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The Nature of Temporal (t > 0) Science: A Physically Realizable Principle

by Francis T.S. Yu

The author has shown that practically all our laws, principles, and theories are not physically realizable, since they were derived from an empty space paradigm. From which this book is started with the origin of our temporal (t > 0) universe, it shows that temporal subspace is a physically realizable space within our universe. As in contrasted with generally accepted paradigm where time is an independent variable. From which the author has shown that it is not how rigorous mathematics is, but it is the temporal (t > 0) space paradigm determines the physically realizable solution. Although Einstein’s relativity and Schrödinger's principle had revolutionized the modern science, this book has shown that both theory and principle are physically non-realizable since they were developed from an empty space paradigm. One of the most important contribution of this book must be the revolutionary idea of our temporal (t > 0) space, for which the author has shown that absolute certainty exists only at the present (t = 0) moment. Where past-time information has no physical substance and future-time represents a physically realizable yet uncertainty. From which the author has shown that all the existent laws, principles, and theories were based on past-time certainties to predict the future, but science is supposed to be approximated. The author has also shown that this is precisely our theoretical science was developed. But time independent laws and principles are not existed within our temporal universe, in view of the author’s temporal exclusive principle. By which the author has noted that timeless science has already created a worldwide conspiracy for examples such as superposition principle, qubit information, relativity theory, wormhole travelling and many others. This book has also shown that Heisenberg’s uncertainty is an observational principle independent with time, yet within our universe everything changes with time. In this book the author has also noted that micro space behaviors the same as macro space regardless of the particle size. Finally, one of interesting feature is that, that big bang creation was ignited by a self-induced gravitational force instead by time as commonly believed. Nevertheless, everything has a price to pay; a section of time ∆t and an amount of energy ∆E and it is not free. The author has also shown that time is the only variable that cannot be changed. Although we can squeeze a section of time ∆t as small as we wish but we can never able to squeeze ∆t to zero even we have all the needed energy. Nevertheless, this revolutionary book closer to the truth is highly recommended to every scientist and engineer, otherwise we will forever be trapped within the timeless fantasyland of science. This book is intended for cosmologists, particle physicists, astrophysicists, quantum physicists, computer scientists, optical scientists, communication engineers, professors, and students as a reference or a research-oriented book.

The Nature of the Beast: How Emotions Guide Us

by David J. Anderson

A pioneering neuroscientist offers a new way of understanding how emotions drive behaviorDoes your dog get sad when you leave for the day? Does your cat purr because she loves you? Do bears attack when they&’re angry? You can&’t very well ask them. In fact, scientists haven&’t been able to reach a consensus on whether animals even have emotions like humans do, let alone how to study them. Yet studies of animal emotion are critical for understanding human emotion and mental illness. In The Nature of the Beast, pioneering neuroscientist David J. Anderson describes a new approach to solving this problem. He and his colleagues have figured out how to study the brain activity of animals as they navigate real-life scenarios, like fleeing a predator or competing for a mate. His research has revolutionized what we know about animal fear and aggression. Here, he explains what studying emotions and related internal brain states in animals can teach us about human behavior, offering new insights into why isolation makes us more aggressive, how sex and violence connect, and whether there&’s a link between aggression and mental illness. Full of fascinating stories, The Nature of the Beast reconceptualizes how the brain regulates emotions–and explains why we have them at all.

The Nature of the Beast: The first genetic evidence on the survival of apemen, yeti, bigfoot and other mysterious creatures into modern times

by Bryan Sykes

Professor Bryan Sykes, the world's leading expert on human genetics, set a goal to locate and analyse as many DNA samples as possible with links to the yeti. In doing so, he found himself entering a strange world of mystery and sensationalism, fraud and obsession and even the supernatural. Protected by the ruthless vigour of genetic analysis he was able to listen to the stories of the yeti without having to form an opinion. The only opinion that mattered was the DNA.Three hair samples from the miogi, the Bhutanese yeti are the cause of the investigation. The hairs did not surrender their secrets easily, but eventually two were identified as known species of bear. The third remained a mystery. One of the many theories to account for the yeti legend is that there were small groups of Neanderthals that had managed to survive until recent times. If so, would it be possible to detect recent interbreeding between our own species and Neanderthals in the genomes of indigenous people living in remote regions? Professor Sykes has made some surprising and significant discoveries. Discoveries that could change our understanding of human origins.

The Nature of the Beast: The first genetic evidence on the survival of apemen, yeti, bigfoot and other mysterious creatures into modern times

by Bryan Sykes

Professor Bryan Sykes, the world's leading expert on human genetics, set a goal to locate and analyse as many DNA samples as possible with links to the yeti. In doing so, he found himself entering a strange world of mystery and sensationalism, fraud and obsession and even the supernatural. Protected by the ruthless vigour of genetic analysis he was able to listen to the stories of the yeti without having to form an opinion. The only opinion that mattered was the DNA.Three hair samples from the miogi, the Bhutanese yeti are the cause of the investigation. The hairs did not surrender their secrets easily, but eventually two were identified as known species of bear. The third remained a mystery. One of the many theories to account for the yeti legend is that there were small groups of Neanderthals that had managed to survive until recent times. If so, would it be possible to detect recent interbreeding between our own species and Neanderthals in the genomes of indigenous people living in remote regions? Professor Sykes has made some surprising and significant discoveries. Discoveries that could change our understanding of human origins.

The Nature of the Economy: Aristotelian Essays on the Philosophy and Epistemology of Economics

by Ricardo F. Crespo

This book explores the deep meaning—the nature or essence—of the economy and its fundamental components. As a monograph on the philosophy of the economy and economics, it deduces the metaphysical nature of these two, going step by step from more general to more specific realities to finally arrive at the adequate features of the economic sciences and their methods. It builds on a largely Aristotelian approach, but also draws extensively from modern scholarship in the area. Usefully and pertinently, the book covers both general aspects of the economy and particular historically specific features. Among the important topics covered in the book are the meanings of the economy, the nature and role of economic agents, the nature of the macroeconomy, the nature and role of money, and so on. The book concludes with chapters on the nature of economics itself and its methodologies.

The Nature of the Future: Agriculture, Science, and Capitalism in the Antebellum North

by Emily Pawley

The nostalgic mist surrounding farms can make it hard to write their history, encrusting them with stereotypical rural virtues and unrealistically separating them from markets, capitalism, and urban influences. The Nature of the Future aims to remake this staid vision. Emily Pawley examines a place and period of enormous agricultural vitality—antebellum New York State—and follows thousands of “improving agriculturists,” part of the largest, most diverse, and most active scientific community in nineteenth-century America. Pawley shows that these improvers practiced a kind of science hard for contemporary readers to recognize, in which profit was not only a goal but also the underlying purpose of the natural world. Far from producing a more rational vision of nature, northern farmers practiced a form of science where conflicting visions of the future landscape appeared and evaporated in quick succession. Drawing from environmental history, US history and the history of science, and extensively mining a wealth of antebellum agricultural publications, The Nature of the Future uncovers the rich loam hiding beneath ostensibly infertile scholarly terrain, revealing a surprising area of agricultural experimentation that transformed American landscapes and American ideas of expertise, success, and exploitation.

The Nature of the Mechanical Bond: From Molecules to Machines

by Carson J. Bruns J. Fraser Stoddart

"The story is told by THE inventor-pioneer-master in the field and is accompanied by amazing illustrations... [it] will become an absolute reference and a best seller in chemistry!" Alberto Credi "... the great opus on the mechanical bond. A most impressive undertaking!" Jean-Marie Lehn Congratulations to co-author J. Fraser Stoddart, a 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. In molecules, the mechanical bond is not shared between atoms--it is a bond that arises when molecular entities become entangled in space. Just as supermolecules are held together by supramolecular interactions, mechanomolecules, such as catenanes and rotaxanes, are maintained by mechanical bonds. This emergent bond endows mechanomolecules with a whole suite of novel properties relating to both form and function. They hold unlimited promise for countless applications, ranging from their presence in molecular devices and electronics to their involvement in remarkably advanced functional materials. The Nature of the Mechanical Bond is a comprehensive review of much of the contemporary literature on the mechanical bond, accessible to newcomers and veterans alike. Topics covered include: Supramolecular, covalent, and statistical approaches to the formation of entanglements that underpin mechanical bonds in molecules and macromolecules Kinetically and thermodynamically controlled strategies for synthesizing mechanomolecules Chemical topology, molecular architectures, polymers, crystals, and materials with mechanical bonds The stereochemistry of the mechanical bond (mechanostereochemistry), including the novel types of dynamic and static isomerism and chirality that emerge in mechanomolecules Artificial molecular switches and machines based on the large-amplitude translational and rotational motions expressed by suitably designed catenanes and rotaxanes. This contemporary and highly interdisciplinary field is summarized in a visually appealing, image-driven format, with more than 800 illustrations covering both fundamental and applied research. The Nature of the Mechanical Bond is a must-read for everyone, from students to experienced researchers, with an interest in chemistry's latest and most non-canonical bond.Read the Preface

The Nature of Things

by Lucretius

Lucretius' poem On the Nature of Things combines a scientific and philosophical treatise with some of the greatest poetry ever written. With intense moral fervour he demonstrates to humanity that in death there is nothing to fear since the soul is mortal, and the world and everything in it is governed by the mechanical laws of nature and not by gods; and that by believing this men can live in peace of mind and happiness. He bases this on the atomic theory expounded by the Greek philosopher Epicurus, and continues with an examination of sensation, sex, cosmology, meteorology, and geology, all of these subjects made more attractive by the poetry with which he illustrates them.

The Nature of Time

by J. Woods Halley

This book reviews and contrasts contemporary and historical perceptions of time from scientific and intuitive human points of view. Ancient and modern clocks, Augustinian ideas, the deterministic Newtonian universe, biological clocks, deep time, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and relativity all contribute to the perspective. The focus is on what can be inferred from established technologies and science as opposed to futuristic speculation. Chapter 1 describes clocks, including the cesium atomic clocks establishing the current global time standard, a history of clock development, biological clocks, phylogenetic trees, radioactive dating, and astronomical methods to determine the age of the universe. Chapter 2 poses ancient questions about time not fully addressed by an understanding of the technical nature of clocks. An early summary of some of these questions as described by Augustine in the 3rd century CE is followed by a description of how Newton, 1300 years later, introduced a conception of time which provided some answers, such as the nature of an infinitesimally short present. Implications concerning the reality of events in the past, present, and future are also discussed. The Newtonian picture is contrasted with the intuitive human one and the possibilities of time travel and temporal recurrence are briefly discussed. Chapter 3 introduces the second law of thermodynamics and addresses how it is compatible with a time-reversible Newtonian description of a universe, even though it appears to define an "arrow of time." The nature of entropy and its relation to coarse graining and emergence play a central role in the discussion. Chapter 4 discusses ways in which quantum mechanics has altered the Newtonian perspective, accounting for various interpretations of the meaning of quantum mechanics with regard to time. Chapter 5 describes basic elements of special relativity and their implications for the nature of time. Examples of time dilation and the changing order of space, such as separated events in different frames, are described. The examples are chosen to avoid evocation of currently unattainable technologies. An afterword in chapter 6 reviews questions raised by Augustine and summarizes how the development of science since then has addressed them. This book was originally developed for an interdisciplinary seminar for beginning undergraduates at the University of Minnesota. It uses a small amount of algebra, mainly in supplementary appendices, and does not assume any prior knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, or astronomy. In contrast to many semipopular books on time, it avoids speculation either about engineering (techno-optimism) or physical theory (strings, loop quantum gravity, black hole entropy). Instead, it takes a more grounded approach and describes what is currently known (and not known) to help both students and the general reader make better sense of time.

The Nature of Ultralong C–C Bonds (Springer Theses)

by Takuya Shimajiri

This book focuses on the creation and demonstration of a carbon–carbon (C–C) single bond beyond 1.8 Å and on elucidation of its unique nature. C–C single bond is one of the most fundamental concepts in organic chemistry. The elucidation of its nature is important for further understanding chemical phenomena. The nature in the extreme state of C–C single bond is still unexplored because of the instability of compounds. In terms of its bond length, the limit had been predicted around 1.8 Å based on the experimental and theoretical studies. This book describes a first example of a C–C single bond beyond 1.8 Å by employing the original intramolecular core-shell strategy to make a weak and elongated bond stable enough. The presence of such an elongated bond was demonstrated by experimental and theoretical studies. The bond length changes could affect physical properties such as optical absorption and redox potential. Furthermore, its unique "flexibility" was discovered. This book benefits the chemists with deeper understanding of the covalent bonding.

The Nature of Visual Illusion

by Mark Fineman

Fascinating, profusely illustrated study explores the psychology and physiology of vision, including light and color, motion receptors, the illusion of movement, much more. Over 100 illustrations.

The Nature of X-Rays and Their Interactions with Matter (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics #288)

by Joachim Stöhr

This book gives a comprehensive account of modern x-ray science, based on the use of synchrotron radiation and x-ray-free electron lasers (XFELs). It emphasizes the new capabilities of XFELs which extend the study of matter to the intrinsic timescales associated with the motion of atoms and chemical transformations and give birth to the new field of non-linear x-ray science. Starting with the historical understanding of the puzzling nature of light, it covers the modern description of the creation, properties, and detection of x-rays within quantum optics. It then presents the formulation of the interactions of x-rays with atomic matter, both, from semi-classical and first-principles quantum points of view. The fundamental x-ray processes and techniques, absorption, emission, Thomson, and resonant scattering (REXS and RIXS) are reviewed with emphasis on simple intuitive pictures that are illustrated by experimental results. Concepts of x-ray imaging and diffractive imaging of atomic and nano structures are discussed, and the quantum optics formulation of diffraction is presented that reveals the remarkable quantum substructure of light. The unique power of x-rays in providing atom and chemical-bond specific information and separating charge and spin phenomena through x-ray polarization (dichroism) effects are highlighted. The book concludes with the discussion of many-photon or non-linear x-ray phenomena encountered with XFELs, such as stimulated emission and x-ray transparency.

Nature Out of Place: Biological Invasions In The Global Age

by Jason Van Driesche Roy Van Driesche

Though the forests are still green and the lakes full of water, an unending stream of invasions is changing many ecosystems around the world from productive, tightly integrated webs of native species to loose assemblages of stressed native species and aggressive invaders. The earth is becoming what author David Quammen has called a "planet of weeds." Nature Out of Place brings this devastating but overlooked crisis to the forefront of public consciousness by offering a fascinating exploration of its causes and consequences, along with a thoughtful and practical consideration of what can be done about it. The father and son team of Jason and Roy Van Driesche offer a unique combination of narratives that highlight specific locations and problems along with comprehensive explanations of the underlying scientific and policy issues.Chapters examine Hawaii, where introduced feral pigs are destroying the islands' native forests; zebra mussel invasion in the rivers of Ohio; the decades-long effort to eradicate an invasive weed on the Great Plains; and a story about the restoration of both ecological and human history in an urban natural area. In-depth background chapters explain topics ranging from how ecosystems become diverse, to the characteristics of effective invaders, to procedures and policies that can help prevent future invasions. The book ends with a number of specific suggestions for ways that individuals can help reduce the impacts of invasive species, and offers resources for further information.By bringing the problem of invasive species to life for readers at all levels, Nature Out of Place will play an essential role in the vital effort to raise public awareness of this ongoing ecological crisis.

Nature Play Workshop for Families: A Guide to 40+ Outdoor Learning Experiences in All Seasons (Workshop For Kids Ser.)

by Monica Wiedel-Lubinski Karen Madigan

National Outdoor Book Award Winner: A fun, practical guide to outdoor play that sparks a connection to nature vital to children’s healthy development.Today children and families are often plugged into electronics and disconnected from direct experiences in nature. This beautifully photographed resource offers tangible approaches to nature-based learning and play for children. Parents and teachers can discover the benefits of outdoor learning and simple ways to facilitate unplugged nature connection in every season.Inspired by nature preschools, forest kindergartens, and forest school models the world over, this guide also includes “Voices from the Field” with advice from experienced nature-based educators. Balancing nature play experiences with hands-on projects using natural materials, it’s an ideal jumping off point for immersive nature play. Examples include: Wildlife observation and trackingNature sounds, songs, and poetryGardening and cooking with wild ediblesPrintmaking, charcoal drawing, dyeing, and shadow playJournaling inspired by nature“Voices from the Field” includes more ideas and tips contributed by leading educators, including:Sally Anderson, Sol Forest School, Tijeras, New Mexico * Yash Bhagwanji, Florida Atlantic University * Lauren Brown, Asheville Farmstead School * Peter Dargatz, Woodside Elementary School, Sussex, Wisconsin * Monica French, Wild Haven Forest Preschool and Childcare, Baltimore, Maryland * Patricia Leon, Miami Nature Playschool * Sheila William Ridge, Shirley G. Moore Lab School, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota * Beth Savitz, Irvine Nature Center, Owings Mills, Maryland * Maria Soboleski, New Mexico School for the Deaf * Paige Vonder Haar, Bunnell House Early Childhood Lab School, Fairbanks, Alaska * Susie Wirth, Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Foundation

Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens

by David Sobel Patti Bailie Ann Stires Ken Finch Erin Kenny

Environmental education expert David Sobel joins with a variety of colleagues to share their experiences and steps for creating a successful forest kindergarten program. Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens walks you through the European roots of the concept to the recent resurgence of these kinds of programs in North America.Going well beyond a history lesson, these experts provide the framework to understand the concepts and build a learning community that stimulates curiosity and inquisitiveness in a natural environment. This helpful guide provides the curriculum, ideas, and guidance needed to foster special gifts in children. It also gives you the nuts and bolts of running a successful nature preschool business, such as potential obstacles, staff and curriculum design, best practices for success, site and facility management, and business planning.Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens provides the mentorship and guidance to become a leader in nature-based education.David Sobel has spent the last twenty-five years working in the field of child development, place-based education, and parenting with nature. He currently serves as senior faculty in the education department at Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire. His expertise and passion have led him to authoring seven books and being identified as one of the "gurus and rock stars of environmental education" by Teacher magazine.

Nature Remade: Engineering Life, Envisioning Worlds (Convening Science: Discovery at the Marine Biological Laboratory)

by Christian C. Young

“Engineering” has firmly taken root in the entangled bank of biology even as proposals to remake the living world have sent tendrils in every direction, and at every scale. Nature Remade explores these complex prospects from a resolutely historical approach, tracing cases across the decades of the long twentieth century. These essays span the many levels at which life has been engineered: molecule, cell, organism, population, ecosystem, and planet. From the cloning of agricultural crops and the artificial feeding of silkworms to biomimicry, genetic engineering, and terraforming, Nature Remade affirms the centrality of engineering in its various forms for understanding and imagining modern life. Organized around three themes—control and reproduction, knowing as making, and envisioning—the chapters in Nature Remade chart different means, scales, and consequences of intervening and reimagining nature.

Nature Remade: Engineering Life, Envisioning Worlds (Convening Science: Discovery at the Marine Biological Laboratory)

by Christian C. Young

“Engineering” has firmly taken root in the entangled bank of biology even as proposals to remake the living world have sent tendrils in every direction, and at every scale. Nature Remade explores these complex prospects from a resolutely historical approach, tracing cases across the decades of the long twentieth century. These essays span the many levels at which life has been engineered: molecule, cell, organism, population, ecosystem, and planet. From the cloning of agricultural crops and the artificial feeding of silkworms to biomimicry, genetic engineering, and terraforming, Nature Remade affirms the centrality of engineering in its various forms for understanding and imagining modern life. Organized around three themes—control and reproduction, knowing as making, and envisioning—the chapters in Nature Remade chart different means, scales, and consequences of intervening and reimagining nature.

Nature Remade: Engineering Life, Envisioning Worlds (Convening Science: Discovery at the Marine Biological Laboratory)

by Christian C. Young

“Engineering” has firmly taken root in the entangled bank of biology even as proposals to remake the living world have sent tendrils in every direction, and at every scale. Nature Remade explores these complex prospects from a resolutely historical approach, tracing cases across the decades of the long twentieth century. These essays span the many levels at which life has been engineered: molecule, cell, organism, population, ecosystem, and planet. From the cloning of agricultural crops and the artificial feeding of silkworms to biomimicry, genetic engineering, and terraforming, Nature Remade affirms the centrality of engineering in its various forms for understanding and imagining modern life. Organized around three themes—control and reproduction, knowing as making, and envisioning—the chapters in Nature Remade chart different means, scales, and consequences of intervening and reimagining nature.

Nature Speaks: Medieval Literature and Aristotelian Philosophy (The Middle Ages Series)

by Kellie Robertson

What does it mean to speak for nature? Contemporary environmental critics warn that giving a voice to nonhuman nature reduces it to a mere echo of our own needs and desires; they caution that it is a perverse form of anthropocentrism. And yet nature's voice proved a powerful and durable ethical tool for premodern writers, many of whom used it to explore what it meant to be an embodied creature or to ask whether human experience is independent of the natural world in which it is forged.The history of the late medieval period can be retold as the story of how nature gained an authoritative voice only to lose it again at the onset of modernity. This distinctive voice, Kellie Robertson argues, emerged from a novel historical confluence of physics and fiction-writing. Natural philosophers and poets shared a language for talking about physical inclination, the inherent desire to pursue the good that was found in all things living and nonliving. Moreover, both natural philosophers and poets believed that representing the visible world was a problem of morality rather than mere description. Based on readings of academic commentaries and scientific treatises as well as popular allegorical poetry, Nature Speaks contends that controversy over Aristotle's natural philosophy gave birth to a philosophical poetics that sought to understand the extent to which the human will was necessarily determined by the same forces that shaped the rest of the material world.Modern disciplinary divisions have largely discouraged shared imaginative responses to this problem among the contemporary sciences and humanities. Robertson demonstrates that this earlier worldview can offer an alternative model of human-nonhuman complementarity, one premised neither on compulsory human exceptionalism nor on the simple reduction of one category to the other. Most important, Nature Speaks assesses what is gained and what is lost when nature's voice goes silent.

Nature Strange and Beautiful: How Living Beings Evolved and Made the Earth a Home

by Egbert Leigh Christian Ziegler

A beautifully written exploration of how cooperation shaped life on earth, from its single-celled beginnings to complex human societiesIn this rich, wide-ranging, beautifully illustrated volume, Egbert Leigh explores the results of billions of years of evolution at work. Leigh, who has spent five decades on Panama&’s Barro Colorado Island reflecting on the organization of various amazingly diverse tropical ecosystems, now shows how selection on &“selfish genes&” gives rise to complex modes of cooperation and interdependence.With the help of such artists as the celebrated nature photographer Christian Ziegler, natural history illustrator Deborah Miriam Kaspari, and Damond Kyllo, Leigh explains basic concepts of evolutionary biology, ranging from life&’s single-celled beginnings to the complex societies humans have formed today. The book covers a range of topics, focusing on adaptation, competition, mutualism, heredity, natural selection, sexual selection, genetics, and language. Leigh&’s reflections on evolution, competition, and cooperation show how the natural world becomes even more beautiful when viewed in the light of evolution.

The Nature-Study Idea: And Related Writings (The Liberty Hyde Bailey Library)

by Liberty Hyde Bailey

In The Nature-Study Idea, Liberty Hyde Bailey articulated the essence of a social movement, led by ordinary public-school teachers, that lifted education out of the classroom and placed it into firsthand contact with the natural world. The aim was simple but revolutionary: sympathy with nature to increase the joy of living and foster stewardship of the earth.With this definitive edition, John Linstrom reintroduces The Nature-Study Idea as an environmental classic for our time. It provides historical context through a wealth of related writings, and introductory essays relate Bailey's vision to current work in education and the intersection of climate change and culture. In this period of planetary turmoil, Bailey's ambition to cultivate wonder (in adults as well as children) and lead readers back into the natural world is more important than ever.

Nature through Time: Virtual field trips through the Nature of the past (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Edoardo Martinetto Emanuel Tschopp Robert A. Gastaldo

This book simulates a historical walk through nature, teaching readers about the biodiversity on Earth in various eras with a focus on past terrestrial environments. Geared towards a student audience, using simple terms and avoiding long complex explanations, the book discusses the plants and animals that lived on land, the evolution of natural systems, and how these biological systems changed over time in geological and paleontological contexts. With easy-to-understand and scientifically accurate and up-to-date information, readers will be guided through major biological events from the Earth's past. The topics in the book represent a broad paleoenvironmental spectrum of interests and educational modules, allowing for virtual visits to rich geological times. Eras and events that are discussed include, but are not limited to, the much varied Quaternary environments, the evolution of plants and animals during the Cenozoic, the rise of angiosperms, vertebrate evolution and ecosystems in the Mesozoic, the Permian mass extinction, the late Paleozoic glaciation, and the origin of the first trees and land plants in the Devonian-Ordovician. With state-of-the art expert scientific instruction on these topics and up-to-date and scientifically accurate illustrations, this book can serve as an international course for students, teachers, and other interested individuals.

Nature Underfoot: Living with Beetles, Crabgrass, Fruit Flies, and Other Tiny Life Around Us

by John Hainze

An informed and heartfelt tribute to commonly unappreciated plants, insects, and other tiny creatures that reconsiders humanity&’s relationship to nature Fruit flies, silverfish, dandelions, and crabgrass are the bane of many people and the target of numerous chemical and physical eradication efforts. In this compelling reassessment of the relationship between humans and the natural world, John Hainze—an entomologist and former pesticide developer—considers the fascinating and bizarre history of how these so-called invasive or unwanted pests and weeds have coevolved with humanity and highlights the benefits of a greater respect and moral consideration toward these organisms. With deep insight into the lives of the underappreciated and often reviled creatures that surround us, Hainze&’s accessible and engaging natural history draws on ethics, religion, and philosophy as he passionately argues that creepy crawlies and unwanted plants deserve both empathy and accommodation as partners dwelling with us on earth.

A Nature Walk: Independent Reading Yellow 3 Non-fiction (Reading Champion #515)

by Katie Woolley

This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE)Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.

Naturerleben und Reflexion: Eine qualitative Untersuchung zur Erforschung von Naturerfahrungen Jugendlicher im schulischen Kontext

by Katharina Früchtnicht

Katharina Früchtnicht untersucht auf Grundlage von Kleingruppendiskussionen mit Jugendlichen die Bedeutung von Natur und Erlebnissen in der Natur, die Jugendliche diesen beimessen. Zudem wird eine auf Reflexion abzielende Versprachlichung von Erlebnissen in der Natur sowie deren Bedeutung für die Erfahrungsprozesse der Jugendlichen analysiert. Für eine theoretische Klärung des Begriffs ‚Naturerfahrung‘ und der Schärfung eines Reflexionsverständnisses bezieht sich die Arbeit auf den Erfahrungsbegriff von John Dewey sowie auf den didaktischen Ansatz der Alltagsphantasien. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen der Analyse plädiert die Arbeit für eine pädagogische Praxis, die den Jugendlichen in ihrem Erleben in der Natur ein hohes Maß an Freiheit und Selbstbestimmtheit ermöglicht und gleichzeitig angeleitete Reflexionsanlässe bietet.

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