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Prüfungstrainer Elektrotechnik: Erst verstehen, dann bestehen
by Martin PoppeDieses Buch bereitet gezielt auf eine Prüfung vor dem Bachelor-Abschluss vor. Es enthält Antworten auf Prüfungsfragen, Lösungsstrategien für Klausuraufgaben und Begründungen der wesentlichen Gesetze der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik. Das Buch enthält zur Verdeutlichung der Lösungsstrategien mehr als 300 Abbildungen.Für die 2. Auflage neu aufgenommen wurden neben Feldberechnungen mit und ohne Magnetkreise auch diverse Praxisbeispiele und Details zum Verhalten von Leitungen.
Prüfungstrainer Spezielle Zoologie
by Isabell Schumann Stefan SchafferDieser Prüfungstrainer führt als roter Faden durch das komplexe Gebiet der Speziellen Zoologie mit einem Überblick über alle systematisch relevanten Tiergruppen. Anhand vieler Beispiele bietet dieses Buch eine Reise durch das gesamte Tierreich – von Protisten zu den Säugetieren – und greift dabei prüfungsrelevante Themen und Schwerpunkte sinnvoll auf. Körperbau, wichtige ökologische Funktionen und Verwandtschaften der Tiergruppen werden nicht nur in schlüssigen Beschreibungen und Erklärungen, sondern auch mit zahlreichen Abbildungen veranschaulicht. Durch die einheitliche Beschreibung systematisch relevanter Tiergruppen werden die komplexen und vielseitigen Inhalte der zoologischen Systematik zu einem prägnanten Basiswissen zusammengefasst. Mit zahlreichen Fragen und digitalen Karteikarten zur Wissensüberprüfung sowie freien Seiten für individuelle Notizen ist dieser Prüfungstrainer die beste Ausgangsbasis für den Einstieg in die vertiefende Literatur und den erfolgreichen Abschluss Ihrer Zoologie-Prüfung.
Prüfungstraining Organische Chemie: Für Studierende der Chemie, Biochemie, Pharmazie und anderer Naturwissenschaften
by Eberhard BreitmaierDer ideale Begleiter für die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Fach Organische Chemie Für alle Studierenden der Chemie, Biochemie, Pharmazie und anderer Naturwissenschaften an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen gehören Vorlesungen der Organischen Chemie zu den Pflichtveranstaltungen und zum Prüfungsstoff. Dieser kompakte Prüfungstrainer basiert auf der umfangreichen Lehrerfahrung des Autors und präsentiert die Grundlagen der organischen Chemie in 86 kurzen, in sich geschlossenen Lerneinheiten, auf ein bis max. zwei Doppelseiten (Zweiseitenansicht). Eine Auswahl an Verständnisfragen am Ende jedes Kapitels und Antworten im Anhang ermöglichen eine effektive Selbstkontrolle und ideale Prüfungsvorbereitung. Ob für Studierende der Chemie, Biochemie, Pharmazie, Biologie – hier werden alle wesentlichen Themen kurz und verständlich erklärt: von Atomorbitalen über Hybridorbitale zu den Molekülorbitalen kovalenter Bindungen grundlegende Definitionen und Konzepte, wie Konstitution, Konformation, Konfiguration, Chiralität, Konjugation, Mesomerie, Aromatizität Verbindungsklassen und ihre Nomenklatur, einschließlich Naturstoffe, Polymere und Biopolymere Organische Reaktionen (Typen, Mechanismen, Selektivität und Spezifität) Molekülstruktur (kurze Einführung in die Strategie der Aufklärung durch Massenspektrometrie, Lichtabsorptions-, IR- und NMR-Spektroskopie) Planung organischer Synthesen Damit ist das Prüfungstraining Organische Chemie ein unverzichtbares Repetitorium für Studierende mit den Studienabschlüssen Bachelor, Master und Staatsexamen, die ihr Wissen in der Organischen Chemie festigen wollen, um die Prüfung gut zu bestehen.
Prüfungstraining Technische Mechanik
by Stefan HartmannMit „Prüfungstraining Technische Mechanik“ von Stefan Hartmann braucht man vor Klausuren und Prüfungen nicht mehr zu zittern. Mehr als 250 Aufgaben mit ausführlich durchgerechneten Lösungen aus allen Themengebieten der Technischen Mechanik – Statik, Elastostatik, Kinematik und Dynamik – helfen beim Verstehen und Vertiefen der Lerninhalte. Unerlässlich für Studierende in Ingenieurstudiengängen wie Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik und Bauwesen: Insbesondere zusammen mit dem Lehrbuch „Technische Mechanik“ legt das Prüfungstraining die Grundlagen fürs weiterführende Studium.
The Prunus mume Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)
by Zhihong GaoThis book reviews the current status of P. mume research, highlighting how the new data coming from the release of the P. mume genomes can advance science and help to solve a number of problems facing the P. mume industry. Prunus mume, which was domesticated in China more than 3,000 years ago as an ornamental plant and for its fruit, is one of the first genomes among the Prunus subfamilies of the Rosaceae family that has been sequenced. Combining the P. mume genome with available data, scientists have succeeded in reconstructing nine ancestral chromosomes of the Rosaceae family, as well as the chromosome fusion, fission and duplication history of three major subfamilies. The P. mume genome sequence adds to our understanding of Rosaceae evolution and provides an important basis for the improvement of fruit trees. This book offers an essential a guide for all those who are interested in gene discovery, comparative genomics, molecular breeding and new breeding techniques; and will be particularly useful for scientists, breeders, university students, and public sector institutes that are involved in the P. mume industry and/or Rosaceae research.
Prussian Blue Based Batteries (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by María José Piernas Muñoz Elizabeth Castillo MartínezThis book reviews the structure and composition of Prussian Blue materials. It presents the state-of-the-art of their application to metal-ion batteries, highlighting the benefits derived from the integration of electrochemical energy storage with clean energies. It concludes with future perspectives including prototyping and large-scale production.
Psammic Peinobiomes: Nutrient-Limited Ecosystems of the Upper Orinoco and Rio Negro Basins (Ecological Studies #247)
by Joseph Alfred Zinck Otto Huber Pedro García Montero Ernesto MedinaThe book represents a multidisciplinary approach to understanding soil–landscape–vegetation relationships and, specifically, the ecophysiology of plant communities developing on sandy soils of very low fertility that are subject to seasonal flooding. It provides an overview of the white sand ecosystems within the Amazon basin, and focuses on the forest and herbaceous (meadows) vegetation growing on the dystrophic sandy soils of the upper Negro and Orinoco river basins. Several chapters describe physiographic aspects of the study area using integrated remote sensing and in situ sampling. By doing so they attain a comprehensive description of the origin and evolution of soils and landscapes, an advanced classification of soils, and a mapping of the geographic distribution of psammophilous vegetation. This volume also provides a phytosociological classification of extensive forested areas, and a detailed description of the structure and diversity of little-known herbaceous formations.It targets professionals in the fields of ecology, ecophysiology, geomorphology, soils, vegetation, and the environmental sciences. The information it offers may be of significant use to researchers, protected area planners, and environmental policy makers.
Pseudo-Bosoni e Loro Stati Coerenti
by Fabio BagarelloL'analisi proposta in questo libro si focalizza su particolari deformazioni delle regole di commutazione canoniche suggerite dal recente, e sempre crescente, interesse per la meccanica quantistica PT-simmetrica. Se ne considerano diverse conseguenze di natura matematica, ma anche loro possibili applicazioni alla fisica. Queste includono l'analisi di diverse Hamiltoniane non autoaggiunte, il calcolo di integrali di cammino associati a tali Hamiltoniane per mezzo di stati bi-coerenti, ed una nuovo punto di vista sugli operatori posizione e momento. Il libro è prevalentemente destinato ai ricercatori ma è anche pensato per essere fruibile da studenti di magistrale e di dottorato. Fornisce inoltre una introduzione ad alcuni aspetti delicati dell'analisi funzionale e della meccanica quantistica per osservabili non autoaggiunte.
Pseudo-Complex General Relativity
by Walter Greiner Mirko Schäfer Peter O. HessThis book explores the role of singularities in general relativity (GR): The theory predicts that when a sufficient large mass collapses, no known force is able to stop it until all mass is concentrated at a point. The question arises, whether an acceptable physical theory should have a singularity, not even a coordinate singularity. The appearance of a singularity shows the limitations of the theory. In GR this limitation is the strong gravitational force acting near and at a super-massive concentration of a central mass. First, a historical overview is given, on former attempts to extend GR (which includes Einstein himself), all with distinct motivations. It will be shown that the only possible algebraic extension is to introduce pseudo-complex (pc) coordinates, otherwise for weak gravitational fields non-physical ghost solutions appear. Thus, the need to use pc-variables. We will see, that the theory contains a minimal length, with important consequences. After that, the pc-GR is formulated and compared to the former attempts. A new variational principle is introduced, which requires in the Einstein equations an additional contribution. Alternatively, the standard variational principle can be applied, but one has to introduce a constraint with the same former results. The additional contribution will be associated to vacuum fluctuation, whose dependence on the radial distance can be approximately obtained, using semi-classical Quantum Mechanics. The main point is that pc-GR predicts that mass not only curves the space but also changes the vacuum structure of the space itself. In the following chapters, the minimal length will be set to zero, due to its smallness. Nevertheless, the pc-GR will keep a remnant of the pc-description, namely that the appearance of a term, which we may call "dark energy", is inevitable. The first application will be discussed in chapter 3, namely solutions of central mass distributions. For a non-rotating massive object it is the pc-Schwarzschild solution, for a rotating massive object the pc-Kerr solution and for a charged massive object it will be the Reissner-Nordström solution. This chapter serves to become familiar on how to resolve problems in pc-GR and on how to interpret the results. One of the main consequences is, that we can eliminate the event horizon and thus there will be no black holes. The huge massive objects in the center of nearly any galaxy and the so-called galactic black holes are within pc-GR still there, but with the absence of an event horizon! Chapter 4 gives another application of the theory, namely the Robertson-Walker solution, which we use to model different outcomes of the evolution of the universe. Finally the capability of this theory to predict new phenomena is illustrated.
Pseudo-Hermitian Random Matrices
by Mauricio Porto PatoThis book is a comprehensive guide to pseudo-Hermitian random matrices, their properties, and their role in many models that are relevant to physical processes. The book starts by showing how the concept of pseudo-Hermiticity emerged from studies of PT-symmetric systems which aroused the interest of the random matrix theory community. The chapters that follow discuss the consequences of the pseudo-Hermitian condition to the eigen-decomposition of non-Hermitian matrices, and an investigation of pseudo-Hermitian random matrices in tridiagonal form, discussing the scenario with real eigenvalues, and the appearance of complex eigenvalues generated by unbound and non-positive metrics. Subsequently, the author introduces pseudo-Hermitian Gaussian matrices and their properties including characteristic polynomials, and statistical properties of their eigenvalues. Finally, in the last chapter, the time invariance of the metric is upended and a pseudo-Hermitian model with a time dependent metricis constructed to discuss the time evolution of entangled states.
Pseudocapacitors: Fundamentals to High Performance Energy Storage Devices (Engineering Materials)
by Ram K. GuptaThis book provides an overview of pseudocapacitive materials, including their fundamentals, synthetic methods, architectural enhancements to boost their properties, and emerging materials. It covers numerous strategies to enhance their performance, such as altering morphology, doping, introducing multivalent ions, designing devices, and utilizing emerging pseudocapacitive materials. The book also delves into fundamental approaches for fine-tuning the properties of pseudocapacitive materials and explores their applications in energy storage devices, with a specific focus on emerging pseudocapacitive materials and their utilization in energy storage devices.
Pseudogap and Precursor Superconductivity Study of Zn doped YBCO
by Ece UykurIn this thesis, the pseudogap and the precursor superconducting state, which are of great importance in clarifying the superconductivity mechanism in high-temperature cuprate superconductors, are investigated with a c-axis optical study in YBa2(Cu1-xZnx)3Oy. Testing was performed over a wide energy range with smaller temperature intervals for several Zn-substituted samples, as well as for several carrier-doping levels. A spectral weight (SW) analysis, in which the pseudogap behavior can be separated from the superconducting condensate with the SW transfer to the high-energy region, revealed that the pseudogap is not the precursor of the superconductivity (carriers moving to the high-energy region with pseudogap opening never contribute to the superconducting condensation). Moreover, the high-energy transfer continues even below Tc for the Zn-substituted samples (in which we weaken the superconductivity), which gives evidence to the coexistence of the pseudogap and the superconducting gap below Tc. On the other hand, the analysis of optical conductivity revealed that a precursor state to superconductivity can be defined at temperatures much higher than Tc. The superconducting carrier density (ns) was calculated for each temperature (above and below Tc) and the results confirmed the existence of ns at temperatures above Tc. The observed real superconducting condensate (ns) above Tc puts a serious constraint on the theory for high- Tc superconductivity. A theory based on an inhomogeneous superconducting state, in which a microscopically phase-separated state in a doped Mott insulator can be observed, is the most plausible candidate. This theory can explain the existence of ns and the observed temperature range for the precursor superconducting state. The results obtained show that the pseudogap coexists with superconductivity below Tc and is not the precursor of superconductivity. On the other hand, it is also possible to define a precursor superconducting state that is different than the pseudogap. The temperature range and the observed superconducting condensate in this state can be explained with the help of the inhomogeneous superconducting state.
by Laura PolisenoProviding a list of methods useful both to those who wish to study pseudogenes and to those who actually want to avoid their inadvertent detection, Pseudogenes: Functions and Protocols explores techniques involving pseudogenic DNA, RNA, and peptides/proteins, once believed to lack any functionality, but now known to be involved in complex regulatory circuits. After a few introductory chapters that overview the functions so far attributed to pseudogenes, this thorough volume delves into methods for pseudogene identification, for the detection of pseudogene transcription and translation, and for the study of the functions of pseudogenic RNA and proteins, as well as methods to avoid pseudogene detection when the focus of the research is their highly homologous parental counterparts. As part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters feature the kind of detailed descriptions and implementation advice that ensures successful results in the lab. Authoritative and practical, Pseudogenes: Functions and Protocols will contribute to the high interest of the scientific community toward pseudogenes, while stimulating the conception of pseudogene - centered research projects and providing experimental protocols that can facilitate their execution.
Pseudomonas: Molecular and Applied Biology
by Rachhpal S. KahlonThis book provides a conciseand comprehensive overview of the basic biology, genomics, biotechnologicalapplications and role of Pseudomonas in agriculture, environment andindustry. The Pseudomonas genus occupies a key position in medicine, theenvironment, agriculture and commercial biotechnology by virtue of its geneticdiversity, metabolic adaptability and versatility and the broad array ofecological niches that it inhabits. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, anopportunistic pathogen, is known for its multiple drug resistance and isassociated with cystic fibrosis and wound infections particularly in patientswith burn injuries. Pseudomonas syringae is a plant pathogen andis responsible for major crop losses in horticultural, vegetable and fieldcrops. Another species, P. fluorescens is known for promoting plantgrowth through the production of certain hormones and the biocontrol ofsoil-borne fungal diseases and insects. The ability to adapt to diverseand challenging environments and degrade recalcitrant compounds means that thegenus is widely exploited for bioremediation, while their genetic diversitycoupled with broad catalytic potential makes them valuable inbiotransformation, synthesis of high-value chiral compounds for biosynthesisand production of biopolymers and bio-surfactants widely used in medicine,agriculture and industry. The book serves as a readyreference and text book for graduate students, young field microbiologists andresearch scientists in academia, research institutes andindustry.
by Juan L. Ramos Alain FillouxThe five previous volumes of Pseudomonas series covered the biology of pseudomonads in a wide context, including the niches they inhabit, the taxonomic relations among members of this group, the molecular biology of gene expression in different niches and under different environmental conditions, the analysis of virulence traits in plants, animals and human pathogens as well as the determinants that make some strains useful for biotechnological applications and promotion of plant growth. Pseudomonas volume 6 is intended to collect new information on molecular microbiology, infection and biodiversity. This sixth volume covers the following topics: transcription regulation, virulence control, physiology and metabolism, bacteriology, microbial genetics and genomics. Pseudomonas volume 6 will be of use to researchers working on these bacteria, particularly those studying genomics, physiology, quorum sensing, life styles, metabolism etc. Advanced students in biology, medicine and agronomy will also find this volume a valuable reference during their studies.
by Juan-Luis Ramos Johanna B. Goldberg Alain FillouxPseudomonas volume 7 collects some of the most relevant and emerging issues in the biology of these microorganisms, and a number of other important issues that were not collected in the previous volumes. The first six volumes of the Pseudomonas series covered the biology of pseudomonads in a wide range of contexts, including the niches they inhabit, the taxonomic relations among its members of this group, the molecular biology of gene expression in different niches and under different environmental conditions, the analysis of virulence in plants, animal and human pathogens, as well as the determinants that make some of these strains of interesting for biotechnological applications. This seventh volume covers the following topics: The history of the biology of Pseudomonas The use of Pseudomonas as biological agents New trends in the molecular biology of these microorganisms Pseudomonas and the immune system of insects and animals This book will be of use to researchers working on these bacteria, particularly those studying medical aspects of Pseudomonas, and their use as a means to control pathogens or to stimulate plant growth. This volume is also interesting for those studying the physiology, genetics, molecular biology of Pseudomonas and those using novel-omics approaches to understand bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2721)
by Giovanni Bertoni Silvia FerraraThis book aims to provide methods, protocols, and discussion topics for those who wish to examine in depth the molecular mechanisms of adaptation and versality of bacteria and would like to envisage their evolution responses in the fast changing Antropocene.Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful and practical guide to new researchers and experts looking to expand their knowledge.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Biology, Pathogenesis and Control Strategies (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1386)
by Alain Filloux Juan-Luis RamosThis book covers the wide set of well-regulated virulence factors and defense mechanisms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa focusing on stress responses and the evolution of this opportunistic human pathogen. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is responsible for one out of ten hospital infections. Additionally, this Gram-negative bacterium is accountable for persistent infections in immunocompromised individuals and the leading cause of chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. This book provides insight on the metabolic versatility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its mechanisms for biofilm formation that make this organism highly efficient in causing infections. The book invites the readers to learn more about the intrinsic ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to resist a wide variety of antimicrobial agents due to the concerted action of multidrug efflux pumps, antibiotic-degrading enzymes, and the low permeability of bacterial cellular envelopes. Particular focus is put on the evolutionary role of different types of protein-secretion systems in pathogenesis, flagella and their role in chemotaxis and surface sensing, and host-pathogen interactions. This book is a useful introduction to the field for junior scientists interested in the biology and pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is also an interesting read for advanced scientists and medical specialists working within this field, providing a broader view of the topic beyond their specific area of specialization.
Pseudomonas Methods and Protocols: Methods And Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #1149)
by Juan-Luis Ramos Alain FillouxIn Pseudomonas aeruginosa, expert researchers in the field detail many of the methods which are now commonly used to study this fascinating microorganism. Chapters include microbiological methods to high-throughput molecular techniques that have been developed over the last decade. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Pseudomonas aeruginosa aids in the continuing study of new and cutting edge findings.
Pseudoscience: The Conspiracy Against Science (The\mit Press Ser.)
by Allison B. Kaufman James C. KaufmanCase studies, personal accounts, and analysis show how to recognize and combat pseudoscience in a post-truth world.In a post-truth, fake news world, we are particularly susceptible to the claims of pseudoscience. When emotions and opinions are more widely disseminated than scientific findings, and self-proclaimed experts get their expertise from Google, how can the average person distinguish real science from fake? This book examines pseudoscience from a variety of perspectives, through case studies, analysis, and personal accounts that show how to recognize pseudoscience, why it is so widely accepted, and how to advocate for real science. Contributors examine the basics of pseudoscience, including issues of cognitive bias; the costs of pseudoscience, with accounts of naturopathy and logical fallacies in the anti-vaccination movement; perceptions of scientific soundness; the mainstream presence of “integrative medicine,” hypnosis, and parapsychology; and the use of case studies and new media in science advocacy.ContributorsDavid Ball, Paul Joseph Barnett, Jeffrey Beall, Mark Benisz, Fernando Blanco, Ron Dumont, Stacy Ellenberg, Kevin M. Folta, Christopher French, Ashwin Gautam, Dennis M. Gorman, David H. Gorski, David K. Hecht, Britt Marie Hermes, Clyde F. Herreid, Jonathan Howard, Seth C. Kalichman, Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, Arnold Kozak, Scott O. Lilienfeld, Emilio Lobato, Steven Lynn, Adam Marcus, Helena Matute, Ivan Oransky, Chad Orzel, Dorit Reiss, Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Kavin Senapathy, Dean Keith Simonton, Indre Viskontas, John O. Willis, Corrine Zimmerman
Pseudoscience and Science Fiction
by Andrew MayAliens, flying saucers, ESP, the Bermuda Triangle, antigravity . . . are we talking about science fiction or pseudoscience? Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. Both pseudoscience and science fiction (SF) are creative endeavours that have little in common with academic science, beyond the superficial trappings of jargon and subject matter. The most obvious difference between the two is that pseudoscience is presented as fact, not fiction. Yet like SF, and unlike real science, pseudoscience is driven by a desire to please an audience - in this case, people who "want to believe". This has led to significant cross-fertilization between the two disciplines. SF authors often draw on "real" pseudoscientific theories to add verisimilitude to their stories, while on other occasions pseudoscience takes its cue from SF - the symbiotic relationship between ufology and Hollywood being a prime example of this. This engagingly written, well researched and richly illustrated text explores a wide range of intriguing similarities and differences between pseudoscience and the fictional science found in SF. Andrew May has a degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and a PhD in astrophysics from Manchester University. After many years in academia and the private sector, he now works as a freelance writer and scientific consultant. He has written pocket biographies of Newton and Einstein, as well as contributing to a number of popular science books. He has a lifelong interest in science fiction, and has had several articles published in Fortean Times magazine
Pseudoscience - The Conspiracy Against Science
by Allison Kaufman James Kaufman David Hecht Emilio Lobato Corrine ZimmermanIn a post-truth, fake news world, we are particularly susceptible to the claims of pseudoscience. When emotions and opinions are more widely disseminated than scientific findings, and self-proclaimed experts get their expertise from Google, how can the average person distinguish real science from fake? This book examines pseudoscience from a variety of perspectives, through case studies, analysis, and personal accounts that show how to recognize pseudoscience, why it is so widely accepted, and how to advocate for real science. Contributors examine the basics of pseudoscience, including issues of cognitive bias; the costs of pseudoscience, with accounts of naturopathy and logical fallacies in the anti-vaccination movement; perceptions of scientific soundness; the mainstream presence of “integrative medicine,” hypnosis, and parapsychology; and the use of case studies and new media in science advocacy.
The Pseudoscience Wars: Immanuel Velikovsky and the Birth of the Modern Fringe
by Michael D. GordinProperly analyzed, the collective mythological and religious writings of humanity reveal that around 1500 BC, a comet swept perilously close to Earth, triggering widespread natural disasters and threatening the destruction of all life before settling into solar orbit as Venus, our nearest planetary neighbor. Sound implausible? Well, from 1950 until the late 1970s, a huge number of people begged to differ, as they devoured Immanuel Velikovsky’s major best-seller, Worlds in Collision, insisting that perhaps this polymathic thinker held the key to a new science and a new history. Scientists, on the other hand, assaulted Velikovsky’s book, his followers, and his press mercilessly from the get-go. In The Pseudoscience Wars, Michael D. Gordin resurrects the largely forgotten figure of Velikovsky and uses his strange career and surprisingly influential writings to explore the changing definitions of the line that separates legitimate scientific inquiry from what is deemed bunk, and to show how vital this question remains to us today. Drawing on a wealth of previously unpublished material from Velikovsky’s personal archives, Gordin presents a behind-the-scenes history of the writer’s career, from his initial burst of success through his growing influence on the counterculture, heated public battles with such luminaries as Carl Sagan, and eventual eclipse. Along the way, he offers fascinating glimpses into the histories and effects of other fringe doctrines, including creationism, Lysenkoism, parapsychology, and more—all of which have surprising connections to Velikovsky’s theories. Science today is hardly universally secure, and scientists seem themselves beset by critics, denialists, and those they label “pseudoscientists”—as seen all too clearly in battles over evolution and climate change. The Pseudoscience Wars simultaneously reveals the surprising Cold War roots of our contemporary dilemma and points readers to a different approach to drawing the line between knowledge and nonsense.
Pseudotyped Viruses (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1407)
by Youchun WangThis book intends to report the new progress of pseudotyped viruses, including the construction of pseudotyped viruses with different strategies or vectors for most important viruses. Especially for emerging viruses, optimization of the condition and parameters for assay development based on the pseudotyped viruses and widely application as surrogate of authentic virus to study the biological functions of virus, detection of neutralizing antibody, screening viral entry inhibiters, and others. It includes most pseudotyped viruses that have the protein of the target virus on the surface of the parent virus with incomplete genome. The book is likely to be of interest to all researchers in the field of virology, vaccine, and anti-viral drug development and evaluation.
Psicologia e psichiatria antiche: per il mondo moderno
by Farhad PourgolafshanQuando si parla di scienze mediche antiche prevalgono incomprensioni e confusione. Si afferma che tutto sia una cura di questo o quello. In questa confusione molti opportunisti, i quali includono anche alcuni medici, guadagnano molto e velocemente. Alla fine, sono i consumatori e i malati che pagano le conseguenze di queste circostanze. Questo libro cerca di stabilire dei punti di riferimento per l’identificazione e la valutazione delle scienze mediche antiche in generale e di psicologia e psichiatria antiche e dei loro trattamenti specifici in particolare, in maniera da aiutare a minimizzare la confusione attuale. Il libro contiene un esame dettagliato della storia delle scienze antiche e moderne, come richiesto per comprendere la situazione attuale. Come esempio vengono fornite descrizioni accurate di trattamenti antichi della medicina tradizionale cinese (MTC) di alcuni disturbi psicologici. Viene presentata anche una discussione estesa circa la teoria evoluzionista, il darwinismo e il progressismo, considerati gli eventi storici che hanno contribuito maggiormente ad instaurare la situazione attuale.