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Psychologie bei Gericht (Die Wirtschaftspsychologie)

by Michaela Pfundmair

Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fragestellungen der Rechtspsychologie, die sich im Rahmen von Gerichtsverhandlungen ergeben. Sie erfahren, wie forensisch-psychologische Gutachter ihre Bewertungen im Einzelfall vornehmen. Im Zentrum stehen Themen wie die Aussagepsychologie und die Familienrechtspsychologie. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen werden mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und Bezügen zur Praxis verbunden. So ist das Buch auch für Leser ohne Fachkenntnisse leicht lesbar. Im Buch erfahren Sie… wie überprüft werden kann, ob eine Schilderung auf wahrem Erleben basiert.wie bewertet werden kann, wer Sorgerecht und Umgang bei einem Kind erhält und was bei Kindeswohlgefährdung passiert.wie abgeschätzt werden kann, ob ein Rechtsbrecher rückfällig wird.wie geprüft werden kann, ob ein Rechtsbrecher schuldfähig oder strafmündig ist.wie die Zuverlässigkeit einer Personenbeschreibung oder -identifizierung bewertet und wie sie verbessert werden kann.welchen psychologischen Effekten Richter und andere urteilende Verfahrensbeteiligte unterliegen. Zielgruppen: "Psychologie bei Gericht“ ist für alle lesenswert, die im weitesten Sinne mit Gerichten arbeiten – von psychologischen Gutachtern über Staatsanwälte bis hin zu Sozialarbeitern, aber auch Studierende und interessierte Laien, die mehr über die Themen und Tätigkeitsfelder der Forensischen Psychologie erfahren wollen. Die Autorin Michaela Pfundmair, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., Psychologin, ist Professorin an der Hochschule des Bundes in Berlin, wo sie zu sozial- und rechtspsychologischen Themen forscht und lehrt. Zu diesen Themenkomplexen publizierte sie international zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Artikel. Zudem arbeitet sie als aussagepsychologische Sachverständige, prüft und supervidiert Personen in der Weiterbildung für Rechtspsychologie BDP/DGPs und ist Vorsitzende der Sektion Rechtspsychologie im BDP.

Psychologie für Fach- und Führungskräfte: Für mehr Erfolg im Berufsleben

by Patrick Amar Jutta Bretthauer

Konzepte und Themen wie positives Denken, Abwehrmechanismen, emotionelle Intelligenz, Überzeugungskommunikation, kognitive Dissonanz, Commitment-, Motivations- und Leadershiptheorien, interkulturelle Unterschiede, Stress und Work-Life-Balance beruhen alle auf zentralen psychologischen Theorien. Psychologie und Management sind eng miteinander verflochten. Die Psychologie stellt Unternehmen einen reichhaltigen Schatz an empirischen Erkenntnissen zur Verfügung, die die Managementtheorien gut ergänzen. Ausgehend von grundlegenden Experimenten aus den Gebieten der klinischen Psychologie, sowie der Sozial- und Organisationspsychologie zeigt Patrick Amar in diesem Werk Konzepte und Tools auf, die die Managementpraxis erklären, ergänzen und erweitern. Darüber hinaus gibt dieses Werk derzeitigen und zukünftigen Führungskräften wertvolle Impulse zur persönlichen und professionellen Weiterentwicklung und ist somit eine Pflichtlektüre für alle, die ihre ganz persönliche Work-Life Balance anstreben.

Psychologie und Klimakrise: Psychologische Erkenntnisse zum klimabezogenen Verhalten und Erleben (essentials)

by Marcel Hunecke

Auf der Grundlage umweltpsychologischer Erkenntnisse werden Ansatzpunkte und Strategien zur Förderung nachhaltigen Verhaltens benannt. Eine sozial-ökologischen Transformation erfordert jedoch nicht nur die Veränderung von spezifischen Verhaltensweisen, sondern umfassende Veränderungen in den bestehenden Lebensstilen. Der Ansatz der psychischen Ressourcen verfolgt dieses Ziel durch die Berücksichtigung des subjektiven Wohlbefindens als zentrale Motivationsquelle für nachhaltiges Verhalten. Hierbei gilt es auch die durch die Klimakrise verursachten Gefühle der Macht- und Hilflosigkeit zu überwinden, um das individuelle und kollektive Engagement für den Klimaschutz zu stärken.

Psychologies in Revolution: Alexander Luria’s 'Romantic Science' and Soviet Social History (Mental Health in Historical Perspective)

by Hannah Proctor

This book situates the work of the Soviet psychologist and neurologist Alexander Luria (1902-1977) in its historical context and explores the 'romantic' approach to scientific writing developed in his case histories. Luria consistently asserted that human consciousness was formed by cultural and historical experience. He described psychology as the ‘science of social history’ and his ideas about subjectivity, cognition and mental health have a history of their own. Lines of mutual influence existed between Luria and his colleagues on the other side of the iron curtain, but Psychologies in Revolution also discusses Luria’s research in relation to Soviet history – from the October Revolution of 1917 through the collectivisation of agriculture and Stalinist purges of the 1930s to the Second World War and, finally, the relative stability of the Brezhnev era – foregrounding the often marginalised people with whom Luria’s clinical work brought him into contact. By historicising science and by focusing on a theoretical approach which itself emphasised the centrality of social and political factors for understanding human subjectivity, the book also seeks to contribute to current debates in the medical humanities.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

A Psychologist’s guide to EEG: The electric study of the mind

by Michiel Spapé

Do you want to learn to read people′s minds? In this student-friendly, practice-focussed textbook on EEG and biosignal analysis, you will learn how to: Implement your experiment in E-Prime or OpenSesame; Run your study in the psychophysiological laboratory; Analyse data in MATLAB by following simple steps. This textbook follows a unique approach by guiding you through a single EEG study, each part introducing the relevant core knowledge and commonly available software. Practical exercises help you master the skills to independently implement every aspect of an experiment, from setting up the lab to analysing the data. Suitable for developing both basic levels of skill for undergraduates as well as advancing towards a stronger command of analysis and understanding at postgraduate level. Michiel Spapé is a Lecturer and Researcher in Psychology at the University of Helsinki.

Psychology: From Science to Practice

by Robert A. Baron Michael J. Kalsher

With a strong emphasis on application-- without neglecting research and science-- this text focuses on helping students use the findings and knowledge of psychology in their own lives and careers. As the only introductory psychology text written by authors with extensive business experience, this book seeks the ideal balance between psychology' s "practical "and "scientific "sides. It highlights psychology' s scientific nature while simultaneously emphasizing its practical value-- how students can actually use and apply the material they read on the job and outside of the classroom. "Psychology: From Science to Practice" emphasizes three key goals: Make it clear to students how they can actually use the findings and knowledge of psychology in their own lives and careers. Present psychology as a science. Discuss the major findings of psychology without overwhelming students with too much detail.

Psychology: A Very Short Introduction

by Gillian Butler Freda Mcmanus

Psychology is part of everyone's experience: it influences the way we think about everything from education and intelligence to relationships and emotions, advertising, and criminality. People readily behave as amateur psychologists, offering explanations for what we think, feel, and do. But what exactly are psychologists trying to help us understand? What scientific grounding do they have for their approach? In Psychology: A Very Short Introduction, Dr. Gillian Butler and Dr. Freda McManus provide an understanding of some of psychology's leading ideas and their practical relevance. The authors answer some of the most frequently asked questions about psychology including: What is psychology? How do we use what is in the mind? How does psychology work? How do we influence each other? What can or can't a psychologist do for you? Psychology is a large part of our everyday experience, and this elemental guide is a stimulating introduction for anyone interested in understanding the human mind. About the series: The Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects from Buddhism to Literary Theory. Not simply a textbook of definitions, each book in the series provides trenchant, provocative, yet balanced discussions on the central issues of the field, gives a readable historical account of the subject, and demonstrates how each particular area of study has developed and shaped society. Eventually, the series will encompass every major academic discipline, offering readers an affordable, accessible, and complete reference library. Stimulating and lively, the Very Short Introductions are indispensable guides and essential reading for anyone interested in the development of these influential fields.

Psychology: The Science of Behavior (7th edition)

by Neil R. Carlson Harold Miller C. Donald Heth John W. Donahoe G. Neil Martin

This, a rigorous biological and evolutionary approach to introductory psychology text, presents psychological behavior in the context of its adaptive significance. The Seventh Edition combines a scholarly survey of research with real-world applications of research results to problems that confront us today. The authors apply the discovery method to take students inside the research process to foster a critical understanding of the logic and significance of empirical findings.

Psychology: A Journey

by Dennis Coon John O. Mitterer

In a course where professors are frequently confronted by students who haven't actually read their textbooks, this text offers a solution. The shortest, most succinct of the books written by Dennis Coon, PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY presents psychology in a way that sparks readers' curiosity, insights, imagination, and interest getting students "hooked" on psychology and eager to read on. The first author to integrate the proven SQ4R (survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review) active learning system into a psychology textbook, Coon helps readers grasp major concepts, develop a broad understanding of psychology's diversity, and see for themselves how psychology relates to the challenges of everyday life. Because readers become actively involved with the material, they develop a basic understanding of psychology that they take with them into their future courses and careers.

Psychology: Perspectives and Connections (2nd Edition)

by Gregory Feist Erika Rosenberg

In psychology, not everything is black and white. "Psychology: Perspectives & Connections 2e " dares students to challenge their own assumptions, explore research and to not believe everything they think. The over-riding goal of "Psychology: Perspectives & Connections 2e " is to align what excites us as researchers and perpetual students of psychology with todays introductory psychology student. Feist and Rosenbergs aim is to help students understand that psychology, and much of the world around them, is more fascinating--and likely more intricate and interdependent-- than they think. Its not just black and white. And, with Connect Psychology and its adaptive learning system, students can better understand what they know and master what they dont know. Connect with science. Connect with students. Connect with Feist and Rosenbergs "Psychology 2e. "

Psychology: A Way to Grow (Second Edition)

by Carl R. Green William R. Sanford

Psychology: A Way to Grow, Revised Second Edition, introduces high school students to psychology. It provides its readers with a foundation in the basic theories and principles of psychology. It also guides students toward a greater understanding of their own capacity for personal growth.

Psychology: A Concise Introduction (Third Edition)

by Richard A. Griggs

This text explores the territory of the introductory psychology course with both brevity and clarity. Griggs draws on his classroom experience and extensive research in his choice of the core concepts in psychology.

Psychology: In Modules (Tenth Edition)

by David G. Myers

This modules-based version of Myers' Psychology tenth edition breaks down the book's 16 chapters into 54 short modules. The condensed text allows students to better grasp and explore psychological concepts. It also makes for more flexibility in teaching, as cross-references to other chapters have been replaced with brief explanations.

Psychology: In Search of the Human Mind (4th Edition)

by Robert J. Sternberg

Sternberg (psychology, Yale University) emphasizes the theme of unity in psychological sciences in this fourth edition. This edition has been edited for readability and interest, and includes new boxed features on how psychologists from different disciplines would treat the same condition. Also new are expanded quizzes, critical thinking questions, and chapter summaries. The CD- ROM contains animations, activities, and videos. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Psychology: Themes and Variations

by Wayne Weiten

A more concise version of the introductory psychology text offering thorough coverage of the major theories (and controversies) in the field today. The focus is on ideas rather than facts, integrating research and application in the areas of biological behavior concepts, sensation and perception, consciousness, conditioning, memory, language and thought, intelligence and psychological testing, emotion, human development, personality theory, stress, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, and social behavior. Includes very jazzy color photographs and illustrations. Paper edition (unseen), $48.75. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Psychology (6th Edition)

by Henry Gleitman Alan J. Fridlund Daniel Reisberg

Psychology textbook.

Psychology (6th Edition)

by Robin M. Kowalski Drew Westen

Psychologists will discover the inherent drama and indispensable human component of psychology science with this updated text. The Research in Depth feature presents classic case studies along with exercises that help reinforce concepts related to research methodology. New Psychology at Work sections offer information specifically related to I/O or human factors as well as describe the role that psychology plays in various applied settings. Profiles in Positive Psychology also gives psychologists a look at the application of psychology to their daily lives, and exposes them to key topics in positive psychology

Psychology and Behavioral Economics: Applications for Public Policy

by Kai Ruggeri

Psychology and Behavioral Economics offers an expert introduction to how psychology can be applied to a range of public policy areas. It examines the impact of psychological research for public policymaking in economic, financial, and consumer sectors; in education, healthcare, and the workplace; for energy and the environment; and in communications. Your energy bills show you how much you use compared to the average household in your area. Your doctor sends you a text message reminder when your appointment is coming up. Your bank gives you three choices for how much to pay off on your credit card each month. Wherever you look, there has been a rapid increase in the importance we place on understanding real human behaviors in everyday decisions, and these behavioral insights are now regularly used to influence everything from how companies recruit employees through to large-scale public policy and government regulation. But what is the actual evidence behind these tactics, and how did psychology become such a major player in economics? Answering these questions and more, this team of authors, working across both academia and government, present this fully revised and updated reworking of Behavioral Insights for Public Policy. This update covers everything from how policy was historically developed, to major research in human behavior and social psychology, to key moments that brought behavioral sciences to the forefront of public policy. Featuring over 100 empirical examples of how behavioral insights are being used to address some of the most critical challenges faced globally, the book covers key topics such as evidence-based policy, a brief history of behavioral and decision sciences, behavioral economics, and policy evaluation, all illustrated throughout with lively case studies. Including end-of-chapter questions, a glossary, and key concept boxes to aid retention, as well as a new chapter revealing the work of the Canadian government’s behavioral insights unit, this is the perfect textbook for students of psychology, economics, public health, education, and organizational sciences, as well as public policy professionals looking for fresh insight into the underlying theory and practical applications in a range of public policy areas.

Psychology and Law: Research and Practice

by Anne M. Bartol Curtis R. Bartol

"I like the use of research and citations throughout the text. It is more comprehensive than my current text and does a much better job of presenting the scientific evidence." —Kathy McGuire, Western Illinois University Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Psychology and Law: Research and Practice, Second Edition, offers the definitive perspective on the practical application of psychological research to the law. Curt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol emphasize the various roles psychologists and other mental health professionals play in criminal and civil legal matters. Topics such as family law, mental health evaluations, police interrogation, jury selection and decision making, involuntary civil commitment, and various civil capacities are included. The authors also emphasize the major contributions psychological research has made to the law and encourage critical analysis through examples of court cases, high-profile current events, and research. This comprehensive book examines complex material in detail and explains it in an easy-to-read way. New to the Second Edition: The new edition has been significantly reorganized to more closely align with the progression through the court system. A new chapter on children, adolescents, and criminal law (Chapter 8) provides students with information on adjudicative competence, comprehension of constitutional rights, and eyewitness identification and courtroom testimony. New feature boxes include case studies, research projects, and contemporary topics with discussion questions for classroom debate. Additional court cases and statutes have been integrated into chapters to emphasize the important role psychology plays in the legal process. The content is applied to real cases such as the Masterpiece Cakeshop case and the Dassey confession (comprehending Miranda). Over 300 recent research findings on topics related to psychology and law highlight cutting-edge research studies that help students understand what research does and prompt them to discuss the methodology and results. New pedagogical tables clearly illustrate complex information around ethical issues, APA amicus briefs, strengths and weaknesses of simulation studies, insanity standards within the states, effects experienced by survivors of traumatic incidents, and more. Increased coverage of contemporary issues encourage critical thinking and active learning by promoting discussions around current issues such as telepsychology, neuropsychology, adversarial allegiance, and actuarial instruments used in bail and sentence decision-making.

Psychology and Law: Research and Practice

by Anne M. Bartol Curtis R. Bartol

"I like the use of research and citations throughout the text. It is more comprehensive than my current text and does a much better job of presenting the scientific evidence." —Kathy McGuire, Western Illinois University Written by authors with extensive experience in the field and in the classroom, Psychology and Law: Research and Practice, Second Edition, offers the definitive perspective on the practical application of psychological research to the law. Curt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol emphasize the various roles psychologists and other mental health professionals play in criminal and civil legal matters. Topics such as family law, mental health evaluations, police interrogation, jury selection and decision making, involuntary civil commitment, and various civil capacities are included. The authors also emphasize the major contributions psychological research has made to the law and encourage critical analysis through examples of court cases, high-profile current events, and research. This comprehensive book examines complex material in detail and explains it in an easy-to-read way. New to the Second Edition: The new edition has been significantly reorganized to more closely align with the progression through the court system. A new chapter on children, adolescents, and criminal law (Chapter 8) provides students with information on adjudicative competence, comprehension of constitutional rights, and eyewitness identification and courtroom testimony. New feature boxes include case studies, research projects, and contemporary topics with discussion questions for classroom debate. Additional court cases and statutes have been integrated into chapters to emphasize the important role psychology plays in the legal process. The content is applied to real cases such as the Masterpiece Cakeshop case and the Dassey confession (comprehending Miranda). Over 300 recent research findings on topics related to psychology and law highlight cutting-edge research studies that help students understand what research does and prompt them to discuss the methodology and results. New pedagogical tables clearly illustrate complex information around ethical issues, APA amicus briefs, strengths and weaknesses of simulation studies, insanity standards within the states, effects experienced by survivors of traumatic incidents, and more. Increased coverage of contemporary issues encourage critical thinking and active learning by promoting discussions around current issues such as telepsychology, neuropsychology, adversarial allegiance, and actuarial instruments used in bail and sentence decision-making.

Psychology and Law in Europe: When West Meets East

by Pär Anders Granhag, Ray Bull, Alla Shaboltas and Elena Dozortseva

Offering carefully curated articles from the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), this book features chapters from a truly international group of scholars. This text is the first of its kind to offer insights into current developments in psychology and law in Russia. The field of psychology and law has a very long and strong tradition in Russia, but very little is known, as Russian scholars rarely publish their works in English. The volume also contains state-of-the-art chapters on topics at the very core of psychology and law, including offender profiling, lie detection, crime linking, false memories, and witness interviewing. Features Provides rare insight into Russian history of forensic and criminal psychology Covers core topics in the discipline Offers international scope from a diverse array of contributors Psychology and Law in Europe: When West Meets East is a text of interest for students of psychology, law, or criminal justice, as well as scholars and practitioners in the field. This text offers a window into global advances in psychology and law.

Psychology and Modern Warfare

by Michael Taillard Holly Giscoppa

Throughout history, both military and commercial entities around the world have utilized these methods, and even since the formalization of psychological operations during WW2 our methods have improved greatly, but we are still only touching the 'tip of the iceberg', so to speak, of what is truly possible.

The Psychology and Neuroscience of Hugging: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (essentials)

by Sebastian Ocklenburg

This Springer essential aims to present the various research branches on the topic of hugging and to unite them in a multidisciplinary perspective. Hugs are an important part of close social relationships and, according to current research, can positively contribute to mental and physical health. The research interest in the scientific exploration of hugging has increased significantly in various disciplines in recent years.

The Psychology and Neuroscience of the Climate Crisis: How Our Brain Reacts to Climate Change (essentials)

by Sebastian Ocklenburg Dorothea Metzen

This Springer essential addresses the impacts of the climate crisis by integrating various branches of research from psychology and neuroscience. Climate change has massive effects on both the physical and mental health of individuals. The essential describes changes in brain function and structure due to environmental influences and explains the influence of ecological niches on brain evolution. The core part of the book focuses on the effects of the climate crisis on mental health, presents strategies for action in healthcare, and finally provides an outlook into the future of climate neuroscience.

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