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The Pasteurization of France

by Bruno Latour

What can one man accomplish, even a great man and brilliant scientist? Although every town in France has a street named for Louis Pasteur, was he alone able to stop people from spitting, persuade them to dig drains, influence them to undergo vaccination? Pasteur’s success depended upon a whole network of forces, including the public hygiene movement, the medical profession (both military physicians and private practitioners), and colonial interests. It is the operation of these forces, in combination with the talent of Pasteur, that Bruno Latour sets before us as a prime example of science in action. Latour argues that the triumph of the biologist and his methodology must be understood within the particular historical convergence of competing social forces and conflicting interests. Yet Pasteur was not the only scientist working on the relationships of microbes and disease. How was he able to galvanize the other forces to support his own research? Latour shows Pasteur’s efforts to win over the French public—the farmers, industrialists, politicians, and much of the scientific establishment. Instead of reducing science to a given social environment, Latour tries to show the simultaneous building of a society and its scientific facts. The first section of the book, which retells the story of Pasteur, is a vivid description of an approach to science whose theoretical implications go far beyond a particular case study. In the second part of the book, “Irreductions,” Latour sets out his notion of the dynamics of conflict and interaction, of the “relation of forces.” Latour’s method of analysis cuts across and through the boundaries of the established disciplines of sociology, history, and the philosophy of science, to reveal how it is possible not to make the distinction between reason and force. Instead of leading to sociological reductionism, this method leads to an unexpected irreductionism.

Pastures of Change: Contemporary Adaptations And Transformations Among Nomadic Pastoralists Of Eastern Tibet (Studies In Human Ecology And Adaptation Ser. #10)

by Gillian G. Tan

This book offers a novel examination of socio-environmental change in a nomadic pastoralist area of the eastern Tibetan plateau. Drawing on long-term fieldwork that underscores an ethnography of local nomadic pastoralists, international development organisations, and Chinese government policies, the book argues that careful analysis and comparison of the different epistemologies and norms about "change" are vital to any critical appraisal of developments - often contested - on the grasslands of Eastern Tibet.Tibetan nomads have developed a way of life that is dependent in multiple ways on their animals and shaped by the phenomenological experience of mobility. These pastoralists have adapted to many changes in their social, political and environmental contexts over time. From the earliest historically recorded systems of segmentary lineage to the incorporation first into local fiefdoms and then into the Chinese state (of both Nationalist and Communist governments), Tibetan pastoralists have maintained their way of life, complemented by interactions with "the outside world".Rapid changes brought about by an intensification of interactions with the outside world call into question the sustained viability of a nomadic way of life, particularly as pastoralists themselves sell their herds and settle into towns. This book probes how we can more clearly understand these changes by looking specifically at one particular area of high-altitude grasslands in the Tibetan Plateau.

Patch-Clamp Methods and Protocols

by James J. Hickman Peter Molnar

Patch Clamp Methods and Protocols surveys the typical patch clamp applications and advises scientists on identifying problems and selecting the best technique in each instance. The experiments described aid the researcher in pursuing new areas of electrophysiology and using the patch clamp technique effectively. The volume includes an extensive theoretical treatise concerning single channel kinetic analysis.


by Fabian C. Roth Markus Numberger Andreas Draguhn

Die Patch-Clamp-Technik ist heute eine der wichtigsten neurophysiologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Ihre Anwendung hat in der biomedizinischen Grundlagenforschung bedeutende Erkenntnisse über die Funktion und die Eigenschaften von Ionenkanälen erbracht, und auch aus der angewandten pharmakologischen Forschung ist sie in­zwischen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Klar und praxisbezogen vermitteln die Autoren die wesentlichen Informationen, um die Methode im Labor einzuführen und erfolgreich anzuwenden. Das Buch erläutert die theoretischen Grundlagen der Messung, den detaillierten Aufbau eines Messplatzes und die praktische Durchführung typischer Messkonfigurationen. Konkrete Tipps und Tricks helfen beim „Trouble-Shooting“ und sind nicht nur für Neuanwender eine unverzichtbare Hilfe.

Patch Clamp Techniques

by Yasunobu Okada

Channels and transporters are multi-functional proteins that mediate substrate transport and signal transmission and simultaneously act as regulators for other proteins and biosensors for environmental materials. Patch clamping is an epoch-making technique that allows researchers to perform real-time measurements of electrogenic channel/transporter functions at the single/multiple molecular level. This book describes not only the conventional patch clamp techniques but also their newly developed variations or applications, such as perforated patch, slice patch, blind patch, in vivo patch, imaging patch, smart patch, and automated patch clamping. These patch clamp techniques are now essential and are extensively used across the life sciences and in related industries. With plain and practical descriptions of patch clamping and how to carry it out, especially for beginners, the book also shows how widely and exquisitely the patch clamp techniques can be applied by expert electrophysiologists. This work serves as a useful guide for young researchers and students in training and laboratory courses as well as for senior researchers who wish to extend their repertoire of techniques.

Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis

by Elizabeth A. Arendt Stefano Zaffagnini David Dejour

Despite numerous studies, a lack of consensus still exists over many aspects of patellofemoral pain, instability, and arthritis. This book adopts an evidence-based approach to assess each of these topics in depth. The book reviews general features of clinical examination and global evaluation techniques including the use of different imaging methods, e.g. x-rays, CT, MRI, stress x-rays, and bone scan. Various conservative and surgical treatment approaches for each of the three presentations - pain, instability, and arthritis - are then explained and assessed. Postoperative management and options in the event of failed surgery are also evaluated. Throughout, careful attention is paid to the literature in an attempt to establish the level of evidence for the efficacy of each imaging and treatment method. It is hoped that this book will serve as an informative guide for the practitioner when confronted with disorders of the patellofemoral joint.

Patellofemoral Pain, Instability, and Arthritis: Clinical Presentation, Imaging, and Treatment

by David Dejour Stefano Zaffagnini Elizabeth A. Arendt Petri Sillanpää Florian Dirisamer

This excellently illustrated book adopts an evidence-based approach to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques for the imaging and treatment of patellofemoral pain, instability, and arthritis. The aim is to equip practitioners with an informative guide that will help them to manage disorders of the patellofemoral joint by casting light on the many issues on which a consensus has been lacking. The opening chapters supply essential background information and explain the role of various imaging modalities, including radiography, CT, MRI, and bone scan. The various conservative and surgical treatment approaches for each of the three presentations – pain, instability, and arthritis – are then described and assessed in depth, with precise guidance on indications and technique. Postoperative management and options in the event of failed surgery are also evaluated. Throughout, careful attention is paid to the literature in an attempt to establish the level of evidence for each imaging and treatment method. The new edition has been thoroughly updated, with inclusion of additional chapters, in order to present the latest knowledge on biomechanics, diagnosis, surgical techniques, and rehabilitation.

Patent Engineering: A Guide to Building a Valuable Patent Portfolio and Controlling the Marketplace

by Donald S. Rimai

Patents are a vital asset in the modern business world. They allow patent holders to introduce new products in to a market while deterring other market players from simply copying innovative features without making comparable investments in research and development. In years past, a few patents may have provided adequate protection. That is no longer the case. In today's world, it is critical that innovative companies protect the features of their products that give them a competitive advantage with a family or portfolio of patents that are strategically generated to protect the market position of the patent holder. A patent portfolio that deters competitors from introducing competitive products in a timely manner can be worth billions of dollars. Anything less than this is an expensive and possibly fatal distraction. This book provides a strategic framework for cost efficient engineering of patent portfolios that protect your investments in research and development and that extend the market advantages that these investments provide.

Patent Law and Women: Tackling Gender Bias in Knowledge Governance

by Jessica C. Lai

This book analyses the gendered nature of patent law and the knowledge governance system it supports. The vast majority of patented inventions are attributed to male inventors. While this has resulted in arguments that there are not enough women working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, this book maintains that the issue lies with the very nature of patent law and how it governs knowledge. The reason why fewer women patent than men is that patent law and the knowledge governance system it supports are gendered. This book deconstructs patent law to reveal the multiple gendered binaries it embodies, and how these in turn reflect gendered understandings of what constitutes science and an invention, and a scientist and an inventor. Revealing the inherent biases of the patent system, as well as its reliance on an idea of the public domain, the book argues that an egalitarian knowledge governance system must go beyond socialised binaries to better govern knowledge creation, dissemination and maintenance. This book will appeal to scholars and policymakers in the field of patent law, as well as those in law and other disciplines with interests in law, gender and technology.

Patent Law for Computer Scientists

by Jörg Machek Daniel Closa Alex Gardiner Falk Giemsa

Patent laws are different in many countries, and inventors are sometimes at a loss to understand which basic requirements should be satisfied if an invention is to be granted a patent. This is particularly true for inventions implemented on a computer. While roughly a third of all applications (and granted patents) relate, in one way or another, to a computer, applications where the innovation mainly resides in software or in a business method are treated differently by the major patent offices in the US (USPTO), Japan (JPO), and Europe (EPO). The authors start with a thorough introduction into patent laws and practices, as well as in related intellectual property rights, which also explains the procedures at the USPTO, JPO and EPO and, in particular, the peculiarities in the treatment of applications centering on software or computers. Based on this theoretical description, next they present in a very structured way a huge set of case studies from different areas like business methods, databases, graphical user interfaces, digital rights management, and many more. Each set starts with a rather short description and claim of the "invention", then explains the arguments a legal examiner will probably have, and eventually refines the description step by step, until all the reservations are resolved. All of these case studies are based on real-world examples, and will thus give an inexperienced developer an idea about the required level of detail and description he will have to provide. Together, Closa, Gardiner, Giemsa and Machek have more than 70 years experience in the patent business. With their academic background in physics, electronic engineering, and computer science, they know about both the legal and the subject-based subtleties of computer-based inventions. With this book, they provide a guide to a patent examiner's way of thinking in a clear and systematic manner, helping to prepare the first steps towards a successful patent application.

Patent Politics: Life Forms, Markets, and the Public Interest in the United States and Europe

by Shobita Parthasarathy

Over the past thirty years, the world’s patent systems have experienced pressure from civil society like never before. From farmers to patient advocates, new voices are arguing that patents impact public health, economic inequality, morality—and democracy. These challenges, to domains that we usually consider technical and legal, may seem surprising. But in Patent Politics, Shobita Parthasarathy argues that patent systems have always been deeply political and social. To demonstrate this, Parthasarathy takes readers through a particularly fierce and prolonged set of controversies over patents on life forms linked to important advances in biology and agriculture and potentially life-saving medicines. Comparing battles over patents on animals, human embryonic stem cells, human genes, and plants in the United States and Europe, she shows how political culture, ideology, and history shape patent system politics. Clashes over whose voices and which values matter in the patent system, as well as what counts as knowledge and whose expertise is important, look quite different in these two places. And through these debates, the United States and Europe are developing very different approaches to patent and innovation governance. Not just the first comprehensive look at the controversies swirling around biotechnology patents, Patent Politics is also the first in-depth analysis of the political underpinnings and implications of modern patent systems, and provides a timely analysis of how we can reform these systems around the world to maximize the public interest.

A Patent System For The 21st Century

by National Research Council of the National Academies

The U.S. patent system is in an accelerating race with human ingenuity and investments in innovation. In many respects the system has responded with admirable flexibility, but the strain of continual technological change and the greater importance ascribed to patents in a knowledge economy are exposing weaknesses including questionable patent quality, rising transaction costs, impediments to the dissemination of information through patents, and international inconsistencies. A panel including a mix of legal expertise, economists, technologists, and university and corporate officials recommends significant changes in the way the patent system operates. A Patent System for the 21st Century urges creation of a mechanism for post-grant challenges to newly issued patents, reinvigoration of the non-obviousness standard to quality for a patent, strengthening of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, simplified and less costly litigation, harmonization of the U.S., European, and Japanese examination process, and protection of some research from patent infringement liability.

The Patentability of Software: Software as Mathematics (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property)

by Anton Hughes

This book explores the question of whether software should be patented. It analyses the ways in which the courts of the US, the EU, and Australia have attempted to deal with the problems surrounding the patentability of software and describes why it is that the software patent issue should be dealt with as a patentable subject matter issue, rather than as an issue of novelty or nonobviousness. Anton Hughes demonstrates that the current approach has failed and that a fresh approach to the software patent problem is needed. The book goes on to argue against the patentability of software based on its close relationship to mathematics. Drawing on historical and philosophical accounts of mathematics in pursuit of a better understanding of its nature and focusing the debate on the conditions necessary for mathematical advancement, the author puts forward an analytical framework centred around the concept of the useful arts. This analysis both explains mathematics’, and therefore software’s, nonpatentability and offers a theory of patentable subject matter consistent with Australian, American, and European patent law.

The Patentability of Synthetic Biology Inventions: New Technology, Same Patentability Issues?

by Ilaria de Lisa

This book addresses Synthetic Biology (SynBio), a new and promising biotechnology that has attracted much interest from both a scientific and a policy perspective. Yet, questions concerning the patentability of SynBio inventions have not been examined in detail so far; as a result, it remains unclear whether these inventions are patentable on the basis of current norms and case law. The book addresses this question, focusing especially on the subject matter’s eligibility and moral criteria. It provides an overview of the legislation and decisions applicable to SynBio patents and examines this new technology in view of the ongoing debate over the patentability of biotechnologies in general. The legal analysis is complemented by the practical examination of several patent applications submitted to the European and US patent offices (EPO and USPTO), and by an assessment of the patent issues that are likely to be raised by future SynBio developments.

Patente in der Praxis: Einführung für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler im ersten Umgang mit technischen Schutzrechten

by Stefan Basler

Patente und Gebrauchsmuster sind unverzichtbare Instrumente in der täglichen Arbeit von Ingenieuren und Naturwissenschaftlern. Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle beim Schutz technischer Innovationen und veröffentlichen technisches Wissen.Dieses Buch gibt einen Einblick in die spannende Welt der technischen Schutzrechte. Nach einer kurzen Einführung erklärt es dem Leser die Struktur von Patentschriften. Dies befähigt ihn diese zielgerichtet zu lesen und in kurzer Zeit zu bewerten. Weiterführende Themen richten sich an Personen die zusätzliches Wissen im Patentwesen erwerben möchten, um z.B. in einer Fachabteilung oder einem Unternehmen ohne Patentabteilung weiterführende Aufgaben zu übernehmen oder um schutzrechtsbezogene Entscheidungen treffen zu können.

Patente, Marken, Design von A bis Z

by Volker Münch

Patentrecht, Markenrecht und Designschutz bilden einen Bereich, der standigem Wandel unterworfen ist. Selbst fur Spezialisten ist es zur Herausforderung geworden, Rechte und Forschungsergebnisse zu schutzen in einem internationalen Umfeld, das taglich komplexer wird. Basierend auf dem 1991 erschienenen erfolgreichen Werk "Patentbegriffe von A bis Z" und erganzt um ein dreisprachiges Fachwortverzeichnis, fuhrt das hoch vernetzte Glossar durch den Dschungel der Begrifflichkeiten und berucksichtigt dabei alle aktuellen rechtlichen Anderungen wie: - einheitliche Marken fur die EU - Auswirkung von EU-Richtlinien auf nationale Patentsysteme - EPU ab Dezember 2007 - weltweite Harmonisierung des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (TRIPS-Abkommen) inklusive Asien unter besonderer Berucksichtigung Japans - Anderung des US-Patentrechts - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede des Rechts in verschiedenen Landern Mit eingangigen Beispielen und kompetenten Erklarungen werden Begriffe erlautert, mit denen Erfinder und Patentanmelder am haufigsten konfrontiert werden. Tabellen und Formulare im Anhang geben dem Leser einen Uberblick uber den typischen Lebenslauf einer Anmeldung und helfen ihm, das Zahlen- und Begriffswerk auf den Deckblattern von Patentschriften zu verstehen. Den Umgang mit den entscheidenden Begriffen im nationalen und internationalen Umfeld klart ein Verzeichnis von Fachbegriffen in deutscher, englischer und franzosischer Sprache. Ein absolutes Muss beim Studium der internationalen Literatur - fur Wissenschaftler, Erfinder, Patentanwalte, Dokumentations- und Recherchespezialisten, Ubersetzer, Dolmetscher sowie Studenten und Berufsanfanger auf dem Gebiet des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes. Mit diesem Buch werden sich Erfinder leicht tun, ihr Patent anzumelden. Kunststoffe Das Buch ist sicher nicht nur Spezialisten zu empfehlen - gerade Studenten und Berufsanfangern durfte es eine gro?e Hilfe sein. Kunststoff-Journal Eine wesentliche Hilfestellung fur potentielle Patentanmelder, was das Werk uber ein reines Worterbuch hinaushebt und tatsachlich sowohl fur Ubersetzer und Dokumentalisten als auch fur Fachleute ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel darstellt. TermNet - Jornal of the International Network for Terminology

Patentism Replacing Capitalism: A Prediction from Logical Economics

by Samuel Meng

Based on economic knowledge and logical reasoning, this book proposes a solution to economic recessions and offers a route for societal change to end capitalism. The author starts with a brief review of the history of economics, and then questions and rejects the trend of recent decades that has seen econometrics replace economic theory. By reviewing the different schools of economic thought and by examining the limitations of existing theories to business cycles and economic growth, the author forms a new theory to explain cyclic economic growth. According to this theory, economic recessions result from innovation scarcity, which in turn results from the flawed design of the patent system. The author suggests a new design for the patent system and envisions that the new design would bring about large economic and societal changes. Under this new patent system, the synergy of the patent and capital markets would ensure that economic recessions could be avoided and that the economy would grow at the highest speed.

Patentrecht für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften: Eine kompakte Einführung in die Grundlagen

by Gernot Krobath

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen kompakten Einstieg in das Patentrecht für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften. Es präsentiert das wesentliche Grundwissen zum deutschen und europäischen Patentrecht. Dabei vertieft sich das Buch bewusst nicht in selten auftretende Spezialfälle oder juristische Feinheiten, sondern es ermöglicht den Lesern, ein Grundverständnis für die zentralen Begriffe und Grundprinzipien des Patentrechts zu entwickeln. Das Lehrbuch enthält zahlreiche Kurzbeispiele und Fallfragen mit Lösungen, anhand derer der Leser die Inhalte verstehen und nachvollziehen kann.

Patents and Innovation in China and Hong Kong: Two Systems in One Country Compared

by Yahong Li

How do patents affect innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong? How can two patent systems operate within one country and how is innovation affected by the 'one country two systems' model? For the first time, this book links these challenging issues together and provides a comprehensive overview for government officials, law-makers, academics, law practitioners and students to understand the patent systems of Mainland China and Hong Kong. Themes examined include the interaction between the two distinctive patent regimes, the impact of patents on innovation in China's specific industries such as green tech, traditional Chinese medicines and telecommunications, the role of utility models in inflating low-quality patents and the application of good faith principle in enforcing FRAND in Mainland China, patent system reforms in Hong Kong, and the impact of these changes on innovation in the two vastly distinctive yet closely connected jurisdictions.

Paternity: The Elusive Quest for the Father

by Nara B. Milanich

For most of human history, paternity was uncertain. Blood types, fingerprinting, and, recently, DNA analysis promised to solve the riddle of paternity. But even genetic certainty did not end the quest for the father. Rather, as Nara Milanich reveals, it confirms the social, cultural, and political nature of the age-old question: Who’s your father?

Pater's Portraits: Mythic Pattern in the Fiction of Walter Pater

by Gerald Cornelius Monsman

Originally published in 1967. Monsman undertakes a comprehensive critical analysis of Walter Pater's fiction, which presents the critic with numerous causes of frustration, not the least of which is a lack of both dramatic narration and description. Pater is rarely vivid and firsthand in his fiction; he tends instead toward exposition. Monsman's emphasis in Pater's Portraits is "tracing out" the conscious artistic structure of Pater's fiction. The scope of Pater's writings comprises nothing less than Western culture itself; its subject is all that man has written, thought, said, sung, hoped, or prayed as a civilized creature over two and one-half millennia. Pater's success in handling such panoply is attributable to his discovery of a coherent pattern by which art, religion, and life can be organized. Monsman aims to discover in Pater's fiction the use of old scientific-religious patterns of myth to explain moments of religious and cultural awakening, to reveal the way in which one man arrived at a credo that would answer to the desolation of life and culture.

Path Integrals and Quantum Processes (Dover Books on Physics)

by Mark S. Swanson

This graduate-level text offers a systematic presentation of the path integral approach to calculating transition elements, partition functions, and source functionals. Topics include Grassmann variables, field and gauge field theory, perturbation theory, and nonperturbative results. Requires only some familiarity with quantum mechanics. Numerous exercises. Ideal as course supplement or for independent study. 1992 edition.

Path Integrals in Stochastic Engineering Dynamics

by Ioannis A. Kougioumtzoglou Pol D. Spanos Apostolos F. Psaros

This book organizes and explains, in a systematic and pedagogically effective manner, recent advances in path integral solution techniques with applications in stochastic engineering dynamics. It fills a gap in the literature by introducing to the engineering mechanics community, for the first time in the form of a book, the Wiener path integral as a potent uncertainty quantification tool. Since the path integral flourished within the realm of quantum mechanics and theoretical physics applications, most books on the topic have focused on the complex-valued Feynman integral with only few exceptions, which present path integrals from a stochastic processes perspective. Remarkably, there are only few papers, and no books, dedicated to path integral as a solution technique in stochastic engineering dynamics. Summarizing recently developed techniques, this volume is ideal for engineering analysts interested in further establishing path integrals as an alternative potent conceptual and computational vehicle in stochastic engineering dynamics.

The Path of Flames: Understanding and Responding to Fatal Wildfires

by Ashley Kendell Alison Galloway Colleen Milligan

The Path of Flames: Understanding and Responding to Fatal Wildfires is an edited volume covering the complexities of response and recovery issues relative to catastrophic wildfires. As wildfires become more frequent throughout the world—and the loss of life greater, especially among residents trapped in the path of the flames—it is essential that agencies in fire-prone areas understand the complexity of the response as it relates to finding and identifying the remains of those who perished. While covering wildfire dynamics, risks for vulnerable populations, and the emergency response to wildfires, this book focuses largely on the recovery of human remains within the context of the overall response to mass disasters resulting from wildfires. As such, search protocols, staffing needs, pre-event coordination and organization, and logistical support are addressed. The scientific basis for understanding how fire will affect human remains—as well as how the level of destruction can be interpreted—is also addressed. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, this volume covers forensic issues relating to the recovery of remains, forensic anthropology, DNA analysis, forensic odontology, and forensic pathology. The book also includes contributions from international wildfire response professionals looking at global best practices in wildfire response and human remains recovery. Specifically, several chapters cover the lessons learned from the devasting Camp Fire of 2018 in California that led to the deaths of 85 people. The Camp Fire burned nearly 19,000 structures and was ultimately the most destructive—and deadly—in California’s history. The Path of Flames is a one-of-a-kind reference that serves as a valuable resource for professionals working in the areas of emergency services, search and rescue, law enforcement, fire service, disaster planning and response, victim recovery and identification, and mass disaster and mass fatality response.

The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation: Technological, Socioeconomic and Political Change

by Mark Diesendorf Rod Taylor

The Path to a Sustainable Civilisation shows that we have unwittingly fallen into an existential crisis of our own making. We have allowed large corporations, the military and other vested interests to capture governments and influence public opinion excessively. We have created a god called ‘the market’ and allowed our most important decisions to be made by this imaginary entity, which is in fact a human system controlled by vested interests. The result has been the exploitation of our life support system, our planet, and most of its inhabitants, to the point of collapse. This book argues that the way out of our black hole is to build social movements to apply overwhelming pressure on government and big business, weaken the power of vested interests and strengthen democratic decision-making. This must be done simultaneously with action on the specific issues of climate, energy, natural resources and social justice, in order to transition to a truly sustainable civilisation.

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