forgetting provides the crucial link between Ricoeur's Time and Narrative and Oneself as Another and his recent reflections on ethics and the problems of responsibility and representation.“His success in revealing the internal relations between recalling and forgetting, and how this dynamic becomes problematic in light of events once present but now past, will inspire academic dialogue and response but also holds great appeal to educated general readers in search of both method for and insight from considering the ethical ramifications of modern events. . . . It is indeed a master work, not only in Ricoeur’s own vita but also in contemporary European philosophy.”—Library Journal “Ricoeur writes the best kind of philosophy—critical, economical, and clear.”— New York Times Book Review

The Memory Illusion: Remembering, Forgetting, and the Science of False Memory

by Dr Julia Shaw

THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER'Truly fascinating.' Steve Wright, BBC Radio 2- Have you ever forgotten the name of someone you’ve met dozens of times?- Or discovered that your memory of an important event was completely different from everyone else’s?- Or vividly recalled being in a particular place at a particular time, only to discover later that you couldn’t possibly have been?We rely on our memories every day of our lives. They make us who we are. And yet the truth is, they are far from being the accurate record of the past we like to think they are. In The Memory Illusion, forensic psychologist and memory expert Dr Julia Shaw draws on the latest research to show why our memories so often play tricks on us – and how, if we understand their fallibility, we can actually improve their accuracy. The result is an exploration of our minds that both fascinating and unnerving, and that will make you question how much you can ever truly know about yourself. Think you have a good memory? Think again.'A spryly paced, fun, sometimes frightening exploration of how we remember – and why everyone remembers things that never truly happened.' Pacific Standard

Memory Lane: The Perfectly Imperfect Ways We Remember

by null Ciara Greene null Gillian Murphy

An illuminating look at the adaptive nature of our memories—and how their flexibility and fallibility help us survive and thriveWe tend to think of our memories as impressions of the past that remain fully intact, preserved somewhere inside our brains. In fact, we construct and reconstruct our memories every time we attempt to recall them. Memory Lane introduces readers to the cutting-edge science of human memory, revealing how our recollections of the past are constantly adapting and changing, and why a faulty memory isn&’t always a bad thing.Shedding light on what memory is and what it evolved to do, Ciara Greene and Gillian Murphy discuss the many benefits of our flexible yet fallible memory system, including helping us to maintain a coherent identity, sustain social bonds, and vividly imagine possible futures. But these flexible and easily distorted memories can also result in significant harm, leading us to provide erroneous eyewitness testimony or fall victim to fake news. Greene and Murphy explain why our flawed memories are not a failure of evolution but rather a byproduct of the perfectly imperfect way our minds have evolved to solve problems. They also grapple with important ethical questions surrounding the study and manipulation of memory.Blending engaging storytelling with the latest science, the authors demonstrate how our continuous reconstruction of the past makes us who we are, helps us to interpret our experiences, and explains why no two trips down memory lane are ever quite the same.

The Memory of Forgotten Things

by Kat Zhang

In the tradition of The Thing About Jellyfish and When You Reach Me, acclaimed author Kat Zhang offers a luminous and heartbreaking novel about a girl who is convinced that an upcoming solar eclipse will bring back her dead mother. <P><P>One of the happiest memories twelve-year-old Sophia Wallace has is of her tenth birthday. Her mother made her a cake that year—and not a cake from a boxed-mix, but from scratch. She remembers the way the frosting tasted, the way the pink sugar roses dissolved on her tongue. This memory, and a scant few others like it, is all Sophia has of her mother, so she keeps them close. She keeps them secret, too. Because as paltry as these memories are, she shouldn’t have them at all. The truth is, Sophia Wallace’s mother died when she was six years old. But that isn’t how she remembers it. Not always. Sophia has never told anyone about her unusual memories—snapshots of a past that never happened. But everything changes when Sophia’s seventh grade English class gets an assignment to research solar eclipses. She becomes convinced that the upcoming solar eclipse will grant her the opportunity to make her alternate life come true, to enter a world where her mother never died. <P><P>With the help of two misfit boys, she must figure out a way to bring her mother back to her—before the opportunity is lost forever.

Memory Rehabilitation

by Barbara Wilson

From a well-known authority, this comprehensive yet accessible book shows how state-of-the-art research can be applied to help people with nonprogressive memory disorders improve their functioning and quality of life. Barbara Wilson describes a broad range of interventions, including compensatory aids, learning strategies, and techniques for managing associated anxiety and stress. She reviews the evidence base for each clinical strategy or tool and offers expert guidance on how to assess patients, set treatment goals, develop individualized rehabilitation programs, and conduct memory groups. The book also provides essential background knowledge on the nature and causes of memory impairment.

The Memory Sessions

by Suzanne Farrell Smith

Suzanne Farrell Smith’s father was killed by a drunk driver when she was six, and a devastating fire nearly destroyed her house when she was eight. She remembers those two—and only those two—events from her first nearly twelve years of life. While her three older sisters hold on to rich and rewarding memories of their father, Smith recalls nothing of him. Her entire childhood was, seemingly, erased. In The Memory Sessions, Smith attempts to excavate lost childhood memories. She puts herself through multiple therapies and exercises, including psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, somatic experiencing, and acupuncture. She digs for clues in her mother’s long-stored boxes. She creates—with objects, photographs, and captions—a physical timeline to compensate for the one that’s missing in her memory. She travels to San Diego, where her family vacationed with her father right before he died. She researches, interviews, and meditates, all while facing down the two traumatic memories that defined her early life. The result is an experimental memoir that upends our understanding of the genre. Rather than recount a childhood, The Memory Sessions attempts to create one from research, archives, imagination, and the memories of others. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.

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