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Psychoakustische Messtechnik (Fachwissen Technische Akustik)

by Michael Möser

Dieser Band der Reihe Fachwissen Technische Akustik beschreibt die Grundlagen der Schallanalyse sowie die wichtigsten psychoakustischen Kenngrößen. Der heute in zahlreichen Regelwerken überwiegend zur Messung und Beurteilung von Schallpegeln verwendete A-bewertete Schalldruckpegel stellt nur eine sehr grobe Näherung an die Lautstärkewahrnehmung dar. Darüber hinaus ist ein geringer A-bewerteter Schalldruckpegel nicht immer gleichbedeutend mit akustischem „Wohlbefinden“. Insbesondere in der Fahrzeugakustik und im Produkt-Sound-Design werden psychoakustische Messverfahren eingesetzt, um eine gehörgerechtere Schallanalyse zu ermöglichen. In dem Beitrag "Psychoakustische Messtechnik" werden ausgehend von den Grundlagen der gehörgerechten Schallanalyse (Hörschwelle, Verdeckungseffekte, Frequenzgruppen) über die wichtigsten psychoakustischen Kenngrößen elementarer Wahrnehmungskomponenten, wie Lautstärkepegel, Lautheit, Verhältnistonhöhe, Tonhaltigkeit, Schärfe, Rauhigkeit, Schwankungsstärke, Klanghaftigkeit auch psychoakustische Kenngrößen komplexer Wahrnehmungskomponenten, wie Lästigkeit und Wohlklang beschrieben. Den Abschluss des Beitrags bildet ein Abschnitt zum binauralen Hören (Kunstkopfmesstechnik) mit den Themen Lateralisation, Lokalisation, interauraler Korrelation und der binauralen Lautheit.

Psychoakustische Schallfeldsynthese für Musik: Raum schaffen für Komposition, Aufführung, Akustik und Wahrnehmung

by Tim Ziemer

Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Räumlichkeit in der Musiktheorie, von der Abmischung und Aufführungspraxis bis hin zur Raumakustik, Psychoakustik und Tontechnik, und stellt die Ableitung, Implementierung und experimentelle Validierung eines neuartigen räumlichen Audiosystems vor. Durch die Erörterung der Physik von Musikinstrumenten und der Natur der auditiven Wahrnehmung ermöglicht das Buch den Lesern, synthetische Musikinstrumente präzise zu lokalisieren und gleichzeitig ihre klangliche Varianz und räumliche Weite zu erleben. Dieses Buch bietet interdisziplinäre Einblicke für Musikneulinge und Experten auf dem Gebiet der räumlichen Audiotechnik. Es eignet sich für alle, die sich für das Studium von Musik und Musikwissenschaft und die Anwendung von räumlichen Audiomischungen interessieren oder einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik in der angewandten Psychoakustik für räumliches Audio suchen.

Psychoanalysis, Science and Power: Essays in Honour of Robert Maxwell Young

by Kurt Jacobsen R. D. Hinshelwood

Psychoanalysis, Science and Power reexamines the current state of psychoanalysis and science and technology studies as they have been influenced by Robert Maxwell Young’s work. Robert Maxwell Young, a Texas émigré to Britain, was a scholar, publisher, TV documentarian, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, journal editor, conference organizer and political activist. Young urged that psychoanalysis, particularly in its Kleinian incarnation, illuminated new aspects of science and technology studies, and vice versa. This volume not only provides an overview of Young’s life and interests by a stellar cast of scholars and practitioners but also commemorates the many and intersecting streams of his contributions, reasoning for their continuing relevance in the contemporary studies of psychoanalysis, biological sciences, technology and Darwinian thought. Presenting perspectives that are rigorously analytical and yet often poignant, Psychoanalysis, Science and Power will be an important read for students, analysts and analytic therapists of all orientations who are interested in broadening their understanding of their practice.

Psychoanalytic Theories of Development: An Integration

by Phyllis Tyson Robert L. Tyson

Thorough review of psychological development starting at infancy going through adulthood with emphasis on major developmental milestones.

Psychobiological Footprints through Human Development: How Our Experiences Shape Who We Are

by Livio Provenzi

Embark on an illuminating voyage through the biological foundations of human nature and development with Psychobiological Footprints through Human Development. This unique volume unveils the intricate dance between genetics, neuroscience, and environment, offering a holistic understanding of how we become who we are.This comprehensive book examines the psychobiological, neuroendocrine, and epigenetic mechanisms that regulate developmental processes in typical development and under conditions of developmental risk. Moving within a dynamic systems epistemic framework and capitalizing from the heritage of the infant research field, it provides a solid framework for comprehending the interplay of nature and nurture. With a captivating blend of theoretical principles, processes, and contextual applications, this book transcends academic boundaries to empower anyone interested in the intricacies of human development.Psychobiological Footprints through Human Development is a guide to discovering how our life experiences contribute to making us who we are and therefore it is invaluable to graduate students in the fields of developmental psychology, neuroscience, genetics, and related disciplines. Delving into the biological roots of behaviour, cognition, and emotion, it will also equip practitioners, researchers, and educators with invaluable insights to enrich their practice.

Psychobiological Issues in Substance Use and Misuse (Current Issues in Psychobiology)

by Philip N. Murphy

In this book, Murphy brings together a team of international experts to review cutting-edge scientific literature from the field of psychobiology and related disciplines which addresses important questions and broadens our understanding of substance use behaviours. The reader is introduced to the multi-faceted nature of substance use and misuse, and its growing need to be discussed across diverse disciplines and perspectives. The book also addresses important questions regarding public policy and professional practice in the context of different social and cultural environments, and comments on the methodological and ethical issues in substance use and misuse. Chapters explore a spectrum of substances, which include: cocaine, alcohol, ecstasy (MDMA), methamphetamine, synthetic cannabinoids, tobacco, ketamine, novel psychoactive substances, and vaping products. The use of these substances poses important questions for science and for society. This book is written to help academics, practitioners, and students in a variety of academic and professional disciplines answer those questions while staying up to date with the psychobiological literature. This is a vital resource for professionals and upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking research in areas related to biological psychology, biology, health studies, and medicine.

Psychobiology of Behaviour

by Kostas N. Fountoulakis Ioannis Nimatoudis

The book provides a comprehensive reference on the neurobiological understanding of behaviour, how behaviour is regulated by the brain, and how such behaviours in turn influence the brain. The work offers an introduction to neural systems and genetics/epigenetics, followed by detailed study of a wide range of behaviours – temperament and personality, instincts and drives, memory and cognitive function, sex and sexual differentiation, ethology and evolutionary biology, aging, drug abuse and other problematic behaviors, psychophysiology and ultimately the links to biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology. Research findings on the neural basis of social behaviour are integrated across different levels of analysis, from molecular neurobiology and neural systems/behavioural neuroscience to fMRI imaging data on human social behaviour. The content covers research on both normal and abnormal behaviours, as well as developmental aspects. The target audience includes psychiatrists, neurologists, nurses, psychologists and all researchers and advanced students in behavioural, social and developmental neuroscience, as well as clinical neuroscientists.

The Psychobiology of Human Motivation (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions)

by Hugh Wagner

This is a classic edition of Hugh Wagner’s influential overview of the biopsychological underpinnings of human motivation. It includes a new foreword written by Michael Richter who reflects on Wagner’s 20 years of teaching, writing and research in the field of biopsychology and promises an engaging, succinct and accessible introductory text that remains relevant and useful to students today. The Psychobiology of Human Motivation explores what directs our behaviour, from basic physiological needs like hunger and thirst to more complex aspects of social behaviour like altruism. Wagner explores the limits of biological explanations and shows how humans can influence ‘basic’ physiological drives in order to adapt to a complex social environment. An accessible, engaging resource strengthened by many applied examples, Wagner’s text continues to be integral reading for undergraduate students seeking a solid introduction to the psychology of human motivation across the social and behavioural sciences.

The Psychobiotic Revolution: Mood, Food, and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection

by John F. Cryan Scott C. Anderson Ted Dinan

Written by the leading researchers in the field, this information-rich guide to improving your mood explains how gut health drives psychological well-being, and how depression and anxiety can be relieved by adjusting your intestinal bacteria. This groundbreaking book explains the revolutionary new science of psychobiotics and the discovery that your brain health and state of mind are intimately connected to your microbiome, that four-pound population of microbes living inside your intestines. Leading medical researchers John F. Cryan and Ted Dinan, working with veteran journalist Scott C. Anderson, explain how common mental health problems, particularly depression and anxiety, can be improved by caring for the intestinal microbiome. Science is proving that a healthy gut means a healthy mind—and this book details the steps you can take to change your mood and improve your life by nurturing your microbiome.

Psychodynamic Neurology: Dreams, Consciousness, and Virtual Reality

by Allan Hobson

Psychodynamic Neurology: Dreams, Consciousness, and Virtual Realty presents a novel way of thinking about the value of dreaming, based in solid comprehension of scientific research on sleep and dreams, but with deep understanding of psychoanalytic and other interpretations of dreams. <P><P>This book: <li>Surveys the remarkable history of sleep research over the past few decades <li>Examines the neurobiology of sleep and its implications for consciousness and well-being <li>Addresses the nature of waking and dreaming consciousness and how they are deeply related <li>Presents the neurogenesis, function, and clinical importance of a brain-based dream theory <P><P>Our dreams are a mixture of anticipated virtual as well as remembered real experience. This book tells the story of how neuroscience has helped us reach this startling and exciting conclusion and how the new scientific model builds upon and departs from the dream theories of the past.

The Psychological Appeal of Gardens

by Clive R. Hollin

This insightful book explores the relationship we have with gardens and with the act of gardening, considering in detail the psychological, social and health benefits. From the Garden of Eden and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to Kew Gardens and the humble suburban plot, it is self-evident that gardens and gardening have an ever-present attraction. This book addresses the appeal of gardens from a psychological perspective: Why do we spend our cash on plants and gardening paraphernalia and give hours of our time to tending our annuals, bulbs and shrubs? Why do we travel to see gardens in our own and other countries? The theme of this book lies in identifying the individual and social rewards to be found in gardens and gardening, particularly within our own private gardens. The Psychological Appeal of Gardens will be of great interest to students and scholars of applied psychology, as well those taking horticultural courses of various levels, from professional horticulturalists to enthusiastic amateurs.

Psychological Approaches to Sports Injury Rehabilitation

by Jim Taylor Shel Taylor

In dedicating this guide for rehabilitation specialists, consultants J. Taylor and S. Taylor (U. of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington) refer to frustration and patience as well as to pain and expertise, recognizing that bouncing back from sidelining sports injuries entails mind as well as body. Augmented by celebrity soundbites, the authors detail the referral process for assessing psychological problems; mental influences on rehabilitation (motivation, anxiety, focus); facilitatitive techniques (imagery, using negative thinking positively, pain management, social support); return to the sport; and development of a psychological rehab program (with sample forms, program prescription summaries). Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Psychological Aspects of Crisis Negotiation

by Thomas Strentz

Psychological Aspects of Crisis Negotiation, Third Edition, explores the methods and strategies for confronting the nine types of subjects typically encountered in hostage/suicide sieges by correctional staff and law enforcement crisis negotiators. Strentz, an experienced negotiator who designed and directed the FBI’s hostage negotiator program, lays out the critical elements that are required for a successful encounter with a hostage taker or other malfeasant. This book highlights psychological dynamics of negotiations as they apply to the negotiator, the hostage, and the subject. It discusses the predictors of surrender versus the need for a tactical intervention and examines the phases of a hostage crisis and the changing focus as the crisis develops. Referencing historical events such as the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Challenger and Columbia incidents, this text demonstrates how faulty group decision making can spell tragedy. Enhanced with case studies to put the material into context, this third edition also includes new chapters on the SWAT team/crisis negotiator interface and on the genesis of the increased incidence of mentally ill hostage takers. Based on decades of experience in the fi eld and practical advice from a national expert, this volume arms negotiators with the knowledge and tools they need to defuse crises and increase the odds that hostages will survive.

Psychological Assessment

by Julie A. Suhr

This authoritative clinical reference and text provides a complete guide to conducting empirically based assessments to support accurate diagnoses and better clinical care. The book builds crucial skills for gathering and interpreting data for specific assessment purposes. It also presents more advanced ways to integrate information from tests, interviews, observations, and other sources, within a biopsychosocial framework that fully addresses the needs of each client. Particular attention is given to accounting for potential biases that affect every stage of the decision-making process. User-friendly features include case examples, advice on writing reports and giving feedback to clients, and a detailed sample report.

Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Disasters: Group Approaches to Treatment

by Joseph Rose Henry I Spitz Leon Schein Gary Burlingame Philip R. Muskin

A thorough, user-friendly guide of basic knowledge and group interventions for psychological trauma from terrorist attacks and other catastrophic disastersThere is relatively little literature on the psychological trauma caused by catastrophic disasters, including terrorist attacks and the impending threats of terrorism. Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Disasters: Group Approaches to Treatment fills that gap by comprehensively discussing ways to minimize the psychological damage resulting from catastrophic disasters as well as the trauma developed from the threat of future terrorist attacks. The book provides thorough presentations of almost manualized group methods for the prevention and treatment of the acute and longer-term psychological effects for children, adolescents, and adults.Appropriate treatment immediately after a catastrophe can diminish harmful psychological effects, enhance an individual&’s quality of life, decrease psychosomatic illnesses and the exacerbation of chronic medical conditions, increase the effective utilization of medical facilities, and decrease medical expenses. In this book, internationally renowned authorities provide practical expert suggestions and helpful examples to illustrate the interventions and provide a quick reference for professionals facing the aftermath of prospective terrorist disasters and other catastrophic events. Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Disasters: Group Approaches to Treatment is divided into four sections. The first section provides an overview of the book; the second discusses the foundations and broad issues which potentially affect the outcome of group treatment; the third section presents group models which address the particular needs of children, adolescents, parents, emergency service personnel, and mental health practitioners; and the fourth part considers future directions of treatment. Designed to be used as a comprehensive single source for professionals working with victims of trauma caused by terrorism or catastrophic disaster, this book can be read and used in its entirety, or specific chapters detailing treatments can be chosen and used independently as needed. Extensive references allow opportunities for further research.Psychological Effects of Catastrophic Disasters: Group Approaches to Treatment presents unique first-person accounts of September 11th and examines: the neurobiological effects of a traumatic disaster the effective use of psychotropic medication the implications of living with ongoing terrorist threats a new framework for preparedness and response to disasters and trauma for children and families cultural, religious, and ethnic differences related to the prevention and treatment of psychological sequelae the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic grief retraumatization, distressing reminders, and their effects on post-traumatic adjustment the knowledge trauma therapists need to integrate small group principles the diagnosis and group treatment of acute and long-term effects with adults and children the use of spiritual principles after a terrorist disaster or catastrophic event nine types of groups appropriate for specific populationsPsychological Effects of Catastrophic Disasters: Group Approaches to Treatment is a timely, comprehensive reference for social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, health professionals, mental health professionals, educators, and students.The royalties from this book shall be donated to organizations which provide direct services to those who continue to be affected by the events of September 11th, 2001 and Hurricane Katrina (August 29th, 2005).

Psychological Evaluations for the Courts, Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and Lawyers

by John Petrila Randy K. Otto Gary B. Melton Norman G. Poythress Christopher Slobogin Douglas Mossman Lois O. Condie

Tens of thousands of readers have relied on this leading text and practitioner reference--now revised and updated--to understand the issues the legal system most commonly asks mental health professionals to address. Highly readable, the volume demystifies the forensic psychological assessment process and provides guidelines for participating effectively and ethically in legal proceedings. Presented are clinical and legal concepts and evidence-based assessment procedures pertaining to criminal and civil competencies, the insanity defense and related doctrines, sentencing, civil commitment, personal injury claims, antidiscrimination laws, child custody, juvenile justice, and other justice-related areas. Case examples, exercises, and a glossary facilitate learning; 19 sample reports illustrate how to conduct and write up thorough, legally admissible evaluations. New to This Edition *Extensively revised to reflect important legal, empirical, and clinical developments. *Increased attention to medical and neuroscientific research. *New protocols relevant to competence, risk assessment, child custody, and mental injury evaluations. *Updates on insanity, sentencing, civil commitment, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Social Security, juvenile and family law, and the admissibility of expert testimony. *Material on immigration law (including a sample report) and international law. *New and revised sample reports.

Psychological Evaluations for the Courts, Third Edition

by Gary Melton John Petrila

This is the definitive reference and text for both mental health and legal professionals. The authors offer a uniquely comprehensive discussion of the legal and clinical contexts of forensic assessment, along with best-practice guidelines for participating effectively and ethically in a wide range of criminal and civil proceedings. Presented are findings, instruments, and procedures related to criminal and civil competencies, civil commitment, sentencing, personal injury claims, antidiscrimination laws, child custody, juvenile justice, and more.

Psychological Management of Stroke

by Ian I. Kneebone Jamie A. Macniven Nadina B. Lincoln Reg C. Morris

Psychological Management of Stroke presents a review and synthesis of the current theory and data relating to the assessment, treatment, and psychological aspects of stroke.Provides comprehensive reviews of evidence based practice relating to strokeWritten by clinical psychologists working in stroke servicesCovers a broad range of psychological aspects, including fitness to drive, decision making, prevention of stroke, and involvement of carers and familiesReviews and synthesizes new data across a wide range of areas relevant to stroke and the assessment, treatment, and care of stroke survivors and their familiesRepresents a novel approach to the application of psychological theory and principles in the stroke field

Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication

by Mark A. Bee Cory T. Miller

This book analyzes the psychological mechanisms critical to animal communication. The topics covered range from signal neurons to broad-scale phylogenetic patterns, shedding new light on the sensory, perceptual, and cognitive processes that underlie the communicative behaviors of signalers and receivers alike. In so doing, the contributing authors collectively integrate research questions and methods from behavioral ecology, cognitive ethology, comparative psychology, evolutionary biology, sensory ecology, and neuroscience. No less broad is the volume's taxonomic coverage, which spans bees to blackbirds to baboons. The ultimate goal of the book is to stimulate additional research into the diversity and evolution of the psychological mechanisms that make animal communication possible.

Psychological Perspectives on Reality, Consciousness and Paranormal Experience

by Tony Jinks

This book explores various explanatory frameworks for paranormal encounters. It opens with the story of an inexplicable human figure seen crossing a secluded hotel corridor, interpreted as a ghost by the sole witness. The subsequent chapters explore the three most important historical perspectives accounting for this and other types of paranormal experience. Each perspective is examined from first principles, with specific reference to what happened in the corridor, how it happened, why it happened, and who might be responsible. The first perspective considers the experience to be legitimate – to be something real – and various possibilities are presented that are grounded in the paranormal and parapsychological literature, among which a “ghost” is one putative explanation. In turn, the second perspective treats the experience as being wholly illegitimate. With reference to psychological theory, the ghost sighting is a product of erroneous consciousness. The third perspective is different yet again, and considers the sighting to be authentic, but argues that explaining the ghost requires a radical departure from conventional models of reality and consciousness. By contrasting these three paths, the book provides a valuable resource for readers interested in the philosophical and psychological origins of explanations for paranormal experiences, from the 19th century to the present. It will appeal to general readers in addition to students and scholars of parapsychology, anomalistic psychology, and consciousness studies.

Psychological Science (3rd Edition)

by Michael S. Gazzaniga Todd F. Heatherton Diane F. Halpern

This edition presents the latest developments in psychology in an engaging, visually stimulating format. The text enhances student understanding and stimulates active learning with Halpern's unique science-of-learning pedagogical system; relevant, real world examples; and an art program tailored especially for visual learners. Instructors and students will benefit from the most integrated media package available for an introductory course.

The Psychological Significance of the Blush

by W. Ray Crozier Peter J. de Jong

The blush is a ubiquitous yet little understood phenomenon which can be triggered by a number of self-conscious emotions such as shame, embarrassment, shyness, pride and guilt. The field of psychology has seen a recent surge in the research of such emotions, yet blushing remains a relatively neglected area. This unique volume brings together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines to review emerging research on the blush, discussing in depth issues that have arisen and stimulating new theorizing to indicate future directions for research. Topics covered include: the psychophysiology of the blush; developmental aspects; measurement issues; its evolutionary significance and the role of similar colour signals in the social life of other species; its relation to embarrassment, shame and social anxiety; and the rationale for, and clinical trials of, interventions to help people suffering from blushing phobia.

Psychological Therapies in Acquired Brain Injury (Current Issues in Neuropsychology)

by Giles N. Yeates Fiona Ashworth

The psychological impact of an acquired brain injury (ABI) can be devastating for both the person involved and their family. This book describes the different types of psychological therapies used to ameliorate psychological distress following ABI. Each chapter presents a new therapeutic approach by experts in the area. Readers will learn about the key principles and techniques of the therapy alongside its application to a specific case following ABI. In addition, readers will gain insight into which approach may be most beneficial to whom as well as those where there may be additional challenges. Covering a wide array of psychological therapies, samples range from more historically traditional approaches to those more recently developed. Psychological Therapies in Acquired Brain Injury will be of great interest to clinicians and researchers working in brain injury rehabilitation, as well as practitioners, researchers and students of psychology, neuropsychology and rehabilitation.

Psychological Therapy for Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury: Innovations for Children, Young People and Families (The Brain Injuries Series)

by Jenny Jim Esther Cole

Children, young people and families living with an acquired brain injury (ABI), whether through accident, illness, injury or abuse, are rarely offered psychological therapy, and yet the benefits of such interventions can be profound. This important new book, providing a selection of practice examples and insights from frontline practitioners, will be essential reading for any paediatric therapist or clinician. Beginning with a "life story" of the brain where emphasis is placed on how brain development is fundamentally related to its environment, the book offers key background knowledge before showcasing the core topics of assessment, psychological formulation and intervention. It features a range of therapeutic models, includes direct and indirect work, group work and family therapy, with settings varying from inpatient neurorehabilitation to community work and the transition to education. The long-term needs of those in the criminal justice system are also addressed. The closing chapters focus on the debate around effective outcome measurement and outline a vision for better services. Elevating the voices of our children, young people and families living with ABI, this pioneering book will provide practitioners with the confidence to work collaboratively across a range of children and young people with disorders of consciousness or communication to those with behaviour that challenges others to manage. It offers new ways to understand both children’s pasts and their futures, and will be essential reading for anyone in the field.

The Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates

by Committee on Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates

A 1985 amendment to the Animal Welfare Act requires those who keep nonhuman primates to develop and follow appropriate plans for promoting the animals' psychological well-being. The amendment, however, provides few specifics.The Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates recommends practical approaches to meeting those requirements. It focuses on what is known about the psychological needs of primates and makes suggestions for assessing and promoting their well-being.This volume examines the elements of an effective care program--social companionship, opportunities for species-typical activity, housing and sanitation, and daily care routines--and provides a helpful checklist for designing a plan for promoting psychological well-being.The book provides a wealth of specific and useful information about the psychological attributes and needs of the most widely used and exhibited nonhuman primates. Readable and well-organized, it will be welcomed by animal care and use committees, facilities administrators, enforcement inspectors, animal advocates, researchers, veterinarians, and caretakers.

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