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Showing 60,726 through 60,750 of 82,282 results

Prentice Hall Science Explorer, Grade 7

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer, Grade 8

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Grade 8 (Alabama Edition)

by Martha Cyr Ioannis Miaoulis Michael J. Padilla

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Grade 8 (Alabama Edition)

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Human Biology and Health

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Inside Earth

by Pearson Education Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Inside Earth

by Pearson Education Inc.

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Life Science

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

Science textbook.

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Life Science

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-source textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Motion, Forces and Energy

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

Textbook on physics of motion, forces and energy for middle school students. In addition to the science content this book makes connections to social studies and the arts. This textbook is not just filled with dull facts and equations, but includes many hands-on activities.

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Motion, Forces, and Energy

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer The Nature of Science and Technology

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer, North Carolina Grade 8

by Prentice Hall

North Carolina's Standard Course of Study for Science tells you what content and processes you are expected to master. The Standard Course of Study is organized by Competency Goals, with each goal divided into Objectives. When you see these Objectives at the beginning of each chapter, you'll notice that they have been shortened to a brief phrase.

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Oklahoma Grade 6

by Pearson Prentice Hall

Textbook Grade 6

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Sound and Light

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Weather and Climate

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

The book focuses on the atmosphere, weather factors, weather patterns, climate and climatic change.

Prentice Hall Science Explorer Weather and Climate

by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Prentice Hall World Explorer: Eastern Hemisphere

by Heidi Hayes Jacobs Brenda Randolph Michal L. Levasseur

Are you curious about our Earth? Do you want to know why some places in the world are cold and some are hot? Have you wondered why more people live in cities and fewer people live in other places? Would you like to find mountaintops or valleys to explore? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you want to know more about geography. Farmers grow corn, traders cross the ocean, and you walk or take a bus to school. Geography explains all of these activities--and many more.

Prentice Hall World Explorer: Asia and the Pacific

by Heidi Hayes Jacobs Brenda Randolph Michal L. Levasseur

This book geographically explores Asia and the Pacific in depth. The readings and activities in this book will help you discover answers to these Guiding Questions. * What are the main physical features of Asia and the Pacific? * What are the main characteristics of the cultures of Asia and the Pacific? * How have Asia and the Pacific influenced other world cultures? * How do the people of this region make a living? * How is the region changing?

Prentice Hall World Geography: Building a Global Perspective

by Thomas J. Baerwald Celeste Fraser

This program will help you learn content, develop skills, and apply what you know. Examine these pages to understand how this textbook and its online resources can guide you through the study of world geography.

Prentice Hall World Geography: Building a Global Perspective

by Thomas J. Beawald Celeste Fraser

What does it mean to learn world geography? It means more than gathering the facts, names, and data about the nations and lands of the earth. It means gaining a feel for, or an appreciation of, the richness and variety of the face of our planet.

Preparation, Characterisation and Reactivity of Low Oxidation State d-Block Metal Complexes Stabilised by Extremely Bulky Amide Ligands

by Jamie Hicks

This thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of numerous metal-metal bonded complexes that are stabilized by extremely bulky amide ligands. It provides a comprehensive overview of the field, including discussions on groundbreaking complexes and reactions, before presenting in detail, exciting new findings from the PhD studies. The thesis appeals to researchers, professors and chemistry undergraduates with an interest in inorganic and/or organometallic chemistry.

The Preparation of Dispersions in Liquids (Surfactant Science Ser. #58)

by H.N. Stein

This work details the preparation of dispersions in liquids. It sets out to bridge the gap in information for the chemist who is not applications oriented and the chemical engineer who needs to solve problems in the field based on theoretical methods of dispersions of solids, liquids and gases. Insights are provided into many topics, including the transportation and handling of finely divided soils or highly viscous liquids; the reactions between reactants dissolved in immiscible phases; the formation of porous materials; and filtration.

Preparative and Production Scale Chromatography

by P. E. Barker G Ganetsos

Describes the latest developments in the scaling-up and application of chromatographic operations and demonstrates that production-scale chromatography is a powerful and invaluable separation process. The book covers every important process design and reveals actual, immediately applicable techniques and is designed to appeal to design, chemical/biochemical, and research and development engineers, process development managers, bioprocess technologists, analytical and clinical chemists and biochemists, pharmacists, and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students in these disciplines.

Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry

by Stephen Hanessian

Detailing commonly used methods and procedures, this reference discusses the reactions and derivative forms of carbohydrates. Preparative Carbohydrate Chemistry covers the formation, cleavage, and reactions of derivatives and illustrates bond-forming reactions of SN2 types, free radicals, chain extensions, and branching. The contents include: sugar

Preparative Chromatography

by Henner Schmidt-Traub, Michael Schulte, and Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern

Completely revised and substantially extended to reflect the developments in this fast-changing field. It retains the interdisciplinary approach that elegantly combines the chemistry and engineering involved to describe the conception and improvement of chromatographic processes. It also covers recent advances in preparative chromatographic processes for the separation of "smaller" molecules using standard laboratory equipment as well as the detailed conception of industrial chemical plants. The increase in biopharmaceutical substances is reflected by new and revised chapters on different modifications of continuous chromatography as well as ion-exchange chromatography and other separation principles widely used in biochromatography. Following an introductory section on the history of chromatography, the current state of research and the design of chromatographic processes, the book goes on to define the general terminology. There then follow sections on stationary phases, selection of chromatographic systems and process concepts. A completely new chapter deals with engineering and operation of chromatographic equipment. Final chapters on modeling and determination of model parameters as well as model based design, optimization and control of preparative chromatographic processes allow for optimal selection of chromatographic processes. Essential for chemists and chemical engineers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries.

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