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Showing 59,676 through 59,700 of 81,737 results

Power Electronics and Control Techniques for Maximum Energy Harvesting in Photovoltaic Systems (Industrial Electronics #11)

by Giovanni Petrone Giovanni Spagnuolo Nicola Femia Massimo Vitelli

Incentives provided by European governments have resulted in the rapid growth of the photovoltaic (PV) market. Many PV modules are now commercially available, and there are a number of power electronic systems for processing the electrical power produced by PV systems, especially for grid-connected applications. Filling a gap in the literature, Power Electronics and Control Techniques for Maximum Energy Harvesting in Photovoltaic Systems brings together research on control circuits, systems, and techniques dedicated to the maximization of the electrical power produced by a photovoltaic (PV) source. Tools to Help You Improve the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Systems The book supplies an overview of recent improvements in connecting PV systems to the grid and highlights various solutions that can be used as a starting point for further research and development. It begins with a review of methods for modeling a PV array working in uniform and mismatched conditions. The book then discusses several ways to achieve the best maximum power point tracking (MPPT) performance. A chapter focuses on MPPT efficiency, examining the design of the parameters that affect algorithm performance. The authors also address the maximization of the energy harvested in mismatched conditions, in terms of both power architecture and control algorithms, and discuss the distributed MPPT approach. The final chapter details the design of DC/DC converters, which usually perform the MPPT function, with special emphasis on their energy efficiency. Get Insights from the Experts on How to Effectively Implement MPPT Written by well-known researchers in the field of photovoltaic systems, this book tackles state-of-the-art issues related to how to extract the maximum electrical power from photovoltaic arrays under any weather condition. Featuring a wealth of examples and illustrations, it offers practical guidance for researchers and industry professionals who want to implement MPPT in photovoltaic systems.

Power Electronics for Green Energy Conversion

by Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar Nikita Gupta Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen Umashankar Subramaniam

POWER ELECTRONICS for GREEN ENERGY CONVERSION Written and edited by a team of renowned experts, this exciting new volume explores the concepts and practical applications of power electronics for green energy conversion, going into great detail with ample examples, for the engineer, scientist, or student. Power electronics has emerged as one of the most important technologies in the world and will play a big role in the conversion of the present power grid systems into smart grids. Applications like HVDC systems, FACTs devices, uninterruptible power systems, and renewable energy systems totally rely on advances in power electronic devices and control systems. Further, the need for renewable energy continues to grow, and the complete departure of fossil fuels and nuclear energy is not unrealistic thanks to power electronics. Therefore, the increasingly more important role of power electronics in the power sector industry remains paramount. This groundbreaking new volume aims to cover these topics and trends of power electronic converters, bridging the research gap on green energy conversion system architectures, controls, and protection challenges to enable their wide-scale implementation. Covering not only the concepts of all of these topics, the editors and contributors describe real-world implementation of these ideas and how they can be used for practical applications. Whether for the engineer, scientist, researcher, or student, this outstanding contribution to the science is a must-have for any library.

Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems

by Marcelo G. Simões Sudipta Chakraborty William E. Kramer

While most books approach power electronics and renewable energy as two separate subjects, Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems takes an integrative approach; discussing power electronic converters topologies, controls and integration that are specific to the renewable and distributed energy system applications. An overview of power electronic technologies is followed by the introduction of various renewable and distributed energy resources that includes photovoltaics, wind, small hydroelectric, fuel cells, microturbines and variable speed generation. Energy storage systems such as battery and fast response storage systems are discussed along with application-specific examples. After setting forth the fundamentals, the chapters focus on more complex topics such as modular power electronics, microgrids and smart grids for integrating renewable and distributed energy. Emerging topics such as advanced electric vehicles and distributed control paradigm for power system control are discussed in the last two chapters. With contributions from subject matter experts, the diagrams and detailed examples provided in each chapter make Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems a sourcebook for electrical engineers and consultants working to deploy various renewable and distributed energy systems and can serve as a comprehensive guide for the upper-level undergraduates and graduate students across the globe.

Power Engineering: Advances and Challenges Part B: Electrical Power

by Viorel Badescu George Cristian Lazaroiu Linda Barelli

Traditionally, power engineering has been a subfield of energy engineering and electrical engineering which deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and the electrical devices connected to such systems including generators, motors and transformers. Implicitly this perception is associated with the generation of power in large hydraulic, thermal and nuclear plants and distributed consumption. Faced with the climate change phenomena, humanity has had to now contend with changes in attitudes in respect of environment protection and depletion of classical energy resources. These have had consequences in the power production sector, already faced with negative public opinions on nuclear energy and favorable perception of renewable energy resources and about distributed power generation. The objective of this edited book is to review all these changes and to present solutions for future power generation. Future energy systems must factor in the changes and developments in technology like improvements of natural gas combined cycles and clean coal technologies, carbon dioxide capture and storage, advancements in nuclear reactors and hydropower, renewable energy engineering, power-to-gas conversion and fuel cells, energy crops, new energy vectors biomass-hydrogen, thermal energy storage, new storage systems diffusion, modern substations, high voltage engineering equipment and compatibility, HVDC transmission with FACTS, advanced optimization in a liberalized market environment, active grids and smart grids, power system resilience, power quality and cost of supply, plug-in electric vehicles, smart metering, control and communication technologies, new key actors as prosumers, smart cities. The emerging research will enhance the security of energy systems, safety in operation, protection of environment, improve energy efficiency, reliability and sustainability. The book reviews current literature in the advances, innovative options and solutions in power engineering. It has been written for researchers, engineers, technicians and graduate and doctorate students interested in power engineering.

Power Engineering: Advances and Challenges, Part A: Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear Power

by Viorel Badescu George Cristian Lazaroiu Linda Barelli

Faced with the climate change phenomena, humanity has had to now contend with numerous changes, including our attitude environment protection, and also with depletion of classical energy resources. These have had consequences in the power production sector, which was already struggling with negative public opinion on nuclear energy, but a favorable perception of renewable energy resources. The objective of this edited volume is to review all these changes and to present solutions for future power generation.

Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers (IEEE Press Series on Power and Energy Systems)

by Kalyan K. Sen Mey Ling Sen

Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid using SMART Power Flow Controllers Provides students and practicing engineers with the foundation required to perform studies of power system networks and mitigate unique power flow problems Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid using SMART Power Flow Controllers is a clear and accessible introduction to power flow control in complex transmission systems. Starting with basic electrical engineering concepts and theory, the authors provide step-by-step explanations of the modeling techniques of various power flow controllers (PFCs), such as the voltage regulating transformer (VRT), the phase angle regulator (PAR), and the unified power flow controller (UPFC). The textbook covers the most up-to-date advancements in the Sen transformer (ST), including various forms of two-core designs and hybrid architectures for a wide variety of applications. Beginning with an overview of the origin and development of modern power flow controllers, the authors explain each topic in straightforward engineering terms—corroborating theory with relevant mathematics. Throughout the text, easy-to-understand chapters present characteristic equations of various power flow controllers, explain modeling in the Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP), compare transformer-based and mechanically-switched PFCs, discuss grid congestion and power flow limitations, and more. This comprehensive textbook: Describes why effective Power Flow Controllers should be viewed as impedance regulators Provides computer simulation codes of the various power flow controllers in the EMTP programming language Contains numerous worked examples and data cases to clarify complex issues Includes results from the simulation study of an actual network Features models based on the real-world experiences the authors, co-inventors of first-generation FACTS controllers Written by two acknowledged leaders in the field, Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid using SMART Power Flow Controllers is an ideal textbook for graduate students in electrical engineering, and a must-read for power engineering practitioners, regulators, and researchers.

Power from Pellets

by Stefan Döring

This book provides a practical description of the technology of pellet production on the basis of renewable sources as well as the utilization of pellets. The author explains what kinds of biomass are usable in addition to wood, how to produce pellets and how to use pellets to produce energy. Starting with the basics of combustion, gasification and the pelletizing process, several different technologies are described. The design, planning, construction and economic efficiency are discussed as well. The appendix gives useful advice about plant concepts, calculations, addresses, conversion tables and formulas.

Power GaN Devices

by Matteo Meneghini Gaudenzio Meneghesso Enrico Zanoni

This book presents the first comprehensive overview of the properties and fabrication methods of GaN-based power transistors, with contributions from the most active research groups in the field. It describes how gallium nitride has emerged as an excellent material for the fabrication of power transistors; thanks to the high energy gap, high breakdown field, and saturation velocity of GaN, these devices can reach breakdown voltages beyond the kV range, and very high switching frequencies, thus being suitable for application in power conversion systems. Based on GaN, switching-mode power converters with efficiency in excess of 99% have been already demonstrated, thus clearing the way for massive adoption of GaN transistors in the power conversion market. This is expected to have important advantages at both the environmental and economic level, since power conversion losses account for 10% of global electricity consumption. The first part of the book describes the properties and advantages of gallium nitride compared to conventional semiconductor materials. The second part of the book describes the techniques used for device fabrication, and the methods for GaN-on-Silicon mass production. Specific attention is paid to the three most advanced device structures: lateral transistors, vertical power devices, and nanowire-based HEMTs. Other relevant topics covered by the book are the strategies for normally-off operation, and the problems related to device reliability. The last chapter reviews the switching characteristics of GaN HEMTs based on a systems level approach. This book is a unique reference for people working in the material, device and power electronics fields; it provides interdisciplinary information on material growth, device fabrication, reliability issues and circuit-level switching investigation.

Power Grid Operation in a Market Environment: Economic Efficiency and Risk Mitigation

by Hong Chen

Covers the latest practices, challenges and theoretical advancements in the domain of balancing economic efficiency and operation risk mitigation This book examines both system operation and market operation perspectives, focusing on the interaction between the two. It incorporates up-to-date field experiences, presents challenges, and summarizes the latest theoretic advancements to address those challenges. The book is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the fundamentals of integrated system and market operations, including market power mitigation, market efficiency evaluation, and the implications of operation practices in energy markets. The second part discusses developing technologies to strengthen the use of the grid in energy markets. System volatility and economic impact introduced by the intermittency of wind and solar generation are also addressed. The third part focuses on stochastic applications, exploring new approaches of handling uncertainty in Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) as well as the reserves needed for power system operation. The fourth part provides ongoing efforts of utilizing transmission facilities to improve market efficiency, via transmission topology control, transmission switching, transmission outage scheduling, and advanced transmission technologies. Besides the state-of-the-art review and discussion on the domain of balancing economic efficiency and operation risk mitigation, this book: Describes a new approach for mass market demand response management, and introduces new criteria to improve system performance with large scale variable generation additions Reviews mathematic models and solution methods of SCUC to help address challenges posed by increased operational uncertainties with high-penetration of renewable resources Presents a planning framework to account for the value of operational flexibility in transmission planning and to provide market mechanism for risk sharing Power Grid Operations in a Market Environment: Economic Efficiency and Risk Mitigation is a timely reference for power engineers and researchers, electricity market traders and analysts, and market designers.

Power Grid Resilience against Natural Disasters: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (IEEE Press)

by Shunbo Lei Chong Wang Yunhe Hou

POWER GRID RESILIENCE AGAINST NATURAL DISASTERS How to protect our power grids in the face of extreme weather events The field of structural and operational resilience of power systems, particularly against natural disasters, is of obvious importance in light of climate change and the accompanying increase in hurricanes, wildfires, tornados, frigid temperatures, and more. Addressing these vulnerabilities in service is a matter of increasing diligence for the electric power industry, and as such, targeted studies and advanced technologies are being developed to help address these issues generally—whether they be from the threat of cyber-attacks or of natural disasters. Power Grid Resilience against Natural Disasters provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and systematic introduction to resilience-enhancing planning and operation strategies of power grids against extreme events. It addresses, in detail, the three necessary steps to ensure power grid success: the preparedness prior to natural disasters, the response as natural disasters unfold, and the recovery after the event. Crucially, the authors put forward state-of-the-art methods towards improving today’s practices in managing these three arenas. Power Grid Resilience against Natural Disasters readers will also find: Data, tables, and illustrations to supplement and clarify the points put forward in each chapter Case studies on realistic power systems and industry standards and practices related to the topics covered Potential to be a supplementary text in advanced level power engineering courses Power Grid Resilience against Natural Disasters will be of interest to specialists and engineers, as well as planners and operators from industry. It can also be a useful resource for senior undergraduate students, postgraduate students, researchers, and research libraries. More, it will appeal to all readers with a strong background in power system analysis, operation and control, optimization methods, the Markov decision process, and probability and statistics.

Power in Conservation: Environmental Anthropology Beyond Political Ecology (Routledge Studies in Conservation and the Environment)

by Carol Carpenter

This book examines theories and ethnographies related to the anthropology of power in conservation. Conservation thought and practice is power laden—conservation thought is powerfully shaped by the history of ideas of nature and its relation to people, and conservation interventions govern and affect peoples and ecologies. This book argues that being able to think deeply, particularly about power, improves conservation policy-making and practice. Political ecology is by far the most well-known and well-published approach to thinking about power in conservation. This book analyzes the relatively neglected but robust anthropology of conservation literature on politics and power outside political ecology, especially literature rooted in Foucault. It is intended to make four of Foucault’s concepts of power accessible, concepts that are most used in the anthropology of conservation: the power of discourses, discipline and governmentality, subject formation, and neoliberal governmentality. The important ethnographic literature that these concepts have stimulated is also examined. Together, theory and ethnography underpin our emerging understanding of a new, Anthropocene-shaped world. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of conservation, environmental anthropology, and political ecology, as well as conservation practitioners and policy-makers.

Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics

by Talithia Williams

From rocket scientists to code breakers, “fascinating stories” of women who overcame obstacles, shattered stereotypes, and pursued their passion for math (Notices of the American Mathematical Society).With more than 200 photos and original interviews with several of the amazing women covered, Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics is a full-color volume that puts a spotlight on the influence of women on the development of mathematics over the last two millennia. Each biography reveals the life of a different female mathematician, from her childhood and early influences to the challenges she faced and the great achievements she made in spite of them. Learn how:After her father terminated her math lessons, Sofia Kovalevskaya snuck algebra books into her bed to read at nightEmmy Noether became an invaluable resource to Albert Einstein while she was in the NavyNative American rocket scientist Mary Golda Ross developed designs for fighter jets and missiles in a top-secret unitKatherine Johnson’s life-or-death calculations at NASA meant that astronauts such as Alan Shepard and John Glenn made it home aliveShakuntala Devi multiplied massive numbers in her head so her family could eat at nightPamela Harris proved her school counselors wrong when they told her she would only succeed as a bilinguial secretaryCarla Cotwright-Williams began her life in the dangerous streets of South-Central Los Angeles before skyrocketing to a powerful career with the Department of Defense in Washington, DCThese women are a diverse group, but their stories have one thing in common: At some point on their journeys, someone believed in them—and made them think the impossible was perhaps not so impossible.“A quick read . . . full of dramatic stories and eye-catching illustrations.” —MAA Reviews“I found myself marveling at the personal anecdotes and quotes throughout the book.” —Notices of the American Mathematical Society

Power in the Wild: The Subtle and Not-So-Subtle Ways Animals Strive for Control over Others

by Lee Alan Dugatkin

From the shell wars of hermit crabs to little blue penguins spying on potential rivals, power struggles in the animal kingdom are as diverse as they are fascinating, and this book illuminates their surprising range and connections. The quest for power in animals is so much richer, so much more nuanced than who wins what knock-down, drag-out fight. Indeed, power struggles among animals often look more like an opera than a boxing match. Tracing the path to power for over thirty different species on six continents, writer and behavioral ecologist Lee Alan Dugatkin takes us on a journey around the globe, shepherded by leading researchers who have discovered that in everything from hyenas to dolphins, bonobos to field mice, cichlid fish to cuttlefish, copperhead snakes to ravens, and meerkats to mongooses, power revolves around spying, deception, manipulation, forming and breaking up alliances, complex assessments of potential opponents, building social networks, and more. Power pervades every aspect of the social life of animals: what they eat, where they eat, where they live, whom they mate with, how many offspring they produce, whom they join forces with, and whom they work to depose. In some species, power can even change an animal’s sex. Nor are humans invulnerable to this magnificently intricate melodrama: Dugatkin’s tales of the researchers studying power in animals are full of unexpected pitfalls, twists and turns, serendipity, and the pure joy of scientific discovery.

Power Integrity for Electrical and Computer Engineers

by J. Ted Dibene II David Hockanson

A professional guide to the fundamentals of power integrity analysis with an emphasis on silicon level power integrity Power Integrity for Electrical and Computer Engineers embraces the most recent changes in the field, offers a comprehensive introduction to the discipline of power integrity, and provides an overview of the fundamental principles. Written by noted experts on the topic, the book goes beyond most other resources to focus on the detailed aspects of silicon and optimization techniques in order to broaden the field of study. This important book offers coverage of a wide range of topics including signal analysis, EM concepts for PI, frequency domain analysis for PI, numerical methods (overview) for PI, and silicon device PI modeling. Power Integrity for Electrical and Computer Engineers examine platform technologies, system considerations, power conversion, system level modeling, and optimization methodologies. To reinforce the material presented, the authors include example problems. This important book: • Includes coverage on convergence, accuracy, and error analysis and explains how these can be used to analyze power integrity problems • Contains information for modeling the power converter from the PDN to the load in a full system level model • Explores areas of device level modeling of silicon as related to power integrity • Contains example word problems that are related to an individual chapter’s subject Written for electrical and computer engineers and academics, Power Integrity for Electrical and Computer Engineers is an authoritative guide to the fundamentals of power integrity and explores the topics of power integrity analysis, power integrity analytics, silicon level power integrity, and optimization techniques.

Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)

by Scott D. Sudhoff

Presents a multi-objective design approach to the many power magnetic devices in use today Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach addresses the design of power magnetic devices—including inductors, transformers, electromagnets, and rotating electric machinery—using a structured design approach based on formal single- and multi-objective optimization. The book opens with a discussion of evolutionary-computing-based optimization. Magnetic analysis techniques useful to the design of all the devices considered in the book are then set forth. This material is then used for inductor design so readers can start the design process. Core loss is next considered; this material is used to support transformer design. A chapter on force and torque production feeds into a chapter on electromagnet design. This is followed by chapters on rotating machinery and the design of a permanent magnet AC machine. Finally, enhancements to the design process including thermal analysis and AC conductor losses due to skin and proximity effects are set forth. Power Magnetic Devices: Focuses on the design process as it relates to power magnetic devices such as inductors, transformers, electromagnets, and rotating machinery Offers a structured design approach based on single- and multi-objective optimization Helps experienced designers take advantage of new techniques which can yield superior designs with less engineering time Provides numerous case studies throughout the book to facilitate readers’ comprehension of the analysis and design process Includes Powerpoint-slide-based student and instructor lecture notes and MATLAB-based examples, toolboxes, and design codes Designed to support the educational needs of students, Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach also serves as a valuable reference tool for practicing engineers and designers. MATLAB examples are available via the book support site.

The Power Makers: Steam, Electricity, and the Men Who Invented Modern America

by Maury Klein

IN 1800 AMERICA WAS AN AGRARIAN NATION, whose wealth came largely from the land and was extracted only with backbreaking toil. A century later, the country was an industrial superpower and the most advanced material society the world had ever seen. The Power Makers is the story of that transformation and of the dynamic, fiercely competitive men who made it happen. The steam engine, the incandescent lamp, the electric motor-inventions such as these replaced muscle power with machine labor, turned darkness to light, and reshaped every aspect of daily life in the span of a few generations. They were the product of an extraordinary cast of characters: dogged inventors like James Watt and Elihu Thomson; charismatic entrepreneurs like George Westinghouse; daring capitalists like Charles Coffin of General Electric and J. P. Morgan. Others include Samuel Insull, onetime assistant to Thomas Edison, who invented the modern utility business and brought power to millions, and Nikola Tesla, the eccentric Serbian immigrant whose revolutionary AC motor came to him in a vision. Striding among them like a colossus is the figure of Edison, who was creative genius and business visionary at once. With consummate skill, Maury Klein recreates their discoveries, their stunning triumphs and frequent failures, and their unceasing, bare-knuckled battles in the marketplace. Their personalities, and their fierce rivalries, leap off the page. The Power Makers is a saga of inspired invention, undaunted persistence, and business competition at its most naked and cutthroat- a dazzling tale of America in its most astonishing decades.

Power Metal: The Race for the Resources That Will Shape the Future

by Vince Beiser

The powerful ways the metals we need to fuel technology and energy are spawning environmental havoc, political upheaval, and rising violence — and how we can do better.An Australian millionaire&’s plan to mine the ocean floor. Nigerian garbage pickers risking their lives to salvage e-waste. A Bill Gates-backed entrepreneur harnessing AI to find metals in the Arctic. These people and millions more are part of the intensifying competition to find and extract the minerals essential for two crucial technologies: the internet and renewable energy. In Power Metal, Vince Beiser explores the Achilles&’ heel of &“green power&” and digital technology – that manufacturing computers, cell phones, electric cars, and other technologies demand skyrocketing amounts of lithium, copper, cobalt, and other materials. Around the world, businesses and governments are scrambling for new places and new ways to get those metals, at enormous cost to people and the planet. Beiser crisscrossed the world to talk to the people involved and report on the damage this race is inflicting, the ways it could get worse, and how we can minimize the damage. Power Metal is a compelling glimpse into this disturbing yet potentially promising new world.

Power, National Security, and Transformational Global Events: Challenges Confronting America, China, and Iran

by Thomas A. Johnson

As the United States struggled to survive the recent recession, China quietly acquired a vast amount of U.S. Treasury bills and bonds. With China now holding so much of America‘s debt, currency valuation issues have already caused tensions between the two superpowers. Couple this with Iran‘s efforts to develop into a nuclear power in an area that l

The Power of Click Chemistry for Molecular Machines and Surface Patterning

by Jason M. Spruell

The union of covalent and noncovalent chemistries manifested in the mechanical bond represents one of the great chemical triumphs of the last half century. However, until recently, the preparation of mechanically interlocked compounds has often been an inefficient and limiting process. This thesis provides a detailed account of the great strides taken to increase the synthetic accessibility of donor-acceptor mechanically interlocked molecules by the application of highly efficient and ultra mild chemical transformations during their template-directed synthesis. These new departures in synthesis have indeed played a transformative role in that more complex, higher-order, and functional architectures - once only a dream - are now comfortably within reach. Specifically, the formation of mechanical bonds in higher order rotaxanes and catenanes has become ever easier through the use of highly efficient click chemistries. The resulting mechanically interlocked compounds are functional molecular media for a host of applications including information storage, mechanical actuation, and drug release.

The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World

by Lynne Mctaggart

Discover how to tap into your extraordinary human capacity for connection and healing, using astonishing new findings about the miraculous power of group intention and its boomerang effect, in this new book by the author of the international bestsellers The Intention Experiment and The Field. What we send out into the universe comes back to us, magnified. Although the power of intention—the energy of positive thoughts—is widely accepted as an influential force in transforming lives, the exponential power of group intention has never been explored, until now. In The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart, an expert on the science of spirituality, reveals her remarkable findings from ten years of experiments about how group intention can heal our lives—and change the world for the better. When individuals in a group focus their intention together on a single target, a powerful collective dynamic emerges that can heal longstanding conditions, mend fractured relationships, lower violence, and even rekindle life purpose. But the greatest untold truth of all is that group intention has a mirror effect, not only affecting the recipient but also reflecting back on the senders. Drawing on hundreds of case studies, the latest brain research, and dozens of McTaggart’s own university studies, The Power of Eight provides solid evidence showing that there is such a thing as a collective consciousness. Now you can learn to use it and unleash the power you hold inside of you to heal your own life, with help from this riveting, highly accessible new book. And you can join a series of worldwide Intention Experiments that will run on a major web television channel in 120 countries during the book’s initial publication and afterward.

The Power of Electricity

by Benchmark Education Company

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Power of Existing Buildings: Save Money, Improve Health, and Reduce Environmental Impacts

by Robert Sroufe Jr Craig Stevenson Beth Eckenrode

Your building has the potential to change the world. Existing buildings consume approximately 40 percent of the energy and emit nearly half of the carbon dioxide in the US each year. In recognition of the significant contribution of buildings to climate change, the idea of building green has become increasingly popular. But is it enough? If an energy-efficient building is new construction, it may take 10 to 80 years to overcome the climate change impacts of the building process. New buildings are sexy, but few realize the value in existing buildings and how easy it is to get to "zero energy&” or low-energy consumption through deep energy retrofits. Existing buildings can and should be retrofit to reduce environmental impacts that contribute to climate change, while improving human health and productivity for building occupants. In The Power of Existing Buildings, academic sustainability expert Robert Sroufe, and construction and building experts Craig Stevenson and Beth Eckenrode, explain how to realize the potential of existing buildings and make them perform like new. This step-by-step guide will help readers to: understand where to start a project; develop financial models and realize costs savings; assemble an expert team; and align goals with numerous sustainability programs. The Power of Existing Buildings will challenge you to rethink spaces where people work and play, while determining how existing buildings can save the world. The insights and practical experience of Sroufe, Stevenson, and Eckenrode, along with the project case study examples, provide new insights on investing in existing buildings for building owners, engineers, occupants, architects, and real estate and construction professionals. The Power of Existing Buildings helps decision-makers move beyond incremental changes to holistic, results-oriented solutions.

The Power of Fastercise: Using the New Science of Signaling Exercise to Get Surprisingly Fit in Just a Few Minutes a Day

by Denis Wilson

A revolutionary program of short burst, high-intensity exercise that uses your body's signals to curb hunger as it burns fat and builds muscle Over the last 26 years, thyroid pioneer Denis Wilson, MD, has trained thousands of physicians on the crucial relationships between the thyroid system, metabolism, and body temperature. He’s heard patients recount their inability to get fit using conventional approaches, and he’s understood their frustration. Based on the latest medical research, Dr. Wilson has created fastercise, a revolutionary practice that uses brief, strategically timed bursts of exercise to cancel hunger pangs, allowing people to more easily stick to a healthy eating plan and shift their bodies toward becoming leaner, faster, smarter, stronger, and healthier. Fastercise holds the promise of vindicating and liberating many of those who have struggled to improve their fitness, enabling them to transform their lives and reach their full potential. By combining simple analogies and clear explanations of the physiology of the body’s energy pathways and response to food and exercise, Dr. Wilson reveals how conventional approaches to dieting and weight management can actually fight against the body’s priorities and lead to frustration and poor results. Fastercise is a time-efficient, convenient, and natural approach powerfully signals the body to burn fat and build muscle synergistically, leading to surprisingly beneficial and quick results. The Power of Fastercise explains how fastercise can help you: • Burn fat without going hungry • Build your mitochondria to burn more fat and provide greater energy • Stimulate muscle growth in just a few minutes a day • Shift your body composition to less fat and more muscle • Boost your body temperature and metabolic rate • Look and feel younger • Increase mental focus, learning, and productivity • Decrease insulin resistance • Decrease inflammation and improve immune function • Improve respiratory fitness and athletic performance • Get great results with any healthy diet, including low-carb and high-carb In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Wilson lays out simple, practical strategies for combining fastercise with smart eating choices. Fastercise can provide excellent results for a wide range of people: seasoned athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and even those who dislike exercising or have physical limitations. Whatever your fitness goals are, fastercise can help you achieve them.

The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing: For Engineering and Quantum Computing

by Dietmar Hildenbrand

Geometric Algebra is a very powerful mathematical system for an easy and intuitive treatment of geometry, but the community working with it is still very small. The main goal of this book is to close this gap from a computing perspective in presenting the power of Geometric Algebra Computing for engineering applications and quantum computing. The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing is based on GAALOPWeb, a new user-friendly, web-based tool for the generation of optimized code for different programming languages as well as for the visualization of Geometric Algebra algorithms for a wide range of engineering applications. Key Features: Introduces a new web-based optimizer for Geometric Algebra algorithms Supports many programming languages as well as hardware Covers the advantages of high-dimensional algebras Includes geometrically intuitive support of quantum computing This book includes applications from the fields of computer graphics, robotics and quantum computing and will help students, engineers and researchers interested in really computing with Geometric Algebra.

The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain (published in hardcover as Neurodiversity)

by Thomas Armstrong

OC Parents, teachers, and policymakers should all read this thought-provoking book. I loved it. OCOOCoTemple Grandin, author of "Thinking in Pictures "

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