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Showing 59,651 through 59,675 of 81,737 results

Poverty Alleviation Via Forest Carbon Sequestration: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Policy Implications (International Research on Poverty Reduction)

by Weizhong Zeng Fan Yang

This book focuses on two issues: the creation of benefits and opportunities for the poverty-stricken people and the trade-off between FCS and poverty alleviation. At the theoretical level, it explains the essential characteristics of PAFCS, analyses the impact mechanism of FCS projects in poverty alleviation, clarifies the stakeholders and their interests and demands, and delineates the dynamic mechanism of FCS projects and poverty alleviation. Based on this theoretical framework, the current situation and challenges for PAFCS in southwest China's ethnic areas are examined in depth. Project performance was quantitatively measured both for projects themselves and for community farmers. The research emphasises that FCS projects in poverty-stricken areas are not the same as PAFCS, highlights the combination of poverty alleviation theory and ecological compensation theory, and considers PAFCS as an intersection of poverty research and ecological compensation research. Additionally, theresearch suggested that FCS projects are not general poverty alleviation projects, highlights the need for full respect to be granted to the subjective will and value judgement of farmers, including poverty-stricken farmers, takes the lead in focusing on the win–win goal of combating climate change and reducing poverty, and makes a breakthrough in researching some key issues that need to be solved in the practice of PAFCS in the ethnic areas of Southwest China. This book is helpful for global scholars in the field of sustainable development, anti-poverty and forest carbon sequestration, government officials, and organisations in developing countries concerned with agricultural development, forestry economy, and sustainable development, as well as all the people around the world who want to find innovative solutions in the climate negotiations.

Poverty and the Environment: Understanding Linkages at the Household Level

by World Bank

Drawing upon recent analytical work prepared inside and outside the World Bank, this report identifies key lessons concerning the linkages between poverty and the environment. With a focus on the contribution of environmental resources to household welfare, the analysis increases our understanding of how specific reforms and interventions can have an impact on the health and livelihoods of poor people. 'Scholars and development practitioners increasingly recognize that in low-income countries there are inextricable links between poverty reduction and natural resources management. Demand has grown immensely for not only more, but better empirical evidence on those links. This volume offers a careful synthesis of key findings from growing literature on the environmental determinants of household welfare, as reflected by indicators of consumption, health, and income. The primary contribution of this study is that is has drawn out vital policy conclusions that will be of value to organizations and governments concerned about poverty and the environment in the developing world.' --Professor Christopher B. Barrett, Cornell University

Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small-Scale Fisheries

by Svein Jentoft Arne Eide

Small-scale fisheries are a major source of food and employment around the world. Yet, many small-scale fishers work in conditions that are neither safe nor secure. Millions of them are poor, and often they are socially and politically marginalized. Macro-economic and institutional mechanisms are essential to address these poverty and vulnerability problems; however, interventions at the local community level are also necessary. This requires deep understanding of what poverty means to the fishers, their families and communities; how they cope with it; and the challenges they face to increase resiliency and improve their lives for the better. This book provides a global perspective, situating small-scale fisheries within the broad academic discourse on poverty, fisheries management and development. In-depth case studies from fifteen countries in Latin America, Europe, South and Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, demonstrate the enormously complex ecological, economic, social, cultural and political contexts of this sector. Conclusions for policy-making, formulated as a joint statement by the authors, argue that fisheries development, poverty alleviation, and resource management must be integrated within a comprehensive governance approach that also looks beyond fisheries. The scientific editors, Svein Jentoft and Arne Eide, are both with the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, University of Tromsø, Norway.

Poverty Reduction Through Non-Timber Forest Products: Personal Stories (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Deepa Pullanikkatil Charlie M. Shackleton

This book narrates personal stories of people from around the world who have used natural products, in particular Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as a means to come out of poverty. Ending poverty remains a major worldwide challenge and is the number one goal under the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The book fills an important knowledge gap; that of personal stories of NTFP users. This has not been part of past publications on NTFPs which tend to focus on statistics and analysis of numbers, thus, the human faces of NTFP users are missing. Narrative stories provide a wealth of data about people and their experiences rather than aggregated classifications, categories and characteristics of poverty. The objective of this book is to illustrate the poverty alleviation potential of NTFPs through documenting the personal life stories of individuals and households that lifted themselves out of poverty through trade of NTFPs. This book is for all who are interested in poverty alleviation and NTFPs.

Powder and Bulk Solids Handling Processes: Instrumentation and Control (Chemical Industries Ser. #34)

by Koichi Iinoya

Addressing key issues in the instrumentation of powder handling processes, this up-to-date volumeserves as an excellent source of new ideas for designing on-line instruments, as well as a helpfulguide for understanding and applying measurement principles.Describing physical and chemical principles in clear, simple language, Powder and BulkSolids Handling Processes provides substantial background material that lists related industrialfields and the physical representation of powder properties . . . focuses on instrumentation,reviewing state variables in powder processes . . . discusses the sampling of particles from apowder bed or suspension flow as a basic method for evaluating powder handling processes ... andpresents incisive information on various methods and instruments used for on-line measurement ofpowder flow rate, particle concentration in suspension, level of powder in storage vessels, andmore.Complete with references, equations, illustrations, and tables, this volume is essential reading forchemical, mechanical, systems, ceramic, and civil engineers, instrumentation engineers in powderand bulk solid processes, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in chemical andmechanical engineering.

Powder Technology: Fundamentals of Particles, Powder Beds, and Particle Generation

by Hiroaki Masuda Ko Higashitani Hideto Yoshida

Drawing from the third edition of the bestselling Powder Technology Handbook, this book is focused solely on analyzing the fundamental properties and behavior of particles and particle beds. Powder Technology:Fundamentals of Particles, Powder Beds, and Particle Generation concentrates on the most useful analytical methods of o

Powder Technology: Handling and Operations, Process Instrumentation, and Working Hazards

by Hiroaki Masuda Ko Higashitani Hideto Yoshida

Drawing from the third edition of the bestselling Powder Technology Handbook, this book concentrates on handling methods and unit operations for powder and particle processing techniques. Itexamines the purpose and factors involved in each process-including planning, equipment, measurements, and other necessary considerations.This book c

Powder Technology Handbook

by Ko Higashitani Hisao Makino Shuji Matsusaka

The Fourth Edition of Powder Technology Handbook continues to serve as the comprehensive guide to powder technology and the fundamental engineering processes of particulate technology, while incorporating significant advances in the field in the decade since publication of the previous edition. The handbook offers a well-rounded perspective on powder technologies in gas and liquid phases that extends from particles and powders to powder beds and from basic problems to actual applications. This new edition features fully updated and new chapters written by a team of internationally distinguished contributors. All content has been updated and new sections added on. Powder Technology Handbook provides methodologies of powder and particle handling technology essential to scientific researchers and practical industrial engineers. It contains contemporary and comprehensive information on powder and particle handling technology that is extremely useful not only to newcomers but also to experienced engineers and researchers in the field of powder and particle science and technology.

Powdered Detergents (Surfactant Science Ser. #71)

by Michael S. Showell

Facilitating the development of important processes that yield increased detersive performance from smaller dosages, this work examines up-to-date and emerging process and chemical technologies used in the formulation of compact powdered detergents. It provides a survey of technological developments fundamental to powder compaction, such as the replacement of traditional phosphate builders and the introduction of insoluble zeolites as particle process aids.

Powders and Bulk Solids: Behavior, Characterization, Storage and Flow

by Dietmar Schulze

The book concentrates on powder flow properties, their measurement and applications. These topics are explained starting from the interactions between individual particles up to the design of silos. A wide range of problems are discussed – such as flow obstructions, segregation, and vibrations. The goal is to provide a deeper understanding of the powder flow, and to show practical solutions.

Powders and Fibers: Interfacial Science and Applications (Surfactant Science #137)

by Michel Nardin Eugène Papirer

New analytical methods have provided further insight into the structure, surface characteristics, and chemistries of increasingly small particles. However, current literature offers information on only a limited number of powders being investigated. Written by renowned scientists in the field, Powders and Fibers: Interfacial Science and Application

Powdery Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management

by Govind Singh Saharan Prabhu Dayal Meena Naresh K. Mehta

Powdery mildew disease is the fourth most widespread disease in cruciferous crops and a devastating effect, causing significant losses in terms of quality and quantity in rapeseed and mustard. Powdery mildews are also a favourable host-pathosystem model for basic research on host–parasite interactions, developmental morphology, cytology, and molecular biology to identify the effector proteins/genes governing different biological functions. This book provides a comprehensive overview of all the published information in the field for researchers, teachers, students, extension experts, industrialists and farmers, and includes illustrations, photographs, graphs, figures, tables, histograms, micrographs, electron micrographs, and flow charts to aid understanding. It also describes standardized reducible techniques. The book discusses each disease in detail, describing the distribution, symptomatology, host range, yield losses and disease assessment, as well as the taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny, variability, sporulation, survival and perpetuation of the pathogen. Further, it explores topics such as spore germination; infection; pathogenesis; disease cycle; epidemiology; forecasting; fine structures; host resistance; biochemical, histological, genetic and molecular aspects such as cloning and mapping of R genes; sources of resistance; disease resistance breeding; and the genetics of host-parasite interactions and disease management.

The Powell Doctrine and US Foreign Policy (Military Strategy and Operational Art)

by Luke Middup

The Vietnam War is one of the longest and most controversial in US history. This book seeks to explore what lessons the US military took from that conflict as to how and when it was appropriate for the United States to use the enormous military force at its disposal and how these lessons have come to influence and shape US foreign policy in subsequent decades. In particular this book will focus on the evolution of the so called ’Powell Doctrine’ and the intellectual climate that lead to it. The book will do this by examining a series of case studies from the mid-1970s to the present war in Afghanistan.

Power and Issue Framing in the Contemporary World: The Case of Climate Negotiation (Contributions to International Relations)

by M. N. Sorkar

This book puts forward a new angle of understanding the society of states in the milieu of the contemporary world. The absence of a regulatory mechanism, i.e., anarchy, has been the fundamental issue of international relations. This book explains how the normative imperatives, information and communication technology (ICT) and nuclear deterrence generated ambiance have poised the states in a society where they are bound to follow certain normative imperatives that dilute the color and meaning of anarchy and obliges the states to act in a certain way. It develops a theoretical proposition with regard to state power defined in terms of the capability of determining the outcomes. The proposition first elaborates how international institutions foster normative imperatives; then, in line with this ontology, it narrows down the focus solely on the power of the states in the contemporary world. It explains how the power that can determine the outcome today is holistic in nature, comprising both materialistic and normative factors. In the next step, it tailors the proposition in a way so as to employ it for a specific empirical work. The book does not end just positing the theoretical proposition; the proposition is testified through some case studies with regard to climate negotiations under the UNFCCC. The empirical part not only serves to examine the plausibility of the theoretical proposition, but it also presents the logic of the major actors and the politics with respect to some of the major issues of climate change, i.e., mitigation, funding policy and mechanism and adaptation. The scholars in this arena, climate activists and climate-conscious people in general would find this book worth reading as it kindles a different angle to understand the issues in the context of the contemporary world and as it elaborates the logic, framing process, and mechanism of reaching outcomes through complex negotiation process. No other work has so far analyzed the issues covering the entire period of 21 apex UNFCCC negotiations that led to the Paris Agreement. Apart from university libraries, this book, thus, has the prospect to be sold in the markets targeting the academicians, climate change experts, bureaucrats, negotiators and the common readers.

Power and Politics in Sustainable Consumption Research and Practice (Routledge-SCORAI Studies in Sustainable Consumption)

by Cindy Isenhour Mari Martiskainen Lucie Middlemiss

With growing awareness of environmental deterioration, atmospheric pollution and resource depletion, the last several decades have brought increased attention and scrutiny to global consumption levels. However, there are significant and well documented limitations associated with current efforts to encourage more sustainable consumption patterns, ranging from informational and time constraints to the highly individualizing effect of market-based participation. This volume, featuring essays solicited from experts engaged in sustainable consumption research from around the world, presents empirical and theoretical illustrations of the various means through which politics and power influence (un)sustainable consumption practices, policies and perspectives. With chapters on compelling topics including collective action, behaviour-change and the transition movement, the authors discuss why current efforts have largely failed to meet environmental targets and explore promising directions for research, policy and practice. Featuring contributions that will help the reader open up politics and power in ways that are accessible and productive and bridge the gaps with current approaches to sustainable consumption, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of sustainable consumption and the politics of sustainability.

Power Basics: Biology

by Robert Taggart

This student text focuses on one concept at a time, illustrates lessons with concrete models and examples, and provides sample practice to achieve proficiency and mastery.

The Power Brokers: The Struggle to Shape and Control the Electric Power Industry (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Jeremiah D. Lambert

How the interplay between government regulation and the private sector has shaped the electric industry, from its nineteenth-century origins to twenty-first-century market restructuring.For more than a century, the interplay between private, investor-owned electric utilities and government regulators has shaped the electric power industry in the United States. Provision of an essential service to largely dependent consumers invited government oversight and ever more sophisticated market intervention. The industry has sought to manage, co-opt, and profit from government regulation. In The Power Brokers, Jeremiah Lambert maps this complex interaction from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Lambert's narrative focuses on seven important industry players: Samuel Insull, the principal industry architect and prime mover; David Lilienthal, chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), who waged a desperate battle for market share; Don Hodel, who presided over the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) in its failed attempt to launch a multi-plant nuclear power program; Paul Joskow, the MIT economics professor who foresaw a restructured and competitive electric power industry; Enron's Ken Lay, master of political influence and market-rigging; Amory Lovins, a pioneer proponent of sustainable power; and Jim Rogers, head of Duke Energy, a giant coal-fired utility threatened by decarbonization. Lambert tells how Insull built an empire in a regulatory vacuum, and how the government entered the electricity marketplace by making cheap hydropower available through the TVA. He describes the failed overreach of the BPA, the rise of competitive electricity markets, Enron's market manipulation, Lovins's radical vision of a decentralized industry powered by renewables, and Rogers's remarkable effort to influence cap-and-trade legislation. Lambert shows how the power industry has sought to use regulatory change to preserve or secure market dominance and how rogue players have gamed imperfectly restructured electricity markets. Integrating regulation and competition in this industry has proven a difficult experiment.

Power Cable Technology

by Sushil Kumar Ganguli Vivek Kohli

Power Cable Technology provides a precise understanding of the design, manufacture, installation, and testing of a range of electric power cables—from low-voltage, 1,000/1,100V cables to extra-high-voltage, 400kV cables—with reference to future trends in the industry. The authors’ mantra is: know your cable. Thus, the book begins with a comprehensive overview of power cable design and manufacturing through the ages, and then: Describes the characteristics of the materials currently used in the production of various power cables Explains how to calculate the die orifice for drawing wires, how tolerance in manufacturing affects material weight and consumption, and how and why lubricants are used Addresses the formation, stranding, and insulation of the electrical conductors, as well as the sheathing, armouring, and protective covering of the power cables Delivers an in-depth discussion of quality systems, quality control, and performance testing Covers the many nuances of cable installation, including laying, jointing, and terminating Throughout, the authors emphasise consonance between design theory and practical application to ensure production of a quality power cable at a reasonable cost. They also underscore the importance of careful handling, making Power Cable Technology a must read for power cable engineers and technicians alike.

Power Conversion of Renewable Energy Systems

by Mohammad A.S. Masoum Ewald F. Fuchs

Power Conversion of Renewable Energy Systems presents an introduction to conventional energy conversion components and systems, as well as those related to renewable energy. This volume introduces systems first, and then in subsequent chapters describes the components of energy systems in detail. Readers will find examples of renewable and conventional energy and power systems, including energy conversion, variable-speed drives and power electronics, in addition to magnetic devices such as transformers and rotating machines. Applications of PSpice, MATLAB, and Mathematica are also included, along with solutions to over 100 application examples. Power Conversion of Renewable Energy Systems aims to instruct readers how to actively apply the theories discussed within. It would be an ideal volume for researchers, students and engineers working with energy systems and renewable energy.

Power Converters, Drives and Controls for Sustainable Operations

by S. Ganesh Kumar Marco Rivera Abarca S. K. Patnaik

POWER CONVERTERS, DRIVES AND CONTROLS FOR SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS Written and edited by a group of experts in the field, this groundbreaking reference work sets the standard for engineers, students, and professionals working with power converters, drives, and controls, offering the scientific community a way towards combating sustainable operations. The future of energy and power generation is complex. Demand is increasing, and the demand for cleaner energy and electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing with it. With this increase in demand comes an increase in the demand for power converters. Part one of this book is on switched-mode converters and deals with the need for power converters, their topologies, principles of operation, their steady-state performance, and applications. Conventional topologies like buck, boost, buck-boost converters, inverters, multilevel inverters, and derived topologies are covered in part one with their applications in fuel cells, photovoltaics (PVs), and EVs. Part two is concerned with electrical machines and converters used for EV applications. Standards for EV, charging infrastructure, and wireless charging methodologies are addressed. The last part deals with the dynamic model of the switched-mode converters. In any DC-DC converter, it is imperative to control the output voltage as desired. Such a control may be achieved in a variety of ways. While several types of control strategies are being evolved, the popular method of control is through the duty cycle of the switch at a constant switching frequency. This part of the book briefly reviews the conventional control theory and builds on the same to develop advanced techniques in the closed-loop control of switch mode power converters (SMPC), such as sliding mode control, passivity-based control, model predictive control (MPC), fuzzy logic control (FLC), and backstepping control. A standard reference work for veteran engineers, scientists, and technicians, this outstanding new volume is also a valuable introduction to new hires and students. Useful to academics, researchers, engineers, students, technicians, and other industry professionals, it is a must-have for any library.

Power Density: A Key to Understanding Energy Sources and Uses

by Vaclav Smil

The first systematic, quantitative appraisal of power density, offering detailed reviews of power densities of renewable energy flows, fossil fuels, and all common energy uses.“There's no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil.”—Bill GatesIn this book, Vaclav Smil argues that power density is a key determinant of the nature and dynamics of energy systems. Any understanding of complex energy systems must rely on quantitative measures of many fundamental variables. Power density—the rate of energy flux per unit of area—is an important but largely overlooked measure. Smil provides the first systematic, quantitative appraisal of power density, offering detailed reviews of the power densities of renewable energy flows, fossil fuels, thermal electricity generation, and all common energy uses.Smil shows that careful quantification, critical appraisals, and revealing comparisons of power densities make possible a deeper understanding of the ways we harness, convert, and use energies. Conscientious assessment of power densities, he argues, proves particularly revealing when contrasting the fossil fuel–based energy system with renewable energy conversions. Smil explains that modern civilization has evolved as a direct expression of the high power densities of fossil fuel extraction. He argues that our inevitable (and desirable) move to new energy arrangements involving conversions of lower-density renewable energy sources will require our society—currently dominated by megacities and concentrated industrial production—to undergo a profound spatial restructuring of its energy system.

Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World

by Richard Heinberg

If the US continues with its current policies, the next decades will be marked by war, economic collapse, and environmental catastrophe. Resource depletion and population pressures are about to catch up with us, and no one is prepared. The political elites, especially in the US, are incapable of dealing with the situation and have in mind a punishing game of "Last One Standing." The alternative is "Powerdown," a strategy that will require tremendous effort and economic sacrifice in order to reduce per-capita resource usage in wealthy countries, develop alternative energy sources, distribute resources more equitably, and reduce the human population humanely but systematically over time. While civil society organizations push for a mild version of this, the vast majority of the world's people are in the dark, not understanding the challenges ahead, nor the options realistically available. Powerdown speaks frankly to these dilemmas. Avoiding cynicism and despair, it begins with an overview of the likely impacts of oil and natural gas depletion and then outlines four options for industrial societies during the next decades: Last One Standing: the path of competition for remaining resources; Powerdown: the path of cooperation, conservation and sharing; Waiting for a Magic Elixir: wishful thinking, false hopes, and denial; Building Lifeboats: the path of community solidarity and preservation. Finally, the book explores how three important groups within global society-the power elites, the opposition to the elites (the antiwar and antiglobalization movements, et al: the "Other Superpower"), and ordinary people-are likely to respond to these four options. Timely, accessible and eloquent, Powerdown is crucial reading for our times. Richard Heinberg is an award-winning author of five previous books, including The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies.

Power Electronic Converters: Dynamics and Control in Conventional and Renewable Energy Applictions

by Teuvo Suntio Tuomas Messo Joonas Puukko

Filling the need for a reference that explains the behavior of power electronic converters, this book provides information currently unavailable in similar texts on power electronics. Clearly organized into four parts, the first treats the dynamics and control of conventional converters, while the second part covers the dynamics and control of DC-DC converters in renewable energy applications, including an introduction to the sources as well as the design of current-fed converters applying duality-transformation methods. The third part treats the dynamics and control of three-phase rectifiers in voltage-sourced applications, and the final part looks at the dynamics and control of three-phase inverters in renewable-energy applications. With its future-oriented perspective and advanced, first-hand knowledge, this is a prime resource for researchers and practicing engineers needing a ready reference on the design and control of power electronic converters.

Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control

by Seddik Bacha Iulian Munteanu Antoneta Iuliana Bratcu

Modern power electronic converters are involved in a very broad spectrum of applications: switched-mode power supplies, electrical-machine-motion-control, active power filters, distributed power generation, flexible AC transmission systems, renewable energy conversion systems and vehicular technology, among them. Power Electronics Converters Modeling and Control teaches the reader how to analyze and model the behavior of converters and so to improve their design and control. Dealing with a set of confirmed algorithms specifically developed for use with power converters, this text is in two parts: models and control methods. The first is a detailed exposition of the most usual power converter models: · switched and averaged models; · small/large-signal models; and · time/frequency models. The second focuses on three groups of control methods: · linear control approaches normally associated with power converters; · resonant controllers because of their significance in grid-connected applications; and · nonlinear control methods including feedback linearization, stabilizing, passivity-based, and variable-structure control. Extensive case-study illustration and end-of-chapter exercises reinforce the study material. Power Electronics Converters Modeling and Control addresses the needs of graduate students interested in power electronics, providing a balanced understanding of theoretical ideas coupled with pragmatic tools based on control engineering practice in the field. Academics teaching power electronics will find this an attractive course text and the practical points make the book useful for self tuition by engineers and other practitioners wishing to bring their knowledge up to date.

Power Electronic Packaging

by Yong Liu

Power Electronic Packaging presents an in-depth overview of power electronic packaging design, assembly,reliability and modeling. Since there is a drastic difference between IC fabrication and power electronic packaging, the book systematically introduces typical power electronic packaging design, assembly, reliability and failure analysis and material selection so readers can clearly understand each task's unique characteristics. Power electronic packaging is one of the fastest growing segments in the power electronic industry, due to the rapid growth of power integrated circuit (IC) fabrication, especially for applications like portable, consumer, home, computing and automotive electronics. This book also covers how advances in both semiconductor content and power advanced package design have helped cause advances in power device capability in recent years. The author extrapolates the most recent trends in the book's areas of focus to highlight where further improvement in materials and techniques can drive continued advancements, particularly in thermal management, usability, efficiency, reliability and overall cost of power semiconductor solutions.

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