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Showing 47,851 through 47,875 of 75,788 results

Nature's Wealth

by Pieter J. H. van Beukering Elissaios Papyrakis Jetske Bouma Roy Brouwer Pieter J. H. van Beukering Elissaios Papyrakis Jetske Bouma

Increasing pressure from economic development and population growth has resulted in the degradation of ecosystems around the world and the loss of the essential services that they provide. Understanding the linkages between ecosystem service provisioning and human well-being is crucial for the establishment of effective environmental and economic development policy. Presenting new insights into the relationship between ecosystem services and livelihoods in developing countries, this book takes up the challenge of assessing these links to demonstrate their importance in policy development. It pays special attention to innovative management opportunities that improve local livelihoods and alleviate poverty while enhancing ecosystem protection. Based on eighteen studies in more than twenty developing countries, the authors explore the role of biodiversity-, marine-, forest-, water- and land-related ecosystem services, making this an invaluable contribution to research on the role of ecosystems in supporting the livelihoods of the poor around the world.

Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith (Living Theology)

by Daniel M. Harrell Tony Jones

People of faith insist that God is the God of the world around us. Yet scientific evidence supporting evolution seems to offer an explanation of reality different from the biblical one. In light of this apparent conflict, some choose either to deny the scientific data or separate science and faith from each other, giving the appearance that faith is disconnected from reality. Others accommodate faith to science, but run the risk of watering down faith such that faith "fills in the blanks" left by science. Against these options, Daniel Harrell asserts that the evidence for evolution accurately describes the world we see, but insists that this description does not adequately serve as an explanation for the world. Rather than seeing science and faith as diametrically opposed, Harrell suggests that evolutionary data actually opens the door for deeper theological reflection on God's creation. Writing out of a pastoral concern for those struggling to negotiate faith and evolution, Harrell argues that being reliable witnesses to creation helps people of faith be reliable witnesses to its creator. Whether they are pastors wondering how to talk about these issues with their congregations, or students asking whether their biology classes make their faith irrelevant, Harrell's readers are winsomely led on a journey of exploration in which a robust biblical faith can be held along with affirmation of the scientific data for evolution.

Nature's Wonderland: Animals and Plants from the US and Canada

by DK

Go on a thrilling adventure and discover the amazing natural landmarks and diverse wildlife of Canada and the USA. There&’s nowhere on Earth like North America… From scorching deserts to frozen tundra, dense rainforests to coral reefs—this continent has it all! In this captivating nature book, children can take a tour of the most amazing environments across Canada and the US, the two biggest countries in North America.Children aged 7-9 can learn all about incredible natural features like Niagara Falls — and find out which North American waterfall is actually higher! Get to know the unique animals that live only in southern Florida. Find out which species can survive in Death Valley, the hottest place in the world. Full of amazing photographs and charming illustrations, this fascinating nature book is your ultimate guide to the amazing natural wonders, wildlife, and environments of Canada and the USA.This educational book for wildlife lovers features:- More than 200 entries on incredible natural landmarks, plants, and animals from across the USA and Canada- Beautiful illustrations, stunning photography, and engaging text are combined to make dynamic, scrapbook-style collage pages- Chapters each split into broad regions such as western USA, with pages that focus on significant sub-regions within the area, such as the Pacific Northwest and the Rocky Mountain- 30 feature pages that go into detail on key natural features across the regionNature&’s Wonderland is the perfect book for children who are fascinated by nature and curious about North America&’s habitats! With engaging information and absorbing photography, this book is perfect for children to explore by themselves or with an equally curious adult.

Natürliche und künstliche Intelligenz: Ein kritischer Vergleich

by Gerhard Roth Lukas Tuggener Fabian Christoph Roth

Dieses Sachbuch fasst die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der natürlichen und künstlichen Intelligenzsysteme zusammen und analysiert ihre Leistungen in einem kritischen Vergleich. Fachkenntnisse sind keine Voraussetzung. Nach einer Einführung in die Intelligenzforschung folgt die Beschreibung menschlicher und tierischer Intelligenz und deren neurobiologischen Grundlagen. Dieser natürlichen Intelligenz wird im Anschluss die künstliche Intelligenz gegenübergestellt, wobei die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und die Entwicklung hin zu heutigen KI-Systemen betrachtet werden. Dies beinhaltet auch die wichtige Frage, inwiefern KI-Systeme vom Gehirn und dessen Arbeitsweisen lernen können und ob durch das „Nachbauen“ von Nervenzellenverbünden mit den sogenannten neuromorphen Chips vergleichbare Leistungen erreichbar sind oder sein werden. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der kritischen Betrachtung und Einordnung der Fähigkeiten von KI-Systemen in Hinblick auf Denken und Handeln als eine selbstständige Entscheidungsinstanz. Letzteres wirft Fragen hinsichtlich moralischer Entscheidungen und des möglichen Kontrollverlusts über solche Systeme auf, die zurzeit nicht abschließend beantwortet werden können

Naturnaher Wasserbau: Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Fließgewässern

by Heinz Patt

Der Autor stellt die wichtigsten Grundlagen für die Planung und Durchführung naturnaher Maßnahmen an Fließgewässern dar. Dabei behandelt er Technik und Ökologie als gleichwertige Partner. Hinweise zur aktuellen rechtlichen Situation, zum Planungsablauf sowie neue Aspekte der Gewässerunterhaltung sind ebenso enthalten wie hydrologische, hydraulische und sedimentologische Grundlagen. Die 4. Auflage berücksichtigt die Neufassungen zahlreicher Gesetze, u. a. des Bundesnaturschutzgesetzes, sowie das seit April 2010 gültige Wasserhaushaltsgesetz.

Naturnaher Wasserbau: Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Fließgewässern

by Heinz Patt

Dieses Fachbuch wurde im Hinblick auf die Neufassungen zahlreicher Umweltgesetze aktualisiert. Zu nennen ist insbesondere die Änderung des Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (WHG). Des Weiteren ist der Stand der Arbeiten im Rahmen der Umsetzung der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie fortgeschrieben. Hierbei sind die Erfahrungen mit den Maßnahmenprogrammen dargestellt. Insgesamt wird ein geschlossenes Bild für Planung und Durchführung naturnaher Maßnahmen an unseren Fließgewässern vorgestellt. Umfassende Hinweise zur aktuellen rechtlichen Situation, zum Planungsablauf und auf neue Aspekte bei der Gewässerunterhaltung sind ebenso enthalten wie hydrologische, hydraulische und sedimentologische Grundlagen. Technik und Ökologie sind in diesem Werk über den naturnahen Wasserbau gleichwertige Partner. Es wendet sich in fachübergreifender Blickweise an die in Wasserwirtschafts- und Naturschutzverwaltungen sowie in Planungsbüros tätigen Ingenieure, Landespfleger und Biologen sowie an alle, die für Ausbau und Unterhaltung von Fließgewässern zuständig oder daran interessiert sind.

Naturnaher Wasserbau

by Heinz Patt Peter Jürging Werner Kraus

Der Autor stellt die wichtigsten Grundlagen für die Planung und Durchführung naturnaher Maßnahmen an Fließgewässern dar. Dabei behandelt er Technik und Ökologie als gleichwertige Partner. Hinweise zur aktuellen rechtlichen Situation, zum Planungsablauf sowie neue Aspekte der Gewässerunterhaltung sind ebenso enthalten wie hydrologische, hydraulische und sedimentologische Grundlagen. Die 4. Auflage berücksichtigt die Neufassungen zahlreicher Gesetze, u. a. des Bundesnaturschutzgesetzes, sowie das seit April 2010 gültige Wasserhaushaltsgesetz.

Naturschutz: Eine kritische Einführung

by Klaus-Dieter Hupke

In Naturschutzgebieten geschieht vieles, das auf den ersten Blick widersprüchlich ist. So werden beim Pflegeeinsatz Blumenwiesen abgemäht, wo doch alle dort wachsenden Pflanzen unter Naturschutz stehen. An anderer Stelle werden im Flachmoor geschützte Schilfbestände abgebrannt oder in einem Dünenschutzgebiet die oberste Bodenschicht mit Planierraupen abgetragen. Wiederum andere Flächen sollen völlig unberührt von menschlichen Eingriffen bleiben. Der Autor Klaus-Dieter Hupke zeigt die verschiedenen Strategien von Naturschutz auf. Er zeigt auch, dass Naturschutz zumeist gerade das nicht ist, was der Begriff im Kern aussagt: „Schutz der Natur“. In Mitteleuropa handelt es sich bei Naturschutzgebieten im Gegenteil überwiegend um die Relikte alter Agrar- und damit Kulturlandschaften. Oftmals stehen auch ästhetische Aspekte eines Landschaftsausschnitts bei der Ausweisung als Naturdenkmal oder Naturschutzgebiet im Vordergrund. Darüber hinaus läuft der Naturschutz Gefahr, zur Ersatzhandlung und zum Alibi für eine in Mitteleuropa wie global immer noch wachsende Zerstörung traditioneller und naturnaher Landschaftssysteme zu werden.Die aktualisierte zweite Auflage bezieht die Folgen des Klimawandels für den Naturschutz nun explizit ein und hat auch an einigen Stellen für die entsprechenden Leser einen stärkeren Bezug auf Österreich sowie auf den zentralalpinen Raum eingearbeitet.

Naturstoffe und Biochemie: Ein Überblick für Chemiker und Biotechnologen (essentials)

by Fabian Ebner Linda Anna Michelle Gehre Claudia Tallian

Dieses essential gibt einen kompakten #65533;berblick #65533;ber die chemischen Grundlagen der Naturstoffe und Biochemie. Es werden ausgew#65533;hlte Stoffklassen mit ihren biologischen und chemischen Funktionen sowie deren Reaktionen und Synthese diskutiert. Die Schwerpunkte liegen hierbei auf den wichtigsten Biomolek#65533;len wie den Kohlenhydraten, den Aminos#65533;uren, den Lipiden, den Terpenen und den Farbstoffen.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 6

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 7

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Natuurwetenskappe Graad 8

by Siyavula

A South African textbook.

Naval Analytical Capabilities: Improving Capabilities-based Planning

by National Research Council of the National Academies

The National Academies Press (NAP)--publisher for the National Academies--publishes more than 200 books a year offering the most authoritative views, definitive information, and groundbreaking recommendations on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Our books are unique in that they are authored by the nation's leading experts in every scientific field.

Naval Expeditionary Logistics: Enabling Operational Maneuver From the Sea

by National Research Council

Information on Naval Expeditionary Logistics

Naval Forces' Capability For Theater Missile Defense

by National Academy of Science National Academy of Enegineering Institute of Medicien

A report on the Naval Forces' Capability For Theater Missile Defense

Naval Forces' Defense Capabilities Against Chemical and Biological Warfare Threats

by Committee for an Assessment of Naval Forces' Defense Capabilities Against Chemical Biological Warfare Threats

This book reviews a draft report from the federal government that assesses the effects of oxygenated gasoline on public health, air quality, fuel economy, engine performance, and water quality. In addition to evaluating the scientific basis of the report, the book identifies research needed to better understand the impacts of oxygenated fuels. Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), which is intended to reduce carbon monoxide pollution during winter, is the most commonly used additive in the federal oxygenated fuels program. MTBE has been implicated in complaints by the public of headaches, coughs, and nausea. Other questions have been raised about reduced fuel economy and engine performance and pollution of ground water due to the use of MTBE in gasoline. The book provides conclusions and recommendations about each major topic addressed in the government's report.

Naval Mine Warfare: Operational and Technical Challenges for Naval Forces

by Committee for Mine Warfare Assessment

A report on the Operational and Technical Challenges for Naval Forces

Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations

by Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian

This research monograph deals with a modeling theory of the system of Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations for a Newtonian fluid governing a compressible viscous and heat conducting flows. The main objective is threefold. First , to 'deconstruct' this Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in order to unify the puzzle of the various partial simplified approximate models used in Newtonian Classical Fluid Dynamics and this, first facet, have obviously a challenging approach and a very important pedagogic impact on the university education. The second facet of the main objective is to outline a rational consistent asymptotic/mathematical theory of the of fluid flows modeling on the basis of a typical Navier-Stokes-Fourier initial and boundary value problem. The third facet is devoted to an illustration of our rational asymptotic/mathematical modeling theory for various technological and geophysical stiff problems from: aerodynamics, thermal and thermocapillary convections and also meteofluid dynamics.

The Navier-Stokes Problem in the 21st Century

by Pierre Gilles Lemarie-Rieusset

Praise for the first edition “The author is an outstanding expert in harmonic analysis who has made important contributions. The book contains rigorous proofs of a number of the latest results in the field. I strongly recommend the book to postgraduate students and researchers working on challenging problems of harmonic analysis and mathematical theory of Navier-Stokes equations." —Gregory Seregin, St Hildas College, Oxford University “"This is a great book on the mathematical aspects of the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. It covers many important topics and recent results and gives the reader a very good idea about where the theory stands at present.” —Vladimir Sverak, University of Minnesota The complete resolution of the Navier–Stokes equation—one of the Clay Millennium Prize Problems—remains an important open challenge in partial differential equations (PDEs) research despite substantial studies on turbulence and three-dimensional fluids. The Navier–Stokes Problem in the 21st Century, Second Edition continues to provide a self-contained guide to the role of harmonic analysis in the PDEs of fluid mechanics, now revised to include fresh examples, theorems, results, and references that have become relevant since the first edition published in 2016.

Navier-Stokes Turbulence: Theory and Analysis

by Wolfgang Kollmann

The book serves as a core text for graduate courses in advanced fluid mechanics and applied science. It consists of two parts. The first provides an introduction and general theory of fully developed turbulence, where treatment of turbulence is based on the linear functional equation derived by E. Hopf governing the characteristic functional that determines the statistical properties of a turbulent flow. In this section, Professor Kollmann explains how the theory is built on divergence free Schauder bases for the phase space of the turbulent flow and the space of argument vector fields for the characteristic functional. Subsequent chapters are devoted to mapping methods, homogeneous turbulence based upon the hypotheses of Kolmogorov and Onsager, intermittency, structural features of turbulent shear flows and their recognition.

Navier-Stokes Turbulence: Theory and Analysis

by Wolfgang Kollmann

This updated/augmented second edition retains it class-tested content and pedagogy as a core text for graduate courses in advanced fluid mechanics and applied science. The new edition adds revised sections, clarification, problems, and chapter extensions including a rewritten section on Schauder bases for turbulent pipe flow, coverage of Cantwell’s mixing length closure for turbulent pipe flow, and a section on the variational Hessian. Consisting of two parts, the first provides an introduction and general theory of fully developed turbulence, where treatment of turbulence is based on the linear functional equation derived by E. Hopf governing the characteristic functional that determines the statistical properties of a turbulent flow. In this section, Professor Kollmann explains how the theory is built on divergence free Schauder bases for the phase space of the turbulent flow and the space of argument vector fields for the characteristic functional. The second segment, presented over subsequent chapters, is devoted to mapping methods, homogeneous turbulence based upon the hypotheses of Kolmogorov and Onsager, intermittency, structural features of turbulent shear flows and their recognition.

Navies in the 21st Century

by Conrad Waters

&“A range of naval experts . . . build[s] a diverse and deeply-thought out picture of where maritime warfare is now and where it is likely to go.&”—Army Rumour Service What is the purpose of navies in the modern world, and what types of warship does this require? This book tackles these questions by looking at naval developments, both technological and operational, in the quarter century since the end of the Cold War. It provides the overall political and economic context, assesses significant naval operations from the first Gulf War to Russia&’s annexation of Crimea, reviews changes in the objectives and composition of the principal fleets, describes major design developments amongst the main warship types, and examines wider technological and operational developments, including naval aviation, shipbuilding and manning. &“A high quality publication with a great many superb photographs. For those wishing to keep fully informed on world naval affairs, it is excellent value and strongly recommended.&”—Scuttlebutt &“This new book follows the successful approach and format of the very popular naval annual Seaforth&’s World Naval Review. Under the same editor, a new team of specialists have been assembled to write authoritative articles in their particular fields of expertise. The absorbing text is fully supported by many outstanding images—Most Recommended.&”—Firetrench &“Provides a most useful contextual analysis of the post-Cold War period, explaining how technological developments and a range of world events have variously shaped the fleets of today.&”—Warship

Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide For Phd Students, Postdocs, And New Faculty (Special Publications #74)

by Jeffrey J. McDonnell

Demystifies the academic career path with practical advice With the number of people being awarded PhDs growing far more rapidly than the supply of academic jobs, those at an early-career stage must think strategically in order to be competitive and successful. Navigating an Academic Career: A Brief Guide for PhD students, Post docs, and New Faculty is a concise and conversational manual that guides readers through starting their academic journey, surviving the demands of their first academic position, and thriving in academia and beyond. Volume highlights include: Firsthand perspective on the characteristics of a successful academic Guidance on interviewing, negotiating, branding, and other essential soft skills Tips for effective time management and writing high-impact research papers Insights into developing leadership skills and mentoring others The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.

Navigating Complexity: Understanding Human Responses to Multifaceted Disasters

by Yibin Ao Homa Bahmani

This thought-provoking book unravels the intricate interplay between human behavior and disasters, weaving a rich narrative that transcends traditional boundaries. Embark on a captivating exploration of human responses to multifaceted disasters with this book. Unveiling the human psyche and the intricate web of emotions that intertwine with disaster events, this book offers a profound understanding of human responses to multifaceted disasters.Written with precision and meticulous research, this book captivates scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike. Its multidimensional perspectives offer valuable insights for disaster management, urban planning, sociology, and public health, transcending disciplinary boundaries.

Navigating Elementary Science Teaching and Learning: Cases of Classroom Practices and Dilemmas (Springer Texts in Education)

by Sophia Jeong Lynn A. Bryan Deborah J. Tippins Chelsea M. Sexton

This book is a resource for both prospective and practicing elementary teachers as they learn to teach science in ways which foster the development of a community of science learners with multiple perspectives and diverse approaches to problem solving. It includes cases that feature dilemmas embedded in rich narrative stories which characterize the lives of teachers of science, and by extension their students, and serve as tools for discussion, critique, and reflective practice. The introduction to the book explores changing contexts for elementary science teaching and learning, and describes how case-based pedagogy can be used as a tool for both instruction and research. Each subsequent section of the book includes cases that are organized around topics such as contemporary approaches to teaching elementary science, new roles for technology, and the creation of inclusive learning environments for all students in elementary science. Each case is followed by reflective commentaries and concludes with questions for reflection and discussion. Teachers will benefit from these cases as they explore the complexities and ambiguities of elementary science teaching and learning in today’s classrooms.

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