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Showing 60,601 through 60,625 of 82,283 results

Prentice Hall Brief Review: The Physical Setting

by Jeffrey C. Callister

This book is designed to enhance review of the concepts, skills, and application of the Physical Setting/Earth Science Core Curriculum that may be tested on the Regents Examination for The Physical Setting: Earth Science. Students can use the book in any order as each topic is independent except for the introduction of vocabulary words.

Prentice Hall Brief Review for the New York Regents Exam the Living Enviroment

by John Bartsch Mary P. Colvard

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Brief Review The Living Environment 2016

by John Bartsch Mary Colvard

This book is designed to enhance review of the concepts, skills, and applications of The Living Environment Core Curriculum that may be tested on the Living Environment Regents Examination. For nearly all students, passing this examination will be a requirement for graduation from high school.

Prentice Hall Chemistry: The Study of Matter (4th Edition)

by Henry Dorin Peter E. Demmin Dorothy L Gabel

The study of chemistry may seem difficult and boring but this book proves otherwise since it is inviting, colorful, interesting and understandable.

Prentice Hall Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World

by H. Eugene Lemay Herbert Beall Karen M. Robblee Douglas C. Brower

The chapters in this textbook are grouped into units. The book features such additional tools to effectively handle the book viz., Chem Journal, Guide for Reading, Section Review, Math Tool Kit, Math Tip, Internet Resources, Laboratory Investigations, ChemActivity and ChemExploration, Chemistry in Action--Consumer Tip and You and Your World, Chemistry in Action--Consumer Tip and You and Your World, Problem Solving--Chemistry at Work, Sample Problem and Practice Problems, etc.

Prentice Hall Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World

by H. Eugene Lemay Herbert Beall Karen M. Robblee Douglas C. Brower

In this textbook, you will come to understand the nature of matter and energy and the interactions between them. You will also gain an appreciation of the scientific process that has resulted in the body of knowledge we have today.

Prentice Hall Chemistry

by Antony C. Wilbraham Dennis D. Staley Michael S. Matta Edward L. Waterman

Chemistry textbook for high school students.

Prentice Hall Chemistry

by Antony C. Wilbraham Dennis D. Staley Michael S. Matta Edward L. Waterman

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Chemistry 2012 Grade 11

by Antony C. Wilbraham Dennis D. Staley Michael S. Mattel Edward L. Waterman

The new Pearson Chemistry program combines our proven content with cutting-edge digital support to help students connect chemistry to their daily lives. With a fresh approach to problem-solving, a variety of hands-on learning opportunities, and more math support than ever before, Pearson Chemistry will ensure success in your chemistry classroom. Our program provides features and resources unique to Pearson—including the Understanding by Design Framework and powerful online resources to engage and motivate your students, while offering support for all types of learners in your classroom.

Prentice Hall Chemistry (5th Edition)

by Antony C. Wilbraham Dennis D. Staley Michael S. Matta Edward L. Waterman

Prentice Hall Chemistry is a comprehensive and motivating program that builds problem-solving skills and stresses the relevance and application of chemistry to your present and future life.

Prentice Hall Chemistry (California Edition)

by Antony C. Wilbraham Dennis D. Staley Michael S. Matta Edward L. Waterman

The California Chemistry strand is organized into general standard sets. Each standard set is divided into a series of specific topic standards.

Prentice Hall Conceptual Physics

by Christopher Chiaverina Kenneth W. Ford Diane Riendeau Phillip R. Wolf Paul G. Hewitt

Physics textbook for high school students.

Prentice Hall Earth Science

by Charles R. Coble Dale Rice Kenneth J. Walla Elaine G. Murray

Earth scientists study the earth and its characteristics. They investigate the far reaches of space, the depths of the oceans, and the interior of the earth.

Prentice Hall Earth Science: Physical Setting/Earth Science, New York

by Edward J. Tarbuck Frederick K. Lutgens Dennis Tasa

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Earth Science (11th edition)

by Edward J. Tarbuck Frederick K. Lutgens Dennis Tasa

The latest edition of a broad and nonquantitative survey at the introductory level of topics in geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.

Prentice Hall Earth's Changing Surface

by Michael J. Padilla Loannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

The authors have developed a program that meets the needs of middle grades students, promotes science inquiry, and is aligned with the National Science Education Standards.

Prentice Hall Exploring Earth Science

by Prentice Hall

Throughout your study of science, you will learn a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts. Each new topic you encounter will provide its own collection of words and ideas--which, at times, you may think seem endless.

Prentice Hall Exploring Earth Science

by Anthea Maton Jean Hopkins Susan Johnson David Lahart Maryanna Quon Warner Jill D. Wright

If you think about it, you will quickly realize that there are many things you might question and seek answers to. Put another way, the universe is really a collection of countless mysteries. It is the job of scientists to solve those mysteries. The goal of science is to understand the world around us.

Prentice Hall Exploring Earth's Weather

by Anthea Maton Jean Hopkins Susan Johnson David Lahart Maryanna Quon Warner Jill D. Wright

Throughout this book one will learn a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts in relation to science.

Prentice Hall Exploring Life Science

by Prentice Hall

Throughout your study of science, you will learn a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts. Each new topic you encounter will provide its own collection of words and ideas--which, at times, you may think seem endless. But each of the ideas within a particular topic is related in some way to the others. No concept in science is isolated. Thus it will help you to understand the topic if you see the whole picture; that is, the interconnectedness of all the individual terms and ideas. This is a much more effective and satisfying way of learning than memorizing separate facts.

Prentice Hall Exploring Life Science

by Jill D. Wright Anthea Maton Jean Hopkins Susan Johnson Maryanna Quon Warner

Life science textbook.

Prentice Hall Exploring Physical Science

by Susan Johnson Jean Hopkins David Lahart Maryanna Quon Warner Jill D. Wright

The universe around you and inside of you is really a collection of countless mysteries. It is the job of scientists to solve those mysteries. The goal of science is to understand the world around us. How do scientists go about understanding the world? Like all good detectives, scientists use special methods to determine truths about nature. Such truths are called facts. Here is an example of a fact: The sun is a source of light and heat. But science is more than a list of facts--just as studying science is more than memorizing facts. Jules Henri Poincaré, a famous nineteenth-century French scientist who charted the motions of planets, put it this way: "Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house." So scientists go further than simply discovering facts. Scientists try to use facts to solve larger mysteries of nature. In this sense, you might think of facts as clues to scientific mysteries. An example of a larger mystery is how the sun produces the heat and light it showers upon the Earth. Another larger mystery is how the relatively few and simple organisms of 3 billion years ago gave rise to the many complex organisms that inhabit the Earth today. Using facts they have gathered, scientists propose explanations for the events they observe. Then they perform experiments to test their explanations. In the next section of this chapter, you will learn how scientists go about performing experiments and uncovering the mysteries of nature.

Prentice Hall, Forensic Science, Who Did It?

by Clarence Cocroft

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Life Science

by Elizabeth Coolidge-Stolz Donald Cronkite Jan Jenner Linda Cronin Jones Marylin Lisowski

The "Prentice Hall Life Science" edition contains topics on Cells and Heredity, Diversity of Living Things, Human Biology and Health and Ecology. Added attraction of the book is Reference Section, Skills Handbook, Activities, Labs, At-Home Activity, etc.

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Showing 60,601 through 60,625 of 82,283 results